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Flesherton Advance, 5 Sep 1895, p. 1

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' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MBN.' , XV. NO. 758 , ONT. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1895. W.H. THDBSTOH ED V T HO %V ETOI1 Jfot article, (be cost it notbimg compared to the qnKty aud beauty of the Jfavo The satisfaction of alleys having the correct time. A silver watch should be ail oat of dmU when yoa can get a guaranteed gold watch for $35, $30, aud $25. It is like giving them away. Is the place where you can get anything yew want at your owu price and terms almost. H. sh. rloii Mai ion From out otcn Currettxindent. Mia* Aggie and Ida June* are v'sitirrg friend* near Tor<>>t<>. Mr. T. Cook nf Owen Sound viiited his brother, R. Cuok, I*t wwk. Mia* 8. Allen is visiting her parent! in Colerain. Mr. and Mia* Lawrence of Kiuiberry visited friendu hern. Lwt Saturday the hntel stable caught on tire attain but wan exl'Uguished in a few minutes. Thursday afternoon about four o'clock Mr. S. Hemphill'* smblo tonk fin: and waa in a mas* of Uamo*. Had -it nut been that the neighbor* turned nut wben they did it would have soon been in aahea. The roof aiid aides wre b*By burned. The fire wo caused frwm a spark from the null. Mr. Chialett w visiting -friends un the fourth. Master Jnniuie Mid Minn Alliu Ash- dowu have been visiting friend* in Wiar- tou and el*ewher<. Fall Woollens ALL IN STOCK NOW FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS CALL AND SEE BOTH AND MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS \Vorltman ship and Prices Guaranteed C. J. LEITCH HERCHANT TAILOR Made to ran that other jewellers Lave tailed to do. Try us with yocr work for we are the best. W. A. Armstrong Flesherton Our Business Directory Carte. 11 UWIAOEUCBXBES. baaed dav or night at the Jewelery Store and t the resilience of the undersigned. ConimiHi<.nar in H C .J. Conveyancer, Ac. Notary public. JOHN W . AHJKUKONG. - fiaaMBTOII. AS. VANHl Clerk Mb Di v. Court, Co. Qrey , luerof Marriage Licensee. Commissioner lu H. C. J.. Conveyancer. Auclloniier, ete. Anut tor the Massey-Harrls AirricultureJ Imple- ineuts. < Flesherton, opponite Ilicbar daou's hardware store. vr i i i.: nfuH* YOl'Nu. ItaoXorn. Maikilale. do a general banking bus- iness. Money loaned at a reasonable rate. Call on us. Y\F.HTS COLLECTED. The unrtorsitfnod is prepared to undertake tus collwction ut all kinds of debt*. Notes bought, account!! collected. et- It N HKSUKK>i)N . rLHBTOI. T> J SrKOL'LK, iv Postu>e*ter,Kksherton. Coanmlssioner in H. B.. Lie nd >uotioneer, Conveysjicer, A prsiser and Money LaMider, Beal Bstete au-1 )nranc Agent. Dls, MortgaiM, L*M*. and Wills diawuupand Valuations made on uortent notice. Auction Kales attended to lu any part of the County. Money to loan at low el rates of InterMt. Collections attended to wltb proiuotness and duapatch Charges low. Anentfort, "i MoauisblpCompany. cheap tickott from Fli-shorton o Liverpool, Glasgow. !.ou.lon or any of tho Urltish ports. Parties inten<ling t. vlit Kngland, Scotlau.l .tr Ireland, will please aak rates before purchssinn their tickets elsewhere. ^ *ttciUfiU. T\R. Hl'TTOX. M. D. C. M., M.C. P. * 8.,0nt. Pricevllle. Residence aud offloe one dcx>r west of the Meth odistChurob.Kinross St. Offlce days, Tuesdays aud&atutttays. JJR C.VHTKK. M. C. P. 4 8., Ont. Physician, surgeon, etc., Flesherton office Strains b'ook. B*ldenoe Muushaw's hotel. JOHN A. SCOTT, M. B. Member CollecoPhyio. 4 Surgeons. Ontario Graduate iu Medicine of Toronto University, Kollownbip Diploma, Poet (IraUnaU Mudioal School a,ii.lHi>Kpltal.fhica. Dlseaa^of eve., ear, OOBO ai.J throat specially treated. Resi- dence Maxwell, visita F.vurmanl Thursday! 