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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jun 1895, p. 6

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THBNEfSINAHUTSHELL THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL OVEB THE WOBLD. Crr.l Krllaln ll.r I nll'4 Mate*. nrt AM rerl* .r Ikr l.l.lKT <.,!< 11.. ll ** asserted <*r buy B>*4lng. OAHADA. The daty colUote.l on 390.M6 pound* of grown tobaoca lut year aaadiao 118.647. A lad named Charles (Irani waa drowned a Sunday while bathing In tbe Uuudss anal. Bear Hamilton. Km did 9-2S.OOO or 130.000 damage to Mr. Fearman'* pork-packing asUblishroeut at Hamilton, but the arm's buiinee* will not b* interrupted. Twenty thousand luishsls ef wheat w*re aid la tii* Winnipeg i.rain Kienaage on Saturday at one dollar per bu*bel, afloat at Kort Wi ham. At Saul l 8ts. Marie ths operator* of th* Oawia i-an canal hav* been ordered to re- pert for duly this w**k. This indicates hat tK* lock will be ia operation in tairty eeva. Tbe Winnipeg Council will aak the Lvg- Watore for power to submit the Sunday treat car qaestlon to a vet* of Ui* loot- er*. Much el the valuable limber ia the Fort felly dietriot, in Northwestern Manitoba, hi teported destroyed by Are daring the BMB year. l>r. MoolagM, Secretary ef State, ha* aeooptod an invitation to addres* th* Pan- American Congress, to b* held ia Toronto, Jely 18 to 29. Mia* Ireland died at th* Uenural Hospit- al, Winnipeg, a* a result ef blood-poieociing aneing from an injury *uslaiaa<I on th* h>urr.y irom Ontario. ol Dr. Chenier ha* and applioaUm will tain* through ths CaiteoB* without paying toe thirty par oeat, nty- 4 Patces ' Indaatry storekeeper near tolt f.-rW twelve BUUO Js of autmegs , T feu to Arm. The order was d,..u>od, aad twelve barrel* of ant- Una* to b* ef an encouraging aetare. Price* la m*t of th* leadlnf *tapl** ar* teadily advancing, wage* afe gotog "!' employment to more general, and bueinoa* all rouud to better throughout the United State*. Labor trouble* are lea* talked of, and damage done by frotf M awuming tally smaller proportions. Monetary con- U lions ar* favorable. Cotton continue* troag ; additional woollen mills hav* opened during the werk, ami in some oases wages have been raised. The manufacture of iron is progressing, pnoee are tending upward, and ii a expected that the wages lioable al 1'it.Ubur.; will terminate without a strike. UHITCD UTATKa. Superintendent of Poiloe Byines of New York, lias been allowed to retire un a pen- non ef 13,000. A monument to th* Confederate dead, tbe tint erected in th* Northern State*, wa* dedicated on Thursday in Chicago. A man named Archie Mpotford, Canadian, wheee relatives live at Camden Eaet, Onl. , committed auioiie on Tuesday night by limping into the Charles river at Boston, Mas*. An ordinance wa* introduced in the Chicago City Council which i* intended lo prevent women from wearing " blcomera," f knicksrbockers, within the city limit*. It waa laid over. Loretta Mooney, who also calls htrself Addu in tli* variety thcatrei of California, i* nuw Lady *holto Douglas, daughter-bl- ew of the a! arqui* of (juaenaberry. They wore married in San Jo** by Jostle* of the 'ace Desnale. The nsw Lady Uongla* is eighteen y*an of age. Mr. M. C. D. Harden, of New York, who** colored botlar, Ferdinand Hair s, wa* murdered OB Monday ia the basement f Mi. Kucdeu'* hoiue, ha* oileruil tea I to tke noihine a* wall a* fraah air, lot taoansuid dollar* reward lor tho an net of tho murderer*. Tho $?..'" i bond of Mr. John T. l.yso*. Montreal druggist charged with smuggling drug*, was forfeited ai New York, a* the defendant failed to pat la ao ,ppearanee before United Stale* Commi*- louar Shield* when hi* case wa* called. air. I.y oui is *aid to b* sick. Hii aoraoai wore killed by the exploclen of the boiler of a te*m*r in Lubon harbor. h, -"oo 8*. L.