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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1895, p. 8

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THE FLISHIRTON ADVANCE Time Table. OOIKU 00 1 Til M.irkrtJe 40 a ID. 4.40 p. in Kitalitru.ii *.60 * r. 4.6 p. at i.i'isi. NORTH. I leHherton 1 1 4 a. m. 9.17 p. m. NUrkdale -1204 p. m. 0.30 |>. m. A Bear Incident. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, I* '1 he Very Uest PtiACK IS CANADA TO OUT A Business Education, Take a Round Trip T ,i" : lD :.i ^ ^ t'olltK]a and < -in imrcial Department- in I'auwla, llioll vint t IB N-iriliiwn Bulue. Cullole ; examine ery- taitig tli .iioiiiilily. 11 we (all tu |>ro,1uc the in ut th irougli. complete. |>iactical ami ritun- ai/tt ouJ.Muf-tiiJy : the but collude luemikxa an I the lml *n I mot complete ami ui<t null- jle furniture and f\ I liance*. we will ! voa a full euurie Kill . Kor Annual Announce ,. out ..[ivmii lull particular! .flee, aildreat C. A. FLEMING, Prin. i|;il. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. C.arriafres made and Repaired, also I'laumg and Matching, band Saw. ing, Skovjcl Turuing of every dea- or-iptiou. Plaamg tvad Grain Chop Ding doue wblle you wait, for th I j".tver tarns tne wneel. X. \\ WILMOM AVER'S Hair VIGOR IU>ator natural color to tbo hair, Ad klao prTnta It falUny out. Mra. II W. FonwUk, of Difby, M. ., .a T . "A little more than (wo yean avo my hair began to turn f r * I , and fall ' out Af- ter tho use of on*i bottle of Ayer'a Ilair Vl(jor my was ri stori'd to its original color iiinl cea.sril fallliiK out. An < ii-r.isiiiii;il ii] i|>li<"it ion b,as since kept the hair in good condition." lira. II. F. I'EKWit-K. l>igty, N. 8. Growth of Hair. " Eight vrars ago. I liad the vario- loid, mid lust my hair, which |>n>vi- xiusly Wiia (|iutr abnmlunt. 1 tried a variety of preparations, but with- nut Ix'iu'ficml rwolt, till I Wfran to fi-ar 1 In- permanently laid. About six months ago, my husband brought home a bottle of Aycr's ll;ur Vi^ror, and I bcifun at once to use it. In a short lime, new hair I>KMH to ;i|>pc;ir, und thore is now vrry |inis|nTt of as thick a growth of hair HH before my illness." Mrs. A. Wi nut, I'ulyiuuia bt., New Drlcuns, Lu. AVER'S HAIR VIGOR I'lIKI ABtl. 1IY from the Munitvutin Exj>o$ttor. Mr. llcniy Cuulaui, who liv.n ncur Little Current, had (juite an eiperivnce with aonie boan on Sunday, July 28. He had been aleeping fur a time, and upon waking he heard a terrible noie in the liili jttil iii front of his house. He went out and found his huga squealing most terribly. He clenched the old muaket and atarU-d, telling his 9-year-old boy to bring powder, oapa and a ball. His dog, animus In enter into the fray, tried iti U M to net pant Mr. ( '. .ul. mi. and in order to keep linn back he (truck the dog with II:H gun. The gun wan cocked and the jar diicharged the weapon, the charge going into the ground and barely mianing hit foot. The report frightened the bear* and they dropped the piga, which were terribly torn, and Mailed off. Mr. C..ul. mi, fearing that the old hear would attack hii little boy, went back tn meet him. He took the amunition from the boy and loaded the old niuxkut again Oiicu more ready for the fray, haaera out in aearch nf the beam. It WMH liut a short time the old bear put in her ap pearnnce. Waiting until tlie came up very close to him, he let fly, and d >wn the (Mine. The hall entered her head, paaat-d through her brain, down her neck, and I-. l-.