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Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1894, p. 8

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THE FL1SHIRTON ADANCI OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. IM r rh Very Uet I" \CK IS CANADA TO flET A liiaioujh Mm Education, Take a Round Trip ;a? w &T," I. ill. !(.>. Bllil i.-rcial l)p|irtinont in I'ana-la.tlieii vUit riluirii Undo*** College ; uxinliie erery- in .,..iilily. If we (all to | in MI llniroiiiin. i:oni| I" ctlcl ami 1 . : tl.n InI uolloRU |" i,l tlv li.-i aii-l nion oomplet* mill mom unit able furniture and *| | UaoeM. will f . a full conr... HU... Kur Annual Announce- full particular*, frtM, *<lilr* C. A. FLKM1NG.' I'rin. i|.:.l. Eugenia Mills AM) Carriage Works. Carriages made ar.d Repaired. alo Placing and Matching, Baud S;iw. ing. Wood Turning of every des cription. Planing and Grain Chop pmgdoue while yon wait, for th Beaver tarns the wheel. T. W WILSO* Prepare for Christmas. A FAMILY GROUP KM I. r.\ Is fully equipped with re- quisites for turning out? per- tect clrtss of work. All kinds o( pictuies taken .uul finished in ;i style r(|ii;il to any city work, while the prices a;c lower. Picture Framing dniib iu all its brandies. If you have shopping to do and pictures to gel taken on the same clay please attend to the latter first. Careful at lention will be ^iven to copy- ing other pictures. Mrs. Bulmer. To the Public. ' ri'iitvil \Vliii(.,.n' In |i f. r u teini of yearn, I mil now in n 1 1 iMtioii i.i cnirito nil win, IK in my Inn Horseshoeing: a Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed r'or iyllilii^ in the bluukmnltliin^ line mil mi P. A. BUNT OI'POHiTH IURIIW t||.. Sl.'lU. An the iih'ip window* are already gay with C'hriatuia* i/omls, nnd our hotneK are tli.ii fpti-y odor which :i N from tin | tcpara t'on of miln-e meat ; and it* even h'tlc tin- tier* --in- pies sell into till? MTV icu of rain- in (toning ; tut through the i pen kitchen (nor urn 1 may catch glimpse* if m. met). m ; In '.w n a nd com pan it'll l>y whiffa uf tli.t llh.Hi- - Illl-ll- iioiit>il o.lor, I take it it is not too MI..II lo have it little . h.-it its to h" to make a Ittmg climax to all ihene deliciou* antic- ijMiioim. If tin re are children in the house it is all the nioru IL i c-wny that after 10 much piepiiration, Clirintin.-is d-ty itself should not fall It U impel. i 'iv.. th.-tt tin- clnlilrcn'it holid.n li'.nld hoc thrown H|MIIII ii nil the L'lamor that the imn^ination can conjure 'hat it should be rescued from a mere fc.i-t day, wht-n tl.i-v may indulge In ex- Hi " L"K'll clll'er" Without Cfllsurr, and i.-ii-ed to the plane of emotional ex all-ition anil n -tin-tic enjoyment ; in a In this (ill-sued lam), where one may have a spiucc, pint' or lir tieu for the Uking, tlieru art 1 many children who h.tve never lec'ii a fiuitne l'hti>>tiii;n othei s there art) who hue only seen one in a church. QluviuM an that one wag, it will not in mystery and fairy- like radiance with that tree which tills the f.iitheKt and ilaikent corner of tho ;.:itl"i. That tree w Inch him been KIIIH-.'