THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. I- '1 he Vei-y Best I'LACK IN CANADA TO C1KT A DOT'S CORNER. Thiraajh Education, a Kound Trip vgttii nnd * ' 'in 'iirciftl Department* in faiia'la.tiirii vinit t:ia Norther a UiuiueaH Cull OK e , examine every- I ii 'i ; thoroughly. If wo fail tu protluco lh* in ;-t thorn, mil. cumi'lulti, practical and exton- ir .-oiirfttfuf *tudy ; the best college pri'in I a 1 L>IO b lit and mo* compli'tv ami inof-t ault- *1>1* f nrulture ami nj ] ImiiCtfU, we will niv* you a full courta Kill.*. Fur Annual Auuouuco ujuui.4ivtn H full particulars, free. a<UlrMi C. A. FLEMING.' Prinrlpal. /Eugenia Mills Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, also (Placing and Matching, Band Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every des- cription. Planing and Grain Chop X>in doae -while you wait, forth* Beaver turns tne wheel. It. W WILSOM Manager .^ \ - CONSTIPATION, ^BILIOUSNESS, ^ DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE LIVER ONt PILL AFTER E.ATIN* INSURE.3 GOOD DIGESTION. PRICE 25 CTS.TDODPS DON'T DESPAIR DODDS'': KIDNEY , PILLS WILL CURE YOU Weii..rmir<- 1" -' P ''Hire any '; i r,. ,.. ii S.iill'1 , OH. L. A. SMITH ti CO.. Toronto. PEOT08!PH010.i! If yni wa it pli.itni taken go to the fLESHEHTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, \. li.-n' ii'itbilig but lii.-.t r'asH work ix t in MI .1 .mi , mid ptutit liiw<-r IhnncliitrgKl fur my '.i k t'mvl'iii at ti-ntiun ui\ <-n t.. .nj; otli-r picturus. li.ilii. K plint.n u a|) i illy. I'ictiirts K )u .ill itH l.r.tiu hex |iioni|>'ly mid nuntly u> .ne. Mis, Dulmsr Syttam St, BOOTS MUSTBBSOLD S -Unix ofl at reduced futus to make i i .111 lor new dtoolt. (Jvcislioi'S. Kiii.lii-iH ami Moccasins ;.: iimivi'o isly low pilots. This is . \ ( U'lTiiim ' Picnic 1 N pin r. i .iniii'H, nnd will only last for a i >a tiino. C'ull in ami let inu cun- i of it (null. All i i|is in boots 1 nm ii nfier this nuiioe ;. )i|.i'4u nil! beiowud ujj fiutof uliargs. 'i'iiu is an i v.i*. Theosophy and Woman. I have received the following very cor- cise report of two interesting events wlnrli have t.iken place recently in Toronto, viz. : the celebration held in memory of the most remarkable woman of the cen- tury, whether wu regard her as a fakir or ;n a Heer . and an outline of ttoinu of the >|iiestions to be discusxcd at the national council of women beginning to-day (Mon- day). As the Accounts are written by a lady "on tho spot" and thoroughly con- versant with what she write* about I can- not do better tlnin introdii' without niuru preliminary ['.. M. L's Ii tti i. . '. DOT. On the 8th hist tlieoaophist.s, the world over, ct'letii.itt tl tlie tourtli anniversary of tlie death of then 1 founder, Helena i'etrov- n t Blavnlhky. Whatever occult reasons may be at f'e rout of the matter, ldni Blavstnl y, like Napoleon, seeliu to be a fashionable topic of conversation jnut at |.ri- .i-nt. Ann ng other magazines, the An-i.a, last mouth, discussed her life and work. Four years dead, her every act and word held up to the keenest investi- gation, and still, thousands have not yet been able to decide whether she as s marvel of truth and intellect or au in poster. between these two extremes there is emphatically no choice, for what rr else this wumaii was, she was uot or- dinary. In Toronto, a quarter nf a century ago, the Church of the New Jerusalem attract ed to it.--. -If much the same "wanner of man" that one uow finds in tin Toronto Theoaophioal society that is, men and women who are demanding a broader platform (whether rightly or wrongly) than can be found within the regular churche*). Almost every one who come* into contact with these people concedes that they are unusually thoughtful and philosophic. As they otter nothing but what t In y term a rational philosophy of life, t liuu growth is not at all phenomenal, i lie ivciety numbering at proseu', I be- lieve, iilNiut forty. 