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Flesherton Advance, 13 Jun 1895, p. 1

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ftaafcttim " TEUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLES N6T MEN. 1 ?OL, XV. NO. 7.9 FLBSHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, JDNE 13 1896. W.H TEURSTON EDITOR* W. A. 'Will you want a ring for that Juae weddiug f if so, we J&.re picpaicd to give you what joa wut aud at a reasonable price. JBLrc you aware that we carry ona of tbe best stocks noitli of To- ronto aud ate Ready aud willing to show you goods at any time. MEoney caunot purchase goods cheaper tbau we are selling them. See also tliat our itpaimig is doue to your satisfaction by giving as a trial. T'ake a few niiuulec while iu town to call and see us aud examine our stoJk of Rings, Lroocbes, Chaiua, Charms, Watches. Clocks, Silverwarr, itlsu goods for wtddiug aud birthday gif'^. L ^- We Lmvtj uo Old goods, stock new, large aud well assorted. cheap quality of goods. We pay cash for our stock giving you the Grood of the cash discount. Call aud see if w dou'i tell tue truth. A R n 5 T R N Q The roads are dusty, and tb crops rain. Magistrate a court tUti . ) Tlw j>artie third line, Euphrates,. case. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walter spent Sun- day with the former's mutlier in Walters Our Business Directory If ABUIAUE Lie ESSES. |uad ds or nlgUt at th JwUry Start aud at UM rwa4wa ' "> uudoriKud. iu H C .'. Consyancr. do. FLHHUTUii. Notary public JOHN W. AJJ518TRONO. X \ lu.kJtbDi*. Court, Co. Gry, liauvrof Marii Lic>.Ba, Commlsaionsr In H C.J., Cooyancr, Auctioneer, 4o. Aem lor th Maawy-Harri. Asricultural lm|>l- MitU. Claytou'. Block. Flonuorton. oyiM^lto Klcbardwm'i hardware stor*. _ MiVL'LLOL'GH 4 YOUNG, Hu\r.. Mark'Ul. do a gorl banking bo- Money luaued at a ra*uuabl raU. tall TJEBT8 COLLECT r.O. Tbs uii<lerind la prpard to u ml arias* th collection o all kind* debts. Not* hoiiklit. accounU oolloctcd. *ta' B.S. HENDKBSON n.HBirrO! p J. SPllOfLK, Foatinastar, Flsb-to. CoromiMloner in B. R. Li OM| /uotionw, Coofevaucar. A praUwr .o.l Moa<r UxWr. Kal Kst* airt luiiiranco Aneut. Uaedti. MortaKa. Lass**. .ol Will* drawn ur and Vlualton ma.1* on bortmt notic. A*ion 8al* attended to IP au; part of th Counly. Mon*y to loan at low nl rate* of InUrMt. CollocStont attamUrt to with i>rom"tiM* and daapafatb CbarRaa lo. A*nt for tl.a Dominion htvauMhip Company, choap tickntu from Kl<hrou to Uvorpool. CllmHt"". Loudos or any of the British yorti Partin iutawdlnnto ii England, Scotland l.lnj. will pioan* ak ratM Wore pui Him tik*ta nlMiruara. I\K. HVJTTON. M. D. C. M., M.C. P. * 8, On*.. Priwtll. It. i.lenc and offl one door wot ol th Meth- oillit Cbuiob.Klures* . Offlc* day*. Tuaday aud Satanlajra. TVB. CABTK*. U. C. P. A 8.. Ont. Phyalcian. inrcaon. ato., Ftoabvrton fflt^-Btraias b'osk, KakUoo- Nuiihw bolel. JOHN A. 8COTT, M. B. Maualwr ColtowPhJ*!"-* Surgon. Ontario (lra.lnat* Iu Mmlloin* of Toronto fnivmiitv. Kellowl i|. fil|ilona. Port Urulunt* Medical Kchool aurt Honpltal I'hi.'aKO. tlinoaiwsat v, MIT, now ai.d throat (pcelally lrJ. Kl dcuca Maxwell, flilta rvmtnliain Thuradayi 1- J P. OTTBWELL. Vtterlnary Burgton. OradnaU of Ontario V*tar>nry Ccll<(*. llwi<lnce-Nst door soatb of Moor* i ptanlnn factory. J P. HALSTKAD, ' M, D . M. C. * R.. Ont , praetlcM at Kl.u- Hbaumatic dina* T\K. tIAKY II. HKANDKK M. D. C. St.. M. C. f. * .. Ont: rMeevlll*. Ofltaa and rwaUtno* oppoutt* Huit.n ' RoUl alls Blajbt or wajr, prompt) T attawM. Vtall* flsakwrtsMi MaUoa 1* | U. Wcdaataars. \ f IS8 EDITH ltICHAltI)80N. iU Pyt.'