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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1895, p. 4

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THI rtlltflTll TADAHCI KBTAITLtSHRO 1881 lia ejelaahe* that The Profcaaor wa bnck among bin tnlobitea, c^patbophyllida, apir- feridH and calymenr* once more, and it ere sacrilege to bring him back from 1* early dwn of lift to the prtaent ge f diaappointmenta ai.d- -bicycle*. W. H.T. A Washington Letter. PUBLISHED WIIKLT AT THK OFTlfl. MT>- KNHAM STHIKT, PLKHUKHTOM, tl.ST , BY W. M. Tin l.>r,.x (1 prr :i n mi in. -i r it-il \ In adranrr Advertinng Rates: OM folumn. 1 yf>ar. SSO ; halt col.. 1 year. VST quarter col . one year, *15. Tranaient a<lTprtl>i>miit charnd at the rate f S cent* per hint for flntt Inaertlon aoJ 3 ceuta e.oli aubaeqneat lunertion. Dif jing an Oxsuary. New The Proleinor and The Amateur Dug lor Indian Relka. The Profoaaor and The Amateur were out on H Mitntner Urk. Thi-y were out dir fun, but incidentally to do a little ex- ploring, botanizing, fimsilizinz and relic hunting. The Profeiaor hud received uinute initruction* an to the exact lifii of what a rustic aaid wax an Indian huiial mound or octtunry. Al tliu was rivht iu the IVifevuir't, tyiithophylliiU, |>inferi,ls and calymenea were t,,Ully f m L'I ! I en f,-r the time in.l The Amatear waa . rder-'l in jump into a i*nt for a ride up the river. After a hearty bit of eirrciae at the onin the boat grounded and a aortie wax iiiid.- in order to diacover (he latt rent my place of our 'eatuemetl Huronian prctleceaaofa. A aht.ut from The Fri fetaor br''ii^lu The Amateur to the *|><>f ,.n a i|uick run. " You aee tin mound," aaid The Pro tuunr. "It it about three feel Ui);li,v.'ht fert in dmnrter and covered with II.IH-. I have never yet ntticiated al rmurrection of tbia kind where tht- Htouea were an plentiful, but tin* mint have beei > wing Ui the light, andy nature of the toil, and in order to prevent wild nnimnla from digging up the rtmaini. You wil '.Inrrve that thuae atonrn arc |,>r<'i|{B t, the riciiiity-and mny have been brt, light nilt'H in Kirch Imrk ranoea to protect tht uxMii.a 1 The Hurtui Indian held ag<an< funeral evrty ten or twelve yeara, when tho Uiiien of ihtmff that had ditil in tin uiterim were exhumed, acrapvd, tied ii i .11. die*, ninl at a ureat nil ni Jit pow mow were ro interred in oo pit witl rl ir ln-loiiL'iiiKa. Tina n, tlrmlitle*n, I pit of ili.ti nature, aii'l we are ^iiatiKaMt in Miiti. i|,.iiiii-,' a rich Im, I in Indian curi oiiliim. I'oiwiMy u may aecunt aome i jlu:tlil,- ro|,|.<-r ketllw, kuc-li n are t" Ii. aeon in the Cnnadian it ute. Mriny in, h hitvi- U-.-ii ilu-.' up in tlii* diiUrict Take the apade and din " Nnw if there in one thine '" the world that The Amateur deteata more thai nnothor it if* ihovelliiur. Moreover, ln> . >,; nlilc to njM>rnte the iiintraiueul on cienlilic lini:i. The Pifeaor waa |>r UHtlcil that much valuable tiuio woul 7'o the Editor of The Advance. DEAR Sin At I V>ok over recent iues of Tin- Advance, which roaches ua regularly every week and i* aa welcome an a tetter from honie, I IK, tier that On- ariu ia hariii^ a dry spell ; and a* I hiul promiaeit yoa a letter sunie time at{o, 1 thought I had better let you know IMW e arc Ketting alonj{ out h,ue. Kirst, I mi){ht aay tliat we have had a spell of dry weather nuraelvea, having only had two iinall Hhowen Mince aeotlini;. How- ever, although we have not a big crop, we have a fair average crop of cereala,nd aa usual enrtal>le. and fruit are au im- mt-niie crop. Thin country haa proven to be a Kit-Ht fruit country, and in a year or two nxire we will have to bet-in to ex]t.nt. We can grow all kind* of applea, plunif. prunea, peara^ pvatchea, aprictita and cherriei. Small fruita are wonting on the buHlion tliis year on account of their abundance, liut it i.s not all suiul.iiid l.i !