THE FLBSHIRTON VAUANCK CBTAHLIBHKD 1881 'HI Mil K Ii WfEXLY AT THE OfFICB. SVI>- J-.VHVM HTUEIT, KLB.HHBKTuN.ONT., BV W. II. THl'K.HTOIf. H per aiinuiii.HirU-tl) iu itdvanrr Arivettisiujf Rates: Oa< Column. 1 ver. (M> ; halt col., I jrer, 27 quftitor col., one jrear, IJ. Trtntleiit Ivt-rii tout rlitr^wl t the rtU f ictnu pr It'Mlar ttrat iiuerlioci ud J cent* i >ub<iui>Dt kuMrtlun. Death of H. E. Wright. f',.,m ihf f foray (Vol.) On the iii'iiiiing of the 5th word wan puwul around town in himliwl tom-n that II K \\ n^lit, known and recognized a cveryl'"l\'-i fin'ial. was no low with that (trend dwoutd, piu'inin mia, that the |>hy sicuuit g<ivo no hpw for his n-i'iivrry . Th>; city ;>.. itill in the iniiixtuf a gmiitl < li-lirittioii of n-itinal indcjiendeiicv and cri'lenre* of gayety and good cheer, hut :i. this un-i > in. eincllt WJUI liadn tho tel-- liration r."i- .1 in !! threw down 'hoir dwontioni and gay bunting*, and and- BMI ... fl.-.l 'I >.Mi .ivi-r them like u |>.iil II !i I.' >1 'AII from Ins mini tho Oiiztly Boar, on the 3rd, slightly ill, but i > mi 1 it w.i.i of a m ri MI-, nn- lure. From tli > r >th tu tho 7th, whan he lingori-*! h-twi-eii life and deth,h'>woviT, instant Htnain of friondi weru coming .nl going all day and night to and f nun thuir hoin'w and IIIM, anxiounly un<(iiiriiig f'>rtidiie/s of hit* welfare. On tin- Tin;ht of the 7th hu HIUI it took it fliithf. airi strung men cril like little I'.iMivii His wifo and Jaughtvr went visiting :it 1'ueblo, but th fonner horc on the Sth, in time U> com- f itt IH-I l:ii Iwml during his lat<t hours on i irth Tii il m^htcr camu on th next I. it no father wan hre U) gretit hei-. Mr. NVn^lit emu t.. Ouny in the early T'M, |.'i' II:I;M!'I| 111 mining iu the Sn.-f f 'Is liiitri'-l. .iii'1 wax a factor in the lintt ui'iuilding of Ouray and iu mstit He, with hi' iT'piiiri. Uuorge, ha in.-.l ' MII-. , t. -in\ ( Miniiiititin many mining \jnUire of nntc, and at tho timu of IIK i' -jilh vrii* operating a large nlv.-r \-r i ii- -i i,.i 1'iar Crotk. Ho ' ii aquantlering hi* pr6u ! l'r..tit* of what ? I'liniinx ? A"on omitia pout>mu umnet. Tlie carpentera nnd nintoua have made progreM wnh the new inansa dur- 4 tho dry weather. Mr. M. HI-HI y ia putting a Mtone fotin- lation under Mr. D. McLean'i huuae. If go on for tho next three nion t ha m they have dn fur the hwt hree Piioeville will h one of the tnottt .ict uivi|Ue burg* north of Toronto. M :ii iii-iid- McLeod will tench the young idea how to (hoot in Stone's Hchoul after the holidaya. Mr. uitd Mr*. Buttem hare moved into their new residence which in omt of the >tt hnudaome nnd coininiKiiou* building* n the \ilbtgo. Mian A)igic Dull, of Durham and MU-H Pilli* Beat, of \Miitlield,ar the giienU of tfrm. \\ . J. l!i,iki-,t.,i] at pri-Hi-n' Fanny W'ataon, nf Ueorgetown, U renewing old acquaintance* iu tl.i* vitin- - MIH* Minnie McLoui(hry, uf Markdale, s viaitimt .MiM Kiiniiy Jame* nt preNent. Mil* (irace luhnatoii, teacher at D)er' ' -v ia tlid un. t uf Mini Gertie McLeod. Park. a beautiful i mi. n xiio.ii- .structure which will ntaml a> a n.i i 1:1 .1 : ! to liu null:' IV. ami VM hlwuyn free with his money will 1 wli-i, iiiiytliing for Ouray'a in- -t w.s iip| nii'>ht. Tli > funural service* wore in oh.irgu nf '.,IM> I..