TABUHHRD 1881 r :. I.III.D WKKKl.Y AT THB OfflCK. 8YD- CAidlM STBBIT, FLBHHBttToN. O.NT., BY W. U. TUriisTOH. $1 p-r nniiuiu,Hlrlrtlv in advanrr Advoitising Rates: Oae Coluina. 1 year, M ; bait col . 1 rear, 7 quarter ool., one year, Sli. Transient adTertlsement charge') at the rat* f Seents par Hue fur first Insertion and J cauu each subsequent Insertion. OUR NORTHERN UISTRICT. THI It it at least gratify ing. to know that the late storm waa not a product of Canadian anil. It waa loru in Texas, waxed Cat iu the middle states and immigrated to this lonijstiQerinx coun- try in aged fury. Will the Texans kindly have some little regard for our feelings aud keep its blizzards at home. ADVANOJ Harty. (Reform) won Kingston on Monday by a majority of 400. The result in West Algoma is not. yet known. Proton "Our northern districts" is the title of a pamphlet just issued by the Com- missioner of Crown Lands. It con- tains a great quaut.ty of interesting aud instructive matter relating to the great northern expanses of territory awaiting colonization and settlement. The book contains a valuable map allowing the townships that have al- ready been opened for settlement in Al- goma and Nippising. The mineral i esouice* are dealt with as well as the agricultural and all information necessary te intending settlers given. The book ia opportune, for, aa the in- troduction aays, "It i.elear that there bag set iu a reaction from that rush to the civics which Las characterized the last fifteen years. It now looks probable that many of the cities on the continent will Lave difficulty in maintaining their own populations, and will not for some time to come be ablo to absorb the surplus popula- tion produced by the country diatr'cU, to say nothing of foreign imuiigra- i...n." It therefore becomes absolute ly necessary to oolouize these lands, to the uortli, which are known to be fertile and productive, and capable of sustaining the surplns, no matter how great, for years to come. Wo take pleasure in recomineuding this pam- phlet to any interested party, more particularly as it is an advunco alonjj the lines advocated in these columns from limr to time iu the past. The Advance believes that Canadians have, aa yet, scarcely begun to enter upon the grand heritage wl'ieli is within their grasp. THE ANONYMOUS WRITER. Minutes of ranting council township Pri"H at Ilope\ illr, January 21t, IM'.l.Y Tlif following made and Hub*cnh<l tlie declaration of qualification mid office aa roeve, J*me Csrbott ; deputy reevu, (iror.'tt \\ "t*< n , counciHora, Joseph Me- Aidl.-,L>ui>cn MacKenrie, Daniel WiUtin. Cuuncil organized aud transacted bu*i- IU-M. Wataon Wilw.ii That Tho. Mc- Auley bo npimiiited i*eiKiur fur the township for the year 181*6. Salary, $55, p<Ml*ge, utc., $5. Me Anil.- MacKenzie The represent- atives f"r the aeveral division* bo : Nu. 1, 1). Miu-Kenzie ; No. 2, Jo*. McArdle ; Ni.. 3, U. Watson ; No. 4, Daniel Wil- hi. n ; Nu. 5, J Cor but. McKenzie Wilaon - That laaac Tray- nor be tw|). en(5'neer for IHJ.i McAnllu \Vilnnn-Tho foll<wina be ineinburi Local Itoaid i>f Health fur IH'.l.V Div. 1, D. .NU Ki II/L- . Diy. 2, JIM. M. Ardle ; Div. 3, U. Watson . Div. -4. .1..