THE WEEK'S NEWS MMsMs The pre*ent population of Ottawa is plac- at 47.775. Tts radial railway fever hss now struck St, Thomas. The Manitoba Legislature will meet on February sixth. On February 1. free postal delivery will be inaugurated at Vancouver. A second cow affected with tuberculosis has been found in Winnipeg. The Fraser river, h. C., floods are sub- siding, and there is no further danger. There art now 11 vacancies in the Dom- inion Senate. Chief of Police McK.innon, of Hamilton, has been dismissed. The late Lieut -CoL Skinner left an es- tate valned at *45.0uU. The total amount received by the Min- ister of Finance for the Lady Thompson fund is fifteen thousand dollar*. Gen. Booth expressed himself at Winni- ng a* most favorably impressed with Manitoba. The Brockville Carriage Company has just made Urge shipments to Kngland and Bermuda. Hon. L. O. Taillon, Pr*mi*r of Quebec, U not improving in health, according to the latest reports. New Detver, B. C, is clamoring for a bank. The miners are paid by cheques and have no place to get them cashed. By decision of the Supreme Cocrt at Ottawa th* Provincial Government has power to pas* a local option law. Naval authorities at Halifax have re- ceived word that H. M. S. Crescent would succeed the BUke flagship at that nation. Louis Victor, an Indian, was hanged a New Westminster, B.C., on Thursday, for Th* Harland ShipibuiUng Company, of Belfast, are tn negotiation with * Liverpool shipbuilding company f..r the construction of two Atlantic line steamers, | each to be one thousand feet long. CXITID *T4TH. The Army Appropriation Bill, carrying 123,000,000, has passed the L'.S. -Senate. Mis* Stevenson, daughter of Vice- Presi- dent Stevenson, died on Friday at Abbe- ville, N.C. Granite Creek, ri Arizona, swollen by 72 hours' rain, overflowed its banks and caused much damage to propert) . The latest estimate is that. 60 person* were killed in the powder explosion* at Butte, Montana. Mr. Abbot, cashier of the Dover, N. H., National Bank, having been found short ui his accounts, shot and killed himself. John Burke, song and dance actor* M that he is very wealthy and has been sent to Bellevne boepital. New York, in or<ier that his mental condition may be looked into. The New York World say* William K. Vandorbilt tailed on the Teutonic for Liv- erpool. Before he left an amirmOle arrange- ment had oeen made by which Mrs. Van- derUlt will secure a divorce without con- test. The suit is now pending. A despatch from Detroit say* that Eliza Courts, the woman who was brought into so much prominence in connection with " Prince Michael," of the r lying Rollers, has (kipped out to avoid arrest (or having illegally performed the marriage ceremony. Household. An Improved Kitchen Chair. A kitchen chir ought to b obiong aad high, so tnat one sitting at the kitchen table cecd not keep the ar:ni ratted when paring tpplee or pre paring vege t a we*. These two point* an secured io the chair figured V here, which c*n readily be made in the h > me workshop. It hai also two drawer*, ooovenient for th* knife or spoon and other aruclee that one wuhe were at hand w.thoat the necessity of jumping down irom the chair and going or! to the panxry. A few article* of thia *ort can be kept in then* drawen to the MTiog of many weary itep*. drape in the corner* and upon th* ihelrei: it i* cure destruction to bedbugs, and will effectually driTe them away from tneir haunt* if thoroughly applied to all tn* joints of thebsdstsad.and it injures neither furniture nor clothing. Sterilize and Keep Milk. Her* i* a recipe for canning milk so that it can lie kept for six months and when opened it is fresh an! nice. Take the milk as soon as the animal heat is out, put in a Co kettle or pail and set into a Duller or ny. THE HORAL POLICE- A veeuBi > Foi Leeklac Io a Prevlsl rial e>rsUaUe. In the rural municiptlitie* the detection and suppression of crime are n it prosecuted with trie vigor that toe necs**iu* of th* CM* warrant. As * result miay offence* remain unpunished. Tne weakness is the outcome of th* conditions under which the> rurii police or county constabulary labor . water, and brini; it to a boiling beau 1-ita pour into common fruit jar* and seal the same as canned fruit. Place the j-tr* in the cellar or in a cool place aad keep unu: used. A Cake that Is Popular. One '.vacupful of good molasses (mip'.e syrup i* better', one -naif tacupful brown