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Flesherton Advance, 31 Jan 1895, p. 5

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THI FL1SBIRTOW iDTAICl I tit lilting < I t II 0*5 <>i QEO. MITCHELL TI.KSHEItrOX Or.-fS Mony vnt*ri>riiie. Uflse Mu doors uuitu uf on * Co'. Vicinity Chips. rharartrrixtlr* or th Past Week 4'arrfnliy Culled Ur the fnrnmv JB UIIKXI *viw ntivmy '"' fknri',1 ,it Ih.f r-tf !' !<> \*T ' tnr\ i-itufrtuiii.. .< r.-.N.-f.'Vw ''// It m f,;.' on contriKi* (<tr tun tine* or ottr. Kresh bananas and oysters juit in at trrtaimuei.t to-iuurniw. Fi ul.iy. n ght. - -tr.'- 'h. first car load of the IMMOII will arrive h.>it!y f r M. Rtcli. -I'MIOII A. < Impairs of ehildrin's ami unsc over- koeM clearing "ut t TJO [MT pair. M i;ic'. irdsoti Jt (*>. Dr. V.'.-IU mid tin* M>.v Lacw, <( Mm Male, attsi'ueJ the Welding ooi.cert in Prday evening. The Refurm eoiivi-ntimi for East <ir y will be b!d iii th T"ru Hll t.i m-.rrow, Ki id ay. Tin Owen S'.and TiiiiCH want! to know whatever the council will di> without Mr. < ; Miwy '* laujh. Tho churches WUTH v L -ry sliwljr attend - -i on Sunday MV! the evening service in the Methodist church was withdrawn In the L O. L., 1132, 4th line, will (jive a grand tea al entertainment in their I. all 'n tb evening >( Friday, Fi-b. 15. H.lls .;. \iiig particulars will be nut thi week. Mr. Will Clayton, who h;i for i un- tune bveu in the Minimal ueural hpit- ,il with fen r. la* returns*!. He i.- fant fri.m the etfucfcs of the illn.-s*. ,)uil;;u Morrison held revision eouit on the new Diuiiliu v<.rji' Imts bunt mid .it Prioevill* lantwwk. Ar.oiit tliirty six nanirs were added and three taken off. \Vo bviieve tb Grit* got the big end of the pull iu tln-sc addition*. Tim police tnmtees for thin village for the present year are Mesr. 1). McTitvuh. \V. CUyton and Richard Sini'h. Mi. Smith wan cli'iwn to take the pliice of Mr. Holinau, wh.t refuted to act after having been elected. The Kimberlcy Orangemen Kivt- a t;ranJ ti and concert in their hall <<n Friday (to-morrow) night. The Proti n i ra have ben entfatfed for the o Speaker* of note will be prewnt. Tea from 5 to 7 30 p. ui. Ctual d- See bills Tlie Hi-op & Venevr IV lit Kugenia want 4000 log* delivered at their factory within the next seven wecki. See their .tilvertinenient for kinds and i.-K. They . prepared tu buy any quantity of yood 'uiatnrood Ij'ja, Th -<reiittr portion of tlieir loi;ii ara elm. Their wants are ml rvt fi>r birch and maple. Sme unknown lady left a nice pair of HI tr ni tlii* office the other dy. We ire rnmewhat puzzled to know wliy tliis w:n ilunc. Our own fniaily are not, ye, nubjects of charity ; we hare bn (hie xempl--ry in our nuttriinonial life nd feel that we hare not given any yirg lady any oaufte why ihe thould ;.! us ihe iniUi-ii. \Vi- have theieforo , to thf. conclusion that it waMiiip!y a ca <if forxetfulnvw, and will tie iver thc> mitts t<> tho owner uj-on uplicatum without any ionpertineut questions boing to her motive. The peoplo of Eugenia were trpate:! tu .- (national vuil the -"ther evening hy w was supposed tn be n col.iml tiiuiip h" Uad Uriftetl into Mm |-l.tce, demand- itiK a uight'v Iodising ami S'lirietliinu to at. Some nf the bciy ihounht to have -mine fun, but Pmnpey grabbed a pitch- foik and chased one young man nmund lialf a dozen block* and ran him into a private ho. Somo time after the ex- ^itoment had die<l iut it WM learned that the nrgro was n Kui{cni ynin! man ">><<t up" for th" (K'caanion. The nffnir has . Mfd touch merrimei t '<> nmnv. .hatpin to tl.<e who wvre M hiic* 'im ly Farms AND Village Property for Sale J. W. ARMSTRONG. Canatlian Alnmnuc for 1895, printed for the enterprisiiiiu ci>r|x>rniiiin of II . II. Wain,-r A Co , Ltd., of Ixindon, Eng- lind, who ar im\v sole propriutort of Wriitr's Safj Cure.' It is full ! vidu- nlile inforiiist.ion ami reflecta credit i>n i hi- p'.iblirlien an well a mi the enter- priio t tho Enx'i'li Coiii;i'iny. A friund ar. Buxenia, wrifiuic <in Tues- dy, deMirvg UH titadvortwe for a Htrayud lilackmnith, who diKH|i|H<:irfd fn-iu Ilia In-int- it Eu^rhia on tin- evening of the WubliiiiC concert in Fl(?s':erton. Hi.t fncr.ila cut tin.