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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1895, p. 7

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TIE NEWS Hi NUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST PROM ALL OYE3 THE WORLD. lienM ak*elw>w,r*waC*e*trr. firrti Brltal*. Ibe tali' 1 stales, auJ 1!Parta of ike (.!.. Ceadeasea) a*>4 lusried for Katr B>aUa*v Arehbiihop Langavin will visit Rome. Th Canadian team won 850 at Bit- 7- A DIW ga* well has been struct: at Tort Erie. High Constable Hunter of Wentworth Oouniy, it dead. Hon. Dr. Montague ha* gone to the Kastsrn State* to recuperate. Hamilton Beach raiident* are petitioning fo* annexation to ih city. Mr. William Chamber*, an *ld soldier, lied at Dreed*n at tbe ags of 108 yeari. Mr Michael Benoit, General Manager of La Buque Nationals, ha* resigned. Mr. J. A Koy'i safe wa* robbed at f?2,00 at Cornwall The Government i* taking itep* to bring the French treaty into operation. Mr. Alex. Mousteau of LAvaltne wai killed by the explosion ol a beiler in hi* reamery. Reduced rate* on hay ibipped from Manitoba to Ontario have been ordered by the G H. R Sir Adoiphe Caron I* acting Premier daring Mr Mcienzi* Boweli's visit to she Hortn.WVst. At Hamilton a laly of about 27 yeari, nams unknown, stepped off a car, fell and died shortly alter being picked up. Mr. Murdoch M Lead, freight claims agent of the Grand Trunk at Montreal, is dead. Mr. Xichola* Flood DV. M.I*., of Regioa, wa* married at Ottawa to Mil* Lizzie Reid. A dividend of 37 per cent, will be paid to tnsoreditor* of tne Manitoba Commercial Bank. Four important cuatom* official* at Hamilton have received nonce of super- annuation Kev. Dr. Davis of .Springfield, Mo., ;..* accepted the pa*torat*o' EmmanutlChuicn, Montreal. Tbt Canadian Pacific authorities have application* from Manitoha farmer* for 2,000 men to work in tie harvest tieldi. The name of the Queen's Aveuue Methodist Ciuireh hat bceu change.! to tbe ''London Mstropolitan*'. Church. T-e pde*tal forth* Maedonald memorial at Kio^ston will not be ready in lime Tb* sanitary condition of the White- ch.j.ei ,1 is' net of London ha* become I'remely bad owing to th. thort w.ter supply. F.fteen thousand dollar* hat so far been rabearibefl for the te*timonial to Dr. W. O. Grace started by the Daily Telegraph. - i lire Ahiugdon" Baira't race course and farm near Hull, on woiou be ipent :i7",'j, were sold recently fora r.l.e more than $.',<).' >f. Leproey isiuoreMing in Iceland in an alarming manner according to th* Jesuit mitiiocary, Father Sveinason. last year a Dauun physician, snt by th* Government, examined one- third oi the island an i found 141 lepers. Five abort autograph poem* by Robert Born* were sold recently in lodon tor ; three long letter* for $370, and three short onee for $105. At the tame line seven letter* of Sir Walter Scott were told for about $27.50 apiece. Robert Coonibe*, th* *i ler of the two boy. charged with mnrdrnng their mother ma.nburbof London, and a half-witted man named Fox have been committed foi Nathaniel, the younger boy, gave trial. evidence of tnecrime. In the inventory of Prof. John Stuart Blackie's estate th* copyright* amiunt only to $426 ; " Self Culture' i* valued at I23U ; " Th* Wisdom of Uoetbe" at $100 ; 1 " Tbe Lays of the Highlands" at $'.!.'> : and . __. " - " ' ttL If it announced that Japan has adopted a pal ey of delay in n*r foreiga affair** in the hope of getting th* supnort at the Salisbury Government against Ruvtia. The German Consul at TiDg.ers has been paid th* sum or tiity thousand dollar* a* indemnity upon the part of Morocco for th* murder of a German trad*r named Rockstron. A* a result *f th* general e ecuon* in Xew South Wales, the Government have a majority, mclud.og the Laboar party of tnirty-six votes. The Free Trad* party will be strong in th* new hoase. Th* Bulgarian Government ha* been making secret enqu ries mto> the murder of ex. Premier 3tambulotf, and a* a result it is c. a>med tne tact* elicited (how that the crime wa* an act of private vengeance. Th* Kmpreis of Auitria hat paid the -xiense* of th* Austrian poet, Mme. Jonanna Ambroeiut, at a German batbmg reiort for four weeks, and tlao sent her for four week* to the mountains of Swit- zerland. Germany doe* not make appropriations to cat down weeds for la.'