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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1895, p. 3

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iS SOME OF THEM MORE REMARK ABLE THAN FICTION. larl*>a/i Thai W*al*l a CaasiaVreel la eresllal* la a Novel Are a* . t irrdla arr ! a* lalrlasle all; Imprubabii- a. Aa? Urrmm *r aasaaee. Donald MacLeod. D.D.. writing in Good Word*, says: " Writers of action are the recognized bolder* ot brief* for th* improbable, if not tba impossible, and yet there are few persons who, is they take the trouble to note cuch matters, will not find oocurrencec in actual life stranger than the moat unlikely dreama of ihe novelist. Mr. Rider Haggard ha* doubtlaac a lively imagination, and even Louis Stevenson sometimes put* a (tram upon fancy ; but I am about to relate aore* incident* which are not fiction* bat faou thing* which oant* cither within my own observation or by an >! 1 woman in his congregation to discover her son an engineer oo a .teasser somewhere in the Levant and to persuade mm to eend help to hi* mother. Wher- ever be went my brother enquired for this man. Now he wae told h* wa* trading in th* Black Sea ; again that he wa* IB come ship on the Syriai* Coast ; but h* failed to find him. When we wore weighing anchor in tha liolden Horn before proceeding up tha Black S*a on our way boms, he and I were .itting aft on Ihe port-i<l when our steamer drifted against another. A man cam* to let a "butler" down between the twa ships just where we were sitting. On peaking to him and recognizing hie un- mistakable accent, my brother asked if he knew anything of the engineer he wae in oh of. "I am the man '" was the reply, and *o hi* lait word* spoken to any one before leaning the East were exchanged with the very man he had been searching for, and a* the two *hip* parted he had said all he wished to sty ! It wa* a coincidence, bat one of the grate*t improbability. THI RAVEN A.10 TBE FUBOOS. The Duke o: Argyll, when itroiling on a tormy afternoon in the wood* at Inver- ary, noticed a raven dying over the shoul- that of persons for whose good faith I can dar of Duniquoicn the hill which form* vouch ; and which aray.tM.Etraordinary;'P' olur "4 u '~ tan ' th " l T ldlc ; p ": ' W hen passing over some ire*, under which and ae intrinsically improbable a* any ' dream of romance. PICKED raOM THI SEA. llobert Thorn. Esq., the present proprie- tor of the Uland ot Canna IB tha far H*b Hi* Qiao* wa* standing, he, seeing it bad something in it* bill, shouted and clapped hi* hand* inddeniy. It droppe<i what it wa* carrying, which proved to i>e a cone of the *pruc*-dr, with all iu*calee reverted aad on tne *urfao* of each seals there wa* rides, can with many other* guarantee the truth of the following curious coincidence: In Sep temper, \<M-1, the dangoter of the blacksmith in Canna wa* wandering on the chor. gathering drift-wood lor fuel, wnen in a .mall bay, about a hundred yardc distant from her father's house, sne pick- ad up a piece of wood bearing the inscrip- tion, cut with a knife, "Lachlaa Campbell, BUbao. March iVd, 189" On taking u to hsr moths r sh* beoam. much concerned, aa this was tbe name of her own con, who wai a boiler maker in Spain, and. a* would be the oaa* with most peopie certainly with Highlandsrs *he could not g*t over the superstitious dread that thi* message from the sea wa* th* harbinger of evil tiding* regarding her son. Tne family of the proprietor did their beet to calm her terror, exhorting bar to wait for an explanation. Woea writing to bar son she told him of what had happened, and wa* greatly relieved on receiving a reply aaeurtng her of his well-being, but wae astoojahed to learn that he perfectly remembered how wnen on a holiday, he had wri lien as deacnbed, on a piece of wood aad had idly throws i: into tne sea from a rock near Bilbao. W* all know th. power of ocean currents, aud need not be surprised at the pisce of wood being earned about for six moatha, but the marvel Ion* aad except for undoubted avidaac* tha lacradibi* circumstance in thiscaaeu that