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Flesherton Advance, 20 Dec 1894, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADANCE OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, The Very IJent PI.ACR IS CANADA TO OET A Thorough Business Education, Take a Round Trip sava^i Oillvflee and Cumm.n-ial Department* in I'anada, tneu vialt the Northern Hminoin CoHea* . MMMM ewry thiaf thornalhlj. If we fall to produce tin- imxt thorough, complete, practical aud eten IV* rniirin "I til<ly : the bMt collfgv pnilm--' ! th t>-<t an,| nioe' com|ill mid limit suit fcUfimiUin-van.l asillanee*. wewlll give you full cmirie KKK... Kor Annual Announce iDent.f Ivlug full particular*, tier, address C. A. FLEMING.' Principal. Eugenia Mills AND Carriage Works. Carriage? made and Repaired. aleo Planing and Matching, Baud Saw. ing. Wood Turning of every des cription. Planing and Grain Chot, ping done while you wait, for " Beaver turns the wneel. T. W. WILHOX IAMOND PILLS CONSTIPATION, (^BILIOUSNESS, r< DYSPEPSIA,^ SICK HEADACHE, REGULATE THE LIVER ONC PILL AFTER E.ATIN6 INSURES GOOD DIGESTION PRICE25 CTS.TPODO'3 DON'T DESPAIR :DODDS', KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU We tnantr TVul.l's Kklarv Pllli to cure ny cue ' Br KMI> nt-cav. DulMMa, I.umbm, DroptT, RhcumalUm, Heart rHi. Fiinale Tryubl. Impure Itlowi or money itfuwM. Sold by all Heal rs Ui mlldne. or by m.'il on ncdpt of i.rlce y-c. per IXK. or Six boxo .^. JR. L. A. SMITH * CO.. Toronto. To the Public. llnviiii! rt-iit.M \\liiit,. ii' hup f, r H trtin of yearn, I am now m n ou tu calm to nil iiiH in my line. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed For H.iythiti^ in the blackmnitliin^ line P. i BINT OPPOHlTK HICHABOSON'H II Minn AI;I: HTCRK FLESiERTOS STEii 11JSIBY. in l-'l. l nil cnunplnio BtAin luu<ii\ mill mm IT.-,** w\ to tk In any qiiinUiv of Iftuudry work *- lovor ur *rn ctirK*Ml ulftrwhtr. ( I ivj put In tho la nt uid moNi iiu]>ii<vi-<1 maohtnory tn that < n i Kiiiilly K! VH in* a call, h jilir.t eatiifaotion ami prtcM low. MllH (llO MlMlRKNUUHK. loose and Lot For Sale. For sal* clioap an-l on eauy term* In rielir tun. Hplrnit 1 lai^ii, nolid hi l. k <lwelllii||. with itanl atone ri-ilar, aiimmer kitrhtni and wood- pawke. uli-i, (jowl (ram* *tal>le, hrlck In,,., I nucialnk iv>lru lota and good younR on hard, lu-nrltiR Houaa upd ou'liiiildlnij* ar >>ii >)>(!, inillv well flnUlmd and very tonvenl- .1,1. . laid ,,u>.. Apply to II. I Hriiui i.e. H.jh.rtoa TO KKNT. CII KlfiTMAH. 111.* I. Onmfortab'.B delliu la rieaberton. t. A|,pl, H HII..W lii-iv. aome timi. I ran acrow o in tiling much like til- follwiti|j. wliicli i i i.iil humor and Hingulxr appropriatn- ii.--s tn this particular tunu of year I I', ink can linrdly be nurpad. It in a quixzical ChrUtmiu Hruion on |(ift KIVHI..' Text: Wlut shall livy What ahall 1 el' 1 Tliia i* the burning question of th hour aV the holida>s Hppnuti'h, and one tliHt re|uirr a judicioun iniiiifling of Kfiitiin- ui and c.iiiiiiioii suiiim. Any foul can (five snuiuttiiiii.'