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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jun 1895, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES NOT MIX. 1 I ?QL, IT. NO. 721 FUSHERTON. ONT. THURSDAY, JUKI 27 1895. W.H TEUBSTOH W. A. Will you want a ring for tUat Jane wedding ? if so, we re prcpaied to give yoa what joa want aud at a reasonable price. r you aware that we carry ouo of tle best stocks noitli of To- ronto and aie eady and willing to sLow yon goods at any time. oney cannot purchase goods cheaper than we are selling them. See also that our repairing is done to your satisfaction by giving us a trial. ".fake a few minute* while in town to call and see us and examine onr stock of Rings, BrooaLes, Chains, Charm*. Witches, Clocks, Silverware, also goods for wedding aud birthday gifts, etc. We have no Old goods, stock new, large and well assorted. No cheap quality of goods. We pay cash for oar stock giving you the f ike cash discount. Call and see if we don't tell the truth. F-LESHERTON A R n 5 T R O N Q Dominion Tiny. Wnick mark all Uin. botew. Oar eowBtry TT- V Vr- Watery Wh.Ie pro>p*ct better fro*. Content w dwell. tlu tnth tell: la varied, rich eompleirty An bar foaadatiooa laid; Through uippuflad perpMXity, A* I forest's density. Tka praiiU vast sipenas. The aonk-laad's grand iasmenaity. And CwJton rich advaoos. Tbaaa all .nits, liks h.inn of ucks. To make our *oeatry's futur* bright. May teall tk*u-pc Lead up to thai For Canada 0ignd . And mar thu land tor af* ttaii 1 iiHStk yaanat briajM pi Our Business Directory - Carte. a I MUUAUK LICENSES. Is**** dsv or ulubt at tb J*l*ry Star* and at l. rMiOMMeoi UM <uadrw*ad. Co,i-k.o 10 H CJ. COATey-neer. ** Vstary i ublic. JOHN W. ARMSTRONG. - FXS*TO!<. AXnVaF!*. nk MB DH. Court, Oo. Grej. laner of Marrlaf. Liee-sea. Cos*las9*r in H I J fonvayaaeer. Auction**. *. A(*ol ho MasMr-HarTM Asrtciiltiuaa linpl*- flsytoas Block. Flatfcartoa. oppoaiu Richardson's hardware stora. __ Ui-CClXOtOH A TOl HtoX.r. Uarkilale. do a (eaaral beakta, - rW>iubU rate. Call T-VKBTS COLXKCTEO. i of all kind* ol bought, aeoouots UKNDBMOM TJ J BTBOCLK, I It.. . Klhrto. Coi >cioar. Coyaacor. A lu uraneo auJWilU diawuopaad VloaUo<M mado on ItortMt uoUr*. AocUon BalM*MMdod lo in a*j part ol th Couaty. Mo o lo*n at lo nM of in(i*. CoUMUoM ate*da Hj ilb proniKtiMM d tapatt* CbarM low Awnlfor h. Dik bvtaauiupCompaiir. chaap Uekata (roa Fl*brlou to U*wp>wl. )low,LoJon or any of lb Britih port. Partlw intend!* to tet Eimlaud. Iralaad. will l>l*u ak rta bator* tboli UckeU alatvbara. rjR.HCTT M. D. C. -. M.C.P. * ..Oat.. rrloevill* lailih aod offl** ODO door wt of thu Moth oJIrtOhurcb.Kiuroa* S*. Oflkc* Oaya. Tu*aajf aadBatuntey*. T\K CARTR3L M. C. P * 8., Out. Pby^klan, rarewM, *t., ClMhartou omc-8tralu* bock. JOHN A. SCOTT. M. B. C ,H,v<-rhyic.