.y larmers. bnt it* schools are provided with wail map* representing weedt in their natural colon, in i showing how their leeds are scattered. German farmers are taught to make war on all wseds with a minimum of labour. 250 YEARS OLD " Th- Scottish Highland." at on.y $ti.25 There i* reason to belie** that Mr. 1. L. Huddarfi scheme for th* fa.t Atlantic -' ' ' * *"-aa Cel.n- and Pacmc mail *erv,ce* u making h*ad- toM ' " ' t* way at lait. Lord Ripon, befor* leaving There are eel fisheries on ths Su Law- the Colonial Otfice. left a mem .rindum r . nce R4VBr oo tne Canadian suls.that hav strongly urning the ma'terapon Mr. Joetpn Chamberlain, hi* luccetior. A de.patch from London lay* then i* good authority for Hating that the Brituh (jovernment ha* agreed to grant a subsidy, wni-b, in conjunction with the aid gran'.eil by the Canadian and Governments, will enable the Halifax and Bermuda oa'ul* to be extended to Ihe We.i In-iiea. The great wheel at Earl't Court, London, an imitation, on a larger icale.ol the Fern* wheel of Hie World'* Fair at i i a^o, stop- ped on Wednesday eveuing and imprisoned crowds of passengers. Several hours slapaed before the wneel could be moveil. and it was not until next morning that the excited passengers sver* re eased. CMTrD T*T*x. The Humans Society of Piltsburg hat decided that younu liirN mult cease selling paper* on the i re*::. An exp.'.s on ot tre damp in a We*t- phalia nuiu- kuled 32 and injured over a n in ired. been in operation ev*r line* the Norman colon.*'* cme lo Caua.ia 2.*><) ago, and ar. conducted to-day *xactly a* they were in the day* of th* colonists. They are the most productive eel fisheries in the world, and are object* of much curiosity to tour.sts on the St. Lawrence during th* ( arly tall, when the nsn -ries are in operation. The sheltered bays and eituarie* of the - . awrence, wun wide, mu'ldy beauhes, ar* wreie the bell eel fiahenei are. From I hi^h water mark to low water mark on I th-e b*ache* a wicket fence, matin by weaving 'ritr.T,.d sailing*, ah/ut an men j in diameter, very nui(iy among pright ' stakes, I* *el in ihe mud. These stakes < are tour feet high and set a :oo'. aud a half aparu The fence is male in p-nsU of Ten 'or convenience iu removing aud repairing. Each panel u a rough trtme oi two ueam* held together by cras- THE HEP'S EARLY LIFE A WIERD ST^RY OP MURDERER HOLMES' YOUNGER DAYS. era ao.l Raise,! *s*i ihr Bills ef >rw H^Dip.nlf- f. rr ir.l WBrsi l>r leans I* a llrtKhl !( W*SB 'ml-'re i>l>appraraa>-r iresu Home- tils Xamr la Hrrmau C. Huil^-l Tear*. Hr B*v._ Mis Arrrsi ! Beat** The following very interesting story ot Holme*' early career : reprinted from the Philadelphia Press : Up among th* bill* of New 3amp*hir*, wher* the sterility of tbe soil and the rigours of the climate produce a hardy jommuuity, :nur-d to loll and noted for the simplicity and spirituality ef it* every- day life, there devsiopr.l into mannood about twenty year* ago a youth to whom the path of evil teemed te be unknown. Hi* life wai a* limpie and a* common- place an a plain New England lad could find it bred upon a farm. From infancy up to the period of en gaging ia life''* strug. le* ni* associations were pure. The brea-a of evil had never croawd tb* three- hold of this rustic home. An atmoipher* of peaoe and a spirit ef deeply mora' reverence pervaded it, and witnin tbe ihadow of thi* wholesome induenc* a character wa* formed in which it seem* almost impossible for ths seeds of depravity ever to Lave been implanted. By nature the child reared IB such sur- roundintts bore the early s'amp of piety. Hit boyhood wa* especially marked for the absence of the usual muchievou* propens- ities which boynood i* proa* to. He wa* what tn* community, and particularly the maternal portion of it, would designate a good boy. He had ne vicious trait*. U report i* to be credited, tae conduct of hi* youth wa* marked by onedience and defer snce . nil [.mreti 1 *, and an Mtimable eat at tna little village acnool h* attended not far from hi* home. HIS laKLT aUKBJidS, A* '.he yean multiplied and time drifted by at a lazy pace, the little N'ew Hamp- snire village took delight in tn* nuptiaii wnicn muled inis promising boy, now cloee to man'* eetale, to a bright young woman oi that lo.