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Flesherton Advance, 13 Dec 1894, p. 5

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THI FL18HIRTON iOTANCI < >lli .- O. QEO. MITCHELL ^ M I > II LK I ON . A nnrl banking buluM transarteil Drafts iMU>t ami dim .| I.-H caihert at usual rate* MOIIMT alwaysaraiUhlofor l|rta* bwUnvon >ntrvrti) office two doors uortb of Uear<l~ on 4 t'o'n. Vicinity Chips. ('Uaractrrlstlr* ofth* Past Week Caretally Culled for the itrtfte-'s amxv) tornta irtil \. ett*ir<Jf<i at the rut* af I"/- prr litir for iiv*riim. A rnliiftion trill lie tin cnntrueU for 100 Une or unrr. Knitted glove found -this office. Honey fr sale in cans at thi office. The Assizes ar in pmgrena thin wc-:k at Owen S"iin.l. The C. P. R. will >*i>e tho usual cha]> for tin- Christmas holidays. v^ n.-on. h;ive placed a hand- -me lie* *CO n-guUtor in their wore. Jimmy Fas. (lie humorist. in suffering a miiil .vttaok 'if siiirtlljMix at in* I. '111:0 ill ToroUtlfc \Ve noticed the smilnm faces nf Mwn. Smith and \V. J. Katwon, Thornbury, iu town on Sunday. Kindly remember that you can get a marriage licensw from A. S. VmDuacui 1 '! nhuitiiii, at any time. Ar unstrung Bros. have just received a l..t of solid gold bronches and oilier ({IMK!* specially uited fi* Christina* proent. Lieut, -Col. Brodie has retired from the i-oiiiniand i>f the 31st battalion, ami 1 Telford, uf No. 3 Co. (Luith) is lui successor. One hundred cords of dry wo,d taken :\t cash price in exchange for anything in the r'urniture lute l.y .1. K. Itaskurvill* v> Ob.. Fle*hrton. Th various township co . 'tit the country will meet 1-11 Satunlay. l.'.tli mat., for the puri.* A winding up the year's business. ATI auction aleof h-.uaehold furniture and ttf.'U will be held at the Crown hotel. Priceville, on Monday, Dec. 17, lair day. S.ile at 11 a.m. Mrs. Robert- son prc.pritor,l>. McCunmi-k auctioneer. Owing ti. ihe nwesslty of omiple' ing a large job which we have had "ii hand there ha* been a few hours' delay in pub- lication. Our busineM men. too, must have their Christmas advertising attended to, which has caused m.>: .<rk th.,u usual. Aycr's Pills, beiiiK conipi.Hed of the essential virtues of llie beat vegetable a[wri.nlH, without any of the woody or lihrous material whatever, i tho reasou why thi-y are so much more eri'wctiva and \ ulushlo than any other cathartic*. The. t.rst family phyaics. It i* often a mystery h"W a cold has ltr<i "caught.' The f.ct i.s, how. ver, that when the blood is (.....r and the sys- tem ik'iii'eHsfd, one become* (.nculiarly liable to diseases. Whew tin apuetite or the atrength fails, A yet > Snrsanaiilla nhould be taken without < Capt. 11. CxrtwriKbi. of the Koyal Can. f-xinifiit, ins[H-creU tho iMoiy hure on lie "1st ult. He pa.u i ' l..r.S*n,-want Joe Fields a very hmh L'iui|>liiiienl for i ho manner in which '.Im !ccoutriii'iit* .Te kept, sayinit that tlnn ui..s "the only .miii'.y. properly, speakiciw, t!.al he hml vt uiio across oil hm tour." Tin- ilay ii cold ami dark in ' !: . It rkiiin, and the wind ! nvfr w,y " If tlu-rc in ar, thiii!.' in- ! ilu-nry 'han these dHjrs of wisd, i:i.. ""1 '"^ t > UH| - nosu depression we would not care to ae ii. Busings i v.rv ;.U over the t-nnntry anil wil. n d""ht i-ontmue > until the genuiurt wn. i. Dr. Sinclair, Toroiito. il'.' 1 wrll known and m<.t succvwfiil apcu-ilisl in thf tieaiinant of all dweaHC* ;' the IUIIK*- heart, kidneys, women's ili*a<es and tropsy ariaina! fivin diweinvt "I tint hi-:irt treated with peifect ut.ce.-< )>r. Sinclair will b<> ;it Munahuw'-i liia.-:. J'lesherton, Thuraday. Dec, STlh ii:*i. C.aulta- ' ; .11 free, If y.