THE FLKSHIRTON ADTiKCI Time Table. UOISll SOUTH. Maikdalt fi 40 a. in. 4 40 |>. in. 53 a m. 4.53 p. in. OOINO MoRTI. Klfafcorton li 4* a. in. 9.17 p. m. Mti kd.fc-lS 04 p. M. 9.30 p. m. OWBX SOUND, ONTARIO, I - The Very Beat Pl.ACK IN CANADA TO OKT A Business Education, ThaiQUjli Take a Round Trip SS?. r T ,i e u :, B ii lta Hll't I'mn iierclal Departiuonta In ("aiinla. then visit tin- N'.rtJiru HiifluwtB College ; examine nvory- lhii.8 ih iM>ui(hl> . If we fil < produce (he luoti th >rouh, complftlo, practical and stn- ii .-otuM of >tudv ; the brut eolluo preiniiux u I ., beat an- 1 nion rni|ilntn anil mcmt ull- 'ilnf 1'iitnra ami r||liance. wa will lv rou a full online KIlKr. Kor Annual Aunouuce uaul. nivlog lull prticular,tro. nl.lren C A. FLEMING,' Priori pnl. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Uarri it(oe made and Repaired, also ud Matching, Baud Saw- tug. ' ood Turning of every des- oripuoa. Planing aud Grain Chop omgil'>ae while you wait, for th* Ueaver turns tlie wheel. *. W. WILHOM Maungrr Side Headache CURED PERMANENTLY BY TAKING Ayer's Pills I wa tmiihlH n lone time with glrk lu-iKlnrhi*. It wu umiiifljr ri'oni|inir.l with CTITI' luini in Urn linplM, a MDM of ftilliira^ find trndrriioM In one e\f. a bad toate In my mouth, loneut' ccatrtl, liandi and f rolj, unit ^Ickn.-ii nt tlio M. 11114, li I iiini a pmil many mnedlri rrrommi'iiilrd (or tills coinpUUul ; but II WM nut until I Be iran Taking Ayer's Pills that I rcrelrt't anythlnx like porma- IXIil Ix-nrfll. A 'Illulr IHII III Ihrni' |'II|1 did thi wurk lr mr. ami I am mtw freo from lirailarhrvnixl : well linn." ('. II. lli'ii HIM.B, Hast Aulmrn, Mo AYER'S PILLS Awarded Medal at World '8 Fair DOT'S CORNER. 5o,ooo Ibs. WOOL WANTED AT THK T^lesHerton VVooIlon Mills Km- wliii-li tln hivliot poMJM,' price will I..- pun in CftMl or im.le ill nil kinds i,f .. II, 'II "I Illll. 'II "llil'il MUCH l> IW.WMls, fl.iniellv full cloth, Unlike!* and nil kinds \ .v.irui, etc. Beside the Bonnie Briar Bush," The Poverty-Stricken Rate- payer, etc. To any that Ian MaoLaren's collection of DrumUichty iketohei under the title of " lloaide the Bonnie Briar Bush " u the awecent book I ercr read, is, I fi-.-l, but faint pnine. But when a great number "f people from all over make the aame uuui|iiivi>cal Btateiucnt, it comei with i.'iii" furc. Some of u had thought that .). M. Harry ' " Window in Thruma," "Th Litt luMiniter,"otc.,had reached the i--n.i irf syinpathutic interpretation of the Soittish character, with iti jratS"" so in- uitricalily inturwovan with the humor that they are interdependent IIIKHI each other fur their very vxiatencc. But Ian MacLaren't ! mik lias BO far eclipned iU predt>ceiui>n in aheer emotional power a* tu inaku it itand out clear and diatinct a* a work of geuiu*. Devoid of all rhetorioal trickery, innocent of all aitful attempts at effect, these aimple little atorie* of a simple yet profound people aie left U> tell themaelvea and by th'btr own in- trinsic power do pull and twill tho veiy heart Htring* in tho moat remarkiilile way---prbably because they are told from the heart aud not from the heads. I am ulad to see that the Monlreal Witm-HH began in July to publish theaj Drunitochty sketches an a aerial. Tli<. He win take the Weekly Witnoaa and are intrreateil in [Ian MucLaren (wltat a )' ity hia name inn't lau MacLareu, but plain .lolm Watson) should not fail to read the sympathetic interview and crui- cuin cm n in tluit piper of July 'Jlh if ihey have not already done so. There vc tind tlmt ho IM a preacher --I'resbyti-r- ian and (|uii aa unn|ue in the pulpit an whi-n wielding the pen, indoed hin^'Urely iiteraiy > ik is a MM. ill in las ln.i-y life, and yet lie has reucht-d a tlmut- and fold moru hearts thruut{li this little iinprfojediuted Look than by aR lhee y unra of prachmx ami wmkuix in a Liv- ei :....! suburb. (All h,ul thu art of print- ing !) It'll read the sl.ftcliea for your- apd 1 am sine you will feel an I dnl In n for mstiM . ' .-n. li in iiicnta aa that wlu-rc the t.. old mm, Dr. Me- Oluro and lirunisli.'ii^li go out in thu i;ri-y of the iiiorinii^ to an open tii-IJ ami -ol< miily execute 1 the Highland Fling lo Celubni'e tlieir joy ut the suhscsslul tt-r- minntioii of their till mulit tuaaul with .1. .ill ovei tins Innly of |>r Saundora. You will feel like screitniiiiu and laughing uteli while the leant will blot the pN(;e,or if you .ne of tin. Anglo Sitxon nn-ld > u w.ll sternly r0|>liMM thu snitl leniM ami gut n fearful lump in yoin thronl aud a dread- ful avh in your In .id. The I'lii-c-villo coriea|H)tileiit n-ferred in 11 kindly .iy to my renmika on "Si.ite Conducted Funerala" in th (lajHsr of three weeks aj;o, but HeeniA to have ;.nli. i.