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Flesherton Advance, 22 Aug 1895, p. 5

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TH1 FLISH1RTON ADTAJIC1 Office of GEO. MITCHELL -"* FLESHERTO* Aif*r] baukioKbinin-m tranactd Draft* ;u>< ami b|ju cun-<l at uul rate* Monwy aJwayiaTallabU for linin-> builnr*. iMiu>riiriB otfioc two door* north of Hlebard- w* A Co'*. Vicinity Chips. Characteristic* of the Put Week < rtr.-fully Called fe>r tke <'urionv fi vixen MOCK** nmitnfj Intali mU be fJuirged at tltt rate nf Hk fur tinejbr eaeA tiuertto*. A reduction wM bt m-uU ON contract* fvr 100 line* or over. School opened on St m<Uy with an at- tvn.Unce of about 85 pupil*. Innnre in llie "EzceUmr" as it is the fining yoOTitf Canadian company. Mount Forest will hav their annual Caledonian gurnet oa Wednesday, Aug. ROT. Mr. McGregor, of Durham, will f>. V. preach in the Baptist church here next Sabbath, 28th inst. The Excelmor ia a level premium com- pany with a 6xed rate and a definite con- tract. Ill pUru ire liberal and attractive. Insured in the "Excelsior" are many of the prominent business men of Fleah. Read M. Richardson A Co'*, adver tiaement thia week. See their bargains in Uble damasks, M-incb, all linen, at 25 eerits a yard. Mr. A. J. Chisholm, diitrict agent ef the Exc*lsior Life Insurance Co., was in town on Monday. A special children 1 ! service will be held in the Methodist church on Sunday morn- ing next and a ipectal sermon will be de- livered by the pastor in the evening, the title of which ii : "Cakes untwroed. ' Mr. Lfoocks informs as thai Mr. John Iladlvy br>.utfht. in the first new wheat of 'he seaann no Saturday. The wheat was a splendid sample weighing i? pounds per Not otje complaint has eer been made by thus* using Ayer's Saisaparilla c cording to directions. Furthermore, we hare yet to learn of a ca*e in which it has failed to sffurd bene6t. So say* hundreds of drugv'iit* all over the country. Has cured others, will cure yoe. Thieves entered Mr. Luewk's Mill on Tuesday night of last week aud stole seven baits of floor. The thieves ere traced M far M the Victoria cheese factory, but have not yet been discovered. There is high hopes, however, that they will yet l-e apprehended. You cannot say that you have tried everything for your rheumatism, until you have Uken Ayer's Pills. Hundred* have keen cured of this onen plaint by the use of these Pills alone. They wre ad- mitted on exhibition at the World's Fair as a standard cathartic. The Katt Grey price list will be com- pleted this week. The energetic secre- tary, Mr. K. .) . Sproule, has secured s fair amount of advertiaing for the pamph- let, but this ought to be Maty, considering that 800 copies will he distributed and the price being only $8 per page. To- day (Thursday) will be the Isst day for receiving advertisements. If ever patrons got full value for thrir money they get it thia year. The result <>f the huh school junior and eiu<ir leaving and matriculation ex aminatioui were mad* public in the Globe of Friday last. Thoae who B saint from this section were : Junior iseviug Bert Armstrong. R. Stmson, Litzie Hale, Max- well ; Fannie James, PtioeviUs. Matricu 'all. in \v. Sirclair, gfsemsr, history, Ke.-tri.phy andtritmwaie, W. Wells.nrst class honors in chemistry aini toolojy, -o td class in botany. A pleasant gathermt ef trieads met at t!ie reaidenoe of Mr. DMMMI Stewart, west back line. OB Thursday evening last to bid farcweU to Mr. Stewart and family, who left on Moaday af this weak f >r Parry Harbor, when Hy will take up their residence. A UMwi enjoyable evening wm spent. , Mr. Stewart ' in tnffrity and aterlinK Ojuahtise has won him many friend* us thia township who were sorry to r with Mr. 8 and family, but whose hwrty wefl wwee accompany theu*. Th* Methodist garwen party on tke |roun* tut WeJody ing was a pleasing success. There was a larije turnout, a number of friends com ing over from Dundalk. Th hand ren- dered excellent music and caterd largely to the pleasure of the evening. The