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Flesherton Advance, 27 Dec 1894, p. 4

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TH1 FLISHIRTON ADVANCI EBTAHI.1SHKO 1881 M'BLI'IIKD WCKKM AT TH* OfriCE. M l>- ItXlllV, ri.KHHKRToN. UNT. , BY W. H. $1 per uiiniiin.slrirllr in ndvanrr Adveitising Rates: Oa* Column. I year. S50 ; half col . 1 year. S27 quarter col . on* year. SI5 Tranilsnt advertisement charged at the rat* f scnti |-vr line f..r first Insertion anJ S ceiitr ach subsequent liiaertlon. Hon. Mr. Ilowell Las succeeded in forming a ministry, which is largely made up of old material, the two new members being Dr. Montague and Hon. A. K. Dickey. Sir C. H. Tup- per ii the ne<v Minister of Justice and Mr. Dick-y Secretary of State. Arternettia is not likely to have a general diction this time, mi- less some dark horse should trot into the ring for the reeveship between now sod nomination day, which is not at all likely. As the matter stands there is likely to be an election in but two wards. Mr. Thompson will be opposed by Mr. 8. Pedlar, of Eugenia, and Mr. Beat by Mr. John lioyd, whose card appears in this issue. There was some talk of Mr. Hells having opposition, but nothing definite has reached as. The Toronto Empire is no larger a government organ. It has been taken over by a company of business men and will be run more in ilie in- tertfkt of business and less ot polities. It will still, however, uphold the Concervative policy. Hut we fear lhat this support will only be accord- ed while the policy of the party con- tinues to cater to the manufacturer aud the interests of the directors. If they are sufficiently magnaminons to allow it free scope in advocating the welfare of the majority it will be an agreeable surprise, but we confess lhat at the present moment our faith is considerably Rliaken in the Empire's ability to advance the best interests of the manses when certain selfish in- U-resis are involved. At the same nun-, the influence behind it will, we foat.Uiuil to weaken its prestige either for good or bad. of limns:- id* of copies have buen pub- lisliixl ami told. It was written with HI iwMe an aim, anil with th* object of Mrv- iiig M (treat a purpofte M Mrti. II I! St. .<'* crfal blow at slavery. None but a fi.'il would dare aaiuin.* that I'ncle Timi'i Cabin did not amiat materially in ari.iiiinu humanity to the necessity of the hour, or tint Mrv \Vril book in not as heavy a blow t > txitting social evils They arc parallel works. And yet be- ciuiii> citizen has probably never let- n it, and might potaibly never have heard of it in tin; very narrow t^licrr of hm obner vation, had it not been for Dot't critique ronitii"; under hii notice, he hat the as- iini|>u..ii in refi-r to ii as a work that is of no iu'iTi'it to anybody ! Of cout*e lie iH'Vt-r read it, and proSably never read aryiliiiiif abi>ut it, and U to that ex'eiit eicumble. But the whole unmanly at- tack on Dot is evidently written l lift un niinual Hlap at ouravlveii, and we . t it in the word* : "like the editor in chief, who Minietinie* writes in a npleeu- inh cutting stylo only to say how brave I am, furgetting that lh paper it urofe*- n-dly to instruct hm constituent* who pay for n. ' Citizen would potaibly like lo supply thu "spUenish " article* liimivlf if wu would accept them. Hi* tpleen ha* In-fore now received a chock from tin-, ijtmrrcr, which explain* many thing*. I>..i' article wa* manifestly open to criticism aud objections to aouie of her | nil i. .11*. but Citizen lacks the literary and cool- head oU ability to perform that duty. Let some one of mure modem iilmi and ureatrr liberality of iiiind undertake the task. If you Don't F-el Well remember Man- y's " Celery Nerve Conipmind, with Hvef, Iron and Win.