-aiit^. The wedded pair w*r* very youug. A stnk* of carpent.nit tnreatened in pi-cos nailed from on^beain to the other, Boston nex- Srptemwtr. Tnev dtnttnd an ei|fht bourt' day and an increase of w.ges, Ka-.*ea women .ay they 'li boycott al' kinds of pi - r.:.,rrn and an other good works untd men concede to them the oe.iot. and t o ami one-half foot long. One beam I i* punctured witn hole* at a distance to ' correspond v> itn the space between tne e'.ate* of the woven w> r, and into tha>e j hole* tne it-aiea an driven. In tn* parallel ity. Th* In the course of hi* aeMndeae* it im diael lrctur*s he must at tone time hv* been obliged to provido hi DIM if with a cadaver. It ha* been tnggented that perhap* his fir** file* step wa* the theft ot a oorpa* from a gravaysrd, and that undr evil influence* he may nave iwen led into an undertaking to iwindl* insurance oocnpanw* by (*M iub*titution of dead bodies. Onn* started in tne path or erime, no wa* anabi* to extricate himself, or, psrhapi. Kill goaded bj pecuniary necessity, he plunged deeper. The dopth to which ke ha* gone, the an* thorium are now desperately trying to discov r. In the Xew Hampthir*) village to-day where Mudqett waa born hit .i^n'ry with toe man now imprisoned andor to* name of H. H. Holmes i* doubted by some of tn* old resident*. It i* laid tnet his father, who i* bordering on eighty yeari oi ue, behave* him, even ac this time, to M dead. The ditappearan of If udgett from hi* N'ew H .mp.nire home fifteen year* agp ha* a sequel. Due ctormy mgnt in Novemoer la*', a stranger climbed the frozen mils n. r wner* the village lie* and hastoned to too duor of a gotten*. The night wa* dark and cold, and the stranger wa* given shelter. It wa* Mudgett. \ViUiin the cottage at which he oalled were tne wif* er'hi* youth and the child he bad never a* en, <moe grown to bo a stout lad. H* said h* had been Incarcerated ia a* asylum a* a pauper lunatic (or a number ei year*. H* had LOST ALL MEMORT and all trace of the past through this pe- culiar misfortune, he Mid, when by some mexphcabl* circumstance his reason and hi* memory returned to him in an instant, and ne wa* brought back to run-self. Tne return *f hi* faculties wan iik* the datn of a light, he amid, and it brought him back te the old day* when he left hi* New England home. Hi* wife, who had become divorced, out who bad not remarried, wa* *verwhelm*d by tn* surprise, it it *aid, and became hysterical with )oy. The strange story of tbe sudden stroke of insanity wa* imp! 'fitly believed, nut only by ths long-dererted wife. Out by the people of the vilisg*, Tilton, in winch she wee living !at >*- bembcr. After relating this story, Madgett declined to accept the hnepralry of ni* wife's noatt oo tuat *old and Bloomy night, wnen he returned a* suddenly a* thongll a meteor had dropped from the iky. H* sa. i ne mutt haeun to *no village of Gil manton, :o see hi* parent*. He left mat night, ml the next time he wa* neerd ot be wa> IB Bo* ton. He waa fleeing from an. I wa* (earchinii fora hiding- place than an i the BftMl groom wa* little more | when n* vinted (he home of hi* deeerted bride wa* yountfer. A wit.