THE FLISE1RTON ADAHCI OWEN BOUND, ONTARIO, Is* Tho \ -rv Beat FLAOB IN CANADA TO OBT A Tknii|h losioess E.icatitn, Take a Round Trip er*. and l D.partmnta In 'i nl. II, ri: Tlllt Ifce S'lrthvrii UilllnMn C.ollMa ; UIlll oery y4tiDg thoroughly . If w-j ful to produce th moft thorough. oiunilt-tw, practical aud nt.n- tl C(Jur. .if tCi-lv . the belt collg. premliTi and ih. and mo*' eomplei. HIM! inot nit- ablfurintur.anda||Uauo. will glv* you full cuurie r KK^ Fur Annual Announce lOMI.flTlog (all particulars fr, aJdrvaa C. A. FLEMING. 1 Principal. Eugenia Mills -- AND - Carriage Works. Carnages made and Repaired, alfo Planing and Matching, band Saw. jn^, Wood Turning of every des- cription. PlanmtJ and Grain Chop ping done while you wait, for th* Beaver turns the wheel. T.W. WILSON Manager IAM-OND PI LLS CONSTIPATION, ^BILIOUSNESS, s< DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE LIVER ONC.~tUL AFTZR tATINB INSURES iOOO DISttTION OOPs'T DESPAIR Will CURE YOU r I v flrvM'. KH:,r T PW to nir* any " Lumbago, ml Female nmni \ rr(iT.'J. ,. i -ii inr*' *rv:. nr riYmnlon i.ipt ol ' rli. < i<rto. i r SU boiut*.;o. >R. L. A. SMITH A CO.. Toronto. To the Public. ll.i\ in-. 1 r-nU'J \\'hitt-n' lilacksinith "In p ii .1 I. mi nf yean,, I am im* in a |>.iition in catnrtosll wwiia in my line. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed Kur a.iy,hin^ in the blaukmiithin^ line cull un H.nor Roll P. A. BUNT OITOHlTK ItinHAUimON'B HAHDSV uci nll'llli flESlEIHl SIEHH LlliliT. % *>^^_ * I have n|iAna4 un a uninpletn Htaam lanndrv i I- !<-licrum nn am |'r|. . I ti. taku HI any i,uiiilt>' of In mill v nik at li.wr iirici-x than urv obrKA) ..iH.-Hli.-n- I iiv .- jnit In i In* la rat lo that nut - a call. Knur** aAliKlHullun i i. anUM'i, an. I |u u-u low Mil. 1. 1.. MooaiLBOUIIE. and Lot For Sato, union uv tnrm* in Kl>licr Ud larR<-. unllit brli-k ilwolllug. with I aijii. cirihir. mminiar kid hm anil wood- iiiluv. m\n> |;i,<i,l ftaltlfi f>i%liln. l.rli-k lln.d. . ' .MlMi'H rOllailll twolaivo Inln Ml. I ^.m I yminu ii Iniril iMMriiii. Miil.f. HI, I i.n'l, :i,,!ll>e am i tionilly wiMI linlHlii.(1 mill vi-iy riiiivnlii- t .illy laiiloul. Al'|il> ti> U J FlMh.rton. KKNT. Follnwinn is the standing of Maxwell public schual for December : V. Sr.-Mary Her-.n. V. .Jr. Milton Sproule 700, Wm. Coultbard 600. Rita Kmall 696. IV. Ellen Madden 6Vft, Anuie W.igh; 696, Nellie McCall urn 696. Mabel Strachan 696, Ab. Lonx 678, MI>1 Kinnear 664, (it-urge Fronton 650, John .Mnrriom 600, Harry McCallum 600, Win. Schviiniman 600, Li/./.i,- Ouy 496, Katy Scheniman 496, Lavina brywnridf(u 496, Chas. FIT- gusuu 489, Harry Spr.mle 470, Wm. Ouy 466, T. M. Hi-run 4U3, Winner Roa* 441, Ab. Hen.n 362. John Hemrose :!(*, L. Little ^H'J, Kvangeline Pallisler 192, (Jeorge Brownridx*) 161 Julia Uuy K9 (nnly |ir t .Hvnt fi-r one examination.) III., best 6. -Eva Kinall, 347; John Chlilutt. 149 ; Feowuk, 147 ; Chan. Fen wick, 146 ; Janivs Long, 138. II., best 10. Li>r.(s Kurtun, !W ; (i,-n. Linley, Hi) ; Alice MuCallutu, 89; Ualtie Mi'iriHoii, ! ; Anniu Heron, 9 ; Percy Buck.nxliain ; 89; Anniu Scute. 89; Laura Urn* m nl-,-, Kt ; Rubt. I'allisier, 82; KJi>ar Murrison, 79. _'nd pt., ln-t 7. (Jeortfe Small, James <!uy, Harry (;uy, Alex Morrison, Chci- u-r Loic',Thiiriilon Pallmter.KlIn Phillips. 