-." i* a Guaranteed cure for Dyapepits, Nervouineai, Mentl Depression, an. I all weeklies* ariaing from a run down and overworkrU sytUm. It haa never been known to fell, t ift a bottle aud be healthy and tiappy. Hold by all druygnu. 3m Uarrlrd. Dot " and Her Crttk. The accomplished and highly appreci- alod lady writer ur atalf is takeu to task by a correspondent in the Markilale Stan. l.inl for tier contribution to The Ad- vance ou HC!IIH.|H and Teacher*. Her rrilic sigua Imnself "Citisen." and pro- ...ii'ili to lectuie her in a moat oracular Hlyle on her lick of discernment, discrr- ii. ni, and knowledge of the subject on which she write*. Without attempting lo criticism the puerile nitempt to refute Dot's artruiiiHiiia, it i* amusing to iiote In- liuiii|itiou* atyle put on by Citiivii in stiinuint( toxether a lot of wordy pliraaen .is i.niii.-.inmo; and olnninre a* they re uiU'iammatical in const ruction It i* ,|iuii' evident tht something wa* wrtniK wrli tin- syHlm when Cili/.on WH* a child or he would not now be so laok- iiiK in ihu elementary principle* of c'in- poaiiiun. Citixi-n doea n<.t luck either in .-urii..e or c<.ii..eil, lio.-er, and inanu lacliin-H H.mU vrlilcll never liHil all UI- i i ii..- in Ki.glmh i.r any i.lliiir luii",uax<-, a* inaiiicu the word "tulicj," mnl which ix H uiimuHiiinx as it i* foolinh. II, H i,,iunolic lef.reiice ti> Dot'* reviow f ' .i.irc.iU" i* another display of boor- i-. i un rim .- The U>k in .|ii.'nlion 1.1 HI thu most lunmrkablu liio my pr- duoli .i. ol iliiit decitde, trualiiiK as it Jx-s on tlie |iHute*t liviou i|iiv;i.iiiH of llun*gi! the m.cirtl nim|iinlitie* of lifi 1 under u profuMvuly chrislmn civiliMtiiHi, the muses of crime, (Hivurty <nd want misting, as they do, in iliu niiilit of Mfmlili, loHiieiiiunt aud cuUuio It is) a book that ha* ttirred the mind* of th Urst aud deo|iel thinker*, both - A ui or ica and (Jreal UriUin. II. Four t.-.i.i M, ittiltat V. < Orlfnnit KjrpiifHtov, IHftS, Htf Hnjlirl .tirni'tl* lit H'orM't 1'itlninbiiui I j p*itii,ii. ISO,'!. Sis '.'-/,/ Mrittit* nl Main ,,,ti i- l-'nir, >>' h'rtnuinoi /s.' / WKH( aUCEIVBO BT TBE WROUGHT I1UIM KANGf COMPANY H >! : C M F () Ii T on i H HIST Hi r WIHT -At the rnlrtcnc* of Ali Htnwtrt. father ol ths lirHit. on tlu 1Mb inst.. by JUv. John Wi-IU M. A . Andnw MIII..H Ollclirtit to Hattie Mcwart.botb of Artm**l* _ HTKwtar-Qriua At th rMl.l*no of Pstrlek Uulx. fallmr of tin- bridc.uu tb< Itttli in.l .!>> u HT. J.'lin Wells, M A.. Mark Anthony Huwtrt to EliiabvUi gulgf.lwth of Art.m.m Swirr- On.m- At the n*tAnr of I'strlck Ijulgi. i*tbr of th* hH<U, on III* 1Mb lust. by tTT IUT Jobn Wills. M. A. Kdwni John H win. of Toronto, to Aual* Quid- of An- ssss. III.M C**rm*>-- At Ih* M*tbodl*t n*r*ona*. |c|*b*rtou, uo Hi* 1Mb lust., i.v IU*. B. It- Kii|'.n. M. A . Rntwrt Buwk to fcnim* CarUr. both of Arteui**!*. We Will Oblige, Certainly. Jlfr. W. H. I want you for to Put thi* Item in the paper a* I write it if not throw it in the wa*te Ba*ket A I will put it |in (another 1"|' r next week. Your truly. You aru wronK again Maxwell COITUS pondant. Clark is not 8ltnut, or gi.m to S.