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Flesherton Advance, 4 Jul 1895, p. 4

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THI fLISHlETON ADTAMCI BSTABLUUD 1881 Ml.HHKK WRIKLY AT TtK (fTTH!*. SYI>- K .IIVX HTUBKT, FIJWHBUTuN, ONT , r w n I II.T :t mm HI.*) r inly In Mavanre Advertising Rate*: O.i- Column. 1 yr. MO , IMM col., 1 yar, ttl quarter col., on* > ar, 919. Trtnaiant IrerfHwcwitt harffwl a* tho rat* I * , mil* par li cm lot Orm iunortion uJ 3 cents n .ubtwQuent lunortloD. County Council. THfRHPAY AfTBRHOO!*. Auione other coninitinicationa the re- Dirt of I'tildic School Inspector Campbell of Houth Orey and the report of the North (irey Karmera' Inatitiuc were road. The clrk preatrntrd hia report on the memor iala ordered liy tho council at the Janu- ary aeaaion. The report war ordered lo >.- riled. Mr. Blyth presented Report No. 1 of Finance Ornninittee ree..iiimi:n.Iin::, lat, the 'sum of jf.'Olie granted the Children'* Aid S. : -ty of Owen Sound and that a special coin mitteot e appointed to fonaider tlie various Htatutca now in force in refer nee tu the care f the pendent chil- dren ; 2nd, that ?1</0 be granted tl.t- North CT v Plough'"!! Aeaoviation; 3rd, thul UK- re<iuet of the Owen Sound Poultry Am 'datum for a grant be not complied i-i" 4th, that thu application of the r.-nual Agricultural S.i.-i. ty for u! 4. 1 be not . u'i ti:.ine.l : 5th, that the re- port* of the 8. Ort-y Farmers' firslirute aim the K Orey Agrn-ultural S'iciy be ilrd ; tith that the Owen Sound Uencral and Marine Hospital be granted 1200 ; Tth, fti'e pedlar's licenHea be lo thu following incapacitated W. I'. Kwiri, Meaf.ird; tiusttv Witte, Ijeiitinck; Joachim T. Kvera, Wilhama- fi.rd; \Vm. Prili-hard, Iteiitinck; 8th, that trie wc'.un' of the county cleik for post at;.., tl- 7'2, and tlie itceount of It. Me- !\ ijhfc for legist i.-riny the tri-run i IT'S v ii- i'. f, be pitid ; !lth, that the amount of f600 pi,,,-, d in the trt-asurT'.s cit;m iii- f. r contingencies be atruck out, leaving the to'al nmount rei|inn-.l to I..- provided for the ensuing year at If.'tJ.HlM. Th. r., "il w.-n ad"p' .-it . -is lead, an am .i.lii--ul i.ttcicd by Messrv lioland and Hunt to fltrike out the I'rnnt lo tin- North (Iri v Ploughing Aaaocial ion bollix defeat .- I ilivmnin. Id-port No. I "f lli-- ('..intnitlee on K, and Itrnlu'i-a, presented by Mr I! -.,ib-. ri-i-oiniiii'iide I tlii' ill.- in iftT of upcun.L' the townline I etween the loth and 14' h c.mecsM.iin, township* of An.. hicMa and ( )prey, be left in the handa of the tnuiiici|mliiiua concerned; that the vaolun MI of the rei vr and ill-puts i . . -. . uf 1). rby akiiiK for a aum of money to Ira n a alaiMintit p.Hil on the (iar.tfiaxa i ., I I..- n -t i-nti-it Hii.-il: that tin. matt, i .if .iprii.iix ''"' luwnliiie between Proton and Artfiueiia be 1. f t in the Intnd.s of thu iiiiinici;ialitn-H conct'ri.i-d The report .t nil motion adopted . rRII'AT AfTKKNOO*. Mr. Illyth piuienteil .-t re| of the Finance Cumimtlei! rec. .ininendini' that tlm county ratu ln levied on the MIMIC hajtis of t-.pi;ili/ed ansMaainentH aa laat v.-.-i, the total asacssnieiit i.f t'le county UIIIIK ?r.i.'