.] nf Bobt. Uabr, of Brliii, German*, iviollm, sir*. Braslay, of Toronto Caoswrvatory Uimc (VoK-ecilltiu. 1'ruf Krri>ou, late of Toronto, il'iauol Will roc<MY pupils iu 3LNG1NU. VIO1JX, PI- ANO aud OKGA-N. liere tu d.y (Tue- liv <MJ the It is au aiuault Mrs. \V. H. Tbtirt.)D, of The Advance, aud twu UttUs <H>IM, arv vuitiog rel;itiv<.is liore. Mr. and Mm. liu.l, ( Reach town- hip, Uare U:u tUe guests uf Mr. R. Caui|>lin. Mr. Lutian, Cu:her, of Parsdiac, viiitud lii kistei, leather iu our school, ou Sat- ui<Uy laat. \Ve umiced Mr. Faiux>u, of the Thuru- bury UuruU, in town un Sundiiy. Mr. 4i. il Mr-. 1 trunks of Thorubury visited the l.i''.'i '* |rx-uts thia week Mis .Iiui. M\les, hn liK* beuu ill for s<>iu time, u M.TV I- 4il i>t expected t i Miirvivu in .ny lUyit. , Mr. nd Ar. R--U. Kawcett ..f Fleh- ertoii nailed with the r .vii, Mr. J. R. tace(t, I.i.t week. Mr. J.. l'..iiii. f the ;.ul>!io library, Toronto, am! aiioilier tvntlt;i..aii, went ;liu TfN>-eller!>' H anc List week tiij-'Viux' the tiohjUL'. K A Tlmibtim, D D S., of Chicago, will xpiid some time at the |rentAl liouie to i ecu [terete hi* heal(l), which wa HuiuttwliHt run down with aluiiy. We courralulate Dr. Thurstoii on tin- SMcuniu oi IIIM decree. XV e i.c.f.ce ya editor in town ijiiiri- fre.|Untly tlit-sc day a. Verily the bicycle i a irrcat niatitutiuii. J P. M.UISHALX, L. D. S.. M. D. 8 . Dentirt. Vinitu Markdale ill* lilt ami 3rd Wwluvwlay of eacb mouUi. riebrtau-liaeti trip on ib dav lc..-wig. J W. FKOST. Harriitar. Bolloltor, Conrayancar, Kta. Fleabvrton office Nx tii* pul ufflc* h^ruuU't traihlii.g, ou Thursday*, oweu tiound ufflc*- Froat biuldiu*. Ban-inter., Solicitor.. Oavaraneers, .., Ow.-u donn.1. Ou.t . . Mwkdale. Ont. W. H. HMIOBT. i. M. LI-CM. N. rl.-FlMhei-tosi offle*. Bus. ovary Vk>ilnetlajr. Kppinu. /Yum unr oicn cwrtniutulent. Wesither continue* In t and dry. growth Teryalow f Mr. Thus. Londry raited an addition to his Kirn Monday. A very successful wci.u A.H h"ld at the residence of Mm. Sl.on- . n 'i iiuiml.iy vniii'.' . f ! u>t week. The Kunberley baseball cluo cuuie up and played it match with our boytt early in the evening, *hieh resulted in a victory for the visit iiu team, however, it grew too daik aud the Kim- berley bnjrt had one more inning than ih.i Ki'iuiiK hoys. After the match .ill r.-|';i r- ed to the house where A tempting t.-a waa served, af'cr which .t ple.Mint even- iiitl wa.s sp.-ut in uaiues of vari.'UH kinds. S. .in,- ..xcrlli-nt music was furnishod by Dr., lloeklyn, (organ) sud Mi. A. Doneily (violin), also by Mrs. lluy, BliHs Vcoiuiins ,-iiid (hei*. The proceedn Hiiioiiiit,. i t bouie <f U to be appropriatr.l t<> I ho buiMiux Vun.l of the chin, li nlu-d. Mr. R. Uilray rinited last ek at Van- del-ur ami Kleaiierton. Mr. John Hmcklelwuik U buil.linx the cellar of his new house. Mr. 1'loctur, uf Kunberley, baa the contract. who is AO.l.W.-matarwTlrtaatl thlr.l Moo- fy in ach mooth, In their ).>do r-wiu CnrUkwl HIsMk, Klwbrrton. at H .|>. in. A. M (iili-.-u. l \v , w..i HclUniv, Anaoc'vr W trwiu Weconltr. > uiting Hietberu iiiviMd. ROYA'. TKMT>r,\RS Of TFMPKIt\\< T. Mftilar Council uirati rry Dntand ihir.f Tui la v ,reniMK in ^.-h monvh. in Sj.roule'* bl.ick at p. in. Selet-t der.^i linmirancci niwtn winothlv. the WoJu,d> pr*cMiiu R th.ttml of *th buntb. SONS OF TKMPKH\\CR.