THI FLISHIRTON AOV1NCI ESTABLISHED 1881 Advance rriLISIIBD WIIKLT At THI nmcK. SY1>- s<a*M mirr, rLSMBsarroM. oirr., BV w. a. THuajrroH. $1 |>er r Irtly IB ad anrr build mch m line of railway from Stratford to Shakespeare, Ammeree, Wellealey. Kostock, Sebriogville, AT outon, Crooktdale, Harriugton, Youngsville aod Tavistock Tins would certainly be as brig and diffi- cult a line to maintain aa a line from I'll 01 n bury to Durham, and two capitalist! gnarautee 80 per cent, of the entire coat if tbe towns interested will pay tlit rest. Which offeishowse solid faith in electricity aa a money- maker Th Graham Case. That Charity Case. Adreitiamg Katu Oa* (Mama. 1 year. SM ; half col.. 1 year. quarter ool . one year, Sli MI Traonent adTerttaeioenl charged at the rat* f eeota p#i line for flrat loMrtlon and a cent* eaca lubeequent Innertloo. Tlie Ontario Legislature will cou- vene ou Thursday of uext week. Hit i rul. Tbe Toronto Ntwi believe* in the electric railway as an investment. It ways : "Tbe net earnings of the Gall- Pnstsja electric railway for tbe first IL* imMths of its existence amounted to over $1 ,800. or at the rate of seven per cent, per annum on the capital employed in construction. There is money in rural electric roads for the owners." Tbe Toronto World was mulcted on Saturday last in the sum of one dol- lar, tor libelling E. A. Maodonald of annexation fame. We are surprised that any intelligent juiy sbonld raluo Mr. Maedonald'8 honor at so ridicu- lonely high a figure ! As valuators tbe jury in question are at least wise enough to place the price at the high- est possible figure. To i Editor of Tke Adtance. DKAB SIB, Would yon kindly al- low me to rorrect a would-be mislead- ing Btatmeiu which appeared in the columns of your paper of Jauuary 31, headed "A Case fur Charity." Your correspondent appears ID be laboring under the impression that the friends of the widow are not aware of the fact that Mrs Bpence ha* become a widow. Now, Mr. Editor, I think that it i my duty in doing justice to the friends of the widow to correct the might be wrong idea, an the parents and friends were here at the lime of the funeral and Mrs. Bprnee'e father remaitied a EBW days after tbe fuueral, and they mve helped the widow iu any and every wty that they knew *ne required t. In regard to the boys picking up coal, they got permission to pick up coal on the railway track, and by so doing they got all the fuel they re- quired for a time, and then the Lord raised up some friends in the person of Mrs. E. Cann and others, who are called by God to look after the widow and orphan and who have never grown tired of their labors. I remain yours, etc , Ww. H. BAKU, 190 Lippincott st. Toronto, Feb. 11. '95. Anonymous Correspondence. Tbe amalgamation of the Empire aud Mail, ol Toronto, which took place on Wednesday of last week, ought to place the newspaper business in that city ou a pretty aaftj fonnda- tion for the time being. The Kmpii had nevur paid, and tlieie was no immediate likelihood of its ever do- ing ao. The readers will not lose , anything by the change, neither will the party. Therefore the coiiMimmi- i u.i lii ni of the deul is hailed with pleasure by all. May the Mail-Em- pire prosper. The storm of the past week has been I lie most severe and extensive known for many yuan*. Great Ikilau ant Ireland buve suffered largely by it Our own country lisa felt it from tin Northwest to the Maritime provinces My the way, this storm presented a magnificent opportunity for some of i.'ir rather discredited weather pro- p'lets to recover their waning prtitigt', hut none of them appear to have taken advantage of the occasion. I ' ,,-iMiil T they knew all about it before- hand, but because of our unbelief lett us unwarned and at the mercy of the disturbing elements. Almost rvrry newspaper in the l>.)uiiniiin hai had its