AGRICULTURAL A Few Items from the Farm. It often becomes necessary to draw a bar- il of water to the fields or the s ock yard, for different uses, and unless a barrel with both ends in is at hand, though it is found more convenient when the creek or spring is reached to have one head out, it is often difficult to get much of the water where needed, writes a correspondent. I have noticed my neighbors drawing a bar i el. of water by merely covering the barrel with a pisoe of canvas, hauling on a stone boat, that a large portion slopped out. Now, it is quite easy to draw a barrel or a tub of water, if a round board (an old barrel-head is just the thing) about two inches smaller than the inside of the barrel is placed on the top of tae water and let float on it. It will be found that little, if any, water will slap out and be lost. I wish to call attention to the workshop on the farm. No farm can be considered complete without its workshop. This should be well stocked with all sorts of lumber of various kinds for repairing the farming tools, as well as for building new ones ; and it also wants the proper tools for working the lumber up for such pur poses) as are needed, as sawe, planes, ctiaels, hits, augers, hammers, wrenches, scrfw-drivers, bit. stock, etc.; all these should be neatly and systematical I) arrang- ed, rind be kept ID good order ; never left out in the field, or lying about the barn or woodshed where last used, but when not in use, cleaned, and sharpened if necessary, aud put in their proper place, so as to be hurry. of corn or wheat, which is insufficient for the purposes of the young anirrsl, as bone cannot be produced unless the substances of which it is composed are present in the food. On the contrary, red clover hay contains about twenty-eight pounds of lime in l,i *X> pounds, but the lime does not al- ways exist in foods in the form of phosphates, transformations occurring after '.he food is. digested. Wneat bean, which has be-n removed from the starch of the wheat grain, as is well known to tho? who understand how it is sepanted during the process o' making Hour, contains about seveii times an much phosphate of lime asdoeaoorn. Th.-r.- are a great many foods which largely excel corn, wheat,or oats. In their relative pro- portion of mineral matter, protein is more easily obtainable than the mineral matter that causes wne young animals to rcake slow growth. One of the advantages of limestone soils is that animals fed on the products of such soils are largely benefited and the young slock thrive. lo feed on one kind of food mostly is not economy, because the animal fails to derive proper nourishment therefrom, and mor especially with growing stock, which make again which proportionate!) far exceeds that in n jtured animals. Varied foods supply all wants, whether consisting of grains %nd vegetables or the by-products of mills. Linseed meal is n.-h in im* mineral elements and serves to bslanoi th grain ra'ion. Both brar anil middlings are ex wllen' ad ditions to bulky foods, not, only beojiSM* tney contain mineral matter largely, hut also benauae they are oonoentraled. K .-n sweet horbage of all kinds is relished by all cliisnes of Hock because nuch foods ar var- ied, aud therefore supply what may he neede<t. It is when clover hty and graM are allowed that grama may ne given, the food u then better KtUnocd, wmch results in economy because the condition are then more favorable for the greatest increase in growth aud weight. HUNTING A WHALE. Household. ^^^^^^^^n^^^-^^^fc^s^rf^>^^^X*^^^^X> Filling Lamps and Care or Kerosene. The haUiiol lillnii: lamps after dark n * nKiToiiM nim Mid should be avoided. When pur -(liiiiDg lamp ohimoeyi insul upon having only those that are clear and an.t ult thoroughly together, dissolve the in a cup of milk aud stir well. T'km 11 good hot and is very nice cold to ilioe and warm in the oven. Kioe Fritten Put into a imall slew pan a pint of new milk, with six ounoee of riue, three ounces of sugar, peel of a lemon ([rated, two ounoe* of butter, and a very little cinnamon. ll.Jil ail (lowly until the bnht as crystal, leaving the ftsoked aud j r ioe has absorbed the moisture. Mix .n the inperfeet ones to the careless purchaser. Do not karp the kerosene in the house or cellar, but locate the vessel containing it in the woodhouse or other out-buildings, for lie as o ireful as you may, some of it is at times liable to be spilled, the floor :s spotted and the