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Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1895, p. 8

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THE rillftltfll ADANCI OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, IN '1'lie Very Dest l'l.Al-i: IS CANADA TO (IET A Though Business Education, Take a Hound Trip &' & and Commercial Department* In I'annU, then viit .11.111 UiuluMS CollMS I uxMiiiua every tkiui( thuroiulily. If we fail to proJuce the in. it thorough, oomplate. practical aud u>n tv* course of .tiiily : the belt col lent |>reuiloi MI. I ih bent au.l << completo ami most suit- abU'uiiiituru an<l i||liance>. !' will iilve you a full coursu KK1 .. I-T Annual Aauounco- U)aut,(irluK full particular*, (ret-. aiMreaa C. A. FLKMIXC..' Priuripal. Eugenia Mills - -- AND - Carriage Works. Carnages made and Repaired, alto Placing and Matching, Band Saw- ing, Wood Turning of every des- cription. Plauiug aud Grain Chop viug done wlule you wait, for th* Beavor turus the wheel. T. W WILSOX .Manager CONSTIPATION, -BILIOUSNESS, ^ DYSPEPSIA,^ SlCK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE LIVER ONE PILL AFTER EATING INSURES GOOD DIGESTION PRICE25 CTS>POOD'S M SJKT BESPJUR IVtLL i i ' I*. U. A. BMiTH t CO.. Toronto. "When I was a Boy," V'rites Postmaster J. C. Woonsox, y.ircst Hill, W. Va., "I nail n brou- ihiol trouble cf such a per Mid stnblmrn cbr.ntrtcr, that tlio iliM-tor proiiiniiK .<! it inniriible with D.iJuiary mcilicincH, und ;nl\i:.a me to try Ayer's Cherry IVr'oi; I. 1 did HO, and one bottle cured n:". I 'or the hist fifteen years, I liuvn i 'I tlii.H ]>rrp:ir;itiim with t;ooJ effect whenever I t;iko A Bad Co!-.!, and I know of nnmliori of pooplo \ liu Keep it In tho horiseall the t.i.ii'. not coniildcriiig it i.afj to bo wila- out It." "I liars been nuln-; Aycr's Cherry I'i In my family (or IX) yuan, wild tlie lii<mt f^Un(a< I'-ry rriilt, ami i uu i ... rrfullv rocoiniii. ml it iw blnR epi>- < ..'illy Kl.iplml to all piilnimuiry rom- I luinl*. 1 liavo, for in.iiiv \< ar, miulo l>ii I inooary and other nii-illi-lni'it u pnclal <, ami I havn nuno to the conclusion that Aycr's Clu-rry 1'iirtoritl ocrnplrn a I i.xitiun pro-eminent nvr other mrill- rrlncs o/ ths claM." CUas. Davcoport, !>.>vf,N. J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I r*p*r4 bf Dr. i. O. A jw k Do . Lovrli, HIM. Prompt to act, cur* to oun A Mausoleum for Canada. One of our foremoKt artists, orators and poets \V. A. Sherwood ^ave ooe of hi* brilliant lectures rucenlly, advi>catiiig in l.m own i-li xani way, tlju setting apart or the oructii.g of a ^raiid i-Jihce to bo a kind of Valhalla or rent in)? p!ac for the great dead of our country a Mauwilcum wherein ihould be c-mtainud tlie innrial reinnitit of hnglit spiriln, whoj thought* and notion* hare stiiretl, trolled or uplifted their country men while living;, and become thvir heriuce when dead. \Ve have hnd an >lher reniemhrance of the desirability of such a national seiml- chre in the deplorable cut'.ni;; "ll'"f Sir Jobn Tn.>ui|.iii. We think of him in hi* lonely grave in in .>rner of nur Innd anil nf l'i> | r. .!r cea^o --Sir John MaolJcnsld in another, and of the noble >'<" Brn in yet an- other, and of all thus* who by pen, .r voice, or jtencil, hnvn thrown a luntrc UIHUI ihcir country, that are Mattered uvor this land, lee|,inj{ in Lnely out-nf tliu-y place.s pUct-s H.M-II to be , MM- I'}- tin ne neret and dear. i st t.. ilu ii . i >f cou.