THE. ILISHERTON ADVANCB < rill--,- il QEO. MITCHELL - FLUSH EH I OX. '-u bunking butrfn 4 SB ti-RimacU 1 1 Or* ft* : Did c *!<<, ' at usual rati 1 * > - vaiUl.'w frr i. finm; UnkinvKK ntHf| I'M,. office iwouoortt UUIMI of NOII to*. Vicinity Chips. tf tiir Past Wrck 4 .in-fullv 4'nllrd for the 4'uriArjft. I'. '(,! <-i}<ir-x <imn ,i /..'.(/. (i-Ul If. 'I .it l!,f r*t' "I .'" ' ifw.-'i.Hl. A rr<li:f>i"tt ''HI I* ., ,;:', i.-t, f,,r KH>liuf.t<irotrr. Ili-ail Jo*. Siuiih'x change nf iii. i!' tlii.i week. I>.''*!tUT i unavoidably he'd vr tmtil iif Xt weV. II ij- fur s:ili! t the Urn, cheap J"lin \V. Armxtroii.:. Fle-dicrt-in. ervicf* were beM in rh'irdi on IS'ibliatii last. ti>" ill,- .. M ' i- K'l.'enU tn- i I'Jif (Thursday). Kiker. tin; c"inu- if Tiiroiit". "'ill lie ' Tlic district mretii-g ..f tlic I; >l ;i!.iri of Temptranvu will be held ill Fliflierti.n on Wtulnt Mday, l.'itli IHHI. Townihip coilneil met on Monday and tranxarteU a little busmen*, adjourning until the first Monday in March. Min- titis el*ewhi>r. Don't fail t.i call .ind get a liur^iin in th following lines : Overcoats, in n lioys' und youths' Fur Coals, Fur Seta, Mantle.. -te. T. Hill Maxwell Orange I..ue will give a -.raiiii e.iii-ert anil niatfie lautrrti iiilei ruininent on the World'* Fair, witli .-ver HK) \ic-, en '! 14th iiit. Tlm, i -lion, *\]u uilli others nu-nlinm-d ii thu bill, will n doubt draw a The umial admission*. A Nivlt,-- Social under tlie mana-:*-- lUL-ut of the V. I'. S. of tb IY. sbyteriMii will U held :.t 'K-- retidence ot Mr .!.i. -oi, I., ver, nn niilx north of (lit village, -in lh evening of Kiiday tiie 8th February, t'oine and havo a plaaHant, .1 ereiiini;. (.'bar^e. 15 cents each. Tram* provided. A ctal.,iiof luioli* in tlie Mecbmnct.' (iiHtUuin ia now in the pr.ntent' baud* .unl will nhurtly be ready for dmtribuliun- It is propotHd to in.ikH :i noiiuiiiil uiiarjje .f five cmts to covor co-it ot |u luting. One will l>e left in the library, |H.I-VIT. fur tlie use of thoe who 'In nut wish to w for private Wuetit Nothing tiw ha* transpired in the <int|mni dauuwes c*e. noticed week In-fori' last. N<> negotintioiM have buen lilt-red ii|xin, excf jHHijj; that n-prewjnta- tivco frmn Arteinuiia council met n-|>i< M-nUtives of Proton and talked the uut- trr over withnut deciding on any definite mode of procedure. The Advance ca'U-d <>n Mr. C. A. KltMiiiii'.;. of the Owen Sound biiaiiifM -i'll.-i;e. "ii Saturday lt, and found that ^intlriiian as ni:uiue iiml |ileaant to meet as ever. He haa during the piut year opened out a branch college in \Viiinipeu which is meetuiK with much ucce.. Tliu Owen Sound i'"lle){* h^ at present 123 Muilenfw in attendance, but Mi Klen-ing expect* ti. have this number considerably uuxnient >d next term. Anyone deairoun ot uuttini; a business dtiCHlioii for themselvwn or their children cannot do better than to (uniniiuicate with Mr. Fleming for full patiioulais. Do Lost. On Tuesday , 22nd Jan., in Fleaherton, a black Speural, inodiuni size, white brent, whi'e tipped tail, weariim ruxsut leather colkr, anawcrins t name "Fido." !Suitble reward to finder by leaving in- formation at Advance office, Fleiiherlon. A. E HENRY, M. D., B-ujnor. A Church Scorched. Klenliert.