.i;>l,<'<0. The cummklee also KM oinmentUd i hi. l 'tin- report of the South (lity farmers' Iimtitule bo tilnl. On motion the rfp^r* \r.ia adopted Mr. Hlyth introduce.! bylaw 499 to roii'iim the ameamdi.t of the l-' muni- ci|.alitiea aa por report of Kiua'ice com miitee, and bylaw 500 to levy a rule to in. .-t ibe cuirenl expennea und liabilities of the .-.unity forlSlNI. Tin -.Utter by law the rate at one and lixty five 'lUiii'i'.-'llha inilla uii the dollar, which < n it... aaieanment of f li,5G,000 will yield 9;i2,'.r27.50 for the expenses of thu r..unty next year. Tl> council went into committee of the whole, on bylawa 4'. Mi, 4i*7, 4'.M. -i.'.f.l .md .-'1.1, Mr. Gilray in the chair, llyl.-iw 4!M> to rtpp-.iut arbitral. ira for thu formation of a nuw Hcho-il Hcclioii out uf Hectiona 5. T, 13 and 14, tnwnahip of CiiUingwiMid, wa* li... .1 in iih the nanica of Judi; 1'reaaor, Andrew tiricr aud Niohohia l!e.,il. Hy'aw -iV? to IISM*S tlie local iiiiiiiioipalitta for an eqtiivalant I . the le.'inlaliv.- ac!\otil ^rant for 18t)5 waa lili.-d in with tlie reaped iva ami. untu fur the vaiiona tt.wubi| , mid bylaw 4lH t. iiiipniiit a truatee for the t)wen Komi. I liepu'ai and Marine Ho.-ipilnl in place ..I the late H A Staik wax tiled in with the ii .1111- of W. J. llrahiiiM rvt'.ve uf> '1 IK- committee having riaeti and rrporti-d all lliuHo uylawa weru i i-. ! a thirti time and finally |maaed. Movud by Mt-ssTM Kirrairl May that the r*vea of Keppel, St. Vincent, Arte in-. in, Kii|.hraNia, Derby and tlia mover I..- a apecial cummittue to tnktr'infft con aideralion the propriety uf nu'i.ioral./.iut the lit-gisl.tlure to enact I. .. l ii.- n < . el. tblo muni' jmlniua I.. cbiHO ti: in i u yeal by !', ...U-r ITiih in order tin 'lU II:MV funiiith the ratepayoiB witli a e.impl ie audil before thu time o.'.elco lion.- -C.trrird. Mured by Mn-r*. P.i'mer and Hiuglha I Ilia council conaidnr that tlm lime haa when nie.pi onijht tu h<^iakeii for e-UHlilubiii.' a I.- ii---' of refuse in the fouiiiy. Tliia moiioii, aa nnitht Li- ed KHVB riM to a p o! J--bat . AHj..uruiniMit WM made at O.iO until 8 p. m. FB1DAT BTKMIMO. Warden Itinnie waa in tht chair at 8.05. The ducuaaioii mi the Hunan of Refutre, which waa adjourned in the afternoon, waa again opened. Mr. Palmer being the hntl speaker, aaking tho member* t ralue the true worth uf the poor houae. Mr. Itohti.d then uiored in amendment, aecondrd by Mr. Davia, that the Council take no action at preaent with the erec- tion of a Houae of Refuge, becauae when the pauper claaa waa claaaitic J, it waa found that a ainall uumtier wuul'l be left to go to BtK-h a houae. Meaara. Sitig aud Cochrane quoted fit<urea, &c., taken frvm reports of oilier Huuat-a uf Itefu^e. Mr. Chiahobn aroae to anawer to Mr. Cuch- rane'a remarka, *ht.ii the latter denied ao and ao, the former retaliation by aay- ing, "Well, Mr. Cochrane, you have been talking all bight, ao pleaae hold your [OII.MH- for a minute." After Mr. Chi- lio'iu concluded Mr. Cochranv artwe to reply to the former, when there waa a L' hubbub, and Mr Sins; mill he did nt ili ink it waa fair to allow any uittiiber of the Council t-. monopolize all the time. Anyway Mr. Cochrant* aaid he W'.u'd not accepit any report pr . ^. n'. d by Mr. Chiahulm