- and ton. He was su.'weqnently traced new career opened to the young man, who bad be*n tbe mod*) yoatn of ths place, bat at it* veiy thrvcnoid a* found a haary to Boston, where the detective* finally cla*d in upon him, tod brought him :e thie city during the investigation of tn* I eonacie in i..t pain. H* wa* poor. r.l in*nnnoe conspiracy. The irony Hi* life had Deen spent within the shadow of fate overtook him. If he had divulged beam three holes are rjored, slanting. * lne '^ homestead, and hit days had to noons his intention of vieiting bio old Turee brace* ar ran from the top of e*ch ** n "> "> ton en a rarm. Lit* presented home iu New Hampshire, He -night hav* 'panel tne ower endi of the iirace* being " PP Ttumtiei within the narrow horixon been secure, there to-day, hiJmg from tn* > unveiling ti Decision bit been given at Wetniogton | h , H Dy t he tlantmg hu i. . lne awMtol*' N "' w England village that prom.sed world, where ne wa* only known a* Holme*. tba- there is no law to prevent t tie impor- beam, the upper end uf earn brace having I T her advancement or ricne*. and the soul But h* told hi* associate* in the West The Forty-!**venth Battalion has bcn utiou of ': .s for the propose i Atlanta, * hole bored in u wnioh fits ovr the topi ' thiB yo-inu benedict signed for other wbere h* wai geing, and h* wa* tracked thoroughly reorgtniMd. There will iu , i.eorgia, bull fignt. stakes. fie. da. An ambi' ion filled him to there by the officer* of the law. beon.y (even compame*. instead of ten. j An Indian war na* broken out in Idaho. These pan. is are withe.i to each other at ' phy*ieian. and with oommendable grit' * l*''- land, after a whit* family of three ha.1 ln the end*, making . :ence acros* the beach, ' and determination ne puihed out in the The crop bulletin about to be iwued by killed, tne sett.ers puriued and *lew *.x of , *nm*time* SOU jar.1* long. At interval* of f'd to win the reward oi hi* hopea H* the Diparimeat of Agriculture of Manitoba u,e ndiant. ' lour feel a siaae u driven into th* ground ! "O"*" an opportunity lo study medicine THE MICROBE FIEND. nl rsiimate tl* iliioo bushels. wheat crop at thirty L - Mn ,, r \V alien, of the Dime Savings B.i., \Vi:iitn* tic, Cron.. na* disappeared, Prof. McF.a.:nran. who hat returned to and mere u a inorta** of at lea* I twsnty- Ottawa fmm the X .rtn-West. reports that , (II tho-j.and dollars. the cattle bu. ness la Alberta it In a molt The , a , wl pro ;. c , ,. .lertric railway! i* flourish U* condition. , ,, from chi.-a'go to j, ew Yoik, hicn it Mr. William J. Robertaon, who ha* ju*t , ( a n i, wul rvduce me lime oetween compleled a term in Montreal Jill, i* re- tiiose citirt to ten hours. ported lo have inherited $7;i.OU<' from an aunt in Toronto. James Wall has been committed for Manager tt * of the Detroit Railway Oornpauy. toriueriy of London, rengmed nit f2,'.i*> pocition from cunscitnious trial oo a charge of shooting James Nealon scruples agamtt working <.u Sundays, at tne Tremooi Hou.e. Hamiltou. Nealon < Oharyci o ( t(re*i cruelty are preferred id re ovtjrinu. lagainci the othcen having tn* management Lisuteaant-lioternor Daly, of Nova of thr workhouse in I'itttburit, Pa , in Scotia, whoe term of office txpired on t lie womo are cononcd 'or minor <*rt of thi* month, has been reappointed oiieocei. Son;* of the pun shii.eiit* indicted There It Bti.slaa Verier vtj* Find* along th* fence and reaching huh above it. '" "> university at Ann Arbor, Michigan, ; ikr tlr (taia>*ee.ove tr. t* the TV*e stakes support net that it fastened b 7 toiling for bis tuition and thitnsr he < ukle fas 4 to the top of thi rencr. aud nsei W the tips ***< r t ^ m , BC wadeys that when a anentist of the atske. TUN net. the fence being When he went away fall of determination entirely under water .fa en 'he fishing ,, to carve a path far himtelf in th. worid n. drw, a htu. r*creat,ou or to fill in *om. done. 1* to present tne eel* when coming Dore toe stamp of a homely-clad rustic. Ha spare time, he puhshe* up bis microecope, down with ttie tide front passing owe* the kn * nothing of the world, except that h* ,hrp*ns hi* pencil and begin* a vigorou* weir and escaping. There are varioni ho P d *> conquer it. He oarri.d with him opening, in the ietice, to wuich the eel*, u n 'y * parting affection, ^nd the bleating they re' urn toward the earth after microbe*. H.t hunt i* alway* sea, are led by j f I* ** <! o& i arentsTwho. mghil7,"in *'<> * ">g successful judging from past placed wing*, which terminate '" obeervanc* of famiiy prayer., invoked reeult* no matter