-n Methodist! came within u ace of lomnn their handsome litthi church by tiro on Sabbat li last. Il W*H M uart*rly inevtniK Sabbath, and while thu ooiufrx- K*.li<ui wi till i" the church, about 12.UO p ui., 6re and smoke were observed isau- iriK fnmi the wainaoutini; juit opposite the chimney. The coiigrCKatmu waa im- mediately dismissed and an investigation i.nde. when it was found that tl>e inter- IT >f U o wall waa burning quite LrmKly tl.i if was n i e\e tb-ucnt and after pul- ling off the wainvcuting a little snow and wator extiiitfiii->hed tin- tire. Bad it not been HJHitovered liefnre ih cnnureuntioii diapcrned nothing could have xavd the. otiilioe from i.italdrHHuciion. The chim- ney apiiviin t' 1 Imvf In un built in a very reluKii manner, aid tin- officials are now marvelling ihat siniii^hiii.' of lliv kin<l did nol <..-ciir before. A few dollar* will Cover the damage dune. PERSONAL*. S I)wiruile, KIJ , was in town on \\Vil IK-M! iy Mnw (ieitic Vanaiut i* vtsitini; fvienda in Toronto. Miss A. Ainisfro:!'.' i vmiting friend* MI Toronto. Mrn. W. H. Tl.iir.-lon is visiting this x-i:k with fr rii Is in OACII Soiinil. MIKJ E iuh Hi, l,,ii'U.'ii ii inaKni': an extended isit with her Ulster, Mrs. I. B. Lucas, of Maik-iale. A nuiiilnTof Kle'li'TtoH yoliiii; people ti-t'dtf'l the .M.nkdulit bachelors' Imll on .. < telling. Mis, Edith Rii|.<-rt return. -d houut liutt w>'-k from ..n exteiiduil visit to frielida D'Hnias ami H. million. Mr. K. A. B.iuui, t.nlo:-. has left F!CM!I- . n iiml Multled in MnliHiid. W i-n- lorry to lusu Mr. Iliik, r Ht< was a ^nod i^en. His fati.ily vull reu-aiu here uniil the s| i-inn. Mr. J. MeAirhti'-, merchant, und Mayor Kilcy, nf PrieoriUa, \wited our -hr<[ ol. Alondity. Mr. McArHiur just came over to see whet her hi* old seat ;U the co u null bom-d wax propuily warmed by that g. l |o. kin-^ representaiive of the clan McMil!ait. To.igil. He found ihit it wa*. J. VV. MMiiders >ii. Esq.. chief inspec- tor of the North of Scotland MortuH'^e v, wa in town on \\edmttdny and staye.l with his son. Mr. H. N. Hender- son. The many friends of Mr. llrnder son in thu Nuclion of country will be ylad to Icirn of I. is lapid improvement in lieultli. He is attending, a* trustee, the sale "f the Hamilton eslttc as mivcrUxed in lhes column* by Messrs. Luca* Si Wriyht, Reform Convention. The Refoim oonvfinioii of Ivi i I'.i . was hel-1 in thu Town Hall on Friday last as advertised. There i-re about neventy delegate* present. Tli.' .-I e'l. a of ofli cera wa held and reulted follows : ii-iit, ('. (iiaham. L)iind!k ; First \ i. -e, IV Mci.'uliouu'h, Mtirkiiule ; Second Vice. \V. L. l'> sun, Clmkaburg ; Third Win I ill, Hon. O|>ny ; Seo Tre. , C'haa. Pye. ;Claik*btiru. Executive Collin<|wo<Kl, \Vm. \\liisi-r . ( >sprey, N. D. McKiniion ; Proton, than. Lachlan : M'-Uiii-th, n. ,I,IH Huxtable ; Thornhiuy. K. Uayni'.n-l : Mcafurd, Thou. Hani* ; St. Vincent. .John Clark ; Enpiinnia, A. i' I'ntlvraoii ; AMcnn M.I. LC V.mzant ; Holland. J. (Jalhrni'h ; Mark.iaic. A M. I'lierson ; Shelburnc, F. II. Silk: Sullivan, Job i< Maneioe. Tht meeting was addreattxl by Dr Landerkin, C. \V. Harttiinn. P. MuCul loi)"h and others on the iju.