V CAPRICIOUS JUST TEN HONORED. t lay rink. A storm of indignation awept through Northumberland County anil set th*n*w*paper* of all England a-flutter. 1 he uase wae iliicuued m icores of indignatioo meeting* and finally in Parliament, and undsr the pressure of public opinion the two innocent prisoner* were released by a special order of th* Home Secretary and QBAMTID AN INDBMN1TT Most "f the poet* are sinecure* or fixtures for life. In the early part ( Queen Victoria'* i reign a mistress of the robes may posiibly I have done a few boon 1 work in the year, i giving order* that th* apparel of the SOT a triumphal procession, and their change of [ moth and dust, renewing the legal ermine, fortune enabled them to resume their rabbit velvet and lau* at staled times, and seeing hunts in broad daylight. The isal culprits lhat ^ orown wer* let ott with five years, but the con- fsnion lei to an unavoidable sequel of the tint trial. Who had manufactured all those details of circumstantial evidence? The bro-ecutmg Attorney proposed to solve that question, and tl.o oulpnt* could secure a conditions! acquit'*!, only by devolving the main share of responsibility up safely after a public airing. She could ilso affix her us me to warrants empowering one worthy tradesman to sell sewing cotton to the royal household and allowing others to put up the royal arms over their doors because their various wares were bought by upon a now defunct accomplice. personages of illustrious degree. Harriet Js.7trsf5T.ngC *^**- - "-* -- i - Morand, in Joigny, Franc-. In the winter good an addition to business advertisements of 18S8, a Joigny fisherman disoovared a as "To the Queen" emblszonsd in big gilt corpse which before Ion? was identified as letter! over Uie shop*. that of Watchmaker Vetard, who had been Semeof the poet* are entirely ornamental, missing for several days. A family of and others have very little duly attache trolling vagrant* were arrested on sus- to them. Probably tha only additions to ul - ' -*- household since the timeoi Henry \ III, ng va , but sjisTRIALS INVOLVING THE LOSS OP LIFE AND PROPERTY. 4a*fs.%-f<-ittH* * ^ !*'<)' !H*wB In O it * Fore, "t "-* " Tllr Mel ar lea* Case i i Kr MII*)*Tli*ss Bobbery Trial -rhp Trill * r *ird.-<-r rand la Jalij" rrs*** BB*telle*l Den-els ef weir Wort era Jr/ sty.irm. IB America misverdicts are mostly due to the idiotic by -la* which requires jury- men to be unbiased to vhe degree of being ignorant of newspsper comment* and the drift of public opinion, i. e., to be specially unfit representatives of th* vox populi. In Europe th* consequence* of that abaurd arrangement are still aggravated by the overzeal of legal builies, whose chances of promotion depend upon their *uce**a in securing a conviction by intimidating wit- nesses and gathering or manufacturing circumstantial evidence, a* in th* notorious case of the Edlingham robbery trial. Edlingham is a hillside village a few miles from Alnwick, Northumberland County, England, aid tha headquarters o' a gang of planners sad smugg'ers who keep the Alnwiefc polio* OB th* alert the year round. OB the evening of February 6, KS79. Rector Buekle, of Edlingham, hsard his ug bars in the garden till he suspected that the disagreeable state of the weather haJ something to do with the restlessness of the animal, which, accordingly, was locked up in th* stable, when hi* yelps gradually ceased. The true ixplanation of the dog'* conduct cam* at midnight, when the pae- lor** family wa* awakened by a upioione noise en the ground floor ef the house, and ooo can* to the conclusion that th* parlor wa* being ransacked by burglars. The Huckles employed oily female domestic*, bat the p*t*rfamihas,in spite of his ad vann- ed age, was a champion of muscular fitunity, and artne.l himself with a tout o*dgwl. If * then descended tne stairs, followed by his eldest daughter with a lightsd candle. " V TWO MASKID Ms?* rushed oil ef the parlor, try t*g te force their way tee* open window in h* adjoin U NUrtin at first denied the charge m ing kitchen, but, finding their exit barred, all sps..