-il in her nhouWer. Bythittime Mr Lillico, Mr. liecka, Mr. Connurt and a number of ladiat who had jutt n firm-il - in church, put in their appearance to tee what all tlie mute wat about. Mr. Lillico discovered one of the cuba, and i ininwl lately gave chase. After a con- nnli-ralile run he kuccut-ded in catchitiK it. Thinking to take hi* prize alive lie threw liiin.sL-lf upon it. Then the struggle be- gan. Kir-t Mr. Lillico was on top and then the cub, then a<>aiu Mr. Lillico, and thu rough and tumble tingle wat kept up until young Bruin became enraged aud ttruck tnd hit at everything within reach. The cub at Uat got Mr. Lillico't hand in iti mouth, and aent itn terrh n,lit through the hurl, lacerating tho HeHh i. i M I I v Nothing daunted, Lillico held on until he tuoceeded in killing ii. The other two cuba, which were half giown, g>it aaay, and wwe time may re- turn to provide another day't tport. The old boar Mr. Cuulam ahol weighed nearly 91*) poundt. Mr. Coulam had eight nhvp and one hog killed tint auniiiier by the bean, and has made np hit mind that lieura will get no quarter near him in tho future if ho known. Tli whule tt'CtK'i) it ii->w prepared if a llruin uliowt hia noaa there ugain. A Kuon to llorsniion.- Oni b>ttl of Engliith S|wi in LiniiniMit completely removed a cut b from my horsu. I take pleaKure ii, recommending the remedy, as it acts with myaturioua pioinptneas in tlie removal from horKe* of haid, Moft or cal- louM'd lump*, bliMid |i.kv in.Nplints, curbs, sweeny, stidcv and tpruina. GKOKUR ROBB, Farmer, Maikliam, Out Sold by W. B. Kichardaou, Urug^Ut New hay is stlling at $10 to f 12 a t. n in Mt. Formt and Quebec hay hells it Orangevilld at $10. Relief In 6 Moors Di.trs.ln K KM oy and Bladder diaeaaea relieved in tix hours by the " Ureat South American Kidney Cure. " This new remedy it a great surprise and delight on account of itt exceeding promptneaa in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, hack and i-v.-ry part of the uriuary |utiiageH in inulnor fe- male. It relieves retention of pain in |M>Mii'_' it aluioit immediately. If you want quick re lirf and cure tliia ia your reuieily. Sold by W. K. Ilichardson, Druggist. (Mini Hi.-ii join 4'nrrtl in a !>; > S 'inli Anieru in Klieiiiiintmin Cure, fur Kin-inn. ittt'ii and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 dayt. IIH action upon tlie system ia remarkable and myste-iout. It removes i onc th cause and the dit- eaiie immediately diaap|M>ar<. The lint doae greatly Inertia. 75 cents. Sold by W. E. Itichardton Druggut. Heart DiM-ane Relieved in 3o Minutes Dr. Ague'* wr C'ureof tli* He.irt give* perfect relief in all ciutea of (iorgoinc or Syinputhetic Heart Diaeaiw in 30 ininiiieN. and pce<lily effects a cure It M a perli>m remedy for Palpitation, Sli.irlni-HK of Krt-alh. Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all syuiplons of a Dneaaed Heart. One due convinces. Sold by W. E. epairs, Repairs rneeville. OR. J. C. AVER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. Ivr'f fil'Mfure <* llcatlathc. 5o,ooo Ibs. WOOL WANTED AT Till. - \Voollcn Mills ul,ieh lh hi-.'liK.-t i Ms-ililj price will ! in nil kind* of Fmm or ouni "Grand growing weather" ii the general n.dulation at preaent. Everyone in- leretted ill crop* M wearing a contented nnnle Mtiee the advrut uf th recent ru- frrahing r.iiim. The choir and olhen uf the Moth >dut church are \mily engaged in pip|mring fi.r their garden |>ai ty next Wednesday. "I: never ruin* but it |iuuni." A fr . -.