-stioiin of the dy. A vote of contidwncu was passvd in Mr. Launer and the Lilieral platform, also in Mr. Mowal's u'ovarnnient. Althouxh the nieetinj bad hevn ca'lcd for the purpoae of clioosui/ a cindidnte. t'i content the ridtn.' in the Reform in- terests nothing detinite w.-u, di-ne. Mr. U. \V . llartinaii and Mr. .John Clark were nominate'.! but wervboth wiibdrawn. The nieet.inif appeared to ha desirous of se< ur- iii',- Mr. B 8. Osler.oi fce the liafle, and it was understood that tb<- field would be offered to him. Mr. Osier is a lariie property owner in the riding. and alao a lenidenr, and it waa thought he would be a very atrong man. The nice: ing adjourned to meet aiiain at the ddl of tU preu:. nt, to choose the man. Surprise Party. The member* nf the Presbyterian church choir and other tri -ndi iiiv-ole- the home of Mr and Mm. Joseph Ula k burn on the evening of Friday last. Tl.e object of .he visit, was tn express in n practical manner their hearty upprecia tion of the IOIIK nnd faithful servi.-es ren- dered by Mrs. Blackburn. orgm.iHt, alao to sympathise with Mr. Blackburn in hi* long continued illnesi. The following addrea* waa read by Uev. Mr. Wells, and a well tilled purse |ireentexl to Mrs. Blackburn. CQPY OP ADORBA5. DRAB MHH. HJ A. NMI UN The maiubers of 111* rholr of Cha.hnr ehuroli, Plcslmilon, h*a IOUR 'ult tbe d*vp ubliHaiiuii uti'ier whieli they He to you for tbe faithful and uiiw*jicI intr*iKl you havn for year* taken lu tu.iir tralniiiK, and for the high uf e.t.-.llon^ to which jrou have brought the service of prate* In the tuuu-tuary. 1'elievu in, tbat not ouly HIB choir but the wbole couRrogatiuit hnartilv appreciate your sorvlcos. Th Sabbdth Hchool alw> oan never forget nor pepay thu Kreat Uhor wliiuh \o have year if(r vosr ImHtowuil upon thu child re* in ['.- |iai nin them tor theil ChristluaM fuini- vrnry. aiiJ we oniy exprosii tbe nnntiment of the public wliHii wo Bay that to your lt\ci nt trnini.iif in duo in ifruat timasurn ihe mioaeM which hH atteinlwl tbuKH vnturtaiinnentH unit thu Uvor in whicb they hnv hon rrouivud by tlio pub] u our debt of Rratituiio to \<m la the RnwUir when yre remember tlin <UH!cul- ties uiut-r wJin-h you have bail tn labor, and the UK-HI domestic carr. which, durinR iimny yara has h<-n xiiawint.' it vour iiimrt. Hor the Ian* five yi-nrs iiiMt in His providence bau visi- ted yuu witli n lo^eroua affliction, lay i UK your dear partner iu life upon a bod of cottHtant MckuodH of aiinoRt iniC''*Hiiit{ an<) v-ivof:<'u itltelise suffering. ltt<>t aSHiired that -HP warm- est sympathy KOCH out to ymi : and our eai n --r prajer i* that the (iod ho li<is>uUinu<i ><>u UurliiKeJl tliene yaaraof trouble will still ,* mini- tu nnikif bis urace HiirUcieut for you, uiv,* you sU-Hiiijtli to lahnr mi in tbe Mai-tr' vim-. yarl, and that your Uiislmuil may l.e rtmtorcrt to luch health and Htmin-tli a* wiil uuuble linn aiialu, as in former yearn activity to partici- pate in tiiu work of (be Uord wbich work, we know, is no uear and dear tn bin heart. \Vhitst knowing Terv wwii that you ll; vu laboreil HO fitithfully all tlixsij yeai ' m.t (or tin> sakci nf any praiso or reward from mrn. b t fni the linnor whirh .