TH1 FL18HIITOH ADT1HC1 GEO. MITCHELL A a>tirl l>nMe t>u4niM> trnctr.l Drift tabued and o':,(iq.H3 raabtd at iimie.1 rale*. Money alwtyi avail <l>l (or Irpniat-) biminuie BMrprtM. OOVo. two doura wxth o( Mohar.l- <tou * to i. Vicinity Chips. f>iriiieri are mid tn lmv a v-ry large <|ininiity cut nil ready tu draw out u mil sa the roadt improve. The com puny do n "t requira any more maplr, but they ar prepared to uke lu lnre i|uanli'y >f -lui, bawwood, whitewood and birch. Tho ready cath now being dmtnlniiod in ilna section of ilie country ii being ap- preciated, and as soon aa the went bur permit* WH !iu|w ta Me the mill running III fu I 4WIO'/. of ihr frnmt, Wrrk fulletf for the ft ifinett nKa>j nnnrny local* <rdl bt fJutryr.ii at CtW rntr f l<tr prr line for ettfk uuwrtum. A rrrfwrfum wi!! I, wvtde an contract* for /*W Uc* or over. St. Valentine's day to-dny (Thursday) Maxwell Oraosre Lodge hM their cou- .-it this (lliiiraday) evenini;. Thia it an olf weak { >r mote, of our cur- rusuondents. Their idea* have beeu unwed under. The night school. under ilia auspices of (hv Mechviica' liiHlitulr, cou>pltt*l (lu- ll r* ) Tho Msrkdsle Standaid calls School Inspector CampboU a "ixioiutg Minuter I Education." The past couple of weeks hae been < he tinot kind uf weather for atock tak- ing. MerchautH hare nut been overly burdened with cmtiHiien. Don't fail to call and get a bargain in the following line* : Overcoat*, in men'*, )>oy' and youths Fur Coats, Fur Seta, Mtalltn, etc. T. Hill Owinu to the aevere atonu the aocial advertised to take place ivt Mr. J Lever's on Friday night laat did Dot materialize. It waa postponed until a later date. Member* of the Mechsaics' Inetitute and others desiring catalogue* can se- cure HIM on the payment of live cents to the librarian, Mr W. Armstrong. The lloyal Titmplars of Fleeherton station will give a concert in the achool douse an Friday uveninif, Feb. '2'2. Ad- imsxioii 15 and 10 centa. See bill*. The Eugcniit correspondent of the ('larkaburit Reflector aayii thut Mr M. Itichardtun, of Klehcrlou. will onvii a atore there. We have Mr. Ricliardsou's denial of the truth of thm statement. Legate's steam saw and planing millii u the place to buy your doors ah, liamva, floorings, slieetinut, ORB*;, mould ins*, casing*, and stair material, at prieet tliat caunot be beaten. 0<<>d workman- ship guaranteed. Kxtinritei given free. I'lana furnished when required. All k.nds of log* wantud. Mr. John Brown, merchant of Price- 'ille, waa a welcome caller on Monday. llr. Brown bat purchased the bankrupt stock of T. Cbitlett, at the station, at an exceedingly low rate on the dollar, and will announce in next week't Advance tiie bargnin* which may be expected, lie is this week gettiiiK the stock in aliape. Look out for hit advertisement. One day last week Mr. Angus Run. uedy't team which waa atandiitg in Mun- p>liw'i ahad took a n ition into their lieatls that their own stable wan more coiufortaUe and started at a good <|iuck jog to find it. After riming n mile Uivy struck a tnag in the shape of a man, who drought them back to town. The only Umage done waa to th homt-t' feelinus. Mr. W. B. Campbell, of California, an M Fleeherton boy, and at prevent en- yogrd in Salvation Army work in the Smiact state, called <m The Advance * 'ihunday last. Ho wan accompanied by Miaa Campbell, of Thorn bury. It it .ght years since Mr. Campbell left r U-Nherton. H* liken Calif* ntia nnd the ivork in which he ia engaged. He says Hie Army bat taken a atroiiK hold mi the I'ncihc coast Ho returut to hit work thU we^k after a few weeks' viait to 1 1 i-nda and relative here. Mr. J. Runttadler returned from New York on Monday, after landing a car load t vgtf* there. He arrived at Nuw York . i correct time to ~tch the mnrket, one y before the blockade He sayn the :<-inperture in New York n-ached 6 be- low ro, which was lower' than the New Yorkers have experienced foe fifteen >tmrs. Traina in northern New York ratv were blocked UK in Ontario, and Mr IV was unsvoidably detained in K fluwt.