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Flesherton Advance, 30 May 1895, p. 4

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ffll JLI8HIITOH ADTAHCI ESTAUI.I8HED 1881 5?* vance ri'BLISIIBO WEF.KLT AT Tff OmCI. VD- l .HIM MfKK.KT, ri.KHllEKToS, OST., T W. H. THl'K.iniN. *l per anniiM.sfrlctly Iu advnnre Advertising Rates: Una Colama, I rer. SOO ; half col.. 1 year, SS7 qnartor col., cue year, 13. Traualent advertisement charged at the rate svitu fat Hue for flnt Insertion an J 3 cents eacb subsequent iiimr'iou. THE HYAMS CASE. The Hyaiiis trial, which ended last week in Toronto by the disagreement of the juiy. will have to be again tried iu the fall. The Toronto Globe deplores the fact that three of the jury maintained to the end their con- tention that the accused were guilty, aud refused to be coerced into giving a verdict of acqnital, urging as a de- fence of its argument the great cost which the country has incurred and will still incur to secure a verdict. We say all honor to these men, who beld out so nobly for what they con- sidered to be justice. Aud we em- phatically Bay that this country is sufficiently wealthy to deal with ciun- iuals as they deserve, regardless of txpeusefl incurred. The crime of which these meu aie accused, if a crime at all, was one of so Lorrihle aud intricate a nature, and one which has become so alarmingly frequent in this country, that any expense that it is necessary to meet should not, he lied for a moment in the balance against justice. At the- first ballot ol the jury seven were for conviction and iii- uc'i'iital. In fuiv the seven l.uuis duiiiig which the jury was out the number of those who held for con- viction had dwindled to three. The - World fays all the jurors were con- fident that a crime had he>en commit- ted but thought there was not suflici- eiil evidence of guilt. In the face of this position, if the state-incut is cor- led, it teems strange tint the jury should hesitate to bring in a verdict iu accoidanco with tin ir sentiments. There is a strong f- i ling throughout (he country that the accused did not luake good tbeir pica of innocence. If iuooccut they will once more have a chance to prove it at the fall assizes, and if guilty, let us hope that a jury cau be found sufficiently courageous to say so. The Globe is at present engaged in hurling its thunder-holts at the head of Mr. Cockbnru, M. P., for his awful extravagance while representing Can- ada at the World's fair. There is no great merit in crying over spilt milk The Globe may rest assured that Mr. Cockburn will never do it again ! The Dominion Parliament has done handsomely by Lady Thompson in making her a grant of 125,000. Wi belie /e that this donation will mett with the approval of the country in general. It is simply a debt which the country owes Lad) Thompson by the death of her distinguished hus- band, whose nntimcly deiuuo was certainly hastened by the duties re qjiiied of him by his country, ami it is only fair that we should recompense liis widow to the above exteut. Address and Presentation. |ity wit* hold at M.-xwell in A _ . . tliy ait,- .W ,t ot Kri-. v I- ', May 24, un Set llio auspices of the Mr'li'nli-t cburcl i,rt(>plu. Tim spenki'iH pit -sent wi-r-i M |.ii:liinil.ii, Kst) , I o delivt-rcd a very i iMtsinK nnil uiitoitiiiii MX mltliewa, niu Lr. Hot,t, wlio ntlilit sinl ili" Katbuiiii). i afu* i 11 i-lit. vii wouls. llcv. Mr,, IVusbytniMii nininlei, \ ki vary feoltnuly uf the nnti ipatd !oi)ait i ro of tlie jaHlor. <t.v. lr \\ 'I !.ti.. (iimmv, M. I'. I' . iKvnp;,.i| I t c'tair. Tl.e jatlierm,' wnatery fairl nf llio e-u-iuit and lio ru mnde thn freewill offering amounted ii 921, whicli toe* towanU repair* <>n the parm>iiMt(0. Huv. Mr. Woodier appear* to havu tlio confidence of hm people hu leaves the circuit in good shape, with many additions to ih membership during hit pastorate. During the courM of clio evuiung Mm. Wotxlger WM pret- with Homo film china and silver- ware on U-lu f of the* coni;rogationi over liich hur Irisliaiiii IIIM charge, and llio following Hildr.