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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jun 1895, p. 5

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THI FLB8HI1T01 1DTAICI Offlc of OEO. MITCHELL "- r FLESHES rex A general banking beslavulnnucted Drift* iwxia-i and -be.|ji cashed it ou] ru- Money alwayn trtilibU tor leglinat? boslMM oterprin*. office two doors north of Richard- on * Col. Vicinity Chips. Characteristics >r the Past Week Cart-fully fvlled fr the notice atvmij lomli tcill h? at tite rutf of 1<K pr.r lit,' for enek insertion. .1 ro/tftio* mil be OH contract* fur /'JOtatuor oerr. Nei* Monday will be Dominion Day. D irhstn will celebrate Doovn on Day with hone races, athletic (ports, etc. Machine ml, Peerless. You tin tare * lOe. a gall >n by netting u at T. Hill's. Mr. Frank Oerow of Brougham U visit- ing hi* uncle, Mr A. Munshaw. J. D. Morgan of Duodalk adver:ues iu thin issuo fur pole*. Do not forget the garden party umler t!ie auspux-s uf the ladies "f the Metho- dist church ou Monday next. S) bill*. The late Mr. Megg-t die<l at the reei- dvnce of hi* urandsoa, nut hi* *>n in law a announced ill lait week's paper A bas-ball name on Thursday evening last, married T. tingle, resulted in a > ict-.ry fur the la'.tet by a (core of 2t> to "3. The score was hujh because of "The hfht tkat tailed ." rendettr asked in th u issue for the erection uf a bridge ovtr the Bearer river u 30 siderusxl, 10th curr., Artemvsia. Se advertiitiuent. Teudrrs must bo in by next council meeting d*y . A Tute was taken ou the county poor- house <|iiooti"ii at county council last week and resulted iu a defeat of the v.hetiio by a vuto ol 31 to 19. The bouse of industry appear* to be ge'.ling farther i'li J farther aw%y every meeting of council. The Entrance and Public School Leav- ing Exam, will be held this week, com- mencing to-day at 9 a. in. Principal Irwin uf Flfithertou preoidesat Dun da. k. Mr Itright f Markd*Ju takes chary* here arid H Uleud inning of Dundalk al Mark- dale. i<e Bro. Mortimer, of the Shel- I'Urtie Free Pits*, i* a true prophet when lie remark* : "It appears that chr people <>f Kleshert- M *t.U poraiit cattle to pasture <>n the streets of their vill.ige. but judging from the rriu.irks of the Advance on the subject, this tatt> of* will n it likely coiitiuuv much longer. ' \\ hy do nut secretaries of 1 >cal societies ;end iu lista of officers elected in their various societie* for [ 01. ' Al ihojijU. .trtTJL re * many socieiivti iu town tbt-re is not" on,- ahidi I'uMishee it* list of ottioer-* regularly. furi'ly~~V' ttt Iwnctit to the societies to place themselves U fore the public in thi* way. What d.. the secretaries think about it/ Kemeiali-r the garden pejty ui.di-r the m.-tuageini-i.t i f the Ladies' Aid of the Prvsbvtetiuu congregation at Eugenia, n the picnic Kioimdii at the falls on the afternoon and evening of Monday, July the 1st. This will be the garden party of the season. All are cordially in t ited . 15 cts. each. Among the twelve young u muter* or- dtiued at the Toronto conference w* Uv. Mr. IVilfour uf the Eugenia circuit. Mr. Halfour is a hard wi rkinv young until and tliorouxWy III sympathy with li s peopli . The conference Ui<l a itrace- f. 1 tct by gruiiMiK the wUh of the circuit ;tnd allow, i. K Mr. lUlfour to remain L tiother year. The aniiiveisary services of the Presby- terian church, Kleshettim, will be he!d n Sabbath and Monday the ?th and IStn July. Service* on Sabbath tlic 7th at 11 a.m. and 7 p. ui , Rev. W. Far (uliaroh, M. A., uf Claude, will ureuch both fore- ii >oii and evening. Social entertainment on the evening nf Moiiday t!io 8th July. For particulars see poster*. All are cord- ially invited. At it* laat meeting Y.uidelcur Court of Foresters elected the following office.!