Proton Station And to be in accordance with the times we have had a wedding or two. On Dec. 26th, Mr. Thos. Quigg, of Artemesia, to Miss Jennie, eldest daughter of Mrs. Mary Shearson. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Campbell, of Dundalk, a few of the bride's and groom's most intimate friends being in attendance. On Jan 9 Mr. Geo. Stokes, of Artemesia, was wedded to Miss Maggie Ingles, of Badgeros. The Rev. R.L. Croll, of Maple Valley, fastened the knot. For our part we wish both couples a long life and every happiness. Flesherton Station We have to chronicle this week the death of Mrs. Donald McLeod, which took place on Saturday evening, 19th. She passed away peacefully at 3 o'clock. She had only been ailing for a few weeks prior to her death. The deceased lady was 57 years of age and lived on the west back line upwards of 40 years. She was a kind neighbor and loved by all who knew her. She leaves a husband, four sons and two daughters to mourn her loss. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon to the Priceville Cemetery, Rev. Mr. McLeod officiating. The cortege was a very large one, which testified to the high esteem in which deceased was held. Mr. J. and R. McLeod, of Massachussetts, also Mrs. McLean, of Michigan, attended the funeral of their mother. Priceville Last Thursday death entered our village and took with her the little daughter of Mr. Robt. Conkey. Diphtheria was the cause. The whole community sympathize with the afflicted family in their sudden and sad bereavement. The funeral of the late Mrs. McLeod, of Flesherton Station, passed through this village last Monday. Teh King of Terrors keeps on reaping, regardless of the seasons. Fred Brusso died very suddenly in Chesley last week. He was removing hay out of the barn when he fell over and expired almost instantly. He was buried in Hanover cemetery. \ jflesfcrtmi Jtitoanxt. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN.' VOL, XIV. NO. FLESHERTON, ONT. THURSDAY, JANUARY 24 1895. W. fi. THURSTON fRCPH,ETC* :injv\iannnarvvv\n/wn/\nriAnnjTnjin/UTf^^ - _BMgeuy/^.- v>?*MMMel l QoocZs. \Vo have junt placed in stock a large i|iutntity of Jewellery Suitable for Christmas presents. N >tr the follow in:; witli pricr : ,5 s< n. ll> <;iLD BROOCHES .\xn I:\;:JMNS KIM.M #1 -:><> $r. \i> i; \rr;.K AXES KK< .M :>o c. si- $30. MKKI.iV. MLVfci: >"l \ K\ Tin- above HIV '!i- Ute.l in 'yl. *. Yu should ** them. A large ftvauti'y of rollc.l )>*:;_ i '> r '-. r!iin. cutf l.uttnnx.ear nug-i, |.;iu. etc. A splendid elm, -.- in sjedditls! ring*. LADIES' FOB CHAINS. Armstrong Bros. - Jewellers, b Our Business Directory of tb :!ii.i'<nr la H C .J. C<mvjaer. *c. Nuikrjrr"' JOHN W. ABMSTMMW. - rml bankmu bo- r*t*. Call KaitHerv Mrk'1!*. lues*. Hooey loaned JLJ U.1IAMMOSO. i*o*t M wtor . KimlMrtT. CoiBion (or taking .Uttdaviu tc. luaurvi aud luaio uinucy ; at low ratm. KxMUtoa L.MU>. UWI. W11U. *io )<ron>|itly. P J M'R-Jl. LK. rotinter. R . Lie nl /uctor. Convey 1-iaiMraod Mom-y In.lrr. K*al B. A - aivl uc! Will* d.-awu up and Valuation* ma.le ou oborMNt notir. Auction HalaoatWmtwl to li> t any part of the Coiaty. Money to loan at low I .t rate* of inter***. Collectings at tan Jed to pruiuutn*** ami 4e*|>ateh Ch,c !>. for the Pommi-w stuanwhip Oompauy cheap ticket* frotu Klh<>rtii *o Livuryuol. \ I -^J EDITH UK HAHDsO-N. Konil of Boot. Mhr. of Hrh.i. lierman. 