THI P L18 1 RTON ADVANCE MTAKI.1S1IKI) 188L Advance f LIXIIKll WKKKI.Y AT THi OFFlrlt. KVI>- XH.\M .HriiKKf, FLF.MHr.KT'.S. ONT., V W. II TUl'HMTON. $1 per unniiin.strirtly in advance Advertising Rates: O > Column. 1 year. M ; half col , 1 jroar. tT, q.mrtnr col.. on* year. ! i. Transient a ' vrtlinnt cliaw.l a'. the rat* f It cents per hue fur Ant Insertion aa.i ach iub-.i-iuout lliMrtlou. Brarlstreet'g reports 78G failures in Outano jiiiiii;,' 1894. Ou' of these 632 were rnii ;i .! Lv insufficient The first division in tin- I.> ii't>iilu-il in a majority of 37 for Mi. Mowat. Tlie <]iu>8iion was the ken system and i-vi-iy Patron in tlrj House' \oted with tlie gorerument in favor of the fees. l)r. bproulu was again nominated by the Conservatives of Edi>t (iiry at the meeting held in Murkilule on Tuesday. Thin ia, of course, as every- one expected, aud could not in wisdom have been otherwise. But what about .Son tli Grey? Foor South Givy appears to be somewhat demorali/ed so far an the Conservatives HI t con- ci'ini-d und tliri*' in no rumor of a cou volition or of a candidate, to con- ust the ridiug. Durhaoi lias herelo- f ire been tlie headquarters of the 1'arty, but it tuigbt as well b<- at 1'm- luoro or Bulltown for all the stir that ii iiut'lu by the offict/rt of the associa- tion. As it stands the candiilutes in Kant Grey an- likely to bo Conserva- tive and I'utioii, and in South '(in > Itefoini aii'l 1'atron. Theie are 21:5 ineiiiler in the Can- i iliaii llouao of Coiniiiunp.Hiid the an- i.iiitl SfHbionai ullowunces puid mil :.:uuiiiit to S .!!:!. mil" anniKilly. 'I'n, t >uiai in I,i ^i.-ln; iur |> I>H out fur BCS- s-ioiml allowiincrs $Ji;, Kill, ami CJiu In r ..i' ml Jfi.'!..-' ii), with otlier i .t |>n)i><irlioii. Thti^. for lli.- it CiitjniioiiN. Ontario anil (,)ii. l>, i- Le^islatim s tl < ir a, ( paid mil n, . u.ul allowanci-s alone f.'tl It.lMli i ly oiit-tliinl of u inilli MI, with u, Looasionul "rmind robin" when the .HI i.s .SDllll wlmt ploloi;^ril. ThlS i .mill be out 111 half.orevi-ii two tliinl.s 1 -|>iH.d off. and tl-e bnnini'SH of the i itintiy done as wall as it is tn .la\. OilUlio uud Q i. bi-c, iiliuif, with a I .i| illation o a,C02,85ti,ptty? numuHy oiei- $100,000 for law-n aUiir,- and I iw biealil'i^. IH it not iiim> I.IJH was Boinewhat CMII tailed '.' 'I'ln- ilnius above given do not include * ilui irH of iiii'inbers of tho cabinet, v, Inch would fiiihance the sum very o' the Reform and IV nm partiea to ruin he party lie represented. He dealt tli* 1 ihr N mi' extremely hard MOWH over llieir trutkling attitude t" thu Reform pmty on (lie fees question last woek, ami aaiti tlit- veiy tiling they had decried in ilifi- [.bitl'ii in, |nrly servitude, had l.ei'ii ml. -pled, nnd ihuie never Imd been a mure mi-keninu ol>jet of ftliject aervitudit than the Patron Paity presented to-day. Tlie leitdera and liml.