1st claK, bust 4. Win. Little, Harry Linley, Juhn Fuiiwick, I'aisy Baxter. Arurai; alUnilalicu, 76. J. L. WIMJII, Teachur. Maxwell. Fru.n I'tir turn (',>rreti>mvli-,it. A hapoT Now Year t<> you, Mr. hMitor. Killing n<-<_-ae and turkeys has hvun tlio urilrr of ili,. pant week. The l'ri:.l>yiurian teanit-etiiiK wiu a de- cided >uooean ProccedH $25. There waa a aim itinv; match here on the Until. Scli, ml closed for vacation on Friday. llffurv doing si our traoher rivaled the M Imlnra to candy. J. L. commence* du tiua her* SKUIII n January 3rd. The annual achool meeting WM yoster- day, the 20th. Mrs. Mclntyru and family returned to their h. m in Dollarville kit wct-k. Mr ThoH. Brownridge continuea to niw atronger, nlno Mr*. Albert Brown- rid no. Our Patron I/.d^u nmt <m Thurnday the 'JlMi for UwpltrpOM nf cli<>liiK tlu-;i until. Klivtion matu-ra are* ijuiet here J'lsl II, IH . Mult) III fiillnW. A tliornujhiy enjoyable time ia expect- ed at the annual fitiuval in connectum with St. rliiiu-h SuiiJity wlmol which i* to cniirtiat of a ('lirixtnmN In,.. MK-inl nii,l o.mvrt, I" l>o held D. V. on New I .iy in Mr. Hickling'a hull, ciiiunifiicing at (i p. m. Adiiunaion, two for 26 tvntM < ntnrrii RHirvrtl IB 10 to CO Hillllli-s "in- .hurt puff ,,f (lie Im-alli tlin.ii^li Hi,' hlnwri , aii[,|,litd with iih U.itl.. of Diina'a Oatiirriuil Powdur, dif fiiM-H I|IIH |N.I|,.| i.t. r the aurface of (he IIIUK! |M>KHJI-H I'aiuli HI an I dr'ightful to nw. ii ic ii-irs instantly. H'nl |H.inmi, I'tiily iMin t'nturrh, Hy Ke.T. t'oliU, HI-.II) irl.,., S. ri 'I'liriutt, To i s'litia nn<l H, ..liifM. OOoenta. At W. K Richard- OUR CLUBBINQ LI5T. The AdvAiic,. will i-lnli with the follow K pi-rioilii-.tU thin joar al thu tigurva Com'Oltabla Jw:iiHg lu Fluhrrton Apply 10 U. J. The Advance nnd Toronto I > nly Nu>, a daily HIM! a JMI- |.c r one year for. ......... $1 80 The Advance and weekly Olol ... 1.80 Tile Advitnc-e anil weekly K'ii|,ir<<. . 1.80 The A'lvanoo and Minitii-al St;.r. ... 1.80 The AdvniKM .n, ,1 r^riiitra 1 Sun. . . I !>."> The A'Jvance and I^adu-a' Jnu na,l... I. "'.it Heart lix-;i-r Rcllrrcd in ." Mlllllt4*H lr. ..!,.'- HI Cm. of tl, H, iirt ;!,. i |Hirtert relief in all cattea of (lorifonic oe Syi'i|nih,.|ic Hi-nrt I)irH*iii DO iniiiulvH, ami H|i,-i>dily rHrcln H onre It n a pHeilriu irnii-dy for Pa'p t iti'.i,. Hhorlnnw of Brt-ath, Sinoihenng Spella. Pain in l.t-fi Side mid nil a\ui|>ioiu of a DiMaard lluarl. One duae convince* Sold Ly W. K Hichardaou. Relief In ft Hour*. -I'i-i'.rcKMing Ki,l i-y HI il HU.1,1,-1 diKtuiHfH rolicved in tin houra liy thu " tirirtt South Ain KlUlK) Cm,'. ' Tl, ,,,-<ly Unmt Mirjiriv! nn,l ,1,-liyht on Hi-<-,i<i Ita rx.-i*luiK |iroinptiirMi in n-ln-\ n _ |.un in tin- l.l.iddiT, ki,ln,.yM, lark and ,,. i\ |,it of tin- iiiinitiy |.it^iig, s in ii, ill.- 1. 1 t,- nmle. Iti.u.-MH i. 1,1,11 f IIHIII in paamng it alnmat itiiiii,.,lnit,-:v. If ymi want i|uikk relief and euro thin IH \,u Sold IPV \\ . }\ UicIiurddCH, Medical Men. 1KB INTKIUMTBD IW THK IIIHTOVKHY OF A HBMKDT roH BRIOHT'* DIHBAHB. MO.NTKKAI.. Dc. 24 The itabject >,f kidney diaordeiR and dixxaaea is one >o- eeiving Rpecial attention from the medical profeaaiou juat now, prubahly owing to the fact that a diaeaae of ihrne oigana caused the death of Ruuia'a Czar. Am- ong other pointa attractive to the pro- feaaioo ia the cate of Dr. McCormack, of Richmond, Que. , a practitioner well known throughout Quebec and Ontario fie II.IH la'ely publiahed a letter announc- idg that he waa cured of Britfht'a dineaae