odor is not pleasant, Get one of the improve.! cans holdiug several gallons, with a little faucet attached. Place locat- ed upon a bench or shelf and you have this matter under complete control. Cake Making. All cakes with butler in their composi- tion require vigorous beating until smooth alter the flour is added, or they will be coarse grained. Angel's iood or uaka of this description require that the su ar be yolks of three eggs well beaten, and when cool make the rice into balls, placing in the centre of each Home orange marmalade. Brush them over with the yolk of an egg, sprinkle with bread crumbs, put them into a wire buLet aud fry lliem in boiling lat a light brown. Drain and serve with sugar sifted over them. Mackerel. \V-tsh a nice), fat mackerel reveral time* in cold water. Fill a baking- pan haif lull of oold water ; put a piece of cheese uloih across) the bottom, leaving a portion at the ends to use in lifting the fish. Put in the dsb, skin tide down. Allow it to boil ; lift the fish, dram off the wa^er ; H 1 tnt pan again with cold water, uiow it to boil, dram, and repeat .nee more. Have rea>tv a hot platter, dish the Dih, being sifted befo a adding to the cake, then (> 1 ,, ool w l t ^ k . Rub u^thT one blended with the other ingredients as to I tahlespoonful of butter, one oi lemon juice, be easily mixed in the batter. The melting , and one of chopped parsley. Spread tins of a 'ante grain of sugar in the process ol baking will often make an air cell. Perfect blending is usually the secret of a fine- grained cake. Lirge cakts must be baked slowly and imali caks quickly. Th n cakes should be baked from flitet n minutes lo twenty minutes in a quick oven. Ordinary loaf cake from thirty to forty minutes. Loaf cakes, like a pound cake, take au hour or an hour anil a half. hours. readily found when wanted in Nails ol all sizes should be kept on hand, and, if neatly arranged in boles up behind the bench, is mu the better ; a good assortment of icrews should aUo be kept ID reserve. Where any farmer has a nice, comfortable (hop, supplied as above, is ingrniotu, and careful of his tools, he w.ll he sarprited aud very much pleased to see how many dollars he can save in the course f a year, as well as to see how nice a jb he can do. tie will also find it a very nice thing, a. well as pl-ndid investment for , h fe , , , , lo ke when the boys, and will be one of the best arguments to keep them at home, and m Tfce hl' r w Bw. I'p. Murpo. Him an.l He H.<, lor III- Life. In 1S45 the bark Sarah was orviini the river La Plalte for tprrm wales. She I carried throe boats at the uavits and a crew I of twenty-two men, which, >i ith six men M terest them in farm life. Then the rainy days on the farm. I re- member well my boyhood days ; we usually went fishing whsn it rained. Wnen orcur- the boats were off for whales. One morning 'noui nine o'clock the man in the inamlopg tlla.,l crosn'recs sang out . There she blows !" and repeating it at ' ' regular interval*, which indicated unmistak ring too often, however, they can i* made | as valuable as fair ones ; besides furbishing ably that sperm whales were insight. As an occasional day oil tor resl and recrsatiou. the man continued lo sing out, Ihe captain A tenant, during the protra ted rainy j hailed with the question, "W here away T" weather last fall, spent his time making: bee-hives, and when the weather clear' lhe bees seemed determined these hives ! *> r! should be occupied, as he used me last one before the bees went into winter quarters. There is usually sufficient work to be done on rainy days, if a person is tie.i for doing it and has a disposition to do it, t>m it it surprisiug to tee bow lhe men will rto.-k to the store or saioon wlieu %<! It rains so thai they cannot work out-of doors. This is the very poorest ot p .or policy. It would aeem that the repairing of tools would require all the spare time on the farm, but, according loapp*arances,judgiu* "Two points forward of the lee beam "Keep htm off two points, brace in the yards, get lines in the boats, keep a sharp lookout there aloft! ' V\ tule l ho ship was heading lorthe whale all wax bustle and excitement on deck. Bread and Cracker Crumbs. The amateur cook is often puzzled by apparently cuuUicting recipe* in regard lo ill* use of bread or cracker crumbs. It .i- j yet cured. That is a simple rule to bear in mind lhat bread aversxe layman. over the mackerel and nerve. COMFLETELY_PARALYZED, PHYSICIANS ARE ASTOUNDED BY A PECULIAR CASE. Hood's Cured After Others Failed Scrofula In trV> Neck-Buncto. Cone Now. A T.IIIHK i .in .nil. in n irk.