-!.;- N ... :<7, A. n. I . \V.. an.1 1 in' I) 1'i'if.i! .ui'l iiii|>n:/wi\ < ei:i I'linriij i i imv -i iim:-s<xl in our city. Over a , ({ of t'i ' liroth'im murched to hix I .in , |il . iiidsnim- cawket in the t-assy ynH, giMivnxl aMiimi it with I ,r.-<l lu;iJ IIH( ',:- .ist,.-nl eyen. irovwsl i with i . mn ajrl nnn,i llwir . 1 1 mi, ,t!i.i luintl iMlita, Kuv. I'sjnl Hrov.-ii, PrgHbrWrian minis- I I. N|Hiku Kiinl.s lit eoiiiW;. in in i In ( n-nt toil".. ai"l ij.iv.' the imnaiHo of th" i i in.. ;. l,n( llmt tin- ilnU Hluill |r. i 1 ; ;.:,.( |ir \V. W. Hawaii unit S.-.i .1 i'ii;i J.Hi !')dj(f otticers, <hl like while luiii'lruds of Horrowm^ fn-ii'l- I iwod their lientin in -.ilfiit yrief . Th.i m in h . i 'i n I ikeu ii]i to th (' |i .t, w!i.-r- lli t took nil timt ws limit il of I..I W t_;!u. aii'l In. '> ruavoil f umly an 1 iit'itl,. i , t. 1'iirhlo, tho l.i-.' ..; |>! K-" -.f the body. ('nit. nioniiiig of tliD funornl inin < . u]>"uri)(l AH. I tli. hmvt'iis ei ">i i i-t with black nii'i heavy cloiKii, sym |.<!ie. M-.'iiuiii;ly, </f th feeling of urn- | o >;)!., f-ir tixini fell f rom cvory eye, ainl I i k c'.'iud hung o'er eviTy hs.irt, IK' 'aiie of n K HK! mal/H hfo I til K..M" i ut forever. Then, HH tl , i i l with nmlul'tnce aud Ixiliuf v;avu till- wli-inn IIIHIIIIHO of aiHither Hiul IM-UI r I f< . the i !i.u.l< i..ll.l awy from ox . r tin t IHII ami iiiiMiiitin><,antl th warni, bright f nisli,,i. Kt' down through the t'oon ujioii the lisMtinblwl fiieiuU and I lothi-ni, w!i i liftod up their voices and KUIg A* IM*I U) p (uiblen itorinii. tlid row Muk,* uu Hi* garden t l>rrM . I > .w . to tlio tfravi* our brutbei In nil. u thoro to rel. K niur* lth IK 1.1* *!ou I ll> :u,llt oiln llllill. r. . innr* hl> rhiMirful ln-*t r vV lun 1>I tu lbbmlli bull (a * y in <-U>ui1l*w ptir, Ainlit *vutiM thioiin H ' )oluliu>, wltli cvlMtltl air. I IIJITBlUiltl.lVK *OUK. No ,IIM wo il muuru our U4ee.t fruiu*!, Hu lift onr MriiMlpr*)*r, 'A wlntn our work Iu we nialt end, W j all ink, J >lu linn ilui*. ( The Nubja.:'. .if the a'lore nkot]> wan a i live of thin place and IM.S many ruU \ H ill linn,; httra. including a brother, M . l:i.i|i Wright, and Mn. Win. V. light, rimhcrton. ami MI-H. I'iukell. M .rkilnlv, iiter. Ki Ffum ii<iroti-n Curretpoiideiit. The .(HHiii-ily (McremenUtl Hoirice will " i.diiiini'tiTed in the Meth<-dist cliurvh ext Sabbath morning. Service tu c.-m at half [>aat 10 o'clock. Mr. Si.e'l, of K'.'iemoiit, ill occupy hi; pulpit of the I'leslij it-rinn church irxt S.iiiiiaih morning at the usual hour The lte. Mr. Lake. Diaciplc minister, a holding icvival service* in Mr. Peter Keri<uon' barn ai-d ii bavin..; good sue Cl H Mrs Win H .rtnh and niece, of Owen v.und, have omie tu remitc on the farm nr hvre. We extend them a hearty welcome . Mi** Knte MeMilUn, ia apendirg a few \M .