-nH waa read by the chair- man : MAIWELL, II ay 24. 1. MR. AND MRS. WOODttSB, R KKIKKIK Knuwiug that you will aoon part ffom the llaswell MatlioJUi circuit w tko tliii opportunity of exprMslag our liart- felt appreclatiuui of your aiiiduout aud lf- Uui<>iug labor* among u for the past tlirce yeara. It liai over l.. u your alui, both by your words and dcoK -,u lead ui to the Lamb ofUodthat taki-tli away the flni of the world. Your lor* and affability bare awakened a gn-atr kludoeas iu the hearti of those ultli whom you have come In contact and havo wou for you many friouds by whoti you will loug le rauituibercJ. W auk you to accept theee gifts as alight tokens of our esteem for you both. May the same spirit of love attend you iu tbe otuer iwrtlon of (>od's vineyard to which you go and may your work be character ixd by the aauie seal and earnestiiMt for tbe extension of (lod's kingdom aa It has bean here. Our earnest prayer Ii that Ood may long spare your lives to iblne In other hearts and houeii, and at laat n>ay we all be Rallierud In t > that house not made with bauds, etorua! Iu tho heavens. Signed In behalf of the menibcrs of the circuit. Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mr*. Ubt. Fnwcctt, of this village, cell-In, iu-it tlie fiftiotliji.iiiiivfrsary of their married life on Monday of thin week, when a lsr,;c uuinlivr of their chil- ilren, grniiilchilJti-n anil other relatives were present t > do honor to thu worthy coujile. Mr.and Mrs. Fawcctt were wetl- ded in York, on the Gra>ul river, near Hamilton, by tli Hcv. Mr. Hill, rector of the C'huivh i.f Kii;,'liiiul at that place, on May T,, \*\~>, :it llie- rcbi.lci.Ci; of tho hridu'g undo, :i:i'l to->l. u;> tli< ir le'siilt-ncc ou the-ir farm bth ' ' -n ini'l F,! >jil- tnwn, where- llie-y li- liie yearn. Tlu-y tlu-n n- Hn-y Co. and ]inrchaned and >u " '. t- farm uvar ELnstheola, vihore thev ri-i'!- 1 until a few years a^, wlii-n tl.i v becaiuo lion- orl citize-nii "1 ' Anion^ tho guetU >.ii t! .- u. r*.'. Mr. and Mrs. A. I' ' '..uln-n, (.f Tlio'li'v, \'. . I i . Mr. and Mm Ja.i. l'iti-i 'I -\ il ui^liti-r, Kiiiibt-rli-y : Mr. au.J .V II. .1. untl MnaU-r Kii!'- 11 .!). > f 'i >i. <; Mr. and Mr. 11. Din u .-mil tliil.;. i Mr. Mi-.. 1' 1. I-',:* . Mr. :unl Mn. - < K'ife, Mr. and MM. (Jeo I. Knw- elt, Mr. ly^nii F. ai.ii Mi-.. Win. ML.J !:i.i- -ii, Masten Uogiiittlil and it, all of" -'lo". A lar^o miiilivr of ^' M and other : roseMitx, KIIII- J,l. ! i tli'- - .1 i-.ii,wt-ri- j IM u. An in- ^ fi itilie 1 i.f th< ;.fli-rii""ii' iluusuic was the \>--. -m of the nfaut daii^hti-r of the )>nJu md bridcgruoui'l y unji--.l iliujhtrr .yltiv. E. S. llupe-rt. M. A. Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Fawcvlt, of I'liin-l.tuil, and Mi. and John Knwcutt, "f K..IIKIOM, m ill etturt of coiiKratulation and n-grut at i"i U-in^' al>lf to be pre-ii-nt. A remark- able circuiiib'.tnco iu oi'iine-.-li'in with iho family is that thoru Liu liei-u no ln-ak liy death in tin- prut lifly y>ara. Of thu lino children b .in to Mr. nut! Mn. Faw- cott all lire still living. An ulugant wed- dinner was scr\e*cl ninl tin- c'linpnny H|itnt a purticuhtrly and enjoyable ufli-i n, 'On and evening. The followinx aJdiosN was read by Mr. A. H. , editor of Tlie leader, \Ve*t T'.