' TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN.' ?OL, XIV.NO. 7.7 FLESHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, MAY 30 1895. W. H TEDRSTOH EOITOP* PRCCRiETCB SNAPS Watches FOR TH E SUfiriER TRADE. Read the Following Prices: 18 size, gold filled case, with Americau stem wind movement, 110. 18 size, gold plated case with American item wind movement, $6. 18 size, gold filled case fitted with 16 Jewells, Dueber Hampden movement, HYInf rr. From our men evrrtapolulrHt. The frost of tho first part cif lint week l.aK devoured what remained after the hitvoo of the previous week, ami we were uii the verge uf having winter for the 24th ; but whit a pleaaant variety, puie air, but lun and everything in tho shape of tine weather that Uumun heart could oeaire. The 24tli passed off ery quietly her* a* tome were uot through seeding and many uf those who were went to capture the finny tribe of the Mad River. In the evening quite a number took in the garden party at the Maxwell Methodist parsoiiaxe, while many more went to the party at "Oagoodtf Hall," where they tripped the lurht fantastic until the "wee 18 sue, nickel snap bezel, open face, stein wiud, case with an American novement, $5. I is needless to make any comments on the above prices. They speak md sptak loudlj for ttemselve.. Jeweller. went to die W. A. Armstrong Our Business Directory 3u$iitf*5 Caul*. a| ARBtAOE L.ICESSBS. a.-med day or nlitht at the Jewelery Store and t the reaidenca of the underaiyned. Comiuiwioner ID H C ... Conveyancer, *c. o'olarr public. W AKMSTHOSQ. - n.MTO. a 8. VASDITSFN. \ Clerk 3th Dlv. Court. Co. Grey, ;auer of Marriage Llc^naea, Commiaaioner In 1. C. J.. Couveyaneer. Auctioneer, etc. Agent or the Maey-Harrl Agricultural Iinple- r.euU. Clayton's Block. Flehrton, oppoeite ilohardaousbardwareator*. yreCL'LLOf OH A YOUNG, Haulers. Markrtale. do a general banking bos- Money loaned at a reasonable rate. Call run*. r\ . S COLLECTED. The undenlgned ii prepaid to nnJertake Ue Collection of all kln^h of debta. Sot4 jougbt. accounta eollected, tc i. x HESU1CU30M - FLHMTO>I. r> J.SPBOL'Li;, Postmaster, Fleehertoo, CoaimlaaJoner in B. S . Lie nard /uctloneer. Coneyaaeer. A praiaer and Mony Lender, ll*l Estate au'J !nnince Ase.it. Deds. Morttiaip*. Leaaea, md Wills drawn up and Valuation! maAs on .lionet notice. Auction Sales attended to if my part of the County. Mouoy to loan at low rat ratea of interest, Colloctiona ettou.lod to >ith prom-Hoesa aud daapateb. Charges low. l^eiitfor the Dominion Steamship Couipam . ; heap tlckuM from Kleahcrton to LiTijipool. laow, London or any of the P.ritis-h i>ort. rwMtai intending to vlult F.nnland. Scotland 01 [- c!ar.J, will plane akk rate* before p.udioaia ,beir ticketa elsewhere. |\R. HJ.TTON. M.D.C. U.. M.C.P.* 8.,Out.. Pricevillo. itealdence aud ofBco one door wuet of the M.th ,,litChuri.