-kit Byn tin butcher invaded the pre- ciiu-tK uf our burg but now 3 or 4 pny UK iet:ulnr visits. A iiiiiiiln r nf I'riccv illiti-n attended the : H-l. i, |nit) m I'ri'ii'ii luit TliuraJiiy. Thry a K"oil time even if one ditlliuiu n wiitrh (it wad fniind ut;nin) nnd hiiiided a $10 bill to the ^'iUf-kee|itir ill- t<-ad of a one. The inulake WM dia- i-'.n-u-d, howcter, before the affair wa> mrr. A few wet-ki iii'o Mr. D. McArthur'i Imya rxrhnuyed linrs with Home horse' i - wli'i i-n- run] nil al tin- i- ist riiil ol the Yillt>. Tlie otln-r dity Mr. Me- Arlhnr'i furintir aniinnl wanilereil h'>ine fairly covered with riders cnnsed l>y a whi|>. Such cruelty to animals .should be l.M.k.-d after. Mm of M.ukiUlc IH tin- D. McTAVISH, FLbSHERTON HOKSKSHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS OX HAM' Repairs for Ma->r> Harris, aud \oxon. Henry iid Wilkinson Farm Implement* Plows: 1'leury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wu^Jiis, Baggies, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to lender obtruded feet. Logging aud Plow Cuains constantly on huud. In |i,iu in cif,h or i> .i Ui n i>r nniMii '.'iHnU s-.i. Ii 4* tli ...... lit. full il-ih, l.l.inkel. i,l,.il . ..; >.un, ete tweeda, and all CUSTOM WOHK V. ; . I., promptly atluniled t'i in all itt N|-i ....... -i, '"il eHrdinj;, vtcav , dyting, M.lin.;, , -i ., . to (JIVK I'.S \ CALL. John Nuhn, Prop. WESTERN FAIR London, Spt 12 to 2 1, '95 Xfl.< IAL KKCt'aaiOK kJTKI ON ALL HA1LWAYB RnABLIKHEI) 18GH Canada's Favorite Live Stock Exhibition (AXXOT DK IfBFAUKD. T-: N T K 1 KH C L.OB K i Uv* Stack. September utk. All other Department!, September Sth. Final ('> ment In Stakaa. Auf ut Igtk. AUCTION SALE OF BOOTHS AND PRIVILEGES ON GROUNDS AUG. 26TH. KPH-IAL ATIIIAI IMS. Wild KulNbow. Mneo- l>l drain. Turku, Mii'lki. Ladlrl of ID* Tui kl'li Ptlaco, etc.. with HurMM. CaincU au'l L>onk.a; aud a boat ot otberi. PtliB I.Uu. !'rniaiuim-> and I'unditioui of Halo fur liootb frae. Apply to Capt. A. W. Port*'. That. A. Browaa. I'rc. S. Mel cm st of her lirothur-in-law, Mr. t '. C. .l.uni-1, at | He, i n'. Mi.(ieii \\*lH,in, U'e if, ii himie fora few tl*jh. Ii . M Kechniu of (iuorgetowii i tuk- i 'j a few holidays aiming Ilia friend* in fin vicinity. Mrt Kn,j and hor titter-in-Uw, Miu Kin. , of ( Valley, aru viaitiiix Wllh t iu lurmvr'i* tunthur, Mm. WatterH Mi. anil Mi". Uciley au> \ laiilng fiieniU a: \\.Mlei-. I'alU, Mr<>. Mortimor and Mitt JaineH <if S'l.illiurim- paid a vmi*. to fnendx in 1 1,1, Mll.ii{>i Week. Mi. llichaid Paralow of Swiiiton I'.uk MILS the ((mist of hit toll in law , \V.J. Ijlakcalon, the fulujiail of wuck. Catarrh lt lleved In IO to <1O Minulea. Oi.ettiuit (iiifl i.f tli, liualh lliiouuh tlie bloWtif, auppliud with uacli l...tile oi lr Agnuw'a Calairlial 1'oml, i, linn powiliT m ei the turfacu uf tliu naaxl pataauea Painlt-hsmi I ile i^liitu tn use, it iniieteH iiitUntlv. and jitirmaiil untly curt Cntan-li, liny Kvur, Coldn, HuadaoliM, 8'iru 1'liioai, Tonn-lit,iN an.l Deafnuat. UOcuula. At \V. E KicUiu tuu'a. KKTOaS ROLLER MILLS Are now couiplet*and arc ruuuiug regular. CHOPPING --= as tiaiml. P. LOUCKS. A BIG RUN -ON- l>t< lit-si' l^iiic I Besots t\ncl iSlippcrs -ALSO- Hen's Plow Boots F()H FALL \VKAU Sullint! awiiy down in price for a tinio. If you wunt tiar^HiiiN iu them liuet lluw is tin- tune '.OHiH-uru them. Tl.;s is h genuine ale at low pricits. Repairing Promptly Dans as Dsual Jos. Smith - Flcsherton PHOTOS[PHOTOS! If you want photos taken g<> to the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, whore nulhin^ but c!asn u-rk is Inrne.l mil, and pi lct lowel than clml v; .1 for ciry work. Oaroful atlonti<ui Kivan to plioio* a otlir picture*, upocitity. 