- rontu Junction, timing thu ruai'ing of which the MIII, which liad ) uen oWcured liy clouds for ninny hutirs, sin me out through a rift and Kent a iirillinnt Imam across the romii, which may ho taken aa a benixn tokun of benueliciion iipmi the aged heads whonu l.apcy bridnl day wai in ooumo of ci-K'lnallon. That it may prove ao, and that their twili-.lit if life may be sweetened by many Mich lifts of -uniih. IK- as (('addened the r hi arts on this day is the wish of tliuir ?ery ninny fneuda : DKAIi r'ATm-'Il AND MOTHKR,- \Ve,ycurthiIdrcu,(;raudchildrt)i-, -.lul we mUlit alliiott n-lil. i rt-at-f riiiilchtl'lren [or \ou have oue, although alont on tlih occasion, aie ai- aembled hvre to-day for the rx)>rcM \<m pose of congratulating you |M.II hsvlng ru.clied a iral>l]>eiio<l In your livu, namely, tho nrtli-th annlvorrary of your wnUting day. fifty years ago you atom! on tin- tunmholil nf mai vit-d life; bait a century ban passed since thun. bringing with It i..any change*, and to-day you gazo upon tlio Itivln^ faces of children and t-hll, Iri-tii olill In ii i-mn unto the fourth gene- ration. MiiinorlesofthestruRKlesand t.luui|i'is. the tilal* an, I vlclnnitudt s of your ploneoi Ufa cannot but ro<-ui- to you as you l<x>k back upon your past au>l contrast t!.a rparst-ly settled u'riiy County of HM5 with tin populous.flotirlsh- liiK and huitliiiK Oruy County of this vuar of Rrace 1SU3. What a Ui ue ' you ha,l In mak- lii|! tlie wiliU-i iit-ss to 1,1, .Muni as the rov, wo, your descindant*, will neror know. \Ve honor >ou In that, although unused to lianlxhlp e<- privation In tin- M Uu.l, you )>-tliatltho rouiaKe to (sco the 'lancora anil vlcUnitndes of |H"niHir life auilc'artvoutal.ouiufor >ouisolvea and vtiur fliil,li>-ii. lint abovu all do we love and honor you fovt!n>t itntuil i xampln nf Clirla- tlan forlltiuls au I a'lliur ini-n to iii;!il wliii-h have charactui Irnd your llvei and whlce havo nerved an benron lights to KuKlo your lovinl 01104 In the pulls of truth and rl||liteciiii,>s. May Ood iu his i-iliiM4 preserve your prrclotis lives fur in. n v years to come, and when the lights of eai ill lmll have vanlBhed from your vision way the I'asslln! llg it of tliiii%,( oar Ood umie clear your pathway within the portal* of that eulostlal city. / B/G < BOYS' & YOUTHS' CLOTH I NQ For summer wear at T. HILL'S. In the above line we have decided to give especial value for a few days to reduce our large stock LADIES Who have not yet chosen their Spring nillinery Should not wait until the Choicest Stock Is disposed of. Come along now. Miss Beecroft is ready, willing, yea anxious to display her taste, and capable of giving the best of satisfaction. Give her a trial order. .1 ~llLL - Flesherton. Tlio Markets. Carefully Corrected E:i<-li Week Hour $ J 00 to 9 5 00 Full Win nt !> Sjirin^ Wheat to Harli-y 31 to 31 Utitter b* 1'ork Hay | ri ton Hides ( Jet-no Turkey! Chicken* pur pair Ducks btr pair Wool 11 to 'J to W) to 500 to 900 to 300 tn ?:> to 6 to 8 to i5 to 40 to 17 to M II 9 50 5 15 1000 3 00 25 I 8 40 50 20 THE Planing Mill Fleshier- ton. BUY YOUR Harness xo\v COOD STO< K WORKMANSHIP LOW PKICES urry Comb*, Bruthea, HameM Droainx Slei K li Bells, G't and CowhiiU Kiilii-s, Axle (irease, ltl.inkN, and cvorytliing in my hint ciniaiantly un hand. Leave orders early as we are always rushed in the fall Maacu. W. Moore - Harnessmaker FLESUERTON. Having purchased the planing fac- tory business of J. E. Moore, we are prepared to do all work in that line on short notice. Our new factory on Flasher's mill site will be iu operation in a few \\vrks. Orders solicited for sash, doors, floorings, sidings, aud ^Mineral house trimming!. Liimbei taken in rxchange. Get figures before dealing elsewhere. Beecroft & Sloan. Thtia. Watt, 13 yoara old, waa killotl a' ' K.iiptvillo liy the bursting nf a homo- twith- iu>lo cannon, with winch h wa celt- l-'l . I^H II K II TOIV ROLLER MILLS Are now complct and aro running rrgular. CHOPFIFG --r' as usual. P. LOUCKS. rvMu s'Blidintf tho f*ct that no direct clmrgtj kratiu^ tl\9. 