>*U. th* klontroal bridge ,,, actor, to to bo prececated again OD "harg* *f robbing the Uovernaaeal of .OOO IB connection with th* building of t , " 'M.O While assisting at a barn-raising near Berriotea, OnU, on Tbaraday night, Mr. Fin lay McLsod wan thrown from the build- hag, and received injuries Irem which h* eied ywterday morning. Aeeording to a report presented to the Dominion Parliament the premium* paid far tale iaanranoe in Canada .luring IHIM aggregated |U.ue,U84. an Uereaa* of f/"" 1U6 a* compared with the previous year. Sir Charles Rivers Wileoo, tbo a*w l*at of th* Orand Trunk Railway , to eipMied IB Montreal shortly, aad will be aoeonipaaiod by several ben W the Board of Director*. H* will B*ake a therongh inspection ef the road. i fishing te reported onsually good _ tbe BegBeeay coast, A (pell ol Btre*l.norlbea*i wind, which occurred com* time age, i* th* onus* ef th* abundance d ah. At Tadeoaac titty salmon weie taken at else snot during one Ude. At Point Flo.' where aalmon IB rarely caught, th* ash are plontifal. A Booteh Mormon with his three wives arrived IB Qnebec on Ssoday night. Th* Ameiiean Immigration Commissioners, who had heard ef hi* expressed intention W starting an ntabliihment in III* Uuit*il State* on patriarchal principle* him permission to STOP* tbe line. Information ha* boon received in Ottawa ta the eUeot that Mr. J. 8. Lark*, tke Canadian commercial agent in Australia, be* laid befor* th* Sydney Board of Com mere* a scheme for the construction of the Paetfto oabU by Oraat Britaia, Canada aad Australia, which wa* vary well r* eived. QBXAT BalTAlN. It i* sated that the Queen to almoet ao Invalid, aad that her rhsumaMim ha* creased that shs can hardly walk. Fire broke out on Saturday in th* Fif* hire Main c*lli*ry, and am* men wer* killed while trying to quench ibe flame*. The Rev. John Morrow, formerly ! Pittabarg, ha* started a new religion in Omaha, N*b., the principal feature o which to that all members worship m aai lire's garb only. Miss Beulah Kennard, who prepared thi lionary calender of prayer which to in THE HOflE. Cleaning:. Vhen w* romerabsr that wo spend about one-third of our lives in our bed-room*, it would ***m very eoaen'.ial that lii*a* rooms I knould receive careful gleaning aa each ! oaaon for this kind of work appear*. When there are carpet* on room* these ought to be taken up, well ihakan and airnd every spring. If insects infest the** room* it ia well to fill all crack* ia the wall* and around baae board*, casing* and in th* b*d*tead* wit n inaeui |>owd*r, and then fill th* air in th* room with it; close window* and d^ors for about half a da;- before any of tbe furni- ture i* removed from tbe looms. If there ar* no bug* in the room* it will bo only necessary to use the powder a* a preventive alter tbe cleaning is don*. It I* a certain remedy than all th* old. taahioned and furniture-ruining processes of scal'ling *r application of kerosene evsry- where. Th* tirtt thing necessary will be te re- move all movable article* from th* room* ; thru take up carpet* and ruga and iweep and dait thoroughly. All doit may be eaaily removed from ceilings and walls by moans of a broom with a (oft cloth pinned over it ; as f*t ao on* gel* dirty repine with a olean one. Then clean window*, door* and ether woodwork, leaving floor to bo-mopped laot of all. la th* meantime all bedding should bo o*t of 4eon airing. Mattreue* and eem- forters will be boaeflud by being exposed Wkm dn*. uk* oat of tho ototh and tarn onl npoa your dish, ipnnkle a little pow- dered sugar on it and aerve with this aaaoe: Put th* yolki of I egg* in a ctewpan with half a cupful of powdered sugar and a gill of milk. Mix well together, add a little lemon peel and aiir over the fire until it becomes thick. It must not bo allowed to boiL flavor to taste and serve very hot. A law ha* been paa**d hi Ituuia