-This wtlctv nie"t< In nr. i'l-rito* Hall ilrtt Wod nedn m i BO i mouth H| \iHii,t 1 r*b. xen mviMd. Inmrano. ioconuaciion. UH. H. A.. uiMt iu AaJI. ChrUto t lil..-k ter> Mxxmd Thurada> Iu mouth. Wui.Sbarp, MaaUr. T. Clayton, iwlary. PKlNlJ.- UiTltnt I.OIH.K. N., . .:M.iT k V 1,1,.., , the Muonio Hull, strain ih . M ""''"" t " r)r F "''7 O" or the (nil moon. In. Carter, W. M, K. J. 8>roul, bocrtary. Fiom 'iui mm Mrs. Malcm of Colliii|;wiMid U her aister, Mrs. A. McMulien, ry low at pneent Mr: A. Md'auley ia very ill t present and under the earn uf l>r Cart. M i.t* Jai.ey Meiia U ruiy ill with iiinam- t,;on. i . J. 13. Egau is very ill with bron- chitis. Mrs. Sn, 1' who has bv-en ipeudini; a few week* ith friendn in liitkrvnt pnrta, re- turned lant week. H. Cook hip|>vd hiii last car of potatoe* In the Queen citv on Al ininy. Wi. bow the l^h of July will be cele- brnltfi iu thia place. If *>, we hope f very one will try and uiako every com- fort for outKideis. Church on Sunday morninir. U-;ttor.i Eoad. Frum unr uurn Cm i'ffffni<ifiit. The jfiain looking fairly in thi ririnity nrt- well coiiidrmit{ the Ut nVKFKHIS LODOK. \o. i*. 1 n d P. uil In t'laytoni. hull v.-ry TIIDII- ''av I'trniiiH ,,t M 'o'cln, '. itinfj brvlhr.uoo rtlall/ iuvitwl. . l.S. VM,i-Mtx.N.O. \\ M UouHK. S4M.'. IP it and dry weather, but un es we have lain aoon the hay crup especially will be very >hrt. Mr. John Aikiimoii uf Caludon is triait- int 1 friends hern. Mi MM IWt Smith of FI' is viait- inir at her uncle'a, Mr. Th' H. Kt-lls. Mr< Cii n mnl *-n { Pricuvillo .(wnt the 24th with her tUughtcr, Mi.s. S. again making its Cash For Hides ; Sh-pakiiia and all kniils of fuis pur chxv-<l, for luch hiyliot market price will be paid. Hi'tiN'madr <aum,gws ou hand, also all kllliM uf MUrS'S. 1VI. \VILSON, rLI8UEKTON JJKAT KMJ'UKU H. Mr Uobt. XVarlmg. sr , rpent the ^4th with hiu ilaunh'er at Chm-'-tortli. MI-^H Mina tirithnin of M'ukdaloi last Sunday Kith her ptirvtiM. Mr R. <{. Warlinu, jr , wears'ki Himlc niiiv wiih a duvhter. Mrs. John It. land, ho as aud warm appearance. We are glad t* learn that Miss Annie Partluw, ho ha bttai aick for suuia uuie, ia IMIW recovvriug. Mrs. Jiw'eph Kiclurdaoo and Mn. Jam CK McLean are \ fiiends u .Uhtielil, at present. Dr. Caiuprbell of Dundalk delivered hi* lecture, "The XVeddiug U.ii,', " ->u Mon- day evening of last weett in the Metho- dut church. Tile lecture waa> very in- structive and pleasing to all. and we hope the advice given will be taken into praction. The E L. of C. E. elected the officers f> r this term on Tuesday evening uf last wtek, as follows : Prekidenr, Mim Camp- bell ; X'icc Pres., Miss t'enis : Suo., MIM Sco>t : Tre!*., Mr. Oscar Utran<ier. Mr. tia.fuur, minister of Eugenia, occupied the pulpit uf the .V church List .Saliuaih e\'eiiiii^. TUe ser> luou was >ery beneticinl and etfoclive. ProM our uicn I'vrn <i*inJrnt. Owiug to the extreme heat and dry weather crops are suffering, especially the hay ciou. U. 1'. Mc'jirr wad Lome fur a few days las: week. .! is. A. llcflirr is vuitiug friends j iu Fltsheriou for a time. Mr. E Pedlar, of Flesh^rtou, spent Sunday in oar towife, Mrs. \V. Pedlar has been on the sick hit for :Ue lail week but U re- coveiiug. Miss oara at Mi-s Saia'Pcrigo spent last week visiting fueuda iu and around Flecher- tou. The school waa closed for a couple of days i^a. week wi.ile Mr. Uamihou WAS aiU'Uuuij; couveutiou m Fleaher- lon. Mi II. Alexander is pushing las uew hoiioc along as fait as potsible. would like to draw the attention of the pathniaster to the fact thai tLe sirueu iu Fcvcrshaui need his alien- 1 lion, aud we hope he may ne las way , to have them clcaued up and I tlicrcby improve the appearau^ iliiiiyu geueially, aud to see that the are not uiade the dunipicg ground for all sorts of refuse. You want % AFIB8T-CUS8 (' (I (I f ,<l (I orp-irofF'unta To jEir* you them at clomat prices. C. J. Leij Crackinborougb spent IC1(1 COm. Mangel, Garden, Field and _x Flower Seeds la Urge W. Richardson, - R^hertort. Fi'uin <>"! uH'u Curmpondent. Tbe circun baa ciue aud nue, but we don't think tbe proprietor sc<H.