7H1 FLBSEERTON ADVANCI PUSHED 1881 Advance Pl'SLtSIIKO WKKKLY AT TH OFriCK. HVI>- EVaiM HTKKKT, PJ.EMirilToN.OXT., BV W. n. Till K>ro.V 91 per aitniiin.sfrirtly inadtuiH-e Adveitisuig Kates: O if Column. 1 year, .',J ; half col., 1 year, *ZT 4 iart.-i vol., on* >ear. *1J Trannii-nt a IvHrtUcinoiit charge,! an the rat* f d ceuttf per lino for Arwt insertion auJ J cent* t iuxertion. An Electric Railway. TSc Feasibility of Running line from Tbornbur) to Durham An Unemployed I'ower at Eugenia Why not ttlllse II ? home f.nir jciirs .!",<>, at a meeting l.clil at Knnlii ili-v 10 discuss railway matters, and in these columns about tiir game time. The Advance suggest- id tlic feasibility of utilizing the mag- nificent |x>*cr, at present going to waste at F.u^'i ma, to operate an elec- tric railway from Thornbury to Dur- I am or elsewheie. That this scheme was not chimerical has been proven I'.v the success which Las bincc at- leudeil like ventured in Canada and tlie 1'nitid States Electricity is the roiniiij,' motive nowoi, and its pn.'duc- tiou lias been so cheapener* and JM i- f-jii d that in tome places its ua- has already made it a strong rival to steam. Whereas the years ago we Hearci'ly heard of such a thing, the i lectric railway is to-day compara- tively common, as the system is be- coming more perfect. Thii being the rase, what district in Ontario \\onld i i KIM- lii ntlitcu by such a line than the one in question ? The nature of ilir iM'iii' is no drawback to electric- ity where it would be to steam, MB I lie former can ovtrcoinc alinont any ^itdifiil, and certainly anything greater than would bu found on this loute, where *team would be nth ih helpless. Seme gentlcint'ii liavp, we under- stand, been giving this matter sonic thought and making estimate?, and l.i'\ have decided that silffi -ient )>ower could easily be Imrnessed at Kugenia to rnn a line of railway fifty Miles long, or twenty fivo miles on tach side of the power. It could also Mipply electric, ligliting along the louu.'. Ii would, of course, requite a l.tfgt! capital to build such a railway, I ni even so, that is not beyond the possibilities to secure if it can be shown that s.ich an HIM iin.-nt would (my a fair interest on the outlay That is the point. In common with many other* The Advance believes it would. It in at present a mail mute throughout, Mini a route over which there would be a very considerable and growing traffic. The mutter thould be Lronght to the attention of capitalists. Should such a railway < v< i be built it will make this one of tliu finest nmnufiotuting districts in the province. Our imgiiiftcenl and cheap waluipowers ensures that, with proper transportation facilities. Township Council. council met mi Monday, with II the ii.rinl,,.|. preaent, thu reeve in the chair Minute* of laat meeting rend and confirmed. There waa not iiiiich hutinv** before the c itincil yrith tliu exception of <p|M>iltiii pathmaaten. A pniitmii w ,. iea.1 fr. in John McArtliur and othen, iiakiiiu tliui Dr Iliition L. appointed inu.lieiil ln:-ilili otb, ,-i. Hinl an account waa fend fr.,iu Mr. Thompson for bread f.r Mt- Hanky. Th* wa all tlie cum- niuniontioiu before the bo.ir(t. Ii was HI ived by Bi _*UM1 . 