'vtnltel: Hradlev. uf ToiuutoCuwMi vakory Uuic. ', \ nlc* rut t in-i . tVe*. fcvemsuii. late of Toronto. I* aiKii ill rec.lva |>u|>il iu Ki.N4iI.NU, VIOLIN, PI- ANO and til.. Proton Statiosv urtr mrn 'JormfMulen i . It is some time since our lat re- port to The Advance from Protan. However, the world and people go on much the same, still to keep off an attack of the blues we will chronicle a few reports of some of the happening* here, tiuce the holiday easou is past. At present we are blessed with a good supply of the beautiful, therefore there is considerable bnsmess doue iti poles, cordwood, logs, etc. An im- mense lot of tics aiv being piled aloiii: the t'. I' I;, Grain is another article imiiercf. the present buyer being Mr. \V ultcr Bell, who is bete in the iuu.Tst of his brother, Mr. b. Bell, of Dinidalk, who Imviiii; purchased the elevator of S. A A prepared i riiv for ;i And to rdaiice witli tlio > we have had a wedding or two. i in ! Mr. Ti..i. V'U-",'. of nesi:t, u Miss Jennie, eldest .f M.<. Mary Shearsoti. .vas performed by the K. ... lh . i iviupbell. of Uuudalk, a few of tl:- ' >d groom's most iiiiiniif. .- iVii-uds teiiif; in aitPtidauci-. On Jan 'J Mr. Gen. btokes. of Arte- Dtetia. was wedded to Miss Maggie In- . of Badgerc* The ll-v. K 1. (.'roll, of Maple Valey, tautened the kuol. For our part we wish buth couples a long hlu and every I ness The cream of the season lints far was the party -ivi-ii by the Hales a wi ek or o a/o. A, Ion did ample justice to his profession as violiuitit. He 1ms the best command of the bow, without excvptiou. iu Ar- The word we refer to waa "Prictiviliiua" , winch was translated, transposed or fad into the " Price viihuiu." Tlie Presbyterian S. S anniversary ' which was held Wcunetulay wan a decided aucceef. There waa -in abundance of good eatable* provided und a ttpleiiilid program besidv*. The rcita- t'onsand siligiiii; of the rchool children deavrve e*|>evial unmti.m. One of the pleaaant features of tlm evening wa* the attribution of prizes to llie chiidren. The prize, uiven for the recitation of the urmu-Ht nuin'ner of verses> tlm | Bible during the year, waa won by Mnts I Ena Nu-hol, who memorized over OUU I verae* during 1804. 1 he principal tpeak- ! < ers wi-re tlie Revs. MeHara. Well* and ' rUrti.-y an.'. Mem-rs. M. R. iley aud O.D. , \I.-L. an. The olnnr. un.lur tlie leader- . Dr. Iln : .n, sang several beautiful lc'ion in a very creditable uiMouur. Mr. L>. McDonald, the eiier- I S., occupied tho' chair. IV _'D. Kev Mr. Hiiinolireya.01 Markdale, oceupieil the pulpit of the Mem church last Sunday. Tho re', gentleman . preached an ulmjueut and very practical WORSTED SDTTS TWEED SCIT8 ALL TO BK HAD AT C. J. LEITCH, Merchant Tailor. PANTS W. KhOUT. ItarrUter. SoliciMr. Cotmvancer. Kto. oe- Nit the |..n,%,.|B,- spraule' eu Tfcarmlay*. Oven HounJ oOe- rroet t \VRIUHT. narricterm, Ho'WMore. Conn-rancer*. etc.. Owen .-i.iinJ. On.t - Majkilale. Out. W H. Wiuurr. I M. LHA N. K- Kle^hvrtoa offlce, Mitchell* Bank. erery tlntlcr'akiuq or any u( thu llritih |K>rt l*artiee in*M*iHn to it KiiRlan.l Irvlaud. will pieeuuf aak raw* Vetor* then ticket* elmwhtirr. IJOOKI-: ,t STKAIN I l'rae*k al itu.IrrteJiera. Strain block, Fteekor- ton. ilaa> U .!,., low ahai-Re*. satUfac- tion u"; nl-erl. a> wa bare hex! ii year*' e- iu mebuelniii Mr. Allen (intham and family, of Allislon, visiU'd fi i.-mls here and around Iinstii'^e las'. week. Miss Ma^'oi.- iVtrti-*. w.|o h.-ts b-rn to the city hospital for tlie past tiv.. or sit weeks, returned IIOIIH.