|M.-d in , n of Uie nceiUul to keep bin 1:1 luxury the rest uf his life. Tb hi^'u wind which prevailed in the evening c&uie within a shaving <>f lifting the tent iuto Uie od- tield. XVe are sorr* to learn Frajikie Aussein, ton of Mr. J<.ie l a AUSMHII, is ill with the diphtheria. Mr. Jitu. Kither, of Forest, was I h ituest uf Mr. Jno. Cunkey, ol Uie north line, lust week. Me,rM. H. McLean and II. Watson have secured tbe contiaot of the brick work uf a Urge house in Ventry. They are buaily eiiitaved at preaeui iu lajiug the foundation of Uie UUUIKH. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hartley are in Toroiro this week attending iho cuufsr- eucw. Misses Aiie Bull, Gertie McLeod and \1- W. J. Hlaker/>n -pent Thursday abd Fnday at the seacher*' convention in Kl-h' rton Messrs. Noil McKinmm, D. Mel'. . and Dr. Biander attended tbe given by Dr. McLttUan lust Thur*<i.< ; r'luaberton. ( ' Miss Mima Il.tidy, of Swiutoii ' ftas the tueot uf Ur. brainier kut Mr. R. B. R^iley haaarri,d from Owun Souml where he has been r Tl^IAL. STEM UHll?. i Itavo op*ot UP ritiitou. nl com plat* are tending tbe N B. Col.i'.-e K. the JJ. B. C. is the place tu get buan . education. Lint Saturday afternoon the rmuaii. the Inte l>on,il,l McArthur, of Hun. weiu la d in I'ricevilla cemetery. The deceased li<> oss only a>xiut '1 Trs. WHS well known in dim villii^. The 1 inor.d corti-Ki 1 coii'aiiml uenrly I'M rig*. llns u th Keeon.l funeral li.'in that uvighbur- hood inaldw uf two week*. IP .1 am i>rpa e<l to taku in uny . of laawlrv work t lowwr priot*^ thau < i - !-<. UikTspot in thr,a'*t o^t impr^v.-il niaotiiiiary to th. **>f. UITK uie a oall. t ,. 1 auteod, aud l iov low. Mn. Gs. 1 lit Far Sail. For ale chaan an.1 ton. S)>leinll.l lanj, the Tlif thoroughbred Jersey cow be''Un<ii>i( L H VuoinaiiH, of thu town, whio i it : \.ilne\l very hnjlily by himself aii'l f.unily, at4.1u it march on its uwnur the o h.-r iTJai uoott vtone collar. > noaaa. alvo tiooil . 1* >lllei'lililltwoli orchard, baariiiK. Hou> utly laid out. term* .-k .lw..lliiit wuli Kit. hu an.) wnrttl- "tahla, bHck '-.f-i e lot* atvl H,H>! *iid im'boildi' !, r d *ad *wry ouiivwin- A|i|>lv u> 11. J. HPHOI-LB, F14btoa. his wile piesented him lj|ni , t Rt thl> (H>(t Urr< ., . llia :lU . i ' i pails of pea*, wtih the result that he friends at Mono, rvturnetl hoina last week. siioi Park. Fnim unr mru t' The frost hat, uiicv w>rt Vt 'I'uMi.T. X' i ei'ini* U-.I '" 'il>ly milled ami the operation i.f r the rvniiival ot the to i- of her ntonutch. Al>. ut six p^i f'U ' were removed by hand am] th cow ia i i-utit as well a* vu r . -Mt. ; li. uni:tUm 4'urrtf S-.nih XiiitTiCitu Iili> niiiiit am i'm--, lor Rheumatism iwid N- nr!li. ruilicnlly euros in 1 to :i .Uys. lis aettou upi'ii the ~- in in rvmarUahle and mystn:i<"iii. It reniovesst one* thacauso ami the >n- ea*e immediately dkakpfiMw*, The hr*t UOM neatly bcnafits. 75 eents. Suit wy W. K. Ititaardsoa

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