> The linaiicial crisis that Htruck I'lit-le alnjiir three yean airo reached un out lit-re, 1 ut nut no heavy M in aoine of thu e<u>turn alatea. However, it waa Mith i.-rt to tiaanuially cripjile a v'lfwt many |.e,ylc nt liuaineM, also Urge frmei vtt. i,,l heavy 1, *m-. Yet il wny prcnru a l,le*Hinii to the country in many wyi, itx all n.tttn-cored baiika anA money-inakiiii! iuatitut|,,na have g*ie tlirniii^h. I', -t.ple have lemued to ec'.no- nrti-, 1,11-41. - >t the country l..i noiked into 11 cati Hyitteni, and lutereit ha cone il,,wn lr> ui eulitcvii to telve |. r ctnt. Lr^e fnrnta-nt utfered lii'> ily ,,11 >\cc.,uut 4 tin- low pi ,-i- of wheat, a* that ia our u-l itaple. K, r three nucceuive yean we havu Iwi-n aellini; wheat IM'|,.W the actual i,| production. Two yeara :,;.. I 'H,I .i"i dmtliela at a loaa of lifieen ft-iita |K-r Im-lirl. I Imvt aeeti X-i 1 wheat atild |..r lifieen i-.-i.f-. (XT l>*>ln-l. il lit nw w..rh thirty live conta. \\ i- can crow wheat with a pmtit at fully cenlH per biinhel, as we UH tht-laleat and Lent inipr iv. ,1 machinery. In older to iiive your r,"ult-n an idea uf tl.u manner of funning lure wo will take a look at my neighbor M ...i,- aa they ., out to ulow in the apring Firat we notice on iln- field two iranx pliMri with ix IIOIHI-S on each plow aud a boy pin-hid on a Hjuii.g aeat to diive, each plow turninu two I t in. Ii futTuwa. Next Cornell Jack with thru* h'irata on a 14-inch walking plow. IMowinir done, next we aee a I'J f.~,t aettltr, followed l.y two 1C, f,,,,t harrowa, each tlrawn by four hnmvn, and a Imy on the " l.uiri. ain- iltvk " of a k)-uao (IM.II, y) driving eich team. Next t-.Miiea hru-M-Nt, which H eaily aril quickly avcoinplUhed with a 12 fool lu-v'ei n. H, In, e which cuta a U-fn.,1 awklh ano i* operated l-y aix men and The Markets. Csreftally Corrected Each Week Flour $ 5 00 to $ B 00 Fall Wheat . S|,nn- Wheat Barley 31 to 31 Oats Pea. Butter vi-d l.y handling (lie ahovwl liimw.lf, lelv hon*.. Tht-y can cut andataok iui'1 lie fell t.i with n onvfxy born of . iiilnumtiii. The at >nc and dirt f\i\j rut 'led lu they whirled out, while Tim Amateur Ml "i'ii ily by mul mnokrd and ,v,ii.|i..| with i'lw eya f,>r the n-lna t<> turn up After thirty minutes' vigorou* m.rk Tim Pr,'feHinr rented from Ida .a!,-,- - and queried of Tin- Aniali ui if lie luul diacovi-red ai. filling TV-re. wa littlt' (Hie <>f relicti lying on tl,e ground. Tho ]'i f. ss, .1 |,:t k,-d ii|i ni.d rxninitirtl c ni. -illy llie following Bilicli,H : Two .,1,1, i-tiited, (.Token jeitiiarp ; three 5.if:m old while ilny |.i|, i-ijjht broken l'i! of df!f ware, H xtriMi PI-I, ,l wruu^lii iron nail*, mul t'jrco ijioci s > > I, ..oil iron. The Am.ttrnr waa about re iiuihtiiiK The Pn.faaanr ti np!mn the naut to whi h tl.e aiiuei.l pnl ilit-M- oitlmary rt-ninaiitit rd evidenco* .t cinlir. itiuii, lit!hi!{ under lli ini|ireii8i,>ii ihat jewa|iar|.n ui.,1 iltlf mid . 