1 hat Mr.. Thomp .,n's account, .f 30, hr-wd f., r K Tt . (^illey. b paid. Ciriuil K/U. McMillan Thaf the re,r i m. Inn order fir pnyment of 90 cents to W, II Thurston, the aaid tuin being a Hal- lance due John Rutherford aud paid by Mr. Thutstoti. Carried. Tliiniipv.il lie, i That three new mail divisions bo forn.el to coiiHiat of the following lou, vi/.. : No. 84, 38 to 40. inclusive, coin. M and 9 ; No. 86, 38 tn 40, m.-liiine, o>n. 10 and 11 ; No. wi. .'W t'> 40, inclusive, cons. i!i auJ 13. Carried. McMillan l:>--t That the pel it inn of J. Me Arthur and other* to appoint medi- i-il health ofHeer \n> enlertaiifbd and that bylaw lir | nsseil and the aaiue )>e lillod in Mill) fin- iiniiie of J. (i Hutton at the next meeting of council. ("aired. Hvi.iw .M.'t, to H|>|xiint pathmaM't rn, fcni .-viewer* and |N>undl<i'Cperii received it.-i second leading. Thii bylaw continu- ed tlir ("lluivin^ ii|)|)ointiiientii. "VKKMKEKS i >K Hli;ll \'i- Div. 1, R It. Kedfern ; _'. Kdward Ste|iliim ; It, \Villiam Flcslier ; 4, Ilil- iik MuK.t-ii7.ie ; 5, Archy Cainnt ; (i, ClauJy AkniH ; 7, William IVtch ; H, Al frxl Harriiin ; 9, (Jworgo llannm, ; 10, .I..M-pli Strain ; 11, Thov Tiillmtt. 12, Tin*. Elliott ; 13, John W. Duvig ; 14, William Cnrtt.r : l.\ Willimn Car^o ; 16, Thog. Clark : 17, Kd. Leijard ; 18, Ji-hn Pedlar . 1!>, J..hi. Uroirii : '.'0, W. H. Me N.illy ; L'l, .lame* Cornfield ; -"_', W. J. l.oxe ; I'.'!, Hdhort Kt-^mond ; 'J4, Ji.wi.h HcLeod ; 25, \V. J. White; '.'i, John McKee. lot 120, c.m. .'5, W. ; 27, Frank < '.,!,,,. -J.s. Donald Mvl *.,.! . L'!l, Andrew CulleiiH ; "0, U. Waller ; 31, Joel Wmts ; ."..', W nli.iM 1'arU* ; 53, James Nelwni ; .'M, \V. J. lilakeNtuii ; :5, D.McC'uriuack; 3(1, Alex. McArtliur ;l 'ft. Anioa Doupe ; 3 Win Hoop, r : 'M, W m . Meads ; 40- Win. .M"if ii ; 41, Cl.arlei McKinnon ; 41', .);...,,. Knox : 43, Henry Huddy ; 44, Itubt. Olixvr ; 45, Alea. Canvm ; 40, Au- UUK McLeiKl ; 47, A'idrew GiicliriNt . 48, -lolin W. Lyonn ; 4'.l, (iforgo I'mteriMiii : 50 , J. E. Wliittaker ; 51, Jame* Kmhrr : 52, Walter Siummim ; 63, Cilvin Ifciyce ; 54, JumeN Ninth, jr. ; .V, Jitiiiei RMSW . "ii'i, J-ilin IlnrL-ravo : 57, Joe|ili Fenwick; ~>H, Jiilin Hil liaiinn ; ."i!t. lii-opje Mil drum ; (il), .1. W. H<MIHOII : (il. Jmnet Ki in, tn. ii.' : I) 1 .'. Kl.jili I'.nil ; >>.\. s. in, n. -I Douglaw; ti4, .1. I (Italian. ; li.">. I'hurlvH Turner ; <H>. <;.-,.re lii.rdon ; f.7, R"bt. . liH. Simon Frrein.i:i : '!!'. Aithnr ; 70, John DrminirT ; 71*. Mnthew i, h ,:_', J. }| Diu-kett. 73, Itolit Campbell ; 74, George Uowlcx ; 7.*>. Win. Clayton ; 7U. Itichnrd Smith, I). McTsu - n<h ; 77. Ainlii-w Kutloduc, J. (idclirutt ; 7H, J. C. AdiiniM ; 7!*, Richard H. Kmith, 8(1, Kii'lmiil ( M'l.i.i- ; SI, .laiui'n Itlackbiirn; HJ, U., l,|. NeN, i, ; K't, Ward H..I-IIHOU ; K4, Wm. lUnley ; 85, Francin Whewell ; !, Win. Fmley. I \( KVIKWERH 1, U. Wh.fi-iker ; -, Joseph Aanntim ; if, A. Miiir ;4, IV Ciitn,. : . r ,, H. D. Ir- win ; (i, .1.111, e< llnxlie ; 7, Win. Blair ; 8, Win. Hill ; !t, (jvor^o MIMTB ; Id. (J.'