1- J P. OTTKWBMv, Veterinary Kurgron. Graduate of Ontario Veteri-iarv Colloge. Re<deooe Next door south of Mooru'i pianiuK factory. J F. HAL8TBAD, M D , M C. * S., Out. .practice* at Kim- btrley. Bhoumatic dis,.iM * speciality. T\R. MARYM 11EAM' M. D. C. M., M. O. P. * R.. Ont; Prloeville. Office an.l raelioitoe at Metbodlst partonawe. Calls, night or day. promptly attended. Visits rieaberUin SUtieo 10 to 11, Wednesdays. M IBS KIlITll 1UCHAUD8ON. of Kol.t. Uahr, of Berlin, (iarrnanv, (violin) ; Mrs. Brarllvy, of Toronto Conservatory Music, I V, lire culture* ; Prof. Korrlaoii. late of Toronto, (Piano) will rut-civ,, itu|.ilH in blM*!Nl.i. VIOLIN. PI- ANO sod ORGAN. Ikntijitry. J P. MAKSH AI.I., L. D.8..M. D. 8. Dmtiit. ViHitu Maikdala Ihu lit and :ir.| Wednesday of ouch mouth, ruabartuo Kach trip on the ilav Ib..o J W. KKOBT, MarriiUr, Bollcltor. Conv*yancr, Etc. Klonliwrtou ufflco Next ibe poet offlc* Spionle bulldiitc.on Thurndays. Uwo ttouad office Front 't buildliiH Haxwrll. Prmn <tr uttni Comtpondent. The Rev. Mr. Legate preached to the parent* and tachn> a week ago laat Sab- llli evening. Mr. and Mrs. Crosby apunt a few days 'm town recently. Mia* Preston ha* returned to Nottawa after visiting friend* in thi* vicinity. Mrs. Long ha* a new fence built in front of her Mr. Win. Kiniiear. son of Mr. Adam Kinnuar, .if this place, died at the houiu of his father on Tuesday of last wt*k. The funeral took place to the Presby- terian cemetery on Thursday He wa* a promising youBg mm of twenty-five years. He leaves a wifu and one : , mourn hi* Ion. Heart failure and dropsy watt the cause of hia death. Wm. Cou.'thard, who wrote on thu comuitjicial exam, frmn our cchool, ha* been successful. Tin* i* soinuwhat credit- able as lie only passed the untraiica last year. Success Win. Mis* M. C. Hardy ha* been the guest of Dr. Scott for a time. Mr. Lawlur has returned from Mani- toba. We ar sorry to know ilmt. at the time of writing, Mr. Th.i. Cainoy, jr., is no belter. *) . Frircvllle. t I'CAHJk WHK1HT. Harrintars, HoUcitors, Cooveyaucars. uto., Owen Souuil. On.t - - Markdsia. (Hit. W. H. WIIIOIIT. I. H. LOCAB. N. H.-KloKl.orton offlc*. Mltclieil t Huk. very Wednesday. An I \v moots every fli-st and tliir'l M.m day In oach tnoiith. iu their lodge TIKJIII Obrislo* 1 * lilook, Klitnlinrton, t H .p. m. A. M. (iih.,.,,. M \\ . W I n,,il,vm, iinsucer: W Irwin Hccoider. Visiting BrvUiern mvitud. ROYAI. TKMI'LAHS OK TKM I'KKANi'K. Hegular Council niut* every flrst ami th'nl TIIDH !H\ eveuinK in aeh ntii. in pronto'* hluck i s p ,, Select degree I insurance} im-i-tn niuutbly, thu Wudnumlay preomling the 28nd of each iuoutb. SONS OK TKMi'HH \\CK.-Thl* society in I't < hrlstoe 1 Hall first Wml- nesdav in c ao i i un t M p.m. VUith,^ brethiren invited, luturauce iu conuoi t UP. B. A., meet In their ball, Christoes Block ever> second Thursda> In each. .1, until. Win. Sharp, Master. T. Clayton, Sec- retary. PKlNCB ARTHUR LODOE. No. .W8, A. K ,t A M . ni..,,t in thMaM>nio Hall. Strain's Block, Klcshurton, every 'Friday on or before the full moon. Dr. Carter, W. M , K. .7. Spronle, Secretary. I\I'KKKKIN l.tlDRK. No. \> 111. 100K. tn.wte in ' 'lytm H hall ovory Tuen- ''ay evnllillK lit H Visitinti brethreuco, illally invited A. S. VANnrsKN.N. O. WM Mo. RR, Sec, Cash For Hides! Sheepskin* and all kinds of furs pur- chased, for which highest market price will be {mid. Homemade sausage* on hand, also all kind* of meats. M. WILSON, FLKSHEKTON MEAT EMPORIUM. ii" i- uii-ii 1'iii-rrtfnnidrnt. Last Monday wa* Labor Day. W mention tlu< fact bocauw* a L.'I> it niiinv are not nwaru iliai such a holiday was ever HMUuniat.-d SJKIU opm,< that if thu i;on rniin-iit kr.-j.s on making holi- day!* there will bo no wmk days l-ft We would surges! thai the follow im, chorus be sim^ at the next pedagouue coiivi-niion: "E.