-ll S..ft drinki) or cigara, you Are what I would cniimder a vary poor pr pint, or yet w.iuld I Uke you for a Son of a prophet, a* you have prphftid away <><it of the Maik thm time the Maxwell corrrsrnindant cant coax CUrk wurlh a row of Pin* take it all back as he dont Uke or uive Blarney BH tho Maxwitll cor don, Tailor Clark never considered himaelf away dangerous nor Yet he doe* not cunaiderrd that the Maxwell correapondant i* away very dangerouH pel son if In- do wear pants A H CUrk Maxwell p * If I dnt are it in the |wper tin* week I will tend it to xnne Other p*|>er nuxt. your truly A B. C i-^ -- Daniel Hiiz. Proprietor and Fnh'.iahrr of the Hamburg, Out , Independent myi "I wa* autfHring Ir in I)v|i<-|>m md I.iv er tniiit I.-, I took a few bottle* o. Rhiloh'i Viiitlzer and it cured me. I can heartily rivTllMII-llil It." I'r Sinclair, Toronto, the well knowt and moil auucessful iimciahst in the Irea'ment of all <li*eae* of the (unit* heart, kidiu-y*. women'* diHease* an d'opMiy niiitniK from dixeaacs of the huar n.-ii. .I wit h jM-ifi'ri succwn*. Dr. Siin'Ui ill lie al Miliislmw'* hotel. Flenlirrtuii on Friday. Dec, L'H' h mat. C<iiuulta tn. n free, KhciiinaiiNiu 4'urrd In a Dny S-niili \m. r Ilheiiinat win Cure, fo li'i.iMini.ii io and N> ur.iljia, radicnll cuie* in 1 to.*) day*. Im action n|xin tl. n-t.-in m n-iiiHrlialilt! and myMle'inU* It renn>Vr*at once, the cu* and the di* oa<u ininiiiiliittrly (li^x|i| The fir- d.w.- yri'lly I'l-nclii* 75 cents. Sold Ii, \V K. Steel HOTEL 111 FAMILY IIIGES, Carving and Steam Tables, Broilers, for Christmas ETC., ETC. -AT- Style Fiuniiy lUnue ii> vild only by losniuii fnnu uur<>wn w*gi>ni, at one unifiirm pi ice, thn.ugliout the United Siatu-. -.nd C.u.iuU. Made of MALLEABLE IRON and NVKOl'OHT STEEL, and will lout a lifetime if properly uwed. ALM TO JAMUAET 1st, UN 277188 MatloOnlyby WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO . Manufacturer* of Hotel Si el Ranges, Kitchen Outfittiiigs. aoa " Home Comfort" Hot-air Furnaces. i ) Hi r, .x,tl,-sro-'iii in. 'I Factory : WASHINGTON AVKM'E, l!Hh to 20th STREETS. ST. LOUIS, Mo. 70 to 78 PEARL STREET, TORONTO, ONT. unded 1H4. Paid-up Capital. |1,000.000. well-known partie* in the farming and buiinesH ci'ininunity of DuttVini and can be M-rtViet! to at any time. H'nnujkt Iron ftamjr Co., Tun.nto, fM. ' .KNI i KMi s : - We I'ur.-l, i-.. il of yor salesman a "Home Comford Rauye" and are pleased to say it givm entire sat- isfaction, it i* a tirxt-cUrit cookrr and l>ak- . r m,d .l.'1-i. ,iot burn one hnlf 'the furl of former stnve* to do the same work. This certificate you can use in any manner you ee proper. Very RrMpectfullv, MRS UEORUE BAILEY, M.n.irv. Out. MRS. R. M. I.KAN. Shelourne. MR. AND MRS KlM; All, Bruwnridge MUS JOHN M. K I Hli< IN, Shelbuine MRS TSOSTUANDER. Rrddickville .IAS BROWN. Melaucthon. .1. K UINN. AuL'UKton. MR AND MRS. JOHN CHI8LETT, Maxwell, MRS. KEXIAH HKRoN. Maxwell. ftiRS KKKTON. Maxwell RICHARD DAVIDSON. Wan-ham. MRS. D. M CCMMIN'iS. Rivorview. MRS. J R LIVINGSTON, .1 U CLARK, Riverview. Irnu HaxgrCo., Xorioiio, ' Hit. : Wi- purchased of your, E O. McDowell, a "Homo oinf.nt R.UIUI-, " and ire pleaneo t<- any r give* entire *ati*factioo, it lake* up rw loom, *tH to lietter *dvanUt(u in the lid-hen, u the brat bak.-r and cooker I ever u*vd, is great lieat-r and svi>r of ui-l. I w.nild ii"' (art with my "Ranxe'' 'or f 100 and go back to usm* tbe cant love . Tins certificate you ue in any nanmr as you *ee proper. Very R**pi-ctful!y, MRS. JOHN LEITCH H..M.HU'* Mill*. We are also authorized t.. uae the lames of Mr*. Ovo L.ttle, Elba; Mr. and Mr*. A. Briinnvr, Cmni'la . Mr. and i Irs. John Hint. Primrose ; Mr and Mis W. J. Pattiaon, Shrlbuine; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Perry. Hhelburiif, Mr*. Js. Broc-v- er, Mlirlt.un.e ; Miss Jennie Si yder.Sliel- Yurtie ; Mr*. O. T. Printice, Hwieywrn-d; ! Mrs. Win. lluu.