-r for a day from that causa. Log* are arriving at the Kugeuia Hoop and X'euecr nil) in grand shape and the The Spriiighill Association, Patrons of Industry, will hold atl open meeting in the Ite.l Mchoulhoune on Friday, 22ml lost. Mr. Win. Allan, Patron candidate to the Douce of Cmnio: a for South Grey, and Mr. Rolit. J<uniei>ti. county ort'Hni- zer, will deliver addresnes. The public are cordially invited. Mr. John Chard, of this township, ha a vnluablu sow which, in four litters, uave birth ta forth eixbt little pork.-ra, the last litteir arrivim; when the mother was only two and a half years old. Out of t Ins number ihirty-ame reaohtd maturity. The Uliatsworth Newt told of a prolific pii! up there Mime week* .>o and asked it any ne oould Seat it. Since then Mr. Chard's animal has been doin her beat with the above aurpriNini! renalt. Chats- worth can come olf the pencil. We understand that Bro. WilgTe**, of Clarksburg, i* an admirer of hort- llesli. In last wevk'a iusiue of lu paper he Kive an e.-el!oui i-icturi! of hi* latest acquiai- tiou iu that liue. He bought it by the square inch at the rate of about one mill PIT inch, including a small quantity of fit-all and akin which accidenully adhered to the bones. Take a trot up thie way some day, dear hhoy ; we are a lover of antiquiti<M ounelf, and might make) a deal for some old scraps of Indian verta- brae which we have stored away in a paper bag along with other relies. Let us nei(otiate. Februnry 14tli it St. Valentine's day. Consulting Webster for infoiniatinii on the subject, we find he says -."St. Val- entine's day, a day sacred to St. Valen- tine; the 14rh of February. It w-i< very old notion, alluded to by Shake- speare, that on this day birds box 1 " '" couple. Hence, perhaps, aroute tiio custom of sending on this diy letter* ooutiiiniiig prol'i-SMoin of lve and atfeo- tioii " A valentine is duliued as : "A letter containing professions of love or affection, sent by on youii'4 pursoii to another on St. Valentine's day. That bein^ the ca>, if you happen to teat a valentine lilielling your uooil look* just remoinber that it m moroly "a profesiiion of lave and .ttfeolion" from tome warm hearted admirer. During the early pnrt of the spring many peo|,le are inducml to pnrchiu>e Mieds, and which, on ucuount of p<jor quality, always bring ureat u'Uap|>iiit- meiit and lues. ProU.hly it few worda to our readers at this HI.XVUI of thj yeni might not be amira. The ifuevlion is : "How cfin a plm.ter guard Hgitinst n-eeiv. inn bad or inferior iweds, us often in np- puaiMRV. tizu, etc., t.l.e jjoml and l'H(l seed* are alike ?" The on'y snswi-r to our question, that we know of. is : liny from a Kod reliable r<<\ meichntit, who looks to the p'anter's interest as well as his own. One seed linn in Toromo makes a point of testing all varieties of seeds at their trial grounds before beintc sent out to their customers ; thin is the place we would recommend (Win. Ron- nie, of Toronto, Can ) Them may to- others jiint at K<MK], hut we know all about thin fi in. You will get just whai you want every time. A Biz Bargain. Here la a hard-tiies offer for sure : Thirty |>"iiinU of grannlatitd siiKtr ami five pnainls of tea for two dollais. M. Richardson & Co. PER30NAL5. Tno Misnea H"oy. of Csrtwright, Out., are the nuestt of Mr. and Mrt \V. Neil, this week. Mist Neil ret r ned home this week after few days' visit with Mitt Buskin, Markdaie. Mrs. Kutl.-d/* and daughter, Mim Hagtfie, retU'tied home some day* ago from an extended visit with her t>rothr. Mr. O. Chrintmaa and family, Walthing- lisu Centre. Mr. Vandusen. or, who has been mak- ing bis home with his son, Mr Henry Valid iMen, iiear Owen S.