-IM. with f. I'-iiJa iii Euphratia. MIMICS Mary and Jlachael <ilazte.r, of \Vmrtoii, [>eiil liwt week wnh old M: i.iinliiiiceK in and arniml here. Miaa Annie l.n triwi;i-, of Cedarville, -;-. i.t Su::.|.iy with frienda here. Mr. and Mrs. Siowe, of Hauiilton.are \isiungwith the latter'* parenta, Mr l Mra. JaineN McD-ma'd. M!. Jolnmton is Milting with friends in Ti.rontn. Farmera* Binder Twine. Having received 5,000 poundi of binder dnv lirat consignment) fnnii tin- Ka:ni..-r' I'-inil. r Twine Co., of lliaiit- fniil, ami iiniie foliowiii);, I am prepired o supply tli waiita of all who UMC liimli-r i i:ue rtlonn and patronise the Iii in tliat liu. IM-I.II the nieftiiH of you ||et- tillg twine al a re ! (nice. Uen- [..-ctfully ynurH, Thorpe Wrighr, a^ent. It- -..-wn H .-r On tli* I7l)i of JuU.IW.. at i..- Vi !' .u,: i u-mnitf, Kli liritoii liy HIP I .v Jollti Mliin. Win Arthur Kiumtt ol 'u'. t> Aili Mary Hoopur, of lbi> umc Towulii|'. Mr*, (iralinm of t'hut"i) atreet, r. tl over the Uink nf the Nia^aia Kivcr :ii point iii-arly in fiont ut iht Clifton II ii-t-. Sim loilgud mi a pilu of ruMi H|I !.*>'! feet be'ow, and w ivkcu<-d, Her in M an- p.-,i.iful I ut not fa'al. The Markets. Carefully Corrected Eiirh Wrek Klour $ 5 00 to $ 6 00 Full Wheat Co Spring Wheat to Hurley .".1 U> 31 Out* 35 to a6 Pea* to Butter i: t., 14 K*Ka, fresh .... 10 to 10 TV it too* W,' 60 to 60 P,.rk 5 00 to 515 Hay |>er tn 9 00 to 1000 Hides . ' 300 to 300 Sheepskin* 25 to 25 Ge*ia . . li to 6 Turkeys 8 to 8 Chiekei-H per }>,<ir 25 to 40 1 'inks bur pair 40 to 60 Wool 17 to 20 4'ntarrli it, iu-vr<i In IO in UO MillUlfN.- Ommliml pi.0 of tin bieatb khnMgh t'.e blowi-r, ii).(>lii.l with each l.oi'le of Dr Agnew'a OHta'rha) Pnwder. (liffuei tli M powiler OM-I the mirfaue of I he nnas! p lana^i-.s I'ainli-hsau I dr'i x htfn to IIHO, il le'ievuH initautly, ivnl periminl enlly eiin-s Catarrh, Hay Feve'. Coldn, Hunlnci.e, Throat, TIIHH ltm and I). ftfne li'Jcenta. At W. E Itichard- Fram or turn Corrupt) HdV*.! I>iil s augg**tiv Mid InuwJy at tide gt, l.ut w el * issue t>ii "Histe Funeral* " IN well worth 'Mr fill |K-IUMI| by all. lilt) iinuunt of inoimy j*nl on State) (unontU o? Ule> ii * ilir,.;i ' v to any civilise 1 gov- -mineiit. '80 your brother oMtm >f the HnU THRESHER_FOR SALE. Miam in i-i-har In ifooil repair McPiicrn-in i \" hptralorand Nninworthy 0111:1 n<- (ui lv clit-ap aud o i rvaaonabl* t*rms. Apply JA. iNKsrra Maxw.-li r. o CATTLE STRAYED Kmm Ilin | irm < of tho unrti-rtiirnml. l t 14 r .,i Iu ti.wn-hip of OMiri-v aliuiit th* IMhnf Jnnn. t! t wi-yi-ar-ci|.| rod trrrn ami t twn veer i.. lit iml litiifom aii'l une thron~v ar-oM i,. 