this piece of wood, after rs long wandering-, should have been wasned oo snore within a hundred yards of where the writer's mother lived, aad thai it should be picked up by one of hi* | sweater, aad had not snough to live on. Her Highland innocence and religious pr.nciplos had received a painful shock from whal she had seen in the great city. the reticulated pat tern of com* dark atudf, ufca nature of which the Duke could not determine He sen* it to Sir William Hook- er at Kew, who replied that tne pattern wa* due to a fungue called Parichene biliaa, whioh infeeted ipruce cone*, and wae only known in that mod* of occurence. Sir William added that thi* fungu* wa* o rare that only one ipecimen bad been found previoualy in Scotland. The Duke add* : "I *aw thi* nnd of mm* many year* later duly ticketed in the \l ueeam at Kew. Prafe**or Owen *ugge*led that the raven had oeen attractaxi by the *ra*ll of the fun- u, waioh i* ' meaty,' aad u raven* are curtou* aad inquieitive, it had lifted thi* coao to play witb in the air and h'de it. Perhape it had a muieum of it* own '" Another interacting incident i* related by the Duke. Cacti* Campbli, tnepictureeqne ruia near Duliar, belongeU at one time to the Argyll family, but wa* taken and de- iroyed by Montroe*. Some year* ago a picture WM picked up in a cottage near L'a*:le Campbell by a Mr. E, u, a well known collector of antique* in Edinburgh and wa* by him presented to the Duke. The picture wa* la a very bad condition, ' but when cleaned it turned out to be a left har jewels aad a >*m of money te my old friend. la a abort time nsr own nus- band died, leaving her hu fortune, out on his Hc%th-bed ha warned her against a brotiier, wi.o, ha feared, wonld try to dis- pose** h*r, but told hsr in that case to take the advice of the Sootush lawyer, whom they both truilad. It happened as he had anticipated, and th* Scotsman waa put in charga of her interest*. The case wa* a protracted one, but finally the lawyer, assuring icr that tbe beat solution would be acceptance of hi* hand a* her second husband, it ended in her becoming the mistre*s of another home, where she more than onoe entertained tha lady on whose daughter she Dd formerly waited ! She ha* now Daen dead come year*, but I often think of her strang* career, while 1 do not wonder at ehe attraction which that sweet, pure face had for both of the men who loved her. TORT Of A RI N.i. Professor MaoCunn give* m* tb* follow- ing " My informant wa*, wnen a youth, of a literary turn and contributed to news- papers and periodicals under tne cignatnre of * Heather.' la tn.s way certain email sum* eaina into In* posCMsion. aud, wishing to commemorate hi* pleaaant tuccesaa*, h* pen: the money, or some of u. upon a signet ring. Thi* h* mad* according to a d**iga of hi* own, and, among other unique devioac, ihere wa* engraved th* word 'Heather.' One day it* owner went to bathe on the chore* of th* Clyde, and before entering the water be took off hi* ring and placed it on a rock beside his cloth**. On his way horn* be, remembering that he had forgotten to put on hiiriog.nurried back in full expectation of finding ii where u had been left. H. wae qmta certain he knew the exact ipnt where it had been laid, and had little fear that in so nufrequeuted a place any one could have discovered it. Rut tb* ring wa* gone, and search as h* may, not a trace could be found of iU Years afterward*, among the letters that had reached hi* office there was one from Australia, sealed with wax : on looking al the seal he wa* tilled with actouisnmant at teeing the impreeeion of ni* own lost signet ring. Excited aad interacted ne at one* wrote to hi* friend in Australia. In du* urn* th* answer came. His frisnd told him how somewhere up-country, in a remote region, he want into a it-ore to write hie Utter, at te add something to wnat had already been written. Upon Omening it, he was making some awkward attempt* to improvise a coal, when a man quit* a iranger te mm, ibrust his hand into his pocket, pulled out a signtt ring aud said, 'There try that '.' Having sealed the