. Any |itfi.dlluift van oveHo it, and nothing i* turner than to .'Hi- t<M> lltlliv 'I'l i- thoughtful citizen in inclined to ask, "Why ive aiiythinx (" lint thrite are ^ad ilaya for HIM thoughtful citix.-n, and it is better that lie nlmuld ii'it be If we once ull.iw ouraelri-s to n-uh/.f tho folly .if exchai'ginu ihme undesired gifts we shall doatioy tl.v day spirit. Let us on the other hand en- ili-Hvor to forxet that we must spend m .ii. -y we can ill atford in purchaHini; liifts that tho recipient i would never ilnnk of I'uyini; fur lhenielrs. 1, of course, understand that you will nH unuiil preiwnt your wealthy friend* .inii rulntivcs with aifia of smne value for ih, ri'tison that ineX|iuiiKivu obj.-cts would lie out of place in their lurrnundinifs ; and iliHf you will, aa usual, xive t<i ynur liinulilrr and inoru luipuciinidus relatives 'holt, cheaper articlt-H which it in their cuHtiiin ti> r.-i-.ur. Thu fifty dollar gift tn thine who have no poMiible uae for it will cniitiiiua to imprean an Wiutt tin- uual und projier ll.imj. You will also see your way clear to Kive the twenti -five (nt |'n . -lit to those who would not only lit-urtily n)i|irwciato and enjoy, but who r ".illy oee'l smneihitig very much liefer. Now my il-r liiends if you earnestly wish tint lioln lay neaiton to be a seanon of joy mi IK. l <li|>eiiae theae perfunctory and w >rae than MHeleiM iiii'i*- Deny yniiru-lf the pleiisuru of present ing 1 1 intelligent beiuns thoee holiday objeo n that .iro made only to be wild with no ili"ii'jln for after ue. Wlut aliall I give is cvrUinly a burn- ing q , ^tiiui. hut what shall I receive-. IK probibly in your mind, a Mill betttr on. . Pit yomarlf in the pUce of thu re- cipunt. If V"ii are abort uf money and your lit i !, childnn m c<l shouH and <iver- ooitn, i if what vi:l is a Japunee vaae i,r a . !! iil'.nl null In Huh T There m miiln-i noui i...lniu-iit in a f.-nnie t i |'li,,li>KiM|,lin nor warmth in K l<o n .t IIIIH|,IU| y, ursflf and neek mn- , 'Inti, Hi in the vain th.niulil that it in llie i|.inl ,,l tin. il< i'i| :inil dot the value of iheurticli- tliat i> iin{Hir'ant Yon an- nul di-f ived by thar sentiment wln-nyiir I lull lllH'll' L'lVl'H y, U H BlUl'T tiiolh |HI I, innicnil i.f thu ^"l<l ntch ynu expecinl. Neither if \,,iii' ,ii, | ..... 11,111* re ativu i'iir- i it'll Hwny ii\ 1,1,1 lunch M. i.t inei,t win n i-iii. in tnin. pUy a Rinular KHH- u|x'ii linn nnil bin I'xpor'al I..IIH. If y.,ti .in, anytliini; let It lf|ireaelit >i-in i..-1'e th.'vn n ii-clesi wante of very in-- Im ..... r\ - I' Mill fan Miniiniiu thei'numuu to iln -..|IH- bun, -Hi giHul mill yivr r. ul pl- 10 otln-,.-. bfniow y"iir ralcniit-r niid , liriip PH|MT riit'i-r up, ui the rn-li nnd ii"t up. in llie |i Kir. Turn your Imi'k n| (in I!,,- tinny ilulhir rocking horse yna 'liii^lii in -I'luhn^ tn ll.e overloyi-'l " ' if your opulent n-la'ixii ( .'ivi ill" inoni') I., MMir H'iiij({liii" kiimiintli lio i Iryin., t-i iducati; family 1,11 lift, en luitiilii-il u In a won), my <l"tr Krn-her. whrn vn ni.iLit it known in tins liuli l,,y vc,.i,, your heart IH expanding, i ! to it tln.i y.'iir (Mime nn,l )<>ur intell'gi'i n- tin ii- t i ..... i, in:' in . i,<p. ,f ion " Tint* rnii', tin- CbriatoMsl Stvin-.n winch >->,rv oiin liny t.i,i In-Ill" t.i Illinvlf. !' from <*>rrfiix>n,lntt. weuk WP ivrntci ,>-it a b i'V-*t of npv fnr Th A'lvanr,' Ixit l"i .".t t<> i", t thrin. hi'lirtl nornp cf tht'in w 1 1 ii;i|,M,ir in tlii^ :H. Tho Horn* of THI|NII B.UIM I'nvr n V'.L >! ' lain nient total aras -T'I h'i,-^,t l". Dim I'-lli. in their hnli on l.n.i"- . n . t A rh'.lrn lirr.cinni w H r,'ii.l->rn,' r'ii>itii, k > . f reaHlnffM. iii . "',111,11)-. it'MruM*- A poblle mevllaf of Ihi, iti'|,nvni of war No. I. wai I',-! l in : in, .11 llnll U-l Wmlnmrlnv (or tlm |-iiii/i".<' nf Imvlnu n l,il iin.r , ,,iiii,'i| nui'teri, A)I Ibespeakers i-xprDxiM-il tin-i..., )* -^ a well">! with otir prMMn town hip f Bnefl, aart urMWtally , t . our nerKt-tlo ro presentatlve, Mr I) McMillan. It waa inova . seeoadert and Mrrlerl naanlnoatlr that Mr. D M'-MII'mi attain renrfiaunt war.) No l nt lh i ..... n,'l] h.>aril for IB-li. Mr H, . tl.f ,-h,, II The Ooromerrlal nt>.| ch.oi|l hamlii lt wank. Tim nun |iio(.rlui<>r ID Mi Mfiittt ,,,li mil-, nf Dnrhnm. Tim , ,>ni-eiiti ui of thi- 1'ie b.'torlan hiir, Ii areajestltia bs -i.,u,. on th.K'oiinili fur tht rpllnr of tin* t,i-w MHM, A rp|M)utahl>, nuinli-r of pattls wpre ili|HH.p,| of at the i- ui i in-. M. n.'nv P ,.!-, warn low hut half a |,,af i . Iwlla- thun no hr.>.l M,IK. VV.iH.-r >D| Ki<lind WaMurn am II.IIIIP f"i their hiillilayn atl, t Kiniiinlnii 1:1 ur 14 wenii of ioli'1 woik III ii..< Durham Mndtl foliool Mr duo. l.i.tiiimi, of .><>.rmi Jsw. Aaaa., jiald a vlilt to f i ii.i.ii In thin hurn (ant waek. Mm hobai trtini .11.1 family ar inovlnR to To ronto thla * fHik. ' \V wish tbMBa pi- ns^nt ,, journ In th-n nuw hoinv. Mr. K Mi-i.iaiiuli. who lately mme In thin hura niovDil Into Mm Hobertsoii'i IHHIM- on Ronday l hn KPT D Malrftnd |iai,l a rlsit tn raliimr- it in la-t wk to iitt-inil H.irni tiutlnaM In eon- iicl.,,n witi, the flanffittiii 1*rebytai v. W* are vla-l t,. mate that Mn. \Viluht and Mrs. Win raiitiiKiii. who ham lm*n Mtrlouiljr III. are now ou u fair way to rerovorj. i'pi- inoi-f wo hall tlio Wfli-om* dav Whi.-li l,riiiK tn luinfl ilii-Kurlour'ibJith ' > (.'loom a )ov ir (. . ,.,. . i ; ;. H,I th>' . artli, lnl.- w- w.tli Kla,lnei.<.,'llrraU he tilrtli of tli.- creat 1'otantai*. . Let femal )ov I , , \V The til From Him we the law nf love, Ann h'tw w IIIHV our bleiiiK (hare. Ily active nvin|>athv we prove That we for nii anotlkvr care. Thui B!| In kindeiit ded unite To ball tlie m-aaon with dvlitfht. Not for that 11*1,1 which tirlghtlv ruooe, Nor ,,in-i' . . at Angel*' eons;. Hut fiirth.- knii! HIiiiM-lf alone i)nr waiting npirltn watch anil lon(. Hi. hlrtli w ula-lly oelhrat. Aud tor HlB -ucond cumiDit wait. One ilav of rtitlNtniaH jovi, and then The wot If 1 it" , ,.111111011 course puriatt, Mltnlful of tli" morning nh.