-ii lid been Reformer* from their yuulli up nnd reeent event, had proved that tliry wore working in the inturtmts nf thu Keforni party. The >peecli wan vigorous HII<| aM Mr !;... iliH Painm candidate, h aoni" wink cut out for hiinielf in Kmt Grey if In- :itieiM|>t-, t fact tlii- Dr. in ar.'Unii'iir, anil it in to l.i- Imped time Inn inatilincM will l.-:el him tocouit rnther thitu shirk it. Otlii-i I'fiitlvinoii wli ^:ivfliort,enthu8- iastic itiul |M>inivil s|,,'. i u."< were Mr. An dn-Mf MciJirr, FuvuiHhain ; Dr. llirr, Shi-ihiinie : T. H. Uyre, Thoriioury ; Mij-r It rke, N McColmaii, S. L. Howe aii'l Nich-'lit Rid. Dm- u'""<l. '' filitcil ilelt-catf to the i-onvfiiiion *a Mr. LawiTiuv B>ti, i.f M Vinuuiit, a brother uf the Patron can- diilate. There was a large nuinl>er of new faces at thu o>'iivetitioii who liavu taken U)> lliu i.iii.:i-n win-re a few laid it off. Judging by thu number *ntl enthutiaNiii "f ih"M' |iii-.ii-nt. if that ran lie accented us ,i i-riterioii, ColiHuiVittixin ill Kn-t (iii-v iit an stronjf aa it evur waH ; but thil IK, no doulit, noinvwhat decejitivu, ai.d tin-n> will have t<> In- hard- work done if the party wmhea to win. DOT'S CORNER. Dr. Spruulc Nominated. I n.nimnu- and I .uhu.l..ik wa* tbc The C..imenali\o inei-liiiu luild in Mai kilnlu on Tuemly f.,r the purpxe ,,| i .niiimliii^ a candidate to oiHitvut Kist for th ll..n-e of l,'oniiiiniih was >nu- 1. 1 tlie 1 1, -i en-r held in I!,M liilin^. Tliu h.-uiiiiK -i|,a. ilv i.t MaiHh'H h.iil w,is fully tiii-il. '1'iiii vain UK iowiiohi|iK were will n-|iiHM-i,ioJ, Kiiphiiii hi iiiliii^ iho hat willi '14 and Proton "liuling" it with only i .< . A niniibor of gentlHinen were n.. nil i u-i will. , MI rl.ject of giviiiy ilium HII ...(".ilini'i) of airin/ then i,. H <, ,, lit J! I MfMd 111 fr of Uf. SprouU and bin i .iiiiintioii WBH Hindu inmniiii. urn aiiiul h/arty checra. Tim hieutiii * tin i i uglily nl mt> lind ,ud m, In) liuti i,,,i nation appearud to h the avntiiUKUt pin - \siJiiiK *ery deleuaru. pnwei.l. Tho i .UIK. luti *(tnii(led every convention ,ii ing tin- past Mive.n year*, i- .1 we . all (,tj. with c.ujAwr Ihat M<> nioi iiiiHiiiMoiM i iilemwiit roiivviitiiin, or onit mtli more I eartv nnaiiiiiiiiy dmpUje.l, I,.,M l..- rl , )iM in th .,-idnm dining Jiai I nor Thuie an tnliin.|y no di'uili lu( . iU l,.|iioiit to in ir ,t!m MnetiHy. l)i . Spimilv a<, nt iMuif. the print)!- |1 |>ekrr. ,nui ... fvmi more IIIMII uauxlly liituriH'ing. anil etti-ni'iii in hi.di- iiunciatnm i>f ill.- tUnnplH ilnti are being i.