where h* look, far th*i in itrona boxee, three :eet wide, three feel th protection of Providence tor him when , or th ._ naT , o.,,, f onnl j , clothing, he bad gone. He left benind the iweet . . pioly of the home of hi. birth ^d boynood. buoki - ""P-" ' Dd '""" t . hll ' th HU R*TI-BX HOME muuth and throat of every human being After the lap*, of an interval. wnlch they sreaa.d to exi.tu, incredible number*, seemed like an age to a longing wife, the The late*tcontributorto therapidly grow- good young man of tb* New Hampshire ing mass of information regarding microbe* high, and six fee; long. The eels appear in I ne 8k Lawrence with the tide* of late September or early October. If Xhe tide come* in the la*t week I September tn* eel tihi- g will be good for i ui weeks, bat t: it de*n't come until ui loranoood term. by the matron and'h.r a<*..unt* are I the fint week in October then will be ociy JiiUaerelorned to it. H* wa* no looger . Thi Dominion Tradee Congres. will b* ' severe. three weeks' tisniLg. for th. eels never run ' . h<(lne ly.clad rustic. He had been trans held in b don^unnKTheweek commrnc Tn. luve.tic.tion. of I h. police at Chi- arur tn, '.h.rd week in October. If th. formed. A marked f.atnre of hi. attir. "tch. whoe. re*rche* have bn mad. ,n init Septemi>r 2. Atwut one hundred and I oatio and *lswhere show that Holmes, 'id* u attended with hu{h wiudtlh* fi.hmtf , waf a ,, lk nM ^ | M hionaol* shape and hi* the room* and corridor* of St. Petersburg Ifty del* gate* are expected. ' some associates, ha* been guilty of a always superior. It i* no uncommon ,pp r e] bore a stamp of quality that th* bospitalt. The cold weather which frerxe* long er;ei of other crimes in atldilion to 'n n for one of tdese rein to capture j jf ew Hampshire hills wre notfamiharwuh. in* Russian capital during mors -.ban half - aready rep<Ktel. The detective j 3.WW se.s in one runout l.SOOis the average , p ortun . teemed to have oast an *ye of th* year seem* to have had a favourable Fourteen mnnuacrpt* have beei. submit- ted to the committee of the Dominion Educstion Association entrusted with the talk of selection a hitlory of Cani ia. Cache iakr, more th\n one hundred and ixt* rrilei from Ottawa, i* >pectrd . > be the Katlern terminus ot the Oltaws, Am- |.riur, aad Parry Sound railway for next winter. ca'.ch. depar inenl of T rouio in in a position lo oomp.ft' us cue, and will not trouble about any funnel evidence. -xmienmes th* eels are pac Buim<*i in the United St.... <s well "*** ' ^ e * __ | ._. . ; t w._ . ... n .. n > k. ..^.. . n.i ' removed, an<l wna | is lee* In evid-i'c-e than usuai. Wnne busi- I neseie small compared with ihe [a t two Tb auditors of the suspended Ktnque du i or tnree , n , ml hs, u is enough to *ncouiag* Peuple are preparing a statement of the tll . opening ol many woik. in variouf dir- fiiancial position of IBe institution. It is ea aaa ^ a ^ p rmlt o f , t vsncee in wa<r,. aid tbat hopes are *ntertained of a com- | s am , , eriou , urike.. howevei are happ n- parauvely favoranl* seltlemeot. I mg. ami though "...bour trouble.' on a large soa'e are scarcely feared, such a pon- biiity i* fell to be within reach. R-nr t , i., .uu, u . i r ortun* seemed to nave oast an eye ol the year seems to have had a [avouraoie One fa.l 1100,000 eels were caught f 4?our on t ne upright youth, and th* village effect upon the fecundity oi bacteria, judg- al th* mimtn of the Rivier* Quello alone. , vbl proud to own ked in the box*. He Went ^. t ith difficulty tam.d for tbm Mason of the year, and i '>. * ' p.*ure of eel. from . i. raled the m d.ummer aulln.s." within ha. freeuently been ao great a. to prmg tbe heavy pianki. The *.!* at these fisheries are almost uniformly of two pounds weight, although specimens weighing near- ly tan pound, hav. been takeu. The eel. are packed in barrel* whole and salted and in fifteen day* are ready for market. The him. tn Michigan, and again ing from the figure* given out by thi* learneu scienli*u It i* a matter of common belief that the air of habitation* coot* in* an extraordin- ary quantity of micro!