r TttE 1DV1HCI EN SOUND, ONTABIO, M'he "Very Beat I- 1 . \.'K IN CANAH \ TO GET A Bisiiiss luuwta, DOTS CORNER. ke a Round Trip Sfe. S ' anil uorolal DepartuiunU iu Canada, tbon viiit l.io Northeru BuriutMa College ; czauiina eery t IIUR ihu.-ouiilily. If " (all to pruJuco the uioit thorouuii, cowplotB. practical tin) ou>n- civa courivol.tuily ; thu bet col It* u prauiUat t'ij t>i boot aud uioa coiuplutr aim mot lult- a>l<>fiiruituraudSl|l.iicB, wo will glva you a lull counie KKK... For Annual Auuouuoa- Tiui! (ull particular*, true. addras* C A. FLEMING,' Principal. TSugenia Mills AND, Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, alfo Planing and Matching, Band Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Grain Chop i, ..,; doae while you wait, for tni Beaver turns the Wheel. T.W.WILSON Manager DIAMOND CONSTIPATION, ^BILIOUSNESS, ^ DYSPEPSIAS SICK HEADACHE. REGULATE. THE UVER ONE PILL AFTER CATINS INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. PWOEZ5 CTSTH' DON'T DESPAIR DODD'S', KIDNEY - PILLS WILL CURE YOU KWnrT I1ll s tofiirtay l>ira'. I 'i. I" I'" I i J Sold tjcelpt . . iR. L. A. SMITH CO.. Toronto. Convention Note*. One could not bat be struck by the large share of ttteutiou given to aeatbelios at tbu (lie latest of teach - era' convention!-. From Mr. Bright of Markdale wo had a practical paper on vocal music and sight reading in school*. TLU article eeenied Bingr.- larly opportiiue to me, as it wna but a few days before 1 had been impor- tuned by more tban one to draw at- tention to thu lack of interest taken h; the riling generation in vocal tuusic. Thou Miss Johnson of Flesh- ei Ion Station had a paper wLich was fi i..i.ly aesthetic culture iu schools. Mr. Ulakeston of Priceville gave us a ohatt; account f Ircrw he'teaches botany (he Itad forgotten his paper) aud of its humanizing iuflueuce upon !.. pupils. And Mr. Graham's paper ou die teacher iu aud out of the school had much to Bay about order .cleanliness aud refinement of conduct. \Veare coming near the truth when re- alize that it is as important that teacher should be a. geutleuiau as a scholar. In phort, leaving out of the quction-Dr. McLellau's contributions iu the same line, the key note of the convention was the Goodness o: Beattty, aud its inevitable corollary e 13eautv of Goodness. PHOTOS^PHOTOS! If you waut (thotua taken go tu the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, where nothing but first clam work is tin-licit uul, mi'l plioes lower than cliargxd lor city work. Careful stu-iitimi ui\rn tu > on|iyiiig ntliui picturos. llubu s' uhotoi a Iietui*o in all itn (tranches pruuiptly and neatly Hull*. Irs, SytataSt. BOOTS MUST BE SOLD nft at reduced rates to make vo. jiu I'oi new slock. Uvershoes. K libbers and Moccasins at uiai ve!o aly low priot s. This is lor purcliasers. and will mil y last for a H.Kirt tiuio. Call in aud lot us con- vince you ot its s : All ti|>s in booti from me after tins notice |>IK!*I will bo sewed up ffee ol oUarge. This u au extra. 1LK4HEBTON. As often as Dr. McLellan has bocu here he has never failed to rouse eu thusiasm both for himself aud his subject. If ever a mau was iu jeo pardy of being spoiled it is he. The teachers maka au liol of him, aud there are not a lew outside the pro- fession who exhibit it the same pagan tendency. To sec the crowd of towns- people who uocked the first ultcruoou for 110 other purpose than to hear his disquisition of (he "Psychology o" Number," aud patiently sat iu au over crowded school room, through papers dibcossions and addresses excellcu n themselves, but not what they < for was surely au evidence o I'oner of tliis man to make the i.ii,8i abstract subjects cntertainingc U ilid not take the L>r. many minutes fiuoustrate by a few siuiplsoculai illustrations