-l.iio.iHt, Lorvine . Mrs. John liutchiiiaoii, Lorraine ; Mrs. Jo-.. Stinson, Lorviiw , Mr* W. H. W.rry, j Shelburne. In retMiiumendatin of th* < tioino Coni|)any Rani(e the aliove ale all 1 NOTICETOCREDIIORS In th* matter ot Martin J. Homers, of the village uf Klesherton Htation In tb* County of Nolle* is hrrny given lhat tbe above naiiMn* Martin J Moms i has ouvle an aaniuui-iit to me of all bis et*t aud effect* for III* general leflt of hi* creditors, under the provisions of lisp 1.-4.K H O IHST and anien<lli'( acts. A meeting of the creditors of the said assign- r will I" held at nit offlfe In the village of K i.-kherton lo the C'ounly of (Irev. on We. men lay ths MH-oiid day of January. l9uf>. at t n'c ork in the afternoon for the a|>|K)lntinnt of liapee- tors ami the giving of diieclions with reference to the Hlftiosai of the said estate. All crnlltors are herebv rei|uired to die Ilieir rlstins. verlflfwl liy affidavit as required by ssld act. with me on or bwfor* the slid dav uf Janu' *rv. A i) . IXJo. after wblrb last mentioned dale 1 shall proreext In distribute th* same estate, lavinn retard only to the claims of shi-h I jlisll then have bad notioe. and I will not bs i - s|M>nsibl>fortbeas*elta of tbe said ...1st- or any part thereof to any person or persons whose claim or claims shall uot then have been filed. A. B. . . - 1 .. LlCiS A WaioejT.Owen Hound, Assignee. Hollcttor* for Asslgae*. rieshertou Do*. 84. . NOTIOE TO CIIKDITOKS. In th* i. alter of Harsh Homers, of tb* vlllw* ..f K.'icenla. In Ib* county of Ore) . * married olnan sinl hotel kee|>er. Nolle* Is hereby Rlveu lha* th* aU>ve named Small Homers has made an aanlKutuenl to me of all her estate and effects for th* Ren-ral liei.eflt of h.-r orwlllora mi ler tl. - provisions of of (hup \'H. h H ll . 1NH7. and inieli hug act* A ineetiiiij of lie creitltors of tbe said assign nr will be sheld si inv ofBoe In the village of Flesborton In tbe counlv of Orev on Wlnee dav. tbe second day of Jfttmary. I*V> al '.' o'clock In Ih* afternoon for tbe ap:' of ins|>eo tors and the Hiving nf direct loot witb let ei enoe to tb* disposal of said rotate. All creditors are herrbv required to Ale their claims, vrrlflod by affidavit as required by said art. with me on o. before tbe 8n I dav of Jsus ary. IMU. after which last mentloaed date I shall proceed to distribute tbe *ame estate hav- ing regard only to the cl*lms of whioli I shall thenhsvebartnotlceand I will uot be res|Kinsiv ble for the astts of the BUI I e'at* or am part thereof to any pcisnn or persons wbos* claim or daunt thall not then have been ill ..I A. H. \Axli-rs LOCAS 4 WBIOHT, AsMxnee. nwrn Hound. Fleshwrtoil Hnli.-itors for Asllg***. Dee. 94. M. TO THS ELECTORS ! OF WARD NO. 3. BUY YOUR HARNESS Good 5to;k, Good Workmanship, Lw Prices. Curry Comb*, Bruahe*, Harnesa Dresinx, Sleti-li Hell*. Oit and Cowhide Robm, Axle (irea*e, Blankets, and everything in my line constantly on hand. TENDERS WAN1EDI For a Huppiy of 4>d ir KalU. Tenders wanted for IVK) sound, straight. 19 font-lorm ddar rails to h delivered o p. en mo. lot u i II. Artemesla. the aam* lo h . left In small piles from north fence of clearlu * . Ii for 100 rods in the oeutreof said lot. The i me to he delivered before Vet March. \<Vv lers received to ISJanuary, 18D.">, by Jas Km.lM.rley t. O^OuC I am ai(in a candi-late king re election for tin* yt-ar 1805. m.d if y.nii .