- Cuvaiiagh ; L>iv. 6, J". dubelt ; Ih. Mitohell to be Mtxlical Health Officer. McArdlu Wilaon- That Neal A. Mr Donald be Auditor on behalf of townahip fur aocounta of year 1894 ; Dr. Al.-x. (jilleapie itp|iinted by the leevc, py for service $9 vucli. McArJle MacKenzie That tin reeve and dup'y teuve be i\ couiuiitlee to ex- amine lh treasurer's securities and re- ooi I t n&t meeting "f council. Watson -Wilaon The bill of H E. CiU-uilHiiiuiig fur elertion mippliva. collec- tor* and townahip sujipliea, be paid, amount 1:'. '.'<v Mt- Anile- -Wild in Jaa. Cavanaijh.div reuiitrar, be paid $!).30 for ret(itration, 58 biitha, IS marrige, 22 deaths in 1K!)4. Mi-Ardl Wataon Puier McMurJo he IMVH! 96 ft-r grovel in 18Ui, aupplied div. 2 3. McArdlo MacKeiiRie-Councillnr Wil- 011 to wait <>n IJri. W<x>laey ri-^aidinu claim for gravel vunphvil to roads in 1K'.4 and ro|M>nat next lueetu.g. The clerk in notify hia solicitor. MiicKeiizie Walw.ii The bill .-VStew- rt Bri , 98, for 1 road acraper fur dir. McArdle Wilton Bylaw No. 47 for lay of ineinben of cinincil ; bylaw No. 48 for ni>|Hinitiii,{ of aiiditoiH ; by-law No. 4!) re t.ix on doita ; bylaw 60 for ap- iMiintinv locl Board of Health ; bylaw N.I. r.l tat itp|Hiintinv{ lowuahip amieiMor f'.r IH'.ij, being read, pnaaeU, sillied and ealod. Watson Wil>n The collector enuu> tlie Uxea of Thoa. Wyvill, pt. lot I'.'l, R. T., the Mtmo liavin^ |NJII paid. MiwrCmzm-Wilaon-Thal Dr. Jim. Mc\\ illiuin bo paid $o.OO for atii-iulinK cnao of Hi-nrlet HIM in 18!)4 by otdvruf l.K*l boaid of Health. TVataon Wilaon- Tho statute llxir tax of R .lit. Wnlaon. I--' -'-'I. K. 1, und of (ieo. Leppnrd, wj lot 21, on. 14, be miui'tl, a the nunic Ima been ]iurfi>rmvd. I 1m council now adjouin to meet at call of tliu reeve-. JAM. CAVANAOH, Tp. cli'rU. by the people at Urge and not by the in- dividual owner ; wln-r the wry op poaite I olds uood with ivvnrda to build- in|/a aud other inipmveiiirnU ; vi that land value only la the proper subjnct of taxation. That a t>vx >n perwnal pro- perly ia shown by wnl- i-spi rn-ia-v to fall very unjustly, to plane n premium ondiv honoa'y, aud to IK- en.ily VHile.d. especi- ally in towns anil citlt-M. That tax on lyiildinus, IT|M, etc.. dicur^e industry and mi) r .Ti IJI.-IIIH, wherca*a tax on Und valuea ilincour^e* spcul:itiou and mo- nopoly ; because the one Uxe* a man in proportion to the 11-1- In- in.ik-i of hii laud, whilii the other taxes him in pro- portion I" tho advuntJgo of hia locution. Which viuw is the right otiu I Tlmt can be Hvttlod by the text of nctunl x- I !, n-nce can be bettt obtained by ((iviug iiiunicipalitiuH tliu por>r t-> luxy tlicir own i.ix.itimi in tliu inAiiiicr excli lliinku U-Mi ; in other unrdH, l.y the principal of Lojl Option in Taxation." KL, KM II 1 U TON ROLLER HILLS Are DOW complct auJ aie running regular. CHOPPING done ovt-rj afternoon BH usual. P. LOUCKS. HARNESS If yini Don't Ffl Well r< Mai.- ey's " Celery Neive Compound, with Beef, Iin mill Wiiti-." U a Ijuarnnteed cure fur Dyspepsia, Nurvoumieas, Mental IVpreMU- n, anil nil weakneiis ariitiiig from a run down uve.rwork.-d ryttain. It haa never been known to f.