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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jan 1895, p. 5

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Mrs. Benjamin Allen, Owen Sound died suddenly of pneumonia last week. McLEOD - At Flesherton Station, on the 19th inst., Flora, beloved wife of Donald McLeod, aged 57 years. The funeral took place to Priceville cemetery on Monday. Deceased was mother-in-law of Councillor McMillan. WATSON - At Mt. Zion, Artemesia township, on Jan. 15th, of paralysis, Joseph Watson, aged 75 years. THI PLESHERT OK ADTANCB I i :i H I. i !i ;_; Ofllc** < I GEO. MITCHELL " ""&apos;FLKStSERrOX. \B-"1 l&apos;&apos;ikni.&apos; ii&apos;i i Mtranaa tail Drnfti >-tti&apos;i aii&apos;1 etMrq.mF *!.,&apos;! At liauat rt*t* Mou*v alwftyi, vail.iMtt Tar l*i;imat** t>uMum* (uturprni- ofl.<-t twu doura uo> tu o( i..iu. I- on * Farms AND Village Property for Sale j. w. "ARMSTRONG. Fl<lirrt- n. Vicinity Chips. f tb<- Past Wrck tarrfultv < illrd fr the Cnriou*. "r IHT linf fur insertion. .1 rulf-tunt mulf m crmtrnft* f-sr CIO /MJ or uwr. Mrs . Benjmin Alinn. Owen t c 1 H i (ideiilr nf |>i!eumnuia last % 30piec* nf cliilvirvn&apos;s ind mime* r*r- x&apos;.i. H.-B claariiijt "<>t nt 75c IHT pr. M. Kichardm A (&apos;". S^. t!at tlie hl-l on yoiir .-d 1 Ju.. &apos;I*!. If I&apos;, m i>t rnu arv i:i nrrears. Artvnieiia Onunoil liat liecidetl to iii-*- [ . .se uf it* n *I uxiate, anl nsks fr t<-n- iler* tit our niirmtumg citluiniu. > Men&apos;s I&apos;liderneur- l)ur surplus stock w belli&apos;.&apos; cleared out at ery low r, s ure. M. Richardson A IV Mr. Wright 1ms cse&apos;.l buying elm log*, having ;ot all that be cau work up and diapi-ee of. \Tea ronuhl Tea! J ut received r of <&apos;t:r faoioun 20u tea. M Co A movement ia o foot in thin township to have the wsrii system done away with. \Ve understand time petitions) witl sli> rtl.v l-c circulated fr aignaturea. Oh, HUar &apos; Th.t first car load of the will strive shiily ijr M. Rich- &rv. I&apos;.eiueinWr UM Wbliug >iatra concert in the Town Hall t<> uiorrew. Kruiay night. Pre n(ic* place the MWMM U B Umf( amoHi( the ijuueiis of cuter Rev. A. f. McDetmaid, M. A.. Baptiat Koreian Mission Siciety, will preaca in r!i- rUntist ohurch on Sunday 27th last . at eleven o clock a. ID. All are cordially invitril to attend. Another thirty dollar* Worth of hooks has been ordered for the; In- stitute. This umkem one liundred and titty dollars worth of books added to the library this winter, or auuidtliing over iliree hundred volume*. Mr. Silas Lealie and fami!> . <>( Maci- t vba, are spendinsj two or three month* with friends in thia vicinity. Mr Leolie went to Manitoba from near Priceville f>.ur years sgo and i doing well out t&apos;lere. He say* Mauitol* is all right, if . nly the farmer* were better protected. There ia a unumo eiii<lfiiiio of the mump* in this town Riiiong both the vouaif and older people- Thtrw an- doz < n* f cases, soino of an rxceeUiUtily nnM HI id others of a more serious twituio I: lias even struck 1 he. Advance sttf, one . f whom has sufficient cheek to supply a regiment. The part week&apos;a meteorological m- >rd haa heen a