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Flesherton Advance, 15 Aug 1895, p. 1

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c S*i f M * ' jrlshrt0it fJ 'WAi^I-V^ W .**- v -X s***^ TBUTQ BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MBN.' VOL, XV. NO. 755 PLKHBRTON, OUT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 1895. W.H THURSTON EDITOR* PROPRlETCS) r;iloril Road. ^infirm rinnn njinnrirurriJTrtrinnrinrLriri nji_- When the cost a uothiug compared w (h quality and beauty of Article, the The satisfaction of always having tlie correct time. A silver watch should be ail otu of date when yon can get a gturaiiteed gold watch for 135, $30, aud $2R. It is like giving ihcni away. Fra<a our own Curreipondent. Mrs. J. McMaociia from Shelburne is visiting at her brother's, Mr. John B land. Mr. JauMs Brett, who tamtcht school ken some tide agn, is visiting friends in this neitthborhwud. Mrs. J. C. Buchanan, presented her husband with a daughter last week. Mr. G-eo. Traemaa ia laid up with a felon on hia finger. Mrs. James Johswson of Wiarton spent A Good few day* last week visiting her here. friendi her Is the place where you can get anything you want at your own and ttrms almost. Mn. Thiie. Gilbert U vailing with friends at Wiarton. price *' r J"hn Weber raised a Sue large frame last week with a good atone j foundation audstawling underneath. Tbi> barn is one of the Hneit in the country, being 5O x 60 f> PICK 1 1 UP. A Sue Uit of Wonted Panting*, usually sold at $6.50 and $6. to be cleared out at 14. Chance uf your life. Don't leave it an thy will nut lait lon^ at that price. C. J. Leitch MERCHANT TAILOR. \j\j\rCiTj\rinj\i\iij\jrij\nnririj\j\j\j\j\i\^^ Made to run that other jewellers Lave failed io do. Try us with your work for we are the best. W. A. Armstrong Flesherton Mr. Richard Smith is veneering hu I MUM McMillan Is spending a few days house with brick. . . ,%,, with Miss M. Me Lei id. Mr. Clark, who resides in Meaf..rd, _ u 1 Detroit spent Sunday with his uaughti-r, Mrs. Geo. Prirchatd. The roeuC heavy showers are improving the pasiurv.. Our Business Directory ; JUusic. (Caul*. % t A KKI.AUK LICENSES. laraod day or u*ht at th Jwelery Store eud at te raiUsce of tho un.lomiKuetL ouimnoner iu H C ..(. Couvyanr, 4c. Notary i-..: , JOHN W ARMSTRONG. - Fx.B>nro. \- ' 'i l.Tkitii liiv. Court. Co Urey, of Marrum* Lioenaea, CosnssUeioner Iu II r I Conveyancer. Auolloorer. sto. An*nt i .-, the Masey-Harrls AuricuKural li.i-jle- ments. Claytou < Blue*. Heberton. .1 ix.ii 1 >. haidware store. M'- ' ltuVi . Mrk*U. do a nrJ b&nkiug bm- .iuvw. alwwy loaned at a ruasouabU rate. Csll ou us. TJKUTS r The aad*nigna I* prsparad to undertake the c^lcWon of ll kinds of d.bts. Note* bought. accounU ollotad, U) 1 1 K N i> K.HSON ( - n J.irBOCLK, l'otu)atr. Flesberton. Comnitsior In U. K., Lie ntd Auctioneer, ConTnyancr. A tasMI aod Uoiwy Londor, Heal EtaU an-l Inn..rnc Agn. D^dn. Mortm, LaM. and Will* diawaupand Valuatlous md on ahoi toot noiio*. Auction Salet attended to In any part of tb County. Mono> to loan at low t rate* of interest. ColUctioas atwndsd to witb promntnoM au.l d"opat<;ll Caro low Anentfor th Douiiuion steamship Company. cUap .UckoU from Flenhortou to Livrvol. iila(ow. !.oiiJon or any ol the Britlnh port*. TartiM inlondilig o vUlt Elutlaud. Scotland or Iralaud. will p'wwe a*k raU. befoie purcbasiun tluir tk-keU elaewbaro. Vertical. J\R HVTTOS. M.DC M. M.C. P.