-n Tin- Anv-lti'iirht thu Jovflll nwn. Hut wlii'ti the Klu Himself eMesrs The joy will lat throuxh endlnsi years. Colhorne, Pec. 1HW. T.W*TSo. A Boon to HorM-nten. -One b.ttie >f Ellgll'll Spa- i-l l.lllllllell', tollilllelely n-iiiiiveil :i , nili friini in^r Imr^e. I tnk plevnuru in ri'd'nitiii-ndiii'.' the rt-mnly, ;> It actu with iiiyteriou prmnptneM m the removal from hones of hard, unit or cal- loused lump-, M' >"<1 s|Mtin,n|ilintB, curbs, Hweeny, sillies mid sjiminM. <ii:ijiuir Rons. Fanner, Marklinni, Out. Hold ly \V. K. Kichnrda.ui, Drn.-iat. Mrs.. I. II. T.'oT^wnrn, l52Pac!flo . .'.iiUCruA C;il., v.TiU-s: \Vli.-n a pirl at school, !n Itoa-'.lnr, f"i ., I ',:ni\ Kim-re nftark of bralq fever. On my recovery, I lound myself (icrtoctly baiJ, ami. for ft Ions time, I feared I should bo permanently o. Frlrm'.s ur^f,'. i .- t" *< Aycr't Ilalr \ i ;,.r, ..:!.:, on doing So, try hair Began to Grow, ami I nuw have as flao t bond c<f hair aa cno could wish f->r, l-i in* oi.uni;"!. how- cvcr, from bluadu to <!srk brown." AftT a fit of .-.IrJcnoM, my hair rame c ;:t iu cnmbfu;:. I uied two botllcs of Ayer'c Hair Vigor nnd now rcy hulr IB over a yard long :m \,iy full ninl honvy. I have recom- .11 :.'\ 1 ;'n t [ . pun.tinn to otheri with r ; ." Mr. Sliliu-y Cart, 1 ! i i;r |u :it., Earrisbiirs, Pa. I liivi) u.- 1 Ayer'a Hair Vlpor for Mrerut van ..-ul uh. aya nl>talncdsatla. factory rcnult.s. I k'.iow It U tlio best proparatinn fnr tlie huir that U matlo." C. T. Arnett. V 'iiiiimtU Wjirim:, Ark. Ayer's Haii Trvpand bj Ur. J.C. Ayer & Co.,, H TA I OBTAIN A PATK^Tf Fore pmnip*. answer and an hime*t opin'nn. irntu t Nl ' s < A- 1 .. wh,> have had oeatlrfirir ?<mr* experli-eiuthii MtMit bumess. D***4ahlM*> tlooe sM-Hly ennlMentlal. A llandhn,,U ,r In forrnailon coooerning I'tilrMie and bnw to ea- taln ttirm H-ni free, Ainu a eatalocws <tf SMcfcaai . IcaJ and MlanUM bonkn naut froa. taka tbmutth Mima fn. rrr*T . pcolal notlratnUM H< If mill, Amrrirnn. and thua iro hrouibt wliMf kafnraUi* public wltk- out on to lha rnTMilor. 1 tin i-rilt-iiilm i-aiwr. Heard wakiT. oiiwantir lUmmraiad, ban tr fur tlx> lanrrm <-irruliili..ii of alU ciolilltlc work In tlM Wi'inl. H:| n rrar. MMM onniM lnt frw. BnlMInc VMiciou, tmuitblr, t'..'a a roir. Hincl* r-ipt . -i.'i r.'iii*. tr..iy numbrr mutmnH boau- tiful i hiui. In nrilorv and pluiinfrrnpbl of nw boun*Ki, with plan*. niaMinif nuiM,T in nh > tU" ialf' il.lrn ami atvul* mn-nn-i a. vi . s i co.. BawToi-n. a.i Oysters, M, Nuf, Culillira. Cllkwi nd Ooiiloctionary ol all kinda suitablM for i'hristtiiHM now in stork. W. Barnhouse FLESH EIJTON. 1 1 j ars. D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON, \MM;KNKI;\' - \i TH. KUKI-S ON HAND Repairs for Massey HarrU, and Nox.m. Ffcury and Wilkinson Bros. Farm fptnlements. PlO'Wl Fleury and M rity n !i.m<l all the all klinlsiit'i.-p.iiiH I'm- llicHUUli- ii. .. BiiK^it Slf-i^lm. etc. HiiisfK Hiring prni. i.i . i I,,, hpi-cia! ittteiiliou lo ( ii fi-rl. I, o_-, ,.:;,' anil I' I > ni-i:iii t lv on liitiul. Pointers >:fcj| To Pu rchascrs of CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. PLUMES ,nn .,f ).., i || i , i,in., WP- .lcire K. .li i,,nr mniii..ii in i>nr MiMik f Cultrin rii. :,!)( a large ' ei-t ,n, in. nm.le up n, , vanity -if f ,.rt an I ,t pnre that <rfv <-iilln t i|n III I .dm *. u r |>r-|,l ; in light "I In aw. A I wnik i'M.I.. ,,f (I., ,.