'I'lii- celebration exercise*, on the 8th, st tiiH little hall on 8|utdina Avenue, were veiy putty and quite unique to th un- mm itid Thu prime mover in Theo sophy in Tor into, Albert E 8. Smyths, ysve a com|irehensiv address entitled, "'Hie Main Idea of Theosouhy." It s-i-ins tlml Edwin Arnold's poem, Thu l.i^lit of Asu, was a gri-nt favorite with BlavaUtky, accordingly one y.iuiifc lady re..d aloud most delightfully tri.m tlii- poem, .vlim- rhythmic measures no well nuit cxpriwkion aloud. Another in- ml. i r 1 1 nd aloud from thu Sacred Writ- IIIL-. .1 hull. i. TliuiMopliiit's study many iK'iiptuit.s, and l.y no means m-glt-ct tin- t'luiiiian wiitin^s, as they are supptwrtl to do . . . To tin .no |.ii st-nt who wert) not no pniticularly interested in Tlii-o so|.bic lore, |icrlntps tlie inspiring fuutmu ..t tlie pi 0^1.1111 wai the nddieis on "Hro- tlierhood' 1 l.y Toronto's favorite student ..f till* S' rl.ll <^UcHt loll, t'hilllps Tll< mill son. Mr. Tlii.nipaon wt ever lu^ioal and many tunes t-ln|iifnt as he lanu-stly set foitn the idea Hint tine fellow feuling, true itci 'gnition of tl.e rights of other* in klmrt, Brotherhood, would ra^enura'o Hiiciuly. The pictured face of Madame BlavnUky with its intiiTiit.ililc fxpri'Mii'ii, louk-il down n; mi ill from tlio \vidl as we list until, iiinl sent us away wondering bnW much of and Imw much of ern r ar liiiuml up in tin.-* in... 'fluent, which is, (it-rhapa. the tnoHt motiein renclnng- of the biimaii mind after the Intitule. I'rt-piirato'y t,, tl.e groat i*atlieriii<;, tin National Council of \\oiun, which H t In- I. eld in T. i. .i.t. i on tile last tivu days, of Uy, tlio founder, Ltidy Alieideon |, tlio Toron to Council ol \Voiniin held u .xprcial iii.-.'tiii.' on Mun day Inut in tlie Normal School Tin .,-.. ml.! iL-i' madu up of Wuiiif n fioii alnnwt t-\ciy v. ilk of l.le. Il \\.i.s ( | cidi-illy plriiaai.t to 110*0 the wealthy M in. ui ..f K'nuiv font'criui", earneatly will ilio working woman ovi their joint iit-ci-s iiities :u wmii'in. As tbry dihcn.-u.fii tin nroblt'iuN winch are to be Ventilated n thu Nti .mtl Council, mid a< t! H C'l.utU'i will bu coinpoio I if women from all parts nf Cumnla, and representing almost e\ri\ woiiinn'M society ilitucin, these womti liuintf MSMuMea to voto on llieau pn.l> IriiiH, it H. 'flint l.> me tliat uvery i 'u> \v .IIIHII nlionld kll-.W what :uv tin- i;i|. t at U ue, no ns to intulligeinly cks In-r own M. i' il.i-ir. n, or if nimble bar roll to IK; present, to influence tl.o \it ! the tlrlt^iiui reprewntiiit; In r. I "or insl'i;.!' , o, i.t .f tin- iiuitcr* to ro c ivt; all. nt. on, 1 ui.tlt r.tland, is tlie ad usability of petitioning the l>..niini. ci.\ ft nm. nt to H)IOI Ifii ilir dity ol w limn fa. t i-y -noiktrj to nine hours. 1m IIH dmlt ly u WIIH iiitioduoeil fo preliininuy disciiHMon in the Conn I, thu nni's!i..n came U|>, ."woul not such H ifguUlimi ntfvct, ui.fnvornllv the woniiii who work l>y tliu niece i" At tilat sii;hl it would appear so ; but on inquiry, wu tind u H ptucix| for ilui s.iku of tlieso women that such ruguliition sli.'ii il be m, ulr. "VVInii ! one M. s, " tlifii already narrow 1 Imn i-i. of earning a livelihood ' ' Hut tin- unit, r lunumes a ilitlt-rtnit ajipevt wln-ii We lind that l.ccnuse nf tbi* over- labor of (.om f of tliu women who work l.y til pit ux, iwui have bli cut for tho i ntii-rt iiuiuUur again and IIKBIII Itut how ran tliiU. be ? In this way : 1 nm in furinod that SUUM nirlv work such hours, ami tti suuh MliMSM, |het at the c)oe of tsw day ilu-y liav | 'y '" trip ilu-m selves to kes|i ^s*a MKrvmu spasius ; ley cannot converst*, they cttnii'.t enj y thiiiL', they mann^e iliu to resell, uine weeks, tfll. 'A hut M tl.e resu't ? 'lie einplnytT dor not tliii.k it nrcca- iry.pKrhapK, for -<iu- ^nl to ^ct no much, o he lower* rates all round. Ono work- ng girl assure* me thai this has bten the H.I four time in her experience. Tins grave matter, itfectiug the very ives of hundred* of women throughout miad.i, U to be diacuased at the National Council. Will 'ion tmt reflect on tcluit H Uiitik thouid if dune rnjnr<tiu-j U I Then again, anothwr quostiun inrro .m til for | ii-liniiiiiii y discussion, was the mailer of supplyiiis to the public stalU- icnl records te^ardinv the status of Can- ili.m women. It net-met! to be the opinion if the majority of those prcxent that bucli a proceeding would not only be unneced- aary but |.e.ruicious. An onu woman ex- >re>8ed it, "we wish to make our