^ide tin. .ii Tho fo| owiiiR article wan prepared for lat week but wat unavoidably crowded < ul: Henry George the sreni apostle of the Sinele 'I'nx, tlie inventor of tlie phrase "un valued lucreiuptit," ami tlie unter of ninny MIII- works, tin- best known of wlueh in p i. "Progreaa and Poverty"- -iaiti Toronii) lalt week, nl leant w- are led to In l.i ve In iliit, at Iw waa ndMTtimd todoiio; I. ut some of the pape ar (.trangvly Mlenl up., i what took place in Manny Hall on Knday M^lit. Ii may be that b. in;; ,_.,! Tomi. uii.l Ke,:rninr In lo< k at anything Lilt the Mail nnd Kinpne w liave thus mi-iied tie ^rat pi , plirt'r ntll-ratiei s. f..r II l.i iv |. infrrp-d that the Mall, having recently innr ned the Kiutnre and adopt eil ilie laitliul l,i ipoUM* Mould ((ire a Hide l.-ill. to a dot ni* un. I In the prop..|('-di-.t of ii .loetrin. ioao 1,' outrun,." i Free I'r i le. l> >n'< |>f, i, or Maik'a luoreciitn Wou.d d mlille-n |U\H nerved nn up UK n.i.l.ilile in Saturdiiy Si^i I I: id not tin- leetur.* eome off too la'.i* in the week for that In hi* po"it)l. So lnv.nx in-" I , I.e illiiunuaiing iai of the two pDpeia \vr 11 i. left t>. i-nr own iin,iKmiiiK of nliat tlie peat man *uid. ]<nt c. rtainly if Iin. Kpokfn nonls w. i.- i.nul.ii (. ... eloiplellt. adroll, rlrtei nil. I III;: !!> I I- wnllrli ..MS In- lii:iiei ini.-t I. ax- li.i.l :i u. ul ii ii, I Li loin.i 4 . oeen ninny. Any ,(.. who luts not lend hia "l'aai*a|j** at tiiina will, ilie Duke ot Ar^vlc, has .. tn-.u in - i. (or linn. For Mil e ill, o'd Ililke IH . \. e,l,i, r I , 1. arne.i, pn.f,.i;i,,| inn I el-Iliel an I i in i vi ry n\ pn-i.iip- llir beat ex- p. 'in III ' f tlie ilivil e |.'l I Ifjlit of lull ill. I, il in lliuviliK tin- IM-H! ieiiK..|. in ll. n mid I IHK "l in tin 1 I nited Kin;:, I.. ill. \el l:i M in >:.IM- 11. -nry Ii.- .1,-, nmlelieii him in . v- i \ I. un and wi'.n a Inii iiiiiet .in I r ,- * i:elin< |.-ife.-|'\ .l.i/ "|M,,-. line li.ii-.h-M .1. | .in; 111' I with tlie I. .Iin* tllt Ilie I'llke li.i- I. .n. Ill M )-,.... I ti^li, lull lie li'i- hail I lie Imnl >i 1>- ..f t In ,|in-stio,i, tli nun k >on, not III l-ei.xli.lly Ilie wn.iii; nle . .unl linn ll'-nn (n-rlj:. 1*1 ilie nio-l f>-< In.-. II un, I ad oil of ti neei K. wl. i..-" uitli linn lliv com i,,-iii/ p ,ner uf p. r fiel belu I 111 In- o\ ii ktalenienU. It li:n> been a re, I |eit>i week for Tornnt.. aoeial r.-t..ini^r- and au'.liilnrt of ilifTeient'i'lis >.f ,.].itii.,ii I, nt I.,. mill be r, .nun. >li beln -/ tl.'ii onr oci,il y I, -in i, i-ei la riuliUi'K In a pMMile lellei from 'I' .i.nii. I n .,1 An Illi)., .llalll at |i -.1-1 tul.i n in tlie bl-t,.|y if 1 ori.nix noeiallaiii li>M Tunmlay. lien the aoc->' linune ,11 || tn loini n c loi'lnliula labor l-ni t . , Kllli 1 1..- view of I ill nyi actively into th. liolltii ril arena. M.