- on Satur- day, her ailment beiog some sort ut a decline. \Ve are sorry to say that uo cure is effected in her case as Mr. Thomas Shond.ui, ot Ware- ham, was the guest of Mr. Abe Slier- son last Sabbath. In th- \inui{ the boys took a stroll westward. Minn is the word. Uoweve*, the Ue up set tive tunes mi Tom. and he had to : h-ase the wood* a sadder aud a wiser ' man. The tnel.tuch. ly depicted on liis 1 visage was more gloomy iau the iaiud of last Monday. tl--.liiTfiiii Station Tlie rt^ulur ijuarterl/ inevtini; of the PncevillH circuit will be held at the ullu appointment on the first - , Kei'ruary. Tbe K.-. .Mr ii.ud:n- cr, M is expexued to assist in the orvice*. The quarterly board meets the Saiur.i.iy previou*. ~> llome Bntnder spunt a few days iatolv v.siiim; frit-nun 111 Hi>Uaad Centre. Mian A. B-.ill returned to her liom in Durham last Saturthiy on account uf the sell. ".I benu climed. I^ut Thursday dea'h entered our vil- lage and look with her the little daugh- ter or Mr. U.ibt. ('nukey. Diphthurm was the cauae. The whohl coiiiniuiuiy sjrmpMlUM with the afflicted family in T li,-ir sudden .iu>< aad bereanueut. The tuneral of the latv MIS. McLu<>d. of Flueherton Suttioii, paiweU tlirougU this village lut M .miay. The Knu of Ter rra keep* oa reaping, regardleon of the Thin apnoe belongm '" ^. Hichar dr-iit, and i. h woek Mf/mcnr of neweet knpt hy In,,.. Ki-fp v.nir ere on it announce - uu-nta. To axwrll. Hiving rented Wlntten't blackami'li h.-p f. r a term of yeara, I am n .. m a (Mwtioii to cauirtu all wanti m my line. Ai'. l T\R HITTOS. tl. IXC. M., M C. P. * S,Ot. I'viv K*-nl<mce am) ottoevae ilvor vect of i ho Metu r'.iurek.KiiinM* at. Olttce day*. TueeUa.vr uwl TJU V A11TKR. M. C. P. * 8.. Ont. Fn>trlan. *urv*on. efl., FleahertoB oatoe Strain* b ok. KMideMe Munbaw'botl. JOHN A. SCOTT. M B. Member Collece fhyeic. A SurReons. Onti ,.. <>raiiuau> iu lledioine .it TurnVi> raiwtnity. I ,-:io ': li|.l..i,ia, 1'i^t Uiixtuate MexMeoJ SvLoolaixl H>i>ital.Chlc*4.. l>iie*ef eve, , ar, now at.<1 throat xpeuially troate.1. Ki limn "---"" vim* Kvrh* Tliui.ivs 1. j r. OTTBWBI.IH Veterinary Summon. Ora<1iM* of Ontario V.teriu.iv Colle. lte'Jeii> Ne*t door uf Moore'* pieaing I*A ' J K HM..STK.VI). M. D.M. f- * Oejf. barlry. Khuuatke di vf \v nes) every fjnta(ltkM Man iii Mvh month. In iheir lodsjs ruotn . Ii. H...hi*tin. at 1 M liii. on. M VN \\ T n,.:.,, : nrisnc'er W. | llHIU \ IMIt,l, Ultlllvr II U1V ROTA?, TKMPI,\nOK TEMHK M| u.t>rvfirv IrstaBd : ' * lav evuiiHC in an^-h uion.h. in ^I'roole 1 * bhM%al p in Kvlwt tb \\<i.liitw.Uy liruvtHlii,); tb ttu.l of i*,ti month. SONS OK TKMPKI1ANCI II: ( llrUt.M-' ! - lay evening *t s (MM \ ren invitwl. laMirancoin ounnoethM. VT M. P. M. A . niwrt in (hvlr hall. 1 Itloek evi-rv "rrtunil tli.i.l Thanda> in KIU-II iiionih. \\ui. slisx),. Matter. T. VUu..i. Hocretary. MtTH M III.M- the full in.,.,, ;'roul*. Sec> 1V I'll Oi- r. i artor. \V. M . ractlee^at Kim < mclalit*. r\K MAK.Y M. MliAM>KH M. IXC. M..M. ''.'. 4 S. Out Prtc\i'lr. -,ilU nilit .! .lav. vini|.t, ,ti. i.l. i. \iu4i. MU Stan. >n 10 U> I',. Wlii- | 01 I-KK1UN I m-, ; .1 o K. i > tlMl's hrt ! . 1 l> l.-l,i,, k . ,,t s - Lirethreuoo .lmil> invitert. t). > V> il cut is UK. P MAKKHAIU I, Ii s .l 1) M., Deemt. TieiU Markeale h. 1*1 ana "1 WWaeeday ef eaeh asonih. > np en tfce *>T le)lewk*. t mm mm I:, ~ linn of M KSI-'KY STUCK or - fill VTOKS.or bolh. 1>KKM AN KNT :ul I 1 \ Y- LSQ POHlTIOXKto OOODMKN . -ii uiee vou exolUMive ii-i nt<> -y if v >u wi^h It wirl 'i'\V \OL' to write u* for terni. A.lili*>n. dii own I 01 We liav to chronicie this we'k t'.i,- death of Mrs. Donald Mcl.eml, which took place on Saturday evening. 