THE fLIBHIITOH 1D1RCI OWBN SOUND, ONTARIO. I*. The Very Beat ri.ACK IN CANADA TO OT A Business Eiicitiu, Take a Round Trip r.f h V,!:,V. l i CollMei and 4^SB*srelel !><>i>arliue'it In t'n.U,thu vllt e*j*> **> ru ItueiuMi ColleMa ; esamlne everjr- etAajaaerr.uiihly. If w* fail to produce the MleMrOLKh. oomplei*. practical and eiten *i>eMri*oi4lu<ly . II i e be .'ollt> |>niini> M*Vb beat " ' I ".< complete and uio*t lult- eaaef Kraltur* "' * 1 1 llano**. w will |tv* you * KKI... Kor Amlual Annouuco ticular*. fr. addrcu C. A. FLEMING,' Hrlnripnl. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carriages made and Repaired, also Placing and Matching, Band Saw. ing. Wood Turning of every des- cription. Plaining and Gram Chop viug doae while yon wait, for th Beaver turua the wheel. T. W- W.LHOX IAMOND PILLS BBBSVaFVU R^^aBBBBBBBBBBBBI CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS, ^ DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE LIVER ONE WLL AFTER KATINtl INSURES 0000 DIGESTION DOT'S CORNER. DOHT DESPAIR WILL RURE YOU Wern"nt DodHV KMnrr pffh ty rwt ny CMO( K> alii 1 - I -. . Plahilea, Lanbam Dfoptv. Kh.-niintte-i. llc/irt Dic.ix. Frnvaks ( Inipur" lllixxl >i monry nlnmMk SuJ.l liy rll.'onl r n mct'lclnu, ir by nifil m nxrlpl at rice. w. p I""*- S** **"* a -s- rR. L. A. 8MITH ti CO.. Toronto. PEOTOS1PHOTOS! If you want pliod.i taken gu to the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, li....- nothing but hmr claaa wric ia 'MI .-I Niid I.IK-I-H lower than olinrged i"i city wi>rk. Careful attention yiveu to eiipying ntlir picture*. Halm-* phutiia a be preaent. and uiay It i run a .Picture i-' in all it* branch** promptly and neatly dune. Irs, Holier SyMii St. Now is the Time - TOIU'Y YOUR WINTER- B JOTS AND SHOES - AMD Nmith'ai ia tho 1 v la-.. Men'* and hoy*' heavy am and rabbera. <iu I. mil Mi**et' overatnokmia, men'* and Wome'i'a ovrthii*s. All to be sold at Inweat un i I ! price*. JOS. SMITH. rieahert'.n. Farmim and the Institute. " To dte U eaalty learBed, but to know bow, whtu and wber* iu dlf mcwt effectively. U tlio aobleveoaeut of a lifetime." Horace Ureeley. Once more the Fanners' Institute ha* Diet in our midst, aud. aa on former oc- casion*, the m. .at enlightened and ucceaav ful faraaera nf the community have shown by their pre*enc that they realize the lienrlit* to Se derived fr.jin a**ciution uf the kind. A* in i/t her walk* of life, thoaa- moat in nerd uf the hint* and interchange of e- prru-n.-- tu tie received from rheir ful - lowi, were cumpicimua by their absence. It it they who decry " book learning, " " thoit- college chap*) who wiah OM to faras ciriitiKcally, " and in every way poeatble ay to the world at large, ' ' fariuini; ia a thing of brawn, not brain." They aay miuroulially, if not openly, that the boy who ia to run the farm needs no partic- ular education, and then wonder at the lad's disgust and diaconlent with hi* pro*p*cta in life. They wonder at hi* do- sire to abandon a calling hich met- 1* with an little roinunerntuni and ao little reipec*, froin the outside world. But who ia reapunatble for thia lowered respect, if not the man who believes that muscle ulotio ii what ia required in kii labor t What ia it ennoble* labor uf any kind, but brain ? I contend that the hard labor of the physical nan, without th- ieasoiiing and direction* of the intel lect. londa to degrade and embnite ; just a* the 1 >HK continued mechanical and brainleta Ubr of the galley slave makes him ill tune nothing but a human autoui alum. e If the much desired " return to the oil," of which we hear so much now-*- days, i* ever to be accomplished, it will be by the added dignity and the hvivthtenod plane whicli tdocati.ui and training will ylte to a-/ric-jlt'iral pursuit*, ihiu doe* not in-eit to know tnuc'i about farming to >oe that the. men who are mskmx a mi ct-** of it In day. are putiin^ much more intuit tliaii tli mere labor of their liatuU. Tl.i-y me uolinK, recording and cijieri- iimiitinK. TliMsuiiMHi they di> nut ro- |.