that number could no be a percept, but was from the h'rs u t iirely mental act. Develop the uuaihcr one," say the (Jiube people, and they ptoceud to let tin- youug child investigate with Lit five seu*s some object, aa if know ing the color, size or texture of um object would ever biiiig the conception of mini bcr. After all, one id not a number, when yoo come to think of it. It is onlj by morcnet* or othtrneu to coin I word that the child's mind takes tin first nt.p towards couceptiou of nnm ber ; this step it must bo planted i: token through the senses ; thus somi pxychologittta bold that the iiniubc fvo may be an itiuutf idea or at least a peicepl, but a little redeclion will show that it is not until the number throe has been grasped that number as au abstract idea becomes present to the mentality. This j>o*t aiinurum of the childish mind being safely crossed, Lc uia) be led rapidly into the hundreds and thousands. "Do- velupe the number one," reiterated thu Dr., with fine scorn, then followed his infectious langh, which has Ian. ;Kcd many an absurdity out of court, as who should any. "why waste au argument on anything so prepos- terous?" The Dr. 's mtlliod recog- nizes the fact that number is an aggregate of paita, thus nimlyxis syutUesis, or the dividing into units (be that uuit large or small) and put- ting together agaiu is what everyone does when he counts, and what the young child mast do if he would count. 80 it is ruadily seen that the idea of fractious is present from the begin- ning, and we weie not surprised when the Dr. offered tu lake a class of clul- dieu (as he has done muro than ouoe before) who kuow nothing of li^ures IK -'Hid counting, and teach thorn .-i'uple fractions in 15 minutes. I'ro- luuioiil educationists on this and the \ ..iTicun aide aokuowledgo that Dr. >c l.iillan ' method is bound to revo- lationi/o the teaching of arithmetic ou this continent, aud it may ho throughout the world. Hut we shall know more about it when we lnm> read hi* book ou the "Psychology of Nuiuber," thru lit the (irubys and all oilier Germans y and hide their diminished head*. How aud how not to teach litera- ture" may be said to have feeou Dr. Mcljfllan'H subject upon the second day of convention, which with his li'Ciin-u 111 the Town Hall thu night bflnre U|M>II "Mural culture through literature" oonjluuuid his contribn- tiou to tlm wlhi'Uc eli'Uiuul befoi c i o- tu, iu at) utuvii in evideuco at his convention. On both Deflations ii emphasized the fact that no one -mid 01 should teach literature whote iwn soul was not t irilled and fired >y a sense of the "profound and bnaa- tful application of ideas to life" which s the very cere of literature. If ODD las this sense he will almost surely >e a good reader. How many tea:h- ers "fill the bill" in this respect f I asked the Dr. what they were going to do about it when there were so many teachers and students otherwise well up but whose spiritual ear was stono deaf to the harmonies of thu world of ideas. Gradually by time aud better methods of teaching liter- ature eliminate such from the teaching ifcssiun, was the Lubatance of his icily. The lecture at night rras a strong appeal for the education of the emo- tional i r imaginative faculty, in short fur the cultivation of the power o/ see- ing the invisible and feeling the sub lime. There was no morality without love and where else could love for country, for home, for humanity, lor the true and the beautiful, be so read- ily engendered aa throng i imaginative literature. The* training of th it cold logical engine the brain could never achieve such results, nor build a char- acter worth the name. N. B. (j'an no one think np a plan for making the youug women join in the discutswns or answer questions when put by the lecturer? If, like moat women, they find themselves tongue-tied the moment they get upon their feot, let them begin by speakii^ from their beats, 1 say ; but do It-i have more "go" and vim and <.