-itit;Uoiis. She had been out of town prepared for action. The first shot knocked '** n'Krjt, ,K. said, end pleaded for th. can 11. oat of Urn Buckle', band, the I ?"' ''" '* < ; needed witnesses ; but in the meantime tbe . toond wounded her father about the faoe .,,a, 1;M of her guilt multiplied, and she and snouidei, and his daughter then fled fiui lyulimtted theeutliorehip of the letters upstairs, shrieking for help. The robber* f 1 * lot poeBibililj tliat the watchmaker, ffected their SMoap*, and *abeeqasntly in veetigation* proved that they bad secured a considerable sum of noney. besides a gold wat -h and some misoellaneou* jewelry. The rector'* injuries were net serious, hot th* chanr* of buckshot had roused h j pleaded guilty to the robbery of ihe Buckl* parsonage. Edgell ipecifted all details of the transaction, produced u.e *leln jewel- ry, assumed the main guilt of the plot, The Wnrabrr *r Kervams l but confeuaed that the pangs of conscience terlii'* iiorii..iil. had kept him on the rack ever .ioo tne I Q v jotorj ... hoaMh old is . large one. day of that shameful Terdict, and that he | had reolv.l to regain the pesos of hi* soul oonsting of jusl under a thousand penon., lor th* maintenance* of whom th* nation seta apart the mum of ft^SOO.UOO every year. to picion, bat could prove an inexpugnable th* household since the time of Henry alibi, and tbe Court of Inquiry was on the are two steam apparatus men. Although point of being adjourned, when an old there is itill no longer a royal barm, pinitsr volunteered the information that ; any pagean try on the Thames, there are the ill-fated man, on the la*tdayof hi* life. till a bargem**ter and a waterman with a had been seen in th* company of a trioksey salary of $2,000 a year. For the past '. griMlte, and had probably been murdered year* there has been no hawking m th* in her house. The boose in question w** forest of Windsor, and the office of grand tkat of Josephine Martin, a notorious Falconer, held by the Duke of St. AlUaoo, intriguante and manager of assignation ha* only been suppressed within the Isst. ad<-nturee. who was arr*t*d after a two yean. Ther* are four table deckers dsteotive had confirmed the .pmster's con- whose sole duty is to lay the dinner ( jeoture by the discovery of several oomp.-o- and see that the plates, dishes and ontle mismg facts Unsigned Utter, found in are fairly sst forth. There is also a wsx the watchmakers desk were written in a fitter, who see* the candle* proprly dispos- hand clearly resembling that of ths ed, and a first and second lamplighter, who adventures*, and Ike walls and floor* of the receives the same salary as that of the poet Msrtin den bore traoee of recent scouring laureate, which is $AOO a year. Then there and scraping. Esgsnie Clergtot, nee Mar- is the "keeper of the swans," whoannnally tin, sister of the defendant, was likewiss pockets $150 for looking after the saored arrested aa a protuble accomplice. She had birds on the roval water*. Lastly, there itting about her sister's houss is th* "queen 1 * ral-oaujher," who is especi- ally attached to Buckmgnam Palso*. flitting i THB MI.HT or THB aad indulging in the purchase excited hsr neighbor 1 * suspicion by of *undry expen- Tot> ^ ^,,1.. agrse* to it. Hi* aalary, $75, i* provided uu jule the >.-ivil int. Every *e**ion Uie Houae of Com- mon*, in committee of upplyoonitden the SOME LATE INVENTIOSS, A FEW OP THE LATEST AND MOST USEFUL CONTRIVANCES. A "evel 0eer reelenlPK A e)ul, fc Cep ef Tea >sjppirtlii( Bell VmfTml la Ike Bllcltra An Artlslle renee Mar. A* an aiijuaot Co to* ordinary door fast- enings in iiotel* and elsewhere ttaeapplianoe shown n inn enut v| drawing merit* at. teatlon. It to compact, iily fixed up, and can- not be f oroeti with- out breaking the woodwork away. A* aeen from the illustration the device consist* of a plate of metal, form ed with knivee or claw* for prewing into the door jamb. On* part i* intended to project into the room, while bent top* almeit or quite touch the jamb. The knife edge* having been pcvos- ed into the wood a hort dutanoe, the action of cloving the door drive* th*m well into the woodwork. When the piece attached to the chain i* then hung over the neck of the metal plate the door will