-und, for the past few years, is at present eiijoying a v tit with his son. Mr A. S Vanduaen, o' t,bm p!ai-- Although 86 yean of age thr old gentleman is quite smart on foot and iu tin.- rnj yiiicu' uf excellent health. The Great Storm. i The weather of the past week hat bee.ii nothing to jok about. The por long suffering people of this town were with- out any mail from Toronto or Owen Sound from Friday until Monday noon. The trams could no', get through. Ad- ded to this the said eitixeiM have been almost frotutn up with a regular Manitoba freeier, the thermometer rang- ing for two days from 18' to 32* below zero, and durint; the two nightii it in sup- posed to have been where the turtle puts iu head. The Keverahaiu mail did not make its usual twelve-mile trip on Friday and Saturday, but turned up on Monday. Frank White, the Epping mail man, will get through no matter what breaks. He only miased one day. The Durham ttage was completely knocked out, and it was even impossible to drive from Priceville to the station, a distance of 24 miles, on Friday and Saturday. Tlirn storm lias even silenced the ''oldest inhabitant." It appears, howvver, that IB 1866 the people of New England had something tins ilar in the way of a Sturm, which we find described as follows in that beautiful poem ot Whittier's, Snow Bound : 8* all nltlbt lon the storm roarsd on .- Tho tuoroiof tiroa* without a lun . la tu.y aphsral* tr*M*d with Unas Of Nature's ftoiMtrie algni. Ik Usury flaka. and polliel*. All day the boary invteor fell : And. wheu the steoud n:> mine bone. We Iu4kt>d upon a world unkoown, Oo nothlof w ootild call our uwn. Around the gllstsalni wonder beat Tu blue walls of the Brmnuient.. Mo cloud aboT. no Mirth below, A mil vena of iky and snow I The old familiar elht of oars Took marvellous sh*ps; scrtnf* does** an4 tower* Roue up where sty or corn crib itood. Or car inn wall, or belt of wood ; A smooth white mound the brush-pile showed, A fiiuceloM drift what once was road ; The bridle-poet aa old man sat With loose flung ooat and blgh cookex* hat . The well-curb bad a Chinee* tool . And even tbe long *we*p, tuh aloof. In its elant splendour, *uit>d %o Wll Of Pisa's leaning miracle The tumpreture taken at the Toronto Hoop and Vjnoer Go's mill At Eunenia on Wednesday morning between 2 and 3 o'clock was M below zero. For over 24 hours it never went higher than 23 beluw zero. The 'Bus BuAtod. Tuesday morninu Crotaley't 'bus made the .jdH'kiNt nip on record from the sta- tion to this \i!l.tuu since ti e palmy days of Campaign's Hyer. Will Thompson drove the \ehicle OH usual, and left 'he hoi-sos Mtaiiding liy the platform as usual, slid also, a usual, went in to warm him- self by the C. P. K. coal stove. But sonio'lnng utiuKUnl happuned about that tune. Mr. John Warling loomed upon the acenu, and he brought hit botaalng with him. TlntM- IX...I.M weie thv i-nue of all lh troiiblu. They are Inri:* <ery liilgu- and wlieu John stani|>ed hit foot on the plHtforni there a-> a terrific report. The horses evidently thought that Jove ns Miinenliere near busily unus({d liuil- iii thunder bolts at them, nnd tlieironly snfi-ty was to hunt for shelter. Ai sll uients when thu driver hesnl the racket ho r-jKhed out juxt in time to nue the hind 'i"li ditapprnr around thu coiner. Billy pumurd them. He found tliti box and i, ind bob nt Adams' gat^ and the teaui tandnik( cnlmly, attached to the front tx-h in Munshaw's ahed Th pii-oi-s uvro (.'HlhtTud up and taken to WluM. n - general hoapital for repairs. Mr. l i>iKilcy in now seriously debatmt[ within hinitelf as to whether Mr. Warl- ing would consider it a fxhting matter if he, Mr. C'roanley, were to preei nt, Mr. Warlin^ with pair uf moccasins tu pro vent mi'- fuHlier uiiahaps when John "put* hit foot 'lown." A Railway Collision. Among the many railway accidrnta tc> casionoil by the late storm tbe IIKI-.I serious was that on the Grainl Trunk ne%r Wmton on Ki itlay last, by which me man was killed and tvversl others pr- hapt fntnlly injured. The Chicng . flyr Kot ttuck in a snow drift about two miles west of Weston and in thu blindmK storm alocil tr.un from CSudpli rrashed into the rear end of the turiner. I'.niM'li-riii,' the circiiinstancDs the loss of life HIM! per- sonal injury was small. Frank J. Joseph, assistant law clerk. Legislative AssBinbly. was killod, and John A Mona- han, c.