1 li.'if. r Any lixrinu fnri.lnlilliu liifdrnmlli n t,hat trill l*ad to their roeovury will bo (ultahly regard*.!. Wn i IAII I. tli \n<:n, WESTERN FA1H Loudou. S"pt. 12 to 2 1, '95 PI i in. rxrvntvix a>rr.a on ALL MAILWATS Canada's Favorite liv Stock Exhibition i M<UT lynr^aaKD. Uv* Meek, 5p<rmh*r nMt. All other lirprtnieni>. Sr r umk (tb. Mn.l Pay**llt In siakn. An|Ht t 5th. a.JCTiON SLF Of BOOTHS AND PRIVILEGES ON .ROUNDS Aua 24TH. mrMAi. />-^raiacmoi*- Wild Kat Khnw, .1C - I An Turk., k 'k*, Iwwlli* o< tl. I'll, in-., i falae . *te., lth Horee,(:am*l* au'l Donbe ; ami a hn*t p< oth*rt. Tils* l.lit*. M... fur Kooth free. Cap. A. W. Pert*. ** and I uiidltlotia of to Thee. A. Browae, ' *i*- e<c. Almost a Hopeless Case. A Trrrlble Cough. Wo Beat Nlffht nor Day. Qlven up by Doctor*. A LIFtTsAVED BY TAJUKGr a wrn'O CHERRY A I ER 5 PECTORAL Bcreral yean ago, I eangbt a XTre cold. atUoJed with a terrible cough that allowed me no reat, either day or night The doc- tor*, alter working orer me to the best of their ability, pronounced my case hopeless, and said they could do no more fnr me. A friend, learning of my trouble, sent me a bottle of Ajrer't Cherry Pectoral, which I began to take, and Tf ry toon I was greaily relieved. Py the time I had used the whole bottle, I was completely cured. I hare nercr had much of a cough since that time, and I firmly believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ared my llfe."-W. H. V*JU>. ( Qulmby Are., Lowell, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral ST AWARDS AT WORLD S FAIR. 4y*r' Pilto t*. Beit Family WENT ASTRAY. Strnyil from th* preui i*a of t1i unil*i-HUin(*t, lilock I, Klr*h*riiiu, on* three-year-old in-ifrr. Jark n .1 with w It* ttar iu f rvhoa.1 anil large slit In ono i>ar. lnfvrin*.tlon * t.i IH r when about* ill be thankfully rnrp|vi<H. MM. pAUOKa, Kl**k.rtoii P.O Voters' List. Municipality of Artemesia 1HOS Niiiii-.i In hrn-by KIM-II that I lure trannmltted or delivered to th* peraoB* oieutlouoil in nee* tloim 6 and A of the Oi.Urio Vi.iur. 1 l.Ht v.-t. INK), thi* cotiiH required by srctioiiK t> l an tranfinltt<*d ir iii.iiv,-ii'-t of thu lint maile 1 , {lumuant to Hftlil <-l. of all |iron jipciiriiiB iv tlir laat n.TiMr.i !!,. KIII**III roll of th* all inuiilc i'lu> lo I.-, ri.litli- I t vi.tii In tli *niil MiuiiH i|''iv at plaatteos for awmben ef tM Initiative Amifinhlv and at Mtinu-i|<l Kim- tn'iif. n it ll>nt HMJ.I l.liit WMK flrtt li'-li-il lip lit im i.fnri- at l-'lr-,! ten , n '.hr -JVth Pay nf July, imiv aud rriuam- th*re fur la*fe*tl*a. Rlvrtur' a-o ci%'ln I upon to i-\iiiin,. tlio aald 1.1*1 and if anv oiumUtiuti* r any oltiiir erro-i at* (oiinil thrin t> talto imrr.o.iiatH pioo* >iN liiitu tu have tho vai't rrom rurrvcterl aooord- in^Ulaw. w i IIKI.I.AMV. Cl*rk Ui aid ,.f Art.lne.U D.ud Jaly lh. Irti. Mail Contract. Hal*il tendora. addrnaaed to the Po*traat,.r (Ivneral. will be rvrfiivwl at iittn aun.ii nnnn i.n Fi iilai . JStrt Augtwt. :UA. for th* cnnvvyanr* uf H ir MaJMMty'* kiniU. on a propo*il contract uu I.MIT ytfrs. thr** tlmva pr waek oarh nav, '.iM.-.ii I t.-Hiiri,n,i aud Vndol*ur from tb Ut (let il nr urtt The convi.yaiieo to b inaxlr In a v.-lu.