THE WEEK'S NEWS, TAXADA. Kegina Exhibition open* July 29. Soap grease has naeu placed on the free) lilt. Morden lost two hotel* and a number of steree by fire. Notice i* ga/etted of the incorporation ol the Bank of Winnipeg. Ottawa City Council ha* refused to reduce the number of licenses. Mr. Adam MoGowan, a highly reepected resident of Tweed Village, is dead. Mr. Richard Jary, a well-known citizen of Melrose, Oct., dropped dead on Tues- day. The report that ex-Detective Fahey i* u> bet released from penitentiary i* without foundation. The Lower Ltnrentian Railway ha* been sold to the Quebec ft Lake St. John Rail- way Company. airs. Jane* Thompson, of Camille, was fatally hurt by a bullet from a nrte iu Uia band* of the hired man. The date of the general election will probably be between the 2nd and 6th April. The Lake Erie & Detroit River Railroad Station at Merlin wa* burned, with two freight oar*. The papal brief appointing Father Lan- eevm to the Archbishopric ot St. Boniface, Mao., arrived in Winnipeg on Friday. The voters' list* are pouring in upon the Clerk of the Crown-in-Chancery from all part* of the Dominion at present. Mr. Thomas Gordon, of Strathroy, drank a liniment in mistake lor cough mixture on Saturday and died on Sunday. The yearly contract for supplying ooal :o the Grand Trunk ha* been awarded to -hipman of Detroit and the Erie H. R. Co. It i* understood that Mr. Theodore ">avie, the Premier of Buinh Columbia, will aoon be appointed Chief Justice of that prov noe. The Toronto Granite* won the Governor- 'eneral's prize for 1S94 by defeating Dun- daa 3 snots in a curling match at Ualt on Friday. Surgeon Major Perry of the Madras Presidency and Capt. T. A. Houghton ef the Kim Bombay Grenadier* are in Ottawa. Four convict* attempted to escape from *> Kingston Penitentiary on Monday. They were caught before their plan* wore matured. Premier Greenway, of Manitoba, i* *uf- 'ring from a **vere attack of eryeipela* in ne bead. The doctor* do act apprehend wnou* re*ults. Mr. L. O. David, the Montreal City Clerk, who ha* bean president of the St. lean Bapti*:* Society for many yean, i* expected shortly to retire. Rev. Robert Johnitoo of Lindsay will receive a call for the vacancy in St. Andrew's 'reibyterian i.'hurch, London, cauaed by :h death of Rev. .1. A. Murray. The Dominion Line S.S. Labrador, from Liverpool, arrived at Halifax at 4 o'clock Friday aftoinoon, making the quickest pas- sag* ever made to that pert. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company on Monday took back to work in the Mon- treal locomotive shop* a number of employe* who had been laid off owing to the deprcs- lon in business. Major Harnann for twelve year* an rfficer of the Royal Grenadiers, Canadian militia, and well and popularly known in '. he service, died at hi* residence at Toronto on Thursday morning. At a funeral in Quebec the hearae got uok in the snow and could not be moved. The hone* were unhitched and the hearse with the body therein left randirg in the road until next morning. Mr. Samuel Lanore, of Ruaaell County became impaled while chopping in the wood*. H* lifted himself by a branch above hi* head, but after walking hoin in ireadful agony died from his injurie*. There is every indication that an ioe bridge will be aoon 'ormed t Niagara Fall*. lee ia coming over the falls in great quun- .tie*, and it may become stationary at any moment in the narrow gorge. It i* expected that Mr. Samuel \V ilmot, 'oiiiinion Superintendent of Fi*h Culture. and Mr. Samuel Pierie Bauasl, obief clerk of the Department nf Marine and Fiiheriea, will be inertly luperannuatcd. J. E. -V. Macfarlane, manager of the iiimii Columbia Iron Work* Society, Vancouver, H. (_'., wai arrested on Thu**. day on lh<i charge of attetupuog to bribe \i.l. McCraney in order to aecure the .ontraot fur the city'* electri: light plant. Mr. F. E. Kiivert, collector uf customs at Hamilton, ha* gone to Ottawa, to take tha place of Mr. T. J. Watten, who wa* ar reeled the other day on chargea of mi* appropriating money belonging to the Government. V'ith regard to the propoaed Atlantic and Lake Superior railway, Mr. Foiter, Minuter of Finance, stated the other day that the Government had simply agreed to give the company tiirse per cent, on such money a* they might deposit for the purpose of paying intarwt on their bond*. The Rev. Win. Booth, General