be effectually fastened agonist any on* trying to eoUtr. The appliance i* email in six*, and ha* been especially deeigned for traveler* to carry about with them. A (JOIt B CUP or TBA. Her* u an exceedingly novel and meful household article, fiesh from Pans, and what a boon such a device should he to the tea drinker t There is no pot to be banted up, nor a strainer to catch the finer particle* of th* tea leave*. When It is dr*ired to have a single cup of that greatest of nerve soothers, ins tea i* placed in toe one half of the perforated ipoon, the other part cloeed, and boiling water poured upon the diurtpen. This contrivance ahoald reni> e all nk of potato piriotfe or other vegetable matter, or scraps fiom th* dinner table, being washed down the drain pip*. When ileaired the oleauer can be placed over the ink pine to intercept solid matter. Th* article ii made of lin, and i* got up n art colors. FASTKI- fighting m.tinct. Within half an hour after thi flight of the burglars ths village had b**B aliknned, a*d to mounted mes- sengers galloped off in the direction of AJsiwfei. The Alnwick CoasUbls, with several as- sistants, arrived before daybreak nU as one* surrounded tbe houae ef Charle* Riosswosoo, utiMhu sod deep*rado. Kiob- ardson aad hs*> fciBisnate. George Edgell. had been mixed up in all sorts ef ugly sorapes, and were strooicly suspected of ha-mg had eomelhiug to do with the murder of a gamekw^r, who a few month* ago had Seen found dead in the thicket of a game preserve. Beth men. however, were found in their bed*, ThMr shoes and stook- inge wre dry, and they pointed to pile of half-BBS****! basket* as a proof that they ba.l a*t keen out for the laet 24 hours. TRB PCZr.LlD OTNSTAILBS I decided to take s look at ths cabins of i other poachers, Mike Braan-<M'> nd : Murphy, neighbors and p rtners in k*nterpris*. Both ball.., their shanties that night, and were arrested on returning muddy and wet m tbe dawn of the Morning. They admitted th* theft of sundry ooaiee, but indignantly repudiated the more serious) charge. "I would not 'Jjjmyhand aain*t that old man for a fund. ' Mid VI ike Hrannsgan. Bnt U| *5'" >U * h * ld on " h r prisoners. w,* 1 witneese* testified to ths law- ( reputation of the dsfendaoj s - J a broad distinction bet ween and robbery looked suipioioojsjj leveled a *h<Mc*m _ . . head, and OB* oi > a plaster of Psns arks in ths parson'* rns'oa* exactly malcheil pattern ot Mike Braonagan's boots and Peter Murphy ' brogani, and a cold chisel, found nsar th* kitchen window, w*s iden- tified a* the property of Murphy ' relative, John Kedpath. A shred of paper which another wanes* swore to have picked np in the rear of the parsonags, wa* proved to have been torn from a copy of weekly found id th* pocket of s Murphy'* overcoat. On* of the reetor'i servant girls, moreover, produced A SHKBDor CLOTH whicn appeared to resemble the material uf Braung*n' blouse. In looking about, the gar.Un she had -found that rag in a ne.lga near a gap where ths burglar* seemed to bv* eileoted an entrance. Braunagau'B friend* nourad the aervioee of an able lawyer, who called attention to the improbability of the defendant*' having Veurd, had been tilled in her houee during her temporary absence. A few day* after he condescended to name the probable ms/'lertre, but retracted her charge in a fright, when the implicated parti** threat- ened to engage a certain detective, who would look op her antecedaatt and per hap* clear up the disappe*Bnoe of tome of her clear up the uisappeai-rnce ol some 01 ner -- former RormpnndenU. She than implicated * PEARLS OF TRUTH. A wise man'* day is worth a fool's lit*. Win* invent* nothing ; it only tattles. Goodnses think* no ill where no ill seems- There is nothing good or svil save in tns will. Valor employed in an ill-quart*! torn* to cowardice. Ther* are more meu ennobled by study than by nature. It i* th* enemy who keeps th* sentiuel Silenoe, when nothing need be amid, n the a small shopkeeper of a neighboring village, but finding hen-elf liable to get in contact eloquence of discretion. v> ''her lawyer and *'i able-bodied To know that which 11 s compiled a mtmoruidum. I cornpieed a memorandum, ex- I a g motive! of her lurmer prevari- e... ii charging the crime upon the iukeeper, Vacher, and the gardener, Alfred Mor.n.i, both of .I.ngny. Vachar, sn.