becauao a coinmittee of the Council had Iwt-n the inntiKnton in preparing it. Mr. Read then aaked Mr. Cochranu how he expected the mtmhera to accept any uf nia atktenitn.U and h^urea which were not corroborated if ho wi.uld not accept a report which the Council had received from various countiea which had been aaked to answer certain queittiona. Mr. l>tvia ftfruiigly nppoaed the loan of ao much time in debating on the aubject. Mr. Clark (Keppel), waa uf opinion that the tinendincnt did not recommend tho erection of a poor house, thinking that there wan nut a aufticirnt numb, r to itend tu inch a hum*-, but he thought there was a kutlicietit number thiotiubuut the cuunly ttliu ahuuld be m such :tn iimtitu- t'oii. I'aupeni bad to bu supported either by public or private charity, and tli.' community would have expcnne either way. Aflor nearly two li..ur' de- bate, in winch proliahly one- 1 bird had their imy a..ine two or three tno-, a Tute waa taken on the amandniunt which car- ried by 'M to IS The uiiKinul mutioii waa then rend and a v..t- t ik.-n, which waa lost by H to 31. S.uu |..-rson wliu certainly wax not aatialicd with t!ie almw of hands, and !. must hate been in favor of the election of a houteuf refuge, called fur the yean and Maya on the inution, lncli were |{ivrn aa fullu : VIMS Ifiuwn, Cbiahiihii, C'lark (Kep- pel), I'.tlmor, Siiijj, Head, Smulaer, T. 1. TboiiiHOn, Westawuy. Nayft AnderHoii, lleMoii. l>.-si, !!..! and. lllyth. Clark ^t>apre> ). t 'm-liram-, .'(irliett. l)avis, jrhimt, Wt-..n. Will, rofl, Metire^'T, Kieit, Prt-stmi, Shute, iles. Svai.soii, lloluc, (it 1 . i. Thuniji ai.n, Krkiiu>, Kras-r, li. tiilray, rieiny, McPonal.l (Sydeiibuiu ), King, M, in. 1 :. Muimu, ib/, Mut.l'.Ji. The iiioti.ui w,ts HL:.IIII List by a tutu of IS to ill. ..v.-.l by Mr. Sing, fecoinlrd l-y Mr Kin, that with n virw uf aMcertainiii.! tin- i; mi ion of t!ie county re (lie . i t-.-t n.n i.f a I ni-e ..f Hefncje. that .1 plebiM-itt- to'e I e .iki-'i in the variuUH inunicipalili. .' the next January t-lecliuii fur eounuil'uiH, to eiiiiblt- the ettid ratt pijeiH to S4ty ttlii-.l-er tiny lire in favor of a HOUHU uf Uufu^e r not. Mr T. I. Tliotnaon )|>puBed this, as he loii.^lit it Wuiild cause unneoes:i.try ex- i" ' ' Mr. Cuchrane waa IM.- i f the r.ttt'p.-xyera of Derby wiahed to hav.- n H'.ustf i.f Kefug.' be woulil like lo let tbein have an oppurtunity, luch a.-. ho motion provided. Mr. Sing aai.l thai in makini; the mo- tion he ll.uiiylit the peo|ilu Would undo .iiinil the in. t t i-r and let them aettlu i'. The iiiutiun waa loat hy a large majority. Warden Hiuin.- then read a cominuni- fioin Oaider Miller, which aaked for a wi mi to p n IIRM the supply of llowers for the court houae yard. Council adjourned at 10 06 to meet at 9 a.m. Saturday inorniii|(. ' MATCUIiAY MOKM v . It waa eight minute* after nine when the Ward .n took the chair and aakud the clerk t > call the roll. The minutea . f Fiiday uvemng.'s neaaion Wuro read, the Warden aigninti fie aame County I'ropetty C.-minitleu preaet.ted rep..i t N.. 2, which recommended the pay intuit of the account of ti >. irjj.. kin, #'J ."in . beauthur izetl t<> purchaKt) a ladder for the court bouse, and alHu the nec.