by Dodd'f Kidney Pill* Tliia caae haa a (< uluir intereat for medical men, be cauae, until thi-ae pilla were offurrd for ale, tliia diaeaw waa universally c umid ered incurable. That boliff ia now thor- oughly exploded liy the success of lira remedy, to which nurnero-ja victinm of tin- dUcaae owe their li\cs nnd anuud health. A Boon to Horsemen. -On b.ttiu of English Spat in Liuimt-nt coinpletiily removed a curb from my hone. 1 t.,ki pleaHuru in recointio-n.iiiia tint remedy, a* It actH witli uiyitcriuUM prumptneaa in the removal from hornus of hard, Roft or cal- loused lump*, blood apavin,nplintB, curba, iiweeiiy, stifles and apntins. OBORGB RBD, Fanner, Markham. Out. Sold by W. E. Richardson, Attention In tinif! to any irregularity of the tamtti-h. Liver, or Bowels may previ-iit * ; ludigcstion, coBtivcncss, In :n!:i,-!.r-. JKI'.I- bilious- ami vcr- tigo ii^ii-.-t'i riTtain func- tional dpmn'gs- mcuts, th.e hest remedy for 1 .*. Puri-ly vcgc- , . f.isy to t:il;i! ul.'I qul-k to assimilate, i:.. ; i "! Weal!y mcilii in< t!ic bo t popular, eaTo, and useful oin-ricnt in pliar- nsai-y. Jlre. M. A. LIIOCKWEH, II..rris, Tcnn., says: Aycr'i Cathartic Tills curetl me r slek headache and my Uusboudof ncuralcla. Wo tbluk tlicrc la No Hotter Medicine, and have Induced many to uso IU * Tblrty-Bvo years nRO t!il Sprlne, I waa run down by lur J woi U uml .1 siuvi-ssloii of C<,1J<. nhlch mado me so tt-,-Llo tiiiitltw-.iB an eOort (or me to walk. I conaultt-J the doctors, but kept sinking lower until I I:aJ jl\i-n up oil ho|M oJ evw b< lug btttcr. llai>pcnhi|t to be lu a aton-, <M.,. il 15 , wlicre BKiUrlnci were solJ, the proprietor noticed Bay wak and appearance. anU, after a fi-w qiiotiuns as to my huallh. rccum- mended DM to try Ajrcr'a Pills. I had llllla l.lth In Utcae or any otliur medicine, but concluded, al last, to take lil advice anil try B box. lli-turt- I had uioj llicm all. I wai Very mi:cli lictur, :iud two lioxes ruri-J mo. I am no-.v N years oU; tut 1 belU-ve that If It h.-.d i-.ot been for Aycr's Tills, 1 ahotild tave lecn la my rv.-.u In- ajj. I buy o boxes every year, which make Jio boxes up to this time, and 1 would no more l>c with- out them than without bread." II. U. , Kor^laud, Mo. AYER'S PILLS . J. t\ Aycr S.Co.. I-owcll. Mx Every Doso Effective TAJ I OBTAIN A PATKNTf for* anil n honwt oplnioo, writ* t rotiip* unrw anil n honwt oplnioo, writ* t j MIKf^dc <(>.. hn hT had nwlr fl'ir T"r4 ipcnmoe la th natanl IHU!DM. O.m.rminic*. tlon. mrlc-lly onnnil..ntll. A lliiliilhinik of In. formMUin ronounniitf I'lileiilii And bnw to ol* _ l-iiii-mii anil IM> uun ilK-mirntlr**. Aluoaaauilii loal ana oientlBo booki Mint tree. r-ali-tit* takO thn>nirh Mnnn A Co. P.-.-I.U nutlcK ID tb ii-lmliti Anirrlrnn. mi toua are brought with-tr r> tibltowltn- cut 0"rt to th. Invent. T Thl p|f n IIJ pa|r. imxitKl weklT. laniir UlMirnKHl. hai> I.T far the lmoi circuimiim of anricieiitlnc work In the wrl<L B3aTr. Bampw oopla (Hit rra*. liuiidini IMUioa.pMBtUr.BuBarwr. cimt* eoi.iea. -i-t nu. Fvi-rjr number i-oniaira bcau- tlf'il platen. In ooloni, and phim>Kniph ol nw bouMa, wllb plan*, ennhlinc huilOi r to alow Ul*tdaalin> uiul wx-iirc;a. Add ItUNN i Co.. NBW Voi-u. JOt BUUJ nm SA4DWAT. Oysters, R, Nuft, CmnlifK. Oi-keB ami ('.niftictii<imt7 i>f till kinds siiiliMn for 1'iirm'iiins now in StiitV. W. Barn house Iteptairs, D. McTAVISH, FLfcSHERTON, HOKSKJSlloKR ANDGENKKAL