* 8uron- Graduate In Xl-lu-iu of Turonto l'uivrit. r'llow! ip I^i-^na. l*ot Oradnat* Madloal Hchootaiul Hovital.Chteao. Dteaaa*of *. far. uoavaud tluoat apwlally trcaWJ. S*i (J-uo* Maxwell, tiilta 1 J P. OTTKXVK.ll,, Vt*riury S-ireon. aradnat* of Ontario Vctvri rr i '<.. BetMwMv Next door Kiutb uf M >or t -' |iianin| fautory. J r " ' *M. D.M C ft l.nnt. practice* at D K . MAKY x:. l-KANDKH M.D. <-.!. .M. P.P. * H. Ont: Pricllto. O4n*a*d ral<'nc* o)>polt HnWora' H->tal Calli Bichl i Inv, proanptl* Mte*drt. Vialt* rirabarlon Station 10 to 11. Wd*aadya. \ f IbS KDITH RICRAKOSON. b. Mabr. of IWrhn. lUrmaar. (riolial ; r. Bradley of Toronto Cuawrmtory Moaic, t VvMa atilterv) : Pro*. Kwriao*. lat* f Toronto. (Piano) - VIOU!t - "- ftntistry. J r. M AKSH ALL, L. D a . M D. 8 . Dwitu*. Vi.iU Markdal* %b. l. ana Tnl WodMday ol ach moalh rUalwrtoo-Kath trip on UM da? fc..vWin. H.U bv a ojjgatj I For rights iima iss aad verity May she in all thing* stand ; May sbe b* wise to win UM prise, Aad ia UM scale of honor lisa. Colbonse. Jn, 1*6. T. WATSOB-. r l.-slirrlon >uuin From e*u euw Oen'i*eWiiif. We have to chronicle this week the death of Mrs. A. McMulleii. of the west . back line, who ha* bevo siling for the I last two years with that dreadful disease, consumption. She departed thia life on i Friday evening at half past five at the age of 29. Sue bore her sufferings pati- I ently aad assured her friend* thai all wa* I well with her and her Maker. The Rev. Mr. Rupert preached a very interesting { sermon at the house, which will be hi* , last at Una place. The remains were buried in the Fnceville cemetery beside her mother and sister. The funeral waa j a larxe one, there being sum* 96 vehicle.*. : Deceased leave* a husband to mourn her loss. Mr. Vaudina of Owen Sound attended UM funeral of his daughter on Sunday. Mrs. Molcuni returned to her home in recently between o of our albletea ami a boah whacker froB Oapivr Tkas>- Uat wa* t.. sttlo one* and forever who had the beat nvht to a maideo of iwcee aiitaen with ipiideo hair. Who wa* vic- tor ? Well, y<K ibuuld ]Ut M* Uta> athlete iportiof the Kirl. U* ia a* pruod a* a heo oer hr ttnt clitcken*. Meaan. Howell aod Canoo paid a viait to Mulmur recently. Tn*y report but two station* on ta route, AdMsoavill* aad Johiiatown. Quite a number of the villapvn to.k in the C. P. R. picnic to Owen Suud ua the Slat. Mia* Lottie McKuley, of Toronto, pending a few week* with her ancle, Mr Wra. Lockhard. Mr. X. McLean ha* made crediubl* impp>*ciueuti to hi* hoUl recently, lie ha* aUo *et up a act of wonjh acale* wkico will be a great accumodatioa to the pub- lie, Means. Hll<*y atri McNea, have gin in<ritatk>.i8 fr an eijyabi eveuiac o the 25th, when the lad* and laawa will eiaplay their agthty by keeping tune to the tiolin. Mrs. Smith, of Uamiltoa, i* paying a proi >ngwi viait tr- her ustw, Mn. Fi- Mr. Freeown aaila for Loudon, Eag , oa the 29th. We wiah him a pUaaant risit to hi* boyhood'* hoia. KMtL frvm <mr oicn Carrupnutnt Reeve BUod, of Artwii. and Dep- ! uty rweve Davis attended County Cuuocil lat week. Mi. Will Kalb a*d a *touing bee UM weak. Mr. Alex. Carwoo. of PncevilJ*, spent laat Sun.Lty with his sister, Mrs. U. Gil- bert Mis* Lizxic Shannon *i*ited her brutoer in Owen Sound last Saturday. Mr. R. K.efer conducted tbo service* Uat Suu -y in th* absence nf Mr. Rapert. J Barrister. Solicitor. FUskertesi sffls* Kaxt Ik* poet baildiu*;. on Tkondays. Ow*a Soead " rroaf* aeiJdia. 1 CCAS * WRIGHT. Baniawrm. Solicitor*. CoaT*Tann. etc.. Owen tiouod. Om.1 - . Markdal*, Oat. W H. WUOVT I. H Lccaa. K- .