letter with the ring be handed it back. Tin. wa. all, and no further light has ever been CASE OF SELF-TORTUEE.'IS PAEALYSIS CUSABLE ? THE REMARKABLE PENANCE A GIBL IMPOSED ON HERSELF MB GEORGE LITTLE, OP COUNTY. SAYS IT IS. ESSEX emr-oae rias *rlrs Taara frees ftcllle Theisuut Lisas* -sk* U aa *>rpk aa nd an Inmate ef a Ceo vent A Baraac* '*ac. Probably the strangest patient, tnat svsr entered the Cincinnati Hospital WM admitted to that institution '.h* other e Clvee alls *>wa Terrible Bxawrteaee ta rare*) Vsr s>vrr Tw* Irara Beta nans- if n4 family Theaakt Tkat *! D>*ik < .,><! tad ! ea>riaB isala l"lx ia- lrs*l*E*ra*>aa dealt*. Prom ihe KMX free Press. hfa u traiy a ourdn to thua* not bieaa- mornmg m th* parson of Nellie Thomas, a ** * ltn '<>" measurs of Health aad bright, girl of 21 years, wno "*" when a .trongman i. broughl to the v*rgs of almost utter iieip.easneoa, until recently wae an inmate of th* Hanoi , doctori fallj M(1 tb . r . . pp ar.nUy Street Convent. She wae brought to th* nothing left lo H. bat wait the dread >um- hospital by th* mother superior of the moni tn ' :omee but ooos to all, the oaaa who explained to Superintendent "- - -P~t of sxtrsma sadness. ! such a condition aa tins did Mr. George Hendley that ths girl had been complaining L itUa. of the towncbip ef Co.afaoeksr Norti, of extreme pains in her limbs, ner oonditlon find himself, and reoently -he Free Preaa, for the pact few dayc being such that shs was unable to stand. Sh* wae taksa to th* ward, aad On. HeidichsfeU aad Lndlow assigned on tbe case. Both physician* mad* a thorougn sxaminauoo, and found both limb* from in* kaa* downward very much swollen aad i ducoiored in piaoca. To ihe touch the d*n was extremely hard aad unyielding te bearing mci.ieirai.y that he naj recovered health aad strength, a reporter was sent to .nvoctigate. When SMB. Mr. LattM *- pracaad willingness to tttia the nature W bia oa**, and hia story is a* tallow* 1 prendre. The** >ymptomi were extremely I puzzling and Dr. Heidichnleld began te quoetion the. girl with the purpoea of **c*r- laimug if anything in th* mod* of life of the patient might throw any light upun the enigmatical condition. To all toe ques- tion* the girl gavo monoiyllabla aniwen and th* doctor continued in hu examin- ation. A 3TABTLIXQ DIWUVCBT. Suddenly be diacovered what appeared sp.endid bit of art and also proved to be thrown upon the story of th. nog or its tne only extant portrait of the famous possessor. ' M \rqni* ot Argyll. Sad to relate it wa* eeiroyed in the great fire at Inverary Caetl* a few year* ago. THE OlkL WITH THE WOODE* LEU. to b* a unail pimp!* near the big toe of tne right foot. Mare out of curiocity than with any thought that her. lay tbo .olutioo of ti-e trouble, he made aa mriaioa into it. The point of the knife encountered some hard substance, and a* th* doctor mad* a closer examination b* discovered the h*ad of a pin protruding. Taking a pair of pincers be bad no trouble in extracting iV ( ( Again he queetioned th* girl a* lo nsr ! n|( recollection ol now the pin got into her foot, She replied that some ume ago she teppedon a pin which probibly had enter- ed her foci. This explanation was so transparently an untrutn tnat the doctor smiled, and called her attention to the fs--t that if such h*l been the case the point, and not ths head, w :ld have bean upprr " HAD TO T WITH FEET IN A HOT OVE. Some four years ago Mr. Lull* sudered trooi a sever* attack of la grippe which left tns lower limb* partially paral\z*u B* al.ed in one of the oeet known pbytuiant if Bcsex county, who appeared . < do all tnat lay in hi* power for tne relief of Mr. Little, but to no avail For two and a half yean h* tndere.i the most intense pa. n aad was ooufined to Hi* bed for t tie *rtair part ne. The doctor waa paa. e.i with cnanged doctor* for ioctor did no batter than Sir. Little returned to Tn<( > own family and taken home. Had any nov.h.i dared to picture a ineeeag* de- by mean* of an ocean livered a* tni* wa* traphraee, ' *ung to a lilt * he thought he current, every reader, and certainly every