BLACKSMITH, KEEL'S ON IfV\D Repair* for Masey Harris, and Noxon, Reury and Wilkinson Bros. Farm Ipmlements. Plows: Kleury and Verity on hand all the time, also all kinds of re[Mir for tlie sarnft. We mannfacture Wagons, Buggius, Cutters, Slt-i^'lis. etc. Horseauoeing promptly attended to. Special attention to tender c ontractcd feet. Logm-itig and Plow Chains constantly on hand. I Pointers Purchasers of CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. OENTLKMEN, Aa tl>e untton of annw i appruachini;. w deaire to dr your in, nil, Hi to our "took of C'nlfra w, u-h in now complete, having a large itock to sel- tcl iroiu. m.idr up in a v:ni ty of >ty|i-< and finiKln-J in the tiiiot atvle of art anil 0! prici-o that <iefy n>muftttii>n. In 'l-i^hB we are prepared to suit you in light ur hwavy. A 1 wnik ip'.ol.- of the bent inaUrial. Kin, liy ie na a call und be your owu juil^tn. IK IM lit-viiif*. Vou will Dud it to vonr luterest to call un . \Vhit t<- n I MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Rejoice Together, Vine Year Old Maggie McRitchie, a Victim of Chronic Fainting Spells and Nervous Weakness, Completely Cured by South American Nervine After all Other Efforts had failed. The Mother, a Sufferer From Nervous Prostration add Indigestion, Likewise Cured. Hear Woat the Thank* iul Father Has to Say. MR?. JAME3 McRITCHlE AND DAUGHTER. A leading local physician, whose profession takes him among the chil- dren of the various public institutions, remarked to the writer, that one would hardly believe that BO many cliildien were affected by nervous troubles, which sap the system and prevent proper development. In many oases the doctors are powerless to cure these trouble*. They can relievo the suffering little onea, but in S.mtli American Nervine we have a medicine that does more than simply give relief. Its peculiar strength is that it completely cure* where physi- cians relieve. A case in point came to us the 24th ult., in a letter from Mr. JameB W. McKitchie of Bothwell, Ont. He says : "My daughter Maggie, aged it years, was afflicted with nervous fainting ipells for over a year, which left her in such a> con- dition of weakness afterwards tint the cliilil was practically an invalid. We tried several remedies anil doctor- ed with her in one way and another, bat nothing gave relief. Heeing South American Nervine advertised, as par- ticularlv efficacious in nervous dis eases, I decided on trying it for her, and I must say that I noticed a decided change in my daughter for the better after she had taken only a few As a result of using this medicine, t is now entirely free from those faint- ing spells and possessed of that lit* and brightness that is the happy lot of childhood. I an satisfied it is an excellent medicine for any ntrvoan weakness. My experience has been further supplemented iu the fact that, my wife has also been using South American Nervine for indigestion, dyspepsia and nervous prostration, and has found very great relief." Whether the patient he man or woman, young or old, South American Nervine provides a complete medium for restoration to medicine differing health. It IB absolutely from every other. A cure is effected by application to the nerve centres of tint human system, and science lias proved that when theia nt-rvo centre* ate kept uallhy the whole body U healthy. For these reason* ible. failure U 'u.ltl>.y \Y HI. 1C ichu.x c!shon.