* : C K , U. Pritchard , V. C. R.. W. T KelU ; R S , C Wnxht; Ttv-as , W.Warl- ing ; F. S., D (Jraham; Chsiv, W. Huuhinsoii; S. I!.. S. tMlwrt ; J li., T. L. Hill ; S \V , \V. Stamborsky ; J. . . , ., \V. J. Holly; P. Dr. i go Stamborsky . ., J. Boland ; The Dundalk Herald nayn that Mr. K. Viourley, Eugenia, boasts of a pear tree which ha* bloi.siiied lite second time thi* spring. The til* bkmsoiiM were entirely killed by the late (.' frost. This is an experience w venture to say few fruit growers have had. The t m .1 proprietor of course is an pn-ud of tliat tree as a !.e:. of hvr fint CKK- The Yaudeleur cheecu factory patron* met IB the ol<! school house last wevk and kltor hearing the report of the provisional U*rd of dirvcvors, divided to build and c^aip a ch*t)e factory to be operated ou Ike joint slock piau. Tle folio*, in* *! wwie elected : Pivahleut U. vice (us., J. I. Uraiuui , sc , J. Birdie ; trean. R. Buchanan Direc- tors -J. Botand, W. Buchanan, T. KelU, A. JobasUm and G. Uutchiuson. Audi- tor, J. C. Buchanan. We have received the pn list of Owen Sound fall exhibition, to be held on Sept. 17. 18 and 19. By the way, East Orey prize list outfbt to be circulated an snon an possible. Now that it hrs been enlarged to a three-day show the list should be in the hands of the public so that intending rxhilntors oul.i have *ufbcient time to make (heir preparations. The festival of St. John the Baptist was celebrated by Prince Artlrir Lndire, A. F. and A. M , on Sabbath Lst by at- tending the Presbyterian church in a bdy at the forrnoon service, where the Rev". Wallace \\site*. of Owen S.,und, preached *n excellent *enn<Hi from '2nd Chroniclrs. 2nd chapter and 5th verso : "And the house which I build i* great ; for great in <>ur God above all (tod* " The rev. ?entleiuan alito preached in the eveiiiuB. the regular pastor, Rev. J. Well*, M. A., having taken his pulpit in Owen Sound. A Misfit Prayer. Councillor Thompson tells an occasion- al story of actual life which bear* repeti- tion. Here is one uf them, which he re- lated to us on Monday : A certain Mr. Blank, an acquaintance of his and a mem- ber of the church, wan not remarkably fluent in prayer. In fact he bad but one prayer memorized which he made use of on all occasions. A wake was held in the neighborhood, at which Mr. Blank was invited to otter up a petition, and thi* was how he started out. "We thank thee, O Lord, that we are enabled to meet under such favorable circumstances." Mr. Thompson says he took himself out around the corner of the bouse to give vent U> his feeling* ; and he feels sure that had the deceased been able to return Mr Blank would hare be.n called to serious account, because, looking at it from a word IT point of view, the prayer did not ti:. Interesting to Travellers. N te remarks of the Premier of Ontario and others as given in following extract frj'in the Liverpool Journal of Commerce of the 6th inst. when publishing an ac- count of the concert held on board ju*t l'Te reaching Liverpool. " ' We have always heard,' said Sir Oliver, ' that the Vancouver is the best beet 01, the route ; and. from the uniform kindness and attention we have received from the Denial and courteous captain to the most liuinUe servant of the hip. that impression has beeu fully continue^. Mr H. Corby, M. P., corroborated the statement made by Sir Oliver Mowat as to the excellency of the steamer, and a's ) paid a tribute to the can* and coanidera- tii-n displayed by Captain William* iu . ktinx the tteamer. A;t Tin^y Gen- eral Lon^ley, M. I. V. of Nova Scotia, stated that be wished to add li'H testimony to the excellent manner in which the pas- etiirers were treated ou the ' Vancouver.' It was the lint voyage he had made iu that boat, but he hoped it ould not be the last." PaaKencerssre booked for the Dominion line, of which the above referred to mag- nificent v easel i one, by R. .1. Spruule, Fieshertun, ~*t greatly reduced rates dnr- in* the Huuiiuer months. He has already booked the following cabin p.i-seii^ers for the Vane >uver,which nails from Montreal on the 21 Kb, u<st. : F. Freeman, merchant. Proton Station, for London, and Mrs. A. M. Uibaoii, Klesherton, for Cilasgow. Division Court. Pniition Court was held in Dundalk on KiKUy list before Judge Cieasor. Fol- 1 'Wing ate tome of the more important cases tiied : Col'TTs r. Horros Action on contract Judgement for plaintiff of $2C0.25. s < \V..LsibKY Action on con- tract. Verdic: for plain tiff for f 125 PAVLV. \VARLlsu--Gainir- - e. Settled between the parties fr 9156.13. HABJUSO.M v. STEWABT Ac' ion on promissory note for f-225.22. A. Stewart Defendant fyltd a sett off amounting tof'Jw3.75, made up of account for keepiiix *t<k, providing meals, etc., for plain tiff's husl>aiid while he waaci-urt iiiK her for four years, olio turkey, etc., etc. Th* sett off fmled in every |>articu- Ur except in the case of the turkey, for which the judge allowed defendant one dollar. Judgment for pJainriff for $24.