-.ssiiy aniuunt of fuel for tho county hiiildii.gft, and that the chairman >.- that thu coul ix cuirrctly weighed ; cummittev alao recommended that a committee 1m anpom'cd by the council with powtr to employ thuaervioea of a akilled piirtton ao that an examin- ation could Iw ui.iile uf the buatin);appar- at-H of the county huildiniia and rt<p .rt at lilt! next aeMimi uf the council. On motion council wmit ii.t-i coinmitlett of tin- whole ..u report No. 2 of County Properly, Mr. Pruatun iu tin- chair. The report p I.IM-.I in uominiltee of ihu whole and council reaiiiiutd,Wrde4i HI thu chair, when, on motion, ihurop-.rt waa received and ad..) -led Moved by T I. Th. .111,1111111, seconded by Mr. I'.ihuiT, that .M.-wi-. CliiHholm, Sinn, and chairman uf County Properly, be a co.muittu ti ta-ry out tin) ni4iin.:ii us of the c lUncd aa to the best m. -.mi if beating thu building* (Ur- ne.l Moved by Mr. T. I. Thoiupv.n, IM c- untied by Mr Sniff, ilia' tlm invvHi>gvr r. y if the Cuuncil be paid $5 foraervioea (I Ti>g theaeHHiiin. C.uriitl. Mo*.. I by Mr. (iilray, ai conded by Mr. tbai the County Treaaurer be .t.ithu.i/A.-<l in pay Iu nach of ih riding a ' 1.0, i. u .1 the aum of $-i>0, he- in^ vlieaiu. t>t ill* auuua. grant. Going out of Business . . . Having arranged to go oat of business I will offer my whole stock of Dry Goods, Millinery, Ready Made Clothing, Hats and Caps, liootH and Sho, Groceries, Crockery, etc., at cost and mirier, commencing Monday nest. TliM will afford casli buy- ers the privilege of having cheap goods. Come in earl/ and get the chuke of stock. This is no htmibng to get jonr trade bnt a geunine M!F. Bnttcr eggs and wool wanted. T. HILL, FLE5HERTON. Moved in amendment by Mr. Chixholm, neci.mled by T. I. Thompton, that the amount votud to each riding agricultural oociely bedivnled aaf.ilii/wa.' E*t(>roy, f^60 ;8.>uth (Jrey, fL'&O ; North ttrey 9*250 ; Wallera Falls exhibitiun, f.M) ; dwell Sound IVultiy Aaaociatiun, ^30. The aiiii'i.dineiil c.irrio*!. Mr. Cochrane Mr. Clii.shi.lm cnn do U to tliai.k the council, now that the ninendincnt ia carried. Mr. P.olai.d Yr. aud give tin each a teltili'jof en. (Laughter.) Moved by Mr. S*, s,-c< nJti'l by Mr. Fiaaer, that C. J. Pratt be paid $0 on account. -Carried. Sj., < re|x>rti-d the rccmn- inendatioii of dr.iftini; U-ttft i.f condol- i-iii-f to the w i. !.' .-mil familifauf JnHeph Taylor mid K. A. i^tark. The iv|H>n wo* paxtHrd. Moved by Mr. Lomon, necondeil by Mr, (hut tin' rli:iirinan of I'r |nr'y ('..inini t.'o lie nm'i -icti-d to liat e lir.-kcii -.'.-.he in the ttaol yaid inra-un--l htid tu have the contractm. U-.U-rt Mor- row, | .aid the lialai.ce of Ins acc-.unt on a fi-rtiliciite fiom the chairman uf County 1'roporty ('..mimilre. Carried. Moved by Mr. C'..clir.ine, aeci.nded by Mr. Head, that the Clerk bo instructed l.i | rrj-an- n coinpil iri.-u of the bylaws of the C'tm'y now in force fur the informa- tion uf tint! council, with the viow of hav ing the aame printed in |utni[.h!.-t f. .rin. anil thu aamu to a committee at next tension, composed of tho Kocira of K>-|i|it'l, Ntiriiianby, Tin -rnbury, Owen Sound -in. I thu ini'ver, to report thereon. (tn niotioii liy Mr. lilyth apec:al ooin- milter 41 appointed to t-x mime into the workin.' of tlm varioua act* rrltting to inflected i-liililrt-n and youlhfulcriiiiin.l<. Ill .!. til m i- with lep-.rt N.I. 1 of Kin- .1111.