--1 ot I!H.. ,,,t. i, -t,-,l are nnaminoni III tliinklnu Ita t :iei ^l^.]| r... \\ ... I Tllvrr inu alii-uilv blnl.i-lo.s in M,.iiti..,.l, I'tUKH ami Kinu-lon. At t>ii<s,-nt ttlOke ate all In with the -. . mli-t lu- tin. I n.te.i si i i-, i.,,t it ia purpoa i, .1111 a ilmtineiivel v I'ana.litn oriianiia- tii.i an nuiiti an the \anoiiH biai-.-lu H air tr,.ni: .n.iiii.h. To nit till* wpnia uiilii<i- art . aa 1 think MM nilikiii kliKiil I . ni|.liM/. 'I oui rine .. I,L . Ir, ).]iitf..l 111, ' I lie \, .11 M i* li|\ . \ ." Mr A. I'r I,, lla U. an.l I went In the working- in. MI > in. -titiiiu lat bun. lav They In. 1.1 r i a. h Sun. la* itt 'I for tli* <li*ruiKio|. n' ucunouilc i|ii.ntl.>HH It ii by niton linf -m-h .1 m. ,.| nu it> that tlml oil.- tuiin -oil.,- inkling of the way tnitollier half livun. \\hat with Hi.- r.cent row In thu university i .11 -. U, In tho refusal ul the an tin. .- itlu. to allow Jury and 'I bonipnni to | icaunt alilo of the cue l.ef,i, thu i> lituui H.-I nhoe claaa. tiocia'Um IIUH ln,!erl IXH-II ntakltiR aatlroflate. T.I inioti ktill fui thr Ironi my corrmi : "1 waa at the famnti* --Jury-Tlioiupaoii le- turn on noeiallKin. at whu Ii Jim In..., i,,,.v,,i the\..te..i thank*. It waa a ireinurablu iniiht. I'lm prealilant ot tliu |>olitical aoieuru iilnli tol.l Jur) that he hail n\ui, ilui Ing hia luur vaari at tlin univeriiUy. b.ard an Itna an a<l,lie< on vcunnmlea aa be (Jury I hatl (tvn that niiibt Itlivei) lio|Kful to uu the III,H.,MI\ invii 10 liit,.ietn,l in auciul problem.." We ihall Inilevil liavx an inter. rentiui; I'urlla- nienl an i inel. tlit- country mil 0. kaf* wli.n a 1 1,, I I,, llrit, To-r, Patron, I'.l' A. ami I'lrlnb- i.n.n Tarty, we iliall * the dlibvv.llect brainy I, ,-.,! nf the Hwalallit'. Labor I'ai ty, the Ml.jln T.x.i. 1'Hity. th. Nation tllnt't Parly au.l the r|iulrM M 1'arty looming 11(1 oinliuuikly ficin their ,h"t n. .-t and wpaitie norm IB In the ha a ..t i. i. lain. a. All hall the .. L. 1*. anil the r,. T P , HIM N. i* and tli. 1* , ,. null. ,. I.. -i win. l.iuali* laat." KreMaeka <-rltl-l~lil ail'-ail-.l Satu ua. . ikUl j> . Mr. TLn 1), .nk in, sr , of relatva a tti>ry which ia ramarknblc. hut for the truth of which he vmiclie*. A nine bulongini/ tu Mr I'\IH D"lplnn, of Derby towrmhip (nenr Tarn), had been left at Mr. 1), i, kin's place, but while t lu- ll rea were in pr-iirri-s-* lant Si-ptrmber. when funcea were bvniL' ( : wtn>yvd, the animal gut out of the field* on tn the road and itrayud sway. A vigoroua and prolonged ararch fur liur was Ht onc in- atittited, the wholu iieighl><>rhi.<>d being acoured without reiult. 