-il. Out a bottle and be healthy and happy 8 jll by all druuK^t. 3m The jy'arkets. t'arrfiilly Corrected Ea-li Wrek Klotir Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Hurley . Oata Peiu Butter Etfs, freah Potatoea bas; Pork Hay per ton Hide* Slier phklln (ieeae Turkeys Chickei'M per pair.... Ducks ber pair . . . . W.Hll 3 15 to ;.:. to :.:. t.. 31 to 'i~\ f" 51 to 14 to 14 u. 50 to 4 :--. to 700 to 300 to SS5 to C to 8 u. 16 to 40 to 15 Iu Good Sto:k, Good Workmanship, Low Price*. 'urrr Cnmb, Brushes, Harnew Dresinx. Bll, Ooac and Cowhide Ruben, Axle (irvaax, Blauketa, and everything in my line conaiantly on hand. 55 61 14 14 50 100 800 300 25 I 8 40 60 I' NOTICE TO CKED1TUKS- In tli mattarof Tristram Cbliltt. of thi> ril- laKcof Klmherton htatlou, iu the County of Ore) ,ei url innrcliant. iusolv*ot. Th Insolvent lias niMl an annignineiit to in*, tor th bn-flt of crnliwors utxtr K. S. U. 1K7. Chapter 124 A lUnotinK ' creditor* will li huld at the orTlcn of Hio v Hftrber A Co., No In Wi Ilington Htriirt Kant, Toninto. on Tllurt- ilav tliu .tut day f January f"U"> at thn hour of A o'clock IM the .4(11-1 n.i.iri for tli- appohitnn>nt of in|>H > toi< mid the Kivinic of ilireot'oiM nun nfvrence to thi* fti*|x>1 of the entate. Al CVIVOIIN rlminlnu to r. k t'jioo the etate <i the Insolveut uiunt Ale their claims with ti uudenliinml mi <ir before the CMh ilsv of Feb- rosry. IWft. after whicb diita I will liiocce*! V ilmtiltniti* tti- t-*ti<, lisviuQ rRaru to tln>e claims only of which 1 shall then have hut notice. HKMIY nUHKii. Trustee. Toronto. Jan. tb, ISBS. HULL FOR SERVICE- Thoronclihro.l Short Horn Po-liRreeil Bull f.i service on lot :KV. con I, Artwfiitla. fur the COM, ini; MUHiu. Teruii onu dollar. Pedigree can bo alatnlnwl k> M'flj '"B to H. Down. Proprietor The Ri flectur thiuka llie editor vrlin pnb- Mbes anuoiiymuus currorpoiidenc* au un- mitigated aas. But if The Advance wants to know our I'piuiou upon the sdvmiLility of puuli'biog Irtttrs uudrr lirtituiim namea we r. ply that it must always depend upon tie (nod judg- ment of IIM- editor. This qneMiim linn been diseuaied long ago by the hij; iiswupupen of Kurope, and them Is inuoh to be said for and against the nom-dr-plnmp. The editor must dtoide these points for himself ; lhafa what he'i : n the editorial 1 1 i.- for. Clarksburg Reflector. Yri. but tho trouble lies herr, Rlr. ulliclor: We have editon in tins country who do not know what tiny .tie in tbe editorial chair for, and til- i * tin ii columns to be ned to fnrthor individual spitps and fontrr enmity tnd trouble iu the coniiuunily simply kit'caiibfl they have not the backbone to refiist the publication of 8tich let- ters, fearing to lose a subscriber. The lli-lli I'tor ia not in this category, and noither is The Advance, but there are editors uf thin fulihre, and we holit tliul a tyitarn that is* prono to bp abused iit thi. way is a v.i ak one and !iould In- abolished. The Dafbam diroul.-le "hns uo iis auonyiniiuH rnmrnaniciit o i, l^ose making sttai k upon prrons, s we- ar* of the opinion tUat unyi.B* wisklng to iutl|aU hia view* tLrouqli thn publii- pre* sl.ouiil flrt be prepared lo 40 so.em and burn boar J. To do oUisrTia* .'a I . tske in iinUir advantage. Annuymous ooiumuuioa- li..ns, IhiMiKh fr.jeurut v receive.!, du not f.