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Flesherton Advance, 3 Jan 1895, p. 4

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7HI rilllltflfl ADVANCE K8TJU'.l.lMHi:i> 1881 Advance -.KIIKH WKIKLY AT THE OFrK'E. MYI>- Ml VVI 8TKEKT, rLKHHa-KToN. ONT. , BY W. U. THI'KHTOIC. ' prr uiinitiii.str irlly III advance Advei Using Kates: O n C'ol-ima. 1 yrar. 50 ; half col.. 1 year. *T quarter col., one year. (1J. t adrcrtiMinant ebargwi s< th* rst* r 1 cauls |>i>r lino fur UrM nnurtiou and J CBUU each subaoquoQt iuaerlioo. [X)NE WITH THE PATRONS. Councillor Oeo. Thompson Repu- diates them. VK. BOLAXP, BtBVE BY ACCLAM ATIoS rBHT.t IN WAKIWt 3 A!ID 4 ONLY. \rU-nieMs will at this municipal eloc- n have a competition in two wards . uly. Mr. Holaiid w tu elected tu the "-.hi|. by acclanmtioii, as was slso Mr. Kalb : the eouncil hoard. The i mini*! IOIIB us rufeived hy Clerk l.el. jy were as follown : i ur. KI.M K. Dr. Christ'*, nominated by R. Trim- lie, seconded by Win. Strain. John Ikiland, nominated by \V. J. "i ..ruiick, sec.-i.ded by Thoa. Whit ton. roR cm'M'ILLOU. Ward 1-1) MeMillen, A MeLend. Ward 'J-T. KolU, Wiu. Hill. Ward 3-Jas. Bent, <Jo, Stewart, John V Boyd. Ward 4 - tie". Tliompaon, S. Of the ahnre Dr. Christue retired fimn < ut. HMD.' the n-eveship, and Mr. Hill o.iittstiiig w,-ird U. and it is also thought that Mr. MeLuod will not bo in .e fijil in ward 1, or Mr. Stewart in nrd :i. Neither t-'entleinen wa* p'escnt ' . dive their decmion on the nuttier. The afternoon meeting wait a inu-w-r, town hall beiltK tlmr. uglily packed with a very inquisitive niidicncr. Mr. . ulni H.t/.jnl i.o upicii (not tiiU-d mind v.'ii) tLe chmr. Tli- ieevu was the first ( illvtl ti|Hin uliJ (i i\e a vry cl.-:ir ;ui-l i-n- t renting account of his teWHril)n|> in ' .wUkhiji and county IIMUPIM, fxplainin..' .ill , I.Htinu tip iiunv mueoiiceptions Inch had n -I anoal with rr",nrd 'o com- i iiaaionit chaiged, i-lc. He t In-tight thu I ..lire It UK tews of the villav-e of t ". ahould lie ii-i|inii-.l to hand in a of thfir ex|>enditure as oiln-r l-.xlieH ilnl. Tin- county council sewion hud l.i-en cut down to lieu dsya and fln-y would (.'ft it tlown to fniir. The whole ilnllll-HS Illlllll I.I- llulii-, III* RHlll, IM'II 111 ilirt-t- dsys. Tim watcliKoid was r.- MI i.i-hineiit in eounty couiiuil inallent. Ill reply to questions n^anling the Kn .1 Iml.'e, wliich ap|v.-iin il to I"' S"te . i.. i lu in. in. . he exphiinwl matters, aa -.- l.i-ii.-ve, thoiouglily to tile, auti.facliuii if all presrnt. Ur. Christov foilowcil and attacked the < (|>ellditure as aliown hy tin- In-minn ' httein.-nt. Them wele >ery iimny tlnnua .ilxiut U wkioli he could nut iiiMluintand, AIII_- to the .inaiinur in which it WHH o.mli- out. It W4a Hot sulticiuiitly in 'I. - lui. Anyllnii,', h'i*e\er, winch was not li..l. MUJ .illi i ,- .nii-i e.\|tlitllu-il liy ilie -. e HII'I CullllOlllol 1 lllt.-K'Mtctl. Mr. M, Mull Mr K.