**, but a quantity mob vario* continually, for when the air Ths tieambarge Glenora has ai'otnei and mrre sericus nreak < 'or u* all t'anal than as mad* by the caused in th* Tramc will be returned to New Hmptnir, to settle down to the cfiiiet and respectable occupa'.on of a rural physician. A few years be lived with hie wife within the ihadow of hi* pareDt*' nome. H* had become changed i perfestly (till *ue number may be reduoed somewhat. From a quiet, reserved, and to almost tero. But when Mie air wai agi- aomewbat proudiih boy, he became a man tated and filled with duet by dry sweeping of lurprming activity, a* ihe later devel- an j dustmu, Ur. Maximoviuch found that oomenle of hi* career giv* th* tallest it contained about 40i',l'"0 bacteria to the farmer* who live along these shore* make .,.,,,, o(> an< i in many wayt became a cubic yard. He therefore concluded that n..,rai iwanawd triAit- waVavtaat* ffitttt V\ J v*al nfl>nf >.!__ * _t more from their water front by eel than they do from their farm., although of injury lo leal are believed to be mud. propeller Ocean recently, deiaysd for some time. 1'iowniog accidents were uunicn u. At Ottawa three *oos of Mr. Bropby and a eon of Kev. Mr. Winliel i were upset in a Bsilboat and drowned, a lad uumed Miall being rescued ; and at I hatham tiiree IIKMKAI mall boys were drowned while ta'.hing. Tb. f*aiure in th. dry K oods situation .. . Th Porle , h " r ""* d """"'T to th.v.ry .trong ton. dt v.loped in all lioet | Armenian ,.ol meal primner^ of dumesuc and British and luiemu mauu- ' The K-iedive, it u announced, will pay a xaggerved. Cot. on is steady, iron and steel are advancing, copper alto it dearer. Co ton and woolleu gocxii are in belter demand, and wool it scarce in ihe ejfern markete. As a rule, the tendency of prices i* upward, and the business outlook good. tithing never last* more than one month. lectures, and ths number of edvai>ce* reported in lines for the fall and wintsr trad*. The general superintendent ot the Can- adian Pacific railway ha* received very favorable report* as lo the condition of the cropi IB the province* and territories. Hay, howsfar, in no*l place* in Ontario, u a total failure. OKIAT BRITAIN. The Qu*r r. ha* gou* to OtDorn*. Lady France* Rote Gunning wa arrest- ad in London on a charge of forgery. Rev Alfred Dann, Cannon of Limerick Cathedral, ha* been appointed asemao' minuter ot St. Paul'* (.Church, London. Larg* Ailavntic steamer. are BOW berthed close lo the wharf al Liverpool, and th troublesome lender i* dispensed with. Th. Right Rev. Anthony Wilson Thorold, D. D., Bithop of Winchester, ia dead. He Wat in his *eventy.rirst year. Th* appointment of lien. Lord Robert* to th* command of her Majesty's forces iu Irs aad k" -ceivd royal aoprovai. vititioSt. Petersburg after leaving Con itantinople. Australia has a population of less than 5,1 OO.UOO. but economists declare it could lupport IUII.MK. .((>. Spain it preparing to send very heavy reinforcement* to her army in Cuba at an early date. Is moving large bodies of iroop* toward th* frontier* of Manchuria an 1 Corea. The Japanese will demand 7,500,000 additional indemnity from China for aban- doning Liao Tung. In India every resident muil, under penalty af fine.have hi* name written up at the n trance to hi* bouse. Kleven pupils of th* Canadian College at Rome, having finished their studio*, started for Canada on Monday. Tne immigration of Russian Hebrews is being turned from the Argentine Republic to the western United Stales Serious righting i* reported in Cuba, and i* I* s.i i 'n i 1 G neral d* t'imnos ha* )*en outmalched >>y the insurgtnt leader. The Sudz Canal. There are sums interesting point* in the Suez Canal figures tor 1894. Th* year's receipt* amounted to T8,9A1,000 fr. , and, alter deducting expenaet, misreet, and { ceil in Moyamenciug prison. Hi* name i* sinking fund. th( re remain* a balance of arman K. MudgetU Thi. it a true 40,367,' 00 f r. The teport Mate* that 336'2 hip*, of 8, 0.19, 175 too*, passed throuahthe totally di : erent character One day