|t in ui appoar.auM Ihrtfuj^Pttr, ieliniBs." Local Option in Taxation VILLAGEPKOPERT^ FOR8ALE. I am Instructed by the Counrll of to rwcetttf fcrnlvil tenilora for the fiiiti-lia-rt the following \illn^o proi*i ty. up t<> IKMHI the 4th day of Kituilnl v. IHU.i, v|t : !; ',. K rtu-m t. . ,ii<l :>Torry m.u.,lu the vlll i< ol 1' ! vllle. and lot 1. block H, lieechelT's kii.v Klevherton V i:KMts t'AHU. ()on,l mlr. Teiiilvn to be marked t< inlern for purchase The hlKheet or any tviidrr not uwoAwrly ac rei'tvd. W. J.IIKU.4HV. . wp. Clerk. I - for Ml Nil 'I PA LIT! EX ASKINd n IK IT. A petition anltiint for laical Option in TaxMtion in beina a>iit for mynalure to nil the iniininpililiea in Ontnrio. It sets out that widely divergent views are en- l.ruii ed on the subject of municipal taxation, thnt tlio beat method of suiriing thu question is by Hiving to niuuiuijiali tiea the power of r*i*iut{ their leveiiuea mi Hiiy I'iM's of taxation ihnt each niiiin- cipality ninv .-hnoae ; and that the priori psl of l,ncnl Oniion in Taxation hut been it'lo|iteil to a Creator or lean extent ill the I'ninnre of Hritmh Coliiiiilii.i anil in thu North-West Territoii.H, besides liatnik.' been p.tHncil by the Chnliilwra of the I'arlimuciits of Nuw /.-tlnud ami South Aiuiialiii. Arcoiii|Mtnyiii(; the pclilion is a circular whirl) i;iva Home iniereatinu dala on the i|ueti<m. The following m an extiact "The nues'ion of t'lX.klion ha been much disrus-ed during the pnH'. year, and luo opposini! view* l.aM- bevii devobipod, which may bo ternieil respcctiv.-lv 'TKX- ation of \\ ciilih' and 'Tu\ation of Priri- "tln the other hatul it is uruud that wealth shoiii.l in taxexl where\tr found Hiid in whatever shape ; that stockx. limn!-, iniirl glides, farm Htik, iiii|i r ineiit-, crtirx, horiifH, barns, fence*, orchards, dialling. Mini other iiitpm\e. inentK, a* well HH the value of 1 iiul, Hliould all b taxed ; tlmi this is taxing a mm aocoidinx to hn menna ; nml thnt it U the proper pi m. iiml of inxatii n. "(In the other hand it la replied that tAialioli ia not a mere imutna of collect- ing to much money, but iu ina|rably bound up with ih C|ueiions of monopoly and spe. pnvilswu, and should be so I U\ivd aa to .nc uiacu intlumry mnl din- oouiii|(M apeuuhtiion anil moooiKily. That the value of land (which riw< to auch tnvi*>,oua fsjuri'S in uur citU-) w nu.J Meeting. JUY YOUR Leave orient e^rly we are always ushed in the full senaoii. W. Moore - HarDessmaker FLESHERTON. Cash For Hides! Sheepakins Mid nil kiiuU of furs p u r- chaatd, for which highest ninrket pt ice will be paid. Homemiulc MtuMgM on hand. al> n iU of ineata. all WILSON, FLESH KRTt)N MKAT EMPOKK'M. Oysters, s, Nuta. Candie*. Cakn and ronfectionary of all kinds suitably for Cliristinaa now in W. Barnhouse 'FLKSHERTON. Snaps! for The Season -AT- RICHARDSON'S. We will dispose of a lot nf Millinery at from 25 to 60 cent* 011 the dollai . eomnieucitig Friday. Jan, A lot of ribbons 20 to 60 centa a yard, all to go at 10 cents. 10 to 20 cent ribbons all to go at 5 cents per yard, Furs. Collars and Muffs at GO cents on the dollar. Mantles. At reductions from 20 to 50 cent or half price. We have many left bnt th-y are styles. new pet nut good Dress Goods 42 and 44 incli winter costume cloths a t 20 and 2} cents per yard. We Lave a few ladies' Fur Cape* left which we will it 11 at very low tiguits. M'-n's FnrCoatn from I12.M) up. Reversible Fur Coats, water proof. 