THE -FLKSHIRTO* 1 D Y A H C ! Time Table. UOI.NU SUI'TH. Urkdal-840a. m. > Usltttluu 6.53 a. m. COIMO *(i| rUahertoa 11.48*. m. Maikdale --12.U4 p. Hi. 4.40p.m. 4.63 p. m. 9.17 p. m. 9. SO p. B. DOT'S CORNER. OWHN SOUND. ONTAHIO, 1. '1 In- N i v Detft PL.AOK IX CANADA TO OBT A tisiitss Education, Take a Round Trip SS Collt>M and iiB'in In Ouiwlft, tbn rliit !,) Nuribvru HUIIIM College ; i*iulue every- in . 114 thoroughly. If w fall to i>rrluc the I.KMI ttoorouc'i. ooui|>lel. practical and eiteo- ireoourM ulnudi the bwl colliwe premlue it th beit aud moat complete ana inoet iuit- DUfuriiiture andell liKiioee, wo will le von a full c.>ur KKI.i. For Annual Announce u.oui.4iviuif full partieulan ,fr, aildrvaa C A. FLEMING, PrlnrlpaL Eugenia Mills -- AND - Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, also Planing ami Matching, Band Saw- 1113, v ood Turning of every des- cription. Planing fvitd Gram Chop V"J ! >"i wuile you wait, for thi tarns tne wheel. T. W. WILSON 5o,ooo Ibs. WOOL WANTED -AT THE Woollon *hi.-l. tin- hitrtiMt poasibla price will > (win in i'h or trade in all kimU "f vicillen nr um<m good* such is iwrrds, rl.iineim. full cloth, hlaukuU and all luuii* uf yams, i-lc. A Common Affliction PtnMMifl) Cured bj Taking Saraa- parilla AYERS A CAB DRIVER'S STORY. "I WM sfllrtcd for eight jrenn with Suit Ytl.i-iiin During Hint time, I grrnt many mrdlelni'i wblcli were highly rev ndpil, but none icave me relief. CUSTOM WORK Will I.,- promptly attended to in all iti . rn< lu-i. Si, in MINI-, roll carding, wi-av- lii,;, lulling, dyeiug, etc., etc. UlVK UH A CALL. John Nuhn, Prop. I was al lint il>lt-.l to try's Sarnn- pnrllla. liy n Irlen.1 wh.i tol.I me that I muit nnrclisjie MX IxitiU-i, unit them according to directions. I yielded tohli lioiiKht tin- ill tMittlrs, and t-t.-k tlf sootsnts of tl.i.f.if these hot- II. < mlthnul notn-liiB MIIV iin.Tt liciieflt. H-for* I Im.l finished Uie luuiUi bottle, in) bands were as Free from Eruptions si "-v<-r they were. My t.iilnei. which I- .( .1 sab-drlTST, t.>.|iilres me to be out |n rold and wet weatbi r. often without (loves, and lh lrniibli>> tins never returned." THOMAS A. JuiiMt, Htratford, Ont Ayer f Sog[Sarsapari!la Admitted t Uia World'e Pitlr | J'tltt ( l <4 !. f !, llu,l. It. I It is tlis oauJMt thing in the world tu mke a reputation. A yonng man told me the other day that he had achieved the distinction of being a kind uf local authority on Shake- speare before he bad read one line of him. People it would be nice if he wuuld consent to organise a Shake- speare club and so give a larger nntnbcY of |M-<i|ile the benefit of hi* valuable criticism. The minister appealed to him [tccaaionally to know just where a certain pacuge inii;ht be found and his interpre- tation of it. It mattered not that he avowed Ins denst ignorance ; people put that dnwn to his modesty and poreisted in believing in him as a Shakespearean student and critic, 'and all because on one occasion he had made an apt quota- tion and repeated some one elae's criti cmm. Aud all this iu none of your back- woods districts, but in a large and flour ishinK town. It is a mournful thing to get the repu- tation of being funny. The funny man's most serious statements are met with peals of mirth which he at tint rtstnU with surprise and indignation, till he be' come* aware that he is thought to be jok inn. Then he kindly explains that "That was not a joke, but meant seriously." A*, this the company becomoa morn and more vonvulsed and U-ll each other be- tween their spasms of laughter that he tihe funny man) is never so funny as when lie does the aerio comic. By thi* time the funny man smiles an inane and helplew Mnl. but inwardly feels like ponchinx souiebtidy's head. Once I asked the funny man to 611 in the answers to thtt questions in my album uf mental photographs. "Now," I said, "here is a chance for you to shine." Rut, if you will believe it, that perverse individual refused to be epigrammatic, ur bun-mot -y, or pun-y, aan eventing that I n- was a very serious person, and that it was nothing ahort of frivolous to answer those questions in any way but a* the lawyers put it "to the best of your knowledge and belief." > instead of aaying that bis favorite author was "Dot, ' he solemnly wrote"Shakespeire," and inalead of my euphonious ci>Knom.i lie gavu that of his b*t girl an his favor- it>- name. Instead of saying his favorite book wan the pocket book, and his fav orite hour in the day was the dinner hour, he