01,1,011 wlntu clay pipe* were not in eieryd.iy u nni"i,'j tin- henllirn Indiana uf _',VI jr.u.H iio, hat in iM:!.iii>iaion if d xguit and linger frvm Tl.u I'n fi-Hr |,. IMIl !"l IlilH thltl it ,t;is I', II.'V In .n.llt cxplaii.ttioii<t ih. '.n to toinpt fii'.it liy M>k <|iiuti, it* tl >tt in k'hl ht< iiiiKinii'i- pn-li-d i|iii/'/.ii>K. Tim M|dMitfa>ll c.iinr, mul in sh.'il wan to tliu rlfi-t t llu.r we hud hut-ia-ili.intixialinxnidMnlyim-ii's in. |.;.i , .t it ii- i he hillliliin/ I a, I I,, en Inn n. d, mi 1 ilu- c!,iiin.i-y falling bud cov ri,-il !! mound u!i atone. to til 31 to 35 hi to 13 to 10 to 50 to 500 to Hay per fin ....... 00 to PntafaMM Pork Hide* Sheepnkina Turkey* ........... Chicken* per |-tir ..... Duck* berjiair ..... Wool ........... 300 to 25 to e to 8 to 25 to 4O to 17 to 14 10 60 ft 15 1000 300 25 6 8 40 60 20 from twenty-live to thirty, live aciot prr tiny. In tliii way frniing call be dour 1'1.,-aplj mid i|iiit k!y. 1 tliink it it a urcal iiuprtivoniont on tin- .<',<[ .tinch plow. 4h. hnr ow Hint Arniir,iii|{ rvupt-r n I ittntw l,iii,lfi.i. Now H >. mil on lli- tiiiii-ii, wt- will iluvti n hlnUi for tin 1 Demerit. At tlie begiiiiiiiy . f hard inn. t I. .'I,. )". 'pin liegnn ',0 liiTo money t>. l>it,li.'f tin-in OTOT, but l)) lii-xl jrnr ilu- luitlije iK-rdutl nil i-xtt-i .-on, HI ii a,, on, Km it I.., k' now it n' j could see the Imnk on Ihu otht-r ri,lj, m,it wo will all b ;;l*il ulien we icicli it. Hut we inn . I I,. !. i ,-|i ,-IHUK in ..ur nJiiilati-titioli. .i\,- !mii hat) riiou.-h of Domocrntiv U.tlill... (in. -lit ITI. k ^01, (I olu I!,- piililiirnii tlnya mul n L-. tl | rice for our wlnitt i.i. ,1 we nre nil ii.lit. Hv ll.t- lime i. i !,i . \,,ii wo will l- nl.i,t I . vt-at. ' W. ti f>; V \N Waah., .luly "M, ''.l.V I'illitliiii.,' ,l..ii n. ,1 f Ai-cor,|nii; to tho I'elt-r (iriihfr, tin- liaitlcMiiikw Kin. V,-i,.-in-jo C., l,iii mi,),, ilif immt in, iijiiu i-oMtnuui IIIHII en-r More It COHNJ-IK of runt, vi-t, Iroiut r, ht, h. an I Hhiit, mul ,H m.I.- ,-iitircly , f llioitl.imi.f r.Utliv-n.ik, i. St-Vfii I, in, died Miukeii, all 1 and i-l in n t'd l,y (ii nti. , ilnii,,^ i| : ,- pant five \v-n-. | i 'Mil,.! ;he mnicriiil for ih -, i.oi 1 1 c-tnif. To |>i .M . tint hril- liniit-y an.) ,'i k tl. \il ih'y of tliu ftkins in tho i;i.At,st IHI.-MI) 1, d ytet 1 , lliu'i were skinm-d ulivf, ',- nndt- uncon A lut'uftt wan mail* In tha boat, and m .i 1>U a l.y i-l,|..i,,-',.r,ii. T.ity w.-n- tl.e M|, i.t'y lie Profuwor took the aloril , tanned l>y a nntlind |.t,. u i.n t-. (iinh, r, OBI, wh.lo Tim AiiM'uiir aaailoi.tly t ,k and are an .H ft nnd vUmiu u I'un . i i L jroiida. The cliilert nt nit, J,s f..r tin* out p In. .,. and rowud five mil.* b ck to * ( ^ m-u- |>y () , cjty ^^ ^ t.iohot.l. No word wan apokt-n, for [ , M ,,d halteia, and the c<tuin i. Thu Aiuatvur noticed from urdernealh \ alued 1 1 fl,000. FARM FOR SALE. IX acre* in the towualilp of Artt-nipaia. Ii lufliM BOta tin- village uf Klt-klirrt n. Otam buildmii*. wau-r In ewry flvl.l. Small orrbard. Tin nn tor. App'j fe FlMhertun. July li 1)6. E. D. Laotan. of Pythias Of Owen Sound, hare arranged for * Days 9 Trip To Toronto and Niagara Falls Via ( 'anwlian I' riftr llailvav Niagara Navi- cati.'ii (V,.. Niagara Full* Klettiu- Railway. Ti. In- friiiii Maik.lal*. Kit hert..n. Proton ati.l Hi.n.lilk (!>,, i n..i K l.i kft.