sugar, one-half pouad of pickled fat pork chopped fine and dissolved in a gill of boilioz water, one pound of raisins seeded and chopped, a lableenoonfnl of ground cinna- mon, half j nutmeg and a pinch each cf During the season of short day* I make : ground allspice and cluvea,two te**pooofuls about 7 o'clock a.m. a batter sponge consist- 1 of baking soda ilto: into three and one- To Make Bread in Winter. ing of a teacup of yeast, ditto of dour and enough warm, not hot, water to make it into a thin batter, writes a eorretgcnden U If I have any doubts about my yean I add A cyclone visited >*n Miguel, CaL, Wednesday night doing considerable dam- age. Robert Peck's buggy was overturned, breaking two of his rib*, and a dying tree pierced his lung*. The Parkville stage was ove-turned, but the passenger* escaped | ^ injury. Telegraph poles were thrown to the ground and wire* prostrated. Edmund 0. Quigley.of Quigley 4 Tattle, dealers in municipal bonds. Wall street. New York, has been arrested, charged with * small pmcn of soda and a little salt. At half teacnpfuls of dour. paper before baking. Co\ er with oiled th* murder of another Indian last Septem- ( orgery jj e confessed. The Mercantile her. The unemployed workingmen of Mont- real made a riotous demonstration in front of th* City ball on Friday. The police made several arrests. The Provincial Board of Health on Fri- day endorsed the establishment of a horn* for consumptives, to be situated in some in- land and elevated tract. The Imperial law officer* have decided that the Parliament ot Canada has power to pass a law to appoint a Deputy Speaker (or the Senate. The Norwegian colony in Bella Cool*, B. C.,is prospering. Th* people are steady and industrious, and are well satisfied with the country and climate. Tn* Halifax Board of Trade hare pss**rl resolutions favoring the idea of conducting all Canadian commerce by way of the Canadian railway and t**iir.*hip lines. Because Drs. Crawford and Latimer have accepted work from fraternal socie- ties, the other physicians uf Winnipeg hav* proclaimed a boycott agaiuil them. At the annual meeting of the Montreal Transportation Company, all th* reports presented showed that the business trans- acted was much less than that of the prev- ious year. It i* reported in Ottawa that th* Gover- nor-General has offered to defray the ex- penses of educating the two son* of Sir J ohn Thompson, who are studying law in Toronto. The long-standing diiput* between the Canadian Pacific Railway Company aad the city of Toronto relative to the eepla- uade has been settled in a manner perfectly satisfactory to both psrtie*. Within a few days it i* probable that ex- Detective John Fahsy, the noted Grand Trunk burglar, who was sentenced to four- teen years in the penitentiwy, and who i* dying of consumption, will be released. The operative* of Peck, Benny 4 Co., nail manufacturers of Montreal, who have been on strike, are prepared to return to work, as the Knights of Labor decided that the present is not an opportune time for labor to run counter to capital. wood pulp has succeeded in a foothold in England, and some thirty thousand tons have already been old in th* Britvb market. To retain it* good name, the pulp most b* made entirely of virgin wood. It is understood that th* Governor General, in lieu ot a subscription to tn* Thompson memorial fund, has offered to defray the cost of the further education of Sir John Thompson two sons until they have both been admitted to th* bar. In view of the many dismissals from the C.V.K, in Winnipeg the men are holding meetings, and trying to devise soms scheme whereby they can establish a colony and take to farming, a* they cannot make a living *t their present employment. William M. Uurnd. of Toronto, died on Thursday from th* effect* of a dose of morphine, administered with suicidal in- tent. A wairaat had been issued for his arrest on a charge of having embetzled funds of his employers, ths Maasey-Uam* Com- pany. There is a seiions blockade on th* Can- adian Pacific railway line in the mountains near Revelstok*. A i*port reached Winni- peg that a bridge had been washed away, fmt it has not been confirmed. The officials hav* not been able to get a train through for a week. ORtAT BK1TAIX. Th* Bank of Kng land's rat* of discount (main* uiu hanged t 2 per cent. Fear* are expressed in England that th* Nansen Arctic expedition has with diiMtar. Lord