of tha Salvation Army, waited upon Sir Mackenize Bowell on Thursday, at Toronto, and aiked for the support ot tho Government lor the projected Sslvation Army colony in the Territories. The Premier *aid that the matured scheme would receive careful con- sideration when submit ted. Mr. J. W. Tyrrell, O.K.. of Hamilton. Ont. , lias been asked to take charge of an expedition to explore Kllesmereland, and to look for the two Swedish explorers, Hjor- ling and Kollsteniua, who are mppowd ta be lost in that region. The expedition is being organized hy an American society, a>nd i* to leave in the spring. l.RKAT HH1TAIX. Kx-Kmptes* Frederick n at Osborne. The tratiic nf smt.l \ tinsel* i* greatly endangered by heavy ice picks at the mou'.n of the Thames. H. M. S. Rambler will b* added to the North American squadron thi* year. She i* ihird-cl**a gunboat. I'.ol. Reginald Stuart Toole, Ute keeper of coins in the British Museum, i* -lead, lie wa* sixty-three yai* of age. Tha cold weather continues in Knjriand, and in aoma plane* the tr. trrnumtter registered twelve below zero on Satur- day. Ten men, all the crew of the Hrituh brfg Nelson l!ice, were drowned nn Saturday by the wrecking of the veaael on the rocks off Dougla*, Isle of Man. The fourth seiiion of the thirteenth Parliament of Great Britain >l i.he preaent reign wa* opened on \Vednanlay by the Queen'* sneecn. Municipal autKoritieiof Stooklon-on-Tes*. Kngland, propoae to erect a statue to John Walker.whom they claim to be the inventor of luoifer roa'-ches. The Duke of York ha* been elected pre- sident of the Benevolent Society of St. Patrick, which hold* it* one hundrrd and twelfth anniversary this year. It ia *aid that me Prince of Wales will visit Rome in the spring, with a view to arranging a marriage between the 1'rincea* Maud *nd the Prince of Xaplee. The fishing smack Verena hae landed at Loweatoft tn body of Frederick Ernst of Magdeburg, Prussia, one of the drowned passengers of tho Elbe, and some n.ail bag*. The effects of the cold weather and blizxard in Great Britain have been severely felt. Many deiths are roportaJ in the midland*, and live stock ami game of all kinds have peruhed in number*. The Prince** of Wale* arrived in London on Thursday from Rus,i t, wnert she, has been in constant .ittamlanue upon her ailter, the widow of the Czar of Russia, bbe wa* given a hearty welcome. The tnouth of the River Mursny i* block- ed by a mass of ice half a mile long and several hundred yard* wide. The ice has blocked access to the landing stage and compelled the stoppage of the ferries. Mr. W. R. Oemer, M. P., ha* returned to London from Washington. He aays that the propoaed arbitration treaty wa* very favorably entertained by Preiident Cleveland. The Queen i* considering the creation of a literary order of three grade*, the first to consist of 24 members, ibe second of 100 member*, and the third of -JSti. All the member* of the order are to b* titled and pensioned. An amendment by Mr. Jeffrey* calling upon the Government to take aome action regarding the prevailing industrial distree* wa* voted down in the British Houee of Common* by twelve votes, the Government majority without the Parnellitea. Railway* in Scotland are (till blocked with *now. Snowploughi, wiucii have been sent out to clear the line*, have themaelve* lean imbedded in snowbank*, and the men operating them have (uffered severely from the intense cold. Sir William Harcourt ha* announced that tha Government would immediately appoint a committee to inquire into the condition of the unemployed and seek mean* to mitigate the:r situation. The inquiry, he said, would extend to the province*. In the House of Commons en Friday host will osrry four thousand five hundred Mr. W. T. Btker, Preiident of the Chi- cago Board of Trad* presented his resig- nation as t he result of the advene vote on the amendment to the rule* the board by which tradn in " puu" and "call*" were to be discipline 1. Superintendent Warren, of the Barber Asphalt Company, Buffalo ha* been con- victed of employing a laborer upon city work* who wa* not a citizen of the United Stales, snd sentenced to oue year in the penitentiary. Ow ng to the motorman'i carelessness a trolley oar ran oil an open drawbridge in Milwaukee on Monday and three people were killed. The car feli to the ice below, which gave way undar it, *nd still pre- vented it from