-i i,.">u tiainof "\>"etIn'K<lny, A njy II An. I Muiiiiiift Train of Tlnii -<l:i . \ti- 1 -~ A> fallow! : To reonto i:.".t r tuiuini on al! train) up Cnaii.l ,'f AliK'l-l I'-Ui .............. To Mlefara Tall*- cnod r all Iran uf AUKU-I I;HJ ........ Proai all p.. mil n Ilia I,. n,l n.clu.lini; Hlit-l- kunif. at the uhnal propoi ih.nn, 1 low ralea. Ku* particular! ou I'oatern aa.l Hand Ullai. CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. August 13 and 20 WII.I. 1-1 \ LABORERS' EXCURSIONS To all Point* M>N( lo Moose jaw] Estevan Saltccats of Upon proper Certification pauenfera will he rrturncJ tu alartlag pulnt un peyBMna * *IH IM. THRESHER FOR SALE. Kteain tliit.litr In KIM*! rt |.ilr McPhwraoo'a Atlvalica" K. |, ral. an. I N,i*woi iht t,nimi-- - for aaln chm|> ami o i rtiu>Dal,le t,un Ap|>'y .1 i- IxKalBav .Va\w.'ll I*. O tt. r. MtrriU. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYERS A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQUAL. Statement of Well Known Doctor " Ayer's Hartkp,trllla If without an equal aaa lilooU pur!Di-r ami Spring medicine, anil cannot have praise enough. I liave watched lit effects In chronlo raies, where other treatment waa of no avail, ami bare been n'oiii hcil tt the results. No other blood edlolno that I hare ever naetl, and I hava trlt-il them all, Ii so thorough In lt> action, mul efleeti ao many permanent rurei ai Ajcr's Bartaparllla." Dr. II. F. UKRHILI., Augusta, Me. Onh Admitted at the World'a Ktr. Sarsaparilla FOR FRESH Hi 11. anas, Oranjics, Lemons, Flour, Feed and. Potatoes, -GIVE Tl^IAL. To Smokers T.I m. ,t the wiane* of their caftonwrfi Tht Oee. E. Tuckctt tft Son Co., Ltd.. Hamilton. Ont., have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T& B" SMOKING TOBACCO This svpplies a long felt waut, giv- ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a tt-n cent piece or a 5 ceut \ it-ci of the famow "T& B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every piece. PLRSONSTO TRAVEL. WANTED ScUTil faithful ireiifl.-ineii and l.-wliei. t.i travel for rMlahhuhed hou.-tt-. SALARY 1780.00 AND EXPENSES. i'i*ttion pemmiieiit if nuitetl ; alto in- rrruw. St.ite refrrence and enclov self- addreaaed nt.,iii|.i .1 t-nx .-It.pi-. THE NATIONAL Ji6.Ji7.JiH Oauha BU>., CIIICAOO. BICYCLE REPAIRS When your bicycle is out of order send it tu the BICYCLE INFIRMARY. OWEN SOUND, Where you , .111 have it put in g<M>d idiape. All knuU of repair work attended to al reiuotiable r.itn. JAM. M. WILKO.V \v t v r r n * " <>o< ' in *" in v ur <"trict to 'I/Ill I P. I/ reprunDiil tliti Punthlll Nuner i ana.U llvrr Till ,t.-rt" Tlit. lar^eat in tho Domlulon. r..,iti..n poruianeut. Kalar> or ooaniiiealoa to rl l,t men. \\iil tl,. iiK-1-t-a.Miii,- .l.'iuand lor fruit a |>oal- tiou with ua a >aleaiuaii will |v vt n bvt..r tliaD fniiaciiiK In farm work. Hvnd u* \,.in applleatlon BJid we will aeVBW you Low toeaiu Stliool te4M>h*r< I Ita Vt tha tliinx for >on dortnl tin- -nuinier. Writ.- f..i part-cular* STf.NK 4 WKI.U.MiTOS.Tuu,r.t,.. Out Flesherton Planing U now in active ,,p<-ialiiiii and prepar id to tin ii oiii aiiy mi u, illy ,,f Krst claaa work, ailch itai|,H,;, att.,uMin^a,tit>oriii|;<, itc. Ba 11 cl : s jt w i 11 JL; , Turning IVnio l>> criler. \NV alio nntnu' u-tnr, HDI-IMVL-S. (live UN tout order for any in nur Inn-. Beecroft & Sloan. FltSaEBTDS STEII n. R. & co. Onr prices for the following are ezactly Uie same as Simp*x>a> of To- ronto advertise them to-day at tltti*' clearing sah- : bcotcli Zepliers for blouses or suit- ing!) 1?4 cents. Tokio Pougees. small figures, cleat - ing at 12J cents. J)rvss Ducks in pink ant) Wne sputa and figures 10 cents. SEE DAILY MAIL, JULY joth, I n. y advertme the lirst line a-> tegular value 25 cent.