psrmit- tingoommersial transaction* to be concluded on gold beau. Band* of Bulgarian brigand* are awaiting a avorabl* opportunity to invade Macedonia, thereby reviving the Macedonian qacelion. On Mraday Ust Emperor William, with s ewn royal finger*, putted oat PriBO* Jer 's first loose tooth. Six person* w*r* blown to atom* ea Saturday by an sipissmn at Major d* Roth'* gunpowder I actor y at Fslndorf, AIM trie, A young unemployed work logman waa srreiu.i at Dreadsn on the charge ef threatening to kill the King of Saxony with an infernal machine. The Crispi Government wa* inalained by an increased majority in th* Italian Parlia- mentary slecuois. Ki-l'n inier Uiolitti I* one of th* member* reiurns.l. M. Louis I'asteur, th* distinguishrd French ehemist, ha* refused a German deeoratioa that ha* been awarded him a* a remit ef hi* labour* in the cause ef humanity and science. It i* andsritood that th* Government ot India advises ta* permanent occupation of Chitral by British troop*, and thai building of a road thsrs to ronneol with lc *, .'".^ other British military route* from the south. There to a belief in some quarter* that tbe Formosa Republic u a Chinese manoeuvre, backed by France and Russia, te trick Jspaa out of th* fruit* of her victory. It to (eared it will re-open th* war. The torpedo boat built at the Utrmama wharf al Kiel for the Turkish Uov*rnment was making hsr trial trip when her holler exploded. Six ef the crew were instantly killed and fourteen mortally woun.lsd. Three British warship* hav* left Alex- andria tor J*ddah ia order to uisiai upoa the punishment of the Bedouins who w*re concerned in the mur.Ur of ths British not eo anything containing feathere ; they shuold b* aired in ta* shade oaly, a* th* unshincaeta unfavorably upoa the oil IB th> f sat hers. If poseibl* let th* room* dry ail night, therwiae no the eleaniag aa early in tbe morning a* practicable, replacing carpel* and furniture ia the afternoon. Nice clean hay i* sicelleot to put under oarp*l*, as it allows th* duet to Mill* on the floor and not grind the carpet* a* it will when carpal lining to used. Many decry carpet* for sleeping room*, aa they harbor ao much dast, bat in thi* old elimst* they eeem a rterssai'y. How- ever, malting with warm rugs ia better than the regulation earpet for each room*. Kvy art id* pt back into clean room* should be mad* aa clean a* possible. Kv* ry thing that can be ahould be washed Brst, After earpete ar* tacked down, furniture | ia place, paff a littl* powder around th* edge ( carpet*, aronnd bed-slai* aud the work Bleaching- Hats. Clean** them ia warm *oap suds by brushing them well insids aad eat, than r IUM wsll ia cold waur aad dr y thoroughly. Into a tight barrel, put a eaaeerfal of sul- phur. From a slica set through hole* near the top, suspend .he hat or bounet to b* bleached, and at fire to th* tulphar. Cover oloa*ly iminedialely, and leave *evra' hour*. The only objection to this method (for it whiuns then beautifully), they soon tarn yellow, bat Ui*r* i* not thi* result if bieaohed with oxalic aoid. Cleans* a* before, pat a small qnaniily ef oiaiicacid I into a wooden receptacle, pour on autlicunt ! alar to cover the hat, pal it in I and hold It under tbe liquor with a nick ' about fiv* minutes, as th* acid water will make th* band* sore. Do not put in very much acid er it may rat th* straw. Dry In th* sun or before a hot tore. Stiffen whit* hat* or Unmet* with what i* called parchment site. BI- BB* this year in the Baptist Church** of tbe United States, died *f apoplexy in Philadelphia. Hugh Cough, Pint Secretary of th* British Kmbaasy at Washington, ha* been advised of th* death of hi* father, Lord (lough, and of hi* ewn (uooession to th* title*, Bstates and pension. The new British cruiser 1 nrrible was launchod in th* Clyde. She is of I4,*W ton*, with engines of 25,000 horse-power, aad u e i