-U. or or uth*rwi*. l'iii.ti-ii in. in- - ...utiiuini,- turthi-t Informa- tion an to oimititiun* W prop .IIIH| contract may b* >*rn anil lilank loruw *f Tcnilcr may lie oli- m UK I at the I'.iH olDoM at Flnha'rtou n.l Vanilolrur and at tuia afllce. H. O Horiiac. K" ' Ofnct. lu^i' Pott olHc* ln| oclor OH)c, StrkMoril.wh Jill) , FARM FOR 8ALC. 100 acre* In tb* townehlp of A>*ai-la. U rulliu troni tli* tllline nf Fl**h*irto.i. (ImJ I'liil.ln K*, wator ln*rrrv Ald. Blnall orchanl. Truiiy. Apply to FU>h*tU>n, July IS.VB. B. D. Lauu>. pniCKVII.I.K AND IH Illl Ml 8TAOB. Durham !* lure* Fleikwrton Station at Til in . rtiturni 4.4( p.m. 1'ilMTllke *ta(* I. ii- the aani* plac* at u v, irturnlni at 4 U Pare to PrtoeTlll* and return, 90 of at* . Durham IJOfor return. 7V tlagi* far* Llr*ry Iu ou- aestlea, U(4*n aiay be left at *lth*r botel FOK FRESH 1 i; in anas, ^ O ranges, Lcinous, Flour, Peed ein< 1 | Potatoes, -GIVE- UD* A TIJIAL. To Smokers To meet the l.i. of their cuttonKra The Qce. E. Tuckett * .Son Co.. Ltd., Haalltoa, Onr. have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T& B" SMOKING TOBACCJ) This supplies a long felt want, giv- ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a ten cent piece or n 5 c^ni | u-o of the famous "T&B" brand of pare Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" i> oa every piece. PtRSONSTO TRAVEL. WANTED Several faithful nentlemen and hutlea to travel for esuhimliril house. SALARY $780.00 AND EXPENSES. Pu*ilion p-iiinneiit if Huited ; also in- crease. Slate reference and eiiclo* e!f- liddroacetl timp>-.l <-iu elope. THE NATIONAL Ji6.Ji7-Ji Omaha BIJg. . CHICAOO. BICYCLE REPAIRS Whun your bicycle is out i>f order send it to the BICYCLE INFIRMARY, OWE Itt SOUND. \Vhci o you can have it put in gtmd hH|.e. All kind* nf repair work attended to at reawuiahU ratr*. JAS. M. WILSOV \V A \ T I' 1 1 * e od * a * n ln vour district to M n |1 I r.|/ rr|itrnt tlw Fouthill Niirner lo of C'aoaita. Over TUU acraf. Thi- larpi-Kt in th* Don. ml. .11 1'. Mill, n |>i>riiianeut. Salary or coniMillMou to n.-lit nmn. \\ ill. tli,. Increasing dmnaud for fruit a pout- Hull With III M Hill-Ill. II will |>y yin h,(..-r than vuijiiiinir Iu farm work. siij im v,,ur appilcatiun and w will how you Uuw to urn , ' -I III.'IIOV ol lem ) r! It* jiint th* thing for you iluriuc th* "Uinui.T \Vrlt fnr prti,-i,U, hr.'NtiA WKIJ.1NQTON. ioiuuto, out. Flesherton Planing Mill __ -**A Is now in active operation nnr) prepir .il to tnin out any ijuantity of first elans work, auch aatiooiH, l and Done to oriler. NV,< alto tnanuticture . (!iv<e uayuur nitter lor any- itin iu our line. Beecroft & Sloan. FLESHtWH STEM LH!DBT. I hav* npentd urn a> swaylete. aiaain Unmtrv l Klrtlmrton. aud am piep *il tutakolnani ^MiitMy nf laiindrv *nrk at lowr prioi Ihmi ar chargoil nlwoliorr t hav* pat iu Mi* la' out aad most liuprunxl ma>-lik IK<'>- t. that mid Kindly glv* ni* a call. Ralire uttiUrtton oarauteed. and pi lo<n low. MH. nne. MnoaiHoe ,K. CATTLE CAME ASTRAY n. R. & co. Our prices for the following are exactly the game as Simpson'* of To- ronto advertise them to-day nl tl.t-ir clearing Bale : Kcotcli Zcphers for blouses or suit- ings 17i cents. Tokio I'ongees. small figures, clear- ing at 12J cents. J)i.8 Uucka in r n'; and blue sputa a:i.'l li,iin s 10 ctiiU. SEE DAILY MAIL, JULY ^oth. They advertise tlie tiu-l line as regular value 25 cent*, onr price 22c. If you want cheap goods lo'ik around you near liom<; before you Bend away !