*se we know that it mnttcrt not tn thi-ni tin: mighty dead they lie. but 11 in a loan tn the tint its youth may not goto t one rpot Koine pm-m in stone whose grandeur i a inutu tribute to tho nieinory of tin- ili-p.-irinl and tliora ace inicrilied on tablet* '.lie dcedf of the departed ; Mime one jiUcii where "storied urn i-r animated Imv" may call to mind how rich already our >oun^ rountry i, in tin- lives of her ill uH*riouii sons and danghters. While we mny In- far from rich enough to ii.ilulirf HUth n s.-niimunt, the l"sx in |IIP.IMM-.II, Aiiilmi'iii. Emulation and A>-|MHtion call l.ot he ent!init<-il. hi wlnlu the B runt li > tho deeds thy iiie, in the ilmir.'hti they hive in K|iin-d and in rvci-nled hiktnry, there i a wiiirli ap|H'.us more truly to the heart, wbich itarts the Hjirin-.'i of .11 iii'ti and thrill the iniit rui.Mt living with lute ami pn.U i.f country, in the viaunl i-xprin-ion of that cruntry's tudu and h mr of the n-iUi-si oni. \Vliila one eialtrd f.uinlv has the New Year with a grave, w fri i|iit-i.t a'Hiiritnct-H, that th.>,- m.-in i.i of their HI .ir .HUH i-iittin^ i. If. nnij tli.> i.p; ml -.inity thi-rel.v albrdsd for the autlh.r:lii*K in the Mi'ther Land to thow linn In. in. r, h i uxnltril us, ;i.-< a count iy, in tlie i-vr of thei-iulized world. Tlieie i. an i-hiiienl i-f humor hero htch will n l.ti uile n-.. -it in that a I. ..-.. L-I-I atin s> w it (nil Ii fdunlnu to l-n known I.i tin- oii(iili- I, iholllil l.y ilyin:, in a pnlace mid IM-III,- HC-JH f..r hy a i|iiurn, ln-1-..mi! in in-nth the lynnHMni of the civilized woihl, tin. I du hia country which emilil ill alloid In loe linn a good nun l.y ilyii .g. It (lino Hervt's to illtl>li..t the la. t thai mi tin- |>res*inn the iiimgiiiNtioii h main- fold more |mwcr, than that ^aiiu-il lhn.'.i;li the alow und torlftoui t|> of le.-iM.i,. When n man is di-ml his cntuniei can nil'. cil ii xinK li^ I.I.OS.-K. \\lnni S.i Tli..n.|m. n full, the parly press whiell I', nl lif\ur ihiiiu kirliilliii'/ him, lif- e-line lauxh in tlieir pniineli. llie toiiL'ile of lliuoliy WMH t>ed ami pulpiiH whiih h.-i.l el<l whlli- h. i. kill IMkllllCe, if lint (l.HIll H..I-.-, i . the in .n li.T.nii.' of liin finth, ml.leiily allow cniiimon Nonne totiiumiih Hiid rr|iet the ciy thtt, "lake him for all in nil wo nhall not h.ok upon hit like acain." Ity thu war, how liuii'/e thnl a limn'* hel. if nhnu'd lie drugged into the an-na i-f politicH. If tlieiif U to he liberty of ooi|*ciiinue a man belief Imuld neiih er be a loitu i: of iirofit nor intimidation. Di>T. I I ll !- Mr. i i.ii-- H. llalpin, one nf thn pm pi i. (..! of the MaiiiioliH l.ibeial, telk a g.iod story nf our new prrniu-r. Mi llalpiu waa luinniitf the Keveltlok* Hiar, the k.'iaU-' e|.on. nt of pul.lir n pinion in the KiH.tiMiav eounlrv. On* day, what the maiiHguiK rditor and for*. luan at uuc spotted as s tump p.iule to entered the office, and after looking around asked to b allowed to tiy hm liainl* on a case. Mr. Halpin gave him permission, hut kept an eye on him with au uneaxy fi-.