THI 7LESHIRTON ADVANCE J*:tnkiii:_. Office of GEO. MITCHELL FLESUKRro.V A faiural banking baiinsstnnaetMl Draft- umie.| and zbc^jrh cubed at nual rate*. *)wa>t avaiUl Ittgitoat? buwmssa utvrprlM. ofllco two doors uortU of Uicbar<l- on * CVa. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics *f the Pa*t Week Carefully fulled for the Curious. B uiaai unite** am-iny Intuit irJt I* '/..(i./fJ at ti>t rat-- </" /'* ;- r t'M-h Muerfiw*. .1 rniwti>'n wade <m contract* for l<x> lint* or osrr. Quite a number of eicuraiuui-.'.* fr uu tin* \u.\:<t t<M>k in tiic I. O. F. tri|> t Niagara Falls lat week. spring democrat, second luuii. newly painted and in good r*pir, f >i sale cheap, or will exchange for a bug^y. J. B lia*kcrvil!e. Flehert. n. The direct* r ami all par tin takiuc n interest in tin East Grej ploughing a*Mnei a'i<m are invited to ir.tet it Kioiberluy n Aug. Sat 1 p. r.i. P. McAuxUi., tec. Little Bert Fleiher. aun of Mr. H. rU-shar, while walking through the r.nitU fr.wi the beavuruieaJ-M* on Thurs- day ht t stumbli i-n a twig, fulling and !>. kin.: hi ar:n at the wr:'. Tlie bon was att and he in recorerinic nicely. The remiim of Coliu Campbell, 3i yar* of ajjf . were brought from hit late li-ime in Ocillia and imterred in Floaher- t-n ounieUry on Tuesday. Deceased wa brother of Mr. N. Ctin^ll --f Th..rn- l-ury, at on* time a re*. dent of Flesher- t'<n. A baker'* d<*eu of our baseball en- t'lusias-* went dver to MarkJals nn Mon- ti ty in tee Thornbury down tlarkdale t<> the tuue if 10 In t with *eva iuningi. Thuni'.iury htands a KIN*! iimw with Owen S .uiiil for th pon nan t. What causes 'mul u'* is a quUn that has never been satisfactory an- swered ; tut, in nine case* out of ten, frightful dreams are the result i-f imper- f ct digestion, whicli a few doses of Ayer'n S irsiparillt will effectually remedy. l>..n't delay -try it to .lay. The Preabywnan Mid MitiWist Ksb- l\th schools hW their aiiuual (tunic at the be,ermeado* on Wednesday after- n Kin him, where a very p!,-a*uit time w ;>ent, there, bein^ aome 300 prrm-nt. old n I young;. After supper it betran to niii, ifsnkiiii; in a geueral ftcamptr for hotue. The Shelborne Free Press ) the dew public school now in course of erec- tion t Markdale will be the "nrraetwhm.l building between I wen Sound and T > run to." Thaf m a matter of taste, Pro. M- -miner. Our fancy favors the F.rther- r n buildii-g. "Uamma, wan that a sugv-plum you jast gave me T'aiked lirtle MaSvl. "N,, it was one of Dr. Ayer's Pills." "Please, may I hare another I" "Not now, dear, one of nice pith i all V'W need at present, because every dose is effectie." A meeting of the directors of East <'ry Agricultural society w.