1'inally. when several week* had eluded, Mr. I) -nVin wrote to Mr. Dolphin, iiif'irinin^ linn of the loai nf the mare, but in tlie meantime*, before receivin.' the leiU-r.Mr. P., n!i n ataried lor Melancthon to brint; lua mare home. Hu drove tu Chtnwortli and came tn CorUat.'ii l.y the train. Upon arrivni'.' at Mr. l)-.|ikm K h heaid of ill.- l.i-i of the in in-, and thu coliclutioii WH le.-i.-I.e I Ihat -Ii.- would i.ever molu In) ieen. In a few ii iy-i Mr. I>id|diin w.ti back at bin home n. 1>. rl.y township, and not loiiu after tin; maru c.ime walkinu up t.. t'.i! xHte teekinu itdiniiuinii. Mr Don kin xtyit thiii fully ,.i e inonib vlapsrd from tli- time of lot iliiap;.. armn-o fivini hid place until ahe rcvln-d her owner. \\herj b.i ! tlie in.-tri- U-en all tho tune, and how did he find the way a didlaiice nf tixty imlea ' Kcotiomwl. Bankrupt Stock. From the T. Cliielett bankrupt stock we this week quote the follow- ing : GROCERIES. BLACK TEA Original piico 85c., out pi ice 18<-. 50c , " 'Joe. JAPAN TEA Original price 40c., onr price lil'c. Me.. " 15c. !4Uc., ' 1 Original price our puce Golden Syiup. 4c. per Ib. -ic per ll>. No.l Granulated bngnr. 'il lug. fortl Jin rant i, 25 Iba. for $1 ROLLER MILLS Are now coinpld and are miming regular. CHOPHUG -T as usual. P. LOUCKS. BUY YOUR HARNESS X STfMli GOOD HOKKMOSIIir LOH IMJHi:> Curry Cmiih*, Ilin-!n , HarneM l)u-in>;. Hi- 1 !*, ( and Citwhidii ilu-, Axl>- (jreaM, Blankcli, and everything in my him consinntly on hand. L?ve nnl ( .r irly s we are always uxhi'it in tin- W. Moore - Harnessmaker FLESH ERTON. To the Public. II u ina i-enled \\ hitten'a bl.w-katnilh li. p fir a term of yean, I HIII innv in u |Mituiii to catiMtoall wanta in uiy line. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed Kir a ivlliin,' in the hlai-ktinitliin^ line Call (in I A. orrosiTK il.xlil H \KI>\VAKK STl'KK The Markets. t'urrfully Currevlrd Knt-li Wrrk I l,,ui $ 3 1A to f 35 K*ll \VI,ent . . . iV) to 5ft Spring Wheat M to 55 I'.aH.-y ;:i to 31 ()al> .... .. .",: to 34 IVan ."."> to 67 1'nnliT 1 1.' to 1 Iv^'. freah 15 to 19 l'..':i:i>u* ha< 50 to 5O P,.rk ^ 00 tn 5 Ift l!..\|.erton 00 to 10 00 llnl.M 300 tu 300 Sheeii.sknu 25 tn 26 i ;,-,-,. 6 to f Turkey.. H K per pair 26 to 4C Dnokn Iwrjwir 40 to WM.| 15 to 16 Cash For Hides! Sheepikini ami all km, Is of furm pur- chaavd, fnr which htghuht market pnc. will l*i paid. Homemade >au*dgea on band, alao a) kinda of in, n M. W ILSON, BOOTS, SHOES AND KUbBEKS. Mi-ns and boya heavy rubbers, original >iice, 81. i5 to $1 &O. oui- pnct', 7->c. ; urn's German sucks, U5v.. now 4Du. ; (it Lilian hoi.-l.j-. LOc., now ^Dc. ; boys oil tan moccasins, |1 25, nuw 575c. ; men's loug felt boots, $2 .50, tow 81 ; men's long felt boom, 81.75, invv T.'ic. ; Hanover buckle Kit boot*, 12.75, now $1 90 : men's lon^ boots, U.75 to 83.50, now 81 u> ^'.'.i; m n '.