THE WEEK'S NEWS CAJIADA. Mr a. Orr, in the HOUM of Indutry at Kingctou, nllO year* oil. S.r Mackenzie Bowall i* tranaaoting bonne**, although he ee no one. The Qab*o L*|i*latur* wa* prorogued on Saturday nighb TubercaloiM ha* devc'oped among icme dairy oattl* in Winnipeg. The Niagara Fall* Hiph Mhoo! ha* been raiaed lo th* rank of Collegiat* Institute. Bon. Mr. Taillon, I'lemur of Quebec, I* reported much better. Th* Ontario Creamerie* Aa*ociation will meet at Cornwall next year. Mr. Kenneth Campbell ha* been appoint d Polio* Mairuirate for the city of Bran- L. G. Thouin. wholesale grocer. Moot- real, ha* failed, with liabiliu** amounting to 32,'IOO. The preibytery of Manitoba nominate* Dr. Roberuoo, of Winnipeg, for moderator to the next general awembly. Private charity U doing much to alleviate the dutrew in St. John t, N'fid.. y*t the d*titution i* *aid to b* fearful. Mr. Joeeph A. Chwholm, brother-in-law of the late Premier, wa* nominated in Anligooub, N. 3., on Saturday. Mr. Hugh KOM, a prommen: and much. Mteeme-1 retidunt of New Ulaagow, N. >., died *udd*nlyon Saturday morning. The Ontario Malleable Iron Co., of Oehawa, whoee work* were recently butned, have decided to rebuild. Mr. Michael J. Power, ex-Speaker of th* Nova Scoria Lwulatur*, di*d on Friday after two y*an' illn***, aged 62. Itixpah Metbodut church at Trout Lak South Canontitown*hip,ha*b**n dadicatad. It i* he) drat church erected in that town hip. Under a landlord'* warrant for f 15 rant, th* good* and chattel* of th* London La- ero** Clb have been cold by th* bailiff for $7* The Methodnt addren of welcome to Lord and L t.iy Aberdeen wa* preaented lo Hi* Excellency in Montreal on Wednes- day. Rev Georg* S. Bayne, of Pembroke, ha* received a call from the congregation of St. John'* Preibylerian church in Hamil- ton. On the advice of hu phyucian*. Sir Mackenzie Biwell ha* declined the ban- quet tendeied him by Belleville Board of Trade. The Civic Health Department of Mont- real u about to niake a yttematic teat of Dr. Rmx'i anti-toxin* diphtheritic Judge Price ha* decided to hold an in- v**tigatioo into the charge* of Doodling in tha preaenl and prcviou* Council* of Kmgiton. It i* *tatd that Prof. Ol*r,of th* John* Hopkin* l*niv*r*ity, Baltimore, Md., ha* been offered tbe priocipabhip of MoGill L'niverwty Th* Britiah warhip Blenheim, which conveyed Sir John Thompaon's body to thi* country, left Halifax on Thunday morning tor Portsmouth. The Royal Commia*ion on the liquor traffic ar? family engaged at Montreal in tbe preparation of their report to the HOUM of Commons Mr. Laurier, who baa been confined to hi* houM with bronchitis since th* 4 tn met. 11 much btvr, and hopes lo b* able to go out in a few day*. The Winnipeg Jobbers' Union haa de- cided to take ov*r all bankrupt (took* in order to prevent them being thrown into competition with general trad*. Mr. McNichol, of th* C. P. R., aay* th* difference* between hi* road and th* west- ern line* hav* been *etll*d, and that the dttlemeut look* to th* maintenance of A hotel-keeper at Hamilton, Ont., being charged with keeping hi* saloon open on Saturday ntgnt after seven o clock, entered a defence that solar, and not Caodard, time should prevail in the interpretation of the statute, and in thi* Judge Muir on Thursday upheld bin. UaiAT BBITA1X. Severe storm* sre impeding tram's la '.r*ai Britain. The Bank of England's rat* of discount remain* unchanged at '2 par cent, Alvin L. Denniaon, the father of th* American ystm of watchmaking, ha* jtut died in Birmingham, Englami. .ludge Thoma* Hughes, the author of "Tom Brown's Schooldays," has joined the Engluh Anil-Gambling League. Sir Henry Ponaonby, th* Q ue*n' private secretary, who wa* (tricken with paralyu* on Monday last, is vary low. Twel ve steamer* are in shelter in Qu**n*> town harbor from th* tierce gal* that i* blowing along the coast. Intensely cold weather prevail* in