-w hi-M on S.iMriUy to arrange the prize list, etc. It was decided to l.are a two-day show, i\s heretofore. A Isnte number of prize tint* will be printed ami di*tril>u'ed throughout the ritlini in i r\W to thoroughly advertise it. It is believed tha% notwithstanding the scarcity of fun', a god show can sti'.l be atta/ned by pnh and energy. Mrs. Wvldriek and *.u. Mr. Fred \VI- thick, of Fcvewhain, called m on Mot; day to s\y that the itpolticy I'ubliihed in The last week wa entirely un- authorwed and tht there sas absolutely no loundation f T r . The letter came to u* as gunutne with Mr. Fred Wldrick' name attached AS the writer of the vlvrr tiieir.ent, and of course *ert in the unual way. It appears now as though * case of forgery has been committed. We hivij ieu the copy of th Uttrr to Mr. V\Vi drioh, ard the writer uf the .** may lind himsolf in a Tery dif&cult |xnUoa hould the lutter l- trace 1 to it* p..r ml it*-. It i* not often a nwa|-<per u uu (H'Mcd u|n'-i in t'u* may. and whon a case < f the kind d<>* occur ery fac.t fy wilt t>. g-tt-n by u*, at Ut. to Vrnig the pnil'y parti** to JUK'I < Phaeton fur Sale. r .:t cU-n condition, nowlj painted, a aft* Md t-ngne. Only |35 T F. HarruiM. Church Items. A ipecial MMIIIHII will be preached in the Metluxiiat cbutch by Rov. Mr. Mahaii on Salihatli evening unr, nubjcet : "The f-'.l , death." The i>u'oac aro Cordially united. The f.i!l<>*-ing nt.i.ouncctiients are made: MeihoUitt |ii.irtrlr meeting next Sunday, tervicc to U-g u at 10.30. Buti- ii""** niectiuie in the lecture r>iu on Mon- day aftri:ou n.-xi at 2.30. All the i-flicials are urged t" *'Jt-n<!. PEB5CNALA. I' you r rUitius: awar from bom* 1st iu know it. If vt>bao Ti.i'.Mi i: oat *taoce *>t jro-ir plara vll ui f it It i a mlMak* to b* *l:>-about(ioina;thi<b<:caufrii>D<liar*alwar* an i i n ' T it nm uf > *o*miiiila. an1 tb prrs ).i . ia n- w oua uf th* raeocnia dv*>>tu>>>cU of r7 w :1S rogalat*! ucwa- Mi. 4 K'lini* Anntr.^.^. nf vivitin. 1 citli fr'i-niU ht-ru thi> week M:M A. A:-ui Ti r..j li-:t i.n Monday norr.iiu t.> ru ticalu <t:h friuuds in Uus- k- '-.% Mr W. 1' ..- left on Friday to npendaC'<; *li friend* on the Mam' i: Mr. C \. . the Msrkdale StAi:da.-d, warn in t, * euk and L'VO Tin- A' MM n w--K--.iue c*ll. i. Ti-lf.-rd | ..f Oaen S.>und, were in no n T^-'ny atUnd- a the rifle mmtcli. Miis Laura F.ic.-tt, ..f Heatlicote, k rifitini; her grand parento, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fawcetr. C.tpt. C. J. Sproule i* in town thi wtek attending the batuii >n match and mitln>; old fneii-!.i. Mr Sproule is principal of the PurlRwau puMic school where he h9 a r i-. : . r .- 1 thine Mr. and Mrs. C! a,-. Howard of Coiling- WIHH! spent Sunday irirh the former'* mother here. Mesr. D. Onwald of M. Ri,,n & C. and XV. Irw.u le;'; .-n t:..-:r bicycles n Thursday of lat week to visit friend* m Vi [ .: i (". 'Ihy wheeled a* far aa Button the tint day. Mrs. *f. J. Leitch i* spending a few week* ith friends in BuSalo. Mr. Leitch accooipanied her, returning on Monday. Mr*. Crockett .f XVi-t T"n>t;to Junc- tion i* tii;tm.; fritti i ,ri Artetutsia. Master Snowden of Guelph i* the g ueat of Mr. A. Stewart, west back line. The Advance bi a pleasant call on T imday fiom Mr. N. Cnij.'i>rl! of Tliori,- bury. Mrs. T. Qamcy Dead. T i* Lord KT and th Lord bath tajwn aw*,; , bl*Md b UM ura of the Lord. In all tbi* Job sion*J not, nor ebarfwd God foolUuljr. Rachel Oamey. the beloted wife of Tbon. Uawey, M.P.P., r**sed away at he.r residi-ncv, l>tprey, on Wednesday of last week, after a linfrrmg and painful illness of six jesrs i'urlion, at the age of Oi yean and 7 mouths. Dvceaied bore her IUIIK KurTerini; with k r eat fortitode and i-hrisiuii h>.