^U Dof't Fxrf Well rerr.mher Man- >'" Celery Nerv Cm(| und, with Beef, Iron and Winu," is a (iuaranteed cure for Oyapepaia, Nervousness, Mental Depretuion, and all weakness arming from a run , dowu and overworked systMii. It !. never U-en known to fil. Oei a bottle and be healthy and happy Hold by all druyjjmt. 3hi Mr. J. L. RodweH, of the Wrought Iron Range Co., Toronto, waa a pleasant caller one day lam week. Mr. Rod well ia now working m Artemesia and ' >sprey in the interem of hia tirui. The c<mi|iany ia reliable and hav sold nn innnense iiuinlier of rai<gdi in thin cunnty unn|( the paat two years. Their iiilverti.-fineiit appear* elaewhore in this IHHUU. The annual aervicea in connection with the Fluiheiton Baptmt Sunday xchiKil will be held "ii Sunday, Dec. 1(5. Anni- versary oeiuioim will IKJ | -reachfd by th" PHK.IM, Rv. J. L. (iardiner, nmrtiiiiu and evening, at usual hour. Collections will !.. taken up in aid of the .school. On TueMlay, Dec. 18, the usual tea and en- tertainment will be provided by the ncholara. eii t, .In*. Blawkhum ; Anamtant Supt , A M. (JiliK ,u ; See. Treaa., Archie Jih wii. aaaisiant Wm Btuitliarn ; Librar- ian. Mim Wells, assistant Mim Neil ; Or- ganist. MISH Wella, assistant MIM Liizie Stewart. A vote of thank* was tendered the retiiing Sec. -Trras. , who ia alx>ut. to HHVer hia connection with the school On inotioN of A. M. (iiliMiii th aecretHry waa insitucred ri convey to Mr Black- burn the heartfelt nyinpHihy of the Sab- bath school in hia long continued illnoxa, earnestly praying that God may restore him to health uml itienuth and bring him among u once attain. After some other buiinniH wan rrannnend a very harmouioua meeting wax brouuht to a clone by the chairman pronouncing the benediction. Rev. Mr. McDowell, of Bowmanville, who ia visiting fn-mda here, occupied the pulpit of the MethodiHt church i>n Sun- day morning and evening. Mr. Mc- Dowell waa .stationed in Fleahuriou some years ago and waa wry highly esteemed. He has lout none of hw old time vigor iiii-l bo'h aefinotin on Sunday were lis- tened to with deep interest by good con- gregationa. The 1'oronto Juncliun L adtr lion passed the lirat niilcstoin- on the, full tilt without winding iisijf, anil Bro. fc'atrcett i* i|uite jiistitic<l in indulgins; in a little *lf-ci'iinrat illation, aa he did lat week Where ia that oid fool. Thoiiiiut TUHM.T, who said thnt "a rolling stone can vathur no moss I" A. R. has taken a) Icust fi>ur 'rolls " and every time has proven Mr. Tuswr to lie a consuroute Ii prv-v.-iriuator of the truth. Hay prena to rent or for sale Apply Thorp Wriuht, Fleahuraon. The Cornwall Standard contains the following notice of a Flenherten boy : "The many friends of Mr. Win. Clayton will learn with regret tlmt he is HUllering from a evert attnck of typhoid fever. \\ In-ii it was found that hit illness WHS t.-tkiiii: such a st-rioua :urn. the tneinbers of Oriental Lod-je. I. O. O. F., of which he m N".il>lo Urand, deciiled to IMVC him removed to the Roynl Victoria l.oHpiia), at Montrual, in order that lie tni^ht re- cpive proper care and attention. H< M .if, accompanied there liv tiro, liixcetr and in doi'lg as Well us could he eXpectu I, with every pronpect of Ix-ing completely ie- to In-iltli The Enuenin I'mon Sunday Scho..