THI PL8SHERTON ADVANCE I Jji n u my; < )iii< , <>t GEO. MITCHELL A gciinral banklnc builueutraniacte.! Draft* IHUI| anil cbsoque* CMlied c unual >atr Muny always af*ilble for IpKiinat- bu^im-sii MMrprio*. Office two doora uoitb of Kicliar.l- mou <k Go's. Vicinity Chips. Charnrttrlstir* of the Past Week Carefully bulled for the 'nrion am>mg loralt tcill / h.ifpil at the rut' of lOe per I'm' fr "1,-h iiuertiun. .1 r*htrtum u-ill lie mi -ir OH fur 10(1 litun or or. Nomination on Monday next. Dec. nist. Epping correspondence anil other in- teieatin;* matter in unavoidably held ->ver until next week. Christmas day WAS spent very qui-tly in tnwii. Skating wu the only outdoor ninuHmiientaitd many enjoyed themselves HI I 111' I*' 1 '- One hundred curds <>f dry wood taken <xt cash price in exchange for anything in the Furniture line by J. E. Baskcrville A Co., Flmherton. At the annual school meeting cm Wed- tiehday Dr. W. 8. Christie was reup- jM.iuteil trustee for Fleshcrtan public school. Misses Ricket & Stubbs. of Markdale, purpose opening p a dremuiakinit shop in town after New Yuan. Further an nouncement will be made. A grand ta and entertainment will be held in the Mothodiat church.Kimberley, on Monday Jan. 7. A number of pmm- iueiit speaker* will be present. Proceeds in aid of church fund*. At the seakions in Owen Sound last week Ed. Beamish, of Proton, had an ac- tion against John Connor, hotelkeeper of Dundulk, to recover damages for assault. He secured damages against Connor to the tune of 9200 and costs. Irwin, the Clarksbunt bank burglar, was sentenced to five yean in the peni- tentiary. The Times says it is possible he may receive a new trial, owing to cer- ain irregularities in connection with the CMC. " O, Jim, say, do you know where I can get a marriage license " " Why, certainly. Go to A. S. Van dusen, Flesh- rrton ; he has loU of them and will be t;lad to see you. Hm office is next to Will Armstrong's jewelry store." " All tight, I will to and see him. Thanks." 80 thorough Is the excellence of AVIT'N Hair Vigor that it can be used with benefit by any peraon, no matter what nay be the condition of the hair, and, in very cane, it occasions satisfaction and pleasure, in addition to the benefit which invariably comes from its use. Why don't the people of Eugenia make a move toward securing telephone con Mention* ? Now thst there is a prospect that the hoop and veneer factory will be a thing of life and enery, Kugenia should have some connection with the outside world. The new proprietors of the fac- tory should awtist iiittwrially in such an enterprise. To the aged, with their poor appetite, feeble circulation and impoverished blood Ayer'a Saraaparilla in a boon beyond price. Its effect is to check the ravage of time by invigorating every organ, nerve and tmsue of the body See Ayer'a Almanac for the new year. Our next issue will begin a new year. We would request uur subscribers to be prompt with their renewals. We wiH ravine our list in a we?k or two and do not wish to drop ny names for nun pavi.ient. If you have in>t the dollar convenient intimate by postal card or otherwise that you wih ihe pap*r con- tinued, when we will be happy to accc 111- niodate. The annual Sabbath scliuol anniversary of the Methodist church will be held on theevoningof New Years day. Anni- versary sermons will bo preached on Sun- i by next, Unornuig and eveiiiitg, by Rev. Mr. Churchill, of Chatsworth. The en- UrtaininiMit this year m expected to be fully up to, and beyond ttui usual xtaiid- ard of excellenc*. A oantata entitleil Yeai's Mt-w.eouar," iu wdich n ty yeiiug people wUI take part, prepared. Following IM I ho li*t ot nilice !