sinking in the deep river. At Pitisburg an electric car became un- manageable while descending the Wood'* Run Hill. The moterman and conductor jumped from the oar, leaving the occupant* to their fate. Tne car plunged down the sleep grade, jumped the track, and (truck agkiust the end of the bridge which spans Wood'* Run, IM feet below, Three ot the passengers were badly injured. The Brooklyn Grand Jury handed in a batch of indictments against m MI who cut the trolley wires, obstructed tracks, threw bricks and committed other acts to inter- fere with the running of oars. The charge against them is malicious interference with the running of jars. This i* elony. Mis* May McDonald, eighteen year* old, ihe leader of a mob on Fifth avenue, wa* alao indicted. Arrangement* have been made by Presi- dent Cleveland for the issue of a 4 i r cent, "coin " bond, to run .'10 years, at a premium which would make the actual in* teresl .'1 3-4 per cent., but coupled with the condition that if a .'! per cent, gold bond were authorized by Congress within tan day* they would b* substituted for the 4 percent, bond*, Ihu* saving $.">.'(!!. I. V> in annual ibtereit, and aaving $10,174,770 in interact for the full term at 30 yean. Commercial report* from the L T nite<! State* are only negativaly astisfaatory. They do cot report trade a* improv.|, liut say then are "aome point* of eucnura^e- menu" Priot* of farm produce am no better all round, though there have neen, of course, fluctuation*. Iron anditeel nave declined a little ; some grade* of cotton good* are lower. In wollen* there ha* been more doing, but prices are weak. Sale* of foreign wool in the State* ar* not notice- ably larger, with the duty off, than they wen for the corresponding week laat year. ' Receipt* of corn have been limited, and ' value* are a shade higher. OCMRAU Gen. Annihalla Ferrero ha* been appoint- ed Italian AmLaassdor to London in MIOOM- sion to Coanti di Vergano. By an explosion at the St. Eugiene col- liery in France on Tuesdoy, between 'JO and .W live* were lost, and a cumber of miners injured. Madame Jonianx, the Belgian lady con- demned to death for poiioning her relatives evening, on Mr. Jeffrey's amendment ecu*- ; to obtain life insurance, ha* appealed from uring the Government for ignoring the ) the sentence. claims of the agricultural cla**es. the : The remain* of Gn. Bouianger, who Ministerial majority wa* reduced to two. committed *uicide on the grave of hi* mis- The Paroellitee voted against the Govern- I trei . , Brusselun IM1. are to be taken to meut. Capt. Gordon, of the Crathie, which ran into the Elbe, say* that after the collision the big steamer lay lo for aome lime, and then proceeded in the direction of London. Capt, Gordon say*, notwithstanding the disabled oouili.ion of the Crathie, he re- mained in the vicinity until daybreak. In the House of Common* on Thursday Sir William Harcourt, in reply lo Mr. John H. Johnston, a* to whether it wa* the in- tention of the Government to make provi- sion for Lady Thompson, said that he had reason to liclteve that the people of Canada would make prov iiion for the family of the late Canadian Premier. The amendment which Mr. Joseph Chamberlain will make lo the Aildress in reply to the speech from the throne ha* been approved hy the Unionist leader*. It will deprecate the discussion of meaaure* which the Government admit* have no prospect of becoming law while proposals involving areal constitutional change* have been announced, on which the judgment of Parliament ought to be taken without de Uy. I SIT1D STATUS. Fifty per cent, of the orange crop in Florida ha* been killed by the recent cold. Orange trse* in Florida are probably destroyed, also all vegetabla crops and half a million quart* of strawberrie* juit begin- ning to ripen. Tne Klruria, which arrived at Queens- town on Saturday, reports that she saw no sign of the overdue French line steamer La Gaaoogn*. Secretary Carliiie expect* that the Uuit d State* this year will have a tnrplu* of twenty- two million dollar*, instead of a deficit. Mayor Schieren of Brooklyn ha* vetoed the reeolutian of the Board of Aldermen providing for a revocation of the charter* of trolley oompanie*. Nine mining prcepector* in : lie Rainy River district have been froze* to death, with the exception of Jame* Cummings. The thermometer marked '.'I below zero. The man arreitcn