pec ted to develop a speed of 98 knot* an hour. >i. Patrick wa* an Englishman, If Dr. Nicholson, ef the Bodlaian Library, to right. H* think* h* has foaud oat from the tripartite lit* of th* saint that he we* bern at Devsntry, near Northampton. It i* admitted that th* Knglish Liberals are not ready for a general election, and they will holil en to office a* long as they have, a majority, no matter how small, rather than face th* people at the poll*. Th* London Daily News, commenting poo the attack upon th* representative* I Chrtotian power* at Jeddah, aayn "It to not toe much to aay that ther* are many sign- of a holy war against all Christian on., unities and all Christian right* in th* Turkish Koipirs." Naarullk Khan, the second eon of ths Ameer ef Afghanistan, l* being honored and frud in London, but h* to act regards, 1 as a eooial succssm. He u a* stolid a* a woodsn imag*,and the members ol hto suite hav an unpleasant teat* for pook*Ung th* silverware of their boat*. In* >. > i, i > ii ntainsd in the report* of Dun's aud l<r*.tslr*et'l commercial agencies Prof. Lsydsn, th* famois specialist, who attended the late Czar Alexandria II. at Livadia has been summons 1 to attend tbe Craud Duks (icorge, who** condition ha* become very much wort*. Tbe King of Saxony daring the past six month* has received menauoing or icurril- ou* letter*. The author of some of tho** epwtle* has been discovered ia Dresden in a youthful labourer with nofavorabl* antecedent*. The French Chamber of Depuli** ha* voted urgency upon ibe Governments demand for a credit of 250,000 franc* to erect a monument to the memory of the French *oldi*r* killed in th* Franco-Pro*- si'in war in 1870. five house* wer* wrecked by anhijuak* and many people buried in th* ruin* in the District of Baku, Russia. A hook wa* also felt at Mombaisa, en the Zanzibar coast, and several houses in the Town of Malindi were destroyed. The Kmbasair* of Qreat Britain, Franc* oil Kusaia al Constantinople have demand- ed the pMishtnent of the Turkish police at Moosh who broke into the residence* of del. tf rat*) of the Armenian Commitsion for the purpose of arresting a servant. A Soft An wer. Mr*. Newcomer Uood morning I I* thi* Mrs. Teaohem'a private school ? Mrs. Blink* (hotly) Indeed It isn't. This i* a private house, and theee ar* my own nhiliiren. Mr*. Newcomer (hastily) I thought it must be a school, beoauie th* children looked so cultivated, and educated, and scholarly, and and T dined, you know. Mr*. Blink* (genially) Oh, yos, of course. Com* in and sit down. Lacy, nail in your six brother* ami five listen, and intro.iu < them to the lady, while 1 gat ready to go around with b r and how her whom Mr*. 1 sachem s school U. One* She Was a soldiar. A well-known character in Paris to an old women who*e brea*t I* one glittering of sroises an, I .Uciiratlon*, aad who peeoefnlly engaged as a flower **ll*r. Hsr name to Jane Bonm*r*, and her honors wer* gaiasJ in the Trim**, at UOHII-. Uravclotte and at Orlcaaa, Some Good Recipes. Caramel Cuitarda. Have 6 custard cup* all ready for the sugar, malt | oup granu- lated sugar in aa iron pan and pour into the bottom uf the naps, heat three gg* withont separating, add 4 tablespoon* ugar, I teaspoon vanilla end 1( cup* milk. Pour into custard cups, stand them in a pan of boiling water and cook IB moderate oven 16 mioutM, turn from ta* oup* while hot but serve cold. Crumb Griddle*. One pint of milk, 1 cap brts.l erunitw, soak ov*r nigVt, then a.l, I t teaspoon salt, 1 sgg, 3 tableepount molasse*, I tablaepooa m*lt*d lard, 1 t*e- poon soda, flour enough to mak* a bait r. Orangcd Strawberries. Place a layer o: strawberries in a deep dish, cover the same with pulverized sugar, then a layer of berri** aud ao on till all th* berri** are nsf.l. 1'our over them orange juioo in the proportion of three oranges to a quart of berries. Let stand