-..iiiiib n.-i- in me aa your rcpreauntittivi has not In-. -ii waved during the (mat yvut I wulil gain ank you for your lupport at tin- c<nnini{ election. JAMES WEST. TO THE ELECTORS] OF WARD NO. 3. Your vote and influence reNpcctfully aolicited for the ulection of John Unjd as councillor for tbe year 1KU6. Fleshertuii, Dvc. 24, '94. rdar* eirly wa are always rushed in tho fall MVHIHIII. W. Moore - Harnessmtker FLESMERTON. Notice to Creditors la th* matter of Johnston Little, nf th* villsgs of Maxwell, lu tbal'ouply of liioy, Klllitll Notion Is hereby Riven that the Above named Jo)invt4>n l.ittlp bs.n rnsil an aMfeiifuuitful to in* of all bin eststo and effoolnfur thtiut.norsj belie fit o' bis rie.tltor-.. onder tbe l..\ ol chapter 111. R. -I O , 1847. and sjiieinltiiii sets. A mealing <>f the creditors . f -HI t esil|{nor will Im held at my ottVe in Hie villsnf- of rienh- erton, in the County of Orev, on t tiursdav the lllli .Isv of Pe.-mnber. A. D . IdJI. itl J o'clock hi the after 1 1.. ..n for tbe spu. >iiitm..nt ' luspec tors 4ii. t tli-. KIVIIIK of ilii'vc-tionii witl) reference lo the itUiios*,) uf the ssi.i >. Lit. All cretlitor* are lleu-b. i.qui . i ti.ll'u their .-Isiui-t \e? irte.i by amdavtl rvifiiiied bv ssi ' aol, with ui on or I., -ion- lh.- - , ..n.i dv ol January. A. 1) . 1HU.*>. aflur wi>ii-ti HI t i:icl.tlont<l date 1 shall pr..i-e.l Will>.irllile fi m- la'e. haviiiK IOKHI.I onli to ih- . i.nn.i. ot wlileh 1 shall have nolle**. MO I 1 will u.>t IH. r sixiiiHible tot the ansotts of the M .1 nt*ta or any part tberi of u> AII. i* < - i,..i ) r oii^nbon claim oroUlnn sha 1 not limn ha., o en Illvo [.i . .t \\Hiimi, A. s \.>N|HSKN, ttolii-i*.orrt foi- tlif> \*^i . \ u'loe, . wminounil. I I... I..; t,. n. l>at...t X w.,ii ...- St>-.!i. 1*11 ' I, ICN II 10 I T< ROLLER MILLS Are now complct and are running regular. CHORrHTO -r M usual. RICHARDSON'S. For Christmas trade \va have purchased a special line of teas which are offering at Importer's wholesale price- Get samples. We have a large stock of new fruits in currants,raisins, figs, prunes, etc., at lowest pi ices. Some special drives in Boots this week Women's glove buff balmora^s, g8c. per pair ; men's strong lace boots at 75C. per pair ; men's Ion;; felt boots, $1.50; men's graiii kip waterproof, $1.85. All sizes in lubbers and over, shoes. A big stock A lot of Imperial boards, 2 for wash- Another lot of those cheap frieze overcoats. Good styles and grand value. A large consignment of Christmas goods suitable for presents. Dress Goods Our stock was heavy but as the assortment gets broken we cut prices to clear lines out Some ot the newest things came late and have to . be sold. Furs. We are headquarters for Fur Capes in Seal.Opposum, Sable and Astrachan ; prices low as the lowe-t gooJs guar-' an tee. Christmas Fruits and Groceries all on hand now at Richardson & Go's. Hard\va,re { Dcp't. Christmas Have nil a>rivtd and we in T.ihle Mtt, Carvent, Krrad I', .i.iu. S|)OOIIH in dikes, Dread Knives, S ln-r Knives xml a laicu a*oitiiient of Silvoiwiue. Fancy (oo<ls. thir t<x-k ..f h'micy Uaware is very liiri<e. Wo would like lo show you the now designs in vase*, lump* and other noveltio*. Call aiid see them. Headquarter* for X Cut Saws nU Axe* aiid l&o. Washboard*.

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