-rjisin, and was never known to murmur at her lot. The fuueral t-x.k place on Fi:d.iy to the xravcl road cruivtery, near M.ixwell, and was oue of the most largely attended funerals ever yen in this part, there being 112 vehicles in the procension. Deceased waa brn in the townsnip of King, and was a daughter of Joseph Klenry. one of the early aettlera in that tiiwiwlup, sister of the late J(cph Fleiiry of Aurora, so well knowu among the farmtrs of this country u a manu- facturer - f ncricultunl implvuient*. She was married at Auiora to Mr Th>> . Uamey, at present M. P. P. f--r E<ut Uiry, and rvm-mrd with him to O*r>rty where the ajwistwl him to inftke a ronfrt- a'-le home, and bore a family of nine chil- dren. She has been a ciiaistvnt and conscientious m.niK-r of the M*thoiwt church for over fifty year*. The funeral ervice was Conducted at the house by the Re*. Mr. Leyal* of Maxwell from the teat given abv, who spoke very fevl- ingly, and whose words, while chcenin;, must hare sunk deep into the uti'id* of hu hearem. Ttie larve concouMe if f tend* and relatives present pk elo ;nenily of the great ea'rcui in winch deceased wa* held, and great sympathy waa *l| ruaaad for the bvm Ted family. It i* paitieulatly bard t.> part with a be- laved ut"th*r wln> has bn uyht UK into b>i*jx %nd watched over our rarly years . w-ii !--i.-l |M)cW. and ev-n when we knw thai i* a happy r-^-*r tr her from pain and sick oeas the het.rt sfrinifsarv in- lonsly strung tn almost breaking point ; | Sut there ia wonderful solace in the | thought that there WM no sting in the parting f- T her, for ih rMted hw all on Ool. At the ButU. Thirteen men from NM. 4 Co., Durham, Tolutirec-r.V and lliiit.i-n fi.nn No. 6, Fl -"lit-rt.-!!. -!i..i at the rniiK heie i* . : : i-r.,> The .utcii aiid nil! he rjn- Mhed to d.iy. Tuursd.-y. sn that it i iiu- posHililo In ^ive the co i.plcU .;ur.;. The wan duwo tlie i>ld valley road from Lacks' mill 20<>, 400 and five hundred yurdt iini u 0110 of the best, if not the bet>t. mtuAted in Canada. Cedar tieea grow dourly al.iiig the ojurse and pro- tect tiie bulit-ri fruin itven such a wiud a* thTe w i.|, Tuesday, reiiUenng it pos i:\ke -,'-<!- !. Telfoi-d am! Caj t. (jri-.-;, . f o-Aon S,,uii.l, ..ipri C. .1. S|.rou!.>, of Flenh.-irun,, weie Kaperintende.ii ts .>f ci runony and hud the pleasure i'l the ik/trru.toa of welci-niuiic. a uuui: er i.i Udio* who became intcre..-.tcd apecii- N doubt their presence had the ctf.