Eng- land. Th* Rev. Thoma* Padmore, vicar of Aston -le- willows, wa* found dead in th* now. It i* again rumoured that there ire di* aen^ion* in Lord Ro*ebery'i Ministry. Thi* lime, it i* said, the trouble arises over th* disposal of the next surplus. The poet of English poet laureate, ren- dered vacant by the death of Lord Tennyson, till remains vacant. Lord Roaabory i* to b* aakad to m*ke an early appointment. Th* recent rumors of diseensions in the British Cabinet ar* emphatically denied, and Lord Roiebary and Sir William Har- court ar* repotted to be a* amicable as the millennium lion and iamb. In the forthcoming British naval esti- mate* provision will b* mad* for tbe commencement of four tirst class cruisers of 13,000 ton* displacement aud 'JU.UOU bora*- power. Further improvement* have boon mad* in th* Englun postal service. A letter posted in Pan* at mid-day can now b* delivered in London at 8 p. m. by mean* of an "express mecaenger" anaag*ir*at. During a neavy fog on th* Kiv*r Clyde on Thunday the Anchor Una steamer. Anohona went aground. Th* painngen were landed at Wemyss bay and forwarded by train lo dlasgow. Sir Lharla* Dilke, who has been working hard for years lo redeem his position in the political world, is now ambitious to becom* th* mentor, if not the leader, of the Labor party in Parliament. According lo a Uablin newspaper, Mr lualm McCarthy'* party has at last " put. it* foot down," and haa in'imated to the Cbm*t that it wi 11 create troubl* if a general election takes place thi* year. Replying to a correspondent, ex- Prime Minister Lord Salisbury says that while he fe*l* deeply tn*) deplorable agricultural tdapre**ion, he cannot encourage th* hope hat Parliament will ever favorably con- sider a protection policy, U*u. Sir John Summerfleld Hawkiai. Royal Kogineers, K.I'. M.(>., wbo wa* uom- missioner for marking out th* boundary between the British and United Stale* Territorial wet of the Rookie* from li.'i.'i to 1803, i* d*ad, at the ag* of **venty nine year*. At Marlon, in tha Cheshire salt district, a larg* lak* waa formed several yean ago by s,.b*id*nce. Six hundred additional si|u*re yard* of land have now gone <*nwn, cloaiog a public footpath, and rauuling serious loose* on the landoaner and tenant. It i* again reported lhat tha Canard Company hav* definitely decided to run the Lucania and Campania between 'x>nth- ampton and New York next summer. The lower boat* will c mtinue to run from Liverpool, calling at Qu**n*town a* at pr***ot. UXITED STATES, navy In reference to the proposed mcr**a*d expend I lor* on the German navy, Em- peror William U reported a* saying that a* hi* grandfather made the army wbat it i., so h* want* u> make th* Gorman great. Tha political and financial programme of In* Russian Government for lh* current year is very comprehensive, and include* credit, increased a* of transportation, and th* pro- motion of th* export of manufactured good*. It u an act of high UWMOO in Turkey, a* contained the portrait ot Sultan Abdul H*mid war* Mixed in the bookseller's shops, and the incriminating page* torn out FIRE LOSSES IN 1894. of a oahl* to Hawaii by Great Britain does not find favor with the Republican mem- ben of th* House. Mr. Franklin Johnson, son af th* preai- dent of lhe Fint National Bank uf Booue- ville, N. Y., i* said to hav* been -irugvad and robbed of 9900 at Monte Carlo and ha* *inc* disd. Mr. S. R. Callaway, at present receiver of ihe Clover Loaf railroad and a brother of Mr. W. R. lailaway, of the C P. R,, Toront*, u to (11000011 Mr. Caldwell a* presusnl of lha Nickel Plate railroad. Nearly aevcn hundred union mechanics, employed on four large buildings in course | well as m Chin* 7lo"reproduoe"thVfeat 7 u'r* of construction in ffew York, .truck on , of the Sov.raign. At P.ra lately, a uu-n- Wednesday morning 'against th. employ, her of copies O f an Il9ft almanac which m*nl of