.,|..-i. Stewart ; II, CliHileH Rfl'aiiiy ; 12. Ed U., in ; 1 !, W. II. -in,. lull ; 14, .lo:mtliaii Hicklinii; l.\ .1 H. Sl.iin ; 10, Alex. Madill. HUM, KKEPEIlft. .Men-it Cot-hrai.e. I'nceville ; Mtttthvw Bolder, I'M.-enlle ; Th.m. Elliott. Mark dale ; Hubert W 1 1 !,!, Vandeleur ; Mr. Riutz, FlpHhertmi Station ; W. Hi- mj;. Mr. Ililey, Esi)., wan uppoiiitod chair man of the Hoard of Health Council adjnuriiiii! to meet tlib fl-n' Monday in April UII!CK< tliu itT\e conaidors Hi nuce.i- Mtry to call % apncial meeting. If yn Don't F"(d Well remember Mm - ey's " Celery Nerve I'onipoiiiul, with Hi er, linn and Wine." n a Cuaranteed eure for Dyapwttia, N'vrvoiunrM, Mental l>i-|.i'i-s.|.,n, and ,dl weakneu nrising fruHi n run donn and nverworkva i*y.->tHin. It. lias never been known to full, lie' bottle and bu healthy unit liappy S d'l !,v all ifruirgiiit. 3m Ulmbrrlry From niir otni Curreninntlfiit. There are hope* till held out for Kim- lierlej , an il baa been booming the paM few wi'vki and promiaei g. mil thin^n in tho future. Tues'luy, Jan 23, Mr. Ijoughend (onr bUckiiuiih) left for acerlain village, re- turning U'r.lni'-.l.iy with a young I rule, formerly Mis.s Kakn, ',' Drornore. Mr \\.iliei intemla moving to the oth r end of ton and occtipyinK the botue latuiy vncatud by Mr Hanimh. Mr. Curry hm taken up Ins reiidence in Kiuilioiley and ia engimod in the butchery tuaiiKM. Mr*. Maker, ,f Be. Vincent, b,, has l,e. n litre tlie lant three months, left for ln-r home i.n Monday Her many ft ienH will miu her an 1 winri fur a ape dy r. turn. A little yirl cme to Mr. and Mra. I'lewi. l.ll tll,v"fl 11 Xliu o!iaM f .ctory ijiieition ia n.. t <|ui'.e lettlud j t but it IK fully eipccti d we will hare a factory litre. We IlllUt eolllinend tile nc'lool .'lillilr. II on their good attendance, Inn'iirj locome through no much deep miow. It fipoaki W|-ll for our 'eiichei'it, Mr G. IVnthmd and Mill* A. Lunan. The Orange aiiiee which wan held here K'iday evening WHK a Huccex*, about f.bl bein realized A (jreat diap|,ointineiit |ni'\.. ded throughout the an heir-e when it WHK thought the Proton orchestra were not coining, but while lome local talent wai trying to entertain three Lei to thu orchestra iirnveil. Tlitie w a reliev<'.l fcihcg for all partitu, alllioirjh (he iiiiiiib. r wan not MI laruo us win ex- pe.-f d. !{ . Mi. lialTuur was the i nly cfiraker prenelit, the olln r ;> . k'-r* ). inyf pruvented from conuie.' by fcimw dr.f'i. Mr. Balf.i'ii was ,-\ -.'.-.I n^ly iiitereiting. A social will le hvld Wedntad'ty t-voii- ini; in the < Irin-gc Hall II > M. N.. 1 , I'resbytt rian niiiiiatcr, of M.Mlold. iK-enpied the plllpit of tlir MethodiKt church Sunday erciiintf in the almcnre of Mr. R 'lit II,. ( In Monday evening l;nt Bol-. A>Tham. a reformed drunkard, !. has I e.-n Hctit nut by Croaaley and llunt?r, f^-tve a very inlereffiii!/ n''<-.,iint of ION hfo whilu lave t., dtink. He dm H not speak l,Hitful!y of bu |naf life a aoine inferred lie would, but M r h humility, givea the aiiii|>lf factH in n el, iv. Htroni; in.iniiPr, .-m a wurnin.' to kll nho lit> n. Mr. Israe! !'