for an hour and just befor* MI viug *prinkl* with pounded 10*. LoafCak*. Take 18 ox flour, 14 os sugar, 12 ox butter, i pint (cant) of milk, 1 tee spoon sod*, 1 Ib raisins, nutmeg and little mace ; 6 egg*, keeping out the white* of 2 gca lor trolling. Mak** two good-used loaves. Hatur Pudding. One pint oold milk, 4 tablespoons flour, 2 eggi, a little aalt, sli r th* floor in a part of th* milk, add th* eggs without beating and haatthem all together. Ponr into a hot buttered dish and bak* | hour. (Put into tbo oven a* soon as roiisd. ) A U*ltoion* Plum Padding. Pick and ton* a pound ol th* bait Malaga raisins, which put In a basin with a pound of oar- rant* well waahed, dried and picked a pound of good beef su*t chopped not too fine, thr**.fourth* of a pound of whit* or brown *gar, X ounces candied lemon or orange peel, 3 ounces oandivd citron, tt ounces of flour and one-fourth pound bread crumbs, with a littl* grated nutm*g and alt. Mix the whole together with 8 whol* egg* and a little milk. Have ready a plain or ornamental pudding mold ; well butter the mieiior. rour lh* above mixture into it, i-ovur with a sheet of paper, tie the mold in a cloth, pat the pudding iato a large tewpsa containing boiling water and let it boil quit* fast for four hoar* and a half, or It may b* boiled by tying It in a padding cloth well floured, forming th* ihaps by laying th* oloth in a round bottomed basin and poaring into it. It will mak* no difhr- 0,0* in the time required for bolliDg. HDNTINQ A LEOPARD. * u l .o.i.l. J Arroilal Of Bow BOBM m Their tame la a Bi Drnln. Th* inhabitant* of Seoul, in Korea, do not need to stir from their door-steps if indeed thsy have any in anarch W game. Tijers and leopard* vUit the town every ni ht for food, and wo* to the unarmed native who croeoe* their path: Mr. Henry Savage- Landor, in a recent work on Korea, furnishes an amusing account of now some hunters sought their gam* in a big drain of masonry leading to a disused palace. A ferocious- look ing leopard waa seen one day taking an airing in ths grounds oa thi* old palace. Perpieied aad terrified, the nnarmed native* ran for their lives, all eioept on* who, from a distant point of vantage, watched ibe animal and saw him eater the drain. There happened to be staying in Seoul an, a Mr. S., who poas- essed a rifle, and wa* had of Ion a*U>ai*hed th* naiivei by hi* *kill ia hiUmK th* ball's eye. Te him they wsnt in a body, beggmg him te do away with th* unwelcome vial- tor. Mr. S,, who wishsd for nothing better, went that same night, accompanied by hi* faithful native servant., sad hid near the hole whence the leopard wa* lik*ly to pring. It waa a lovely Moonlight o:ght, and **v*ral hour* pa*s*d la per:'v -t silence. At length a bright idea sir .a th* **r- vanu Ceileia that the leopard wa* no longer ther*, aad wishing to retire to hi* warm room, he proposed that h* ahould pok* ia tbe drain with a long bamboo and robe* the beast into coming oat, when the matter could .hoot him. M V*ry good,'* said ths Kagliehraan, who waa getting rather ured ef the diaoomfort and oold, and who, though be dad not say to, share.! the native's opinion that the boast had gone. I has *nooaragd, th* servant proceeded with firm stop to th* drain, about thirty yard* oC When h* reached the opening he seemed to hesitat*. H* stood and listened. Be carefully peeped la, aad listened again. H* heard nothing. Then, bringing all hi* courage to boar, h* lifted hi* bamboo and began poking IB the dram. Two er three times, as h* thought, be had touched something *oft. He dropped hi* bamboo a* if it bad been a hot iron and fled to hi* matter'* *id*, whsrs b* lay shivering wilh fright. II You ar* fnght*nd, you coward ; ther* to) nothing. Go a^aiL." After a few minute* th* faithful valet. who had then mad* quit* sure there wa* no leopard in the drain and that he had shown himself a coward, slowly returned to lh* charge and picked up hi* bamboo. " I am trembling with cold, not with fear " h* said, a* h* waa getting up again. I shall enter the drain thi* time and roas* th* animal, if h* U there." 