critic, would have denounced tba outrag- eous demand OB faith. And yet tn* apparently impossible actually oooured in Oauoa. IX THE EAOKWOOM or CANADA. Mr David 1C, a wall-known merchant in Glasgow, wa* several years ago traveling in Canada. On a Sunday evening, far away in the back wood*, h* wa* interested by hearing from a humble "shanty" the wordc of a Scottish " pai familiar air. Af'.sr woald visit this countryman, whoa* Tamily worship had thus recalled to him other scenes. Attar chatting for a whih, th* man ask e.i him where he wa* from. On being to.d that he wai from Glasgow, h* asksd hit name, and oo being inform*.! he became much excited. " I always expect- ed come one of your family to com*. My name u ." A* my frisnd had never heard of his name, he MX e.i for an explan- ation, aad the man proceeded to tell him that ho was the clerk who had stolso a oonculersble mm from th* firm lo which R. belonged ; that he had boon miserable over since, feeling cure thai at any hour he might b* discovered ; thai ha wa* now doing well, and that it wai hi* intention ii a ii, T time to repey all he had taken. My friend had been in ihe Weat Indies at the urn* the theft took place, aad it wae not till after his return to Scotland that he learned the particulars. It is however, New York to Chicago by Electricity A despatch from Chicago, says Rs . gardmc th* story that an lectric road Many year* ago a poor lam* girl called , me for auiaianca. Sne wa* from Roc.- batwaan New York and Chicago, with an shire, and had a eweet accent an i a sweet average speed or 130 miles an nour, is now faoe quiet and sa.1. Si.e had been cruelly b, lng promoted by Chicago and eastern us-dby her grandparent, who had refused , A*s.ant Manager Tbeo. P. to keep her, and co she had come to iilas- gow to get work sc a " tailored"- in other Bat ey. of the General Electric Company, wordc, sns had been employed by some said on Friday : "That ths great trunk line, of the country will eventually be operated by electricity few doubt, but there ic no immediate prospect for snob, a company between the points named. It ic true, however, that several of the eastern lines are now considering tbe feasibility of putting IB an electrical equipment, and at no verv distant day I am sum at least some of ihem will abandon steam power. It n an open secret that the New York, Ne* Havec, and Harlford road will soon equip its entire system with electricity, and I tee no reason why the roade hotweoo Chi- cago aud the east should not do the same. It is not in the least wild Kuees work lo say that the vrip froon Chicago to N< w York by way of ButfaU can b* male in eight to ten hours with electrical motors.' loiv A ihi tne girl relapsed into silence I oDU| j n mle / despairing of ever obtaining told the physician that ha did not sea any furtt.e r use of taking ni. medicine*, and bciwveu be enould din if he di i not and tb* doctor went on with his cximina lion. Other protuberances on both lim' or a neadie wa* found deeply imbed. led in tne flash. In inia manaer :<0 ne*ii and pins were removed within the space of an nour and a half, both doctois wot king hard al ths task. When these ha.i been removed the physi- cians reeled a moment from their tack and made another attempt to draw from tne rfiri the story of how the pias came to be in hsr limb*. At firtt the palmat ma'ntameu a inert tinv. He h*4 waeted sway to little more thtu a mere skeleton, and wae an object ot pity to bis neignbors, and foil hiouolf a burden to ma aiiu.y. His wife and family had givea up nope, and hi* ueignnor* all tbougir it w^c >iiorel\ aquosiion of lime when Mr. Little ieatn wou.d relicts OK tutftirings. While rue limbs veie pariiaiiy paralysed be cou.d uae then u:h lent to nobble about the house and door y*r 1, but if be undertook to walk to the ctabis he would be ooniinod Sne often came to me for help, and on one occasion her Jutreee wa* great, because her wooden leg had become eo *horl that be found it an encumbrance, i wa* able to procure a aew leg for oer, but the battle ot life proved loo much, and one day *h* cam* baaeechiug