<><) miles or more for stuff that bus been rtjtclecl by thousands of shoppers We buy fimo the same Boureos on as favo'.'itble terms, tliottgli ofuuij U-sd i]tiaiHitics s the big city s-o es. Ail our impurlod goods have the cost walked on them in p'aui K'.erliDg figure*; if it is any at Vinl i '.,'>' to know cost }ou can see it cveiy tiiuj to satisfy ciuiosity, but what yj.i waut KttEST HUE fir T1EB KOIE'f and that is just w. a', wo aim to giva yon, but in order to do llitt we inns: buy tc hdvuta t e, wa'ch n.aikit- closely, Hiitici[>-u< i -, IJ:UCK . indicatious (if fixing aud f-tllin;; mark- ets aud get Even with tlie.e ad avitages we ofiru have to accept less than oust tor goods getting out of season or when Htock or assr-riiLttiu is muoli reduced, as for (XdiupV, the lot of summer gloves now olFeiing at half prices!. Children's Gloves 5c per pair Ladies' Gloves lOc per pair Genii' Summer Snarls. 5c lice. fortJc Millinery at half prices Manilas at half priws Do we lose money on the e 1 nes well, yts, bat you see we made some on the tarly stock these are rem- nants of tiie season and we are not desirous of packing them aw IT. You can have soice if yon wish. Souit lucky i't.T-ci.8 will gut them and chuckle over bargtms. If you buy your tea from lea ped- diais xnt should not giudpe tiip'.n t!i*> extra 5 or 111 cents \ er Ib. you may- have to imy for it. Kcepn-j; 1., aud rigs goin.,' is exprusivj und the cost has to ooiuo out of the piolils on tea Uon't you see ii ? \Vc are im- porters i.f tea bii.l have tluin pack, I to onr ordei in pau'aa^f.s to suit families of 10, 20 and 30 II*. each, with our own name and brand put cu in Japan. \Ve challenge test com- parison with the teas we offer. Get our samples, it costs uotliiu,} to try them. Japan Teas 15, JO. -J5. :,0 & 35 per Ib. India Tras JO. 86, 40 & OOc per Ib. Finest biauds choice Ctylou teas liuupjwdcr TCJW I'.lnek Teal We nill give *5 Ibs. Granulated Sugar for $1, or Ibs. for 25 cents. n. RICHARD50N & Co. J IVp't. When you have A good thing . . PUSH IT . . That is the way with our Dindcr Twine. It is good aud we are pusli- ing it. It is sold from 5 Jc. to 7^. Our fie. and 7c. twines, *re the vt-rr cheapest made. Call and see thetn and you will bo convinced. it nearly ready and yon will probmbly noed a good .. . Grain Cracllo We have a good assortment and our pricct arc very low. Teu inch gocd sheepskin . pair; IU iueli belt lieopakin tail . ttte.; IU inch Baraimc Un, 2Jc.; 14 inch bet BhwpgJun.. 85 ; 16 inch kx. -t sh^pukin, 4Vo. Came to th* pr*mt>a of tb* nndmln*d. lot H.'aili|HirU'r for all kinds of 'I'm- 10, *oo. 4. 0.uri-jf. on or about July T. .. v-u I ware anil hniliier'a H,ivl ywrllD^ oatU*. Owuer oan bar* Ui* saw* * JldrdWre. t>rov!u( property and patlog MpeMe^ x i - K ic liurclsoi^ 4 <i^s