| will hi. Id it* anniiul aim ive: nry on Dec 19. The ifeiiiua who wrte nut the liill aent in the following "copy " extraordi tuu-y. It is peihap* unnecctauiy to tell our readeis that tho writer ia Mr R. McLean Punly of place : " ^ I come our ijuaiter century year, ami waruily call, l>y gulden rule, for all t.. join in Clirinl IIISM cheer, I'.lth Dcueinlwr. '1)4 ; a ChrmiiiiHB stump, and Chrii>tina tree 'at uvi-i.mj tune' in Orantie Hall. Kail nn' to come, and you will sec our Christian ('In i-tinan social then, 'j".V> p*>acu un exith, uoo.l will tn men. You i|iirstii>n what the feaat will l ? Cakfit, dialogues, ml. I |iie->. ten, linked tircuil aa human lives leu.une, und Itread of Life for whodvnirK ; upetx-lixH MI alnut, they'll ' tueet thair end.' ^i*l muiinen never to olfend a mortal or our (irel Bent Friend; rocitingH, other charms to leml ; while instruiiieiit .md voices sinv such praise t" 'toil. Ui Cluial our King, in inelndy.deep, broad ami lonjf, with pHthos thrill iuc, mighty, strong, that heaven and i-nith just seem to meet, mid we to how lo at. hia feet and ' cr.iwn Him I^.nl of All.' " Taxes. L'npaid taxeM in Ward No. 3, Arteme- siii, will be placed in a RaililTs hands for uolle-Mion iifti-r the l.'Jih mat. Dec. 12, ''.(4 JOHN WHIUHT. Collector. mtnrrh Kclievrd in 10 Hi U NlnNt4*S One nhnrl puff f the hrealii tliroiiiili the blower, supplied with uach bottle of Ditna'a Powder, dif fuaes this powder OUT the mirfiici* of the niisxl piiaxageM Piunless an. I delightful to usw, it lulieves mstanlly. a-ni perman- ently cures Cutarrh, Hay KI-MT, folds, lliMii.n-liv. S. fo Throat. Tons'litis and i Dcafnass. Bll cents. At W. E Hiclmnl- son's. The residence f Mr. Thorp Wright was, on Tuesday afternoon, thu ncen- of a ijiuet wedding, when Dr. K.u-lc Strain and Misn Sarah Wright were joined in the silken bonds by Rev. I' S. Ilnpert, M \ The bride is llii- seconil dnugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Thorp Wn x ht. Dr. Carter axistcd the gr u, and Miss Emma Wright, siitlcr o( the bridu, occu- pied the corrci>p.'iidiii^ p.isition fur tlie other .side of the house. Dr. Strain and bride left by the 5 p.m. irnin for New York, from whence they will sail for Liverpool, thcncu n> I'.ms and Berlin, at which latter place Dr Sti.un will Like a course- in mvdicine. None but ml m^rte tvlativea were pimoiir at the ceremony. The Advance add* its i|Uota of iimgiatu- lation and trusts that Dr. and Mrs. .Slniin will be blessed wit!i long and htppy lit". Coin.'ortsbU dwalti iu riii>liei'.ni \|.|ilv It. J. Sl'UUI LK. There is now rending matter galore at the Mechanics' Institute, s. me 1200 vol- umes having U-eii added Inst wt-ck, with tifty more to l place>l ou the shelves duting ll.e ne\t two week-. Tlicin are now over TOO volumes on the shelves. Considering that tliu inntitutc is only in its second year of existence this ia, we think, -in ;iliniit .ii.prei-i.-dcnleil rco|d. and i-oulil not have been attained had Hot the directors devoted much 'linu and energy in the enterprise. The good which is being accomplished ii incalculable. Thu reading matter i select und includes n<>- thjiig "hivctiona'ile. A catalogue will ! shortly be issued c'uitaiiiing cliiHsilied titles of all the volume*. Aru you .a i member, reader, or aio you Allowing , your chddien the invaluable advantage 1 of access to such a library as this ' Kifty , chts only pays for balance of l.brary I year, May 1. M8aV The anuual buaiuusa meeting nf the Prsb\tenan church waa hidd on Monday aveniug, with the pastor in the chair. After reading and passing minutes of previous meeting the election of officers for the ensuing year waa proceeded with i U resulted aa follow* : Superintend- A Little Daughter Ot a Church of England ministrr cured of a diatreMing rash, br Ayer's SnrsnpariJlii. Mr. Uicn.