-)i,Kiiiros*8t Office daya, Tuesdays tud Saturday . r\R. CAKTK.lt. M i'. i' * 8., Ont. Phynlcion, anrgeon, et., F\ehertou office Straiua b'ock. KeaWouoe Muusiiaw'a hotel. JOHN A. SCOTT, M. B. ~ f Member College Hivnle. * Surseoiw. Ontario triutuate la Medicine of Toronto University. tVllowsl lp IMvlmiia. l'..s (ira.hinte Mwlica) School ami Hospital, Cliiomo. Dlneawnof ev. ar, liosr aiul throat ejwiteJly treated. Keni leuce Maxwell. viaiU rvnalieJjjTbirt.lays 1- J P. OTTKWKLL, Veterinary Hnrgeon. Graduate at Ontario ft*r' -iry Ci>llon. Uoaldeoo* Net* door J r. HAUiTKAD. M. D.. U. C. A 8., Out., praaticeaat a?lm- epelant. QK. UAKT M. BeXAMJKB M.D.C.)..aCC.P. A % f ISH EDITH BICHABD80X. Fupil of Bolit. Mahr of Berlin. tiermanv. (violin); Mr. Hradloy. of Toronto Couaerfatory Muaic, -ult lire j ; Prof. Kerruon, Ut of Toronto, (Piano) will receiy- pupil* in HI.NU1NO, VIOLIN, PI- ASO a.i.l OHQA.I. J 1' MARSHALL, L D. S., M. P. S . Dontii*. Virtu Harkdale h let and .lid Wednesday of each month. Flesherton-Each trip on the da v fci.wwang. J. W. KBOHT, Nan-later. Solicitor. Connyanem-. Ktc. Flealiortouofflcn-N.il tile poit office Nproille 1 ! buiMii.K, ou Tuurauay*. Owen Sound offlce Froaft building. 1 LCAS A WU1GHT, Barritera. Solicitors, CooTtyaneen. etc., Owen iJouad. Ou.t - - Maikdale. Ont. W. II. \VKiiiar. I. ii. Ltm. N. B. Fleahurtoa effio*. Mitchell'! Ilauk. very Wednaeday. AO.r.W . --nu-eUavnry drat and third Mon ilay in i-u-.-li i.innfn. i,, tliuii . | t<w' lilock, Floshrrton. at * p. n< A M.Otbaon.M.M ;\\ I Bcllaiuy, flimncrer \v! trwiu Itucordar. Viitin IlruUiarn iuvited. hours. MUM Flora McDonald Quetjn city laat w<n>k. Miai Mag-ie McDunalJ, of the) C.C.T., waa Hume for the J4ih. Mr. T. M. t;ujr, of Thnriibury, apent the 24tb her*, alxi hi* tLtu){htrr. Miaa Mary Gray i Tiiitinj; friends at Thornbury. Mr. and Mm .John Norman, of Rail- jero'a, pent the 24th at her father'*, Mr. Hayea. Mr. Hugh Ltm-'iit ban had his hmitr Teueervd with brick, which haa added much to its appenrauce. Mr. Wright, of SiiiKhampton, wai around to-day (Munday) trying tn get cow*' (milk) fur thx uhuucu factory Mr. and Mn. Kj*uthy, of Rob Roy, and Mr. McMillan, upeiit Sunday at Mr. Huberts', Mr. Alex. Mclntyr.- haa upplietl to Mr. Win. Mnuaiilian to U-nrii tho plaaterini;. Third Line Alt-z. laya there m no bird au eaaily taruvd- a* the robin, but ''Ike" amjra it n the most diffijult thing ha ever tried. Frum our un n '-in Tlie '24th passed off very quietely here. Some of our pjoplo at'eiuloil the garden party at Rorklyii. other* axain atnyed aert-nely at home, p.iaaibly Homo went fiahinx but we lutre uot liu.irj any rish suiriea yet th;s m-ui->ii. Mr. and Mm. John Mntlieirxuii the 24th with fiiciida in Creuuiorc, re turning hm ,M 'inlay Mian Polly (Iiiriy. of V'andeleur, apt-nt Friday at h< r IHMII.-. llnvlmni 1'lm.v, alao <{uite a iiuiiibvr i<f friuiula fr-ni Mea- forti xpeiita vi-r> | Iwiani.t (Uy thorn. Mr. Mali-ham, of Wyi-'niilge, riiitvd at Urncbur'i Tin e last weik. Miaa El.. i Lo! law, .'f iii-f.