80 h* really did. H* went in, holding the bamboo in front of him, and pausing at each *tep. The farther in he went th* more hi* slf -confidence failed him. The drain wa* high enough to allow of hi* landing IB it with his back and head bent down ; wherefore, if an encounter with the polled fiend were to take plao*, th* retreat of the man would not be aa eaey matUr. Mas'.er must think m* very brav*, "h wa* soliloquizing on hlssubtorrancan nu tee) when h* r*o*ived a sudden shock II. at nearly slopped hi* heart. H* had actually touched something soft with th* end of hi* bamboo, and be fancied he heard a growl He turned quickly to escape, when the leopar.l leaped upon him aud knocked him down, almost senseless and bleeding. Bang '" went the rifle oateid* jo*t a* th* screams of "Mas'sr, aahi, ahaal, kill, kill '." were echoing in the drain ; and th* leopard with a brokca bind leg rolled ov*r on th* ground, groaning fiercely. The poor Korean lay perplexed, looking at the scene, all lighted up by the beautiful moonlight ; and his heart bounded wilh joy when, after the second or third report, he law shot dead the animsl that had already crawled back to ths mouth of th* drain. A* hto mt*t*r approached, rifl* in hand, and touched the dead boast, tbe native'* valiant qualilie* returned to him in full, and h* got up out uf the drain. H**trultel round and round the greal leopard, over- corn* with admiration of himself, and to thi* day can always draw a crowd about when he ull of hi* prow*** in Isopanl hunting. Wealth of Chitral. The Chilral xpedition will prove a ooetly undertaking to Kugland, hut the country ol the Cliitrali* i* rich in gold and yellow arsenic, and if it come* under direct ' British control, a* it i* v*ry likely to, a | new Indian gold field may be opened up. | Yellow arsenic i* a lutnciautly valuable ! commodity of iteelf te make the conquest now being undertaken an important one, , but th country being ais i a gold-bearing ' one will make it doubly so. It has been known for yean past ihal gold exists in | good paying quantities in th* streams of Chitral, bat no attempt ha* been made to develop ths industry, owing to the obstac- les placed in the way by th chief, who su|io. iled that if it became known thai his couiiliy produced gold Chitral woul'l le loel to him. A traveler who visiud I he country in disgui* some year* ago worked up ipecimsn* of gold with th* aid of mercury and on bring sub*squ*ntly tested the pre iou metal proved to b* of 21-karat quality. PDEELT GiliDUl NETS. INTERESTING ITEMS ABOUT OWN COUNTRY. 001 tUlhereel frm Vartew* rotaM !> in* Atlaniie le Ike **!. A br*wry I* being erected at Perth. Victoria Harbour ha* a lacro*** olnb. Bllevill* no*d* more *uh>col aooommodV tlon. A new *ehool la to bo eitabluhed a* Banyan, The *urpln of Ottawa's winter carnival i* $1,1 50. Ouclph pria ter* have orgaoued a baaaball club. The Salvation Army have opined out in North Bay. The tax rale at St. Tbomai thi* year in ten mill*. Th* St. Thomai Bicycle Club will bnild a new track. Tramp* arc seeking work oa tho Trent V alley canal. Liftowcl store* olootat 7 D.B., except *w oatirdaya. A beer bottle factory will b* established at Langton. Ini-ersoll tried to organize a Ucroean club bat failed. Peirolea yonng Udie* ar* going ia fat physical culture, Frogs lefts are sailing U Ottawa lor 15 cant* nor dozen. A oo-operative bakery U to b* established In litratford. To* Woodboum Mcthodiat church baa a 6n* new pipe organ. Bicycle clubs ar* being formed in alt part* of the country. Carlyon is the nam* of a new po*t-offioe n*rth-oa*t of Uhtott. Woodetoek water-work* reesipta last year were IU.414,53. The