X i THI IL18RJRTOH ADViRCI \ BSTABI.IARKD 1881 n/auSHBD WHKLT AT Till or Fir I. T!> STSIIT, rLMRIBToM, OUT., T W. H THL'aSTOK. l per .< rirtl; In advance Advertising Rates: Oa* Column . 1 *ar. MO : ball eol.. 1 y*ar. WT quarter eol.. on* year, 1. Transient adnrtlaeroent charged at th rat* f t erata per 1 lu for r i nwrtion and I c*oU aeh ubMqaent insertion Since tot iwo of The Advance the school qaeation lias taken another turn. Tbe Manitoba Legislature bu adjourned outil May 9 without dis- ciuaing the queation in any form. Tba Domiuion parliament meeU on tb 18th inst., bat it ii all together unlikely that it will do anything in the premiiei until Manitoba ii fully l.erd from one way or the other. Things are going alon - quietly down at the Legislature in Toronto theae dayi Binee the Patron rebuff* two weeks ago on the doctors' bill and appointment of county officials tliere has been a summer calm during which business has been rnshed off so cipeditiourfly that adjournment is ex- I ected to take place in Use than two received and that the derfc be authori/ed and ii hereby autlioriied to notify the trustees f the 8. 8. interested. Carried. Kclls -McMillan That (he auditor'*, rrport fur 1804 a* finally audited, be c oj|ited and 100 eopiea he printed in l*ni|ililt form for diatributiori. Reere to see that un ezceeetre charge bo made for printing. Carried Thorn peon Kella That the following councillors be eommiMioned and hnl! hare supervision of the road* and bridge* of this Uiwnahip for the year 1896 in their MTeral wardi a* follows : Ward N. 1, Dnnald McMillan ; Ward No. 2, Thoe Kella ; Ward No. 3, Jam* Beet ; Ward No. 4, George Thompson. Curried. Kella Tbompeon That where** thu council haa Wen tued by one John J Bn>wn for |30. the said 990 being claimed by the taid John J. Brown aa dsmavea sustained by having hia cutter damaged at or near Proton Station and whereas thia council are itrnnuly of the opinion that we h*v no risjht to pay aaid clairn. therefor*, be it re*ol*ed that t hia oounotl drfeud the nut and that the. ree*e be and ii hereby requested to g>> to Owen Sound to conault Hulicitor McKay and to uiake auch ueceaeary r r n^> me t for the rle- fenee as he connider* proper and that R. and A . Nrlsnn be included for the de- fence. Carried. ThoBjpvm Kells That all parties are hereby notified to reinore forthwith all log* and other obstructions plaoed upon the public roads in thu corporation and nil persona are heretiy strictly forbidden to place any kind of obstructions open any of the aaid public highways within this municipality. All persons who hare placea or are in the habit of placing ob- struction* upon said highways are herel>y required to take notice and govern them- selves accordingly by thia Carried. Council adjourned to 30th April, 1896. flortgage Sale Coder tb* power of aale ooDt*lnd lo a er- talu nior*.iiafii> which will b uroduow) ou the dav of Ml*, there will be offered for lal* by public anctiun at Hotel, ID the Tillage of Township Council. The Council of the township of Arte- .wmia met in the Town Hall, Fleelu-it.ni, u. Monday, April Int, 1896. Member* jjrwwiit, the reeve, .Mo*n Tbowip*on, I'..-. i, McMillan and Kails. MinuUii of last nifiiiiu wrr.- read and continued, rommuuicationia* folluwa were prrernted and read : V. McCormick aakinu to be i till.