-:, nur price .-. If you want cheap goods look aronu 1 you uear home before you srtnl aw.iy 100 miles or nooi-f for stuff that l.n- been rejeeud by tlionsandsofbliopii.'i We buy from the same sourws o.i as favorable terms, tli<>u,'!i often i i lesH .[iiatiuiiea as the big city sto.c-. All out imported gootls liavt- the cos: marked on tlietu in plain tn-lit) figures; if it is any advantage to know cost )ou can sec it every time to satisfy curiosity, but what yon wain HOST WR fcflBM! mid that is just w! *i we aim to givj you, but in order to do tli it we ina-t buy to bvst hdvanta^e, natcli umik, ;? rl.j-it ly, anticipate by quick action tlit- indications of vising and t tiling tuark- t-ts and get d%li ducooaU oi pui'- ehasea. Even with I'IU-M- ad%autagfs we liavt- to accept less tlian cost for gettuig out of season or when slock or assortment is uiocli reduceii. us for naiuple. the lot of sumuiei gloves now offering at half prices. Children's Gloves ac per pair Ladies' Gloves lOc per pair Gents' Summer Scarfs, 25c Ike, for ft Millinery at half prices Mantles at half prices Do we lose money ou these line* t II, yts, but you see we made souio on the early stock these ate riiu- iiants of the season and we arc not dbfirous of packing them away. YJ i can Lave some if you wish. BOB* lucky pcrsous will get them aud chuckle over bmrgiins. We are importers of tea and Lave them packed to our order in packa-cs to suit families of 10, ti) and 80 Ibs. end., with our own name aud brand put cav in Japan. We challenge UM om- naiison with the teas we offer. Ut our samples, it C osU nothing to Uy them. Japan Teas 15, 20. '25, 30 A 85 |lfr (b. inuia Teas 00. 85, 40 ,t 60c per Ib. Fimst biands choice Ctylou teas (iiinpowdt-r Teas I'lack Teat We f till give 25 Ibs. No. 2 granulated Sugar for $1 , or Ibs. for 25 ceuts. H. RICHARDSON & Co. Dep't. When you have A good thing .PUSH IT.. Tliat is llie way with our Hinder Twine. It is jjood and we are push- ii'X' it Il-is sold dora 5ic. to 7\\ Out Oc. and 7c. twine*, are the very cln-Hptst made. Cull ami see and you vill bu convinced. Avtr'l fWf*r Ilitr a I have n|>em-.l mi a t oiiij.lute am laundry In Ftoaberton and am PI,-I.- ml to take In an j ,|iianllty of lann.lry wirk at lotmr urwam tbaii ! arc ahugad , l -where. I Imvi- put in ill, U-um ! .iii.l most Improved uiax-i, liifry to tbal end , Kni.llv tiivo n in a call. Ku-.uu tisl,t< ii.,n guarantuetl, and |uit.-oit low. Mns llr.o. MooitKiior*E. pill, t.\ U ,1 ,1- AND OL HIIAU HTAOE. Durham ata Ittarea Fleahciton Station al T 14 am. rulnrna 4 ', p.m. 1' iotTill. itiuii iMtaa Ih. aa ... plane al U.JO, rciu:niiig at i.-, Ki. to l'rlct>rinuaudrl,ir,i,X)ciila, iTiirliam 11 :<j f..r return, tw. >iug!n fare. Livery lu .u- UNliau, or Jari may be lef i al itl,,-r hotel. A. MtCAtLEY, f>u. Il.ii \, st U nearly reaily aiul vou will pi-ubably need a good . . . C\ ra iii Crac U^ We have a gootl aisoi tiuctit aud our prices are ven low. Ten inch flood shoepukin .. a pair ; 10 inch bt-st sheepskin miU. 2(>c.; 1(1 inch .-wrauac Un, 25c.; 14, iucli U-st sheepskin. fi.V ; 16inebbttit sheepskin, ll'o \ Ti..- for nil kinds vt ware and builders Ilardwaie. XI.

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