guets as to when the federal elections will como <>.T. and several of them have an- nounced the date for certain, but no 1 wo appear to agree. We may there- fore be sure that the dale has not heen decided upon. The election will no doubt be brought OD just as soon a* the government decides to bring it oa, and not a moment before. At least that ii our firm conviction. This way be before another session, it m*y lie after a short session beginning in March, or not until next fall. We think probably the World was nearest I lie truth when it said to look out for ii in June. Apropos, of the article in last week's Advance ou electric railways, we quote tins week an article from the Canadian Engineer wbieh certainly corroborates the opinion* advanced by us. We are also informed of a proposition to Mack, in Toronto Saturday Ni^ht, take* tin* cin]ilitic new of tin- cmae : Th queotioo of Mionynviua correspond- nee came up fur uiacuwuni at the Free* convention lut week. Mr. John Came of the London brought it up and eXpre**ed treat anxiety to linte *on:e rule paaerd, aod a* he dwelt utxm the naim-lraa scribbler wliu aataila jjood citi- xena hia indignation wa* tinu to *ee. Mr. J. 8. Willi-oii and Mr. Patlullo dissented from thin view and took tliecnrioct (land, an any editor who thinkx the whole mat trr out niuit admit In coinuiunitie* when* people r known tu each otliir it oftou happuni tliat a man iiuty write a capital I'oiiiinui.ieati'in upon a aut>j*ct of local im|H>rtiice, yet if h i^na liis own name t il hii argument! are it(i'orod an<! hit I'd'V'ii .ittui-knl Hi* motives are called in <|uettii>i), hia ]iaat ia rik*d up, hit red Ii or in maje a taunt ; whrMi, had lie imt ruvealod hi identity, lh good an, ic of his article would hare appeal*! in every reader. Ti..>re arc men- -a ving few who do not puiili thrnia!i i a furward, and thea mild uot igii ilit-ir namea cuiiaUntly to letter* in tlie |. .(> it They would ihrink from it, n' I the community would !>. a lir. hat the n^lit to write aiionyimmaly ia huaoU and that reputable |>r|>le are wing coimtantly I arked at, ia a Uingrace <> the editor* of the Country. The editor ahould nut allow nmhciuui correspond- BIICO a place iu hia paper. If he ha* not ckhone enough to refime luch matter naertion, the aooner h U overwhelmed with lil>fl unit* and drivtn out of Inim the hetrer for the prufeaaioii. An *dib>r iliould regard niionymnua con*- i|Hindeii<-e aa semi-editorial in nature -in thia city atmie of it, by (he way, IK purely editorial. For aligned article* he ia only n a general Nine rrHponiible, but for thnae written over Bctitiou* name* he ill ,iil<l hold liimv-lf to taik aa clo*ely n for bin own editoriftla. It ia not iiecen- ary that they ahould reprexiit IIM view*, not thuy rhould be mad* tncuiifurm more strictly than *ined artid** to what he oonaider* juU and fair in n.eih ><l and une- ful in purpote. A competent editor lind* hia corre*pnndentn who une flctitiou* lignacurea a tower of atrength t" him, but a weakling ia worried to hii own ileiiru,- tion. In every town and villt{e there are two or three uien whoae objct in life M to keep the editor in hot wator. They are nlway* trying U> yet a dig at aone- hdy at the achooliuaater over th tignv lure uf Pupil, at the preacher over the name of Uaurch Member, at livaiin tucinee* iwer the name ol Cuitoroer, r evn ki the Aliui.'lity over tlie aifnatgro nl One of Hi* Work*. Tlie udilor.whn becomr* a tool of a man nf thia atauip honlil echanne into the barber huaiiiraa and agree in tbe spite* of evrry man he hare* It i* quite poatible that the Graham daniaguH caae will yet go to the court* for trial. The mtereata involved areno rom- I plicated that they oai.not lie Mtiafactrily arranged by private KflV>rt. The plaintifb will iue the railway company, the two townabipa and the Mw*>n. Neilaon Br< i* ., inakinx four clefvnd*n' to tlieuit. The court* will have to d^ide aa to what ex- tent, if any, the teparate dcfeudant* will have to "ant* up." Thia i* the mode of procedure at prevent cut out by rhe law- yer* for the plaint iff. In connection, and to encourage the defendants, we will cite the following cae, which, if accepted aa a precedent, will act upon the plain- tiff 1 * claiioa like th* CAD of dynamite operated on the goat. It gave In in con- cuanioii of the brain when hi) tried to bunt it opeu. On Jan. 24, laxt, at Onllia, T. M. Etlii.i,ilnou u.