-1U iu,,l Mr I. II fullewod. Mr. Hill wna furi-i-.i-i. i clreiii-liinmit mid n|i|ic..n-il l.i IIIVH ill ni that i-VefN Ixnly WH 'l^ili" to "I'l-l i>u top" of him, an In- r\;r.--id it. II,- .'id not to run anil only gut ii| i lua idi-itt on ilie unnnclitl ailpect t-f aflaiiH Mr. Hent tin n ntniily tli-fundeil nnv < ipi inlilnn In had iniiil'-. .mil ili-h.-.l Hnv n to point in A MII;|.- iristanen whuro l.i- Inn) lint |(ot K'"' I valiu fttr Inn wor< Mr. K.iyd, n lieeame n In W CHiidnln'i vraa niiKiekt In lu-i piuteitaioiM. H iiljlil in. iiiiplovi'ini'iit . mil. I he in nl ,11, 1 was ilhii^ to KAcntioe hinwiett tu liat end Tririi* a|t|>enrr to l.i- Win in fei-ling he Wue.ii ilie uanili,!il<s in imnl 4, uml the fight will 1.0 a hot 'Xie. Mr. I'. II- .i.ate-1 that ak a INttrnti D)eeiing kl whieii Ii. it eii thlity elect. ii.i Mr. TlmiiipMii snd hiinnolf to itbitlu hy tl.e i!e y i i-n >f i'..e luvi'tnig, uhich ','nie. Mr I'etllHi- ten ufa ninjority. Mr Tlioin|Mon ssys this was with a prorino that tlume .-iii-Mili- of the Patrons did not winh linn to run. This Mr. 1'edlar doeit not. utliuit. After a little crotts tinm,' >n this point I Mr. Thompson announced that he wan ''one \\uli the i'atrous," and would Iw . 1 -ctetl on hiii nu-ritN if at all. Thin brought tl'.e meeting tu a close, anJ n more interesting no-i tin-; was i.. > i-r held In-ri-. There appeared to be a Huntiinent prevalent that the council of the paitt year had lieen too laviah in their rxpendi- tnre, but 10 near an The Advance can judge the individual members all mine out of the very trying ordeal of fault iin.liir,' with Hyinx colon, and juntititd theimtelv.'i (o the Hatisfaction of all. Aa WH have naiii, the meeting was a very in- qniitilivH .'ii-- lint this ia n it should l>e, Mid cilnbith well the ]>r*iaeworthy fncl that the electura of the township take a deep interest in its welfare. osi'REY NOMINATIONS. The following are in the field in Utpsey township For Heave- -Joseph Brown, D. K. 1'renion. First Deputy John Clark, Joa.T*yl..r. St-i-onil Deputy John HmUoii, W. J. MuiiHtihan Conncillon - W 1). Allen, Th.n 8. Kreetby. Samuel Ottewell, John Specrs, Ueo. Whlleoak. K I TO ! ROLLER MILLS Are now complot and are regular. Proton < o The I in i-niiit-r meutinv of Proton Coun- cil was held at Hopville on Doc. 15. WatMon~-Laughliu The following be paid tur work on div. 3: Anuus Me- :nnell. tt'J.ttU; Joaeph Philip*, 25 els.; N..I.U- \\ i .-.n. 91l>; h i. .1 Milea, 91.50. Mackenzie Corbett The collector rd accept the taxeaof John Co8i(ritf, Iras $ 1 or statute lai or which he ha* perfonned under P. Master, Thoa. Mulhall, the lerk to erami fruin collector's roll. CorbeU -^aughlin The following to MI paid fur uravel in div. 6 : Jan. Kt>- iaon. 91; Treaa. of Dundalk, 1.15. Jaa. ilobiiison, UO eta., nisel in div. 4. The several acln>ol sectiortu be iwinl ruin (nn-iml municipal sclioul levy 1894 : Suction 2, 91UO; sectmn .'i, 9100; section 4, 9100; traction -\ 9100; aectiou 7, JltNi. section 8, 9100: unction K, 9100; section 10, 9100; section 11, $100; Hoction 12, 9100; section 13, 9100; wi-tion 14, 960; n.ii neciion i), 914; union section 10. Ill 'Ji'i; union aeciinii 14, 9-*>- .M i.