Brassey has accepted th* Gover- norship of Victoria, in sucosuion to th* Earl 01 Hopetoun. The competition of oleomargarine ha* caused a considerable decrease in the price of butter on th* London market. Th* Dak* of Argyl*. who fainted whil* addressing a meeting in Gaslgow Tuesday evening, is now pronounced to be out ol danger. Vioe-admiral Jame* Klphinstone F.rskme is to succeed Sir John Ommanaev Hopkins, whose command of the British North American station soon expires. Kdward Solomon, the composer, formerly the husband of Mis* Lillian Russell, th* operatic tar, is critically ill in London, Kn.;., from typhoid fever, National Bank wUl it is said, loss 350.000. There is nothing of an especially definite or encouraging nature in the reports of the two principal commercial agencies on this continent. There are fluctuations in most lines of trade, but the conditions are waiting conditions, and there is no material improvement in demand, employment, or wg*a, though in various directions some observers are able to dtKuver hopeful signs. Speculation every- where is stagnant. The iron and steel trade is quiet, but price* are fairly steady. The wool market is in a tentative condition. Prices of cotton goods are depressed. Archduke Albrecht, an uncle of Emperor Francis Joseph, is dying. Heavy snows and landslldss have stop- ped traffic in many places on th* Swiss railroads. Chinee* prisoner* at Yokohama report that 400 mines have been laid at Ying- Kow. Owing to the snow snd landslide* the railroads in northern Italy an blocked in s*r*ral places. A proposal has been submitted to th* Russian Council of the Empire to establish a legation to the Vatican. A despatch to The London Times from Pekin say* that General Wei, accused of cowardice, was beheaded on Thursday. The British warship Hyacinths has Istt Honolulu to take some present* from the Queen to her sabjeet* in the Southern islands. M. Raoal louche, the French author, committed su.cid* on Paris. The Rothchild* bank ing house in London has received a despatch stating that a re- volution has broken oat in Greece. The imports of France for the year IS94 amounted to 4. 119, 465,000 francs, and the export* footed up 3,27.\0*7,000. Avalanches in the Canton of Ticino, Switzerland, have caused great destruction of property and Ice* of life. Sir Ambrose Shea, Governor of the Ba- hamas, lias retired, and Sir William Smith, of ths Leeward Island*, will succeed bun. It is expected in Berlin that Count Her- bert Bismarck will b* appointed Ambassa- dor to England in succession to Count von Hatzf*ld \Vildenburg. The Fnnch transatlantic line of s 9 o'clock this will be bubbling bnikly if it has been kept in a warm place. I work it into a light half-gallon of d >ur, using s teacup of fresh, sweet milk, and a teaspoon- of butter or good lard. I p ef*r cottolene, if I have i:, u it i* free from any strong taste. By 4 o'clock th* bread is rea.iy to pot down for the second rising, but as a quart is sufficient for my family, I take out only half the dough, and set the jar aside in a cool place but not cold enough lor it to bo ctiilled. In the morning it is ready to pu: down to rise and bake. I pursue i .i: system because in winter when tne fire* go out and the rooms get cold, my bread o.'.en fails to rise enough to be ready for break- fast S o'clock, and by making in the morning ithaatheadvantageof awsll-heaieil room all day. I think the batter spong* gives it a good start and make* much lighter in winter. la summer I do not use a spong* because it is apt to sour in warm weather, >d tor the same reason I do not use sweet milk at that season, but snbstitut* moi* lard and sometimes an egg. It is a good plan. However, to wet the rolls with a cloth dipped in sweet milk just before putting them in the oven to baa-*. Once I found myself without any cook and a* I had a rising finger I could not imagine how I was going to nanage the jar of weli-risen bread. With one hand, however, I poured it into the bread pan and softened it with sweet milk and melted bitter until it could be poured with a spoon into a well-greased pan. The result WAS dshcious drop muffins as I chose to name them as they closely bled English mulfins. PZARLS OF THUTrL Labor V> show more wit in discourse than words. Spencer. Deceivers tride with the beet affection* of our nature. Crabbe. dramatic Friday in ships is about to build two ocean grey- hounds, to be named the Alsace