in Cleveland a few week* ago, charged with munler, and giv- ing the name of Johulon, had been identi tied a* an ex-policeman of Windsor named Maike. M iss Anna Gould, the youngeet sister of George Gould, is engaged to Count de Caitellane of Paris, and the wedding will take place in New York some time in ihe spring. By th decisive vote of thirty-six to twenty-five the United States Senate on Ss.'urdsy voted to inaugurate the project of laying a cable from the Pacific coast to Hawaii. At San Francisco an attempt was. mod to kill I. W. Hellman, President, of the Nevada Bank. William Holland tired t o hot* at the banker near his residence on California street .<nd then shot himnelf. He in mortilly wounded. The si..<;s lird ,it Mr. lleiiman wen' wide of .the mark. contract ii -r \ lie construction of the largest tow barge ever constructed on the lakes, if not in the world has been taken l-y the Chicago Ship Building Co. The Part* for reinterment. Sheikh El Bakri, the chief among living deccen Ian ta of the prophet Mohammed and head of the religion* communit IBS in Egypt, ha* reiigned all hi* public otnot*. The notoriou* bandit Areaki and nine of hi* followea* have been condemned, at Algiers, to death. Five other memben of the band have been sentenced to tarms of penal servitude. During the irial of Anarchists at Liege it wa* shown that the notorious " Baron Staraberg '' wai a Knesian Nihilist agont paid to organize aud incite dynamite out- rages in various European capital*. New Xealand ha* set apart two islsndi for the preservation of it* remarkable wild bird* and other animal*. All hunling and trapping are forbidden thereon. Two American citizen* at Hawaii are under sentence of death for complicity in the recent rebellion. The Administration s corresponding on the subject. An attack of Anglophobia has broken out in the Berlin preas, and the wreck of the Elbe by the British steamer Crathie is the text upon which they are hanging many sermon* on British brutality and Mltishnea*. It Was the Pun That Hurt > ' ^" Bear (in trap) "Wow ! ow ! ow ! !" Free Bear "Roaring won't get you out of the trap. " Fint Hear "It s not the trap I'm roar- ing at. That brute away up there con- ratulated me on having 'quite a snap' here -nd I can't get at him." A Brilliant Idsa. ( li-rk Mr. Muldoon, we have an order for hard wood kindling*, but the hard wood i* all gone. Mr. MuUloon (dealer) Sind 'em saft wood. Clerk Th<-y will not mo L'IQ dilk-reiico, cau*R soft wood burns Mo fast. Mr. Muldooii Bejubers, lliot's no. Wet Dog* do- not bark in a wild >t*te. They hv adopted thi* haSit for guarding their master'* property. GENERAL GOSSIP. <omr Urn. af InlrrrU from Ikr fmr tuarlrr. ol ibr ttlebe. Some of the dentist* in Vienna stoptee tb with glass There are .'!."> landownen in France to one in England. Prosperity in Greece i* mainly a question of jurrant*. The Queen's footmeL wear wig* wilh eig h row* of curl*. There are 13 mile* ot bookshelves :u the British Museum. Scotland Roman Catholic churche* have 362,000 inembi-rs. There i* an orchard in Jersey containing 00,000 pear trees. The water in the Strait* of Gibraltar i* 150 fathom* deep. London's population increase* at the rate of 105, (M) a year. The Vatican contain* 'JOS staircase* and I, lOO different rooms. The Mint can turn out 170,000 coin* of any denomination a day. Lon>! n pays 42 per cent, of the Income- tax of England nod Wales. The Suez Canal is 112 miles long, and it* total cost was 19,000,000. Until 4') year* ago Japanese were vaccin attd on the tip of the note. Over fifteen million visits are paid every year to London pawnbroker*. The annual coal bill of the P. and O. line of tearaship* exceed* 60u,00f>. The Dtiches* of Marlborougn sends to New York for inoet 01 b*r dresses. Great Britain make* over one hundred and thirty thousand bicycle* a year. Only ihirty par cent, of the robberies committed in London it id to a conviction. The number of divorce cat** in the Scot- tub court* during 1M1II i* returned at l.'tS. On a clear day the coait of France can be seen plainly from the height* of L>ovr. Sir John Millas. R. A., wa* the fint English painter to receive the honor of a baronetcy. No man ha* ri*en to '.ake Carlyle'* hint that the true epic of England wa* her (lory of the sea. Mi'aui & O. are the Japmese Roths- child*. The firm wa* established ihree centime* ago. The world, aaid