work, women, felt, rather than talked about; u deprecate the modern tendency of lling into print." This sounds com- ucndable. liut can women en^av;e in any public wink without getting into unit I V.aii'it Moudiiy's m.'i'tiii^ re- iorted in all the next day's papers t And, after all, whu is thu public, that it in suppoHed 1 1 be laudatory in women to told aloof from ? Is it not composed of their fathers and brothers, and should :hey not be ready r,, accept duo respon- sibility in making part of it t Then supptwe a few decades hence, some statis- tics are required anent the status of wo- men during the Utter part of the nine- teenth century. If wmnen, illiberally, and from false notiona nf modesty. refue theat) now, where are they to be. obtained when needed ? Many people, too, on access to statistics, will note evils of win -He existence, perhaps, they had been utterly ignorant ; so the suppression of hese records, might, in some cases, de- Fee*, the very object towards which the women of the Council are working, namely : the amelioration of the condi- tion of (heir sisters. Would it not appear thtt since this society is the national council of women t would be unfair to introduce, into it any ites that would be tlie means of exclud- ng any particular race or met of women resident in Canada? As the term nation- al is uaed. should not the platform be .road enough for every Canadian woman ? it is apparent that if the Christian form >f prayer, for example, is used in opening and closing, the Jewish woman would. 'I..MI conHcientioiis scruplex, tie excluded? 'Should we exclude her" U another question that U worthy the icflection of every liberal-minded woman E. M. L A prosperoun farmrr namrd Win. Young livmj near Aytoii became violently naana lately and was taken to Owen Sound. llrart Rrllrvrd In 3* IHInilf "r. AKII'S wr (.'until tl * llunrt gives perfect relief in all cns.-s '< iryonic or Sympitthetic Heart Disease in :tO minutes, and sperdily effects a cure It i*i a peerlras remetly for Palpitation, ShortiifM of lircatli. Smothering Spells, Pnin in Left Side and sll symplous of a Dme;uieil lluart. One done convince*. Sold by \V. E. Hichanlson. A ynung man named Moore, of Parry Sound, h.i'l to pity ?'.l.-0 for tiying to kisHoneofthe fair sex uf that town. The Star wants tn know what tliu c.. in pit-ttd .titir'e would cost if an attempt is valued .it (9.20. Ciitarrh Kcllevrd In 10 to CO Minutes -On.. kLu.rt | llfl nf the breath tliloilyli the blower, supplied with t'cli lioiilt* of l)r A^nfw'n Cutairlial Powder, ftniet this powder ovt i the surface of the nasitl p*Kai;i'!t 1'aud^Hsaiid detiglitfu- use, it lo'ii'Ves inlHiitly, ami pvrmaid ently cures Catarrli, Hay Kever, ColtlH, lleadacl.e, S-ro '1 hroat. Tons littB and Deafness. UU cents. At W. E Richard- sou's. Pi '. r York, the old Indian who livnd ill Tli' Tnbury, hat I wen aent meed to oin- year in liairn 1 jail, f^r c.>mmitlii.k r ciim- u... 1 :n-;iiilt,lii vi tun I. ring n 1.'! year ' la ^iil of C..llm,'\vo .1. 1'. tvr Yolk is ncar- uiX the century murk. Standard. Repairs, Repairs D. McTAVISH, FLfcSHERTON HOKSKSHUKR AND (iENEitAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS <>N HAND Repairs for Mu*.sey Harris. and >oxon. Fleury and Wilkiutuii Farm Implements- PloirYBS Fleury and Verity on hand all t!; time, also atl kinds of repairs for the same. We manufacture Wagons, '. (.'ntteri, Sleighs, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special att-u lion to tender ontracted feet. Logging and Plow Cliaius eoiistantly on hand. A llrton |o Hi>rsc:n,-n. On- b.ttl.' of Kn^lish S[>n\ i-i Liiniiii'iit, coiniilett-ly ifinovi-tl n i-uili frtiin n y In rso. 1 t;ik.' pleuxi r :i. I'l'iiiinvii linj the rc'iiuily. :is It Hi -Is with inysti'i IOIIH |iioin|>tiit><<s Ii. t!i from lior'ii-i of haul, M>ft or cal li-11-.r'l luni|H, lil'Kul spavin, apliuti, tttrbt, swfriiy, Dtitlc.t antl h|u .in. i ti> iKiiK Komi, F.'irnn-r, M.i:k' :i II tint. Sold by \V. E., A uiU-nt i-ig; tenter sold n pi?- fnl n^lit fur (lit; ntiair to a Mr. Mel.. ol, of C'htmli'y, f"r linn' notes nggrei(iitinj{ Sli'HI. Khnrily IIIUTV. mU discovoroil tlint tlit-ii- :i>( 11 i patc:.t on llio thin 1 .' .nid IIH "n^lit" w .