and the Lorraine, They will cost *4,000,OUO Public Prosecutor Cslli was murdered on Thursday in uis private office in Milan >y a visitor, who stabbed him in the throat. The murderer, who is believed to be an Anarchist, was arrested. There was a bomb explosion in Paris on Sunday night. Nobody was killed, and ,h adjacent property was not badly wrecked. It is believed the explosion was more in the nature of a dangerous joke than an Anarchist outrage. The statement of the Commercial Bank ol Newfoundland shows liabiltis* ot fJ.Ol 1.000 and assets uf $1,463,000 less preferences of $416,000 to the savings bank. It is thought the ueet* will pay 4S or 50 cent* on the dollar. The lat**t steamer arriving at San Fran- cisco from the Hawaiian islands brings news of a revolution and bloodshed at Hono- lulu. Charles L. Carter, who was on* 01 ths annexation commissioners, is among the 'tilled. Robert Wiloox f* the leader of the rebels. left in Spilklns' Character. Rev. Dogood "No man is so bad th*. there is not a little of the angel him." Kobeon "Guess that's so. Remember Spilkin* ? Everybody thought he about the worst man on earth. Why, his own mother wouldn't come to his funeral. Well, sir, I've been told a thousand time 1 it month for this last ttv* yean that Spil kin* was the only real saint that eve lived. ' "My goodness !" "I married Spilkins' widow." "I wonder why Maxim's flying machine i* so long about pitting out? nut ried the scientific boarder. "A* near as I can figure it out." said the Cheerful Idiot, "the troubli seem* to be a detective fltw.'' Cooking: Fish. Baxed -'ish. Clean the fish ; fill with stuffing mads of one cup of bread or cracker crumbs, onshalf of a tablespoonful of salt, onequarter teaspoonful pepper, two or three drops of onion extract, one table- spoonful chopped parsley, and three table' spoonfuls of melted butter. K a moist slutting is desired, add one egg beaten well. When ready to bake, grease the pan with ait pork or dripping, and put salt pork under the fish. Do not put water in the pan, but baste often with melted butter or dripping. Bake ten minutes to every pound and serve. Cod a la Flamande. Hv* the steak* cut two inches thick ; greass the baking n and sprinkle the bottom with chopped ion, parsley, bits of butter, and a bay eat. Lay the steak* on this, brush over he top with tile yolk of an egg, sprinkls ith chopped onion and parsley, and pour ne tableapoonfut ot lemon juice to each teak. Bake thirty minute* and serve with enamel sauce. Deviled Shrimp*. To each pint of hrimps allow one tablespoonful of butter wo tableepoonfuls of flour, and two cup* f cream or milk. Melt the batter, add th* lour, and stir until smooth ; add the milk and stir constantly until ths mixture thick- ens ; add three hard boiled eggs pressed h rough a sieve and ths shrimps chopped in mall pieces. Season with one teaspoonful | salt, two tablespoonfnls of chopped parsley, on* saltspoou of pepper, and a lash of cayenne. Fill greased shells with the mixture, cover the top with bread crumbs and bit* ot butter and brown tn a quick oven. Sauce Hollandaise, Cream four table spoonfuls of butter; add the yolks of two gge, one at a time, beat until well mixed ; then add ths juice of onehalf of a lemon, one half of a teaspoonful of nit, and one- forth teaspoonful of whit* pepper; mix well. When ready to serve put over hot wmter, stirring all the time, and cook until it thickens. Serve at once. Court Bouillon. Totwoqnarts of hailing water add one slice of onions, one bty leaf. two sprigs of parsely, three whole cloves, one blade of mace, one small piece o! cinnamon, and one cup of vinegar or sour wine. Let boil up one* and pour over th* fish. Turpentine Is Useful. After a housekeeper fully realize* the worth of turpentine in the household she is never willing to be without a supply of it. It gives quick relief to burns; it is an excel lent application for corns, it is good for rheumatism and sore throats. Then, it i* a sure preventive against moths, by just The seed dies into a new life, and so doe* man. G. Mtcdonald. Those who hope for no other life an dead even :or this. Goethe. Employment and ennui are simply I petiole. Mine. Drluzy. Death has nothing terrible not made so. Edwards. Cultivation to the mind is a* food to the body. Cicero. One should believe in marriage as in the immortality of the sou'. Balzac, To love one who loves yon is stealing fire from