-lin;,' thai it WH a prelimi- n.ny t'. lieiii'^ "htruck for a\'.' f After a while the at ranger began to talk, and the managing, buamcux and city mlit-ir, the Foreman and devil, nearly fainted in their dimes when they casualty learned that the tramp printer sticking typo nt the case was no other than the Hon. Mackenzie I!.. well, Minister of Customs, juat (eturn- ,' from n rough trip down tho Columbia river into ths Kootenay country on cus- tom* ImainoM. "Look at hiui,' adi'a Mr. Hulpisi with a touch of pardona' le pride as he expanded his bnsom, 'five yearn ago he w*a working for me, now he in 1'iL-niier nf Canada." I >nce in a while a subscriber to a paper tokea it for so many years withinit pay ng for it aud then refuxcn it at the pn.t ntlice. Thu Claiksburg lU-flector n.nkos the f'.llnwinL' r.-iimrks : "Shall we sue these delinquents ? Not much. Why ? Firstly, Ixu-aiiso anyone who takes a pap- er for a year and then refuses to pay for it, Un't worth Huing. Secondly, because if they are *i destitute a-ln Iw unahlc to IKIV for the |i<*r after taking it for a year, our chntitnble feeling* compel u to give it to them fret. We nre thiiiUitiL* of starting n free MIUJI kiichon for this tlas of peii|il-. <>M I'l-.tlie" mill yilK'eriex thankfid'y received at thin office on their behalf " Captain Sweeney. I". S. A.. Snn Du-jo, Cal., Httvx : "Sliiloir* Catanah Remedy is the hrst ineilicinc I h M- eV'-r found thai would do in.,- any good." Price 50 Abnilt three ocWk Tuesday in uniuej an alarm i.f tire was houmied; ami r of our citizens who n-xp. mdi'd witncued th destrurlinii of tin- fra'no dwelling house of .Mr. Otto Homln, gardener, jut ..f i he railway track. The flsaisa h:iil mailu such pnr{rei. that it,.ix im- >1<- to sav<t anything Mr. lland* hitd ir ii-e-1 hix family and conducted them to the C. I'. U. station ami dwell- in/ house occupi'd hy Mr. Jas. Williania, a^rlit,whi>"tlereil llioin temporiiry iihelter. \\' uinlfrtUnJ nil that wat xaved was a liltlu clothing Tlu-ie waa $61)0 inur ance on huiltlinu ami f400 on contents. The tin: ii sn|ipo.ed to have st-irted froii I he Moves in thu hot I.OIIKO _ Tiil'ee cowx"(l in thu riainen anil a Imrse was badly burned. Sin llmrii.- Kcononimt. 'ntarrh i:. !.. . . .! In IO to CO MilllltrN ()neliuit jniff -t the breath through i'n- lil..,-t , supplied with vach iN.tth- of Dr. Agnew'a Catarrlial Powder, dlffmics tins pi-xiler im-r the Kurface ol tkwMaslpSSI I' iinlesxHiid Jeli^litfu to li-i-. I' ii Mi ves liiilaii'lv. a'ul pi'riinin ently riin-n Ciitarrli. liny Kver. ' II.-. .lu-lie, S-re Throni. Toi-x-lifix mu Deafnuss. cunts. At W. K llu-hanl son's. Now is the Time -TO BIT VuCR \VINTKi: BOOTS AMD SHOE - AND Smith"* M. >n'ii HII. I ImjV In-iiiy KI\ anil Furthers I ill I-' llll I Mlv>f*' IH'lit"Cr > lll.jH, linn'- .IK! \v f>i' oveiiliofS. All to III! <ll<l Ht I'lWOSt |M- kiblu price*. Repairs, D. McTAVISH, FLbSHERTON, HOKSKSHIIKK AND GENERAL BLA< 'KSMITH, KEEPS UN HAND Repairs for Ma&sey Harris, and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson Bros. Farm Ipmtements. i: Fleury and Verity on hand all the time.aiso all liindh of rtpmis for the narno. We inannfaetnr* WagJiM, Unties, Ciutera, etc. H'lraeauoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender contracted feet. Logging and Plow Cliaiua constant!/ on hand. j>i- *.*!, ",.