-Floabrto oOco, Mitcb^l . Bank. rary WodMaday. Miaa 8. Yiin of Troat Crek i* (pend- ing a few day* with her >trr. Mi*. J. Dice. C>ur footbull team went dwn to pi iy the Pr<>tou Station team. The home twwii woo. The gAnie wa* well played un both aide*. TkeCP.R. picnic ttmk place on Sat urday lo Owen Sound and wa* one of the UrxMt eicunioa* ever held on the road, there beinx ibree traix* packed full, brinft i" all 47 coachea. Quite a number (ruin thia part took in the elcuntiou *ud rrport having a xuod time. From o'*r oien Seeds Field Corn, Mangel, Garden, Field and Flower Seeds A ol v\ -DMM**TTr* aad third Moo day in vach uoaili, iu tbvir loda* roooi . Klock. Vlnbwtoa. alS-p. n. A. M r,,b.n. M.W ; W.J. Itollaic.. 8o.c .r . W Irwio Bcor<i.r. VUiting Hr^ iaviMd. ROTAL TKPt.\KS OF TKMPBKAM K <ta(ular Coun -il ui*t owy trot and TIMS lay *ralac ia web tuooib. im Kprool. . Mock at S p. in. Select dar* itBiaraoc,) mwta moolhly. tb* Wdu*Uay ynoMtlti tb* tsad ol each uiontb. ?USS OF p*d\< iu ia?i bretkHnn !uviw<t. 1 T8MPKR\NCR.-TkU socl*ty in Dr i InMoa Hall Srrt WeaV nth at H p.ta. la ooajMcUoa. UP. B. A.. BMM ia tbir kail. Cbritoi UKxk Tr> aaaood Thar*da> in aacb woDtb. W m. Sharp. MaiUr. T. Claytoa, SK- rotary. PMN.'K AKTHl K L..DO. He, M. A. F u, M w ^7*' in "" MMO ' . Sttaia 1 . Mlo.k. Vl..hto. bofora th* full mooa. k. J. SprouU. 8*or*urr. . Friday oa or Dr Carter. W. M.. ni'FFKBIN LOPi. isu. 1 O O K. meets la tiiu< at H o'clock. VuMtiug bretbrvuco. tlially hwitsw, A S \ ,, >\ v MOOKK, Bee, HclBtyre. Frvmwr Turnip and potato plant ini| i* a thins of the past here and 'he farmer* are all aiiiiuualy looking (or ram m order that they way exercine thetnarlvea at the hay. but we have come to the conclusion that they way look in tain. Mies Ni-llie Caaipbell, who intended writing on a commercial couruitl junior leaving at the oouiiuK exam., ia very ill, but we hope the may .ui recover under the skilful treatment uf Dr. Ball uf Siuv- haoii ton. Iniipoctor Camjilfll v i^ited our xchoi'ls recently ai.d aeenM to be well j>laad with their proarea*. Mr. Artnatmug, OUT genial teacher, ia about to leave u* to ipeiid bit vacation at hi* home. Mr. Hugh Lamont i* having the *tone founilatiou of hi* barn built by Mr. J. McConnell. Mia* Kale McDonald, of Toronto, ia homo. Mra. Turnbull and her neioe. Miaa iioldrmL', both of Tor\uto. re visiting at Mr McDonald', and Mr. John Mclu- t\rr \. Mrs. Bell, who has been riiiting her ii*i.v ner Priccville. has returned home. Our host at the Coujiurrvial witnessed umething l>n MomUjr Ut that he waa not aware of U-f.-re ; v<r,-~ that it take* livo uieu to vijuitl the cjutt of one aou:an. (ash For Hides! k in* and ll kinda of fur* pur- 1. (<ir which bi^heot market price wlil l-e [ni. I. H<>mni*tle taviaagwa on hand. al*o all kind* f nit-.-vrs. M. WILSON, KLESHEKTOH IIIAT ItMPORIUM. in. ion station. i uMr eirM Cbmtnotutnt. 'o the extremo heat and th carcity uf rain diirinv the past coupK- of mi'iidis, the oir look tor an abundant h^y crop ia extremely poor. Other crop* c*rrep- 'lid. The Sunday ->-h->ol picnic )(ivcii by the tchotil on the L Jll tli very ell Cation- ixed by tlio community. nSjsiaW draw. nii; car-1 .is the lo>illl conttrct between FWhertou Station and the home team. Th* ITW tixKl, when time wa called, 1 to in favor of the visaing team. A very exciting content wa* dtaplayod Owing to the multiplicity of dutiea Ue- vijuiv upon ua at preau: the item* uf . thia budget are of neceanty very conoa*. , A week axe Uat Wedneaday Mr. A