'iUh w( May. Time Table. noiNu Bortii. Markdale 6 40 a. in. 4.40 p. in Flesliertuu G.tS a. in. 4.63 p. m <o'iMi Noam. 11. 4< a. m. 9.17 p. m. 1?.0 p. ui. 9.30 p. in. To Smokers T* m, , t the wishes of their cvttomcrs The Qeo. I Tuclcett A -on Co., Ltd.. M.mlltun Out., have placed upon the market A Combination Ping of "T& B" SMOKINQ TOBACCO This supplies a long felt want, giv- ing the consumer one 20 cent plug or a tm cent piece or a 5 cent \ iece of the famous "T& B" brand pure Virginia Tobacco. The tin tag "T & B" is on every piec* Binder Twine for Sale, The Farmer*' Rlmlvr Twlno Co., Hrantfoid will ni|i|ily bimliT iwino, nnl >lar, ?J and lilu tar 4 ci-iila |-nr |iui,il. i of acenl per poiim ilucount lor canli. I,eave your ortler witL on Kleahertou axcut. Mr. Tlun p Wright. , I'rus. SHOP^O LET. That shop uear thu Town Hall, Flesherton lately oeouple I l,y V. A. Haker as a tailor shop suitable fur tai.or shop, dressuiakiiiK or otlit business. Ai-pl v to /oBM WBIUIIT. MIL. (|esbrton. H. RICHARDSON &Co. We have received lar^e additions a our clothing stock and have s >me specially lines to offer iu Men's aud Youth/ suits. This Week. Flannelette Shirts 20 cents each. Hen's summer under shirts 4 drawers 20 aud 25 cents each. pis. Men's SianilcpH Seeks -6c. / Men's I, Dusters 75 cents. Mrn's Tweed bails ?5, $">, $(i.50 and Iti 75. Pine black Worsted suitings made to order $11 suit. Genuine Scotch Tweed, fine summtr suitings to order $15.00. (Ji i:io' 1\ dora Hats in black, brown, fuwn. etc., 65c, 75c. 21, 81.25, etc. A >[i!rmli'l rauge of Gents' Fau?y Sli;iw Hats. Gents' Linen Collars 5 cents each to 10 cents ech. Gents' 3iik Ties all the new stvk* and prices low. Under Vests C cents to 15 cents each. Ladies' black Cotton Hose 4 prs. for 25 cents. Ladies' black Cotton Hose, stainless dye. fine as silk, 12 to 15 cents. Ladies' Cashmere Hose 25 cents pr. Ladies' ready made dresses in Chani- brnys. Duckings and Sateens, etc., 2 25 to $:5 85, C3mplete. A lot of 10 yd. dress lengths in Prints and (.'dallies, 50 cents each. A big stock of Laco Mitts and Gloves iu Silk aud Li.'le threads. Seersuckers in Cushion again, we havo tli> in, 5 cents yd. Victoria Lawns l"i inches wide for 15 cents yd. Viotoiia Lawue 42 inches wide for 12 cents yd. Children's Hose aud Gloves at Oc. pr. MILLINERY. Another lot of American Sailor Hats. JIM opened stock of Side Combs aud Pins (in givat dfin in t . Parasols 10 cents to $3 each ; a fine range to choose from. A stock of chuap Flowers, direct itr.- ports, at loss Uiun Imlf usual prices. Laces, Itibbous, Dead tiimmingf, bilks, Velvets, stock large and com- plete. T-E-A=S \Ve Lave a very fine stock of new Ceylon Teas. In pounds and half pounds we have the well known 15atn Lai, tialada. Dec and Sterling brands, the finest Teas in the market to-day. Japau Teas, wo have a lot in 25 Ib. packages. New choice tea at whole- sale prices. Japan Teas, open stock, at 15c., 20c , 25c. and 80c. Ib., and the best Japan Tea imported at S&o. New Basins, 28 Ib. box, for $1. Good stock. Fine Orange Maimalad* 10 cents Ib. French Prunes and Smyrna Figs 5 cents Ib. Sugars wholesale and retail. Irl. R. &. GO'S. Hardware { Dop't. Builders' Hardware. Our prices nn cut nails and other hard- ware are lowe>r than any w have ern or heard uf. Ut them before buying. Just Arrived A lino df solid steel sliovol* at ' vianite iron waah basins at 25o . good |H-I p sli.-nrs at 5i>c. , sprsy puni;>.s at ft. 06, brass nartlrti tyriugt) at 87c. Binder Twine A li'ie i>f (rood bindi r twine at C]c. a Ib. which will run 515 ft. to thr p.iinul. It ia the bora value ever nhow u and ii cqtial to most twines sold at 7c. Headquattfrs for wall paper,' "windoV naden, curtain |x.K-B, itlttbastine and ure- - Richardsgn'sHardware,

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