me to **nd her home. The Meesrs. Mac Bray oe kindly gave me a paee and *h* wa* to leave next day. To my surprise, four or live day* afterward* I met her on the r rent, when he toid me (he had neen homo and had been forced back by her grandmother in the iteamer on it* returm journey. My faith failed me, for it wa* to unlik* any Highlander to dieown ner own grandchild, that I did not believe her, \ud I told her o. and I wa* di*tree*ed to find her untrue. It wa* oruel, aad I repented of it, for with- in a fw day* an agent el the ( 'harity Organization Society, who called lor me about another cue. a**ured me that tne to hie bed for a week after. H s limbs stubborn silence, but dually buret into tears numb ^ d OTlu Unr.og the not- and madeaparnal confession. JJJ ^^ , Uyt ^ w- ^^ ^ nl *ELr IMPOSED PSJAsri-. 'with bn kat and lags in a h..t ov.n. She aaid that two years ago sne bad com- wrapped in tianne.i and hot cloihs until milled a great wroo: something che would , tha skin would ooms eff IB Mr. never divulge except upon her draih bsd, . Littl* bsli.vad that IMS physician wa* and that in order to gain abailution lor doing air that could oa dona, and ha* that wrong she had d.urmin.d to inflict a nothing but kindly feeling* for ih penance upon heraolf. For s long i ims shs wae undecided aa to just what form that penance should lake. ^ he had read about the early Christian girl had told th* truth, aad that *b* had boeo forced back a* h* deecnbetl. Many Religions. The Cxar of Rusii* belong! to the Greek i'a' nolle I'hurcn : the Sultan of Turkey is a Mohammedan ; the Kmperor of Austria, he King of Itaiy, the Ijueen Regent o ! " Spam, the King of Portugal, t:i Klug of occurred of Belgium, and the Preeideiit of the French Republic are Roman Catholics ; the Km- pe rorof Germany bolongeioibcKvangelican. Protestant Church ; tb* Qu*o of England is an Kpiscopalian : th* King of Denmark and the King of Sweden aie Lutherans ; the loyal laini y of the Neiherlandc belong tn* skin Little believed that hut treatment ne received at nis hand but he is oertain tnat tha doctor had no hope of hie recovery. He had tried _ _ an advertised mineral watar, taking m all m.i'yrs. en.i final 7y determined' to emulate cavan gallon* of it, but failed to obtain relief. After eudsnog for two and a halt years, Mr. Little, in th* summer of Iv.i.v. ro.j of a case similar to hi* own, that nad bem oared oy the uae of Dr. William. 1 link Pi Is. Grasping al Uiu !a*l nope, h* sent for a few boxes and began taking them, before the second box was ail us* , M- Lulls was satisfied that he had foonu them. Veering that if she .urti te,l open , torture upon herself nersttenp. might b* glad wbsn the opportunity making an amoli* apology to her. MAKaiEOA RICH MAS. A ooosidcrablo lime after inn 1 wa* officiating at a marriage, and to my *urpru* 1 found my Highland friend in the wealthy home, acting a* maid to th. bride. On cpeakiug about her to the lady of the houce, .he said : "That ic a moat extraordinary girL A rich man has fallen in love with i Japan is very liberal in hie respect for both her end sent har to a boar ling-school, ' Shintoicm and Buddhism : the Empor r ol so ,,,.nat'to VaaT thiVtale- no MO " m rr y b r '" " or two ; Uut ( ' h | n * '* ' foll "" ' Contuciiu ; the Shah meat with which he used to end the recital sn wl " Mt "'^ ' " <knj h " '" th f oi P ' rt " " ' M , oh mm ' i : tb ^ u o of the strange story. In .pit. of hi. promise obo 1 ' t */ ln * "" n l mtrr T " i Madagascar profeeses the Lhr.stiau faith of ' whom shs do** not love en ugh. L'afor- lunalely the (antleman told har that it wae her resemblance to one he had onoe boon engaged lo and had died, which had led to his interest in her, and she wa* determined to hava a husband who would love her for her own sake." After iome year* I met this lady again, and heard the nbeequent history of th* utereetiug girl, ll seems that the gentle- man managed to trace her out in Glaegow, aad having cleared away all her doable a* to hi* affection, h* won her concent lo be married to him IB London. Ac she was then an inmate ot the Home of the Young change was not noticed wni ,t was placed w o>,' Christian i ott , luu , ui^go,, .".