very raried one here. On * riday it snowed eight inclien. Saturtiay waa a pleasant winter day. SUM Jay and Monday a rain ai.d windstorm tinikaway n lance amount of anow and settled the romaiwler. Tuesday wasal>lmtry,nowy lay, and thus we have had weather to uit all tastes. The Eugenia Orangemen will give a ;rand concert in their hall on the eveii- <ng of Thunday, Feb. 7. T. A Baiter, the famous huinorut of TonmUi, has l*en fDgsged for the occaaiou. The I&apos;roton orchestra will, alo b preoent. The committee hmvt. spared nopitins.* eiponae <> make tins the event of the caaou. Bills will be out thin week. The new VandeUur public achojl will l officially opened on Vriday, FeK 1. br a ts and entertainment. The tea from r. to 7. The proxrum will consist of v eochen by Meaart. ^. W. Campbell, P. S iutpector; I>r. Spn-ule, M. P ; Tho<. Uawrey. Kq.. M. f P ; W. Irw.n. I itnciftal ol Fleahertou pub) o school ; R. \V. Blight, pnnciil i.f Marklle public acbi>l; and Dr. Wells, of Markdale. I h*re will !. U reading* and utuaic price*. Sex bills. A meeriiii! of the Lihrral AMociati.>n. for Eat Grey will be held in the Town H.iU .-II Friday. F<-b. 1. Sto adverties- in<>i- 1 f--r full particular*. The ;ii.nual bunineiw, mee&apos;iii&apos;.&apos; of Fleali- er-&apos; n Meth<Mlit;h Soln>ol <rua lie&apos;.d ii Tu>-i>day, 15(h iuat . when the f >tlw- ;n^ ntKcfni were app"irt-u : J \V. Arui- n&apos;roii 1 .&apos;. Sop&apos;.: \V. lUriilinuMf. atst.; Sec , T lUilnier -. E. A. AnnsToiia. .t. ; li- brarians, W. Cl.tvton. W. Irwm ; Trea*., T. Cki>tii. Teacurrs Mia Chrwtt>e. Mis. W. hi. Thurst.pu, R. J. Sproulo, &apos;I Uichardiuu, MINS Kuiwrt, Mim E. l&apos;ui;.rr, ilra. licecmit, MUs BeatCie, Mia Miorp, MINK K.eet\-r, Mrs. Ruputt, M M Lou Arui<iruui(. A committee wa* a(>H>iuttd to niake a iar^c additiou to the library. The exact *uiu taken in at the Ute auniveraary wn 9^7. -45. Personal. Mr. D. Clayton wai >vr fnin wcod on SunU.y. Mrs. Nrih>u<>if, ..f Dei-p&apos;iito, is iiin^ with PeHtteet in thia vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. K. Fswcei; are frieiidi ia Thortibury and Hoathaote. M.ij&apos; r U&apos;lk-. ..f CUrksburt;. wt Koine caller on TuestUy. lid wait out in this vicinity ;>un;huinK suvd ouca. Mr. r&apos;leury, ..f jiLoulfk illr, wan in town n Tuesday. He is paying a mi! to his bruiher-in-uiw, Mr. Th.. tJaiuey. M.1V 1&apos;. Mr. Howartl Armitrouir. who ia en- (aged with Mr W. Armatroos, jeweller, dr. \e up ta Big Buy, above Wi k rtoti,lsvtt week, to visit fneuda. He had beul weather f. r the trip. Measri. \V. IVrLnw and Dougald Fer g&apos;woii. of Dun.l.ilk, visited fnenda in town on Sunday. Mr. Watsou and Mn. Blouh. of Paialey. paid a visit tu their cousin, M rax W. P. Cioejaley, for a cou pea of days this paat week. Farm for Sale. Furty-two arm of Und, conrfurtaSli- Urick lioune and i{""d larjjw fraiue bru for aale. Terms reasowrhle. Apply at this iffice or to J. E. Itaskcrx nie o; Oo&apos;a fur- niture store, Floshrrton. acninst defendant by eouaeut for 180 and Co*t. McArtiiur v. McDonsitl Action on | ii"leu for 914D.25. Ja,i;:u*sut fur pl.viu- tilf for fall amount. Twelve iud^nient xummonsivwi&apos;rc dis- p<ised