-ii wllli Paralysis thlli. In "Jew lurk -Krlsirnrd lo HI* Numr si London. Om.. ua He Krllevnl. la "ilr Ihr tlnin. ,,i Kmrwr.l Health riu.ii.-ii nut by a lerici iimn whe lulled n HI Stricken with Landry's paralysis aud means but little to the _ . _, . but it means a miracie crumbs should be used for frying in deep i ^ physician. Such is the experience lard and cracknr crumbs for dishes that of O. K. Dallimore, it present a re- are baked. The reason for this difference i of Madison, N. J., and a rare experience it is DOI haul to remember the shortening is. in the urackrrs attracts grease, and they j " Yes, it's true that I bad Landry's should, therefore, never be brought into paralysis," said Mr. Dallimore to the re- conjunction. The name principle holds porter, " or else the most celebrated phy- goud with baitor mad* ot aour milk; one sicians of London were mistaken. That, often reads recipes thus compounded, but I have been cured is clearly apparent." if one tries dropping the material into hot With this he straightened up as sturdy and fat, one will ke how it soaks up the grease, promising a son of Britain as sver trod and what indigestible "soggy fritters are American noil. 'Itwaiou the 15th of March last," he eon inued, "when 1 was in N't-w York city, i that I firit felt symptoms of my trouble. I (experienced difficulty ingoing upstairs, my made therefrom. When the Machine Balks. w ^p^a Sangentllle. Maine. "C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell. Mai- "Gentlemen: I feel that I caunot lay enough In favor of Hood'i Saruparilla. For five yean I have been troubled with scrofula In my neck and throat. Several kinds of medicines whicu i .tied did not do me any good, and when I corn. ueuceU to take Hood's Sarsaparilla there wers 'Arge uunchcs on mjr neck so son that I could Hood's?* Cures not bear the slightest touch. When I had Uikea one bottle of toil medicine, tne soreness uad gone and before I hod finished tin second the bunches had entirely disappeared." BLA.XCUB ATWUOO, Sangervllle, Maine. N. B. If you decide to taka Hood'i rllla Jn not be Induced to buy any <"ticr. Hood's Pills) cure ouistiuatinn by restor. og the uerigtaiuo actiuu of the When th sewing machine proves balky, ' ' lllo 8 to "PP'>rt me. I consulted a ... pnvsician who intonned me that I had " For twenty -five years DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOK'SBESTFRIEND LAKGKS T Stl E I > '4>AD4. The I'oi's were hoisled and the cranes ' Now set it on the itand, o.l every par'. in._' fr-ni UMilerneath, and then the boats were lowered level w.lh lhe rail and nach boat's crew stood by lor the order to ";ower sway." When within about three-quarters of a mile Irom the whale the ship was LiKKXi" ti' I>TI> nik, lhe mam topsail hauled aback, and the ordircame "Loworaway !" , As the boats s.ruck the water the crew I o<>t * <lone beforB m th " g">eration,the V lumblml over tlie sule, each man quickly taking his place, and witn oars all ready Ihf ... Uke the machinery apart and if you find symptom or loc .motor ataxia, but as t dirty drop the machauism carefully into the case developed he pronounced it a case boiling soapsuds to winch you have added of l.aiidry paralysis and knowing the nature of the disease adv,d m to start (or m ? h me "***"** I gave up my " rk and on April 1st .fried tor L.,., ion. Out. Aw* I known pnyn lan was consulted but I grew rapidly worm and on Saturday, A pnl 7th, several physicians held a consul. !a traapoontul of ammonia. Whsn thor- ! ouyhly cleansed lake out all the bits of works, dry them thoroughly with a warm clo-h iud let, them s and in a warm place ml every >>i< oi darapneta has evaporated from ths uumlier ot farmers and their sons one meets on their way to town on a rainy day, we are led to suppoee, the pation at the store is ot the most imporl- auoe. Perhaps i'. is, but will it pay as well? The warm wet weather, prevalent in many sections last tall, was just what the boats were shoved olf aud the race beuau. weeds needed to obtain firm bold on the each boat's crow doing its Dost lo reach the 40il, and Ihey will show up fine as soon an wh.ile lirl. I belongtd to th- o.p'.am's lh snow leaves. It is well to organize a boat aud pulled the tub oar. We hid lull- thorovgh crusade against them, and study ed but a liort distance wbeu