- aid, had hatche<l the plot and hired Morand to execute the details of his scheme ; the befnddlement uf Vetard, the murder and the removal of the corpse. They had elected her house beoue they knew she would not be at home that night, an<i the preaeao* of her sister could be accounted for 'on the theory that ihe had teen su-.pi mom loiterers in ihe garden, and approaoh- { ed thsm to ascertain their motive. A cloea March of Morand'* premise* failed to discover the leant trace of the plunder, which, according to Josephine's confession, had been removed from THE MOEDSKfD M V. i HOVB in bags and wheelbarrow*. Many of ow** up a deptriu> and lucosssful follo crime by a rabbu-hunt. They had been caught with a bundle of come*, pointed out th place where they had oooo**le.l the spade, and, moreover, had oo- operated with another poacher in th* small hour* of the eventful night. Bat the cirounntoUal vjUei,oe| Wa( , ,V- , - -., fcn a could be " l ololh ' ditferent from I hi* witness** testified that they had seen him hard at work digging ditohe* for the ijtreet Commissioner on the day following the alleged crime. He was an in. lustrums, sober man of scrupulous honesty, but had to plead guilty to the possession ef a vio- lent temper and a pair of herculean fiat* offerer*, a coflibin\tiou that had mad* him more ' than one enemy among hn worthless neighbors. On one occasion he had grabbed two female gossipi and, -banned their head* ier nil ihev^g H||M,r llander*. otstMewMenTeftnafers now an- te a witness for the prosecution, he testified that she had eeenVacber (the Innkeeper) and Morand whisper together on a certain street corner on the eve of the fattl night. " Can yon swear that you recognized both these men ?" aiked one of the oouniel for the defence. Yes, ir. I have been talking und*r oath before ui lies in daily life is the prime wisdom. The virtue* are lost in **lf-int*i**t ai river* are In th* see. Them is no ghost so difficult to lay M the gho*t of an injury. When th* world dissolves, all placee will be hell that are not heaven. The moat ubetanlial glory of a country is IB it* virtuous great men. Life without industry is guilt, ami indus- try without art is brutality. Individuality is everywhere to be pared ana respected a* th* root of everything good. It i* ai easy to call back a (tone thrown from the hand a* to call back the word that u spoken. (iod write* the Sot w.' -not in the Bibl, alone, but on tree* ami dowers, and cloud* anil stars. A xovxi. SI-OON. It ha* been the rule of my life to confer all the favor* I can and to a*k <M few a* possible. When wars do come they fall upon the many, th* producing clam, who aie th* I ask not for hi* lineage, I ask not for hit name, if nianlines* be in hi* heart h* nubia birth may claim. The heart of youth i* reached through th senses; the senses of age are reached through the heart. A vine bear* three grape*, the Drat of pleaeure, the sei ond of drunkenness, and th* third of repentance. Whatever you would have your children become, drive to exhibit it in your owu live* and conversation. Not all the pomp and pageantry of worldi spoon a* It reel* in tlis oup. Th* spoon > allowed to nma n in the water until the deeired strength of the mfnsion is obtained. UPPOHTINO BKI.T. Many men who are partial to the wear- ing of belle in summer find the ordinary belt far from Mktiafaotory. If worn looee th* trousenare ai ways dragginic the grouud, where** to nrmly support the trouier* compel* the wearing of belt *o tight ae to be uncomfortable in many oaab*. In order THB WAR WILL GO ON. Japan Will r ra.rmir the Wstr wllb rklnn te> C*M> Bluer Busl. Th* new* that th* commander of the Japanese army who ha* already proved himself te bean Kastern Moltke has taken up hi* quarter* at 1'ort Arthur i* followed by th* expression )>y war correspondent* o their doubt* a* to any negotiation! fer peace between China and Japan proving snecee*' fuL We are told that th* army i* th* dominant party in Japan, and that the leader* of it are