> shs arranged lo go to th* similar bom* in til sh frustrated, she decided to adopt some plan to gm 'he same end aud still preeerve ths secret. Her purpoas became fixed, aud for two whole years evsry pin or needle she found she wonld drive inM her limbs until the head was below tne skin. At first, she said, the pain wae almost unbearahle.eepec- tally s:ter the pioa bad been iinbod.iad for some time. H>.a shs toon breams accus- tomed to ths pain and bore it with stoic indifference, feeling all Ihe whit* that she was atoning for har sins, bVmg pressed for fur' hsr details con crruing the cause which Isd her to inflict thi* horrible sef-torture, N.llie would ay no more, and ihe physicians avam went to remedy that would cure him 'W hie exceedingly painful andinyeterioue ailment Mr. Little continued the ue of tne i'mk Pillc for several months and was a '-Is to net out and do light work about hie farm, which ho had not bean able to do for over two years. He continued lakiug Pink Pills a while longer, when he waa fully recovered and w*c able to do any of the hanleit work on hi* farm, and m ths winter time worked we have never yet heard of any payment I iTORY or A RIXO. Andrew Maxwell, another wall-known merchant in Glasgow, wai in lit* Uland of Arran some years ago with hi. mother and siters. The weather was unusually warn, and hu venerable mother su.^cred so muon from the boat thai har band* b*cam* swollen, and a* her marriage nug wa* fretting her finger, one of her laughters, aftsr ao little coaxing, percuadad her to alUw itc removal. To the diiinay of her daughter the ring vac lost, but che proour. ad anotl er co like the old one thi; t ie to the Reformed Church ; the Mikado of the London Mictionary Society ; to* Preaidenl of th* Mexican rapu. lie i* a lib* rial Roman Catholic, as are each of the President* of the Spanich- American republics and the President of Krazil ; most of the lesser rulers in Africa and Asia are Mohammedan* ; th* King of Slam i* a Buddhiit ; the Presidents of the United Siaiee have all been Proleelaal*. their tatk of extracting pin. and needles. | a! mo* I steadily at saw-logging and woo-_ Kor one more hour they labored until thsj chopping. During ihe paat fail, he says, hsd taken oui * pinssnd ueedlae from the , he was frequently caught out in heavy rain righl leg aud \'i from the left, aud only de- ] storms when away from home, but he had sisui 1 when dark ness overtook then at *v far recovered thath is xposure* have not their talk. Tha doctors, how*v*r, f**i I brought any b*d results. Durm the very confident that there .real least three timer cold weather of tb* pact winter he wsc tho number still loft in both leg*, and they hauling wood U> Windsor, a distance 01 will maks another *ereh fifteen n.i lea. H. look, at present a* if he , HY ,,cus S .., ,.,, i *^tfz^&rj t z Th* details of tn* strange oaa* won be- W illiamc' Pink Pill* and claims that his came the cole topic of conversation about Ol>mpleM recovery is entiraly due to the tho hoepital. and in orier to learn whether ug<) o( ^ ,^ He . h| . ou her finger. Next year the family went back to the same house, aad in th* autumn. when the farm servant in a neighboring building having boiled potatoe* for tne pigs, was crushing a potato in her hand, h* felt something hard, and on looking at this thing inside the potato, sno exclaimed to one of the Maxwells' servanta wno was beside her : " Her* s a ring in th* potato," and (bowed a thin, worn marriage hoop. "I believe," said the other, "it n my' ring, aad we oan find that out because her initial* were inside the hoop." On examining it, there were the initials, and th* lost ring waa identi6ed ! It had evidently been swept out among the ashes, tbe ashes thrown out among the a*h-pit,ihe oontenu of the ash-pit on th* potato bold, and the ring absorbed by the potato, inside of which it wa* fouad a year after it had bean loct I fOVMD THE om. Whea my brother, Norman Macleod.and t waul > Palestine in