\i:r> BIR::S, Uio well-known Dniggisl, 207 ilcGill st., SlontrcJ, 1*. Q., says: I hnvu sold Aycr's Family Medlclnns for 40 yearn, and llavu hen rd nothing but food said of them. I know ot man ' Wonderful Cures performed by Ayer's Sarsanarillo, oo In ptirtinular Iwiim tlmt of a littlo ilaiiglitvr of n Chun Ii if nj;luii(i minis- ter. Tho child \v:i< lit'T.-iliy covered from head to foot witii a red an<) ex- Cttt*lingry tronblusume r:mh. (r< m wliich she hud suffered tor two or three years, iu spiio of the best tne'Jicnl tri'utjnrnt available. Her fiithor was In great distress about tho coso, ami, ut my KconiiiiGndntioa, at last begun tu a<l- ministcr Ayor's Sarsapnrilln, two 1m:- tles of vhich etTcrteil ft complete cor, much tu her ri'lii.'f sa.l Utr father's dvllght. I am suru.weto h&-h4rnto-dar, ha would testify in -.he trtmsyut Urma as to tho merit* of Ayer's Sarsaparilla Curothr,yvlllcurey<Mi. Rubbers, Overshoe^, etc., etc, * A LARGE STOC^f SELLING Is at hand and we aio right with it and carrying a tine assortment of tine goods for the Xmaa tra-lc. WE WISH YOU All to call on UR, whether you want to buy or not, and see for your- self ..ur assortment of t'l\N"S. ORGANS. SEWINC MACHINES. 'HAIHS. I.OCN<;ES, PICTURE FRAMES, SIUEIJOARD8, BEDRQOM SUITS. PARLOR SUITS. and evui ything else, in the Furniture or Undertaking linen, (jood goods at right prices am sure to bring HAI>I>Y RETURNS t>> '.he purchaser, and we are prepared to guarantee satisfaction every time to ill.. MI who deal with us. r V H D E M<///?g fvf/7/Y<7/v3 Ware// On the lull opposite- .Armstrong's Jewellery Store. J. E. Baskerville5: Co.,*^" FLESH EJfcXON. \Ve I Ifl 5tyle, Quality and Prices. Now that the cutter and sleigh season has arrived, we wish to draw the at- tention of the public <- iln; fact 'hat we havp on hand a large stock which wo- .ire offering very cheap. Wed" not believe in boasting but we heliuve that *e cin give you a better article at less iimney than you uan get anywhere else. We hav? no dmna in our hive, we are all workers. Then again our large ex- p.-ilence and thorough knowledge of the liuamtsa unabies us to give you a bet ter article at less money than tlnme nf less experience can do. A hint to tlie wiso m suHicieni. Rciin-inlM-r we first prixe fur the best exhibit of car- nageSHt the liaxt Cirey Exhibition. Shop opposite .1. Smith > ^MO shop. I >. I S I . V I li The Leading Carriage Builder. rf LaruvruuuvrLrLTU\nj Lruuuuvruxruvi-ru Read this: Many who take I lie Flt-siierton Adxance ami read the adveitiboinent from DuudalU lui\. conic to the and ai di-u-i iiitned to contiutie doing so. Tin- i-idd may In- somewhat further, but no mailer how sliort the distance may be voitr day i ot no liiitiK-r use for woik by tlie liuie you lui\. flni ii.'d iiiini* . If tli<> nlwive be (rue, whf.1 inattff even lliotisli it be several iuil<>a furtlier, your team- ii:y us well lie eatnutg money for yon, and Ihtv wili be duiii^ s'> by bringiiijj yon to CALHOUN S to do your buying. The rush ot customers coiilinties daily- If yon wish to nieel your tneiids you will find thorn at C-Uiiouti's. The People's Patron Store, IH'NDAl.K. Now is the Time BOOTS AHD SHOES DESPAIR VNLi Mvu a aitdl l)*y' heavy *<ix and rubbers. '.>tla' a nutn's All Misses' overi>tok.kini(s r . Mid woim-'i s overshoes. Ui be <ld at lowest p<>a-~ sihW price*. F Usher to n. McTvrish's Curuge Shop. DODtfS'- KIDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU We i.irantM Porld's KWn Pith to rrm any caM ol l\nhfs li", DldMM*, I uinbago. Dtopnv. Rheumatism, llrsit rMscmc. f""*y Troubles. Imputo Blood-- c moo refun. i Soldby ilHcal-rs <n mlctio u of by < >M. L. A. MITM Is C0

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