* S.Ont.. PrlcsviUe. Keeiueuce snd olBco oue door wt of theMelh odi.t Chrch.Kiuvo (M. Oslo.. dav, Tuesday. ..'il.i.-.- f\K. CAUTBR. M. C. P 4 S., Ont. Physician. siir*eon, etc., floehertou office- Strains B'ocs. Heaidonce Muuabaw'n hotel. JOHN A. SCOTT, M. B. Member Collvfserbysio.* Snrgeoun. Ontario (ira.luate in Mediolue of Toronto Cuivemlty. -llowtl-,> Diploma. I'ost Graduate Medical Kcbyol aud llonuital, Chicago. Dlasaesi of ere, rtr , i,,-.. j.d thro*t specially treated. Heei di-nce Maxwell, vleiU Kiiveriiiiam Thursday 1 J P OTrtWKLL.. Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate at Ontario VuWr-'-ary College. aVstUfaaoeNMt door ftoutb of Moors's pianlng faotory. ^1 WKOlTasUQsUHMOs*, KHI'il ot of Benin, i Mian Morgan of Detroit visited Mrs. J. B. Euan this week. Mr. E. Sargent is spending a few days with his parents in Holland. The young man who gave his name an I ' itte.r son was* tried on two different offence* last week in Owcri Sound and sentenced to three months in jnil. He , which ho B U,.k from Mr. A. McAulay. Three car loads of stock were *hi|.pe-t fr mi here on Monday. One man, who ronto for interment ou the Tuesday even- br>nllint iu ,, plw ,-.,,, . , h , irt dU - EogeBia. Mrs. Mary Kerr, mother of Mrs. U. lowerman, died at the latter, r-sai- wiU thuu U ttie<1 fl , r t ,,e h-r I here on M<>nd.ty stroke at the age of 83 years ami ten months. Tht remain.-* were ukuti t !'.>- Building . a, Nii.| Onu Jcntisttii. J W. FB08T. Derations, which hsrvo hevn brik f.r some tiaie. are still progressing ] M j , the tiuely. The to new oik of thenew Fresby- late of Toronto. .Pi.,,, terla " church " * B<1Ut ^""rl^^ -''J ' S1NUI.SU. VIOLJX. PI- job which reflects much cieJit u;-..ii tin- coutnkctor, Mr. Lewis. It is a handsome bit of work. Mr. Lewis also hits the con- tract f>c the brick work. Your scribe notices that the Rev Mr \\Mls in kee; . ir,i{ bin fatherly pyx -our the w->rk, mid rakes his cost i It', too. TUa'. is the kind of au nitorested spectator we like to nee. Mr. Jake Williams will r'li.iMy li.ive the handsomest residence in (own when it is <Miiii|>lttted. The following young men 1-ft mi Tucit- iUv iiioriiiiu for thu Norihwesr. the.r J < P MARSHALL, L. D.S..M. D. 8, Dentist. Vlaitt Markdale the lt in. I :n<i Wednesday of uacb uiontb. Plenhertou -Each trip en tk dar ft.. Kto Harristor. Solicitor. Conveyanoer. Fleahertou uAe- !lt ths poetoi building, ou Tbunday*. Owen Sound offlco Froet i build! a*. P'tf taiice, brought his tr>ugh aud pail to fuvd them on the way. Nothing like being >r dumb animals. (Juite .1 number took in the excunion to the N. rthwtMt this week. M.i-w Ayiie Bull of Durham spent Mon- day night with Miss ^ Three largo panes of glaaa have ! n hriikeii by our football plnyers in M H \\i>ods store. Now boys, be a little .ucfiil in future, and re[Kcc the 'umbrella, broken oni at once. PAINTS! PA ! N TS EppiBg. M rortvspoiu/' n(. iig vi-ry fine weather with i ,: .n. J^IX'AS * WUK1HT, BorriiUn. Solicitor.. Cunraytnnni. etc., Owen jouiitl. Ou. - - MarkiUln. Ont. W. H. WHIOHT I. B. Lfraa. N li.