i.f. Mr. Louu Yirra^. lle..f Fl. ah- erton Stall&apos; >n. now of Tpjut: Crwk, jlua koka, waa up on a juduioeix t vimmnne) to shuw eaune why he had not settled. The rea* in given was n-it satiaf act<ry to t\\r jud^e, who ordered bin cimmnUl fur *fritu<lu!ent" vrperty, and hariu^ had inunna to pay, mfumn^ so " Tlie isatter was settled, iiu williout the txi-c:ir:on uf tr order. E. Q. Agricultural Society. Tbe tnnual inevtmi! "f the e!ec&apos;rni district of Raat Gry Agricultnrtil Society was held in the Town Hall, FlesiuTtoii. m \V, dnowday of last wek. It wan a niJitter of diaappoiutiuent and reurvt to the board l u;r.-ct< r that nl- though eacli member l tin- society, un well sn many oili.-n. i..i 1 a (Minted niKioe of the meeting niaikii thetit in addition to the Ftesliertoii Advance and <>thr papers in the riding kindly iiotieiMg same ; and the day mid rods keinx f*&apos;- orablv, thnt the turnout to the ii"-- wa* nothing nn-tv thnu the uul slim itteudauce at uch mewtinga. The dinfotnrn&apos; and and. tort&apos; r.-].-it^ showed a marked i&apos;ii|>r<-veineiit in the succem and funds of the sxialy ; ud iiotwithstanduii; that there WM an atitii- tional $70 I&apos;-nd in iMU&apos;-H tins ymr, ami it good deal extia spout in fencuiK and mi pro\ int; l!ie uri&apos;und*, yet the balance oti ham&apos; a* still about fi*7 more that the past year. It was decided to hold * ihiee dtvs&apos; hw next sail, an two days in n me too short a tune for the proper and satis- v working "f tho ^.a-ifty. The iiieotniti elected the fUlowins; oMi cers for th enauiiK&apos; yenr. tinniety : Prvnidont, Oeo. Slewmt ; l>t Vice- 1 1 den&apos;. 11. Ruthvan , Jfnd Vice-l&apos;ifsulvnt, J. Ilickling ; l>in..clor*. .1. l!nli.-, Jaa. Stewart, L>. W. Cliiiii>ii, Al.-x Mnir, J I. (trahsni. Joaiah Uaniey. R. J.Spruu^. II. .1. Spi-oulo a reap|><>iutfd sro*ry- Damages Wanted. It will be noticud by ;li Cmncil pro- ceedings in this isauo thjBvt Mm. VV. J. Graham, of PruU-ii . claims daiiu- a.&apos;es from the townships f ArtcmeMkak and Proton for injuries ii&atained by aii oliatruction placed on the r jad at Proton Staiioo. At the pretenC time sh is wi.hnjr to nettle for 941O, >iirided be- tween the two townahips. T! stfair ia aomewhat complicated uid iorulres iter- eral intortsatin-; points. M r. Neilaoii Bros., it appears, hare a wsriru itretcfced. fruin a derrick to a pot lu the ^r- mid, and ihia post ia aituated ahw_ut seven fVet from the centre of the ma**l, tiid within a few indict uf the rmliv.ty track whiu&apos;i crueseB there. Mr*. Grahavaii was Utely thrown out uf a cutler by rtiamn; tnto thu trim ami sustained av fracture and d^slooalion of one ankle. ir>hiini> clauiin* the above damagus. The 14 uncnn <>f ra- sponiiibiiity ap|mnHitly lies a. n tune dejjrua between tour different parwi thu Meui.i. Neilson, who places! tiie obetrnc tii&apos;ii. the towiiBJiij * of Wot . in nii Arte- incsia (it belli:- the t >*n line) and, the railway company : and how much diruct rvtponaibility each oue *oA.ld hctr bfi>rw a court of law is a <(UaUoxi uivulreii HI doubt. Mr. J. J. Brown had a c-uttr naa>hs>J to pieces over the same wire, and de- maudn t hiity dollar* fruui tb u, wuahipa for hia lo*e. There ia a bylaw existintx which inven the township power to r*imbure itself for damages resulting frona ulwtructiuna, *ini it if not likely llial tUo people will be at Any Una eventually o ver tho matter. The question haa been inland in the hands of the reeve and (.