ground* were rather small for tbe large number present, but everyone appeared to thoroughly enjoy themselves. Thirty dollars were the receipts, which would represent about 225 people. A uocia. was held in the church on Friday even ing at which a few more dolbui were ad ded to the treasury. Mr. Arthur Corley left in our office a bunch of oata in the straw which he pro- cured from the farm of Mr. R. Oraham, Arterr.esia, which attained tbe extraordi- nary height nf MX feet. The grain is splendid snd is sxpsctsd to weigh 40 Iba. to th bushel. From one ounce sown in 1892, Mr. Graham had last year 20 bushel*, aitd the sample brought in was taken fr> m a field of eight acres which in a'l probability will yield him about 500 bushel*. We are told Mr. Graham has s system of irrigation on his fsrra which is the cause of such good results this dry season. Meaford Monitor. Mr. Ephraim Blaknley, a young man ' years of ace, died at the residence of his brother, Mr. John Blakeiey, Dundalk, last Friday, after a long and painful ill- ness from cancerous tumor. The remains were interred in Flasherton cemetery on Saturday, when a Urge number of friends from Dundalk and elsewhere paid their respects) to the memory of the de- ceased, who was a young man wall known and highly esteemed. The young sun s mother desire* as to express bar grati- tude, through these columns, for th kindly attention* bar son received from friends in Dundalk, and particularly to the pastor. Rev. Mr. Campbell, and the physician who aased his last hours oa earth. It was also ike wish of deceased that his gratitude should be publicly ex- pressed in this way. Mr. W. Hem brv.ff of Manitowaning has) been the guest of Mr. W. P. Crossley dur ing the pest week. Mr. A. Thnrstnn of Toronto Junction paid bis friends ia this vicinity a visit over Sunday. Mr. W. Irwio, principal of the public school, paid a viait to friends at Heath- cote for a few days last weak. Mr. Joe, H. Strain of Minot. Dak., pent three or four days with his parents in town, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Strain, dur- ing the past week. Mr. T. Aikenhead and Mr. Aikenhead. r., >pent a couple of days with friends here this past weak. Mr. D. T. Wright of Owen Sound spent Sunday here with his parents. Miss Annie L. Wright, teacher, left here on Saturday for Glasgow, where she will resume her position. Mrs. Joe. Blackburn left on Tuesday for a couple i-f weeks' visit and rest among friends in Toronto and Oahawa, while Mr. Blackburn, who felt unable to travel, ia enjoying a change of dwelling amidit pleasant surroundings, visiting his old and esteemed friends, Mr. and Mrs. Neil of this pUce. Mr. A. Bainea, principal of the \Viar- ton High School, was the guwit of Mr. Robt. Wrght on Monday. Mrs. D. Rutherford of Owen Sound and Mrs. Deadman of Port Arthur are the guests of Mrs. W. Wright. Mr. N. Bell is the guest of Mr. Strain. Mr. and Mrs. Neff of Siuifhampton visited with the latter'a sister, Mrs. Bui m-r, this week. Mr. R. Baaktrville left on Wednesday for Duluth to resume Ins teaching duties. Master Frank Bamhouse of Toronto, who has! been spending his vacation in town, returns home tfm week. Mr. M. Richardsen spent Sunday at Grimsby Park. Mr. Kilwin Leitch tnd wife of fbace- bridge are, visiting rlati*e*.and frienda hare Mr. W.- Clayton looked, in upon his many friend* hero one day last week while, oa his wsy from Thssallon to again enter upon the position in Cornwall which ha., was compelled to vacate last fall : -i a.