-t the niKUke nf laat *e*eon. T'ley are reading, loniparinvt nnle* and brinu- ni'; hueinuHS principals tu ln-ar upon their work, ju*t a* men in any line of life must du tu be succtatful. \\ l.i-.i the trarulliK dairy Br*t made ill lounda many wonitn reielitud I., in..- tauxht how to make butter, foi- south ! And iiuriiiiuly timugh the wont butter maker* were the. in-nt reaentfnl. To thi* day it iaa rontter of wonder to butter buycna the iliir.-i cm-.- in the u,uality of Iwtter presented f.>r sale by women i'h i-i|ual ( It may INI that the uniformity of price paid alike f..r uood, I. nl or indifferent butter (only two or ll.r - aiiiNTlatiiely L" ""I liuttur uiaken in ii I-..IIIIHUIIII) coniiDandinK an eatra price) hna nuitlini.' toiln with the lack of rnduavor to make a rim clnas article, but I mu in. -lined ti> think that (he y.-od butler iimaer Woald tnaka j(o,.d butter anyway. I havu heard it wliitpt-red by tlmie whu know that there are women who so f*r furxet l.m.e-ty na to make two rariutie* .if butler .n.' ft- r home USD and aii.>th*r for tho inaiket-- and try to tell Lack HS butter what they origina'ly Umulit M salt. We are glud We have aucli a giKl and ..Ilin. -n( as<iicullur*l i-.ill.-L-t. We aie ulid we have a thiivinu Furrm-i*' Inaii tutu and may the day >o.m come whtni.aH I!.. race Ureeley says, " the nieat mans i.f our fwrmois hall IIHVU come fully to real- uui (hat there is cope and mwaid in their own pursuit for all tin- kn.iwKlge mid nil th* wind. .in with which their win* cnn l. nnliufil - rare ^uniunes a* wu kiKiw many of them are ilii-n we shall hitve schit-v . .1 the Hrsl iireMt iit.-p townnr ninkini; n.-ri culture thnt tirnt of vocntioii* which it rightfully nh..uld IM. But to diy it i* the current, tliouvh m.atuwml In lu-f of the majority and of farmer* ereti m ,n- rd m of other* -that any vduciitioii is enouuh for a hiMhandman, and ih/.i any blockhead who knows enoiiuh in come in when it rain* U i|ualiriod t. lOHnavo a farm." Dot. A str.ilihr Foe. aatnirr'a OIIUSK MAV XIKTA LONG wntut Bitpoaa IT ia at'sntcTan. DaoMoaa, Jan. 14 Bright's diaeese has mi a*n|KoiiM of its own. an I may long eiiat withnu' thu knowledge of the iMiient or practitioner, a* no|iait< may be felt in the kidneya or their viomity. There may hrnoalhunwnin the water and au uide coat>, yet Briglil's tiianase ixay fatal counie liefore it lit Bright'* diteaa ia thua ru- cognized aa a mtsterioui, every day mal- ady, which ia incrvaeiiiK nt au alaruiiru; rate. Before Dodd's Kidney Fill* were placed within reach of the public, the*e diaeaaua were considered by medical men aiul the public to \x> incurablo. Tliank* to this piipulnr remedy, ih<aiaandi are now eiiioyiiiu ueifect health who, without it, would to-day be laid away in their grave*. Daniel Ritz. Proprietor and Publisher of the Hamburg, Out, Independent aaya : I wan suffering frrm Dy*pvpai tnd Liv- er trouble, I took a few bottlea n. Stnlh' Vitilzor and Hcured me. 1 can lieitily recommend it." Osprey Election. We (<>t the election for deputies in Oaprey (lightly cunfuaed last week. Pul- owini! are toe complete figure* in the election : ran USE dU. L dl ft dlv 8. 