-Klmhxrtoii office, stitcbsll's Bank. AO.r.W toeta.ery Brut and third Mon- day in such wouth. In their lodge room ruiiHiou-a Illoci, Kl..herloi.. at B,.. ui A. M Olbsoa, M \V . W.J. Hfllaiuv, finauc : r W Irwin Rocoi.lor Vlniting Itretborn luvltd. OYAL TV.MPLVRH OF TKMPKRANrK titular IIIIMU every Brat and llilrl TDM-laj evontnii in Ja^li monib. R to help at the harv-ect and t<> . that .- : iliu -"[T ^u <.-T"\V>, fall huat hav- look abuut with the | r- s| tv "f icttling permanently : W. (iillilaml, (iui>. Thomas Smart. Thomas tiregitmi, Fisher and Genoe. NN. 1.1 1. .11 P.tlk. Fmm uiiroirn Cvrrtff undent. During the past week a couple of very heavy thunderstorms visited our sections. Mr. 'A in. Stewart had a calf killed by lightning uii Tuesday ^veiling of 1 .11 week. Mr. Gen.Martin also Inul a sheep killed liy li^htniitj; on same night. Sickness i doing its work in our sec- tion at present. Quite a number of our preceding the of each month. ing Ix-en stowed away 1- n^; ao. \ iiuin'.ier .if men ^ittl.ered last Thurs- day afternoon and hauled the timl-er lor the church shed onto rl o -jr. uml. A social in aid uf the S. S. *.i- held in thu Orange Hall, E(>| ing, on Thursday Hveuing of last week and in --fMte of tho inclement weather passed oti ' ratl.ur sne- esMsfully. A b.\Mel>all match was ;ilayed in the early part of the evening between the Sligo and E;.|>iiiL! boys. NVe have heard that it resulted iu a tie. but refr.u.i frm making sny comments. Tea was served in the hall Inter on, after which vsn .us ...'lines were indulged in by those present. All seemed ID e.ij. y ihenisolve*. tlieiiarty brenkhm u;> about 11.30. The musical put of llie oiitertiiiimiont *iu futnihcd couuooUun. keeping tiuiu t P. R. A., inset In their ball, Christoe's Plock ever* *>eon.l Thursday in uacli j in. in th. Win. Sharp, Ma-iter. T. Claytou, Sec-! rtt.iry Mr. John Haw had a logging bee Tuesday of last week, and ii. tho evening ' y fr- Bi-nnutt ami Mi. A!cx. A tiuui Ixjr of youiitf ucoulo wer-o pnwunt I rocticos aiinmut-i'u i i S4>uietuiitj( 'I'n ?.!' il ^' ti for tho after pleaiiure,' which they had in -8H over Whittaker's farm. The tup ofeuclitu;. nip covers s much spoe as a rurpectablo Mr. W. has in; je.t furmh in Smth 'irey and by all sp- ;iemices hi; knows how t.i work it. Mtsars. Peter McK.-chuiu snd .J hn V Conkey paid a visit o. the i,>u-eii L'py lately. Mr. Arcli. ^l P'nil a'.id son. Jot n visited in Cedarvillu 'lie kttir part of last week. M W,,,. I:, i, net and Mi-is AnuioH.I of Euphraaia were the Kueau i>f Mr. ai.J, Mrs. Dan White, lately. Two Misses Weirs of visitcl their uncle, Mr. Noil McKu,n.T week. Miss Maguie IVrliy ..f Durham n guest of Miss Maggie M.I) .t present. M ^. Kli'h Hartley in vi.-itmg friends jin Hrookholm .t present. Mesar*. Davu and John r.rown :ire busily engaged prepnring for a ti.-h.i.< excursion to M.nkok.i. They mteii.l making tho trip on their "Like-. ' Mr. tieo. Tryoii ix building a M. ne butcher simp near his old staiul. We are sorry to leixru that Mm. M. KeiVy and Mr. John M.