* rtTft very most out of those conventions Repairs, Repairs D. McTAVISH, FLKSHERTON HOHSKHHOKR AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS ON HAND Ri-pnir* for Massry !! rrK ami >oxon. r'lmry and Wilkinson Ftiriu Implements- Plows* Fleury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of repairs for the name. We manufacture Wagons, Buggits, Cutters, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoe-ing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender ontracted feet. Logging and Plow Chains constantly on hand. A Notable Exception. A STRUM; FT.ELIMI IN f AVOR Or A (MS- AM AN FKOM'CTIOX IS TUB STATE Of HW Yut.K. S\R.\n SE, N. Y., June 10 In tpite of a strong sentiment prevailiiiK through- nut thu atniv that iiotliiun giNid can come nut of Canada, a furling it beginning tu grow that rluro are certain iiotablo t-x- repliuns inn] aiming llioiu 11 clasiwxl the new K|icinc remedy fi>r nil diseases uf Ilia kiJiu-yn aud all complaints urisiiiK fniiii a clerniiKt melit of tbiMe orpins, kiniwn l)uild' Kidn.y I'llli. Tli- medicinu lisa received a tlinriiiigli teat aud ia beinx M***fib*d not only \<j druggist* but by pliy-.ii mim, whom) well known re- luctance t.o nilinit any virtue in a |>n<|<ne- tary medicine makes tlioir tfMiinuii) to iti tuerj^a atill iirire remarkable, Heart IMxcii.sr Brllcvrd In So HhlUtCS l>r. Ae'a wi Cur. of ILe Heart Kivtp perfect relief in all caitca of ti.prij'iiiie or Sympathetic Heart Diaunsu in 30 minute*, ami apuvdily effects a cure It i a [merles* remedy f.ir Palpitation, Shortness of lirratli, Smuihi'nn^ Spells, 1'ain in Lof* Side and all sympti'iia uf a Dimmed Hr.irt. < >no di>no convince*. S.,1.1 by W. E. Richardson. A New Yurk paper gives the following n 1. 1 II.- pi :._vri , aaid to liave been oHVreil Up by * mountaineer on Hinting liimaof .MI, front. .1 by a huge beir in a narrow ili-lil. , the man Itviiiff armed only with a knife : "Oh Lord ! I am nuw forty yean uf aye, and I never prayed to Theu before in all my life. I am not lik the Mrtli"- ilist and lU|)tut, who are continually worrying Thue with nil ill. ir little can*. All I have tu .iy ia thu, if you are nut MI inv aide dn t bo on the bear's lidv, and Tliuii almlt see thi biggest li..ir lujlit that Thou 1 1 AS aeon si nee tlm beginning." A It 00 II tO Il.trSflllCll. One b.ttl* of Knglinh S|i.n i i Liniment cuinvletely riMivivrtl a curb from my hone. 1 take vlciisiiri" iii rt'CommendiiiK the ronudy, an it sow with myj-t.-ri. HIM |iioniptnt>iia in the i.Miiuval froiii^ )iors< of limit. N. ft urcal- lowed lump*, l)liMl .'p.iMii.m^iuts, curbs, NWUUliy, BllI'u-S M^ !>|l|-niliS. HUBB, Fi\imt-r, Maikh aia, Out . < Sold by W. E. Riohardxiui In every town there d*ll a few in.li- viduUri who arc |IM> tuenu to *nke tliuir local p.. PIT aa Imp; aa tliry cnn (Mjnxe 'he rvD.ling of it in mty way. Then* i* K!M> another O!HH that the nublUlicr limit knep on saying nice thing* about in orilrr t.i-liol.l th. 'in, and the nret time that. they read^ anything that (hoy imagino d.>Ai not flatter their vanity they ruih fur tlm otllou and exhibit tliun meaneits and their mil olmracter and say tn|i my |Mipr ! '1'ln-y fitn-t-t that they art' running their In-.-nl auaiiiHt a ainnu wall ami tukii>K ur.'at rhanci's, HIU| ahuw iilg theiiiae<ve up iii thuir true culon. Cntarrh Krlievcd In IO to <!0 MillUtOM. OiniKlioit |iII of the brealh throiiuh 1'ir blower, Hujkilitd with bach bottlo of Dr. A^IH-W'H r.ituirlml Pow.lur, diffuaun thin |Mi.lor ovei the urfiM>e of the nasal p.iVsa^cs I'ainK'MHii.l ilo'i-litfu in us.