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Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1895, p. 5

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THI ADVAXCl OfllCw) <>1 GEO. MITCHELL A(n*r>l banking ti-;i:*trn*rtd PrK . and cheuqutfft c*Ue<l at usual rate* Wore? alnayi ari)h: for Inrtrr f bimnn* DUrpriie. Ofllce tu doors uoith of hicuii'J- ou 4 Co*. Vicinity Chips, riiarartrrM ir of the Past Week Carefully lulled far the 4'ariwas JB UIMSW *:>tifi naumg litali trill I* "<i at tA<r ratr of /'* per liitr fur ertum. .1 rii-tiow trill \ t tfmtraet* fur 1(*J li*et or over. : done e*ery day at Wilson's Mill, Enjjenu. nt oc pr 100 Iba. Division Courr Clerk A S VaaDusen i* now a full fledged J. P , having re- ceived his appointment last wevk. The aninnl Mi-rnna of K (}. Ag'l .<ciety will be held here on Wednesday. iCth in->t Hi-. ey.'U > noticed that our cluh- l-:iiu "te f. r The Advance ai.J Fantitr's 'y $1.35. The annual meeting of Osprvy Ag'l S iety will be held at Fevemliaiu t.i J.iy. Thursday at t p. iu. All indebted to the nndersi^ned are r , jested to call and settle their accounts ..n or lh fore the 20th of the present ni-itith. .lov Smith, Flesharton. A very pretty calendar couio from C. 1 Hood Jt Co., proprietors of 1! S.-irHaparilla. It may b procured t th !ru'. l v,' 1 t '*. or for six cents iu stamps from the iiropnetors, Lowrll, Mas*. M. Ricl>ard<'ii & Co sell the popular Salscls tea*, and we are idebte.l l . them for a fine sample. They are a!d in sev- eral grades and pric-ns Get a sample and try it. A load f young pc-.ple drore u-wu to I>juiUlk onTuemlay evening and cajovtd r he skating for ^n hour or two. TLe evening w sui>erb for sleighing, witli a Lright ini<n ami keen utinonphere The Advance has t thank Hro. A. K K.-iwcttt, of the Toronto .luuoiioii Leader. for A copy of the handsome premium which he fcive* w 't^ ln |>ap!r this year. I- K sonietliina winch his tulx> to, \:i.i HO ilouh* ilo, Apprvciate. Still Threatening. The annual im-rUii'.' of 'lu Liberal Con- servative Association of Cast nnd Ccutro (irry will be be hfld in Markdalu t..-uui- r.iw, Friday, at 1 30 T>. m. Mitten of importance will be brought bo fore the mveliug. The Methodist t mevtitiit t Kimber- . u Monday ovcniiu- was one ..f the ni'ist sucouasful acid pleasant attaint of tho .-*.. n. The church * crowded t the .! ,irs The best of order was nianitaim-il nnd all enjoyed themaelvea thoroughly. The prooenla ainouuteil to forty dollars. Mr. F. Tucker has removed his tailor- ing establishment to the premises lately occupied by Mrs djerJruui, u<rr Miuli- vll's bMDk, Richards 'n's block, when- he will be ghul to receive all his old fnriula and a* many uew ones it* can tnul it in their l>ette\"lent hearts to deal *rth him. . workmanship and tit Dn not forget ' ho Fsrnierw' Instilntt- meeting in the Tonli Hall on Saturvl iy. U it because thoro has been much m'ri .st taken in these meetiuo herttofore tliat the government prants Floliert. u the favor every year. L-t llvs inretins; he no exei'i-ti-'ii to tlie iu!c Thet".nic. Inch invlu'le the makiux .in.l mainten- HIICO <'f roal,l>y n practu-nl eti!iinfcr,niy . -en . -i Ur^e hills which are posted A large number of our subscribers have renewed for the Cfiiiiin: year, but as usual there are a nuinU-r wlm rc liilatory in this matter. As publisher* arrange to tiave '.heir In'gc bill* -come due at this season of the year it is aliaoUttelr necva- -:ry rhat the Ku'wriptK'ii* should bv forthcoming. Therefore please ee to it that the lab*-l on your p|<T is changed. Farm for Sale. Forty-two acres of land, comfortable house and g>>>l large frame barn for sale. Terms reaionaUi--. Apply :it this .IficeortaJ. E. lUskeniile A I 1 ..'