- i'J snd c st, snd agaiiut garniah*-e for I'AI L v. HOLUSOSHIAP Action for S200. NOII >nt. INTKRCLIAPH KITT McCuMough . Hicks. Judgm n' re*er>ed. Li/i-AS v. Hicis--Actioii on contract for fcXX). .luditement for plaiutitf. There were a number >-f minur suits not worthy of mention. BROW* v. TOWNSUII-S or AKTKMCSIA AND I'KV ros Suit for Jama^eH to cutter at Protou Station by coining iu c-<nt.tct itli the now hint pott ou the street, w-u setilexl for (15 out of Court by Neil- son Bros. The next court wilt be held in Flethcr- t HI on Aug 28th next. Promotion Exam illations. M'BUC SCBOOk Tiie ntnif* are gien iu older of merit. To Fouith Class- Clara Strain, Kthel Cnualey, Maud Smith. Walter Lefud, Ida Gjeidruiu, Ge. Ricnardaeo. Recwruiueuded-Fred Munshaw, Kthcl Trimble. Jr. to St. Third Ruml Smith, Daris, Carrie Rwtladge, Renie Munshaw, Arthur Wardrohex Rocmnmrnded Carrie Sullivan, Bertio Crnealey,8teUt Van Duaen, Janet Uibaon. Second to Third Bert Barnnotue, Geonre Monrehoose, Flosjsie Thiinton, Charlie Sullivan. Mamie Bellamy, Barley Smith, May Hales, Sara Mi Kin-bouse. Recommended Charles Hales, Stella Lonrki, Willie Swsntori. Clara Busttie, Emerson Bellamy, Albert Fleshcr. Jr. to Sr. Second Annie Bentliam, Edgar Elder. Mamie Thun-U>n, Rita Van- t> nt, Laurie Monshaw. Recommended Tom Wardrobe, Gertie Perdue, Alex. Gibson. To Second Garnet Blair. Willie Hales, Albert Legard.Fred Lvor,Ethel Whittcn, Chelta McCalmon. Recommenned Maggie Taylor, Murlie Taylor. Herbert Staple*. Jr. to Sr. Part 2rd Ida Sullivan, Nellie Hoppe, Clara Spence, Maggie Moorhouse, Fred Stewart, Geo. McGru- tber, Walter Louck*. Sammy Croft 1st to Part 2nd W unie Hemming. Mamie Sullivan, Emerson Wickeus, Tom Davis, Kffie Cole, Adam Hoppe. The C. P. R. Excursion. Owen Sound was gay with merrymak ers on Saturday last, it being the occasion of the annual C. P. R. employees excur- sion and picnic. Just 196 people bought tickets from this station, large numbers from the village and country taking ad- vantage uf the cheap rate. There were games and races on the pleasure ground, including hssmhall, football and lacrosse. All Owen Sounders wore a smile uf wel- came wbich was out of all propuition to the C.P.R. company's liberality. BOOTS & SHOES Jus* received at Clayton's. A baxe st<ck of Wossen's Men's slid Children's Light Summer Footwear Also the heanier grades in Men's and Boy's wear. Csll aud ex- amine our st>k. Price and quality do the rest Custom work snd repairing receive prompt attention at CLAYTOX'S i i I . i I i I i I I I I I ' I > I ' I I ( > ' RUGGIES& CARTS. .M/- Ji ' " * wvw m*u i * * * / EXTRAORDINARY W/, INDt'CEflENTS TO BUY . . FURNITURE . THE ADVi3CE MAN boycotted the railway on this occasion and wheeled over on his own "minima. baring a very p!e**n' time in Little Liver- pool. None of the Owen Sound newspiper men ride wheel*, in fact the naughty Time* man iwe^rsat them every time he see* one, for some inexplicable rea>u. The most pleasant feature of the I day was a moonlight excursion , u the UMgni6ceut C. P. R. dsgahip Manitoba, the uuly drawback U> which was the fact lhat the ntoon was tilling an engagement on the other side of the hemisphere. An enormous crowd of people took 111 the trip down the bay. It was estimated that there were 10,OUO ttsitors in the town, over 5,000 coming by train. The day was magniticent for the purpose and thoroughly ejoywl by every' >dy. If there were as many viaitont present as estimated it rvpiiiteudi'l a nice tidy um left with the Owen Sound business [HH> pie, a* the vu-Mton were liberal with their ash and npent it freely on merchandise. refreshment*, etc. The Owu Sound people would not consider tln-n.