-ct of ner\ IM_- s >me of the c -mpet .; to J./ uofda of valor notably Private Youn2, t.i Dui ham, aud Malcolm Macd .nald, of Fleahert-m but ia other eases it sewwe in have had ih opposite sflbet an.l knocked counve down iir liootH Tlie "coring as far as it wnt was lily lair. Durham has a couple of crack ure death in Pts. Firth an>] , tlie f >t\utr inaLmij 7" t'iuU out o/ a |<nesibl 105 and the latter 91 a: the three ranges. Pte. M. ML' . .. .i, of Fleahetton, tnatle 72 point*, bem* thiH hivhest. Some of the i 'iher scores were Pte McNab 03, Corp. Firth 66, < -.'t. Matliewa 61. S-t. J. Mathewv 34. Pt*. Brown 49. Javksoo and Andrews, of Durham, have yet t ahi>otat the 500 yard ranite. Only three men >-f the FUwherton Co., compk-ted the score. Pte. Carr making 55, Pte. A. Con- key 47 and Pte. M. Mv.ti.mald 7J. At the 2t*0 yard ntu-e r 1- alien, n > '... was MM tire points ahead, but Durham had slightly the best of it when the snooting was lin.. The Exams. The following are the names of the candidate* who were successful iu para- ing the Entrance and Public Lt-avmg cx- aiiunations at Fleaherton, Duud*lk and Markdalc. Paas mark* were, Entrance, 42'J ; Lwaving. 612, beside* nue third of each Entrancopaswd. EKSU, Mary C., 472; Richard.- -n. Fl-Teuce, 431 , jnert, Ritty, 447: t.amey, tX-tanuv 020; like. Henry T, 481. .Schemin in. XX iu . 4o9; Vansaut, Mervyn, 4."4 - 7. Ktcotniuendcu - McArthur,LiZzi>- :Her- on, Miles. 2. P. S. Leavma Passed. Stone, Net- tie V.. 638; IWcroft John T.. Fletcher, Nriuan, 6oS.~ 3. Awarded Kntrance ci-ni!",,-tf. Har- row, Bella; James, Edith: McLean, Jessie; St. .lie. Flossie: S-.ra:n, ^ara: ^\ r ^-lit. Lens; Arms'rouj, E. F. ; Irwin, Frank: Jonei*. Aby T.; McLeou. \>. . Lend, James; Reiley, Frank; XX'attern, W,,,.- li. Recommended for Entrance "n Leaving rxsm. - Kaittiiiz, Ada; \\lntukn, Al- tneda: Me Arthur, Peter. 3. MMBMsV Kn trance. --Passed. Mi.VuUv, \nni- L., 408, dlllie!d, IWIa, 426; Robinson, Net'ie, 604; Am.*, Jarafs '.V.. 52 1 .'; Johiutoii, Win. J., 456. -5. P. S. Leaving -Passed. Armstrong, Magcic, 667; Grieison, Era. 628; Nixon, Mattie, 740; Russell, Edith. 707. Sime, JeMie. 660; Yourex, Katie, 752; Runci- man. Frederick, 074 7. Awarded Entrance .vtt.ticates. Garai- ner, Edith; Isanc, M.m.i; Wakely, Dora; GWndinniuft, XVillie; Haubury, George; Lanion, JameH. (.. Rucoininei de-1 fur entianc-- on Leaving exam. McDowell, Minnie. MAEKDAIJI. Entmnce.- Passed. Raines, Amur, 458; Tithe, 485; Husband. Mag^i.-, 473; Johnston, Ms,-*; e. 531; Mathews, Loonie, 481: Mu^dock, Jennie, 461; Murdock, Lizzie. 4!>2; Rutl*tlx>*. Minnie, 4! .'. St. phens, Ethel. 4 1 '-'. An- derson, Fred. 460: Huchanari. (!eo E^ 515, DouiiUa, Arthur C .451: Hamp'on, Joseph. 449, McCi>rinack, XVm.S,451; Pickcll. Clurlea, 434; PI- . . AIWMS. 4*2 li Recommended. Bill. Grvr^ma: Mor r-iw, iMTid r. 8. L>s>iiig -P*d. 'ohnsltm, Amelia, 791; KelU, C ara, 983; Me Duff. Violet, 816, Mclntyrv. Ei.a, 719; But tie, Samuel, 707; Irwin, Alex.. 816; Stephen, Alex , 680. 7. Recommended Kay. Henry. Awarded Kuirauc* certisjcatea. Bro- , TWJ . . . The Best For Your Honey ^Ve are now offering a well selected assortment of Ladies' and Geiits' rjsM F-H.-t wear ia Oxford*. Balmoral and Button Boots and Slippers, also the heavier grades which we are oriWinn at bottom Price* notviiiU- standing the recent rise in price of boots and leather. Call and give u* a trial. Custom \V,,ik and R-.