-Ki-ii/.i.- t 'i .1 ii.-it - The following paid lor work, div. 1 :\V. II Auderrun, 93 ; Hy AMI. ill, tirHVul, 91 f)0 ; Chan. Jil ies. 93; Jos. Challenger, $-'1, .In i. Ji.Hgnlf, i/rnvel, f 1 .ti.">. Iiiu.'lilin ''.rU-'t The treasurer to tay the unexpended halitii.e under Ir.iiiKgc liyl.iw No. 20, $J7 HH; und^r Inunaite I ylaw No l.'t, 938 8, as the. eral parties entitled thu.eto im per >ist supplied )>y the cleik. Lauulilin WHISOII Tli- fi. Him in/ ! unit fur wurU mail div 4 : I' Mi-(ir.nli, u 1. 1 in. (4; K .lit Dunn. $4; Tin*, f.n tt-foon, 7i> CIK. ; Dan. \\ilm.n. 91. Laiijlilin I '..rliett- The iri-amtrrr re vi\e$l 40. oiif\pen.ini money iliv. 1. l.-inghlin \\ Thuclirkbe paid iUnou 4th iju-irtar alary, JtW 50 ; the treasurer halt year x.ilnry, <f,'!7 '". I-ONI i_i-. |1 43, nuitii'in ry, 91| making mi: linaii cial Hiateinent, 91'"*. 'ill lie! I - WlllHOII Eucll l.'illl C.-IUIIIIH aioner l.-i p-inl 93o fur the oi-ilmary and extra service, leilinu nn<! iim|ieclniis road lii m lln-ii renpeciire diviMioiw lor 18!>4. Mackenzie Walsuli --The following lie paid fur gravel, div. '.' : ,)MI>. Devme, $6; ^. It. . Smith, .'.'. to; C. Kussell, 1*1, D. '. Me A idle. $. XV.usoii. D.irliL'tt That an onhir In drnwn in favor . f tbu reeve for flO to lie appropriated totvariln pun-li.-iMiu' a walk- inn unlie or pivm-nt for Din. ran Me- illikn, ex leeve ol I'mim., as a tokeu of reiipcct for nervices rei.deied in tli.- PHKI in connection wilh the l> ram mar Scl ..... I (Jrant. I'ullllCll lillj- Illlllll, Mill- dlC. JAMEH r WAN tun, Cleik. llrnrt IkNeaM* l>'i h. >. d In no MIlililfM l>i Atm-'.i wi (iinof Ilie H.-iiri give* poHett relief in nil caHUH of (Jorijuiiic or Syi-ipaihetic H--nrf Diseaxe in .'U) iiiinuicH, mill xpeedily i-tl. . u a cure It H a peerlcH* n-iin-ily fm- Palpit itiun, Sliuriiiesn of P.realh. iSinniheiing Spi'll*, Pain in Left Siilu HI| nil nyinpioiiK of a l>i-.i:i...l lli.u-i. One. dune convinces. Sol.l l.y \V. K liichardnou. CHOPFING an nstiiil. P. LOU CKS. BUY YOUR Oysters, Ormiu,. H| Nuts. ('HiidieH, ' M kes and t'onfeetmnnry of nil kindx suitalJu fur ('liim'iiins now in ttock. W. Barnhouse KI.KSJ'KUTON. HARNESS r^ X< >\V ^v Good 5to:k, Quod Workmanship, Low Prices. Curry Comix, Brushes, Harneas DreiiiiK. Sleii<h He.U, (ii-iu and Cowhidn Kul*-n, Axle (irease, lil nk'J a, and everything in my line toiiHianily on hand. Le*ve unieri e*rly as we are always rnsheil in tlie fall SCKKOII. W. Moore - Harnessmaker FLESH ERTON. asli For II ides! Sheepskins and all kinds of furs pur- rliasrd, for which highest market puw will be paid. llunieniade sausages on hand, alw all kinds of meals. M. W I LSON, FLESH KKTON MKAT EMPORirM. TENDERS WAN1EDI For a Supply of Odar Kai I . Tpnrtern wsntoit for I'M) utraiKlu. I>-' fix. l- 1. .nil n-ilur rmlH to I.H .li-lit.