the whale up plans looking to their extermination went drwn. We had got his bearings, for early in tne soring. Th* weeds will allow a whale uiuiisturbed will always go m a straight line, so after pulling nearly to where he disappeared, we peaked our oars aud aitrd for him to come up. In a short time he broke water and not far from our rtow Mtiton tne suan.i, o.i every pars , a,ii.iit the belt and the machine will run tation on my case aud informed u. that I like a new one wu * l death s door, having but three to six days to live, stiii 1 NATIONAL CHARITY IM SCOTLAND riikaam Nome <-r i.l n Nan Who Was A Hint About the Hair. Now thai women are again parting the hair in the middle to an extent that has Uow ijuickly we got down to our oars no resl, hcuce must be eradioaled, and 'he soil should be stirred as early as the frost will admit lo prevent their gelling hold. This will be found much easier than to wail until Ihey obtain a gucd stand, for many of the weeds are propagated by rootlets, cuttings, and broken slips as wsll and how our boat rusl.ed through the or even better thau by their seeds. In the water.asevery man threw his whole strength cultivated field it is an easy matter to go on the long tixteen-feel sweeps, every over the soil a time or two previous to moment oringmg us nearer the whale. Tne i ommencing cultivation in earnest. All cuptain, with steering oar in one hand and the*e littie knotty problems should he heaving on tne after >ar with the other, solved at this season while there IM time to kept urging un to greater eilorr,. read up and discuss the best methods of i "Spring, I tell you, spring '." rid Im* the farm of everything that shows i "Bend your backs and break your oars ; DO profit. i pull boys, do pull :" Hard times is ever a common themo ot ! l ? oulli '> *" b X loolt " > "" "" 'V conversation, and is being preached as tain s face when we were neani.g a w hale, usual, especially by .cert.,,, class of people, <"' hc WOU , U , V ? ry wh ," 8 T"" 1 "' the and thus far in my life 1 have known the """"" As I looked up at. him I saw the Time when the entire country was free never failing-sign, and the nexl moineut h.. from thee preachers of the prevailing hard **** U> lh " bl t -'r. "*and up nine*, aud I no not believe this makes the ' '' , times any easier eveu when such a condi- ' Ned peaked his oar and was on his leet lion of attairs really exists. Home peopie.and ln '" '"" they are generally the ones that always WITH HAKI-OON POlftkD find something to do besides talking of ' ,<! ready for lhe won). and bewiilmg their lot, never experience (; 1V u tn him !" sang out the captain, hard times, at leant you never hear them an< | ihe next moment the harpoon was) speak of it. And, really, are the times as buried deep in the monster'" side, hard as some pesplu would have us believe T \\ , |, one of his migh ty fluke* tho whale Can not a farmer who is out of debt, or sounded rapidly, taking out. nearly a him- whose debts are not pressing, get as good ,jred au< l n 'tiy fathoms of line. We hd a living now as at any time during the last backed the boat away, and were now nip- forly yean, if he has only the inclination, ,,, u(( the two parts of the line together with aud practices soonomy to a certain extent * canvas holdeis so as to impede ms down- Cro.iuce, it is true, seems very low when war d progress and tire him before he look compared with the prices a fsw years ago, ,j| o f our line. At, lajt the line begin to l ut, other things are low in about the same slacken, and then il was " haul in" aud proper lion, so that on the whole I see no itow away the stern sheet* ready to runout reason to croak about hard timea.for if they a gm should the whale go down. At last are hard, if let alone, will wear out even- nc O an to tho suiftce, seemingly paralized If tools are taken care of, stock on, by tin time completely p*rai)Z "I. my hands and (set iwmg dead; I comd hardly whisper my want* and could only swallow liquids. Oh, the misery of those moments are beyond all description and death would really have been a welcome visitor. "Now cornea me part that has astounded should keep in mind that constant parting lhe p hy .,,i ang . K, v . Mr.iiundy. a olergy will inevitably wear the hair away at that man who visited me m my last he night, aud during the priv hours. Some women vary the plaoe parting, parting to one side and then again to another, but this does not suit all face*, tually. and