told the bsld and unadorned truth. Hut if he thought that by one full blow he could kill the general im previion that he was a funny msn, he was vastly mistaken, for he was never more funny in his life than when he made such a strenuous effort to tell the truth. It did not come natural to him. There is a certain old damv not twenty miles from here, who IIHH dominated the social life of lht> village wherein she re, on a reputation made a quarter ol a century ai<o for cnrtain line lady know- ledge of the world of good manners. "Old limes have changed, old mannttrs gone," but 1 think at no time could she liavo |iaMed muater in " good society,' but coming into a small village in those remote tunes, bringing with Imr her own piano, and, what i* mre, being able to Minim upon it, with a fun assumption ol Hupuriority, she soon became the oracle for the etiquette of all nocial functions, aiid entertaining geuerouily herself, she has never been dethroned. Miai(uid<l now comers from the great world without have from time to time come into that little villaira, bearing their new-fangled notion* and a general air of up-to-daU Lees, and philanthropically have endeav ured to free the inhabitants from the yoke of tliis local Mr*, (iriurly, but after one or two encounters with her Serene Iliuhnriui, and receiving the rebuff* o tier wtrllit , have discovered that " dis .i.-iion is the betier |>nrt ot valor." .' little a*uni|itioii does it all. The worlt takus UH at our own valuation generally it has no time for line dUcriminations, no tune to Heck out modest worth and force It to display Itself, no lime to look foi th violels in the gram when tliure sre miny RunHowers clainoriiiK for ilitHttf t "ii Mo doubt it ia the losor theruliy. I wiu just rendinc the concluding chsp teia of Contii Poyle'H "Mil-all Clarke" those stirring chapter* duicnliiiiK the | bati.lo of Sedtif moor -when the air nlx'iit mu !>rjn to rufttrherMe piiNtUe with the (.|irocli of Orange |, ..!.,* from nil dim-Holm In laiii'V tlity liocainu tin- drnniH of liHttlii. K i, Ii now I<H|,,.- nfintil like n rfif"ri - "nii'nt <MHIH to -Mcmr |nir Muiini'Hiili lorlorn h-.pp nnil m nne l>y ii. ihfy ili'|>/ki tn.l and silence full, .m. I only the rain clnj pcil, dii|.|.KU- just a* t did that other day so mmiy yaan ago, when the sturdy peaaautry of westvru England died in the bogs t! Sudgemoor, r were trampled and mowed eTuwn by lie royal cavalry, and '.! fur a vraven who, with white face, fled and left ihrin to die I wondered would thete have >een any Orange lodges if there had been no sloiuiKiuth } Wihlld there tave ben any battle of the Iluyuu had there not bean that sad but glorious de- 'eat at Sedgemoor ) And I could not lelp but wish that all our history might written iu the same vivid impressive way. A gnod book to read in conjunc- tion with "Micah Clarke" is Blackmore's quaintly written " Lorna Doone. " For while Micah Clarke leads us su-p by step through the entire rebeMirm, till we feel on friendly terms with Roundhead, Cav- alier, peasant and soldier of fortune all of those who went to make up the strange heterogeneous aray under Monmouth's banner Lorna Doone pictures the nocial life of the people of those history-making times, touching the rebellion only inci- dentally, but leading us through many and varied advt-nturM in the efforts of the people of Exmoor to rid themselves of Ifcose ariatocratie outlaws, the Doone, who, ensconced in their beautiful but infamous glen, had robbed and raided the honest peasants for generations. No, there is not a dull page in either "Micah Clarke" < r " Lorna Duone." Dor. Postmaster Bradley is the owner of a spaniel dog in whose wisdom he has much faith. When the dog swallowed a dose of poison the other day the Colonel was sad and sorrowful ; when it finally recov end from the effects of the dose its master rejoiced much. Una of the dg gie's many accomplishments lies in tint ability to carry a small parcel in its mouth. Mr \V. Bradley started for the bank on Monday with $54 to deposit. He wrapped the money up neatly in a piece of paper and gave the parcel to the dog to carry in its mouth. When be got to the bank with the dog at his heels the money WM missing and he almost regretted that the poison had not coin plated its work the week before. Shortly afterwards Messrs. Jull, Caesar and Swinton picked up the $64 on the street, and, not knowing who had lost it, Inft it iu Urven A Go's store, where it was re covered later on by Mr. Bradley, who