>->.>:i of Fleshertoii Lod_e A. U. W , No. 14'J : P.wt Miwier W..r.% Bro !. .1 In, oii ; Mait'itr Workman. Br>. A. M. (iilmoii ; K-ne.iiHii. Bco. .1 McMu'len ; OviTmiiT. Bro. A S V .llduHon ; !!.. i. il er, Bii. W Irwiu; r'niHiu-iui , Mr... W J. Bellamy ; R.-ceiv. r, Br . f (J. Cole: i.ii.l.-. Bro Ti..,. I III ; In nir NV ..t.h nan, Bro I. Sinclair ; 1 Hi'.'i W.iidnimii, Uro P. Teefe ; I;,- . to <ir;n il jo Ijr. Br. (; c. ..'1.1,11-.. ;i ; r rsl Alter .tie, Hm W. Iv MII ; S,-,:, . MI Al'i.TiMti-, Br.,. W J Bell I MeM, Un. Alex. Ma.iill. Hymeneal. An interi-stint; H -I-IM v, in i ..k place on Wfdurailuy evfiin g i.f !' wm-U HI the ieidencr of Mr. 1'. Qini-i! on th i back line, (lie i,<-cMMi,.ii >inu the in irrrigu of hm tin . ghier, Klizt. to Mr. \luk Amli.iiit Si, *,iri, i.f linn t,wi,alnp; ana aUo that ol hm ilauulitei Annie to Mr Edwin J. Sw.ft, of T mo. \Vu|, ri".;ud to the drrHxi-H <.f tin- la.ltes, rli- writer li.-ii.g of the male prnmaaiun lie can -ay noihinn further than t . >f the r>ri<les were wlut.-, ;<i.d the brides- maid* Mm,' iiinl white, nil heinu very preity an i tiutretul, an also were those of the uunn-rous lady uuests. Rev. John Wellw M. A , tin- eKioeiiifd Preabyterian tor, of this town, omuiateil, and ufler- wardt pn-snlu I at the wi-d<liiig !,r<;iiktaal, which was partaken of by over eighty gueU). Then the " drcka " cre cleared I'or diu>cmg, which WSM kept up with un- abated viuor till early inonung. ihi>rtly after which Mr. and Mm. Siewart left For their future h.,me, while Mr. and Mi-. Swift tiHik the morniiiie tram for Toronio. Both l>rnie followed ilieEntc lisii custoni of lemainiiix throughout the proceedings in their bridal attire. Our best wiithes for their future happiness at- tends both couples. COM. Christmas PUttings. Mr A. D. Thursion, of Toronto Junc- tion, w VISIIIIIK relatives in Flosherton and Kimberley. Rev. Mr. Rupert and family spend Chriatmas week with relatives in Dundas. The MisHtn Rupert will retnain there fi.r a lengthened visit. Mr. Bert Armstrong, Miai Teenie Richardson, Mr. Will Sinclair, Miss Lizzie and Mr. Ed. Strain are all home from the O. 8. collegiate for the holidays. Mr. J. T. Wright, of Wichita, Kits.. is visiting with liis father, Mr. Thorp Wright. Mr. and Mim Fuller, of Toronto, weie the cuestM of Mr. and Mrs. T Hill. Mr. Fred Sproule, who has been at tending Parkdale high school, spent Chiistmas at home. Mr. J. Q. Reefer, prnprietoi of ihe Norwood Register, accompanied by M'*. Keefer, vinitud at tho pairn'al In, me in Kleitliertoii during the pi\st wei k. Jake pronounces business good down -n his town. Mr. Johnny Fields, of Toronto, |>t-nt Christmas with hin family here. Mr. W. J. Fenwick, wife and child, . f Torouto, Are visiting with the former's parenU at Eugenia. Mr. and Mm. Kent, of Chicago, are the guests of relative* in town. Dr. E. K. Richard.m spent Chrintinxft day with hm pitrvnu, returning to tho city on Wednesday. D. Clayton, Collingwood, wan a Christ- mas visitor at the parental home. Mrs. David Wright, ' Emerson, Man., is spending a few weeks with relatives in this vicinity. OMtuary. News has been reoui-ed from New Westmiiister, B. C. announcing the death of M>K. E. 9. Oowiin. third daugh- ter of Mrs. Wui. Stone, of thm township. About thirteen years sgo the deceased lady entered ihe Toronto (ieiieral Hos- pital where xhe beciiniu i -Uilnil and effic- ient tiurnc, and WSM employed for yean in that capacity in Rome "f the moat prominent families in Toronto, receiving many f.rHtim,,maU in :tppri-i-iiion of her vnluible serviccH. About five years ago she left Toronto and went to