*!, the u'itpel ainger, auinted in the s.'i \ i, e by civinu aeveral miitabld O|OK. Wo wish the gentlemen c\eiy lUOOaM ia llKir work. 1'rn-fvlllr. or oir.i Correnpoii'lnit. Snow in front of tin, MIOW behn.d us. now to the ri.dit of u*, srniw tn the left f. anow below us' iind mniw nbove UH, uch wan our uX|wrieiue nf I. it.-. N<,t- withatandiii|{ a^l thin, many of our citizen* inaiw.'ed to |iluni;e their Way to thettottM tn enjoy a game of ches, wliicl., by the way, holds exclusive tv.ny in thin burn at -I W. wna champion last week, but we arn afraid the tablet will betuiin-d .re this appcirs in print. One day lately Mr. Jaiiien Reid of the O. D. R., captured a fox in a rather unique manner The red r.<guu had lieeli forced from liin hidiii'j pl.tcu and MIU NO hotily pursued Ly Inn inveterate enemy. a il.'U, that he made a bve line for Mr. R'a barn into which ho bounded i'h the speed of a nice borne and never ttopped till he fell-bed up in the Kraimry. Mr. Reid WUK "taiidim 1 iii ihe door at the time but Uejn'iid never pinned in his head- long course to conaider whether or not lie wan iiiiiiiin<> into n trap. It ia n I Ii ss to add that Mr. II. noon made abort u.uk of his gam,'. We are a I ad to Mate that tint dipk'hv- mi IH not apreading. It in alt. i>eilu-i lik>-l\ that the deKCiisu will be tamped onl etitnely in a few week*. Srhool wan n- ' pi-nrd on Monday of la-' week with a very .-mall attendance. i, nl MIH .lohii Nlcbol am M l.d thu funural of tin- Uilri n mother. Mra. M Niclio!, of lioirlimk, i>n Sat urda) Week. The Markets. ! e.l Kuril U eel. 3 5 o. r . H 31 ;in lulh I'orrrr Hour 9 3 13 t. F,ill Wheat 55 ti rili'i Wheat f>"> t. Rirley . . 31 ti Oats 274 K Pean 51 to Butler 14 t< ;::, freah 14 ti I'otatoo* liai; 50 ti ,rk 4 Yf ti Hay |HT toy 7 00 t< Hide* 300 ti MI.,. [i.-.kin x:> t, <!eee .. fl to Turkeys K tc. Ch'ckei'H per pair 25 to Ducks I . r p.-ui 40 to "ool 15 to 6 14 14 60 500 800 300 26 8 40 50 16 BOOTS MUST BE SOLD. Selling oil at reduced rates to make room for new ntock. Overshoes. Rubbers and Moroanins at marvelotisly low prices. This is A Genuine Picnic For pnii-ii.iM'is. mid will only last for a short time. Call in and let me con- vince yon of its truth. Notices All rips in boots pnrchnsed from me afier this notice appears will be sewed up free of charge. This is an extra. JOS. NO'JICKTOCIlEDrrOUS In the matter ol Triitram Cblirtvlt. nf lM*o( P.Mlierton station, ii. tlin C u *ril Canal, i.f FLKS.IERT:>.\. The liiwlTcnt ban ma'10 an >cnm.'t,t to in<- lor HID Ix-iieflt >jf cr<li.or im.lrr U - u IHST. Chapter Itt A iii.-.'tii'K nf ei.li'r< will )>,< li.'ln at tliu oUlt-i, i.l MCI. i v Ho. IHT 1 fit.. No ]H Wi'lliiitSoii Seiert r.Hot. Tonmtr. .lav the :tlt ilav of .lunnar \ lr- ut th' li.iur .f :i o'clock in tlif aft.Tiio.i. f.,i th., appuiutm nt of iD<|>4.turiia,i'l tiio t-ivnm ,,f i| r .