* fur tiitut* store, Flssherton. Daniel Rit. Proprietor and of the Hamburg, Out., li depend* it < v< 'I M suffering fr:m Pyspeiisi* ^nd Liv- t tiouHe, I tuok a few bottles r . Shiloh Vu!raiid itcarelmr I.cM heartily d u. From Th. The in advance ayatein la a provwl muccww, mul <lii't V" fotgec it. We hall talk to the Flosherton Ban! about thu A Mitch. Three police fustee* fur this village were rl-ctetl hy acclamation on noiiiin- ati'ni day in the penums of Messrs. \Vm. Clayton, D. McTavUh and P. Hi> Mr. HOIIIIMI. however, declined the hon- or. The nt*tute appears to provide that the two may chooae a third, and thi will likely be d"n when, the proper time comes, iluoead of l:,ivin^ a Uew election. ftr. Bowes Still on Top. Oiio hundred and ten Patron delegate*, representing the enst tiding of Grey, con- vened in the Town Hull. Hesherton, on .y last. The uie^tiir; was called for tlir purpose "f coi.sidoriiitf tile Candida- f .Mr. Jas. Bowes, of St. Yii.ceut, wln> waj nominated some time ajo. A mestiDk' waa held last fall for a similar l'iiri>e, whesx Mr Bowes' nomination waa ratified, lut then- as an element which did not think the meetm.' was suf- ficiently representative, aiid therefore, at the sanction of Mr. B<iwea, the present convention waa called. After a lather warm d:acuai<.n n ballot was Uk< u when there were found to be only ^8 ..ut of the 110 ilslrjjatet* opposed to the caiidida'u. I';. HI .1 call for a unanimous vole tlit-re were still only Miren dvlecateii w!io h^d the hardihl to oppose his Candida: iuv There wi-re uo otlivr IIMIIUM pul'licly be- fore the c..vontK)ii, although it wa.i uadrr- stixid that there were two or three aspir- Fire in Toronto. The m <t destructive dre under which T r nt > lias ever sutfort-l tix.k (dace on Sunday uiormiu. It broke out in th* boiler room of the Globe buiMin^ and > with fr.^htfu! mpidity. en^ultiiii; n t i.nly the ttlobe I mldiii^ but MeKur n. 'ii i C<i'. whulesa!'-. U \ dry s;<ida, Ua*..nli 4 Co., Bri.nuh rnnti:i_- I'.. . Joslm, Beohain ^ . II hues (.'.>,. Mic!. . Webb's reatauraunr. T. . onmto Lith<>({rupliini{ Co., and \Vi!!i.nn- ..I'lhe- C... Tlie loos will f'">t up to about a million dollars with iKtoecii five and .six hundivil tliunand insurance. One tireman was ki!lel m<l f. ur wounued during the coiifljgrati'.n. Tlie - came unt oit Monday morning at* tuiial. Inn printed in the Empire ottioe wjth Eiiipire material, nd therefore !<. krd like a full sister to the Conservative 014 in. The hearty man i IT in which tlie city press expressed its tangible sjinpathy willi the (ilfibe leopi- in their distress ret! it to the profession m Canada. A Belligerent Citizen. Artemvaia'e Grand Old "I'uuen" oc- ou;.ifil 4'.' inches of s|Hlee in the Markdnle ird l.i-t *eek ill an endeavor to l>acily *' LK-t. " to annihilate, the editor . f this paper, and in an attack U[H.U the ttV"l luapectors. W o have ju^r a very few words t>> ay to Cili/.eti on our . n acooun* In the tirst a< not for ourselves that . o-vereiy .-vs e did tm-o weeks "U". l>ui to protect a lady from insult. V\ , li.i\e juietly ign..rnl the poison shafts hich this individual liai been huiliuir in impotent rave at our own devoted head iuring the past four years, aud intond still to pursuu this course. His attiiude ia t.... pitiful to en vender haired on our pait. and too child- i<h to merit resistance. Besides, at this season ut the year paiticulariy. we fv>l the )>en 'v Jent npiri: t rrii.i: within in and wociitl !.i:ii take the wilier by tho hand and a^k him, "whence C nieth this bitter Imtio.l ? In what way e in- jured him f" Ourou an*ner to these queries would not be rlnUi-niiu to C.tizeii. and we hesir.ito i<> nmke them public. ai d will i>oi do no un'il f.rcei!. A*fm enttr- nii! "".o any k nJ ..f sn argument on the vailou* h.i/.