41*. . <U*. S total Browu U Pre.ton W rtia Ut inr dark 40 Taylor M FOB tod Her. H ixl.011 M nut coi-nriLLu* Alloo SB eer* 19 Wbltenak 46 Froothy T Ottew II 8 111 W I1J as n 41 .1 If . MO IT 11 57 S- e 48- 6H 1W- .(44 at- 1T1 64 ST M e> 1.16 9TO ai 14- Jin 18 W- 1T8 80 W- 1T4 a &- as in I The tirt two councillor* were elected. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., Han Dieyo, Cal., my* : "Shiloii'* r.itnmih Beiiwdy ia the hnt medicine I hnve ev.-r fouml thai would An io any good." I Vice 50 cent*. Epplac. Kit etioiis are ovir and we are yet alive. Of course the if suits are al- ready known i<> those of your reader* who are interested. A tierce storm raged here all day Monday, blocking the loads tousider- ably. A very pleasant event occmred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Matliew- soii oi) Tuesday of lal week, being the occasion of their gnlilm wedding, when all their liviog children, except one, were present, aud a goodly Dum- ber of granduhildren. In the course of the morning the following address was read to tliein b> their eldest son. Yi. Htiuh MiiUifWKin, iircomjiaiiui by many Imiulsoiue gifts : r.|iintf. Jan. wli. 1 DKAB PAIUNTI. It U wtth fMllni0r>ny and ratilu<l that we hive iMthereil together l your ft.-mhle to eelebrato with you Uw AftWtli <*unlrnar> ol >.nir wtNldlni day. Wbnu we reflect U|H>II ho few ef th< whu >.iu liamli lor l>tur or for worae' are |vei iiilltoJ tocn)ay Imlf a century tiHit-thvr we realUa till* 1* au oceaiiua lor e- |>ecla) ili*nkiiiinK to tee iiiver at all Hood ir hit iiucaitiii({ ran*over you during thii!on| l>orio<l Wo ak von to aooe\4 tbeee acoompan y iiiK article* a UMiiiiuiHo" of tl>U nuiriy and * tokrni of our frateful remeinbraDce of your teixlr (oltultuite for in during the thai are >ne, We km>w that you hit* already paoedth* )otlAl three KOT* yon and tun but we trot that by reaxm of length \ui may yet >r ipare<l te; a* for nrany year* to oonie. Wt autire you ofuor cortlnued lorlii) deTotloa auil we fervently pray that vuiir do cllutuu yean utay b foil of cvntoulnwut Mid Your lovlag children. Mid. R I'nnxUs, Mrs. J. Dawn. Mis 11. l>ail, Hu.;li Alaihowson, Ororgv Mittlu \\m>n. John Matliewaon. Tin day parsed olT vi-ry pli-tBttntlj, the ^iiritt)- ue|Mtrtt tl at) nil niidii!!*lit. Mis. 11. 1'. ill, of Citi-moi t i , accotup anied by lit-r xon un.'i dmi^liti-i , I l.i i in- mid M i-'. i Llttrry, .n at, .Mi 1 , ii. Mutlit'wsou'a. Mists Ni-tti.- * 1'iik, c) Seafortli, ia at 1'ie^t-nt vi-titin.; nt Mr. .M.itln-wson H Mi-.-* 1'olly (iilinv. of Vaiidelutir siH-nl Mmdity itt liti i. .in.-. Rrllrrr I In 10 to i MlliHlrH.-l>i'iliiiil puft -t tin. brvail tlno 11. li !'. I.I..W, i , *.<|i| I l With r I l.i .if It- of l)r .\K..I 's i',i.ulii.l I'owil illflll-U-. tll.H |.,i,ici OUT ihf KUffntll O I|H- iiaaxl |u>^.i .-M I'., nl. -,. Hiul ill- itflit tl> IIHO, jl If I. >f- Ill-lull' I y. H-.ll |H-. IMIIII milly curnt Catarrli, HnyKxtur. foi Hi- nl-ii i.f, s i,. i lii, ,,-(t, TI.IX litiH n UUoeiita. At W. K Kicharvl Mr. -l.iteph A. ChlMiioliii, biMiht-r in law of the lulu Premier, was tmni ini.-i in Am - <ni*li. N. 8., by the Coiinei va f..r the vacant *eut in thu i\.iiiiiiiii OUR CLUBBING LI5T. The Advance will club with the follow ing periodicals thia year at lk figute (five n below : The AdrmioM and T..r..,,t,. Daily N !.-, a daily and a weekly pa- l-i-i i.iu- >i-,ir fnr. fl Si The Advance and weekly Olobu.... l.W Tim Advaiioti and weekly Kmpir*. . l.HO Thu Advance and Montrval Star.... l.f-0 The Advanco and Farmer*' Sun . . 195 The Advance and Ladies' Juu> aal... 1.