aaaeenon report tbo population of Brock vill* to be 9,07.1. Quoit pitching i* tho popular spring port in Port Lainbtmt. The Cbarlea creel Sunday achonl, Inger- oil, ha* a baMball ohib. It is amid that th* harbour at Kingiviilo i* praetieally melees. LMI wo*k oil property worth 92A.OUO ehaoged hand* at Petrotoa. An erloosiv* evaporating plant will bo slabiishod at Uwso Sound. The Inger soli Collsgiato lastimts yonng ladle* have a basebsll clab. Woudsiock will raiM 11,000 in dsbonturo* for local impriveramta. Tbe Kingnrille PreMrving Company'* plant ha* boon sold for Ki.UOO. Th* *lectrio road between Londoo and Springbank i* aoarly completed. Th* trout pond at Locko Springs is to bo tock*d with 10,000 trout fry. Th* Pembroke ore brigade will hold a demenst ration on Jury ID and 20. A steamer thi* summer will run between Port Stanley and Montreal. Town* about Toronto ar* visited by hnadrede of wheelmen every Saaday. Prospects for a Ure* crop *f wheat throHghont Ontario ar* sai'i to b* good. Rev. Mr. O'Ne.l ha* aeaumed th* at* of tho Cheltenham Hapust oharch. Renfrew i* moving in th* dir*o**nm of securing 6 f teen acres of land for a park. Many farmers are giving up th* raoiing of wheat and going into tho dairy buainoa*. Kiperimental work at tbo Unalph Agri- cultural Coiloge i* bung oit*nd*d thU year. Th* G. T. R. waiting room at Te -umseh was rsovntly robbed of a number of ar- tick*. B*ll*vill* declines the offer of tbo Dominion Bridge Company to **tablaah ita plant there. Ao anti-tobaoon leagus baa been organized connection with th* Toe*wal*r Public chooL Th* price of beef oatti* ID Manitoba ha* [on* up th* pait month, and there i* a warcity. Ow*n Sound is thinking about tho ap >omtm*nt nf a committee ' o show visitor* ibout th* place. Prof. Cuff, from Bournemouth, Kngland, las been engaged aiorganiat of St. Uoorga'c , Uoderich. At th* latt meeting ol the Hamilton City Council a motion wal pawed, recommend ing a by-law to separate nilUnl, puol room* and bowling alley* from place* where liquor U lil. Mr. K.I. Tln*Uy. th* well-known O.T.R lu.-i>motive engioe.'r, of Hamilton, ha* been appointed Hea.l iiame War. I* J >( Ontario, ia plao* of tbe Mayor ol Hamilton. ofairch, A new lighthouse ha* boon built by tbo Viotoria Harbor Lumber Company at tho edg* of tke shoal off Bargees) Point, A farmer delivered a ipring lamb in Drayton tho other day, just eight weak* old, which weighed forty-four pound*. Oeorg* .Tackeon, nf P**l, had * sick cow and he kille.1 her. When opened a knitting needle wa* fonail lodged in th* heart. A Si. Catharines hen laid an egg weigh mi; four ounce*, and a fow day* later another weighing only one-eighth of an ounce. In August th* binder twin* faetory at d Kmgiton P*nlt*otiary will hav* six hundred ton* of twin* ready for tho market. Miss Lillian tittlebat**, of Hamilton, ha* r*eeiv*d tfc* degre* of "Aneociate of the Royal College of Music," at KsnsmKton, Kugland. l*it year bicycles and tricycle* to tho value of $:!."3,473 were impartad into Canada. A tax of f 100.040.41 was collected on them. The wife of Job* Mutrie, of tho 13th con.-essiou of (irrenock, baa prevented hor li*g* Ion! and matter with triplet* two li'iyi and one girl. Mrs. Cran*. (iuetph, recovered 9900 in a MIII against hgtul- keeper* wbo sold hor husband liquor, under the in6u*nr* of which h* wa* itruwuod by falling into a mill- .lam. Time* arr \. ry lively at Whitney, the new lumber point, on th* Ottawa, Arnprior and I'auy Sound railway. Over 100 moo ar* empl 'V>d in putting in th machinery ol th.' m w mill. A curious feature In connection with th erection of a new wing to th* ProtoMan* Hospital at Ottawa is that it will bo called tltor tho late John Kohoru, who loft i v>M|arit with that condition. Yet tb largest proportion of the coat will th* botiueat of Allan Oil in oar.

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