lMi. ha WM aaked London and remain there until ihe wa* married. Her intended husband met her at the railway station and took her to tbe Home, but the ma ron, fooluhly inspecting foul play, told tbe girl that no gentleman in the evident pocition of her friend could really intend lo marry a poor lame creature like har; aad in spit* of th* girl'* tear* aad oa'reaties, sh* packed her oil in the train to Soolland next day. The gentleman's auger may ha imagined when he found wnat had been done, but the girl, filled with shams, would not go back to Glasgow, but went to Edinburgh and communicated with the lady in who** house I had found her Ittndcd in the gentleman coming tor h r.aud after a few days she- wa* married to him and taken to hi* luxurious hom* in London. But her adventure* were not over, A friend of hi*, a Scottish lawjsr, cams with hie wife to visit th* happy pair in England, and to strong a friendship area* between the two wives, that when . she lawyer'* lady died net long after, th* The Dairy Maids of West Prussia Th* management of th* great Elbing dairiee m Weet Prussia has .kdoptod for it dairymaids the knickerbocker coslum- * no ooreetsare allowed. There are diderenl grade* of dairy maid* distinguished by their cape ; the milkmaid* wear whit* caps, th* pupils whit* cape with black velvet bands, and tbe dairy teachers oape with ilver lao*. Among th* apprentice* are many daughter* of th* landed nobility, but all mult don th* n*w costume, which is not only very becoming but cleanly and comfortable, and saves many disasters. Rather Rough. Ragged Robert (at Stony Point) It'* poor Christians these folks is. Jagged Jake When ye ask far bread they giv y* a stoo*. Ragged Robert I wouldn't mind it they'd juet give th' stone to me ; hut they throw it. tn HU Lin* "Who wa* th* first man to mak* a mountain out of a mole hill ' "Oh, earn* real-estate dealer, 1 cuppoae. he had an insane person lo deal with, Supt-riti ten. lent, Henley look pains to Isarn something of :he pasi of the girl. Th* Mother Suuenor of ths convent wae made acquainted with the facti in the case. She wa* a much surprised a* th* hospital physicians, and sai 1 that th* ifirl had n.v*r breathed a word to her shout it. She had been an inmate of the cocveut for over iwo years, teing an orphan, wilhout any rsla- testimony for the beaefit of other* who may be cimilarly atttiotad. Mr. Little'* wife, wno wa* preesni at the m^ervixw, corroboralad Mr. Little'* lactimony aad *lieve* h* owes bis sntire recovery to the us. of Pink Pills. Th* entire family look upon the husband and father as one rescued from the grave by tlie timely uaa of Pink Pills. Oa inquiry amonK Mr. Little's neiuliiiors, we find that he M a oiaii of uuiioubted livae lathe city. Her disposition * '^oracity Ha na. lived in risen I county all cheerful, although she was of a deeply hu ll , e ', ime> Md on hi. present farm in reiigiou. natur.. given much u prayer and . (j^eh^^r Sorlh. about f. ur year*, trict in th. observance of all rule* of the convent and the Church. Her edu ation wae also superior to girls of her age, sh* being a great reader, although har reading wae mostly confined to religious works. The girl"'* condition hits vary much 1.11- provod, although th* phyociana fear that blood-poisoning ic imminent, and the re- mote danger liec in rotting or necrosis of i the bone, as some ot the pint have pene- trated a. far as tha tibia .reating suppur- ation. He M lb .. ar|wr , Dt . 11 a. ll i O f the Kdgar Mill* SUB- d JgL ^ j hl 0<- . , w ,,i ,, in thM dmmcl ^ t. d, iput ,.a. Hi. oeigh- ^^ 1(K>ked hl . , M . -Mt m , r% . , ha d-4t|) DaT , ng b^,, Mpeo i.a , or mo lh . ^, ^ h . .. Pmk Pilla. Aa Unappreciated Suitor. B* Your-*r-father and mother have nouoeel thai 1 m-*r-ca ling oo you quite frequently, haven't they ? She They uo*nldn'i very well help ik Are they mad T Not a bit. Truly Certainly. They know it in I my fault that you oom* much. For twenty-five years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER TH^OOK'SR^ST FRIEND t IMUV. \

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