-'. i * JOS. SMITH, Oppccite McT&vish's C&: t irge Shop. PEOTOSTPHOTOS! If you want phot, < t .ken go to the FLESHERTON PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, where nothing but' Hnit rflawi work in turned inn. niul piicf* lower than charged for city work Careful attention UIVMI in copyiiiK nth. -i picturui. linbitV photo* a penally. l*i't iir I- in all It* braiKliM promptly and neatly done. , lis, lilnir S]iiikSl. Pointers * # CUTTERS AND SLEIGH5. (il'.N TI.KMEN, A tl> ion nf MII.W in iipprnachins, w* JeMrc lo ilrnir yunr I'lriitjnn tn nor ldck of C'nlt<-rn wi irti n now cuiuplm*. havinif a largf xtork to Ml- n. 1111, Ic np in i TariilT of <-ly\rt anil fin:-i.i-.| in the finest >tvi< ( .,f rt a:, I .it |T:I-. * ilmt ilefr coin;>i>titi<>ii. In -1-iijliH we ar- prepared to suit you lu light or Lcary. A I M ink ii'ioli- "f the l"-t nit> rml. Kiuillr ;,( nil a call an 1 U> Jour uwu judge*. .Sinf.i; it Inhering. You i!l Hud it to Jonr iuUrvt locall n T. \\-iiitton MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Rejoice Together, vine Year Old Maggie McRitchie, a Victim of Chronic Fainting Spells and Nervous Weakness, Completely Cured by South American Nervine After all Other Efforts had failed. The Mother, a Sufferer From Nervous Prostration and Indigestion, Likewise Cured. Hear What the Think-- lul Father Has to Say. MR?. JAME3 McHITCHIE AND DACtiHTLll. A leading local physician, whose profession takes him among the chil- dren of the various public institutions, remarked to the writer, that one would hardly believe that so many childien were affected by nervous troubles, which sap 'the system and prevent proper development. In many cases tho doctors are powerless to cure theso troubles. They can relievo the suffering little ones, but in South American Nervine we have a medicine that does more than simply give relief. Its peculiar strength is that it completely cures where physi- cians relieve. A case in point came to us the 'J Ith u!t., in a letter from Mr. James W. McRitcbie of Bothwell, Ont. lie says : "My daughter Maggie, aged 9 years, was afflicted with nervous fainting spells for over a year, which left her m 'such a con- dition of weakness afterwards tint the child was practically an invalid. We tried several remedies and doctor- ad with her in one wsy and another, bat nothing gave relief. Seeing South kniorjcau Nsrvinr-adwtised, a* par- *'or Mali cases, I decided on trying it for her, and I most say that I noticed a decided change in my daughter for the better after she had taken only a few doses. As a result of using this medicine, si a is cow entirely free from those faint- ing spells and possessed of that life and brightness that is the happy lot of childhood. I am satiatied it is an excellent medicine for any nervous weakness. My experience has been further supplemented in the fact that ray wife has also been using South American Nervine for indigestion, dyspepsia and nervous prostration, aud has found very groat relief." Whether the patient be msu or woman, young or old, South American Nervine provides a complete medium for restoration to health. It is a medicine differing absolutely from every other. A cure U effected by application to the neiwe centres of the human system, and science has proved that when these urve centres are kept healthy the wbol* body ii healthy. For these reason* Jailor* if ibla.

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