will carry his deposits in an inside pocket after this. Orangeville Advertiser. Relief In Boon Distressing Kid ey and Bladder disesnen relieved in sil hours by the " (treat South American Kidney Cure. " This new remedy is a grfat uurprisu and delight on account oi ita exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and erery part of the urinary passage* in male or fe male. It relieves retention of pain ii I HUM ing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and euro HUH in your remedy. Sold by W. E. Richardson Druggist. Hi arl li-.r;iM- It < Inv . il In :t ( MlnUtrH l>r. Ague's wr Cureof the Heart gives purfect reliuf in all canes ol Oorgonic or iSympatht-tic Heart Disease ii: 30 minute*, and speedily effects a cure It ii a |M>i>rli-Hs rt-iiiixly for Palpitation, Short in-M of Krvath. Smothering Sin-Ms, I'ain in Loft Hide and all symptons of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces S.,1,1 l.y W. K. Itichardaon. ROLLER MILLS Are now complct and are running regular. CHOPPING an usual. P. LOUCKS. PHOTOS! PHOTOS! If you want photos uken go to the FLESH ERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY where noth'iig l-ut first c'ass work i tiirni'.l out, <n.l |>iicni low. i I'niii I'niki'ifiM Tor city .,rk. ('Hro'ui attention IM\ i-n I, copying otlitir picturu*. lial.i. H' pli,.:..i i I'i'Hii % o Kramino: in nil us pronip'ly and neatly Iis, Bul-isi SyJaalaai St. Repairs, Iiepairs D. McTAVISH, FLbSHERTON UORSESHOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS ON HAND Repairs fur Haiwey Hvrrla, uml Moxon. Fleary and vVllkinson Farm Implements Plows: Fleury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons, Baggies, Cutter*, Sleighs, etc. Ilorseshoeiug promptly attended to. Special attention to tender ootracted feet. Logfiug and Plow Chains constantly on hand. Vk in BtiVtf-Vb iitr &-&-& nutt, iif iit y^ uti "' i A Soft Thing i > * * When you am driving in always enjoyable. Our bujgie* are easy and pleasant to ride in, neatly finished, strong aifH^j durable. Call and examine our stock. CsrU and democrats) on easy terms. Painting, trimming aud tiii'shiug dune .<> order. I claim to sell aa durable anil ({nod a Tuhicleu there is OD the market. R. T.WHITTEN. The Mother Heart Touched "I Believe SOUTH AMERICAN NERVINE Savad the Lives of Two of My Children." Puny Children Grow Fat and Strong Tired and Ailing "Women Take on the BLOOM of EARLIER YEARS. What will touch the mother heart more deeply than the illness) of her little one* I She may suffer much herself, and women are sorely afflicted with many ill*, but she will endure all this, however often, without a murmur ; but there can be no <lii guiaing her anxiety when the little one* of the home are stricken down with sickness. And how many puny children there are I We talk of the bloom of youth, but thousands of children know not of it. Others may romp, but they are weaklings. Mother*, would you have your loved ones strong and healthy t Would you enjoy good hea'th your- Mft Then use South American Nervine Tonic ; there is no doubting its efficacious properties. Investigate from a scientific or a common sen&o point of view and you will find that nearly all disease ha* it* start in the nerve centre* of the body. The mission of South American Nervine i* to at once reach the nerve centres, which are to the whole body what the mainspring of the watch is to every other part of the timepiece. Science ha* made perfectly clear that the trouble* that affect the individual organ* of the body, have their Mat in these nerve centre*, so, without my wasteful experimenting, South Amer- ican Nervine reaches out to the teat of the difficulty, and straightening out what ia wrong there heal* tho whole body. Liiten to what Mr*. II. Russell, Wingate, write* on thi* point : " I have used several bottles of South American Nervine Tonic, and will say, I consider it the best medicine in tho world. I believe it saved the live*) of two of my children. They were down, and nothing ap- peared to do them any good until I procured this remedy. It was very urprising how rapidly both improved on its use. I dou'i, allow myself to be without some of it in my house. I recommend the medicine to all my neighbors." It will certainly grant new life to all who ro delioxte, whether yourg, middle-ogee!, or old, Do not worry along with ill health, but dispel it, and lirightnn your HVM by the immediate use of South Amor- i. ,111 Nervine. F"oi* fefult* toy \Vm. UichcirtUon. I