\ uie.taa Uaneotl l' thi* w lit- er, we decline, and fi>r re.s.'in givi'ii two weeks ago A Telephone to Eugenia. The Advance is always gUd to re;>"it good news f -r Eugenia. The Vi-neer and Hoop Factory, which has been so long idle, as waa aiinouncd a few weeks ago, has changed hands, having been l>ouuht by The Toronto Hoop and Veneer Company. The new proprietors are both active business men, who have already made a reputation in the tius new world. Mr. Heiumin.:, late preaident of .., uii.uf.ic;uiar3, have charge of the mills at Eugenia aud will lire at Flcahcrtmi, while Mr. Marcoo, Lite of the Steele, Bnifim, Mareon Seed Co.. T. rout... will conduct t lit; head office at Toronto. The new company have applied for incurpxiration with a lame capital and ire prepared to p*y caxh on delivery for lo..- of elm, basawood, white- . birch aud maple, which miiKt bo cut .-tccordini; to sizes stated in advert, s nient in to-day's Advance. They expect to get thu mill running in two weeks and will push th business to it* fullest capacity. This will be quite- a b the town slid will add materially to its prosperity. In connection herewirh the fanners have (.'onerously come forward to list in the establishment of a telephone line to connect with Fleshi rtoii. and aouie sixty have agreed each to deliver three. telegraph poles aud put in same as soon an practicable in spring. The company ill supply win- and instruments and by this means constant connection will be had with the town at all times. It U also proposed to form a fire biigade of the employees of the will. We trust that ur farmer friends will be prepared to uiett the company in a liberal manner and rvalue that they have not only come to stay, but are desirous of advancing in every way the natural resources of thu distiict and Knditi >; a marke: f.>r various kinds of timber which cau be uaed in veneers. 5h3t While Fox Hunting:. A very deplorable accident happened about live miles from this vilUge uu Tues- day forenoon ! which a gentleman named John Little, whose home is near Hanover, wan almost instantly killed. Mr. Little had Uen vimin. ^ with Mr. Jaa Fisl.. r, who is related to him, nod on Tuesday forenoon he am! Mcswtn. Jas.. Sam ai.d Robert Fisher went out for a f'>x hunt. Mr. Little t.xik the doits and separated from the rest, intending to tlie fox. He had only been a short time away when two re|H.rts wen- heart! in .jmck succession and at the same time t cry The three men tlirew down their tfuna and followed Mr. Little's trick hen lie waa discovered lying on the giound, dead, both charges of the gun having taken effect in the !. _ aU<ut six inches above thu knee and following iho buna into the abdomen. Th cartridges were loaded with B. B. shot. Deceased IM to i,;i\v I LIU walking wi'h oun oter Ins shoulder and the muz/.le point mj f..raiil Stumbling ovtr a nM.t the _au .ksihi.,n , of him ami dis- ebargeil witli the reiult stated. The nn- foitun.ite man i! d L>"t until ln.s o n.- panious reached him. The Nsly wsn taken to Mr. .las. K;li i residence and the sad news telephoned to his family. Deceased was a man of abou r fifty yean of aao and leaves a family of ten, mostly _r..-i up. He was a brother- in law of Mr. .1. (1. Little, it Wareliani. Persona:. Mi< M Sinij> .o. of Chicago, m Mit ing wirli fneiiils in town. Mrs. D*ei s -tnd Miss U'^lil.. ,.f Owen Sound. wr the guests of ilrs. A > >.-!. last week Mi. tiuii Mic. X. J. Ht.-ider<ui re- turned last wevk after spending the Clmstmas hidnlayi with relalivc." in T" lout . and l>i._;h!"ii. Mr and .M.. W. A. r.,....n. Markdale, and Mr*. 1' an I man, were ainuiig the visitors in t..-*n last wevk. Dr. W'riitht, of Jaekson, Mich., paid a short visit last week to l,n m< ther, Mrs. Wm. Wright. Miss F. Smith, of 1' villo, is H!S the giient of Mrs. Wright. Mr. Ernest Phillip*, of Winnipeg, ia sp.'i: : inu a f months with his nn ther sii.l 'n.-inls. Iii tin- meantime he is tak- ina the p. s u. M of engineer at the H."p and Veneer mill at Enij'i.ia, after !ii-h lio iir 'ii,^ t.. \Viiinipeu o rn sunie h. former position with the C. P U If \on DOI.'I F-vl Well ivme-nK-r Mnn- ,.