-.l the idea that I was hnvi.ig a dinit at Stntu funeraU, which wan |inli. ilium.. Hi Fur whit) advocating llnit e ery man, Huuian and child Hhc.iild be intxiii-il or creniatuil at the expense of the Mate, I distinctly il.ite.i ill it tins n. . .1 nut dubar thu nation from allowing lionor in death to those *ho \\r-\y IUVK specially .-ived lier. For we ure not HO p. .or nftur all. Though indeed we are. too poor t.i keep ultii-iala at Ottawa in iu.Miivs thnl n-illSie dune away with at th pi. - nt ..,- iipint death ; thouiili we aru I.HI |>o<ir (. keep aunt her official there on a pension of some (TAX) a year alt. r his ollice Ini.s lllxpelliliill with, Hlill I iliink we nre not HO poor that we cannot i .iluliji' in the luxury of senlnnent when ...'...IBIOII ilfinand* it. If the pomp and pi;;eantry of a Siutu funeral atns the emotion and i|in kens the inia^in itioii until it recall* tin 1 (HsinteMtsd I"'""" of thu Ji put. 'd, his modest worth or hin secret iinxuisli liome with a brave air.) ohe iiin front, if it inspires a nnblv emu- latio i or ilirilU tin- honrt with putriotiHin it M not waste, but a distinct i;um. still had a pro|M.aitiuii -to entiage a third teacher fur our achiHil at a aalary of (20) per year been brought forward at about the time the circus took 0160 in a day, the ''poor rate payer" would have been trotie.l out for our delectation and hi, rags displayed. \V call ouravlves poor until wa more than half belie** it and become poor spirited indeed. It is time to forbear. The fact is we can slfrd what wo want prorided we want it badly enough. Dur. A Boon 10 Horsemen. OIK!* of English Hpa.ii Liuiment completely removed a curb from my hone. I take plfimuru in recommending the remedy, an it act* with mysterious promptness in the removal from hornes of hard, soft or cal- loused lump*, bliMxl spavin, apliuts, curb*, weeny, stifle* and sprains. UEOKOS KOBB, Farmer, Maikhaiu, >nt Sold by W. E. Richardaon, DruR/ut It is related that a certain man wa* re-rently rery aad because hi* wife had gone on a visit, which she would not shorten in (pile of his appeal* to come borne. He finally hit upon a plan to in duce her to return. He tent her a ropy of each of the local papers with one item clipped out, and when she wrote tu find out what he had clipped from the paper, he refused to tell her. The scheme worked admirably. In lea* than a week she wa* home to find out what it wa* that had been going on that her huaband did not want her to know about. < alarrh RHirred In 10 to 60 MllllltrH Oneshort puff uf the brealh through the blower, supplied with each bottle f Dr. Agnew'a Catarrlial Powder diffuses thin powder ovei the surface o the nasal paanaige* Painlehiand delightfu to lit,,', it lulievea instantly, and per man rutly cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, CoULt II. i.l iel;i , S re, T(M:S litia am Deafnea*. 00 cents. At \V. E Uicbard son'*. A ipiartettc of countnifeiters was ar tv-ted near Monday by Domiu i.m police and lodged in jail. CUSTOM WORK l r > in nil it \Vill IT ||itlv l-r ii.r'ii-i. S t .ii. ninij, r.ll i.i,, In.lin^, dyuJnK, <to., etc. GIVE U8 A CALL. John Nuhn, Prop. I am inclineil to think we over- r.ite ..ur |Mivfi-ty, in face of the fact that H PIMIII,' eii-.-us early ill the HOUSOII e.vr- i led away from llii.s town aiut iln immedi- ate \ u n.ity 01<">0 in one dny ; in f'ie.i nf III,. er..wd nii-ht aftr niuht drove in t town In attend ihe tenth rate sln.w pi'. 1 uled by an Indian medioinw OnixpaflJ and left Ihtiir dime* and dollars Iwhn.d tlium. Not tlmt I have the ali^hteHt ob- jection to either en ens or e niicdy, I winh we had morn of that sort of tiling, in fact I think r. sibles are not half often enough excited, and it ia this which uiikc* much uf the pathonof countiy life, "All work aud no play, ' you kuuw. Hut Hrart DlnraKT RHIrvrd In .to Dilllllrs -I>r. Ak-iHi's wr C'ureof tti* Heart givea perfect relief in all cases o (ioruoinc or 8y> ipatli. ti.- Heart Diaeaaeii 30 minutes, and .speedily effects a cure It it a peerless remedy for Palpitation Shortni'H* "f Mr.-ath, Snuithering Spoil* P.IMI iii l..-fi S;.te and all lyuipton* of Dise.