non-union plumbers. According to the treasurer i report it coil New York State laat year $3,1 46 lo kill tuberculous cat ue- Thu amount in- cludes Inspectors' fee*. The amount awarded tor lha promotion of agriculture was 918,338. In th. New Ycrk Senate on Thureday a bill wa* introduced providing for the re- eetabliahment of whipping post* and th* penalty of public whipping for peraons convicted of felony against th. penon of another. Mor. than on* hundred girl* were driv en from their bed. on Thunday morning by tin in the upper storey of lhe Chicago Industrial School for (iiri*. Nona of tbe girl* weie injured, but several, wbo ware suffering from measels, are liasiy to die from eipocur*. Th* man who suicided at th. Imperial hotel, Niagara Falli, tne other day i. sup- posed to hav* been \Viiham Mnltz, of (ireenville. Pa., and tiie reaaun for the act i* supposed to hav. been thai he hail soeni all hi* money and been abandoned by hi* friends. Tbe United Slat*. Treasury Department ha* awarded a contract for tne raising of th* British frigate Huaeer, which found- ered off Fort Morris, Eaat River, N. Y'., daring the revolutionary war, and is sup- posed to hav* on board nearly five million dollar, in British gold. William Waiter Taylor, the outgoing tat* treasurer af South Dakota, and about 93SO,OOOa- stale money are reported mias- ing. Taylor wa* president of tbe First Bank, and the North western. fires la ihr I .iird fttalea arv ike Besnll af laasleejemtc Precaanlea.. Toronto'* recant conflagation create* much interest in the total firs loseej of Canada and th* United State* for 1894. Tbi* i* estimate,! by Th* Commercial Uullean of N*w York at 91 28, 246, 400 compared with 91M5.44o.M7.-> in 1*93 and $132,704.700 in 1892. A* it is contended lhat there exist* a direct relation between the number of h/*s an 1 thu condition of trade, the loeea* from this luus* being greatei in hard t.mes than in prosperity, the figure* for 1 894 ougbl, according to thu theory, to afford ground for th* assumption that UnitedSlata* business i* on th* mend. Few people stop to consider the essential ly destructive character of tire, forgetting, where inauranc* partially coven the lo**, that the community in spite of this suffer by uiter annihilation of useful material which coma* out of the general .ton. It is only when a conflagration, similar to th* on* in Toronto, wipe* out property Ilk* lhat of Tbe Globe, wbicb wa* partly the product of thought, foresight bud much mental Mortgage Tru*i Company, of P.otield. au i , or k, and which har.lly any sum of mon.y th. bank i. cloasd. There u great aen- , . u _. .,._ __ u ,./ u ._ A BATTLS FOE LIFr. The Rescue of a C P. R. Official's Wife. ! >.! -ua, rr tteojiam-ttn* ! Hr*lral Trralmmi avail Her Karlr were ami Lbt-.i i.r aslarvllaale Bai strait*) aasiaireasik aation over lhe d.velopem.nt. '" "P 1 -". l , h " " public begin to realize the irreparable muchief inflicted bv the Th. report, of th. condition, of trade in ^^m^. Th. Commercial Bulletin consider* th.variou. business centre, of th. United th n are* in lhat country ar. lh. result of SUI*. are not of an encouraging nature. ,nada,,uta precaution*. A large portion Sofarlte new year doe. not promise much < lh e fire IOM of the country. 1 ' u savs in the .hapeof a revival, but confidence in - ,. pre.entihl*. but there I. a d.plorabla the future onemnu*. strong. The currency mp , toy , publlc a*ntim*nt upon bill ha* beeua soaroe of much '.rouble, and point." though lee. anxiety i. m this reepect - l n tpiu of tne faot tbllt thj . . . for the present, the treasury ded- It oontinue*. .* responsible for fire lo*. aud ciency remains, and there ,. ... stay to , resultantly ..pensive insurance, poor or .xport of gold. The tendency in price, crooked manhal* are perin.-.tedte be Mctrtamly nut bigh.r.nor doe* la* demand appointed, poiilical 'combines' ..II .