-rmillo, viait- ed hei fiieiul, Miaa Aiiiiiu McC'uiiuullJa.st Mini Fauny Eaton, of Meaioril, in at present riaitinx her brother, Mr. J. F. Eaton. At time of writing Mrs. Yeomana is quite indinposed, but her rucorery ia Im.kcd fi r in the near future. Rev. Mr. Brnwn started a Bililu clivw on Tliumlay uvuiiin^ of last wofk, which it is the inu-iitiuii to uontiuu-j every during the uuimcr * few daya with &I C. C. .Tame* last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blakeston visited enda in Proton '- .t <?ei. Mrs. Husband. . f K.>llaixl Contre, ia the Kueat uf Mr. ! Mn iinnderai present. He-.li.-r I rt From out own Corrapoiulent. The garden party held at Body Stew- art's .on the 24th waa well patronized, and every on seemed to enjoy themaclvw. Proceeds $24.... The temperance peo- ple held a picnic at Eugenia mi the 24th, and report having & good time. Mr. J. Dyce has moved into his new house rlr.-i week . Mr. S. McFaddeu moved into the one vacated by J. Dyc. . . . Mr. J. 3. Egan hait built a new shed on the hotel premises for the accommodation ol the public.... R. ('k shipped two cars of potatom, one t" Hamilton and one to Philadelphia ...Miaa Johnston spent Sunduy in Markdale the Kuesl of HUM Armstrong MISH C. Woodx ban gnne tu spend a month with friend* in King We are sorry to hear that Mr. D. Stew- art has been ill for the two paat weks... Mr. Ed. -Sheels is alao ill and confined hi bed. . . .Church Sunday afternoon, three ' o'clock . . Quite a number from Price- vilU vicinity waa out to meet the corpa of Mm. Suittal, which came by the nooa train on Tuesday. . i is>n A Thriving Firm. The Ruhjecta I -'.lowing ^kateh are natives of the vrwlnp of Oaprey. Their ninny frieudn ... at township will be glail to team of . u- prosperity as ! quoted below from IID culunina of the Mercantile, and Fui.-i i! Tiiutts, uf Chi You want i FIRST-CLASS Suit. Overcoat, J orp.urofRa.nta ' We Guarantee \ To tfive you them at closest price*. ' C.J. Leitch^" Merchant Tailor. ' ' ' R OTAL TKMPLARS OF Tl'M tenlar Conn -il iui.-c:s every Di I TueiUy evoninc in aarh iiinnili. '< -MM p. m, Sc-:,., t doip-eo rii iiii.iithlv. the Wuduoaday IbeBBdef each month. UN'S OK TFMrKlf \NCIi_TLH noclet . Our base ball b">ys are pracliciug tlili- iji'iit'y mill lioki:m forwanl with oii^i-r r.nlirip.iti Hi tu tho time when they c-in )-ivu or receive a chalittiigt to piny a match. Pnrevillc. h.nl in ' in i'. i< \M l-;. Thli KOtlotr "" '"' ' Dr. Cl.ristw 1 Hall 2rt \v,.,| | death, IT ill least very si- need w in io'i immUi nt M p.m. viitn.K Ircthiren mviuil. Iinuianco in connection UP. B. A., niL-et In t!i*ir ball, Chrlntoe'i k (very sucon.l Thurminv in each month. retary. \\ in. Sharp, Mu.stor. T. Clayton, bec- IJMlXC'K AKTIii .-co, A. K * \. M . n '.-! Ill tho Mn-nnic Hull. Ktiain'i. Block, rtefkvrwM), every FriiUv on or before the full moon. Dr Carter* W M H. I. Sproule, Sucrotary. l\l Kn-llilJJ I;Ol)(iK. N.i. If 1*1. I K n ( laytoVxliall i'V'-i-y Tuen. IIIIIK lit S Vlrltlof) brethreucu.ihallv iuviteil. . A. S. VASPI-M N S. '; \\'M MOI-J. . ii"r iliiril.iy Mr. Hector veiy naniiw es.