* <UUCL! T Bent M ci> o|x>rate with Prolon and MM what cmi bv dne. Tina- slimiki b a warumjc wl,o ate in tlnj bl>:tiif nljetruct- inn the highway, becitus^ undoubtedly tl.ey are respotiaiblu for aomjiiwuU result- ing therefrom. The date* for the next f.tll slniw wcrt* e- for Sept. , W anil &apos;.&apos;7 TUe. town- rhip competitions ill bu discontinued tliut y*ar. Division Court. Division Court was hlJ in I&apos;un.l.i W on Thumday lant. Tho majority of the ces wen* not iniporlaiit. NVo f(i>e below the moat intereatitiK. Burk * Taylor v. Taylor Action on claim for $-^4.t5f>. DefeiKUnf [>aiJ into court f 1:2 75 and cot--. TVe partiea had purchaatHl a rhrvshniK nukchuie and there ts a dhiputu s t the terms of auree- nient. .Itnlnuient was Divert f&apos;r dufexd- iint with c< a&apos;. v l)rper Action on ac- Sir Knights nt. At the .Annual mevt&apos;.ii >f tbu I" Scarluit C&apos;liapter of the Dutnct <>f Arte- ajtaiii. thrvH brethorn or- -the Scsrlet Dvune. aiulilie f< I - olticr for the pnrmHit year: (U I> M . \\ >&apos; &apos;&apos;. : H. 1> McL-nJirv, K. &apos;&apos; . Mm W- Chap ; .1. A I 1 - ; S. J. II .&apos;. belt, Trias ; .John Hl.. SS. d K a: \ W,,,. r,uli, I. H.: W I-. I&apos;-nuK, O H This l&apos;h:tpt*T i* in a |i&apos;i.s|-_&apos;nuwo nJitiow II.IUIIK riiiy-tno Kniy&apos;it C. ni|,.-iiKl a good amount of cash <>n .1 A. 1 Died. Ml", S, , on the> .fo M \- KVsliertou lUlli iiittt., Kloia, !> !&apos; n. ! Ml d. Kfl llio funeral tixik plac} lu I&apos;rioeville ceiiiotery on Jloiclsy. Pwttseii w:i* mother- in-iaw of CouncilU >rMoMi!laii. \\M-n.s At Mt. /i&apos;ii. Asrteuwii* t hi|i, on .1 in. l,"&apos;ih, f iMavrnlvtis, Ji-tM;i>h \V.-\tMin, grl 73 y&apos;r. Dvcenacd, who wa.i sr <>U !>*.,!. n&apos;. hnd !. u M-noualy ailing fi>r 39 yenis. The fin. ernl took I&apos;lac* on Tliur>diy. 17tli iiiKt.. ti- Mt. /! n l>urisl ti y Keep Your Feet DRJT AND \V\RM BY BL&apos;YIN&apos;i; Y)L R riT\VEAR AT CLAYTON&apos;S. .V LOT WINTER GOODS SELLING OFf CHEAP*. [.stii leri ana Beping Prompt! 1 / Done, e Lead In Style, Quality and Prices. Now that the cutter and sleigh xaaon haa arrived, we wish to draw the at- tfiiti&apos;-n of the puhhc % the fact *hi we have on band a Urjt* stock which we ar* oftcvukg very cheap. W do not believe in baatiiu{ but we belter* that i we can five you a better article at leaa money than yuu can get an vwhere el*e. \ We haw? no^ in our hive, we are all worker*. Then i, r m our lirsw ex- perience and thorough knowlml^a .>r rje ;>USIH< euablee us u> _::?