- likely Mfo*l . whu. as a rul. .rgcieut waur work, to munidpal.tius. lock* are reported to be large. Cotton i. fir , onl .j. gel . eomm>mtoa ^ ni ^ D ,,. ._ i.-u , Weather Jn a d.fective. in light requ-Mt at lower prices. condition* ar* unfavorable to trade. special 'v in lhe east. Collection* are reported a* good in tn* circumstances, and engine*, mcendienes an covertly admired, if not applauded, a* slick,' electric wire* ar* r*c*lw*ly inan- lateit, and worse than carele** insurance I , ~ . ~ . , . -is en viieait v I | *j*x* I n*U I*MlL.f* showiogan improv.m.nt during the past . companie. insure su.f acted Hnbug, and moolb. Generally the feeling >. good, and connrucled property." lhef in an early improv.nunl i. freely Thll ^, ver , ,.,,., ^^ '^ falrj A despatch from Mootr*l lay* the Can- ada rolling mills. Pillow, Her**} & Co., Abbott A Co., and the Ontario rolling mill* hav* combined and put the baa* price of cut nail* up 50 cent* per keg. The Fraser valleA, in Brituh Columbia, i* again flooded, very warm weather hav- ing prevailed on th* Pacific coa*i for th* put three day*. The temperance people of Hamilton pro pose to make a great effort to have the saloon and tavern licenses cut down from 7."> to 50, and to hav* the bar-room* cloeed at nine o'clock. Following to* order for a reduction in the itatf of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company com** the further announcement that the Saturday hall-holiday baa b**n abolished. It u denied in Ottawa that Major-Gen- .rai Herbert haa sent in hi* resignation; but it i* admitted th*i there i* **nous friction between lam and the Minuter of Militia. Governor General and Lady Aberdeen will be kept busy during th* remainder of their slay in Montreal with the social duties which were ser. aside on account of *ir John Thompaon'i death. Inspector Wattam, formerly of the N. W. mounted police, died at Kingston asylum on Tuesday. H* waa present al the belli* of Cut Knif* during toe North- We*t rebellion, and wa* an old British soldier. Dr. D. A. Sherrii, who 'ha* been for ix yean medical attendant lo th* Earl and Comntea* of Aberdeen, intend, shortly returning lo Knropa with a view of punn- ing hi* medical research** in London and Vienna, Superintendent Whyte, of th* Canadian Pacific railway, say* thai owing o lhe shrinkage in passenger and freight traffic largo reductions both in th* number of men employed and th* number of working hours in th* day hav* to be mad*. Mr. Richard Harcourt, Provincial Treas- urer, ha* written to th* New York Stale Board of Lunaoy asking for complete in- formation regarding th) conduct of the State hospiult under th* State. Care Act, with * view of vintario following New York's example. There i* much indignation in Winnipeg because the lire insurance companie*, to get out of paying th* tax of $..*> impoacd on each by the Manitoba Government, have added five cents per huodre 1 dollar* to the premium, thai compelling the m-ured to p.'i tie lax. It i* said th. Fint National Bank of De- fiance, Ohio, ha* been robbed of S23.00J. A strike i* again feared at the Carnegie teel work* at Hom**t*ad, Pa. It i* aaid la gnpp* ha* maJ* it. appear - | ano* in New York city. Th* Cnivenity of Pennsylvania will not s*nd a crew to Henlev next summer. On Friday evening, in Chicago, th* tem- i prrature dropped in two honn from 'JO I degree* above to 3 degree* below zero. The export* of specie from th* port of N*w Y'ork for last week amounted to twVW0,300 in gold ; and of silver, 51,791,- 713. Th* people in the mining districts of Ohio are in great destitution, and carload* of provisions have beau sent forward. Th* Police Commission^ of New York city are changing th* location* of their cap- tain*. Southern Indiana and Ohio and other point* in that latitude are threatened with serious flood*. The remains of eight people have be*n recovered from lhe ruin* of th* Uolevan hotel fire in Albuny. The