while hi* wife was about to become a mothsr, be disappear'! from the New Hampshire village a* suddenly and completely a* a faint liar ranisnes IB tbe iky. Th* child wa* born but the father nevej rame back, and h* wa* MOCRMO AS DBAO. To-day that father lie* pent in a dismal canal la*t year, conveying 106,980 paeeen gers. (>f them there mutt be even a greater quantity of microbe! where the dual cam* from th* ttotr. That hi* theory was correct is mown by tbe uartling results of his investiga- tion*. In th* room* which were exceptionally ; well oared for and swept daily ih* doctor found in the Boor from 1 1,000,000 to .14.. 000,000 microbe* per square yard of sur- fs c*. In th* uegiected corridors, however, and those which were cleaned at longer intervals, the scientist discovered that there lurked 290.000,000 of these " onu tan ' in every square yard. A gramme of dust (about three-tenth* of an ounce light, hours record of the early life of th* man who under the name of H. H. Holme* furnishes furnish** to b* gaze of the world a phase of criminality that is unfathomable, This .. ! conspirator and suppoa*! murderer rev-., a'oirdupoi.) taken from the*, latter roo . * P ' at this period of his lif. traite of villainy contained, so thedoctor at leatt ' M.OIIO.OOO micYobee. to know that meet of barmleet, but after l . , I * L kUawl LT*3t '/* VI 111*1 tliw/ UIWSIHSW v* 'IIISBsUJ _ /WW1 1 viously mad* th* passage, and 31SO paaeed , thalar6 , pp li D g. Turning tohm parentage, W.W^.OOO micYobea. through at night by the aid of th. electric j k^TCI lne tran, of hi* boyhood. I* "-" " light. The a**r*ge time of tranut wa. 19 , , .:.-,, .O.-LMOO*. anhenomenon the*e microbe* are 95 minBlea. The averags lonnags per tbip is steadily increasing, ><'i.i Forty-five passage* were made and i* now by II .hip* with petro^um in bulk. After .peaking of th. dredging operation*, etc.. tii* report touch.* on the rise in the rate of exchange with greater activity Asiatic oonntriee the and all bis early associations, a phenomenon of character present* itaslf tbat it hard to comforting the reader with thii statement, the Ruman savant again alarms him by Ther. .. no taint .1 criminality i. the -ymgth.t in th,. hospital d of this man. His parent, show -<ToU of tub*rculo.i. and pneumonia family f transports, and ths increase of 76,OOD,0(X> fr. iu the Knglisn trad, with the Far Ksu Jute, raw ooltoo and wool figure in 'hit increaae. Auctralian traoe ha* al*o improved, e*p*oialiy the export of butter and fruit. The Meosa- genes Maritime! paokcte will DOW make on* hundred and twenty-six voyage* an- nually instead of 100. Of th* $352 (hips using the canal, 23X8 were Knglub, -J9H (ierman, 101 Dutch, ISo French, 78 Aus- tralian, 6.'( Italian. 41 Norwajiian, 35 Rut- tian. 33 Turkish, 'Js Spannh, 6 Japaaee*. " American, 3 Kgypiian. 2 Portugueee, and J Vcaraguan. one of the mental phases which crimmolo- gist* class among the indirect causes of depravity in the development of criminal t**' 10 ' were encountered, and that theis is every rttton to believe that luch and oiner oea> iimnni may therefore be Irene- by in saw uwvviuumvub oi criuiinai ** . .. . ., i hnee. 1* i. ^d tbat if m viait were mad. ".tied through the m^liurn of th. irnpal. to the Mudgett homestead in (Jilmanton. Pbl. dust which float, in ths atmoephere. N. H., and enquiry made among all the traceable connection* of th* family of tb* man now imprisoned pending the invetti* cation of desperate crime*, nothing would be met with but pious, God-fearing people. It is inexplicable tbat a man geiliy of tb* criminal atrocitie* tbat are laid to the account of Holme*, who** right nam. i. Mudgett, should have such a family origin. A TH K RT A theory has been advanced that Mud- Self-Respect Mr. rnnker Waiter, another bottle. gett's nrsistepin crime wa* do* to poverty. Bay, waiter ! Waiter Tea, *ah I Mr. Drinker Say-.r-i* my no** getting red? Waiter Y-e-e. sah. It s, .an ; to >ay, *ah. Mr. Drinker Hum t That won't Never do at all. Send out and get yachting cap.

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