heaven. Mme. de Guardin. Every production of genius must be the production of entuuiiasm. Disraeli. Cunning pays no regard to virtue, and is but the low mimic of wisdom. BoUng- broke. The virtue of the soul doss not consist in fly ing high, but walking orderly. Mon- taigne. Oar dissatisfaction of any other solution is the blaming evidence of immortality. Emerson. The highest knowledge can be nothing more than the shortest and nearest way to truth. Col ton. No longer talk about the kind of a man that a good man ought to be, but be such. Marcus Aunlius. Eve. with all the fruits of Ed*n blest, rather than leave that one unknown, lost all the rest. Moore. tixperienc* i* a jewel, aad it hath need to be eo, for it i* often purchased at an in- finite rat*. Shakspcan. Modern education too often coven the fingen with rings, and at the same time cuts the unews at th* wrists, Sterling. Then is a personage who ha* mon sense tnan Napoleon, mon wit than Voltraie, Monseigneur Everybody. Talleyrand. Necessity is cruel, but it is the only test of inward strength. Every fool may bvs according to his own likings. Goethe. Nobody contents himself with rough diamonds, or wean them so. When polished and set, then they give a lustre. Locks. Th* world i* but a magnificent building- all the stones an gradually cemented to ether. No one subsists by himself alone : Feltham. What man in his right mind would con- pire his own hurt? Men are beside themselves their time entirely to polio* duties. They are workmen, whi leave tiieir employment to do constabulary duty as occasion re- quires. SUonM a crime be committed in * given neighborhood tne constaole may in- terest himself in the matter, but induce- ments so to -*.o are not gnat. In tn* fint place th* constable must suspend his regu- lar work. Then he must devote himself to the pursuit of cine* and to the capture ot tne offender. Should be succeed in ef- fecting an arrest he is entitled to the magni- fioent sum o: $1.5o, with ten cents a mil* lor traveling, whicn amount falls snort of his loss through leaving his work and is quit* insurf.nent to recoup him hi* other expenditure. Sometime* it happen* that no arrest is made ; at other time* a Government detective appean on the scene and captures the man. In both of these cases th* constable can claim noth- ing for his labor. Scarcely is it to be wondered at if, under such circumstances, the county constabulary is none too active, and that men who ought to be gaoled dip away. The system under which the consta- bles operate is known as the fee system. While it discourage* activity on tr.e one head, it gives activity too much encourage- ment nn the other. For example, it is quit*) possible for contabl * ot an acquisitive turn of mind to harass their neighbors by frequent and unjust arrests. The plan thus) promotes activity where it U uot ceeded. and prevents it where it U needed. There is a movement on foot looting to a provin- cial organization of constables, with direc- | tion from one central bureau. What the rents of this proposition may be discussion will reveal. But meanwhile, and without declaring for a provincial police or a pro- vincial bureau, it is sate to say that something ought to be done to piaoe the police business ontaids of the cities and towns on a more efficient basis. when they transgress against their convic- tions. William Penn. Men commonly think according to their inclinations, speak according to their leani- ng and imbibed opinions, but generally act according to custom. Bacon. dropping a trifle in the bottom of drawer*, chests and cupboards it will render the gar ments secnre from injury during the sum mer. It will keep ants and bugs from chest* and itonroooi* by putting at f* A Fighting Butcher. Rndyard Kipling has sang the praises of Tommy Atkins, and told many tales of the undaunted courage of the "thin red line of oes," but Kipling'* particular hero, Mulvany himself has never eclipsed ths coolness and bravery displayed by a regi- mental butcher in the famous charge at Balaklava. When th* Light Brigade was preparing lor action ths butcher of the Seventieth Lancers, who had just been performing hi* office slaughtering sheep and oxen, made in* appearance in the field without coat or waistcoat, his shirt sleeve* rolled up, and his arms and face smeared, with blood a grotesque and terrible figure. He mounted a powerful charger and rode up to his troop. He had no