Diamond Plate Class Company, of Kokomo, Indiana, says th* plate glass com- J bine i* a " go." The capital la 920,000,000. A combine ha* been formed among th* corrugated pipe and galvanized iron eaves- trough manufacturer* of th* United State*. The of th* Security Loan and Tru*t Company, of Sioux City, Iowa, say. th* company is insolvent. Liabilities, 94,000,000. Tbe apprawerof New York cily finds that th* estate of the late Jay Could is worth exactly 930.934,530.79, aside from 92,000,- 'WO in realty. Tha New York, New Haven, and Hart- ford railway is preparing to equip two of it* hi anches with electricity to replace the present *t*am power. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company', report for th* past year shows 3 surplus of 8P.J7.<>70.!!, and the Lehu-h Valley Coal Company a surplus of *ti.','.'M 117. Th* Stan lard Oil Company haa gobbled the Sun . Craig and Crystal Oil companies of Toledo and tbe Mi-mam Company, of Cleveland, Ohio. Bill Cook, th* outlaw, whoce gan< ha* been terrorizing the Indian teiritory for month* past, ha* b**n captured. It wa* h* who reorganized thn Daiton gang of out'.aws. The recommendation made hy President Cleveland to CongreM that the United tSwevMei tf 1A *i Iww) <vQA*Ua*t fcO vt* J JDJ I T U C v*VU .xptssssd. UINKIAI. The mow is .even feet deep in the sun- | orb* of Vienna, Austria. The Argentine wheat crop i* eilimate i at I,. "1(10,111 W ton*. Th. d ja'h i-. ainonooed of Banjamin Crodard, lha French musical composer. Prince Bismarck, though physically strong, i* .utf.riog from mental depres sion. hav* been heavy snowfall* northern Italy and olher part* of country. Th* Bruaaell* magistrate* hav* entered that all the gambling house* in the city b* closed. M. Erneet Carnot, son of th. late Presi- dent of France, has been elected a member of th. Chamber of Deputies. It is reported thai the King of Corea ha* b**n aisaaaioated. ici.m cannot be fairly applied to Cana-la. \Ve have the puiilic apathy, but widespread corruption cannot b* charged and we get tne worth of wbat money * -immunity consents lo ipend in or* api ' Proprletory Blg-hts Sustained, Balgiun. s Supreme Court of .lu.tioe ha* just been called upon lo decide a some- what novel and extraordinary question of considerable interact to lha medical pro- lhe feesion throughout the world. I' Mem. that on* of the leading surgeon, of Brus- sels had occasion about a >ear sgo to am- putate lhe right leg ol a young married lady belonging to the highrat circles of th* arHlocracy. The operator wa* so pleased with hi* job that h* preserved the leg in a jar of spirits of wine and placed it on Another report is that exhibition in hi* consulting room, a label hi. Majesty ha* had an epileptic lit. The country between the Yal ( and Liao- Ho riven in China is said to b* d.eoiate in the extreme. The French coasting steamer Anaia foundered three mil*, off Cape Caveau during a cyclone, aud thirteen were drowned. being affixed to the jai giving lhe patient's name and th. detail, concerning th. cjr- uumstance. which hail rendered th* opera- tion necessary On hearing thi. the hur- band of lh* lady demanded lhe immediate discontinuance of the exhibition and the peranns return of tha severed member, as being his property. To this th* surgeon lemurre.i. The number of laborer, on work on th* j He admitted that the plaintiff hail pro Panama canal has been reduced to two hun- prietory right* in the leg while it formed dred. Their wage* ar* only 91 p*r day in j pan of hi. wife, but argued thai the leg, Columbian currency. in i'* present condition, wa* the result of It is rumored th.t Count Hsrb*rt Bis hli (defendant 1 .) skill and the work of hi* marck will be appointed German Amba*aa- owo h*"'". d > h* wa* clearly null- dor at \Va*hington in luoceMion Ml Baron i ' "* P IU ~ he urt ""d raiher vou Siurma-J.ltsch. | sUgfered by thi* line of argument, and aft*r