-r m umlaut, ijury. Ho ,id ill ii-li iivor- Ualolllf WHS on the n nl ' ! -A '. Nhiiiuliiij!, ami li:\v i up, lie stoi i! set, thruwni-; Mi ' Cash For Hides! Slu*e|>akiiia and all kinds of fur* pur- chased, for which highont market price *iil hu Homemade saueMgw uu baud, alau kiud.s uf menu. all nJBUXKTOX MXAT MTOKICM. dow'i the in- >. ' his swift i-ut lie s'l'iii-k . > 'iieh he uralibud ni.il In M 0:1 I Thu l.iddoi swun^ oil 'fmi:i : ..ii^ like a vaulting |.ole ,-iinl '. r S o<-n- sideritble dial. nice from ' ilnni, riyht on liU his li-et, wi' nit oven as much 08 a l.rni.-. .ich. Tluj Kev. 'Mr. Hartley an.l Mr. C. C. Janie.s Httcnded the ilmtiiet inei.-ii!. Cliataworth l:tteiy. Mr. .Irines exteu.ii-il hid trip to Owen Soun I. T;r-i mid other placua, ii-iii-w IIIL; old ae<[ii:iiiituiK-es. Mr. Lnsk, pliotii-^rnpher, of Markd.ilr. bun pitched Ins lent r gilt III tlie midst, of our town. \Vonilcts will never cense. A real cir- cuit is Actually (so ituy the bills) 40111"; !<> xlriko this Inux In ihe neat futi. they never lieanl of tlie fronts in tlu-.ii- diirRingn. NVii hope tliey will well leave uw some, of tlieir In. me eliiin^e, for tu tell I lie truth nhukeb* .-ire rather n 3...UCO o'.nuii ility with UK (N. B. "u." means utcrjbody) at prvauut. Uotnev. r imiid, there is g'-.u'tu be .me free iu:tin' ouUido. Come over ou your "bike, '.Mi-. Kd , iutd soe the fun. Uu, Uf. Utuwelk,f IkUwuOll, spent ' In thiC')niistti..:i it iapropr to refer to the olil I-M*! liaued r i ' wall-known real ea- Uto huimu rmi'luQU-'l r the rtyle of Uad- den Bros , -A-ri. , liajj i-t i nnu-l from No. Ml Uearbor'i -'n-i-t t>i au vioKAut unit o ofoOaes, Soi. i2-.'i (1 i.i Hi.- Mar. -. Iliiilding, where they will havo a Kreat dual mure room, and with enlarged 'pace and IT .tod facilities will be biat-r ubiutnan ever before to meet tba re- quirement* o! theli putron ami handle thsir growii!;; 1,1. iiaci. Tho flrin of Madden Binn. wai flrat ^nUbliahed iu 1MK7. The imtivldual memlMirii of the firiu are Mark F.. Michael H., . James A., Joxph P.. Georgu H., Thomas anil ' Rdwanl It. MailJen ami Mortiunr 1'rin.iivilli-. all of whom aro epi ciuKy lUtud for thii line of biitiiiuM, by reaou of a liljinil i!>hicatiuij aod a knowludKu of the hi. tm-v "' tno .lifTurent tracts whicn c !uin> tlio city ami wlikh haa made Hiibnrbaii chii-a. Inau'oug modern citiea. Tluy alto hava a xooii general km.w- ge ortli i:i.l History of titlo* and accurn .nronnation of rojuetcf realty. )J.i 'iitveecrtainlyeatal>liah~ ed for tlienaelTUK a record for pruini>tneaa, pre- cliion and probity, which few nmn can equal. They now haru a long Iiat of bulldiuga, Ktorea, hourea. natf, etc.. to rout, of which they have the exclunive custody and control. They buy | and sell real aatate, manage eatatm, collect reuta, pay taxes, p'aco iuaurauco ; Iu fact, trn- act all btiHiuw of real aatato aenta and l>n/U- era. Tliej also procure loan* at uioat reaenn- abletorniH on Uuii.l .1.1 t 1:1 i.tnage. The Hoaara. Madduu havn neuiinvl thu cnnfl'Ieuce of the Courts aiul of '.he piihlii; by tlui. correct and impartial buiineaa niaiiimi::.:. . t. They are fully juhii'utd in aoliviti'i^ [rum thu uuneral imblie a fair shire of orl.