-uount of illness. They Cnuif ht Fish Ma*e, l> Gordon and N. Greenland of i;aokl>-. N Y ; Tandnser., M. Richard- son. lfwx:r<>ft and Strain, and Messrs. J. E Baskerville, D. Oswald. K Strain, R J. BeawtervUle, and Dr. Mahan, drove over to Bell's lake oa Friday last and tke day pieknkking, fishing, etc. The vehiclos bsld all the fish on their re- turn trip. [The above was sent in to our society editor last week. The S. E would like particularly -o know whether the genii. - men or the ladies did m Mt of the tishinp, or both ; also if the fish caught were of the genus homo, or ordinary aonfisb what kind of bait was uasd, etc , etc.? Onr cannot know too much about msttsn of this kind in the present state uf trade when orders for printing wedding station ery must be scented afar off. Bd. Ad vance.j lawnr at th* naldanee of U* nnol*. Mr. 8. Irwin, riw*b*rton. on Friday. Mb ioat.. Gorj Irwin. *! S> yaan. BLAULT at th* rwldeae* of K r Job n Blak* ly, Ovadali, oa Friday, IStb last^ Kpbraim BUkaly, acwdVyaars. "It looks like ancient history," remarks the Berlin Newt, "to see a numbei of our exchangee in different cuuiiuee wrest- ling with the poor house qimetion. The mattur has bren thoroughly settled ia Wsterli > nearly thirty years ago, and for a quarter of a century we have had the model poor house and industrial farm in Ontario. We doubt if a single ratepayer in this county could be found who would vote to do away with thia institution .' The Provincial ploughing snatch will be held in Owen Sound ..n Wednesday, Oet S3rd. The place selected for the plough- ing cunt eat is on Mr Thomas Cairns' property, south of the cemetery. A large meeting of the directors of ths association was held at the Queeua Hotel Last Satur- day and arranged details for the match. CC ,1, ;, ,v-n in prs aod thj promisee to bs a great success. Mr. Thos. R Fleming, of Kilsyth, has jest returned hosae after a threw weeks excursion on his bicycle during which time he visited at Belleville, Kiagstun, ths Thousand UlauUs. Turonto and other placea, returning by Allistoa and CoUing- wood and the northern part of Grey In one day of eleven hours he travelled 140 miles and the total diataoee travelled was 812 nule* He reports a very pleasant trip but noticed a failure in the crops in auny places Chaesworth News. stftttUls.B Creel In n Day - South American Rheumatism Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the lystam is remarkable and saysteriuaa. [t leeaoves at one* the osee* aad the du ease lasmediately disappears. Tke arst dose greatly heneCts. 75 eaa. by W. K. Riehsrdsen Dnggia*. THE OWEN 501 NO . . . Sollegiate Institute . . . Tb* Owwn Sound CclMat* Inctltat* will n- op*B on MONDAY. AfOL'ST seta) a* 9 a. n . whon clawk will b formed for all grail** of Tas*r 'C*rtincaM* . Mairiculaaiua Paw and Honor in Art*. Law, or Medieiu*. tbe Coaim*r- oial Coon* aad Bntrano* into dontntry or Fbarmaey. A full ttaff of uin t*ttbri. All dpartwn*wi in chant* of ip*ri*osi p*siaP Hi B.ECOB.D POK H S : ... W ... it ... U ... IT ... S For list of boarding bourn aad all otber In- ruination sVpI'l Y wO W. H. JBNEINS. D. B. DODIB. Principal. **. Treaa. Primary Kxaminatioa Jir tor L<*arian Kiauiiuation Booior L*a?in Kxaminauun t-aa> Matnuuiatioo Honor Matriculation HORSE STRAYED. Prom near Cape Rieh boat Tth JUB*. trifbt bay borvj (our jr*ri old. four wbiU f*t. wbito *|H) oa fao*. wvarins a woodon poke. Any informitioo Imdlu to hi* recovery will tx rwrild by *pplyiu to Gaoni* Uyo. Cuw Rlcb P.O.. or *t th A jyno oOlc*. Cam Astray, Cam* to tb* pr*miM* of tbc uDdri(nnl, lot 3, tod eco. of Kupbrui*, on or about tb* 1Mb uf July, on* y*ar old b*if*r. Tb uwnor I* r*- qa**>*d to prof* property, pay xp*a** an I t* the Mtf *w, WM. Uviuiiarruiis, Auf. 9. . KlmbwrUy. Oat, Twine Lost Lo*t. b*tw*a Fl**barton statian I M x- mll, *bout July 1O, on* bindl* of twin*. Tb* fluil*r will coof*r a favot by oommuoioailiu witb W. U. Guy. Maxwell P. O. THREE DOLLARS REWARD For tb* p*noo Ui4 eaa jive Information about a black curley dog. part Bp*.nil and part Newfoundland, with a *pckl*d ray and wait* >re*i aod front f*wt, atiw*rio*^ to tb* natu of ndo. Th* dog eilber ttravvd *r was *tol*n rom th* boil b*d* lu Kl*sherton village on or about tb* Wnd of Jan., ISM. Tb* aboT* i- warU will b* fir* by appirlnc to O. MILXRR. ,0>t Sheep Strayed 'ar from tb* prvoilsi* "t tax nnd*nlfQ*d, about July 11. tbrve *w*i and two lamb*. All market! with ftcajlop on ond*r !