1'JUi. y laedaway peacefully at 3 o ^lock. i She had only been ailing lor a few 1 weeks prior to her death. The de- ' ceased lady wm f>7 year* of \^ and lived 011 the west back line uivaids of 40 years. She was a kind titigb- bor and loved by all who knew her. She leaves a husband, four sons aud two daughters U> inoiirn lier los*. The funeral i >u Monday aflcr- uoon to the- Priceville cemetery . lU-v. Mr. McLood cfficiating. Tho coi was a verv law one. wliich teslilicil to ihe lu. dfceaeed was hi'M. .Mr. .). :ni'l K. Mi-Leod. of Masw- chll-is-tt8. :ii.i Mrs. Mi'l.i'iii;, of Ail. -i I fUt, attended the luiwral of their iu" Mi. ;ind Mr. Summer^, who have been laid up for the pust wevk, un- able to bo around. Mrs. Onm>i8 and danxhtor art' ' spending a f-w days with her sister, rn J ' ' i- . nan. Mr . V:r and family hive moved !" Muskoka.whtiv he inteuds to run a Mi. and M>-. . 1. IMiick haie on a lew clays ith friends in From mir eeoa iindanc", i satiKtiud with the sleighing before the a Specialty. DrawiD3 elin loan t.i your town i the ciimt industry now, or luut uevii during the paat few weka. -.ithload i.l ouryouiuc over t.. Mr .M. Cslluni's a short time agn an 1 bad a pleanant tune. A few evening* after tl'at another l.^td went to Sinu hani). ton ; they refioit Inim.i; a good lime also. Mr Adam Kinnear is gettniii the tun- bur on the vronnd i'-r hii darn. It ID it- "nil to be a ujouir. Mr. Pott* la the Horseshoeing Satisfaction Guaranteed , Kor . ivthlll<; ln lh . bj ackwi)iu>in . 11( cull on P. A. Bl \ T OPPOHlTR BAKDWAKE STORE id wife wern out to Swiaton Park mi Sun Uv and M'.iMlay. They were to itee MIKS Hardy, u i.. IK ill ami not e\|.i' '. .1 '" reef vei. Mr M. M..rruvm ha retimed frum FLiSIEITII STE1I L1IIHT. Mrwrn Littlo and Lawlor art propr.rin){ to c*mttence together in the b!:u:kauiith- m^ and also the wa^on working hue. Sir. Lawlor is itcttiiiK out the timber for lin.ji, ii. l.u elected ill the spruis think and ho|. t . lliev will do weJU 1 hav opened up a complete *tan. 'ann.l> la Flee * |,r|. ad l tl kf< i n an . k at lower P. i. ... .,,, arcu,|jo.. . I Inwepot iu the!a'et *.-biuery to that eo.l. a.i'i.lly give aie a lali. Knifrs tifctloi% tjuarant A"i..nt onr oir* f*-rriKHi '(.<. The Hawks Nursery Co., Rochester N. Y say, Mr. E.I .y..m r i>. - ______ ', iwwt.-d th> .irth..yr-.|ii.v "1* certain i-rl in i.ur IM(,'"! 'hat it may lead *>n>o of your rvKder* TO think that our bur* "'J ieoiitim* -., vu>.>- uiidvnirable citiwii". TO KKNT. Oeaitertakle we)Ha( ta Tlwh.rW J.>tl IVhce bar- racka at IMII!! were ilcstr.iyed l>y tire. Mr X. Clark \ValUev wan thr.-wu out of bin CuMer uuar \Vf--on and ix-ceivtd ever lirui'?s. A C""iiseivitti O'livfiitioii f..r North will lie li'i'l at Uwen S"imJ on Jan. 39. The Owen Sound Tunes say*,: "Tiie iiii|.irt-inc. - 't the Con"tios i*>l.d by the riecnnKl of Mr. .<.v,,n* Maa.ii-, Q. C., M. P , I., le tre from ac- tive'icn Krt.- 1 Brns'.i di<i very Htidil, n'j m Cholfy livt wuek. He wna reniovinc liy "lit 1. 1 .he barn mhen hn frll over and eii-in-'l ulnioKl insUur'y. tie WHM buried Ui Uanovijr ce*o--tery II -II. Si.,. . .1. , i. II onl m | k nr>,) .,..) t,i>t- ' r\ I I.,ln,r I i f same givn. ' .AI.LKN M INKIIYCH. Oiower* A I'n.pacatur. KOCHEBTKH. N T. Lot For Sail, rer *Je cheap and on eay tinn* in i ', ton. Splundnl larR*. enlid brirk dwetUng. with K.HK| et >nc celliu. *,i>nnier kttobcn *n i w. . hoiwe. al>u K.'.*! i am vhto, bn, k ilne.1 I 1 ft.iii*ea contain* Iwu ^arjp* lote and ffno.1 votaii: or. -ii* i, uiianni. Kowa*%iid on'bniUlitMJi seeptinnallv wvi: flniphed and ry coneni- mlJ> laid out. Apply *A K.J An apparently heejihy onw fron a \Vinni|Hi{ dairy when ulaugh'ri. >1 wak found >4> >H! affote<) with tuberculoatt t a ;n.*t adraaced uid dingeroa* f--rm.