-ery day will be Sunday by- and by." Tin; U-.uitii'ul haivest wuather we are enjoying is a l>le>siii|( U> all. If the weather continue as favorable for ten days more harvest ing for the year will be a thing of the pant. Missea Kduli Hartley and Martha Drander of our F. S. have succeeded in commercial curtilicale*. Con- >tion*. .leniiiu Janifs, Ida Stono and Flora n and Mr. John McLeod, are attending Durham Model School. \\ e are glad t.o leiirn that Mrs William < onkey has come- into |,HHesMioii of some valuable prop, rty in (jtiulph in the shape of a tine comfortable n suluuce near thu busineas i-iriitru of tho city. MIKS Minnirt M.-I it-head of Toronto i paying a visit to friend* in this burg. The remains nf MM. MrKn.-liei n. who died iii Owen Sound last week, wore brought here for burial. The deceased, who was a widow, leave* three children to mourn their very *nd loss. The funeral of Mrs. M, K.u IKTII was iho fifth during last week in thia vicinity. Osprry Council. The council of Osprey mot in the Orange Hall, Kevcndntni, on Monday, August 19th. The members nil present. tile reeve in the chair. Minutes of lant in. fling read and nigned. Communica- tions were road from W. LI. Thurston, bills Jliil ti5, printing voters list and stationery, and bill $3.70, collectors' rolls; from county clerk, statement of comity mtin, petition fiom ratepayers of Mc- Intyre vicinity asking aid for Mr*. Me- Arthur, an indigent; petition from Irwin Morrison and otheis asking a grant to open and repair 30lh sidi-mad between ^ons. a and Hi; ]>elttioii fim a number of ratepayers of 12ili cn. asking aid for Philip Ottawoll, an indicant . from H. W. Pedler, bill 80 ct*., repairing a plow and pick; petition fi,.m Kie.hard Hawton and other* asking a gmnt to npmi 26lh aidoroad, cons. 11 and 12; from county treasurer, tax nalo list for 18%. i!!an Monaglian That the roeve it- sue hi* order tor $3 in favor of Mrs. McArthur, aa charity, and that Malcolm Cameron expend the amount. Carried. Clark Spers -That Donald McDer- mid be paid 9'JD for work done, on i.-n ation roiul, lota 30 and 31, con. 14. Car- ried. Allen Monaghan- That \V. H. Thur- ton be |Htid 961.115 for printing Voter*' lint and other printing. Can t-; Speers- Allen -That Philip Ottawell receive $5 a* charity, John Speer* to ex- pend the amount for him. Can led. Clark Spetra That John Ulaukwell receive W a* charity and Tho*. Kr.-i-thy expend the amount for him. Carried. Clark Speor* Tht thi* counril i-rnnt 1 a* an equivaieiit to every i;ratig day's work as now subscribed on a certain ixt- lition presented to thi* coum-il mi this date to open and repair the 30th -iilep'mi between con*. 8 and 10 when aurh jrum *-ork is curtitied Ui by Irwin Morriioii and It. lit. Milliu'iin. Carried. M. imghan -Clark That W.H.Thur*- toti lit) paid 93.70 for collector* rolls. Carrn-'l Clark Allen That Allen Campbell he paid -.'! for uravel supplied to n .ad div- mioii No. 'J1I for the year IS'.t.'t. I't-ned. Siwer -Allen That H. W. Pudlar be paid 80 centa for repairing pick and plow. Carried. Clark Spoera That the clerk notify John liaiiaorman to stop drawing .itun-s into a uravel pit opposite his lot, ami to remove uny put there by him forthwith, i.'aine-l Mona^ban Allen That thi* council i:rant 91 a* an ei|uivalpnt to every gratis day's work subscribed OD a curtain |ieti- lion of this d.-it.t t'i <pi-n ifnh side rnad, cons. 11. and IL', when such grans wtiik IH certilii-d to by C. Thompson, pathmaH- i '.'ii ru-tl. Clnrk --Monaiihan- That Malcolm Cam- eron be allowed 7 ilays' statute labor for treMjinsK road ihr irgh his liulde in the of 1HH4 and IS'Jf). Carried. Bylaw No .'IJ'.l. ,, awu** and levy rates for county, towiihi|> nnd public school purposes for thu uiirirnt vi :n. was read HA severik! times and tilled ip in commit- tee of the whole. This bylaw requires a rate of MX mi'ls on thu whole assessment to niret tho requirements, i follows : County rate, 91,^7.50 ; *cho,,l i-i|iiival- i-nt, 940<! ; genera! school rate, per section lull, -.clioo