Horac* Wai pole, i* a ooinedy to thoee who think, a tragedy to those who feel. The Isteit idea of the Emperor William is the construction of a printing press for service in the field. During the last ten yean the average production of wine in France hae been 700,000,000 gallon*. The late Lord Granvilla held that the Duke of Argyll'* oratory wa* well oii a level with Mr. Gladstone's. It ha* been computed that the Duke of Portland make* :|:>,IMI annually by hi* tud farm at Welbeck. ' What are heathen*, uncle?" "Heathens! Oh ah Heathen* are people who don't quarrel over religion." The King of Italy is reported to have said thai he " should wish to be a journa- list wnre he not a king." The nightingale alway* begin* hi* song softly, like a wall-trained orator, and gradually swells to a climax. Sir Hsnry I'oosonby know* probably more than do the Queen'* children iba family aecrels and diplomacies. The average mortality among British troop* in India is III per I.UOO, while in Kngland it is only 7 per 1,000. Dr. Benson, a woman doctor, hae been appointed to a Government hospital u Madras, at a salary of i'SOO a year. The favorite employment of women in Now Xealand i* the telephone service, which is entirely " manned" by them. The Prohibition town of Portland, Me., use* $15,000 worth of liquor every year for "medicinal and mechanical purposes. A socialist is a dreamer who believes that, given a special scythe, he can net more hay out of a field than there is gi ass in it. Mark Twain says the only speciality that can be called by the wide name "American" in the national devotion to ice- water. " It i* rem*rkable,"*aid a hospital nurse, " how very polite people a* a rule are tn anyone dreaaed iu the uniform of a nurse." In the new issue of the "London Direc- tory " no lees than bine page* are devoted to recording the name* and title* of the Smiths. Sir Charle* A. Cameron aaya he ha* fre- quently examined oyster* taken from the estuaries of riven, and o'ten detected sew- age in them. If there is one thing which the German Emperor hate* more than another it i* being tared at, especially when he i* attending Divme servicv. The authorities at the Hntish Museum ar* about to open a new gallery, which will be devoted to the exhibition of coin*, med- allion*, and medal*. "Next to eating good dinner*, a healthy man wilh a benevolent turn of mind must lik*, I think, to read about them." The word* ar* Thackery'a. The municipality of the city of Geneva have established an artificial geyaer, or jet ot water, at the entrance to the port, which i* tbe highest in the world. The Suez I 'anal would have proved a ghaatly failure, but for the dredging ma- chinery of an English inventor, which appeared at the critical moment. Mr. Cecil Rhodes ha* revived the Eiiu. betnan type, and exhibit* all the proud independence of the men who widened England under the Virgin <,iu<>n. New Xealand ha* set apart two island* for tho preservation of it* remarkable wild bird* and other animals. Thereon all hunting and trapping are forbidden. According to an English authority, no fewer than '200,000 horses have been im- poruxl into Ent(isnd for hunting mid har- net* purpose* during the last 1'J years. Wild 'lucks not only adopt the wedge foi million when flying together, but alao preserve the alliances between the files with the r^iiUrity of drilled soldiers. KILLED IN THE WRECK, FATAL PITCH IN ON THE MIDLAND ON FRIDAY NIGHT. r Killed nail MX lirrrt In >vrr.. < m, lir. !! * Drlayrd KHUM >!. w Tb>- l'l., w*s Work I UK In H Drift ** ir Miinur.-, forarr* lira Ike Filch la Orrarrrri. The pitch-in on the Midland division of the Grand Trunk Railway Friday evening was very serious. At 5. ."i on Friday evening the 1'ort Hop* press No. I, from the eait, oollided with 4 snowpiorr tpecial oue and a half mile* north of Agnoouit and half a mile aouih of Milliken's Corner*. The speoial consisted of ac engine, a siiowp'ough, a scraper ami a vau. At Milliken'i Corners the special became lodged in the snowdrift, and, a* m the We*ton accident, the engineer of the Port Hop* express wai prevented by the heavy storm Irotn hearing me warning. The snowplow was maimed by acrew from Lindsay, including Engineer Kigg and Kireman James Cullen, both of Toronto . Frank Burton, bruakman ; George \V Kiley, i-on luc'tur; Charlei Moore, break- mu, and J. Oavey of StoutTville, lection foreman . DEAD AMI INJCRXU. The scraper a-id the van were behind tho eumne and were completely telescop- ed. Kuginter wa* buried under the mine, tad when hit b.