> f,>i. w.il. rafnvac* lo tb dlapoal i,f tlm ri.ute. All IHIIHOIIH f-lallniim t< i n k l:pon liic cslatr ,.f the iiiwilveut must U!i, u,"ir rlalmii ith tin- UH.IcrMlKiiv.l ou or l*Tr tht- -jAlh .lav of Kb- riiKry. lii. atli-r wlnrh .Int.i I will |,,,x.'l to ilintrlbuto ti,i . -hHi.' IIUVMII! recard t,> clioao clalm only of wlncli I -.hull tlicn have li,l Hr\iu lUKlim, Triulre. Toronto. Jan. ZStli. IHJ6. ROLLER MILLS Are now complct and are runuing n '-'liar. CHOPHUG done after n u on as tiaual. LOUCKS. BUY YOUR HARNESS X( > MTO( k liOUl* WORK Ml \KHIP LOW I'iiK I s Curry Combs, Brushes, Hnrnr<n Dreamy, HleiKh lie! la, tioat and Cowhide liolM-a, Axle (ireaaf, Hhinkrta, and everything in my line ciuiw.intly on hand. Lenre onlen early * me are always rushed in tliu full avaaoii. W. Moore Haruessmaker FLESHERTON. (ash For Hides! Sheepskinn aii.l Ml kimU of fiirn |mi. I. mi- whi,-h highest market JMIIV will be paid II' iiieiniwlu kinds of meal a. on hand. ali all M. WILSON, H.KSHKKTON MKAT EMI'iHUI M tift TO ^^. BARNHOU5E'5 KOK FLU IRA H I It. OVSTKkS, FKI ITS, < OMI < I IOM i;\. TKAS&NICAUS. Ml. .!>. i:u- . l.i . A First Class Stock CONSTANTLY ON HAND Wm. Barnhouse FLUSH EKTO.V LOGS! LOGS! LOGS! WANTED AT LUG EN I A All lo^i must be sound and green. KI.M 10 feet 4 mi-hen and 15 feet H iuclitiR long. 18 tu 24 im-hi-H diamutdi-, |4.!25 |>er 1000 -4 ini'hoa ni,d n\ci ill di- ameter 84.50 per 1000 BASS WOOD 12 feet .'. n, .-lies loir;, a* lartrn as poa- aible. 5. 00 and $6.26 pr 1000 aceoul K to size aud i)iinlity. MAPLE 12 feet f, inchen, IHiu- chuand ovur diameter, 14.50 per 1000 RED KIRCH. 12 feel m.-h. s, 18 ill- i-ln-h and ovir di mi. t,-r |4.50 per 1000 Spot CctaH Paid. The Toronto Hoop & Yreer Co. for The Season -AT- BICHARDSON'S. We will dispose of a jot of Millinerr at from '2') to CD ceM.s (in t!it> do'iiai. A lul of liblHiiiH 10 to M cuiiU a yard, ail lo go al 10 ceultt. 10 to '20 cent ribbons all to go at "i Cell!.-, ]ii l \ -.id. Fill's. C i'' u i .ml ^lnfT ;it do cents on the dul.ur. Mantles. At reductions fioni 20 to 50 prf cent CM- half price. We have not ninny left but they are now and gooI stylus. DressGoods 4'2 and 44 inch winter costume cloths a t I'M anil ^5 ctiii ; . i \ aid. \Ve have a few ladies' Fur Capes lif'. which \\e will sell ut vi ry lu\\ Mi n't< Fur Coats from SIl'.M) u[>. Ki \i r->ibie Fur I'oau, wattr juouf. 10 [Miirx of Hlatiket?, sll we have left, and will bv ott'eml at job piui- ti> clear out th- line. Uravv Fii, /o ()veirot, IT. F:;ivii and Brown at $i 50, $7.50, anil 81S.80. Thest' uio seasoiniblt' goods well made with tweed lintngf and A -ini iu collars. A lanre, gfnt-ral stock of nieu>. youth*' and boys' Ovtrcouts nt reduced prices. Puichased this wic; to arrive I-I5 packazf.% Fine. .Vw S.-asnii Japan 1'i-a j-.irload-i rttaiardirc*! from RcHncry Rugnrs are lower than pver known in the history of the trade. Special fine value in Jaj an Tea at I'D cents per Ib. at Hichardson'&Co's. I Eardvrare J r>.*p't. We Want to cull and 1,-et one of our beautiful 8 cent Teapots that we are clearing off at 2O Cents EocH. Tea Kettles. bttve just received a xlii^ ment of nickle pUted on copper Te, kettles which are the veiy bost wake. Also a nice line of Uird Cajjes. Call and you will nee that our prices ttitt down ou them. You Want A GOOD CROSS-CUT SAW. We Want to sell one. Tlie prices on them are greatly reiuoed aud they ate fully wanai.u J M,RICIUH i CO.