business there, but the prospect of a bloody fny was too strong to be resist- ed. He seized two saber*, deliberately examining the temper aud edges of the blades, selected the sharpest, and threw the other aside. He them, with equal coolness, took out a short black pipe, filled it, lighted it, placed it in his month, and settling himself in the saddle, rode with the "six hundred" into the Valley of the Shadow of Death. This man was seen amongst the Russian bat- teries, sabering the gunner* right and left, slaying with hie own hand at least six of th* enemy, cutting hi* way in th* ntreat through the swarms of Russian cavalry, which vainly sought to intercept the rem- nant of th* gallant band ; and wonderful to relate, he rode back, still smoking hi* pip* as coolly as if nothing had happened, without having received a single scratch. The German Emperor, foreign papen say, has contributed $500 toward the pur- chase of Carlyle's house in Chelsea squire, London, which is to be transformed irto a Carlyle museum. Archbishop Tachs's successor. Rev. Father Langevin, is the son of 1'hiilippe Langevin, notary, and was born t St. liidore, Laprairi* county, nearly thirty- nine year* ago. AWED BY THE CZAR. Two iBstasiee* ef ISM Bravery ef Imf-r r Mrk.U. I. The Emperor Nicholas L. great-grand- father of the present young tear, inspired the Russians with aw* at ths very begin- ning of his reign. His oldest brother, Alex ander I., was childless, and the next heir to the throne was Cunstantine, the second brother, Nicholas, being third. Bat Alexander mads Nicholas his oeir by an edict, Constantine recognizing hi* own incapacity to be -om* emperor. Never- theless, when Alexander died, then was a conspiracy to put Constantins on the throne, and an immense crowd gathered before the equestrian statue of Peter th* Great in th* great square of St. Petersburg, to support three regiments of troops who had pledged themselves to carry oat too plot. Nicholas ordered several regiment* to face the rioters, and rode forth surrounded by his staff, aad confronted the crowd. An officer galloped from the mutinous regi- meota, his nffct hand thrust into the breast of his uniform. The emperor advanced alone to meet him. "What do you bring me ?" asked Nich- olas, when they halted at a sword's length from each other. Th* emperor's fesrle** g*v.e unnerved the) officer. His hand moved convulsively un- der hi* uniform ; without saying a word be turned his hone and rode back to his asso- ciates. Ths taw looked at me with inch a terrible glance that I could not kill him." sa.d b* to thoe* who loudly asked why h* had not executed hi* purpose. Once when the cholera was raging in ->t. Petenburg, a howling mob was snouting that ths noble* and th* Jews had caused th* terrible disease. Nicholas went into the midst of the crazed rioters, and sudden- ly throwing back his cloak, exclaimed : " Wntche* t Down on your knees down, every one of you, and pray the Father in heaven to pardon tho** (in* th*t hav* brought the pestilence upon yon ; for it i* tbos* sin* that have brought it into your home* 1" Awed by his mien an 1 his word*, the a*t mob fell on their knees in prayer. A MYSTERY AT OTTAWA. -i. nil. n w*elef>seal* In Ike Case **T Weeaan wfc was > -ue.i wvael. A despatch from Ottawa say*: There were startling development* at the the in- qoeet on th* body of Mrs. Giroux, who WM suffocated at an early hoar on Friday morn- ing. George undertaker, testified , hat strong twine had been tightly wound round the woman's limb*, as well as round her arms and body. How she came tn .his condition is a mystery. The husbeoid left home at S.3D o'clock the previous night aad was on duty at the C. P. R. until next morning. He and his wife have not been living very happily together, the woman being a pretty nard drinker, and it is ssul she was on the spree that night. Whether anyone wa* with her in the dwelling last night after the husband left for his work has not yet transpired. Animals Employed as Thieves. Some yean ago a tame long-haired goo>t formed part of the regular crew of a passeng- er steamer on service between an Eaglish port and a Continental one. Af'er a tune the custom* authorities discovered that it wore a false coat, many sizes too large for it. The goat's own hair was clipped very clows: round its body were packed cigar*. Ince, ic.. and then the false coat was skil- fully put on and fattened by hooks and eye*.