-re are in deep concern, fearing that he lias been lust in the mow. 8me wretch entoied the resilience of Mr. T. Mandei*, an old erntleiuaii who lives by hunsi-lf. one day lately, and stule In* purae cnntaui ini{ quite a sum of money, Tt is a iireat pity the culprit could not Ut diNCovrrrtd. Mr. Maiidun can ill afford to lose anything, as he U old and iu poor circunutances. This money ho had care- fully saved to buy wiod. Pity and i-lwrify do not dwell iu the heart* of some I'.'lr iduate. wl:i> are foully careless f the utroriiigs <if othen so long as their own lirt'o si-!h>li fi>d are served. Among the nuccdote* of the storm is .< V'ii:.i^ IIIHII al the stntii'ii wlio dnive a >omu lady out tu the concert uu Fnd.iy evenihu' ai.d home after it, where lie remained VIM tint; with her for a time. After starting homeward he -jot stuck in the *nnw and was oM'ged to put back t.i her papa'ii rexidencu and take up his abudo tliere. He was unable to ;>et liis hud* 'mine un'il Mond.iy, and only then by driving it down the railway track from the north. His life is LOW made- mrner- able by tile jokers The Bi? Storm. The great wiw and wind storm which hit us on Friday ni^lit ht mid rumamnl wilh mi for folly-eight Lours Was ihe wormr fX|irnenc>->l fi r many yeaiM and completely blinked up the roads in every direction. It mnioilf<t odi iuii.ibiCauts o/ tli tune, jimt L'O yeHm >v'o. when no train* were able t<> ^ot. t!irou^!i <m this line of railway for ai-veral weeks An old renkleut. talking to Tli Advance, said he r-Miu-ni'jtred the t<me vory du- tmctly, becauie the pe<>|ilu were -cry deeply iiiiprene.l ut the tiin with the dif|i religious levotmu displayed by the old nartruw gauye people in running tin ir one hurse thow. They did nut run a train the tint dny of Lent until the Ust. The C. P. 1C |.-M:.|H lire not an deeply tinuiuied with reli/ixn* iili- iiieiit. The storm ileUyud them Home- what ixnd Saturday iin-ming * Haiti, which shuuld haru arrived at noun, did not get here until 5 p. in. on SumUy. The Mondxy niriiii i; tiam rnr>-<l tivi- houis lte. Tho l"Cal IIII!H from Durham, Yandeleur, Fovcrshm and L|.|cnj{ did not vntlt US from Fruity until Tuemliv lliin storm wa i:-u.Mi.l over Out IIM and came- from Te.\. The Webting Concert. The WeWing concert ou Friday WIWOMV of the pretti. t aliojr* we have had in Flesheiton for many u loi g day. The sisters are even better ni entertainers than they Here ndvertioetl. Lntle Liuy is a child of nature, with no artili- art in her compos. tion, and cnptivmed every heart. The ccene from tile ''Tain- iinj of the Shrew," "An April Jet," 'Bvitiinnia" nn I "A dance of the <iniinrr fiiiwem," wcie p.n uc:iloly p'tM-ii.'.' Lucy's ^'iu, "M.iy I havi- the |ili-a<ure, ' was Uo a pretty l.t'T- j-in aiid cslh-d forth much |'l'!lin>e. Mi.-s Keni ick, as piitniMt. contributed vcrv luydy to the [.ieajMire of tliw tM.nim; The li.i.i w.n (i led. and had tliu nivht IHJIMI ple\nt and rols gil it would i ot h.ive held the nudience. It is only m.^e in A loi^ wlnlij that a Mmhertiin audixnce in treated to all rnti-i 'mnnicia so fret* from dull or objectio. u 1 1 fralurva, and M> fancintttini' an vxpueitionol the poetry of mot ion mid drama'ic clnrm. 8li"ii!d we ever he i fortunate * to receive, a retmii vmit from tlu-ne clever youni; buliea the welconio will undoubtedly H!III< si lako the t" .r.u of an ovation. H> are in receipt to-day of a copy ( a |>rcil 4iii<'ii "f Copp, CUrk A Case for Charity. A c<>rr< > i<<>iid>'iit not ds us clippiug from ihv Glob* d ajii g with the ui-ndi- ti-n of a widow in Tor nfr, a Mr*. 