- i .- ni..ittet- ( and report at next aei- nn.ii. C.irii.d. On inutinii by M. Siuf %irl (^ilray, the Cuutieil ndjournsl at in. 'id to uu-.-t ai 7. .10 p. in. on Tuesday, lieivinber Urd. (;..d S.ive I ur y u-en" \MH then ung, and the Juno auaanm eloaed - HM knnli.rl, v SataFllay laat waa a busy day fur Kim- Uerley, it being the laat day of the en- trance inanimation and a pic-nic waa held in connection with the Muthmliat church, also a maipstrate'a court was held III the Hall. \\ i- u n. li-i Htand it wax a cane tit fiuht ing with partiea that live auuie diatance ti .'in here. We are happy to aay the pic-nic wan quitu pleaaant, abuut 915 liuing realized. A game of baae ball waa played between Kocklyn and Kitnberley. \Ve refrain from i(ivint( the acore out of companion for our Kimborluy boya, but will juat aay Kocklyn went home victoriuua. How- ever, three or four of our beat plnyern were aWnt and probably that accouuta for their being ao far behind. A very nuriouH accident occurred to a young man of this place laat Wednesday John l.awri-me, aoii of (>eo Lawrence, wan ridinx a hurae when it tuok 1 1 1 .In and threw him. He fell against a t..n.- which would weigh about >KX) pound* and moved it aeveial inchea on the (rrounil We are pleased to learn he ia recovering under the akilful treatment uf Dr. ll.-n net. After a long and ptkiuful illneaa Mrt. Jainua Myl. a piutaed away Sunday morn- iiiu. Thu family have thu nympathy of the iioi^>hborH of tin* place. Mis MyloH was an old resident of the valloy and ahe had tho e.steem of all who knew lu-r The funeral left 'I'luvlay morning at 11 for Meafurd cemvtery. (,'ui'e an exciting little occurrence hap penod here M unl.iv, the lit, when the nlan^ phraae of being left might be well appliod. Some friends wr viaiting Mr. t'm ij air), thinking it aU.ut time they were going home, aa thu hulidity w.ui drawing to a clo.*e, th.'y atarted otf and did not happen to rvmomlici- one of the little boya, about two year* old. After they had bot'ii KUIIU aome time the fiienda found the lilUo fullow | 1 IMHU outaide. An enciting cruise to -k place hy old and yi>nii. A httla bi.y of Mr. Fawoett's on> ran the older JIIB and nU)(lit up to the parenta iut r a8 thjf had rualinvd there . . a niianiuv link . Thty lurned'liack and uiet aomu oM*r | tv'ple carrying the younttalur, who-waa plfaatid t.. bt- I'eotoiixl to the loving anna of the parents. Wao thia nUiei.lnnndedi.ena, pour inathema- tn-a, or liatf' To Smokers To met the wlihcs of their cuftomerf The Oco. E. T ticket! A Son Co.. Ltd., Hamilton, Ont.. have placed upon the market A Combination Plug of "T& B" SMOKING JOBACCg This supplies a long full want, _-i\ ing the coinnmor one 20 ceut ping, or a ti r> cent piece or a 5 o-nt | i-ri of the famous 'T&B" brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every piec*. PL R SONS TO TRAVEL. WANTED - Several faithful gentlemen and tu travel for estah!iilii'd house. SALARY $780.00 AND EXPENSES. Position permanent if suited ; also in- cr.