>urt ttenourapher, it ia thought will die. Others who were wounded more or Ics-i ware : Charles MnnniTuiit, Stratford, onKinevr on local train ; Mr. H-.SX..II. Sl i-Ht fonl. fin.'inan oil local ; Jos. E. Atkinson, Globe reporter ; Judite Burton. T, -i on to ; KxprcK-nmn Turner, uf tin; I'lin'iin'i train, and a porter, iiame unknowu. W Keep Your Feet DRY AND WARM BY BUYING YOUR KOOTWBAR AT A LOT OP , WINTER GOODS SELLING OFF- CHEAP. Costal lark ID. Impairing Promptly Don, I I * * I ,! I In Style. Quality and Prices.; Now that the cutter and sleigh teuton has arrived, we with to draw the at- i tention of the public to the fact that we have on hand a lante aiock which wet are offering very cheap. We do nut believe in boasting but we believe that we can give you a better article at less money than you oan get anywhere else, i We ha* no drones in our hive, we are all workers. Then again our large ,-n j perienoe and thorough knowledge of the busuuns enables as u> |(ive you a brt ter article at lees money than those of leas eippnenoe can do. A hint to ihe wise) is sufficient. Remember we tuok first price for the bett exhibit of car natfet at the Kast Gray Bxhibittun. Shop opposite J. Smith's ahoe shop. J >. The Leading Carriage Builder. A New Year A New Stock New Prices. Prioni such an have uever been heard of ia thin section of country before. Jmt Uiibk of it. As low in price aa A new lot of fine gooda which we alone can Landle in this district. Beat this if you oan. Also bear iu mind that we make no pretensions of selling at cost, bat intend to n;i y here and do business in the faraway future. All other lines of Furni ture and undertaking goods at equally low prices remembering our molt) " Small Profits Quick Returns. " Come and examine our stock, your looks won't hart tbe goods and wo may do you or your pocket some good. UNDERTAKING, In the undertaking line we stand ahead and guarantee first class work in all its branches. The laaxiiug furniture aud undertaking warerooms. Flush - ertou. 'J. E. BaskervillecSc Co. New Year's Greetings FROM THE Flesherton Furniture Warerooms. We wish to tender thanks for the very liberal share of patronage given us during 1894. We .-.lull sti i vo to inerit a continuance of the same by strictly adhering to our old policy of ii Small Profits and Low Prices" in every uVpartirMit. We shall from time to time through the col- umns of this paper keep you posted on our ability to supply your needs in our line. Remember we are always plessed to show goods aiH quo'e prices, which, we believe, will commend themselves to your consideration. J. E. HOORE PROP. Our Undertaking, as usual, good hearso, good attention, low charges. CLEARING SALE OF WINTER Alllioagli ha ring two large stores but uot having room for our large sptiug consigmnwuLs we now offer neasouable goods at prices that must clear them out. C'ome while the assortment is oonipletu. I ..-V III Kfi* M.V>"I'1^I: worth $15.00, now for |s.<*0. $12.(K). $7.00- t 9.00. " $6 5(1. t 7.60. 15.00. t 7.00. $4.50. $ 6.00, $0.00*^ 1 loth Worth |9 50 p*r yrd, DOW $2.00. " " $260 $1.M). " $1.74 91.16. .. || 26 7. Beautiful silk sealette, old price $7 00, now for $3.50 per yard M K > ! <>\ KI*1X>^V 1'tS worth 11400. DOW for $8.00 " $11.00. " $7.00' $ 9.00. " $0.00 " " $ 7.60, " $4.0 $ J.60, " $8.5 A full stock of boys overcoats on band. Remember tbe above goods r sold at cost. Many other lines ha/e we that yon are wanting. Calhoun's Patron Store. Dundalk.