81 eno>-, whiHu> hu* 1 and was killed iu a x will, The comi<>ud*ut atates that this woman has relotivss and friends iu this vicinity aiid requests us to publish portions of the letter. As this appears to h* a newly c**e we (jive the actual con- diliun nf affairs as staled, and recommend it tu our renders. The family consists of a mother and seven children, who are destitute. "This woman has hnd no fuel thi.s season, only what her children could pick up. One dear little girl u crippled by rheumatium through exposure. I got a gentleman to represent the cnw t., Mr Tiiylor, relief i fficer. but no fuel has yet '''ii supplied. 'Uu that gives enriy gives twice.' One week's delay nrtfht cause death or life-long invalidiaiii. Any no who will signify an intention to help this family shall receive frum me full and mm facto; i y detail*, so that they may iiinw that their help is made the best of. ' Mils. E. CA.NN, 284 N. LUear street, City, Jan . 12. Obituary. Joseph Watson, ST., of Artemesia, wli..e dhtli notice appeared in The Ad- vance lout week, was born in the county of Tyrone, Iruland, in 18L>2. Mian Eliza Watson, to whom be was happily joined in wedlock was also of that county She, with four tons and three daughters sur- vive him. by whom his memory is revered, oiie son and two daughter* having pre- ceded him in death. He came to Can- ada nearly forty rive yearx ago and set'l.'.l ttr*t in Vituuhaii township, county of York. Some timu afterward, iu search of land and of a new home, he mail.i his way into Atteuiesia, wheie he settled and ended his days. Being atnoni; the pio- neers who had to follow the "blaze" fif- teen miles or in. re t.i the nearest griat mill with oxen and "jumper" for a "ja^" of flour, be was not a stranger to the hardships and trials endured and ovnr- couie by our worthy fathers in those days, ami bein< in ade-lica'.econditi m uf health nes.i ly forty years uiade it doubly trying for him. But an hisfsniily of industrious buys vrvw up around him the Lurd.-ii was lightened. Fora number of years they ciiKs^rd extensively in the manu- facture of "Black Salts," the firm was also cleared up and a comfortable home provided for his declining days. Mr. \\.-xts. n was highly esteemed in tbe com- munity where he lived, being a kind neighbor, uiuuumiiig in manner and of a genial disposition, his pleasant humor and natirn *it made him at times quite entertaining He wim a ummbvr of the Hl nt church, FUlirrton. in-t demon srmtivo in his profession, hut since hm i-oi, version ai. humble and consistent follower of the lowly Nazarine. His last illuess. which for Home time was severe, was borne in Christian submission and hi* end wan peaceful. On Thursday, the 17' li inxt , his reina.ns were laid in their lust roslini! p'ac ill Muunt Zion cemetery after un uppnipriute and eonifoi *er- ni.iii 1>> his [tiWtor, Kev. J. L. (>:ud ner. who was asM.^titl in the m-ivice by I'.t-v. Mr. lUifniir, Methixlisi |sti>r at Zion, whose frequent visits and wi.rHs of com- fiii-t wciv much spp:uciatid tyttnjile- iliini..' his last iilniiw COM. Tie Delineator for March i^ the (treat number, and in our opinn n in tliu isxue of this pooulal niiitfi/inu th.-vt hn yet lern publnhud. All the depart- mem* aie uaual'y well filled, mid the .luhiotii have an incicaieii value through beinii (he tirst authoritntivu pionounco- nit-ill of the nprii.g inoden. The ch<el featuie of the literary mutter is a inont Conipreheiisivx chapter on csr-ls, their uses and ct.quutie, by Mn. Ro^er A. Pty< r. thik beini; the tint of a ftenvs in- titled tin* Social Code. Then* is also a vi ry m>ieting tirst arucle on tho Etper- it-nets nf l.i'e at a Training School for , with an intn duction by Mm ic Khinelandi r Jones. Wmnu'i a* a Musi -,.111 i< ill,' nu'-ji'ct of a "ciinv lion" Ih-'wi-en Eil. til M. Thomas and Di. S U Elliott, to hii h is iippenclc.I a de ln-littul Ut of v, r*o by &IIHH Tlioiii.t. Mr*. I<"'ivstre-t an iimtnn^iivo pnjh r on ihe One of tho Hnii'l" ml Kcet, Mrs Maudi- (.'