< of l*ft ear. inv p*noi> knowiof of tb*lr wberwabowt* will con far a favor by conia.uuicatiiiK witb F. T. -IBB,. RnnlaP O. Sheep Came Astray. Cam* to tb* prwinlM* of tb* nn.Urign 1. lot 9S, con 10. Anmla, os July *. en* *D**u and amb. ' Iwneala I, I eon 10 an*pi*ia. oe July . en* *n**|> and >b. Tb* owner U r*ss**ted to prov* prop- y . pa) *i*aaw* aad tea* tbe MMH* away. K*nla P. 0. Oavxo SauTW. Came_A8fcray. Cas*e to tb* prenuaMof the eeilsiswaafl boot the *>tb inrt.. foat sprlas! ssjT**. tfie *er Is TMwIwwl to pfov* pro**rty, pay see a*4 (she as* sway. Lot ITS. Dwbam . . . The Best . . . I * Your Honey We are now offering a well selected assortment of Ledi**' and Gent*' Fine Foot wear in Oxfords, Balmoral and Buuoa Bouts and Slippers, also the heavier grades which we ire offering at button Prices notwirn- standmg the recent rise in price of boots snd leather. Call and give us a trial. Custom Work sod Repairing attended to promptly at CLAYTON'S HELLO THERE! Do you want a first class carmge ? Then go to D. Blair : he can supply you. Have you seen our 44 Eclipse " Cart ? If you have not then see one before purchasing and you will buy no other. If you are at the fair do not fail to call and see JB ; we will be pleased to meet you. Remember we manufacture everything in tSe carriage line and natiaf action guaranteed Shop "> connection with McTavish's blacksmith shop. E). BLAIR. stfi EVERY DAY< 0, Every day a busy one, and yet we are offering some very special inducements in Plash Parlor Suites, and an exceptionally fiat Mwort- meat of parlor sitting room odd pieces in plush, rogg, silk, raiOM tad other oontringf. Centra Tablet at very low priow in solid oak M aJno in walnui and antique finish. Oar line of Diniug Room Farnitare WM never more complete, show ing a urge variety of dstigns in Extension well a Fall Leaf and Side Table. Our new pattern Dining chain are at once cheap. comfortable and pleasing to Ihe eye. A special line of picture* and picture frames at slaughter prices Also some very pretty Window Shades and Curtain PoUe to be eleaxed out at cost. Our aaderUkini; department it as ousual nrit-clsM. and phoas well ask iboao we hve served. Furniture DeaUr nd Undertaker. m Hear the Cry Hard times, hard times: * '. But no raoh word is heard from tbe DUNDALK : :. STORE. And why not from them as well as from other place* of business, because they are wiling at prices that bring the custom for many mile* around. The $ and ots. are $ and ots. with those that have buying to da tlii* season. It would be quite easy for us to quote 6 pr. ladies.' hoe*) for 25 cts . 36 yds, O. ceiton for 1 1. 00, 8| large- size handkerchiefs $1. etc , bat oar aim is not to give von ft lot of cheap goods for $1 , bat to give voc good goods which y.ou eannot buy ia other stores for the iam amouut of money. Allhongh Boots and <8aoes have aJraaeed wholesale 2ku.o we itrll sell them at the old patron price. We are enabled to do this owing to large stock being bought before the advance. You would do well to get your supply be- fore the assortment is broken. Wonderful low prices for readymade and ordered clothing. Men's all wool suits for $5.22, etc., etc. The highest caah prices for all kinds of produce. Save yoar dollars by buying at C A L HO U N 'S O O Fliskrrtii Harton liose I Car Load of Stoves Arrived it t. Rarstodf s. Steel Rage, Cast Rangw, Square and Kxtended Cook Stove*, Bi and Parlor Stoves, which s are going to unW cheap for rash, or we af*> nrepared to give oeje to two yeaia' Uate if required. Ooaie and get our prices before buying. Dead quarter, for Bgildinf Hard- ware and Bindet Twine. F. i. lintiil - Pny. Tour horsrs free from dies by getting them s net of leata- sr. doing Ton will save mnqrv. Tour horss ar not so apt to rsa swa-v when thty . are net irritated by the- flies. COMBS AND BRUSHES Of th* beet kind*, that JI assist -oe. , hi keeping your horsM lock- Carriage Oil. Wtjou Oveass. Hool Oisjhnnt, HaiweseOa. Harness 8o>p. PoUah, and everything that will are- serve yen* ^anset. Loe> BinsVar Whia. And and rieee the All W Hgnl aa4 hwavy IJ

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