-Liiclil.iii -i.e U K. AKTHfK l.ODUK. N., .:<.::!, A K A "i., at "' lbe "aannlo Hall, strain'. Hl(>ek, Klt-.bertou, every Kriday on or . boforo tlio full moon. Dr. Cartel' W M U. .1. SprouU. Hooretarv. JiCFFKHIN LOD< the violin until the wee uiii.i houn of the morning. Mr. John Kerns, ST., u Euphrssia spent a few days last wetk with friends here. MX. and Mm. Hugh Smith and ehiM- mi, <>f Euplirnsia, are the guests of Mr. D. McMillan. Louk out for the butchers with the white- f. iced horses, but not thu one with J F HAL8TBAD. M . D . M. C. A fU. Out ,praotloa at aim- uwly. Itavuiuatic diaeass* < apa-ciallty. JIAKY M. l.KASDKR M.D.C.M., M.C. P. A S., Ont; Prloevlll*. Gfflusi and ru,ei.ce at Mvibodutt paxtonaiio. CalU uihtorday. pioiuptly attoudwt. Visits k'liwlisiluu SUtioo 10 to 11, Wednesdays." j brethren 001 dlally tavltod. A. . V*SDraKN.N S WH Uooliu, Sec, Cash For Hides! Sheepskins and all kind of furs pur- chased, for which highext uiurket price will be [mid. Homemade aaussga on hand, also all kiuds of mi ills. M. WILSON, KLKSHEKTON MEAT EMPORIUM hands. What we wonder: Which of tho buu . hor , iH it that ha , u , W1U ,], i,, t | le creek as he in on his journey. I suppose it uiUHt be the one with the fiwt driver. the young men HIC that look so lono- siutu the vuiliug i;irU returned llolllU. rather seriously ill at prx-scnt. \V i r i st " Mrs. lauipbel! of Chicago ,v:con,pani^. >>oth wi " 9< " m ruc " vi:r lluir us ""' '' Last Sunday af'> n the uorrowful du'y of the us .ienii, of thm village and other plucis li> follow another of their neighbors to the ura<>e in the 1'i'iaou of Mrs. McDow.-'l, *if of Mr. Win. McDiwell, who died <.n Thurn- ilay the 8th, a</rd 70 years. In the death Mrs, McDowell the family circle si-van persons is broki-n for the iirat tnuu. The Rev. Mr. Mcl^iod euiiduc ted tl.a funeral serviceH. by her little grandson Inta been v her sister, Mrs. Win. Mci'oiinull, lately. Mrs Stewart, of I'hombury, IK visiting her mother, Mrs. SVelnh Mrs. Ball, Mint Hat tie ami Maxtor 'Henry Ball, of Crex'uiorsy, are \i^iting at Mr. G. Mmhewsoii's. Mr. Eil. Peterinan wheeled up from Toronto last week to visit his auut, Mrs. (J. MathewsK>n. Mr. Ciiun has bad his house reshinglud. rncevllle Fr-itlt inn 'in'" ' '"'r. winl* Ht. Mrs. \V. McNta of Cleveland is speni!- x a few weeks with her mutlivr, Mil. A flshcrman nannil tintnville was kiLe 1 by lightuinn ou Satind.iy hile in li.x WtoffSauble beach near Southampton. The cheap raUs on the C. P. R. has induced a number of our young men to A despatch from >lt>pw<>rth >i\>s take a trip to Mimt-.iba. The following j While a few friends hnd Kaiher d at tl a left for the Piairie province !at Tueadvr: house of James Curry Friday night, four Meiwrs. Thu i. Nichol, Hichard Wat tors, I miles from here, lightning struck tho Robert McLachlan and Charle H ( gable end of the ho'.ise. killing Jul.u \Vo ih thu boys bi ' pny and plenty of dime instantly and injutinj two nth r woik. One of the inest oropa of turnips we young men named Win. Uainnioi.d i,,| Wesley Louck*. Curiie was about 14 hatt ever M)I.U U growing on Mr. Uiohaid yean of a^e. Tho other two will

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