British Col- umbia, taking her two children with her. She IIHH resided there with ln-r brother until recently when she received the ap- pointment of matron in the Uoneral Hos- pital at Vancouver. About five w,-pk - ago she was taken ill with typhoid fever which proved fatal. She leaves a son and daughter to mourn her IOMM, nlsn two bro- (her* in Britixh ColiiniKia,an a^sd in >t In r, n broi h- r and sister in this township and a liater in Menfort), to whom is extended the rympattiy < f a U'jj-^ c'rolo of friends. Santa Clatu Day. The chief event on Chrintmas day was tin- Snlibatli school entertainment in the Piegnyteriiin church. Tsa was given in the baiHMiiant, where a large number of [>eoplu did justice to the fine eatables rovidt-d. l'|i., n adjournment to thu main hixly of i! H church, which wait almost uncomfortably filled, thu patitor ook Hm chair and opened the proceed- ings with prayiT. As is usual upon such iccaHioiis the litrle folks of the school were the main source of Hupply fiom hich the entertainment was drawn, ami all rendered their various portions in an uxoellunt manner. The pr ILTHIII wax, i.mcver, by way of contrast, intersperaed with selections i y "children of a larger urowtli." A couple of excellently ri;n- lered <|uanetles were given by MIKS VaiiDuaeii and Mm. Blackburn, anil A. Beecroft and J. Williams. K4 Annie Richaidtum, Fleahertoii'a .iinnj young elocutionist, scored a n- d.-rablf MUccess in several numbers, the mi,>t piutentioiM beinp " The second trial" and "The Painter of Seville.' Tlirsa wero rendered with frrlini; and were wry iiiuch appreciatud. Her other inlivra were, " The obscructivu hat, " ' Long 'fore I knew who Santa Claus wuz" and "Parental Discipline." The Advance, as a tule, does not uare to ex- preH to*, an opinion upon the beauty of y. ,in g ladies, but in this instance we will be paidoned for remarking that Miss Annie looked actually charming m a modent but very neat light blue silk cos- tume. Mim Ella Stewart, who, as we have had occasion to remark before, lu very sweet voice, sang "The son my mother Hung." Thu secretary read a lepoit lnch shows the school to be in a flourishing condition with 115 scholars on the roll, and an average attendance of 55, the highest attendance during the year being 70 and the lowest 2W. Tho most regular scholar in attendance was Master Stevle VanDusen. Of the teach- ers, Mrs. E. White was in her place eyrry Sunday during the year. The total number of verses recited wa 4006, of which the boys said 2218 and the girls 2848. Mias Jeanet Oibaon recited the largest number, VIE., 311. Periodicals distributed throughout the year mini brred 3110. The pastor paid a warm tribute to the traching staff of the school for their punctuality in attendance and zeal in the work. The order maintained throughout tin- entertainment was excel- lent and also received grateful attention at the hands of the chairman, who i>li r led in the fact that the pernicious habit of candy throwing had ben stamped out in Klesherton Thus passed nlf what is consi'lerrd to be 'he most jtuccesHtul Sal - bath school entertainment ever held in the Pru*byierian church. The proceed* amounted u> the splendid Rum of seventy- five do i.i. -. "When I was a Boy/' Writes Postmaster J. C. WOODSOX, Forest Hill, W. Va., "I nod a bron- thieJ trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that tho doctor pronounced it incurable wit!i ordinary medicines, and advi.icd me to try Ayer't Cherry Pectoral-. I did so, and one bottle cured mo. For the last Hftecn years, I h.