crop* properly and carefully tended, and more agricultural this means fewer political papers taken and read, the trai.tfH and farmer'* club attended as they should be and the town aud corner grocery tired. Tho mate's boat was near, and pulling up, he ent a well-directed lance uuder the tin anil the whale went down again. Thau said tlio captain, when he saw what the mate had done, " He'll be dead visited less, we should hear less about hard (no ugli to skin when be comes up," and, times, and the only wy lo make lhe times though not exactly dead wnen he ayain easier is that which the lamented Crn-icy appealed, he needed no more lancing. He said when asked how to resume payment, COU |,J j u si clear the thick blood Irom his " why resume," said he, and the way lo 8 p ou t hole, and soon went in his flurry. mske times better is to make them better. Taking a large circle and going siouod wilh This is easy if you would only think 90. !ne sun, wilh head wsll out of water, with _ blood and foam all about him, he soon turned on his side and lay very still He Food for Growing Stock. ws* dead, aud then, with three boats i stretched out on a tow line, he was taken Corn and largely used a. ,taple J^ w . , th , . hjp au<1 made faH Wlin foods on the farm, are unsuiUhl* to r lhe g uke c haiu. growing stock. The reason is that there is [his particular whale " stowed down" 1 -i. About -we ponn.1 of lime in 1,' 00 pouud* one hur.dred barrels of l*ar sperm oiL place, and so make the white line that supposed, told mo of the marvellous cures ought to be so fine, broad and ugl>. The ' paraly-is tual had been performed by Dr. hair should be combod back straight at Williams' 1'ffik Pills lor Pale I eople. ivacy of morning started to take ilia pills about April '.!> md of a week after that felt an improvement in my condition. There was a warm, tingling rensalion m lhe iiinb. that had been entirely dead an i I soon began to move my feet and ~~ I bands. The improvement continued until Ironing Lace and. Silk. M Y *- f " l M ' keo oul ' ^ for . drive and drove the horse myself. By the Try ironing all lace and embroidery on beginning of July I was able to walk up- tbe wrung side, and iron until perfectly stairs alone aud paid a visil lo Niagara, dry. Calicoes that are apt to look too' "Slowly but surely 1 gamed my old health and slreiK'h leaving London f< r New > ork "shmy-shouldb, ironed on the wrong side. ^ ^^ ,, jjj i^,^ my work l>o not have the irons v^ry hot for ironing ai( ln ,, O,.t lr 'M, H!I4 Cure.1 of Lan- calicoei and figured chiiii/.us, as hot irons ,i r y , paralysis in eight months." To confirm I. is story beyond all doubt, Mr. Dallimore made the following affi- davit* MoKHISL'oCNTY, / Oiave Dallimora being duly sworn on his oath nai I that the foreiioing statement is Class Fruit Jar Top just and true. OI.AVR K. UAI.LIMOHK. Sworn and subscrilwd lieiore me Decem- ber -'i, I V .I4, AMOS*'. K. \THiiri, [SKAI. ] Notary Public, quickly inverted aud tho head plunged i) r . Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People into a knttle of very hot water. The ' are an unfuiliug specific for such diseases as same treatment will sulflce to start the obdurant glass stopper of a perfumery bottle. Tne principle is to -well tho neck will fade anil turn the colon more than washing. Try using the iron simply warm lor ironing mlk haudkurchiefs,and iron them on STATK >IK NKW JKK>RY, 1 lhe wrong side beiori lhy are quite dry. To Loosen the There is often a loosen the top of a gias There need be DO trouble wearying struggle to can of fruit. . if the can is ' locomotor ataxia, paralysis, St. Vitu '''""*' '"'* uralg,a. rheumatism, ""ous headache, the after a.Iects of la ol the article so that the cover will move readily in it. This is m - rt t w i method describe I. "PP. Plp""" ' 'he that tired best done bv the 'ling resulting from nervous prostralion ; i all disoitses resulting from vitiated humors I in the blood, auoh as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for I . v.i_- peonljar to females, such as sup- Here i * a Pretty Coin Purse. A pretly and quickly made coin purse i made by crocheting in single dark red silk a strip eight by four inches. Crochet together at the ends and through w ",7r y ,~ overwork or excesses of whatever tho middle, leaving a small slit in the centre of tho long side. Finish the ends with a fringo of steel heads and pass through a si. -el ring. pr. 