. Mnn-HV umfn'ou'v* miotiier cliM|.ter to her intertHting .crieM nn the f Mother and S !!, and Mm. n c"oi inii-s hr entertaining yoMifi in Around th Tea- Table, t'lemur- able and | rotitali'e eniploynient i* f uiol in Burnt Work - H K. Korben, Venetian Iroin ".Vork J. Harry Aanms, and ( and Tissue Papers Tillio R.-omo Littell. The housewife will rind iniiuh of vklue in the cnr* of Mlver, cookery for the old bints on neivinit I oi<n, and (he fancy work>r will appreciate t'.e nw dein in Knitiin^, Netting, Tn'ting, Etc. Boffin a sulwcribnon with tin* number. The sub-.ciiption price of the Delineator i $1 a year. SniKlx C'opies 13 cent*. A'li'rea* nil orders to the CK-I- inentor Co. of Tin onto, (Ltd./ S3 Richmond Strot-t We.t, Toronto, Out. %%%%' Keep Your Feet DRY AXD WARM BY Bl'YINO YOCR FOOTWEAR AT CLAYTON'S. A LOT OF WINTER GOODS SELL! ?fG OFF Custom fork and Mm Promptly Done, Style, Quality and Prices. , Now that the cutter and sleigh season has arrived, we wish to draw the at ', teiition of the public to the fact that we have on hand a Urve stock which we \ i are offering rery clu-ap. We do not believe in boasting but we believe thai | ' we can give ynu a bvtutr aiticle at less money than you can get anvwhi-re >-l-e. We h:iv? no drones in nur hiv, we are all workers. Then again our lr_-e ex jperiencs ami tlii)ruui(h knowle<lt( of the husiiu ss enables us u> i;ive you a tvt ter article at less money than th.>s)e of less experience can do. A hint t > the) ;*IHO is sufficient. Remember we took tint prize for the bevt exhibit of car- es at thtt East Grey Exhibition. Shop opposite J. Smith's shoe shop. 1>. Ill . \1K The Leading Carriage Builder. A New Year A New Stock New Prices. Pricps sach u have never been heard of in tLii secliua of country before. Just tiiihk uf it. As low iu price as A new lot of fine goods which we alone can handle in this district Beat Una if you can. Also bvar iu mind that we make no pretensions of selling at cont, bat intend to stay here and do business in the fkraway future. All other lines of Fnrni- ture and nnderaking goods at e i't*lly liw prices reuiembrtn{ our rn >tto " Small Profit* Quick Returns. " Come and examine our stock, your looks won't burl the goods and we may do 7011 or your pocket some good. UNDERTAKING, In tbe undertaking line we stand and guarantee first class work in all its branches. The laadiu^ furniture and undertaking warerooms. ertou. J. E. Baskerville&Co. 1805 New Year's Greetings -FROM THE Flesherton Furniture Warerooms. We wish to tender thank* for tlie very liberal share of patronage C'vuii us during 1H:). We sli til s'.nv,. it marit * continuance of llie same by stnctiy adlicitut; to our old policy of 44 5mall Profits and Low Prices" in every d'purtn-<-tit. We sliall from time to time through ihe col- itDiim of linn paper keep you puelcd on our ability to supply your needs iu our line. Remember we are aiwaya pleased to show goods aui qno'e prices, which, we bviievp, will com me ml UieiniMilves to your cousideratton. J. E. HOORE PROP. Our Uudcrtaking, as usual, hearse, good attention, low charges. (CLEARING SALE OF WINTER out two Inr^o gtoi-ps but not having room for onr large we UIMV olTef wasonable K<.uidi< ut prices that must clear them i'mno wlnlc tlie awut. tiucnt is oooiplete. >I.V>i'l'JL,fc:S! worth 11500, now for 18.00. 700 t 'J.OO, " I 7.60. " t 7.00. f 5.00, " I ;Mlt-- M:n tie C'lotli Wot th *3 50 per } ard. now $2.50 " " " $1.75 " $1 25 " Beautiful silk sealctte. old price $7 00, now for $3.50 per yard MK:Vt3 OVfcCtCOA'rsl worili $UC<>, now for $8.00. $lltX>, " $7 .10 " " $ 9.00. " $5.IH). " " $ 7.60, " $4.00. " " $ 5.60, " $8.50. A full stock of boys overcoats on hand. Remember the above good* a. a sold at cost. Many other linen ha/e we that you Are wanting. Calhoun's Patron Store. Dundalk $6 5H. $5.00. $4.:o. $3.(0. $I..M'. $1.1.-. 7r.

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