-wvd Heart. One doae convince* Sold by \\. K., u. !' i! . ISN mo i r r< > :% ROLLER MILLS Are now complct aud arc ruiiuiug rrgnlar. CHOPPING done afternooi as usual. LOUCKS. A BIG RUN -ON Ladles' Ki i H- Hoot ;\nU Shippers -ALSO- flen's Plow Boots F(W F.X^L WEAR Sellinc w.iy down in price for u thnu If you want bargains in thoaw line* i>" in i In- time toaecure them. Thin is i> genuine tain at low pricH*. Repairing Promptly Done as Usoa t/os. Smith - Flesherton PEOTOSTPHOTOii! If you wa'it photos taken go to the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY when- nothing hut first rlax* work. i iiniii-.l "in. mi. I pure* lower Until Wmr)<n for city ork. Careful attention yjvpn t copying otlmr picture*. Bubicn' photon 1'ieturo I in nil ita brandiM promptly and netl dnuu. In. Iihni Sjfdiikini St epairs, Repairs D. McTAVISH, FLbSHERTON HORSESHOER AND OENEUAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS ON HAXD Rf i:y rs for Mn-> H>rrU, and Sox on. Henry and WilUmseu Farm lni|>l in-nis Fleury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons. Buggies, Cutleic, Sleighs, etc. Honsasuoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender ontrueted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly 011 baud. Soft Thing When ymi are ilriring i* always enjoyabl*. Our boc^iet are easy and pleasant to rid* ill, neatly finished. strong and duriblc. Call and examine our stock. Carta and denj,>craU ey teriDH Painting, trimuiinv and liirnhiny done <n on order. I claim to tell a.s durable and is on the market. a vehicle as there R. T. WHITTEN. I When the Nerve Centres Need Nutrition, A Wonderful Recovery, Illustrating the Quick Response of a Depleted Nerve System to a Treatment Which Replenishes Exhausted Nerve Forces. \ MR. FKAXK DAUKR, BERLIN. OXT. Perhaps you know Lira ? In Water loo ho is known as ono of the most j>opu lar and successful business men of that enterprising town. As manag- ing executor of tho Kuntz estate, he U at the head of a vast businou, repre- senting an investment of many thous- and* of dollars, and known to many people throughout the Province. Solid financially. Mr. Frank Bauer also has. the good fortune of enjoying solid good health, and if appearances indicate anything, it is safe to pmdict that there's a full half century of active life still ahead for him. But it's only a few months since, whilo nursed M an invalid at the Mt. Clemens sanitary resort, when his friends in Waterloo were dinnayod with a report that he WM at the point of death. " There'i no telling where I would have been hu I '..;'. on the old treat- ment," said Mr Bauer, with a merry laugh, the other day, while recounting liis experiences as a very sick man. " Mt. Clmens," he continued, " was the last resort in my case. For months previous 1 had brn suffering indescribable tortures. I began with a loss of appetite ami sleepless nights. Then, as the trouble kept growing, I was gutting weaker, and began loaing flesh and strength rapidly. My stomach refused to retain food of any kind. During all this time I was under medical treatment, and took everything prescribed, but 'without reliof . Just about" when my condition seemed most hopolru, I heard of wonderful cure enacted in a case somewhat similar to mine, by the Groat South American Nervine Toni> - , aud I finally tried that. On the fin* day of its use I Lx-gitn to ferl that it was doing what no other medicine h 'id done. The tint dnse relieved the distress completely. Bofore night I actually fflt hungry and ate with an appetite such as I had not known for months. I began to pick up in strength with surprising rapidity, slept well nights, and before 1 knew it I was eating three square nteala regularly every day, with as much reluih as over. I hare no hesitation whatever in saying that the South American Nervine Tonic cured oto when all other remedies failod. I have recovered my old weight over 200 ponndi and! never felt better in my life." Mr. Frank Bauer's experience is that of all others who have used tUe South American Nervine Tonio. Its instantaneous action in relieving dis- tress and. -pain is due to the direct effect of this great remedy upon tln< norve centers, whose fagged vitality is energized instantly by the very first dose. It in a great, a wondrous cure for all nervous diseases, as well aa indigestion and dyspepsia. It goee to the real source of trouble direct, and the sick always feel its marvel- lous sustaining and restorative power at once, on the rery first dy vf its use. For \Vm. ltioharclon %