'unions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood, and stitch with ! restore the glow of heal'h lo pale and sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cum in all oases arising from mental Cane Seat Chairs. your cane-Heated chairs When your Dane-seated chairs get to sagging just turn then upside down and wash them with strong soap auds. Soak them thoroughly, them set them to dry. The cane will stiffen up to its normal condi- tion. Recipes. Sweet Indian Broad. Five cups corn meal, 2 cups flour, 1 cup light brown sugar* 1 tablespoonfu! salt, 2 tsaspoonfuls soda, sour milk to make rather thin batter. Bake) in greased bread pain in moderate oven, 70 minutes. Mix the corn meal, flour, sugar nature. There are no ill effect* following the use of this wonderful medicine, and it can be given lo children with perfect safety. These Pills ar manufactured by the Dr. \\ illiams Medicine Company, Brookville, dm. , and are sold only in boxes hearing the firm's trads mark and wrapper, at 5(1 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50. They may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from IV. Williams Medicine Company. Spoons "And will my ducky trust me in everything when we are married T" She "Everything, Algy, provided you don t ask for a night key." It is said that in India ths people have no idea of time, but that they have learned that, trains do not wait for any one, so that gruat crowds are at the slat/ions hours be fore the time for a train to start. lew I ..Miilril iir r- a Pr stejr. there is a city whose gatei are always open to the friendless. It is ths National Orphan homes of Scotland. But one qusUi- tication is needed for oiueeuahip. "Desti- tution is the title for admission ;" uoliiing more is nske'l from orphiao boys and girls >r ti'im children of poor widows. They may come from any part of ihs country. They need no recommendation. Any orphan heiween the ages) of 1 and 14 is admitte 1, and whereas twenty-live years ago the waif and stray had only the shellur of the workhouse to look for, to-day they are welcomod lo a home. Ths children's city, with its tony tix iistincl homes), its) broad avenue*, gardsna avnd playgrounds), white steeples, and above all, its splendid record of over 10,000 children who have been ulolhed, fed and educated and put in the way of making an honorable living there, owes its existence to one man alone. Mr. Quarrier was the son of a widow, and many years a^o wandered in the streets of i.lasi(ow, oold and hungry. At Id he supported his own family by sbomakmg. Before many yeanh* was owner of three of the largest bootmaker's shops ID Uinng'i w. Then he said, "Wheu I havesavsJJIO ),IHW I will start the orphan homes." But not until 1X70 were enouijh funds forthcoming to buy laud. Then a small farm of forty acres wa bought at the Bridge of Weir, and very soon afterward the foundation stone of the first home was) laid. It is not an liy train from Glasgow, and most of the travelers on the Glasgow and Southwestern Riilway imo 'nust have caught sight of the National Orphaa Homes. Kiitermg the principal gates von pass the house in which Mr. and Mr*. : urneriive, and then a wide avenue leads to the central building, in which are the sohooli, and in which the teachers also live. Further on is the church, a handsome Golhic building, with a clock towsr feet in huighu The cottages on eithur tide are> neatly and substantially iiuilt, also m the Gothic style, and each of them has play- ground and small garden. At ths end of the principal avenue, and overlooking the large open field for football and cricket, stands the "ship on land," '.he James) Arlhur, which in ilself forms one of the homes, and is under the charge, of a retired sea captain and his wife. Thirship, a full- rigged brig ot 120 feet i<i length, is firmly holtud down on a bed of concrete mttead of floating, as formerly, over the blue and stormy waters, and here about thirty e.nliryo sailor*, who have chosen to b trained fora seafaring life, have found a home. The boys sleep in lhe foc'ile, and the large main cabin aft is made into their SIM m* and dining room, there being also two chartrooniH. In this ship the hoys receive a thorough nautical education; and, besides learning navigation, are taught to mend their own clothes, to make rope mata, mats darned with wool, to paint, and eo forth. The pansy on be grown blacit, whit* and all the intermediate sh ades, the only deficiency being in the icarla* wd aliiexl hues.