- v-.l an overseer in Price*ille ; R. H. Meddowxh, re townahip lot in Priceville; John O'Heran, waited uopn Council re i. e via i ion at Irish Lake , Ward Hariiann waited upon Ouuneil reaouth line ; Robt. Campbell waited upon th* Council aa to changing houndariwi f S. S. N -a. 11 and IS by havinit lots 22 and X3, con 8, and |..t 24. cons. 11 ml I -, removad from S. .N No 11 and placed In 8. S. N i. IS; Marry Weber wanted hii statute labor charged in r.mil div. Nn 74 instead nf in valley mad ; a petition from Miss Hick- linn and i'lior lad us if ward No. 4, re l>ylnw as lo stock runuinK at Urife. The l./llowing c i angel wore made in bylaw au;<ointiug ovorervri, instead of thuae i.mvioualy appointe<l, via : H< rlwrt t'urvia, C. Hale-., R. Watteie. T. Butler, Ja*. Majieu, Richard Doui(la, C2e. Hutclii.iaon, John McFadycn. It, law M4, appointing Dr. Hnti.ni ineJical I ealth i.nVrr, wait introduced and |>iaaed. W. J. LeTur pare notice of witlidrnwtl . { Lit a 134 and 130, 3 N.E., from 8. 8. No. 11 and have the name placed in 8. 8. N,,. 2. Kelle Dett That bylaw No. 613, |> (-.timing pAlhiuaatorx, fni -i \ i.-m-m and p-.undkee|H-r, aa amended, I* r-ad a third tune, finally pa ail, Kilned by the loeve and filed. Carried Kells -McMillan That bylaw 514 m ap- point uiedical hniltli officer for the t>.wn- e'lip uf Art-mi! i. i, he lead a thinl lime, l.iully l>a<Mtd, *utir<l hf tin- i.-i-n and ingr.a.d in bylaw book. Cariicd. Th. .ill oaon M. M ill ,M - Tli ii a gritnt of It estra bo made to Win. Kill!.*, indigent, t" enable unu to ptocuie some cl'.thiiiK and other necenaiiri*ii for tho months of A|ril and May t'.nn..l ThiHp*no-B<>.t- That John O'Heam be paid $IA) on account of deviation on |nt 28, con 7, Uleiit-lit, being the town- 1 ne between Arteniuaia and Olenrlg, and tliat upon rerun. -Mr from the Council of (ileiioiM thi> r.-ri i- in hereby authorised I i iaeuw Her f.>i lialitncr Carried. M. Millan K. I a - That tl,.- foltowinif tills INI paid : John H'.land, ono >l,i\ at 1'iotoii rilatiiiii, $2, (luu.g t.i Owen S .mid, i>- Onthain null, *'-', liATellin; exp^n-<e, II ".", one telegri\ni, 90c, total f(i U.'i ; Thoa Kella, one day at Pr.'ton Ktatinn, |8 : Jauie* Bet, half day at Pi .i.m buti. .ii, tl, Janifi 11. i t i<> I iiu.il.ilk, |2. livery bu e, one hoiax, !, total 94 . U<*<>. , one day t<> Pruton 'f l Monday the 22nd day of April, 1895, at one o'clock In tb* afternooD. Part of lot number on* bundred and fifty 1130) In tb* third (1) r align or cooceeiion tooth went of the Toronto and Bydeobam road, In the town- blp of ArtaniMla, Inthe County of Gray, better known a* Vlllam lot number ion ID tb* ur rtiTmoD of tb* u d lot aod tb* pita thereof mad* by Tbomaa B. Ollli lanil. P.L.H.. dated u *arT*y*d. April, 1STS, and fll*d in the rcgiitry orfli e fort hi, outh rlrtlun nl tb* County of dr*y oo the 1Mb day of Hep- Umber, AD 1ST4. Upon tb* pr*mlM* ther* Ii a much-rait rtorcy bulldiOK, seed a* >tor* aod dwelling, the main part of wbloh t* about 14x40 with wine*. ISivtt aud UiM, rnpMtlvely. Tb* pro- two , |**ity Ixltaated at Flenberton Station olnee to the rallwav ttatlon. Tim Pl**h*rton Station pout oa9e* it k*pt in thia bulldlii(. th* >aui> be nif the pieiuici recently occupied by T. Chli- l*tt. TERMS OF BALK: T*n p*r cent, of purchw* money to be paid on th* day of eal* aod uiffl- cl*nt to oiake ou*-thlril of tn purcbaa* mon*y within on* month thereafter. Tb* balance may atand upon mortcac* of the preimin with lnl*r*et at mx per o*ut. Knrtbvi iufonuatlon may be bad from T < InnleH, on th* pr*mi***, or from Dou>lil Mcl'bersou. acnt, at uranlll, or tb* under - W. 1 . W \ I ,SH. Vendor'e Solicitor, OrangeriHe Dated tblt lit day of April. 