I a.:!, 91,108 ; towu*hip pur- po*en, <51,7-.">. l>\lw No. 880, appointing .lames El- liott collector of rates fur north half and Uuncaii Me- limes for south half at a sal- ary of 950 each, received its several read- ings and passed. Spetrs Clark- That Tbos. Parks and Samuel Parks, be accepted a* bondsmen for Jas. Elliott, collector for IHit'i. Car- ried. Clark Mouaghan That Donald Me- I n tyre and Hector Mooro IH) accepted as bondsiiien for D. Mclnnes, collector for IH'.lf.. Carried. Council aiijouriiod to meet at Mclntyre on Oct. 21*t next. THOS. SCOTT, Clerk. PAINT5! KINDS OF PA I NTS -FKO.M W. Richardson, - Flesherton. ! ,-iideroad, con. 10, being in a dangerous condition. h>lls .McMillan That bylaws ,M4 ,uni .'ilj be now road a third time.sigiiud, i ami uncrossed in bylaw bo >k Carried. K-IU McMillan -That .%rlhur John- ston be paid 9*-.l."> for 43 loads of ^ntvel supplied patlnnasier, K. H. Smith, iiaid patlimuster having vouched for 'In- ror re. IIIUK* of tins hill Carried. Kfll Beat-That .lohn Tetcr bo pa d .'! tor ii4 load* of gravel supplied to W. J . Carico, |-:iiliin,iai,-r f->r road*. Carried. (tolls Best- That commissioner of ward 1, having completed his work, at p. T i-.-solulion of (.-111111011, amounting to .<'_'S:i.^5. bo pmil coiuiiiiHsion on Ham.- .- H pur runt., amounting to 922 64. Car- riud. Mest Mi:Millun That commissioner of ward ,'5 l> and is heruby ituthorix.ed to have die n-Uih itonus remove 1 and som-) hol.s tilled on the road loading fr un Klehtrton to the station, likewise same kind of repair* at horseshoe hill. Car- nuil. McMillan Kt-lU- -Thnt the collet-tor* of wnnls L', :! .11, il 4, having tiled their bonds with the clerk, this council, having examined said bonds, consider them satis- factory. Carried. Bt -McMillan Resolved that thi council ulacu on record their deep sorrow and ruifret at the losi this i ship lias simlnncil in the >udilru dernire ; of the late John Hazard, who has o. !] . t i-d the taxes of ward one of this township for 17 yeara, always performing his lu'ieH i in a straiKJitforward, honorable and in- telligent manner. Cnrried. Adjourned to meet 1st Monday in No- vcinbtir, 1895. Artemesia Council, Thin c iniicil met in the Town Hall on .Monday, Sept. 2nd. 181*5, at the call of thu rrovu, for tho despatch of businesH. There were present: John Boland, Es<i., reeve: and councillors McMillan, Itells and Bust. The minute* of lax), iciwion weru read and continued. l.itinmttm from truxtoe* of S. S. No. 3 and so|>nratu school, ai>d from the clerk of Kuphriuia. trustees' uitimatas U S S. No. 1, Arte- mesia and Knphrviiu. Bylaw No. 510 aiiMnding bylaw 515 to appoint collector* for IK'.ifi, wan introduoeu und pained, ap|MiititinK Dugald McOormauk, oolleulor for wanl No 1, imtend of John Hazard, mud. Report of D. McMillan, com nnssioner ward No. 1, on special expen- diture waa presented. A pout mrd from David Smith complaining of bridge on 30 A Bab Road Job. To the Editor of The Advance. DKAK SIR. Recently a job of $3!) win passed by two mad commissioners, one from Osprey and one from Ai 'i i iin"<in. that m biilb rouuh and iincomplote if nut daugeroua. If tho job KIN the terms of contiact (?) then they were iimnlh'cient : if it does not, the order for p ivment should have been wi'hheld until the job wo* tiniihed in a workrnanliku manner. In similar cases I would Kiii;i{nt to road cominiMionorg that a gpeoilioation of what is required should be dupoHu 1 in .some (iiibliu placu and tenders invited therefur wilh security for performance of contract. Tln-< would be more business like than a rule of thumb with verbal directions which are liable to ho forgotten, inisun i deratood or shirked. Your* truly, A RvATBPAYBR. China ha* agreed to pay an indemnity of four million francs for the outrage* ort llie French missions in 8xo Chueoi

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