-d the towu*hi|i of Orillia fur 900 dainaue* for a hone killed on the concuasion line at UhthotTby luiminit into a iiuinp. Tlie pUintifT* hird man had been loading hark at the llithoff vising, when a train coming aloni; *oard th* horoe* and they runaway from the driver, one of them finally striking a pine (tump which had been pulled and left un the highway > y the pathmaater when dom matnte labor. Cpoii brariiiR tae plam- rffT* evidence the Judffn ratal that t'.io road waa such that a man exereiatng reasonable care could drive n it with perfect aafely, and non auited the plain tiff. In the coune uf hia remark* the Jud^e aaid it wa* unrraaoruble tu expect that a thinly tettled and partially on- cleaned townahip should keep the road* in aa good repair aa a more thickly popu- lated and hiuier 'action, and that where reasonable car* had been taken to re- move obnroction* and provide a auffic - enl width for a team to paa* safely, no damaite* coulil be collected in the event of an accident happening. Th* above appear* to b* a very *imilar caae to th* one we have t<> deal with here, at k-aal we think it ahould be placed on the aame level. W* believe tho town- hip* will act wiaely in lettiiu; the pUin- tin* collect if he can, and fr mi whom he can. In tti mttr <! Triilram rlit.lett, of thevtl- Um of r.aatMrfcin maikm. u. tlie i'uuyx> of Ur.y,(rral merchant. tnolrnt Tlie inol*ut !> mrt an a>li(ttrout to in. lor ll bDti(M ufcrwtlton nu<tw R. 8. U. law. .'haplw 1*4 A nii-*tirii;of creditor* will h held at the nHtc* of Henry Hartwr * Co.. No If WelHiiKlon Strart I'.int Toronto, ou I'hur day th SU day of January 1"U.'> at tlio hour of B o'clock >u tba'aftornovn. fur HM> appointment of iiupwtorn and tiie iiiriogcX ittr*ct'ou< with rcfannce to the diepoval of tha rstftW. All peraon* claiming fo r k npo* the Mtatr '>f lite niKiltvut iiiiit flic their olalaii >th the u mioivlUDxl on or b*fur the 9Kb day of >'!>- rnary. i*Bn, after wblrli ilata I will pinned to distribute tbe . tl. lmi refaro to ttioae elaitm only of ubicU I >iall then li. bad u enter. Hrsay BAJE. TruMn. Torcmle. Jan. Sfth. 1MB. (!r>y eld in L, ISP* II ROLLER HILLS Are now com plot and are running regular. HOPPING P. LOUCKS done every afternoon aa usual. BUY YOUR HARNESS CD STOCK WOKk V 4NSHIP LOW PUI! ES Curry Comhav, Bru*h** t Harnea* Dreainc, viuli Bella, Goat and Cowhid* Rube*, Axle Ureaae, Blanketa, aud everything in my hue constantly on hand. Leav* order* early * we are always runheil In the fall ea>n. W. Moore - Hsmessiaker FLESMERTON. South Grey L. O. L. Tlie meeting of South County 1^ < >raii|{o Ix>dge waa h the Orinpe Hall here Tuemlay The County is composed of Artemeaia, Durham and Mount Foreat dutricta, and there wa* a full attendance of dulft-wi from all the iliatrict*. The report* from the variou* Imlge* in the county (bowed an incrc&Me of membership and the onlt-r to lx> in a pniprMim condition. Tl buaineu waa coticliidcii about 8 o'clock, wheo lunch wan tervcd the delfjuh c ii the hall. The Uelt annintl nuwMng ill b held in Durlmm on the first Tucxdny in Ki'l'iiiiiry, 18VC. Following are lh< ofticers vl-cted for the current year . (' L. Allen, Mt. Fureat, C'oun'y Maxtt-r . la*. Elliotr, Arti-mnia, Paat C. M. , Thoa. McFMdden.Durhnm.Dvputy M : )*. Wilaon, l>romi.rc, Rec. Src : Win. Andernoii, Durham, Trean. ; W. C. Allen. Arthur, Fin. 8vc. ; J. Ritchie, lilei.cli(, Chaplain ; Wm. 8tevrnoii, Normanby, Dir. Cer. ; John M. Younu, Harruon, I i" 'MI. i ; Jo*. (). WillianiRon, Norman- by, Dep. L^c. ; Win. Eden, Varney, Dep. Lc Mt. Foreat Rep. --- 1* i Marrir.l Horxixi- PORTTR At tbe r**Mriic* of the brlda'i Uthr, l*roon bv Die Rev. Ueo. Hail- Uv.. MT K.lin tt,'|'k;iip. <,| Carman. Man., tu Jauui, dauKhter of Johu Porter, uf Protou. MBKIIK I ftmra At tbe realrienee of tno l.ii I.