^6 Repairs, Repairs D. McTAVISH, FLfcSHERTON, HORSK8HOER AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, KEEPS ON Repairs for Mamjey Harris, and Noxoa. Fleury and Wlkiiuon Bros. Farm Ipmlemeati. I*loirVai: F)eury and Verity on hand all the tirae.a'iso all kinds of repnirs for Ibe name. We manufacture Wagjni. Buggies, Cotteif. -ixlis, etc. Horseshoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender contracted feet. Loggptig and Plow CUim eonitaotiy on band. Pointers To Purchasers of CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. OENTLKM R.V A* tl-r waiea of sanw ii ipproarhrav. w desir* to in* year I.- our iletk of t'uiu-rn wl ich n auw complete, baring a large (tuek to (el- ect nailx np in vri> t* of klylr* al timihrit in tiw Sneel atvl nf art anil It price* tlwVilrtr fi>uu>rliii>.n. In -l^ighn w* are prepared toaail ytiei IB Itgbt i>r heavr. A I work IM.II- of thr l.-iit niaUrial. Kindly gite us a call *nl be- yoar own jadfe*. > UJietug. Too will lad it tu yoar lafc-ree* to call ou FU'shcrton. | P*J K'.T. \Vhittcn A Mother's Beautiful Child Dragged Nearly to Death's Door by Severe Nervous Disease Suffered Extreme Pain in the Head Doctors Could Do Nothing South American Nervine Galled in at the Eleventh Hour and Restores to Health Little Annie Joy, of West Toronto Junction The Great Remedy is Reducing the Death Rate of All Canadian Cities. MISS ANNIE JOY, WEST TOHONTO JUNCTION. A bright little lad, or golden-haired girl, ia the delight of year home. Whether you rerel in riches, or know omething of the privationa of poverty, that child ia all the world to It ia no wonder that mother you. and father become anxious when aickneai overtake! the little one. The remedy, fathera and mothers, ia near by. South American Nervine haa been the meana of giving back diatreaaing at times aa to render her completely aelpleaa, aapping all her trangth. The best akill of the moat killed physicinne was called into requeat, but grew worse. less and diacouraged as the weeks went by, Mrs. Joy decided on trying South American Nervine aa almoat a last resort. Employing her own words ahe said : ' I determined to little Annie steadily Becoming wore hope- the bloom of youth to thousands of \ gire it a trial, although I felt it was aafforing little one*. It is not a medicine that buoys up the parents' hopen.only to have them inasliort time dashed down again lower than erer. Whether with child or adult, it promptly gets at the aeat of all disease, which is the nerve centres. From thia fact it ia peculiarly effioacioaa in the treatment of ner voua diaeaaea of nia>n, woman or child. A recent rase ia that as told by Mrs. II. A. Joy, of Weat Toronto Junction, whose little daughter Annie, aged 13 years, bad been a sufferer from severe nervous deprea- aion for about two years. As wiati all mothers, no trouble and eipenae waa ipared in the effort to briag relief to the child. The little one) auf - fcred eitreme Dais* ia the aead. so for fff*.l To-day it ia all happiness around that home, for before one bottle of the medicine had been taken, the mother tells us Annie commenced to show decided signs of improvement. The child has taken three bottles) and has practically regained her natural health and vigor. There ia nothing urpriaing in the fact that Mrs. Joy cannot apeak too highly of South American Nervine. Much waa at (take, but th.e wonderful discovery proved equal to the emergency, and so it does in ewy Thousand* of letters on file ell known citizens prove from For nervous disease* of y*ng or old, from whatever eatue, il is aa aa- iMlulelv infallible o