\ , t'd.ry Nfi\i- Compound, with Beef. lion Nnd W un- ' M n Gunriinteid iurofor I'ysj.epsiH. Neivomnew, Mental Pepn-saioii, and nil weaki.eas arisniK from a run d.-vrn ami nei worked i\. It hnnnevir l.teis^Vi on to f.iil. . bottle and be henlthy and happy. S .1.1 !iy all diu>ri;it. 3ln Royal Scnrlrt li.. PUT. The Royal Scarlet Chapter of the district < f Artem-sia, will open in the Ornnxe Hall. Flethertoii, on Monday the 14th , at 8 o'clock p in., and mi ad- journed meeting of tlie Chapter will be held in Markdale Orange Hall on Friday the 18th. All tl e members are re- p* ted to be present. JdSKrH GlBSOS, J*a Av TOPIS. Scribe* BOOTS & SHOE* ! Rubbers, Overshoes, etc., etc, A LARGE STOCK OFVF xi, LD. AT CLAYTOXH-- Style, Quality and Prices. Now that the cutter and sleigh season ban arrired, we wish to draw the at tentnm of the public to the fact rhat we have on hand a !r-^e si* cit hieh we j ', are offering very cheap. Wu do nut believe in boaatinz but we behere thai t we can give you a better article st (ess money than you can got anywhere else. '_ We harj no drones in >ur hive, we are all workers. Then again our large ex- . perience aud thorough knowlu<Ue of the busiiuss enables us to give you a bet ter article at Us* money than thofle ' less experience can do. A hint t > the i i wise is sufficient. Remember we took first prixe for the be*t exhibit of car- sac the East Grey Exhibition. Shop opposite. J. Smith'* shoa shop. I). 1*1 . M 1C The Leading Carriage Builder. A New Year A New Stock New Prices. Prices snch as have never been heard of iu this section of co'tntry before. Jnst thibk of it. I As low iu price u trOWt A nfcfr lot of jj ue MOsii wbich we alone can handle iu this district. Beat this if van' can bear iu mind that we mike no pretensions of selling at cost, but iutenl i > -iy here and do business iu the faraway future. All other lines of Fiuni tare and undertaking igr>ods at ejoajiy |MI price-; BMMHkhsWn? oar mtt bmall Profits Quick Kutttrns. " Come and examiue our stock, y jiir looks won't hurt the goods and we may do you or yotu- pocket some | yNDERTAKINQ, In the nii'leriiiki-iv: liue we stauJ ahead and gniraatec first class work i'i all its branches. The hadiug furniture aud undertaking w^rerooiu-. 1 ertou. J. E. Baskerville& Co. New Year's Greetings FROM THE- Flesherton Furniture Warerooms. We wish to tender tL.tks for tbe very liberal share of patronage given its during 1H u. \Ve slull strive t > ui ii: A coutiuuauce of the by strictly aiihvilug to our old pohcv ji Small Profits and Low Prices" . . in every departnHtit. We shall from time to time thrvug'.i the col- tinnis of tins paper keep you posted on oui- ability to supply your needs in our line. Remember we are always pleased to show goods aui quote prices, which, we believe, will cotumud themselves to your consideration. J. E. HOORE PROP. { Our Undertaking, as usual, good hearse, good attention, low chargis. Xmas Month. Tbe iwasoii of year is now here in which we all buy the manj lines sumach , 1 for our lonsj Caividim winter We have just to hand this week ouc of thu most complete lines cf LiADIBS' MANTLES Ever shown north of Toronto. These goods are composed of tlto best qual mew. all <lia K>* and fasliious, and cau be sold from $2- to fS le3 thau tb *bole*ale pMce. Now is your time to buy while tLe assortment is oouiplete. Wonderful value iu LADIES' FUR CAPES. Regular price $6 and $7.50, for $2.50. o/o 40 $2 DO ; $J 7J. o/o 44--|8.l9. Men s fur coats nfvewable waterproof, regular Patron price. $15 06,~ now for $11 60. Men * kip boots, good qntJiiy. $1-50 o o 2+ U 7. Dooti ud hoes, full assortmeus. Many are tbe batgains av^uiug yu. CALHOUKS,. Peoples' l?Utron Store,

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