1SW. MORTGAGE SALE Of raluah'* Farm property in the Town abip of Artenienia in the Conntj of Orey. nill IN cold on T.HILL I n RICHARDSON & COMPANY ILLINERY D EPAUTMENT, s now open to the inspection of the publie. Ladies, eall elegaut new spring styles wbile the selection u complete. early and Me oar VTe are showing a nice lot of new Wall Papers at 6 centa aod upwards per roll. WindoT Shadei 35s. and upward. Lace Curtains 50c. and upward. Dress Goods, Prints, Crepotu, Unsliiiii, Tweed and Worsted Pantiogs for spring. etc. (rent's Hats and Caps. Highest Prices for all Kinds of Produce. In bb We have just opened up an immense range of stybw it] New Hate, Fedora* and t'.hrJHty's iu blaek, brown , fawn, diab and grey ielu NVwest styles in silk bate. A few dozens of last sea on'* hate at half prices. We offer a snap bargain _ .in Men's Huff Balmoral III MRS BooU " 1 -*- ucption ally cheap goods which we eanaot repeat when sold oat. W omens High Cat Duff Lalmorabi at f I per pan . anil Superior Finish G love- gram Boota at 11.15. \V ban never soIJ Prints so freely with eoow covered ground aa this spring. We never had better values to offer, otu styles wen never so pt etty , We show a lot of noveltie* iu Cotton Preasftoodi tliat are selling rapidly. TW Styles aod aolon *'re very ehoiav/. Frills T. HILL FLESHERTON. Kella pe- That the Clerk aod Mr. McMillan exauiintt what i known aa th* MuArthur pruperty m Priovville now vwned iiy thi io*iinhi|>; with the view uf svlliiiv the same. Caried.. K-|l|| MoMilUn- Tliat il- petition of Miaa Ibhy Hiekliiiir, and Qiher ladies of wa r d No, 4, r uniMi.i i 1 141, lung *i largje, U left ftvW lur ftiiur*c<.i>aidertii>n a* b>ne i if tbe lttjj'uetitiu^n are ureaedt. MeMillm Halbi That iM'h,nvisie?a be ami arV fhrtwhy tiotiHl i nprli.l all . thetfl f.Vfo^d ity- j fi* triidere or by n. -Camerl. IJanmi .n -rU- Thai' iheappltcalKHi. W i*. t>ver aud R -bert Cin,.Ml be f Monday the 8th day of April 1896 at one u'clork iu Uio afteraoon at Munsliu\v's Hotel Iu tie Tnwa of Flesherton. By virtue of powers nf naln contained in a certain mortpaK" winch will b* produced at the ali>. llir fullowinx property : Part* of loli m, I II an<l H; in the tl.inl rang* north cant of tli Toronto and S.vlrn bam roa<l In tl,e township nf Arlin:i>i > in thf county cf Orry described a fullown: < niiiiin'iic-ini; on tin' Kinith tenter); limit of lot nambrr MA at a point 4 el.ains ami H;. links from tlir- Imit betwern lots 145 ami 14(1 in the third lange north rast of the Trn!,i and Sydtnbnm road and nn the ati>rlr limit of the Vallev road, thnuee alnni; the eaatrrly limit of tbe Vail T road north :u ile- grei l. r > iiiinitcR east \ I chain* and *."> link*, thence nortn 18 degrees AU ininiit n east chains and 88 linka, thence mi th l> do. greet weat chains anil 55 links, tiienc* (leavinn the limit of tho Valley road) in n direct line north about 16 decrees enit 14 chaiua, more or IBM, to the emterlj limit of an angle on the VaJlev .-n.nl oumberts] iw meamirement number 1-t on copy of mirvey of V.i'l y road, tbener along the eaitxrlv limit of the Valley roml north ' I degree'* eait 9 chains and H6 link ', thence north 3 ilivii 1-1 eait 4 chains and 9 link*, thence north 17 degree* west 8 nhaiim and 3ii linlu, thence north ISdegiees rest 6 cha im and ID liuka to the north eautorlr limit of aaid lit 1 4:1. thenee south 47 degree* e..t 2 ohains and 50 liuka, more or leoa, ai.-in; the th* north easterly limit of raid lu to the north east angle of aaid lot 1 4ft, tlieuce i>uth 4'J ilt djieiin and 30 minute* weat alnnc the aouth ea*tony limit uf said lot 14u,60ohain*, more or I***, to the south seat angle ol raid lot I4S, thane* mirth 47 degree* wot 4 ehalBS and, e links t ilie plaee of IK-RIII niug. conuiuiiK 76 acres, inure or !. TKRMH 16 per eent. of the pnrclaie moony to e* f aid (town on the day of ale fur lolauee lersM will tie made known at In* aale. f j| (MI th.