-.vo used this preparation with good effect whenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of n;;inbc-.i of r,rr;>;-> who keepit in the lion. / ;ill tliotinn 1 . not considering it !>afi tj Iw wiih- out it." "I hnvo been usin.-; Ayrr'i C^irr-;' Pectoral In my family for ,'X) years, Tvit'i tho most ya'Jsfactory rrsnlti, anJ c: clicrrfiilly recommend It as birlns opo- cially ailapteil to nil pulmonary com- plaints. I have, for mr.ny jrars, pulmonary and other mi-il I. inrR a specie 1 study, and I havo come to thn ronclm tli.v. Aycr'a Chi-rry Pcctornl occnplcs * position pre-cmlnont orrr olhrr molt- cines of tho class." C!iaa. Daronjiort, D'<rrr, :<. J. Ayer'o Cherry Pcctorci Pnparod by Dr. J. O. A yor * Cn., I.o, II, M.T. Prompt to act, euro toe::. '3 Rubbers, Overshoes, etc., etc A LARGE: STOCK SELLING OFF CHEAF. CLAYTONS' J~ > Qliristmas ! In at hand and we arc right with it and carrying a fine amort men t of fine goods for tliu Xiiian trade. WE WISH YOU All to call on us, whether you want to buy or not, and see for your- self our .is.iortiii.-iii of PIANOS. ORGANS. SEWINO MACHINES, CHAIRS, UHNCKS, PICTI UK FRAMES, SIDEBOARDS, BEDROOM SUITS, PARLOR SUITS, and everything else in the Furniture or Undertaking linen. (Jood goods at right prices are suru to bring MANY HAPPY RETURNS to the purchaser, and we are prepared to guarantee satisfaction i-vi-ry time to th, ,so who deal with us. K Leading Furniture Warerooms On the hill opposite Armstrong's Jewellery Store. J. E. Baskerville & Co.,^" FLESHEI^TON. F" "*"! Style, Quality and Prices. | Now that the cutter and sleigh season has arrived, we wish to draw the at- <? tention of the public to the fact that we have on hand a large stock which wn -I are offering very cheap. We do not believe in boasting but we believe that ' j we can give you a better article at less money than you can get anywhere else. ij We hav- no drones in nur hive, we are all workers. Then again our large ex- perience and thorough knowledge of the busiiif as enables us to give you a bet ter article at less money than those of lens experience can do. A hint t the wiee is sufttciunc. Remember we took lirst price for the best exhibit of car- nages itt the East Grey Exhibition. Shop opposite J. Smith's shoe shop. I>. III. VI The Leading Carriage Builder. iiwj^ Xmas Month. The season of year IB now here in which we all buy the many lines an much needed for our long Canadian winter \Vu have just to hand t!iia week one of the mod complete lines cf L.ADIBS' MANTLES liver shown north uf Toronto. These goods are composed of lira best qnal- ilies, all'S and fatiljiuim, and caixbe sold from $- to $8 less than th" ^'iilm *iioli-Mili- price. Now ia your lime to buy while the assortment i* complete. Woiidei fnl value iu LADIES' FUR CAPES. Kej?iilar price $<> and 87 50, for $2.50. o/o 40-12 90 ; $2 75, o/o 4 l-$3.19. Men's fur coats revoi-*>al)lu waterproof. reu'iiUr Patron pricn, $15 OS. now for $11 60. Men'* kip boots, ood quality. $1.60 o/o 24 $174. Boots and shoes, full assortment. Many are the bargains av/iiting you. CALHOTOS, Peoples' Htitron Store, Dunckxlk. PHOTOS! PHO 1 OS! Now ia the Time -TO BUY YOUR WINTER If you want pilot, s ttken go to the FLESHtBTQN PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, BOOTS AND SHOES -.nut h*^. i- the where n.xlrii^' hit li-st c'ass wrk i Men's and boys' heavy sex afd turned onl, mill pi ice* lower than charged v<- UnU aM MisHeo oventtovkin ~, for c'ty work. Carfu! at'ontion V'VPII to copying 'thr picture.. Balm V photon a m " ;ilul ""nin-.'s overeknem. in all its branches proinpily and neatly done. Irs, Dollar - Sytoikai St, All Ui be stild at |,,<Tst ;ios- ilile |irtce. JTOS. SMITH, Op jdita McTarlsh'j Caniage Shop.