- crowded or iuconveniencvd in any war. (barring the Times' man pvihapii) if s like excursion wcru t > visit the every Are being offered this month. June 1896, at the Flesherton Furniture \Varerooms. Having purchased the whole of that lanre Mid well assorted stock lately carried by J. E. Baskerville A Co , our store, although crna- DOW over crowded. We mint clear out quite a lot at once and in order to help you buy and us r sell, prices for the meantime are being cut nearly in two. We have still another orv,an left It is a soap fur someone. Also one small engine and boiler in K<MM! condition which w* will sell very cheap, havit.g no further use for it. FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER J. E. Moore, STRAIN'S BLOCK PLESHERTON. PERSONAL.*. II you arc rUlting swar f.-oiu bosM let n* know it. If jouhav* viwiort from dUtano at To-ir plaoe tll a* of it. It is a nuitak* to b soy tbtrat doiuu thii bcaus frioodiuru : wayi anxioas to know of such moviiiiW. ami the pvnonkl corner Is nuw on* uf tli recoguited ilrpartuisots of irjr well nfulateti u<ws- Mr, Aikenhesil. *r., Toronto, is the guest of Mr. J. W. Anuatrong. Mr. Th<. Bulmer is spendinK a couple, of week* with friends in NotUwasaga. MM* Gertie Keefer is visiting with friend* iu aud around Owen Sound. MM* Lizzie Strair, who has been at- tendiiifi the Owen Sound collegiate, is horns fur holidays. Mr. and Mm. J. T Wiu'ht,..f \\icli.ra, Kas. , are vitjtii< at the former's parental home here. Miss Sadie Smith, of Toronto, is visit- ing friend* here. Mr. Will Stunon .if Cbmley is vUiting hero for the pa<4 we* k. Mr. IWrt Thuinpaoll. of the .lew <h Mission Field, Turoufcs i vuitinv fnunda here. Mr. K. PeHtin*. Toronto, is visiting with Mr. C Vanunt. Mils Grtie Buhurr rvturned \oA week frvw* rtsit to MIM Huafcaud at Hoilai.d, t ntr. . Mr. and -Mr*. S., of T -r .IN-. re visiting *ith Mr. A. Muuthaw. Mrs. hlmg, of Toronto, is the gueet of Mrs. W. H. U. Uemming. Mr*. A.M. Oibsou will sail from Mont- real oe, ta S9ih iast. for Auld S.-- . to visit her childhood's home, per s. *. VSM> oottver. The Advauee wishes Mrs. lub- WB boa voys^e and a Mfe wtuxu . A Letter to the Public Owing to a rush of business during the day :h goods iu our two Ur s > stores are throwu in heaps of oonfusiau. Kmviag a Urje staff of experienced salenuien iu our store we are able to L-iu*iU-a large auioiiui of busiiiefv. yet owing to the tremendous trade from a distance wauy hav to wait, aud while doing so wonder how each iu turn is vsited upon in such a satisfactory manner. \Ve tell oar CHbtomers- guod^ .^aaiitr tsken into cousadeiatioui at pikei that these gcoda c*uut be f tocurcd at iu other stores. Many fj*>* olaio* to sell cheap and they may consider they are doing so, but it in only cheap in comparison to the price they once received for the s-iuio class of goods, uot cheap when uttr prices for the same jitalui** are takou into account. Some may think Patrons and Patron stores are things of tlio past but they hare only to come to C.ilh'vm's to be convinced that they are uiistakon. theu they will see tl>e largest number uf people composed of our best and wealth- iest class as well as many not so fortunate in worldly goods, but with just as much brain power, all mingling together saving dollars aud ceuU by dealing in the PEOPLE'S PATRON STORE. All are welcome. We invite you to call and know that we are classed with the foremost stoies in the proviuce. Tue highest priced paid for. all kind* of produce. N"S, - - DVXDALK Hardware House. Harvest Tools, Our prices ou nail?, lock-) an.! hinges are a? lo* a- any haid*ar< house north oXToiouto. Jasl Irri 6D.IKX) ll'. binder twine I'-lu? RiLbou, 7Jc.; Ked Cap, ri4.. Common fceuse, 6c. Harnst Tools FORKS. RAKES. aud SOYTHKS, fcNATHS, Hay Fork Bop*. Tracks. The finest XXX lubricattd lardiue nuchiod oil on th KEEP Y.-ur horsm lre from di* by getting thesjsnetoflealh- er. so do i r i Yue. ill nave luontv. Your I orm are not apt to run * w^v w hau tae v trs uut irrilatad by tks tuM. COMBS AN> BRUSHES of thsbert kiiiil-. ll-a crotlv in kjj*yiu,{ yvar log slick. G reases ^ *it -"U luk- F, i, Iusti.1 Fnp. Carrism Oil. Wafnw .Or-^-w. Oiniin'Bt, Hiuniw> Oil. II i item 3-Mp. I'olisu. auil ewrythiag that will pie- ssrve vuai ban>*. Binde \V H i p 3 I no* Bia W v. hiws, and Whifs of vorr j~rrtotH"! au-i wrMus th, **aM Ail kind* ol Ivht siwl tWMvy BMU. M . WILL 0E, .- rroirlclr c

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