-iiiii-ili from (Ind only ,1-et lui a slight t'ikiui of our appreciation nt votli invalu- able srv CI-H. we lii'H of you to ace yi of tins purso. Ai.d iiluiii< witr. it wo foul jiistitled in ext< ndlng to you not ujnrely the Hvnipath \ and esti-eni of tlm ooiiffreRiitiiiil for which you liave donu fin mui-h, but also the lyuipatby and town of tile whole co.nnitnmv. C'.inui*-iMlin*.! hutli .,011 mill Mr ll!m:k!mrn to thecaru of that Itod wlin <l .th not alllii-t wil !n;;;ly nor grievo the I'hildron of IIM-II. tint who- sut-M-r Hi- lnvi-th Ho cha--i'iiutb and scour^oth IP ' ><> hoping that thu heavy load of affliction whirli hit- so ion^ r stud up. in ynur hum*) ami upon \nitr lumit.s u;ay soon be rmnoveil. and that you may li- pan? i t .^i-tliur to enjoy years of health, happinvsa and prunpi-rity an woll aa honored usefuliiois iu tbe ( hurcb an.! in tbe community. We remain your vorv sincore friends and well wi.ll.-r-. aujiiod In name and behalf of the qboir ol Cualmrr's I'burch, Plethertun. Am BIB GIBSON Flo.librton.lKt Feb..l8B5. I noriiia. ound Eugenia ia commenc- to loi .k ijiiite lively. Theru ro a great number of logs cnmini; into the ven- uer factory, al/ to Mr. i 'arr'ssnw mil!. Mr i '.urns expects to open up a general slore in a week or so. Mr. Heiniuniif, i;oiiig home on Snturday night, met with whnt might IMIVU 'n -n a rather seilons a.-fiilenl. Hy lettuii! a team pass at thv; ravine at the linn- kiln, Ins home bolted over the oank and thu cut- ter rolled over mi top of him. Fortunate Iy he i-'Mcapi-d with a few bruises and a l.:nl ing up, thanks tu tht allow banks. Mim Etiie LatiniiTH. who has l>ee.n spending tlix huliditys visiiing friends, has ret lulled home. Mi. Hanna, the new tenclicr. witli his family, baa taken up his residence ill our village. Tils' \--uiio iii.-ui v.'iio was siippimed to h lost or nt'ilen or Imd pi>ii-<lied in the Itorin, refill!. nl h'-iiii; safe on Tilcd.iy eveiiini; last. His uiimeKiut friends went in a 1,'rc'it deal of trouble on his account, ss they bad the road shoveled out from Eugenia to the Mmey corner while Betiich- ing for his reiiiuins. Mavwrll. . From niir i/n' No inoie snow at pri-sciit, thanks. Tlie Uv. J. V V. Jones in pk-ustd about the arrival of u sun al Ins [jluce luat wc'uk ; but ho and cvn vom- clae issoriy to know that Mrs. Jones is vi ry ill \\ hope soon to hear of her recovery. Mrs McKciivi'iiy is visiutig friendu here at uiuM-ut. The Hev Woodgcr conducted IJJIBI-- teriy servicoat \Vi\iehaui lust Saboath. Mr. Win. Clark will soou liavo bis shop ready to work in. Mrs. .Maxwell has been in colling wood for lime. Mi. llicl.s conducted tliu service at St. Mary's lust Sitinlav. Mr. J'liin Kngli.-ii pinpnseH moving t.i) the I'.u in recently o\\ued by Mi. Win. Clark, ami Mr. M Morrison in- tciids iiiiivini' hu-k t') Ins tut in again. L. O. L. Nn (ilitv |.ii [Or-es giving it grund contci: ill the lllli. We hope they will bo luvoitd \viin luailH, and coiisequeiilly a big cruwd. Mr. Medlt'rGuy tinted the home last baiiuday. Mi-s Edna Herun leaves for Koch- ester this week. Her school ni.ii> > here are sorry to lose her as she was a general favorite. Tliu business quarterly meeting, in connection with the Methodist chinch was on Monday. BULL FOR SERVICE- Hh,,i t Hum l'o<ligrnd Hull fur irvicM on lot :i\ con 4. Artoniniiia. fur tbo ooin- IK hiMiHuu. Tutiim unw dollar. l*uUi4{iu tali be uxamiilm: l.v until i Inu to ' v P.c-rrlitcr ||r Keep Your Feet DRY AND WARM BY Hl'YINC YnlH KOOTWEAR AT CLAYTON'S. A LOT WINTER GOODS OFF CHEAP. Style, Quality and Prices. Now that tli* cutter und slnigh season has arrived, we wish to draw the at- ntiMii of the public >o die fact 'hat we have on hand a lar^e stock which we . ffuring veiy cheap. \Vodo Hot believe m boasting but we believe that .in nive MIII .1 neiier article ar less ...... iey than y-ni can got anywhere eNe. : i We hav mi drones in our hive, we are all worker* Then again our lame ex- j in and t.'ioiou^ii k'owl-iljf ,,! the i.usin. --s enable* us Vu j;iv you a ln-i I ler in tide it I"H money than those of [> i-xpeneiice can do. A hint to ilic wise m siitfi -ieni. UuinHniner we t ilc tint prize for thu bot exhibit of car- SHt tlir- Kast (jrey Kxlnlntion. Shop opposite .1. Smith's shoe shop. . V I Tlie Leading Carriage r>nildpr. tt uuuuuvfLruuuuTJu irLrLTLTLru-LruLnjuu uiJvriJtJviiruuinjXfuxjutrLrLrvriJijuuiji A New Year A New Stock New Prices. Pricns such a have never been heard of in this section of country before. Jnst tlniik of it. Bedroom As low in price aa .50. A new lot of fine goods which wo alone (-in handle in this district. Beat this if yon can. Also li'-ur in mind tlnit we make no pretensions of selling at cost, but intend to itiy lii-re and do bnsiuesain the utraw.-iy future. AH other lines of Furni lure and undertaking goods at e Dually low prices remembering our in itt i Small Profits Quick UetitniH. " Come and eiamiiu- our slock, your looks won't hurt tlic goods and we muy do yon or your pocket somo good. UNDERTAKING, In tlio HBcUriaatrnf Irn 1 we Htand ahead and guarantee first class work in all its branches. Tin- I ,i In _ furniture ami undertaking w*rerooms. Flesh- cr to u. 'J. E. Baskerville& Co. 1895 New Year's Greetings -FROM TI1K- Flesherton Furniture Warerooms. 'V.. wish to tender thanks for the very liberal share of patronage .on us during IH:)|. Wi- slull sirive ti iii-ni, A coutiiiuanoe of the by strictly adhering to our uld policy of tA 5mall Profits and Low Prices' in i-wy ili-pui-tipi-nt. We -ii iii from time to time tkrun^li the col- itiuim of tins paper keep you poctcd on our ability to supply your needs in Miir line. K. inrinbi'r we an. 1 always pleased to show goods an] qno'e prices, which, we belie vr, will commend themselves to your consideration. J. E. flOORE - PROP, j Uur Undertaking, as usual, good hearse, good attention, low charges. (CLEARING SALE ^^ ~~m *> "" OF WINTER T Although liauiis two large stores but not having room for our large sptiug ciiiiMi^iimt'iits we now ofTi-r seaxonuble LjnmlH at prices that must clear llit-iu out. (.'nine while the asHo.'tment is complete. L^AlllKSS' >I,YIN r rL,lSS* worth $15.00, now for $s W. $12.(K). $7(10. $ 9.00, $G Wi. $ 7.30, $5.00. $ 7.00. $4.:. $ 5.00, $rt.<.U. l.:ilit-M >Iui tie Ulotll Worth $8 50 per yard, now S.'.(H). " $2.50 $1.50. " $1.75 $1.15. " $1.!J5 " " 75. Beautiful silk sealette, old price $7 00, now for $3.50 per yard MfcCrVS OVKmDOA/l'ftl worth $1400, now for $8.00 $1100, " $7.00 $ 0.00. " $5.00. $ 7.50. $4 Oft. $ 5.60, " $8.50. A full stock of boys overcoats on baud. Remember the above goods are sold at cost. Many other lines La/c we that you Arc wanting. Calhoun's Patron Store, Dundalk.