-rs, an I their paat ree- onl is auiiiuii nt ijuiuraii tco that ail biiiuuaa In- trnat<: :H l>" eiin-l-nu-il in sin-h n.iiuuci- in" t i their IIITW quartam the t'inv.ncial Times " wishes for them a co<:ti nuance uf i i ml pi oapor- itr that lu.a ^'.waya aUuinUv! tlu-ir uveiy tran- xactiou. Seeds ! Field Corn, Mangel, Garden, Field and Flower Seeds In large quantities at W. Richardson, - Flesherton, Its Fame Spreading. V M.n- REMRIIV IN CKNKHAI. I>K IN MVM- TdflA *MI rHU NoKTIIW . \VINMI-! B, \!.iy -7 ! --f the r way* of sitkne^.s which /MM OM-I- tliis i ortion of the I'oi-ii;.:iit in the spring are noi: . : i!n- ini-re.-wiiig I amount of tin ill i.. ii-. Thaw* has I lu-en <|-.i!te a I'll, . ItMj i. .noily now en 'eH k i-.v.-n U i. .11110 of DndJ's Ki- ; I Kriglu,'.- luemc uf M Sun crHL-t, through I of whii-li :ij i-olisiili-rnliir inpetUS t ri-ini ily li.n '-i:oiiie iodispontanle in many Maniti.l'ii lii)iit lii-Kla, its f.iiuu having poiicti.-iti-tl in'ii the i i-nio:e.il parts of i.lio pniviiico ivinl N'.rih West IV-rritxiriua. Premier Cireonway has left Ottawa with'.itr. meeting Sir Mneki-nxi.: lloWell i.ffii-i.-i'ly. He returns tu tin capiul in a week. S. Lemons, lour. WFoecl FLES2E8T03 SHU 113351?. I hitvo opuniul nil a complete otrm-i Uitmlrv ton. MIU am preiM-ed to take iu iu)f rv from Vrt'mr C'oloy, of in an it , ;, ^-ne .1 !.', anil tin; qnanlity of lanmlry work at lowor in n :u* thaa 1 ' wilnrn. t havopnt in The '.a nut anil in.- i .Hip.i'viMl inaoliinery to llnr Ki-nllv uiv'i n:n a call. tiu,.o .niitfuvliua |araat<x>d. anil p. iee low. Ms. Quo. MuulitHousK. B9US8 and Lot For Sals, Fur nnl toil. Spl Ammii; thiiM) kniuliltrd upnn tlin occa- sion tvf th*)QlMMI4 birthday are Henry 1 Ii-vins}. the notor, and Walter Beaant, the author. A fanner n.unetl ItoHert \V.-tlk*r mil i In-, noil John were drwnd in (lie (>iand River, near Onoiida)ta, throu((b their boat filling ml kinking while attswiptiu* to ~ the tiver au and on eaay tenon iu Klonhnr* Hai: K ilw,.]lln;4. with lar, nuuvnier kiu.-heu RIM| WIMN!>. -oil fMktnii ttelilp. In -.. HI iis two lrt{e lulu i. u.l .,..! \>^itiu . lloun and im'tiioi.liiik:* irn tlnlHliuU aud very eenvi>ni<- intly laid mil. Apply to K. * . 8PKODi.lt, F:eJtt.-i ton. nfina KUriiii;:ilixin r tired iu a a;i> S.iuth Ai.ierxiiu Rhutamat.atii Cur., for ] Klie.iimatnm *i>'t Neuralgia, ratlicaUj^, ! i:njfc 111 I to 3 days, lia aukioii upyfj ayxtem in -ewarkable *nd injiKfeyii j U remove* at one the oaus anU the sat* iiiimihUly diaappar.. TB bnt doe* ifreatly benefit*. 76 ot. eM| kw W. K. lCekar*K