McKayden raised a tine bank barn for Mr John McLachlau of the N L A Uiye cr >wd was present. Measr*. Ri>bt. i McMicken aid Allan McLean captained \ the affair for their reapective Mde*. the j Utter winning eaaily by a number of | rafter*. The saddeat looking man on the we*t ide was J B. Tire tettiug is the order of the day among the blacksmith*. Mr. D. MeLeaa infonua ua that he ha* *et over 300 thi* taaauu. "It is an ill wiud that blowtao- body w A number of villager* took advantage uf ta cheap .excursion to Owea Sound Uat Saturday. They report a od time. About 400 ticket* were *W at Fleahertun Station. A monster BUhriiui u eipe-eted at th* C. I. Union Conveutjou which N to be held in the> Prab>teriau church her* on the 4th of July. Everybody welooOM. Miaae* FV*aie Hart ey and Bertha Jainea are vtxitiux friend* iu Owen Sound and Hol'aud Centre. Mr Brander aud family moved to their farm in Ontario '.. Dear Brooklyn, laat Tuemlay . They leave many fnewda in thi* vilbge who rntrel their departure rery much We extend a hearty wel- come to Mr. Hogarth who take* Mr. Brainier'* place and trust he will be a* tuve-< 1 in b s ' eaua.4 his prv leotawr The Kud of 'lerr<-r* vmted thia earn- mnnity early on Sunday morning, taking t'.h him BcMHe, the eldest daa^litrr of Mr. John McLachiasnd and Jennie. young- est 'Uuxhter of Mr. Ge. Tryn.i. The Utter, agvtlfi vis . died wuh diph heria, and the former, aged lt> yra., with ia daiu4ti.>n of thto:nach. The ivir.pathy .f the nrixhborhi>.-d U extended to th* sflicted fauiihe* in their deep trouble. A Stronjc Protest. To tlu Editor of Tkt AJtantx. DKAK Sic Kindly insert th> following resvlutiou which explains itaelfaiid which was unan.moutjy carried at the litat rega- Ur nioetiiig of l*rio- .lie Lhv. No. 348, S i>. T . TI.: "We, the BiembetM uf l*ric*ville Div. No. 34^. S. O. T., deeply deplore the fa- 1 that r.Mitiy of late nowy, , drunken men have been seen on the i street* of our village on Sunday ; there- 1 I for it is re!vd tlut if such diaxruceful | IsssaW* coiitiiiuc we a* a division will t.tkc *te(* lo brim the offenders to ;n<ic- ." Published at the reoueat of uivwion. In Ury* t W. Rkhardsaa. - Flsherton . FOR FRESH Lemons. Flour. Peed " I \>tatov-. -01 VE- FIES1EBT01 STEAM Lm03Y, ia I ba* oawBaii up a complete ataam b i rixkartaa. and an prwpa "I to take quantity of laJtaxtnr work at lower prkwa than ax iharji *l*i*aiii I h* pwt la UM la an I lUURt toipru**d Kindly (in io a call, guaranteed, aad pt ie low Maa, Uau. MooaaHo inery to that enH. Kncira ailiafl **> in. Lot F,r Sals. For als cheap aad i ton. aVtoadiw laraw, solid brick dw.liii,.: - KOV.! SIOB* cellar. uiumr k:tcheai an.l koesi. also good frauM stable, brick V a'iles contains two large lota aa* *oed VCT orchard, twanuit. House and ow^BaMtaw* Xoeptioeslly woll flnibd end i ul> laid out. Apu'y to K.J il SBB. Poles Wanted. Waatad 1000 M f*. )! for which I will par 1 10 vah For i-aittcuianeali oa J Ii Knu. Flab*rtoa Statwi. , J. U. walNni nr-l l !. Amend*" Khfumtt sin Oar tiii N'irlif-v r. ctirea in 1 1 .i day*. I'M autHm Hp<.a th> nyntvnl M rvuMrkable aiul ;. It roatnveaat one* the cauan aai the i<i^- tritt t "*'- ^-'r >liaap(>ar. The hr>t doa* Krvatly bvnelita. 7i eettta. Soul by VV. S. U:ch4i4s -ii l>r\i;v,t.

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