taking a fortnight to consider the question ha* finally decided against th* doctor and in favor of the husband's claim* to th* possession of the amputated I of It is reported lhat King Alexander Serviawill shortly be betrothed to Prin Sibylle of Heeee He i* nineteen year. age, and she eighteen. Arrangement* have ben mad* by the Agricultural Department of Victoria for the shipmenl of culinary vegetable* to Knvland during th* winter season. Venwon i. a common, every-Jay di*h in German ci'iee, so th* United State* con- sul-general at Berlin inform* hi. Govern- ment, The death i announced in India of Lady Saanoon, th* wife of Sir Albert Saasoon, th* well-known morchanl and banker of Bom- bay, who entertained the Prince of Wale* in 1876. Prince Bismarck, in spite of hu intense grief al tbe lo*. of hi. wife, remains in fair health. The report* lhat hi. m.nlal power. ar* failing are quit* unfounded. A German *tatitician haa computed that Creece .land, in the drat reok among Kuropean countrie. in the number ot centenarian*. H* attribute* this to it. climate, S*oor Ximene*, a well-known Spaninh traveller, who happened to be m lhe Arme- nian province of Bitlia at the time of the alleged Saa*oun disturbance*, declare* that he neither aaw nor heard anything tn war- rant ; h* sensational stortea told of Aimeni an atrocities. Professional bicycle rider* of Franc* have decided to form themseiveo into a syndicate for the safeguarding of their interests. On* of it* object* i* th. institution of a fund j for niok rider* who are incapacitated by !ao.'ida:fr>mr ' leg of hi* better half. Manchester s Housing Scheme A novel housingscheme ha* been adopted by tbe Manchester Town Council. It i* proposed to clear a space of about five acre* in th* centre of lhe city, in an overcrowded and unhealthy area, and lo erect blocks uf workmen') dwelling*. Larg* area* will b* left for play-ground*, and th* root* of the building* will be left flat, nd adapted a* recreation and play- ground* and drying ground*. Tree* and dower bed* will be planted in lhe open pace*. Sevan! novel feature* will be introduced into the construction of tha dwelling*. Th* co*t of clearing the area will b* about t.250,000. From Jie Owen Sound Time*. Last fall whan th Times gave an account of in* miraculous cure of Mr. \Vm. Belro**) through the use of Dr. William.' Pink I'ula for Pal* People, we had little idea thai we would be called upon to write up a case whicn is eveu more remarkable. The case referral lo is that of Mrs. John C. Munntll, who*, cure ha* been effected oy the**) mar- vellous lulls meeesngen of health. Tha Times' reporter was met at the door by air*. Mounell, who, though .bowing a few tracea of tbe suffering she had undergone, moved about very sprightly. With apparently all the gratitude ot a man who hvl been saved out of the deepeet affliction, Mr. Monneil gave the folio wing account ot hi* wife'* nur- aculouscure. "1 have been in the employ ot the C. P. R. al Toronto Junction lor some time. In Auguat last year, after confine- ment, my wife took a chill and what IB commonly known as miik-ieg set in. When I cama home from my work I wsa informed of lhe fact, and next morning called in the family phyaiciaii. The limb swelled in a very short time to an enormous size. Every n.ean. known wa* adopted to reduce me inflammation, but without avail. CoMUll- mg phv.ician. wen called in, but all the sat ul act ion they could give me wax that ibe docton in attendance were doing laeir ulmost. A tank wa* rigged up, a long lina of rubber hoec attached and wound around the attticud limb and ice water allowed to trickle down through me ptnia<; to releiv* tbe pain and reduce the in- flammation above the kuee. The ley waa opened and perforated, a tub* inaeri*>l from th* thigh to the ankle with a hep thai u would carry off th* pus wbic-i formed. For fiv* long anxioua moalH* I watcbad th* cra. with despair, while my wifewasunable to movehenelf in bed. Atthe end of lhat ume .he wa* placed m a chair ! where an* span I three monuu. I'.