1'ioture K in nil it* Lranchoa promptly and ueally (u>nv. Irs, Iiilrasr Syfcskara St, A Soft Thing ^!^L I! '/*> * * When you are drirtig is always enjoyable. Our bujigiet are ensy aivl plei.n.-mt to rule in, neatly tinitlied. atroux and dur.iUe. Call and examine our Nti>ck. Curts and democrats ou eaty ti-ru..-. P<inti..v!. trimming and (inching dune '> order. I claim to sell as durable and g'*l a vehicle al there is mi the market. R. T. WHITTEN. FULL OF ENCOURAGEMENT In Bed 5 Months Had Given Up All Hope of Getting Well A Remedy Found at Last to which '* I Owe My Life." Science has fully established the fact that all the nervous energy uf our bodies is generated by nerve centres located near tho IMUW of the brain. When the supply of nerve force has boon Jiiuiuiahed either by ex'^asiva physical or mental labours, or owing to a derangement of tho nerve centres, wo are Grat conscious of a languor or tired an I worn-out feeling, then of A mild form of n.'i vousuc-w, headache, or stomach trouble, which is perhaps suc- ceeded by nervous prostration, chronic imliX'Mtion, and dyspepsia, and a gen- eral sinking of the whole system. In tliis duy of hurry, fret and worrv, there ore very few who enjoy perfect hrulth ; nearly everyoue has some trouble, uu acho, cr p.iin, a weakness, a nerve trouble, something wrong with the itoinnch and bowels, poor blood, heart diaeaso, or sick headache ; all of which are brought on by a lack of nervous energy to enable the different organsof the body to perform their respective work. South American Nervine Tonic, the marvollousnorve food and health giver, is asatiafy ing success, a wondrous boon to tired, sick, and overworked men and women, who have suffered years of discouragement and tried all manner of retnodius without benet. It \ a modem, a scientific remedy, and in its wake follows abounding health. It ia unlike all other remedies in that it is not designed to act on the different organs affected, but by its direct action on the nervo centres, which are nature's little batteries, it cauaea an incre**ed supply uf nervous euergy to be generated, which in its turn thoroughly oils, as it were, the machinery of the body, thereby en- abling it to perform perfectly iu dif- ferent functions, and without tha slightest friction. If you have been reading of tho re- markable curea wrought by South American Nervine, accounts of which we publish from week to v. ek, aud are still sceptical, wo tusk you to in- vestigate them by correspondence, and become convinced that tin y are tru to the letter. Such a course umy save you months, poi haps years, of sutfor- ing and anxiety. Tho words tlmt follow are strong, but they emanate from the heart, and speak the sentiments of thousands of women in the I'niled States and Can- ada who know, through experience, of the hailing \irtuea of tho South American Nervitm Tonic. Harriet E. Hall, of Waynetown, prominent and uiuch rt*pecied lady, writes as follows: " I owe my life to the great South American Nerving Tonic. I have been in bed for five months with a scrofulous tumour iu my right side, aud suffered with indigestion and nervous prostration. Had given up all hopes of getting well. Had tried three doctors, with HO relief. The first bottle of Norviue Tonic improved mo so much that I was able to walk- about, and w few bottles cured me en- tirely. 1 believe it is the best medi- cine in tho world. I caunot revotn- uiend it too highly." Tired woiueu, can you do better than become acquainted with this) truly great remedy t For 8>al< toy AVm. 1C

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