-n-.l n . |ni-ni- |M, lo* .14. con H. ArfiniMla. the MIII* to b* Irft III -hi*M |'ili' fruin ni.rth fi-n. .- of clearitir louth for 100 rmls In tliu renlru..( ai I l..t The tsma to In- .1, In ! I Li-fun- lit Mnri h INK ioiidmri'i-i-iv<l to liiJauiuury. IMUTi, by Ja Kluart . KiinlHtiley P. U , (Int. NOTICE TO CRKDi'lORs In the niiitti-r nf Mnrtin .1 Sonn-r- . rilliu; of i-' Matii.n In tbr Ci.ti.-.iy of ( . i . \ hotdl Koi'l'iM . Nutlt-i- i-. In n liy ri\i u tlist th- flamed. Martini -IUIH-IH ban .im.lcm im.~ivninnt (n in. ,.t Hll Inii-lKt. i-fti-rt. fur the cmprl! l.i-ii. tit u( IIIK rr>-.litui M. itniliT tin- iirovUioni of O.HP Ul. It. H i IKM7 msil siininilii.t \ i i.-i-tini; uf th h: >i ' "f tin- HHI.I ii .ir will I" hnlrl at niv otBee in th. \ Iliu.'* Of Kli -lu-rtuii in llu< <'inllit> of (tri-v. .in \\ .ln t hr -4--' ilav uf .iMiniitry. 1>I'. ut .' in tin- mi'ti-rii.Min fur tin- s|i|N<intnir-iit ot ll turn ami tliffivlnk' of iliiiH-tiunn with n ; tilt hi' .'1 |H !*l lit till- HHllt fl-' Hit- All rrpilit"m aru herrl.y riMiiin i-<i t<> t cUiniM. \. 1 1 tli*. I l.v atlVlHTit HI rii|-iir.- 1 *>. f r't ut. with mi on ur l..-for> thotli.l ilav o! itrv. A I" . IH95, utter wliirli lst in.-iitH.iiK.I ilatr I nlmll |iriH-, ( ..| t..ill>tiilit* 111* tili- i-l.ti . hivlnu ri;srd oiiH to tin- .-lmin of vlii. h f Khali thru hsvu llad notieo. an.) 1 will in" iponalbU for tba aaMs M Ik* >ai<l i-niau- .1 any|iart thurnof in nnv |TI-..,I ... , wh.. HI. claim ui claJinit nhall not tllvu bate liven 1 1. 1 -I. A.B. Vasli- Iit-ras & WHIOIIT, Owen Hoiuiil, Aumnno* Hiillriiurs for As^guo*. Flwlirrton DM.M. 14. New Years Greeting Furniture VVarerooius Are oIli-riM-,' s|n-cil iiidticon i-nl* dur- ing tiic Si-w Year SCSHOII of '!ft. We have added to MIII- already lur-.'i- ami Tari'Jtl stock souiu attrucHvu lines at equally atUnclivo priccH, rs]H-cial)y for il- holiday irade. We have a largt j*<oitiuriil of Ilmnl Slci^lis ao IOT>- in piiei- (Very bov and -,"! I Client !u lia.c one. Also rnuiiet.-t to fit on yum Imliy i-aii'iuj,''. In our in'.' . iii -pin I Illi-lit \ve li.ive IIII;:IIIM. organ 'uoU iii:d n \i-iy tun- In i- of inn-'r- in iiiiini*. F*H- yoiti (larfiit or fneti'l a iin-i c.,inloftnliU- icej Ol'r.f; i iiaii Uniilil l)O .1 nice |i|i-M-nt. \Vt-.i-:.. :h in \nv low in [iticr. In fac: ::11 turiiitiiu- ;ii cl'iM- cut pi ices for ii lay tr;nl . J.E.HOORE. NOTICE TfrCRCDlTORS- In HIM i..stti-r "f Suruli Hi.inrni. n( tin- lil'.SR* if Knct-ni*. in tlip futility nf (In-), s nian:i>il wnnimii sii'l hot i-l k.-.-t'.-i N.iln ii i^ ln-i-i I'v >;tveii lha' tlii- nhoi- UMiir.t Small Solncm lm iinwle mi onMiIlnnent to in>- ..I all Iwr nutate ami rfT^ctn (nr Hir sMImi U-ni-IH of h r crmllt. ir inMer the |iriivin>!i of of ('lin|i I'.M. It H. t) . IMH7. mill mil. .11 IMI- sell \ itii'i-tiii^ uf tin i-ri'.litorn of HIB nan! (viii:n or will !