-.ise. Stale reference and cncSwe self- addreast-(l tni>|ied envelope. THE NATIONAL Ji6-Ji7-JiH Omaha UUf ., CHIC M id BICYCLE . . . REPAIRS...,. When youi bicycle is out i-f order nend it to the BICYCLE INFIRMARY, OOTEIVT SOUND, Where you cau hare it put in g<ul shape. All km. Is uf repair work attended to at reasonable rates. JAS. > Poles Wauted- Wanted 1000 M ft. pole* (or which I will pay I. 10 each. For particular* call on J II. Fl*hertoD Station. J. D. " IU i V T I> I\ * K.KJ.I man iu vour <litrict to If l\ il I "-I/ r|iri>Hunt vim ftnithill Xurwr lea of Canada. Oir 700 acrw. The larguit in the Dominion. l' >i tn.n peroiauvut. 8alai y or i-oiutiiiHHiou to i ii,-hl man. With the IncrvanhiK .luinaud (or fruit a poal- 11. 'ii with ua a> talesuian will nay vm bt.or than eiiKaginit in farm work. Suiul UK y. ur a|.|>licatlon aud w will nlu.w jou liuw to earn good uiuii.v Scluxil tcln,r ' its Just th tbiug for you during tlie suinnivr. Write for particularit HTONU WKLL.INUTON, Turouto, Out. Flesherton Planing Mill -^ Ia now iu active operation and ed to turn out any i|tiaiitity uf first claaa work, aiich aa U.K>IH, inoulJings, (luoringa, etc. and Ti.n'i-.i ny, Done to order. We alao manufacture Itenbivea. (iive us jrour i.rdev fur any in "ur line. Beecroft & Sloan. FKI l>l io Notice. H.>lic^horhy given that tha un i.-r.ii;n<><l haa u.<H4l><jtk)p lor th trauiifer ofltl* Every Week Something New _ ^j _ Richardson & Go's Another Idle heavy slice tirj COTTONS PER YD. CENTS. Another bale of 34iu cli Factory Cotton. PER i'D. CKNTS. \Vhite Domestic Steam Loom at 5 cents. More to follow nezt week until onr big cotton f mil-act bus bom tilled. We have just received new dress- goods iu Cream Cashmeres Cream Serges Cream Crepons Pink and t'iel Cashnit rcitas ami piles of new Driss 'ioods for f.umiU'ji. Canadian Prints 4J cents per yd. New fancies in imported prints, Onr Hoot and Shoe department was nevir s busy. IV t> mi iininenso stock bought before the advance in [U li'is. :itnl :iic opening fusil goml-i ach week prices that cannot be iv- pcatt"!. Due case of, '.-i O\f i 1 In- Si ITS pist v[ i;cd. Very nice goods at 11.2'). Our tailoring departim-tit eontr to turn out tho liiu'si values in Gents Clothing. We are busy but we liavi- tlie right f-00'ls and a o.i(l stock ami will contiive to have all 01 tiers ev.-cu- ted soon as possible. A lot of Tweeds right for summer See IM-.-I H. for Ihu n.ui*iDili-r <.f the II.-.I , IK>,. l.-*fc ntw liel.l by I'eUi Muu.naw (or th. i.r..ini. kuuwu aa the Plih rton H..I..I in ih \'il IKO o( Klmhi'iti.H in tin- i ...nit ol i.l Ure, from th .aid I'etei -Wunaliw .u bliu Datu Juu. iu, 1W6. A MIVMA Just received a line of Top Shirts, dollar goods for 50 cts. each. . RICHARDSON Hurclxvarc J Oep't. Rexford's Scythes, Snaths, Forks aud Hoes are the very Do not buy any other make. Binder T w i no From 5J cents per Ib. up, ( or 6 cent twiue i, extra va'ue. t e OU namplea before buying. Climax Machine Oil is tiic best for all kinds of agricultural impleruents. Try some and you will be convinced. . . Pure . . Manilla. Rope For liny Foik* and Slings, at the very lowest price*. Headquarters for Buildera' Hard- ware. M. Riehardsc n 4 d.

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