- tan Oxfoids, 8- '25, now 7!)c. ; \vo- s Oxfirda. $i '25, now 7.">o. ; wo- s ilun^ira button Ixiolti, 81 tow 75c.;wonien'n dnngola laced boois, 51.75, now liOc ; women's overshoes, 81 85 to 81. 50, uow 75c. to b5c ; olnldrtii's boots, No. from 1 to 5, dOc. to OJc , now 2.")L'. TOP MK.NS HEAVY WOOL brJIKTS. Uri^'iiuil price $1, our ptice 50c. - I1.-J5. fl.60. 75c. MK.NS lit AVI' \VOJL (il KUN- SEV ft. Uiigiiii.1 p'ice, 5()c.. our priijc. _'.". (i(k-.. 7">c . " Wlc , 40c. 45c. M1..N S MKl.roN AM' TWIIKP price $6, our price $ - J.'.iO *J.15 S7.-20. 8t.!5 84 ;:. ItlJi, MK.NS I'.LACK \VO:.STK1> AND TWEED b Original price $l>, utirpiict'i " $r> 50. " $750, " $7.75. " 8, $! f,l>', $:)7J. 110. $10 S5. " $11. 8M 80. $l'J.-r>. $r-'.on. - t:t, $10. $. !H) ?4 :;.) $1.35 $480 $4.1)0 -> M5 $.>'.)() $3 y.i $j.ltj Ji, .Ml $ti '.Hi $7155 $700 $7!5 $8 15 MEN S \V()i;.sTKl> AND TWEED TANTS. prico.81 ait. onr pi-ice. 7"ic. 2.50, - >1. JO $3. " $1.75 Men 8J.15. 8i60, D, $1. *2!)5 COllbETS. Original price, 60c., oui pticc, 20c. 76c . " 35c. roo . 4(Jc. 81.50. 7iio. DRESS GOODS. Original price 12^c., our priuc Ac. " 6c. 80. lOc. 20o, 25c., 30c.. Woraen'B waterproof cironlai-8, origiu al price. 81.75, our price, 65c.; miiifies watei proof circulars, 81 40, now 50c Scalttlt!, now SOo. ; itni'a tinii and iwi-i a caps, 50c. to 75c.. now 25c.; boys caps, '20c . now &c. ; seal- ettp, oriuinal price, 94 per yd., our price, #2.00 , tu>alctte, S3. now 83.50. WeBell forCashi or Produce Only. J. D. Brown PRICEVILLE. n RICHARDSON & COMPANY We are opening up cases of new SPRING GOODS every day. NEW 1'imts at 5, 6, 7 and 8 cents. NEW Challies at 5',, and Oc r NEW Seersuckers at 5 to 10 cents. NEW Crepons at 15 to 22c. NEW DeLaines at 20 to 250 NEW Tweeds at 28, 30, 35 and 40 cents. NEW Serge suitings, cannot be torn, best wearing goods ever made. NEW Hats including all new stvles. NEW Boots for men, 751., $f, 151.25, $1.50 up. NEW Boots for women. 750, i, $1.25. $i 50. NEW Boots for boy-, cheap- er than ever. NEW Boots tor girls, better than ever. NEW Dress goods in endless variety. NEW Mantles, not all in yet. NEW Millinery. Piles of it jubt opening. A bright, new, fresh stock :it pricrs that surprise and delight customers. M.R&CO. J I k-p't. EI1111E THE FOLLOWING PHK'LS . KM) Sap I'.iifki'ts. witb spouu $S. 1 good OipjH?r 1 - Mills I'ail, 10 qt. 1 " Straint'i Tail. 11 ijt. 1 L>t>t Crfntuiti y (.'.tn S good Mi k 1'iiiis. G .jt. KM) Ibs. Raib \\ n. 130 11>8. Itlack riuiii \Viu a 1 I'.t'st Hairy Churn. No. 8 ;; 1 Best Pruning Saw 1 good pr. Horse Clippers 1 1 good Clothes Wringer '2 1 Best Maitiiu- Fork. 4 pronij-. 1 Best \liii., Fork. 50 I 1.1 40 .I'll GO to We have a Snap in Binder Twine and are booking orden foi it. Call aud (! it M, RIlHABDjOM f