bent upon continuing th* campaign, and, further, that in the House u f Representative* notice ha* been given o* a motion declaring that the Urn* far peace negotiation ha* not arrived. The** indica. tions that the war I* going to continue, that the opening eaaeon i* going to bring more BL0OD8HBD AJfO STBreMII.X, cannot be disregarded by anybody wno I* interested in the history ef the human rao* and it* development in Asia. Th* human* must naturally will befillcd with regret that the horror* of war are to continue, with per. hap* a repetition of such maaaaore* a* that of Port Arthur. To the political itodent- however, the soene ef Eaatern oonliot pre- ent* poMibilitie* that may well bi regard- ed with disquietude. Japan hi* mad* tremendou* itrides, in* appear* to be well on the way to obtaining enormous treaeure from China'* hoard ef golden million*, and he evidently poeaeeeee a military and nave al discipline which very nearly match that of Europe. The Japaneee exhibited at Wei- Hai-Wei not only the foresight which we now expect of them, but the kind of soldier- like resolution and fidelity to duty winch have hitherto be SB supposed te be attribute* only of Kuropean armia*. Japan bat in her the potentiality of becoming A rORMIDABLB 8BA FOWBB. ^ , She i*, in ! ao t, a power which if not abee^ > lately fint-oia** i* fir*t-ola*> in it* po*r of action. She has a great power of plan- ning operation* far in advanoe, and she is ppareatly unscrupulous m regulating them solely by consideration* of *eU-intr*t. The quMUon a* to how long the war will be carried on and what the ia*u** ui it will be i* evidently one that cannot long be disregarded by (jreat Britain and the other power*. It i* understood that th* British (iovirnmaut ha* arranged with Pekin, in the event of certain contingencies, for the occupation of Cousan. It is not unlikely, therefore, that the coming month* will see some interference in th* Kaatern embroglio ! by one or other of the Kuropean power*. Meanwhile it cannot be doubled that thi* Kaatcni war i* developing feature* which have brought anew annety to diplomat let* aud (iovernmeule. In a year a new power has neen and proved it* right to a very important place on the map of the world. ^.^^^^-^J^^^^^^^^^ fn ' but within Wen' minute* was squelched by indubitable proof* *j the fact that Vacher hail not left nil taveru at all that evening. It Menu strange that th* two male defend- ant* were then not diamiesed at once, but the confidence of Morand'* friend* wai modified by the ominous circumstance! that the ipeutator* had repeatedly tried to hiss him lf the witneM itand, while th* silver- tongned strumpet had been aio'ten applaud -A- Let a man be never so ungrateful or in- human, he shall never deitroy the satis- faction of my having done a good office. Sells His Wife for Honey. A despatch trom Anderson, Imi., *ay*: According to the t*uns of a trade consume ed !ik* (or an) a ta v ating a well-reheareed- 1 mated in th oily, Joseph Mix dispoees of part. But their wont fear* were exceeded BkXT. to meet thsss objections the belt shown in the annexed cut has been dsviaed. It car- riee along it* inner surface and throughout it* entue length longitudinal *lrip* "Here- by th* belt may lie against the waistband and receive the heads of all buttons and support the trousers. AN ABTISTIC ts-M'B MAT. A novel and inexpensive form of wire fence stay, which not only forms a firm joint for the creeling wires, but at tns same time produce* an ar- tiklio effect when em- ployed in inclosing yards, gardens and th* like, ha* recently been introduced. Th* es- sential feature* of the arraogemen t areahown ABTISTIO FBMCBHTAT. in the annexed out The hooked arm* are clamped upon the two wire*, th* latter being crimped into the concave faoe of tru sUy. i xKH I. IN THB KITCHBN. A handy little article for the kitchen that will be much appreciated by housewives has just been introduced by an Kngliih hard ware concern, in theshtpe of a machine- made link cleaner. A* shown in the iketch it is really a small perforated shovel with three grooves in tbe centre for scooping up by the verdict and it* inevitable result* Vaoher and La Clirgeot (Josephine'* sister) were acquitted; JoMphine got off with a repritnaed and a sentence of police super- vision is i writer of decoy letters, and Alf his wife and all his household effect* to Joseph Badgely, a farmer. About two year* ago Mix married Laura Clearwater ( who, previoni to the marriage, had been the housekeeper for Farmer Badgely. Since red Morand was found "guilty witheut the j the wedding Badgely ha* lived th* life of a On Tuesday morning Badgely adniiuion of mitigating oircumitanoes," and lonely man. would have expiated the tU wil! of loafers drove up to r>o the ijuillii: me if president Carnot bad not into th* honae, inquired ho commuted the ssnMno* of death. wil! of loafers drove up to the residence ot Mix and going much h* would A Distinction. Barrore "I say, old ohap, loan m ten for week." Munn "I've no money to loan." Barrnre 'Tom* off, you're rich. You've money to burn." Munn "Perhaps, but not to loan, my take for him if* andall the household effects. He replied promptly that a |A bill would buy what Kadg*ly wanted. I'll just make It f'26 said Farmer Badgely, so th* term* of sal* were agreed upon. Badgely brought Mrs, Mix to th* city and together they went to the law office of Kittencrer * Keardon. There terms of the deal were fully explained and the law firm retained to bring divorce proceedings for Mrs. Mix. As loon a* th* divorce u procured Badg*ly will mak* Mra. Mix hii wife sad take her to hit home, COLDEST PLACE. A SlweHan Tewn Where IBM Bteiwwrr strop* *>! ef Blckt. The word " arctic " hai keen very much in evidence during tbe cold weather of the laet few weeks,and perhap* there era those who imagine that it could hardly be colder at th* North Hole than it baa been in Kng. land lately, says the Weelminitar Oasette. To them '/be following fact* and figure* may b* interesting. Th* coldest inhabited spet on the eertb is the little town of Werchojaask, in Siberia, which is situated 67 decrees 84 minute* north latitude, 133 degree* ft minute* east longitude. Th* lowest temperature observed there i* 90.4 degree* Fahrenheit below zero. The average temperature for January is 85.4 degree* below; February, 60.4 degrees below; March, 18 4 aeereee below ; April, 3.2 de- gree* below -, May 32 deiree* below ; June, 50 degree* below ; July, 57. 2 degrees below, August, 4?. 8 degree* below ; September; 28.4 degrees t-low ; October, 4 degrees be- low ; November, 40 degrees below ; Decem- ber, AS dsgrt-os beiow. The terrible cold which prevail* in Kastern Siberia, is, for- tunately, not accompanied by wind, for otherwise no bun an being could sxiat there. The minimum temperature at Jakniak is 79.6 degrees Fahrenheit belw, and at Usljansk 6X2 decree* below, and during the whole month of January the thermometer never resohea the heifht ot 1.4 degress Fahrenheit. The winter* are extraordinarily dry in thi* region. Th* townees of temperature i* due to the fact that Kestcrn .Hibe-ia is not influenced by oceanic depressions, and a very high atmospheric pressure, with cwlm, clear weather, and a dry atmosphere, prevail*. In thii way the warm air cur- rent* are aided in their escape, while the high mountain r*n-es in the south aad east tend to imprison the masse* of cold air. Uendenstrom and W ran gel I have published very remarkable reporte on tbe effect of the cold upon the living organism in Siberia, If tbe temperature sinks to 40 dsgreee F. every breath that is drawn causes pain in the chest and lungs ; old tree trunks burst with tlis frost ; rock* ire shattered with a noise like thunder, and deep chasms forti in the ground, from which sireams of water rush steaming, only to be turned into ioe the next moment. refuse on the (ink. Th* perforation* and grooves allow the water to drain off rapidly before the refuse Is thrown Into the fire or Two of a Kind. Come up to my house, ^mithson, and hear my baby talk. It's the most wonder- ful-" " Yon forget," laid Smithson with dignity, "that I am a father myself. ' The Domestic Critic. "Yon teem to have all the late novels, Jimson. What do you think of them T" " I haven't read them yet," answered Jimson, "my wife Is reading them f o *ee If they are fit for me."