< you a hrc ter article at less money than thoae of leas experience can do. A hint t> the wiae ia surticii-nc. RuiuemVr we t-jok tint prize for the bet exhibit f car- riages) t the Kait Grey Exhibition. Shop upptwute J. Smith&apos;s ahoa shop. . IS L, AIR Tb Bu:luer. , eytttforrs-- Judjiweot for pUiutiff Credit to Whom Credit is Due. T Tk K>:,in\f The Manna. I&apos;KAK SIR. In llio re|irt ruml :\t the S. S mnnvrrsarv ( tl rYm&apos;iyiermii church, a mmtke wu intuit in <ti*int: credit to MM* Janet Col* n fr the Ury out amount i<f veises ti"Ctnl during th year. Miss Miy Thoni|>H n nciled 3&apos;2- Mid Mian Juliet Gibauh 3O 1. At the jiupilM ar diaavsBtitM I fee! it my duty as their lencher r cwrevt the) mistake. Mm. K WHITR. Teacher. u-jTJviriAAnjTj uvruuuuuuuu ruu-. A New Year A New Stock New Prices. Prices snch u hare never bocu heard of iu Uiu sectiou of country before. Jnst thittk of it. Bedroom As low in price as A. new lot of fine joods which we atooe can handle in this district. Beat this if yon can. Also bear iu mind we make no pretensions of aeUin^ at cost, but intend to su y here and do business in the faraway future. All other lines of Furni- ture and undtrtakiiifr goods at e {tially low prices remembering onr motti Small ProtiU Quick Returns. " Come and examine our stock, your look* won&apos;t hart the goods aud we may do you or your pocket some good. UNDERTAKING, In the undertaking lino we stand ahead and goaranMe first class work all its branches. Tne Ijadiug furniture aiid undertaking WMrerooms. in&apos; crtou. *J. E. Baskervilleifc Co. New Year&apos;s Greetings! -FROM THE Flesherton Furniture Warerooms. wisli to tetnW tii!k for the Terr liberal share- of patronage tin during l^.U. \\&apos; c "lull s;:i\v t> taarit a ooutiuuaucn of lb Mtue by strictly aulu&apos;rlug tu oiu- old policy of " Small Profits and Low Prices" in cvory J. p;ii-tirvii;. We si. -ill from time to time tftruitgh iln? minis of tins payi/i keep you pocU&apos;d on our ability to supply r IU >![ llllU. Keuiember w are always pleimed to show (joods an! qtio&apos;e prices, which, we believe, will common J tlieuuelves to your consideration. J. E. nOORE - PROP. Our I&apos;liJortaking. as usual, hearse, good attention, low If you Don&apos;t K-el Well r-*me&apos;nKer Man- rj &apos;a vl Celery Nerve C ra|Kmnu, with Beef, Iron and \Vini-. &apos; i UuanMi t#*l cure f> r l>y|*|iia. Nervt unncs, Mental Depremion, mul nil w>l(iio*i iriMinR front a run down ul urcrworked yttnin. It haa never beeri known t> W. t)et a little *nd be hlt lij ud ha\r>r>T SvW by Ml J i CLEARING SALE OF WINTER _STOC|( Although lift&apos;iiii; two large stores but not having room for our large 3^1 in^ roii.^uiiuMiu we now oiler --oasouable ({txids at prices that must clear them out. C&apos;ome wlnle tli *ssortineiit is complete. 1., A. IUKS-i* MAN&apos;JL&apos;LliaJ wortli $1500, now for -X. $12.iO. " 7ld $ U.OO, &apos; $6 .&apos;. | 7.50. " fS.O(V " &apos; $ 7.00, " $4. Ml. " | Ji.i&apos;O, " f-J.i&apos;O. I .jitl i*--&apos; .Mill-tie tJlotla Worth |3 50 per vard, now li.iXX .4 i. t .. H.75 $1.1.&apos;. .. .. .1 .. n >J5 " "Si, Beautiful silk sealette. old price f 7 00, now for $3.50 per yml M J-; "X N O>* fciMOOA&apos;l&apos;S worth tUCi>. uow for $8.0i> " " tll.OO, &apos; $7.00. $ D.OO. " $0.00. $ 7.6W. " W.OO, " $ 5.50, " $8.4. A full stock of bo*8 overcoat* o hand. Remember the above goods ar old at cost. Many other line* ha/o we that you are wanting. Calhaun&apos;sj Patron Store, Dundalk.,

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