-idy wa* gotten out on Saturday morning it wa* mutilat- ed beyund recognition. The fireman Cullen, had a mt.aculoui escape, landing tn top of the ruin* only sligntly hurt. Through hi* hair wa* a iplinter big enough ta perforate hi* *kuil. George W. Kiley, the conductor, *u*tained sen- oil* injurie*. Both bone* of the left fore arm were fractured, and protruded through the rlish. The upper arm wa* alao fractured, several rib* are broken and hi* body wa* badly aoalded. Charle* Moore, brakeman, sustained sever- m-a 1 ' p wound* and had hi* leg* burned. Both Kiley aud Moore live iu Lindsay, and are bring cued for at the General Hoipital. Section Foreman Davey of Stouffville aus- tained aevere *oalp wound*, and i* bring tended at hi* brother 1 * home m Toronto. Frank Burton *n*t*iined a like injury, and went home to Lmieay Saturday night. TRINITY COLLEGE SCHOOL BURN ED. t:\pleoleai r a L.uip < .u.rd n ). Hrr at rn HOIM- rkr ?. All at. A de*paioh from Port Hope aay* Trinity College School wa* burned Satur day night. The alarm wa* lounded a few minute* before )-'. A terrific gale wa* blowing from the we*t and it wa* >ome time l>efore help arrived. The fire, which originated in the tower of the wett wing, i* supposed to have been caused hy the ezplniion of a lamp, and the llamef, fanned by the high wind, swept completely through the building. The firemen were very much handicapped, a* on<* of tne pipe* of the waterworks had limit during the severe froit of the lait few day*. Line* of men were formed and bucket* of water handed along. Every- MIIIIK was tlunn to aave the building, but wr. nuut success. In a few minute* the fin had spread from the we*t wing to the centre, and the men were forced to retire, leaving liio flame* to continue the work of devastation toward* the chapel, and aoon nothing hut the wall* were left (lauding. Vary little ot the content* of the build- ing ware ived: the teacher* and the pupils, numbering M.*>, alike loit more than hail ot their belonging*, enme of them saving nothing but the garment* they are now i weiring. Tne gymnaiinm and the principal'* hoiue ' were not injured in the leaat, although for ! aome lime it wa* thought Dr. Bethune * house would lake fire, a* the Same* wern [ blowing directly toward* it. The pupil* i are iiuartered in private house*, and at the | hotel*. School will not be disbanded, as the principal ha* m >de arrangument* to use the St. Lawrence Hotel for that purpose, until the Kaater holidays, at leaat, or until further arrangement* are made. The principal, Rv. Dr. Huthune, sent the following telegram to> parent* and guardians of the several pupil* : " Boy* comfortably quartered with their friend* : arrangement* are made to carry on ichool immediately." AM far a* can be learned the low i* fully covered by an iniuiaiice of $80,000 in various companies, and it is understood tha school is to be rebuilt at onoe. Wine Worth Its Weight In Gold. At a sale in 18AM of the effect* of the < : nceased Ducheese .! Raguse, the late Baron Rothaohild paid it* weight in gold for forty-four bottle* of Madeira. Thu wine, it appear*, wa* fished up in 1814 from aihip wrecked at the mouth of the Scheldt in 177.H. where it had lain during that interval. Louis XVIII. bought it at that time, and part of it wa* prevented to the Hrinnh Consul, and tnus cama into the hand* of the Duo do Raguse. The weight of a bottle of wine including the bottle is about two pounds, avoirdupois, to that at thia calculation each bottle would have coet about $.~>70. Prin Worouzoff, it i* aid. Mil* hi* Tokay, - h Jii yean old, for <4.*i a bottle. In the famous cellar* of the Hotel de Ville, Bremen, there are a dozen cases. of holy win* which have been preserved for '250 yenr*. This calculation ha* been made in regard to it : If the cost of maintaining tne cellar, payment of tent, interest upon the orig.nal value of the wine, and other proper incidental charges are considered, a bottle of thi* choice liquor ha* cost .',000,1X10, each glassful &77,:tKO. ud a single drop could not be (old with- ut loss under .^-"Ki. Arrangement* have been made for a Fijian cricket team to visit New Xealand. Five memtwrx of the eleven are native Fijian*, four of them b:ing chiefs of high rauk.