20 pairs of Blanket*, all we have left, and will be offered at job piicva to clear oat the liue. A meeting of the l.lbaraliof East Oiey will be buhl at Klrnherton ou Friday, Febiuary 1st, 1895, at Ii o'clock p in . for the purpose of nonilnatlna a 1 HinliiUte t i i ..nt.'.t lli ridinn at tin. untiling electlous All Libuial* rr iuviiwi to attiiU. C. i, in. i 01 1'Kkideot. Ooi> UAVB TB CUM. I', K ictary. LOGS! LOGS! LOGS! WANTED AT EUGENIA All IYS bu sound uud gieon. ELM 10 feet 4 inchtw a. id 15 fort (i iouliea long, 18 to :'4 uu-heo diitmetor, f 4 _'."! pur 1000 .'I im-hua and ovur iu tli- .tiueter 94.50 per 1000 aUMMTUOD, 12 fret G indies lli :, aa'.t as poa- aible. 96.00 ami 96-^0 pi 1000 uouord- ini( to si/.o aud quality. MAl'I.K. I 1 . 1 feet fi incheit, 18 lit- chiw and over dmuieter, 94.50 |>or 1000 RKD IURCH. 12 feut U inuhiH, 18 in- ches and over diameter 94.50 per 1000 Spot Cashi Paid. Tbs Torcutc Hcop & Yecar Co. AUCTION SALE :OK: Valuable Farm Property IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ARTEHESIA IN THB Coimtv of Orcv. Heavy Frieze Overcoats, dark Ri'ej. Fawn and 13rowu at 9550, 17.50, ami SH.60. These are seasonable goodn well iiimlo with twnd Iminyt aud *uii; storm collars. A large, general stock of men K. yo'iUi.-' aud boy ' vercouU at grtally redact d ftices. Sugars. Sn^arsare lower than pver in the history of the trade. kcowu Special finp value in Jaran Tea 20 cents per 16. at at V:nlor and by vlrtuo of the |<oweni vmted in J. W. Hei.ilerMm am 1 Wm. tiut .u-il .. il.irtof Ili Ust will Mid twtkuirnt of MiAM , > liKnl.-iiK lUXllI.Ki.N. Iste of the towu>lil|i of ,\i tvmesin. in th.- t'niiiitv of Orov, iirniM.-. tipceanwi. thvio will be oOviutl for \n.\ iv |raWM auction at XI unslui\.v's Hott-1 IN THR ; oi- I- Richardson '& Go's. Wednesday, the sixth day of Februray, A I). 1 HIM, At the hour <f two o cli>i'k in tbe afternoon, Ii. A s V uiihiii. KMJ . mutlnuuur, tli ti'iiowniK IHIIIK alui <.'ii<niik<<, vm: l'i t of lot nuinbw mi , huhdrfil mid flftv nnt>, iu the tl.iril iiini;,i iniitli Wool of the 'i'orooti od Mydonhaiu n.s.l, in th Kal.l townnhip of iio-ii a, eotitaJuluf lorty acrw, uv>ior IM. TIM saM propevrty M hnuuMlmtelv n.lj <inlui( tlie vlllHKo of Kli.Kliurttin Htatlou; about SO m-i-en mi. i to b vleara us.i iliu l'la.n- hartl W<KV! ltuh. lunly fuuceil, frame dttelllux un the property. 11 K'MH: Ten pr nnt of tho ^iiirrhav ironey to toe pal'l at thu time of ! uiU the l.;.uo itlnu tliutv tU. ihfri'aftor. For further |.urlu ulr tnd conditions of sale u|i|n> lo V. . }. bKLUAUT, Hm)., or t > Li c J: \VKic.r. Veii-lor*' HoliulUirs. Owen kounJ aud r'lesneiton DaUd Jaa. 3rd, A. !>.. in*. Farms for Sale. lx>UM smlDo In tbe 7th concession o' the owi>^liip of Artetuecit,, two Uuutireil ! HurcUvarc } Dcp't. We Want Yon to call and t one of our beautiful .SO cent Tcapuis ihai we aio cltMiing otl at 2O Cents Ecli. . Klenherlon, Tea Kettles. Wo have just received a UK n; of nickle pl>tted un copper Tea keitlfS wliicli are the veiy bt-si make. \\*v a niou lino of BirJ Caget*. Call and you will stfu that oui' pnce<i ai away dowo ou them. You Want A GOOD CROSS-CUT SAW. We Want to sell one. The them are greatly re'lucvd aie fully pries oil tLey CO.