- ilti,ri by HUT K. a. nupwrl, M. A., on tntiOtU Intl., Theinan Unrrick, at Nebruka, to Itith.r Ann L*Ulnr. of Cugeala, ShfepaUina ft IK) all kind* of (an >-lwvil. for wliu-li highest market will be pur- BARNHOUSE'S -- FOB - M.OI i: A. ILI l>, OVsl I Us MEI I I'v The Markets. Klour Fall Wheat Hprintt Wheat lUrley Corrected KurU Wrk f 3 16 t<> 9 3 06 Aft tu 5& t" 31 to 66 66 31 iV* Butter . . BKH*. f reh Putatoea ba Pork 27* *> SHI 6i to 61 U to 14 to 60 to 47" to Hny per t-i 7 00 to Hide* 300 U> Shoepakin* 25 to (lMe A to Turkey* MM, Chickei<a per pair .'6 to Duck* ber pair 40 to Wool 16 to 14 14 60 500 800 300 26 6 8 40 60 16 Snaps ! for The Season Cash For Hides! Hoineinatle aauiugw* ou hand. al* nil knuN of meat a. M. WILSON, KI.KSIIK.RTON MKAT EMPORIl M n \s A S "JKATN. Etr.Ktr. A First Class Stock CONSTANTLY ON HAND Wm. Barnhouse, FLESHCRTOX. -AT- RICHARDSON'S. \Ve will dispose of a lot of Millinvrj at from 26 to 60 cents on the dollat . A lot of ribbons *2 to 60 cents a yard, all to go at 10 eenta. 10 to 20 eent ribbon* all to go at 5 cents per yard, Furs. Collars aod Muffs at GO it dollar. cents on Mantles. At redactions from 2* to M per cent or half price. We have not many left bat Ihfj are uew aud good styles. Dress Goods 42 and 44 inch winter costume cloths a t 20 aud 25 cents per yard. We have a few ladies' Fur Capes left which we will sell at very low figures. Men's Fnr Coats from 81'J.Mi tip. Reversible Fur Coals, water proof. 10 pairti of Blankets, all we have left, and will be offered at job prices to clear out tbe line. Heavy Frieze Ovei coats, dark Fawn and iirown at $5 50, $7. .MI. and fs uU. These ai-o seanomible guudx well iiinilu with tweed lining and A kie Hiorm collars. A larue, general stock of mcu'.. yonthit' and boys Overemt tU gvvaily leduct'd prices. Purchased tliis week to arrive 1*5 packages Fine. N>w .Season J ;|>.i u li-u i carload* of Su^a r dlrrel Trora Rctiurry. Sugars are lower than ever kuowu iu Uie history of the track. Special fine value iu Jaran Tea at 20 cents per Ib. at Richardson & Go's. If you Dun't K-*l Well rcmeiiber Ma. - ey'*" Celery Nerve ComponiKl, with ll,.f. Iron anil Win.'."i* a (iuarnntre.l cure for Dyapep*ia, N*rvou*i.e*a, Mental Depreaakiii, and all weak neat arumc from a run d*u and overworked nyaUtii. It ha* never been known to fail. Get a bottle and be healthy and bapm. t jM by all druggiat. 3 .1 LOGS! LOGS! LOGS! WAHHD AT EUGENIA All lop* must be louiid and green. KLM 10 feet 4 inch** and 1ft feet A inobf* long, 18 tu 24 niche* diameter, $4.26 per 1000 24 niche* and over ia di- ameter 94.60 per 1000 BA8SWOOD. 12 fi'tt 6 nirtirt Ion.', aa tare* a* pos- sible. t5.00 in.. 1 . I6.2A per 1000 aecvtU- IDK to aize ami quality. MAPLK. 12 feet 6 inches, 18 in cbe* and over diameter, 94.60 per 1000 RED BIRCH. 12 feet 6 inohea, 18 m che* and over diameter 94.60 per 1000 Spot CaH Paid. Tbe Toronto Hoop ft Vaoter Co. Hardware 2 Dep't. We Want You to call and #*t one of our beaatiful b' eeut Tvaputs tuut we atv clearing off at Cent.* ISaoH. Tea Kettles. We liavejust rvoeived a whip- men t of nickle pialvd on copper '1 kettles wl.Hili M-C tbe very kst mak* Also a niee line of Mini Cages. Call and yim will see that oar prices tie away down oo them. You Want A GOOD CB088-CUT BAW. We Want to sell one. Tbe priees on them are greatly reduced aud tbey ate fully warranted. M.KHIWOHfO.