-, it lolinvoH in-itnnily, and |>oriiianl ently curra Catarrh, HyiKever. CO|I!H, H (Mil. it- 1 if. S >re Thioat, Q'IHIM litm HIII) Di-afuuM. 00 cents. At \\. li Richard- nun's. Ir. Loiiin Tuckutt and Mr. Win. llvown Mti-inprml tu Hil in a mrill boat from Cnllii.vwoiKl to Van Vlack tin Tu.a- il.iy v*ning but wert* uaiicht by tlu; 1. 1- lible wind dturin and their boat :i-. AH.H |.f.i. Thxy laahixl tlivntnulrtis t<i iln- inaxt an 1 wei-e wanhixl U|i on tint tiei.i h. and Mr. lirown'a ln niw suvi'tl but Mr. Tuckut ivas d&u*u>d. ^ A Soft Thing Ti, * * * AVhen jf-o are driving is always enjnyab'e. Our are easy and pleasant to ride in, neatly finished, >tron n > aud durable. Call and examine our stock. Carts and democrat* on easy terms. Paiutin<:, triiniiiint! and liir'nhing dune r older. I claim to sell as durable ai.d g<M>d a vehicle aa there is un the market. R. T. WHITTEN. When the Nerve Centres Need Nutrition. A Wonderful Recovery, Illustrating the Quick Response of a Depleted Nerve System to a Treatment Which Replenishes Exhausted Nerve Forces. \ MR. FRANK BAUER, BIRLIX, ONT. Perhaps you know him ? In Water- loo he is known a* one of the most popular and successful business men of that enterprising town. As manag- ing executor of the Kuntz estate, he is at the head of a vast business, repre- senting an investment of many thous- ands of dollars, and known to many people throughout Mie Province. Solid financially, 1> . Frank Bauer also ha* the good fortune of enjoying solid good health, and if appearance* indicate anything, it ia safe to predict that there'* a full half century of active life still ahead for him. But it'* only a few month* since, while nursed a* an invalid at the Mt Clemen* sanitary resort, when hi* friend* in Waterloo were diaraayed with a report that he we* at the point of death. " There'* DO telling where I would have been had I kept on tbe old treat- ment," said Mr. Bauer, with a merry laugh, the other day, while recounting his experience* a* a very sick man, " Mt. Clmnens," he continued, " was the last resort in my case. For months previous I bad been suffering indescribable torture*. I began with a loss of appetite and sleepless night*. Then, a* t he trouble kept growing, I was getting weaker, and began losing rlesli and strength rapidly. My stomach refused to retain food of any kind. During all this time I was under medical lAfcfiment, and took everything prescribed, but without relief. Jnrt about when my condition Jr"or 9le lay seemed most hopeless, I hoard ol wonderful cure effected in somewhat similar to nine, by the Great South American Nervine Tonic, and I finally tried that. On the first day of its use I began to feel that it wa* doing what no other medicine had done. The first dose relieved the distress completely. Before night I actually felt hungry and ate with an appetite such aa I had not known for months. I began to pick op ia Strength with surprising rapidity, slept well night*, and before I knew it I wa* eating three square meat* regularly every day, with a* touch reliah a* epr. I have no hesitation, whatever in saying that the South American Nervine Tonic cured me when all other remedies failed. I have recovered my old weight over 200 pounds and ^ver felt better in my life." Mr. Frank Baoftr'i experience i* that of ak other* who have u*ed the South American Nervine Tonio. Its instantaneous action ia relieving dis- tree* and pain i* dne to the direct effect of this great remedy upon th* nerve centre*, whoa* fagged vitality i* energised instantly by the very first do*e. It i* a great, a wondrous care for a|l nervous diseases, aa well a* UMHgeati|p and dyspepsia. It goe* to th* real lotroe of trouble direct, and the aick aflways feel its marvel* lot* sustaining ahd restorative power t dnce, c* the jar/ firs* day ol it* n. * WSJ hr< f rdson.