-pairiiu attended to promptly at CLAYTOX'S RUQGIES & CARTS. If you want a nice light road cart or a food serviceable bu^gy we cau aupply you witfc it All ctutom work in our lioe done in tint class sf y'e ou shortest notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. D. Blair. LTUVrLTLrtl c u rnitur e ,, 9t X % E>AY<**^- ^ a j,.- 1 Every day a busy one, and yet we are offering some very p:il inducements iu Plush Parlor Suites, and *n exceptionally fine as*oit- mcut of parlor sitting rwm *U pieces in pltwb, ragg. !k. rmmie and other iov-riugs. Centre Tbl* at very low prices m solid oak as also iu waluitt and antique nnuli. Uur line of Wniun Room Furniture was never more iag a Ur-fe variety of Jasigns in Extension Tables. *s weli as Fall Leaf and Side Table. Our new pattern Dining chain arc at once cheap, comfortable ami pleasing to the eye. A special line of pictures and picture frames it slaughter prices Also some very pretty Wmdow Shades aud Curtain Poles to be cleared oat at coat. Our andertakm;,' department is M uusual first class, and prices well uk those we have served. i r" 1 n/"ir\rtr Furniture Dealer J. t. I lUUKtl* and Undertaker. ^I^ < '! '<!>.- 'nc Hear the Cry Hard times, hard times. But no snch word i heard from the DUXDALK : FATI^OX : STORK. And why uol from them as well as from other places of hnsines*. becau** they are sellii.^ at pricts that btinjj tlie custom for many m.le* around. The t and cu. are S and cts. with timse that have buying to do this iriina It would be q;u'^ cav for us to ^uote 6 pr. ladies' bjisc for '25 eta , ::il yds. G. cotton for 4U.OO. 2o largo size handkerchiefs 1 1 , etc , bnt our aim is not to give you a lot of cheap goals for $1, lut to give you good goods which you cauuot buy in other store* for the same am junt of money. Although Boots and Shoes have advanced wholesale 2fto/o we still sell them at the old paUou price. We are enabled to do this owing to a largo stock teiug bonght before the advance. You would do well to get your supply be- fore the absnrimeut is broken. Wonderful low f>. ices for readyoMtle aud ordered clotliiug. Meu 3 3kll wool anils for $5.i2. etc., etc. Tlie highest cash prices for all kinds of produce. t>av your dollar. 1 " by buymgat CALHOUINTS Fleslieirton Hardware House. Earvnt Teols, Our picea ou nai!, locks and hinges ara a* lo * a-< any hard *ar- north of Toronto. Just Irriiiii rO.lxXl Ibs. binder twine. Blue Gibbon, 7Jc.; Red Cap. 6Jc.. Common Sense, tic. Harvest Toils SrYTHKS. FORKS, SNATHS, KAKE8. Hay Fork Kope. Pulley* and Tracks. The finest XXX lubricated larrhne machine oil on the market. Tonr hersni free frum flies by gettiu f them a net of ieatii- r. so doing V.-u wilt save m.meT. Tour bora's r* not so apt U> ran aw.v when they are Dot irritated y it* flies. COMBS AND BRU&HE* Of th best kind*, tha* will auit T, n gristly ia keeping yoor horse* loos- ing tikk. Carriaira Oil Oiotmeut. HwuessOil. lltrnm* S >.ip. rlilish. and *>erylhiog that will pre- i yoar haruess. Binder Wl.ips F. i, brsM hip, loss] Biu'or \Vhpa. and Whip* of rTWT des<ri|>tiou auu price's tbc aaror All siuds of lujht aad h*y** WILL