-,t mt< r,.il Kin-li.v u - M nil and be y.iur own i* I,. In :ii,<. V, n mill Hi, ii t.' v."u n,l r.-t to r.l <HI \VhitUMi Pletilierton. NO SUCH THING AS OLD AGE To '1 nose Who Use South American Nervine. A Lady of Eighty Years Permanently Cured by This Wonderful Medicina Three Doctor* SnM Old Aj-o Wn Her Complaint." and Uave Her Lp ilirce liuttles of Nenrlne Uave Itelief 'Iwelvv liotties Cured Absolutely. JOHN ITuriNworih |'*nk< of " An fid Mr>ii<> ntxl tiright. and lo- e)y n* a Innrt nisht. '' .And nlinwlmre thii n'.-r t ,lk of "An old *ge. beautiful and free." The-a ;.r- that romo to the or worn ^n, their \ ear* may imnler cloe on to a uen- turv. when in tha enjovment of -good henltl'. In f rt it in 'titficult to think nf son o i.t' tlir i Id men nnd w mon on tnr of life) t --day a* old people, there i to lie nch a tiTrnni*! yimthful- iheir every movcn.rni and act. Diie* <oineotte te I B that enoa* like t)i H miic be tli* exception and rot tli role uith thi>e vrhn hate approached to ur t-.-ne beyond the allotted three ncore yeais and ten ? Not Ok if tk y hare be- come acquainted w!tn the vittue* con- tained in Sooth Amtrieik Nervine. Be- fore u in thl aketr.n ia the picture uf Mr*, .ii.iiii Ir'tn ...dy. of Fieihi-t t,-n, Out. . a resident o( the.: town fi-r f->rty yenra, NO irs-n in the t-.wn and country aid* aiouut t porhavs better known than this lady, and nvne more highly eateeuieii Thrw* jtvu* sjo it * her aad lot to IOOM a daughter ho i had l-een all the wot Id to her. '1 he Aiioi'k suetaiueu I y this evu-t ooutplstely hrwke uv> the ay*tein of Mr*. l).uw..,i. s),e nupprsed her end hsd uou't. she Joei"id fir 01. e ytar with thrie doctuK. sn<i tby far* br cM op, savia j thst it DINWOODT, FlMhurton, Ont. wsa one of old ape nnd no ' ne, nor aa>r medirtne coild d<i her good. or the kind of stuff t.' irivo' rx>aaty to jc at any time he did nut deonalr. Mi waa ii.fltienre-1 to try Nervmu She> t nk tiirw bottles, nd this as sufficient t show ii*r hor end was not ye', from thee he- btained relief. She) Pr- vcred, nnd in all t ok twel bottle* of the n i il in uiih ti e renalt t .it <h . in Jav i pletoly cared of that break- lag up nf the ittsuni that thruutvBod her r Team o There in nothing wondtrfal in tho faet that Mr-. Dinwuo-iy woulfl | roclunu o thu ihnu^anUi of old )o| ') tiirout;h- i-ut this hroad Innd. that with old e doe* not iiece*ariiy o<jine decline, decrut. itude snd rliseas* Vhy h uid we not Ue into tho eighties and L .-lettee, and mis tie bvrder ul tha je.utn.-r ' Fouth Amerinan Nervine, whether lie p. -on be your - or old, ;et<i at tho uor ve ceoiers. and hen they are kpt in pro- per uouditinn the Nytm i- a- veil able tn withstand diseaee at eighty at at thirty. With this prmpewt in iw wau would But live to an old ge anti oa,ov the plea nuies of family, fricuds and so- ciety, and take i\ part in . itching me th<- timing days of ttc..derful oen- inrv. which mark* at not tbe least uf . 1'iidstful disonverits, the diteovii > ef Kinth An.e;,c'n b v v >Yu> %

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