-r partianlar* apply to ' Joiiss M eam.ua A I.IOM.IK, iuli*ltor, Tnruntu Stre*l, Qt to ), THE NEW Planing Mill Having pnrclianed the planing fac- tory LUSIIU-S.I of J. E. Moore, we are prepared to do all work in that lino on short uolice. Our new factoiy on Fl jsher's mill site will be in operation in a few weeks. Orders solicited for i sash, ilo.ua. flooriDgn, siding, and gnueral house triiuiuing*. I.innlit'i taken in exchange . Get figures before dvaling eloewlierc. Beecroft & Sloan. Cash For Hides! Slu-r|iHhMi ami ail kmila nf fur* pur chasrd, for which highest market pncu will be !>.-nl. un hand, aleu all kind* of uit-a's. M. WILSON, Kl.ESHKRTON MEAT EMPORIUM. BUY YOUR HARNESS NOW To the Public. Harini; rented WhitUtn'a blacksmith ln.|i frr a ti-rin of yram, I am now iu a |H>aitiou to i n'.ri to nil wants in my line. Horseshoeing a specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed For in the Uaokmuitliin,; tin* P. A. BUNT OPPOHlTR klCHAHDHON-H HAKDWAHK MI-KI-. ROLLER MILLS complot and are running GOOD STOCK GOOD T1EEB i Siitiijs ('s lick INI Driss M [irUiis Id hprs Oar tailoring depart men t is now busy and will soon be crowded with or dera for spring. The new scale of prices in tbis de- partment is up, or rather down, wttb the time*. Tweeds at 30. 85, 40, 4 and 60 eeuta that arc a surprise in style, pattern and texture. We havo aneeeedwd in beating any former record in phaea of Fine Worsted*) and Serges, prettiest ever Just in. tl e rang> f>f nck opened here. Our own importation of Dress Goods. OloTwS.Hos- iery. Laces, Silks, l.iuem-. etc .direct from Uauchest r. will be open by April 1st. LaW Cnrtaius from -'" cento per pair up. bwiss embroiderwd cnrtaina very pwtty. Our ns)w Wall P.tper ate juat in an 1 are the prettiest things to look at. Even if you don't want any you should not miss feeing thrtt. LOW FBICES. Curry Combs, Brushes, Harnea* Dreai Hlriith Bella, G.-et and Cowhid. Ui.li.->, Ail* Ureas*. Blaiikete, and rvrr) thing in my line ciuiiinntly on hand. Leare orders early AS we are always riuhi-d in the fall *rn.n. W. Moore - Bunamate FLESHERTON. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Are now regular. CHOPPING -2 done every afternoon usual. Tim* Table. GUI Ml *0.l Tal. Harkdale- 6 42 a. in. H 3| )> s. rivaliertim O.ud am 4 43 p. aa. ' OOINO Xi.RTH FUaherton-ll.Ma. m. 9.10 p. . MaikU..le U OJ p. us. .S3 p. . U It* matter otto******* of David Jaaatuoa. lat* of th* Townehip of Art*aisla. 1* Un Couoly of Ur*j, larm*r, <t*oeaaed. PHI nuni t to th proTialona of th* Bevieed Slatnta* of Outarto, i baptor 110, notice 1 h*r* b; iiven that all tb* creditor, and p*raom bav- I ni claim* u |K>H or aeaiaai tb* MUt* nf tb* aaid David Jamfeao*. lt* d tbe Teweablp of Art*. iimia. la tbe County of lr*v. fsroMr, who diet* on or about tb* aaveaSh da* of January, A. D., 1W4, ar* u*r*by nanlfwd to deliver or send fvti prepaid to any of tke uuU*r*inn*d eierutun of tb* d*o*a**d. nn or befere tbe tn* day of J one, A. D. MM. a mtat.ineal la wrltliif of th*ir name* and addraaMa. to**tb*r witli fall pxti-ulr of their claim aid tb* nature of seserlti** (If aavl held by th*ai. il helrt by tbesv. And notie* U luitlwr n itajr ofJaa*. M- . pro***d to dUtrlbut* th* r !* that after th* eaU tfi* saM *s*lon will eeaied a*o*M| tb* V bavlac reawjrd only t* tie* abaiT bav* base .. et*he*ata d* yarsea* sjaMU**) tl*ret*. Me *bWor wbl*b M. an" kbe e^ld eiecaton will Jot b* ItaMsYuf tb* aaM iiiills or aav ea* beteet I* aay or *r*oa* of waase etelsa *r datass hall o b*>ve beaa ruslvU by tbeas as Hard \v are Hundreds of rolls of Wallpaper JUST OPENED AT 5 Cts. a Roll up. The very latest in Window Shades aud Cm tain Pole*, and the vary best prieea. Hundreds of pieces of Tinware Jutnrrivw4. Prioes away dowu.