>. h-l-l t mv oUVrt In HIM vlllaur of KlrhiTton In th Piiiintv i>t tlrrv -n \Vr.ln- .u\ . tin- conii lUv of .linii v. 1- Kl at i o'olock III tllO III!' H|l".l lltllll-.ltilt O torit anil the RlvhiKof (tlri-ctiaim with MtaMM tu tin- .li|..i-*l nf miiil r-tsto. All crwlltiirs am lin l.v ri-i|iiii'i-.l tu ftl<- their i 'linn-, vi-ritu-il l.v otlliliiv.t i> ri.i|uin-il liv "id act, with tin- uii 01 ht-fui .- tin. i'n.1 ilnv uf .IAIIU- ary. 1HH. sftcr wlileli lant in. nllimoil <Ut 1 MiaH |irui-i-il tu ilHtribiitv the -aim- .~tl<ilisv- inu rrunrili.tiU tu HIM i IHIIIIS i.( whi'-li I sball tli, n li\i-'ni I m. ' ii -i- n. I I will not l>t- rii|Kilm(^ ..f tin- MI- I 'at.. "r niw r<"'' tiu-i ..i.f t.i nn v |'i-i M'II ur tinrnon" whu* claim ur elalKS shall not tln-li hv,- IMM-II tVI-ul A. h. VAN|-I I.ITAHA WniiillT. \H-iCMH- Uwi-nSiniiiil. Flojliertivi s .h.'it.nK AnslKneo. TO THE~ ELECTORS ! OF WARD NO. 3- (iRNTI.rMKN : I mi it-.; I'll a candi late .i-ki.i,- -.- <-li-i-ti. .11 fur ilie year ISll.'i, and if yoor C'liitiddice in ni I\H yuur repr*enlat.:t IIIIH nut ln-i-ii wucoil during the |ut I w..iilil iiKnin ask you fur your support L at the C.HIIIIIU flecnon. JAMKS - or i: UNDERTAKING A . ---.inil wnik, -i mill low attflnluiiri , Strain & Moor's Snaps ! for The Season AT- RICHARDSON'S. For Christmas trade w- liave purchased a special liiu- of teas which are offering at Importer's wholesale price. Get samples. We have a large stock ot new fruits in currants, raisins. fi<;s, prunes etc , at lowest puces. Some special drives i:i Boots this week Women's glove buff balmora.s, 980. per pair ; men's strong lace boots at 75c. per pair ; men's Ion;; felt boots, 1.50; men's grai.. kip waterproof, $1.85. A.'i sizes in lubbers and over, shoes. A big stock A lot of Imperial wash- boards, 2 for 250. Another lot of those cheap frieze overcoats. Good st\lc> "and grand value. A large consignment o: Christmas goods suitable foi presents. Dress Goods Our stock was heavy but as the assoitment gets broker. \ve cut prices to clear lino out Sonic- ot the newest things came lace and have to be sold. Furs. We ore heaclqoarters lo: Fur C.ipes in Seal.Opposuin. Sable and Astrachan ; prico Uiw as the lo\ve-t j;oojs guar- antee. Christmas Fruits and Groceries all on hand now at Richardson & Go's. I turd ware l I )<-i >' . SASH AND BOOK FACTORY Plain i mil iiu'cliiu;;. * vKiu'. lii"ii!illlif, r *. elc. Wm. SLOAN. 1894 Is past, and ,tii the New Year tin iMli on Cross-Cut Saws. TO THE ELECTORS ! OF WARD NO. 3. Your vote und inltueiirn respectfully ' ..'Ic it I'd for ihu uluclion of Jo!i:i l<-.y,t ,\t connnillor for ilie your IMH.'i I- U.h.ilon, Dc. '.'4, "4. N f have tin- folli>\(i,i^ liv.uin- rum-li arc known to In Un \ ( iy U.-.:. l.HliCf., hnffaln lljll. M. 'l . Premier, SymnMtis, jj r \v Uuiiiniii. I ''tn'i -st l)aiity,l\i' U ii K,l,,.,.. I'liiiini in.!,. Aiuitlisr c;ti of t-tml oil and tji,, just amvod. M; wmm* t co.

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