* add ui lhe complication* gangren* a*l m, and tor week* tben waa a tight for life. At U.I the physician, gave up. They said me only hop* wa* in tbe removal of my wile u> lhe hoipiial. AfWr a bri*t consultant. she emphatically refused to go, staling thai if she bad lo die .h. would -lie amongst hsr little one*. At this tun* one could uol put her foul to the grouud. Her normal weight wa !.'(."> pounds woen in good but the atfliclio i reduced her to a living skeleton lor .he lost tfj pound, in the live month.. To all human intelligence u waa (imply a co*of waiting lor th* worst. i'(> tn tim* I had not thought of |H. William* 1 I'nik Pill, for Pal* People, until one d*y I came acioe* an edvcruaemrot and determined lo try ihrm. Thia wa*> two month, ago. jaat about th* time w% were moving up h*ra from In* Junction. At til* point Mn \loona.l look up the .lory of tbe marvellous cure, and corrobei - aled whal her husband slaUil. ContinuinK he said : "After using a (aw Dole* I . walk on crutch**, and after iheir turihtr use 1 threw away ,ny crutch** and am BOW doing all mv owu housework. Th* limb la entirely healed up, and the cord*, which in th* terrilii* ordeal bail been forced out i their plaoac.nav* com* hack to their na-.ur- al position. And to show how complete has been my recovery 1 am pleased to say thai 1 hav* recovend my lo**. weight and fiv* pound* more. I now weigh 14U pounds." " We .pen l 9275 in doctor*' fee* anil otner expense* without avail, before begin- in j the use of l>r. William*' Pink Pills, 1 aid Mr. Momn-ll, "and it seems marvellous tha: my wife, who a few month* ago waa considered pact human aid. ha* oy thia medicine b*en restored oo health and strength. ' and tne Time, concurs in the conclusion. Mr. Monuell i* on. of th* C. P. R. staff of clerk, at thu port, and he i. always willing to tall of the care effected. Hut there are nundred.of witneree* to the truu. of hit statement* both in Owen Sound an I at Toronto whare he resided up to two months ago. Dr. Williams' Pink Pill* are o'ered with a confidence that they are the only perfect and unfailing blood builder and n.rve re- storer, and wbere given a fair trial di***e anil suffering must vani.h. Sold by all deal*r* or sent by mail on i eceipt of 50 canta a box or 950 for six boxe., by addressing 'he Or. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Out., or Scheuectady, N. Y. Beware of nation* and refuse insny lubetttutes aliened to be "ju*t a* good. ' of Dollars . -," III tlMim til tin. I cm -fur Mali KBM-.U. which I had 1:1 l'!i\^i. 1.ID-. Mid ca--i>. My li-i;i. IIBI-I i. >! arn: \,-n- i-mi-r. tin- liiimor. 1 was to Itvduwn hi ln-.l. .!,! Church Objection to Dancers. A despatch from Warrenaburg, Mo. ay* . Th* church** of Warrenbur^, me centre of Western MiMouri chinch confer- Me, have declared war upon all ho dance, and have commenced weeding their congregation* of *uch unworthi**. The emon of the Oimlerland church at it* latl meetioK dismiieed five ladle* for trip- ping tha light fantaatic, and now nth-r dtuominauon* are following tuiu The action i creating, much feeling, and mem- ber* ar* withdrawing from the different __ and )i . *. <;. m-rry. have my arms, bat k aim k'" 1'iinclai.fil twin- a ,|aj. | Ix-gan tn take Sarnapnrills ami vx>n I ,-nu],| st-c n . Tlii' ft,-*l\ I ..... Him- iiinr.- hi-ult'r lnAtlM v.i,. ii-ii ,,ft. 1 .,< - in - nd )mp-y man I was. 1 lutd lwii taking Hood's Sarsapari for irven months ; anil lnr- that time. 2 vi r I have wurn no liamhiiii-t I*IT nd arms m\ ,..un,i aim w--r DKBKV. 45 Rntdfnril St.. rm> nli-m-c. K. I.' HOOO'B PlLLS "ire llvrr lll. rfinti|l.,,.i, MUuu>neu,)atindl<Mt.i>n<l-lrl:lirii.l>fh *- t> LarRewt Sale in Canada. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. FOR TWBTY -FIVB YS.UU}