-n innginary . The n.'ti's Here ^'i-iiniiif, l:oi'vor. Hours IVisirocsin^ Ki.l Htiy ami Iti.ul'li-i thm-.isi'H it-!i.-\c.l in m* hours by tlni "(!u:u South American Kidnoy Cui". " Tlrs new ivnntly is a gri-nt i-ur|'i-Hi! and dt-light on atxount of it* > v. r.lmjf ]ii-oiiq>:.iii>n^ in rvliering |i.-iin in llni lil.nlil :-, knliuM*, luii-k and fi-.-ry pai I of I ho uiinnry |misHy.K in untie, or ft> It rvhevus n-tmti'in of pain in |<a*aing it almost inimudintfly. If you wiuit ipiuk r. In f and cur thin ia ynur S .Id l>y W. E. RiohanUon, Dru^yist. An eschitnge cmitains the wntla of wi-doiu : "The man h<> the frwi'nl letter* coiiijiUiiia moat t.f the inanaginnt of th pit ,.tti v ; th man who complains the intuit <>l praacben p.)s tilt-in thu leaat; the man who i:om. |ilain* the moat of his nviyhU.r* if the uteaiio*t iinighbor, and the IUMI whu haa the iem *ci<a U tho u..t A Soft Thing When you are driving is always enjoyable. Our buggies are easy and pleasant to ride in, neatly finished, strong and d arable. Call and examine our stock. Cults and democrats on t-asy terms. Painting, trimniiin: and riii-aliing done '.n older. I claim to sell aa durable and good a vuKicleas there ii on the market. R. T.WHITTEN. i FULL OP ENCOURAGEMENT la Bed 5 Months Had Given Up All Hope of Getting Well A Remedy Found at Last to which ' I Owe My Life." Bcionco has fully established the fact that all the nervous energy of our bodies is generated by nerve centres located near the base of the brain. When the supply of nerve force has been diminished either by excessive physical or mental labours, or owing to a derangrtrnnnt of the nerve centres, wo arc tint conscious of a languor or tired and wora-out feeling, then of a mild form of nervousness, headache, or stomtch trouble, which ia perhaps suc- ceeded by nervous prostration, chronic indigestion, and dyspepsia, u a gen- eral sinking of the whole PV :-. In this day of hurry, fret ami there are very few who enjoy p-i ;!th ; nearly evoryona has to> , an ache, or p.tia, a weakiu , a uorve trouble, something wron ; wit a the stomach and bowels, poor t. !, . <itrt disivisn, or sick lioad.u-li .iich are brought on by a lack of u-?rvous energy to enable the difFerontor^ansof the body to perform their respective work. South American Nervine Tonic, the marvellous nerve food and health giver, is asatisfy ing success, a wondrous boon to tired, siok, and overworked men and women, who have sufiered years of discouragement and tried all manner of remedies without benefit. It is a modern, a scientific rextedy, and in its w-iko follows eboumlinij health. It is unlike all other remedies In that it is not designed to act on the different organs affected, bat by its direct action on ths nerve centres, which are nature's little batteries, it causes an increased supply of nervous aertj to be (oersted, which ia its by turn thoroughly oils, as it were, the machinery of the body, thereby en- abling it to perform perfectly its dif- ferent functions, and without the slightest friction. If you have been reading of the re- markable cure* wrought by tionth American Nervine, accounts of which we publish from week to week, and are still sceptical, wo ask you to in- vrstigate them by correspondence, au J become convinced that they sro true to the letter. Such a course may save you month*, perhaps years, of suffer- ing and anxiety. Tlio words that follow are strong, but they emanate from the heart, epeak the sentiments of thousands of women in the I'nited Statosand Can- ada who know, through experience, of the healing virtues of the South American Nervine Tonic. Harriet E. flail, of W--.vnetown, a prominent and much retpected lady, writes as follows : " I owe my life to the great South American Nervine Tonic. I have been in bed for five months with a scrofulous tumour in my right tide, and suffered with indigration and nervous prostration. Had given up all hop>s of getting well. Had trieU three doctors, with no relief. The first bottle of Nervine Tonic improvnl me so much that I was able to walk about, and a few bottles cured me en- tirely. I believe it is the best medi- cine in tho world. mend it too highly. 57 " Tired women, ean yo do better "in bsoosM acquainted with thtf