- s;l--d in after the totts were nletip, and whoHe wax candle* have all inyttlfi iouly come aliifht at (he ilarkeiit hour before dawn, itii'l they tln-msi ivcs have a* my* t rii'iialy awakened just at the riifh' nm iiii-iit What i-M-ited (tattering of little hare feet ! \Vhitt suppreoted sorenms of delight! (for CUus cjnim.t have i-ry far away, anil they HtamI in a datioiatM, thrilling awe ..f him.) I'.nt bolder uriiwn with familiarity, they nriUe brilliant uui BSCA a* to whom each daz/lmc, toy. JUKI haiinni-.' out of reach, liel..n.v It nt not tlittiiMilt fur Ik'rth.-i t.. ynrm for hum is tlrr M-ilm-tive iloll ; nor dot-a Johnny heat about the biihh in l;iyiti .i:iim to riirli, ml in-.; ii.tin ..f can* Of n iii mo the clinilnii'.' miiki-y i< for hitliy, iintl the .sk;iteN for hi:: lirother, while that linen pieture hook i- for lull sister. Jubilantly the hiilf do/en tr.'l off in in- 1, each Imping a hulging, kin-liLy ItOckilMf i-olilelilt lnn~t In- nivrsti fulfil iB-fon- Mi'-h pnisy work as ilrevnnx and lilt itkfivstinv( i tlionghl uf. Nothing rvpajt the KMIH!! .-iniount if tloulilt- ami e\,..'iii: liei-esniiry lo tlrea* it aa a tree Tlmse who hahttiially hav. ln.,1 it convenient to k. ep a irreeii h:u.-e C >\ en il tlllt'e Ilieh liln, k if n I ilh it in-Ill III the ii-titii- in vthnli t< -[.u il i lo- tii -. Thin, with a i.n-k in . .u ! Allll (kllplKKillg the I lee to -Mini 111 a for iii-i i, lo which a pi.- e ot ti> , i.-il. Hill Mippijt it tiimly KIM- ,-i -nts worth of tisMie pitper ot tilth i. ni limy lie fill ll|i Illto little MI'IIL- 'niijeii -it r !i" em! ami eandii's I e.l into ilnMi to hanit like fruit up nil this ,|u -. i A||..W flint la MI Mirtid A|p'iit ..n. I ..i n _-, ^ in. iv i .ism U' Hiis|ieinle<l llontl.i- -li-.n^cr lilillnlles li\- l.>o the iHioe in tin- Mill or tyiuu to the stem, .ilni if Ill-'le el.V'oi'ili! liinim , wialiuil. Inly it il'./.-n pa. k.t-.'i-s uf pop t-"|ii ( ills o i i pit. ka-^e) and s'lin-; the com nllt'iiiaielv with e.alih- rr e sinnu- i -I ' thia l.'.-k v.iy j;.iy feat... n d iilii'll llie I.e- The elieii|ii- n t t.iV Illl- au lult'eO ){loiy when seen out r; II-L; I'm-ll lliooli'. tin- |.riinelie> uf "in 11 i In-. Then ol riiurte tin-re aie the eiuiil e. A .i../en wi.l -jo a Ion;,' way toward* liuht t ij the In- A nay I., nuk. ihe cat.- ille* aland (irmly in then lit-].- tin novk- t-t* m to heat the K n ket, II, n place tin,.lle Ill It. Tills of .'. .Ills.- 11,1 Is ill. Wax ii little, inns n ; it to .i.lli. i.. when h.ilil a^.iin. Snnni |nitii'iii-i. M r. i| In fiialt-ii the c.'imil- s on lln< tree, AH they have a |HovoUing t>'iiile"cy l lean . u> of :"! pemlirtilar. itntl MI iliip l.ii. ll^, on 'o-;it|i.-t or Look in .uytliiii- lyinu lien. -Hth tin in llm.ii. tin- wax I* not veiv in jm i"iis in ;ui\ inn...' li..t pluh or velvet, or tin- c.'Ver "f a Look, anil may 1. 1 i n, v i-.| vht"i Intril Ii .u in;,' ik liat-e. Tholli.'h i' is 1 1. lee We i k- I uli re Clilinl III is, I tin ||i t 'hink it lo. i --illy to hf-.'io lo ser- le the i |in v 1 01. : "T i tie.- or not o tie.- ' (.ipolo;; i'( to Sllllk , ,.. me), I-*- ln-ei-ill> I i ih si- u ! o Ii tie l|i-Vi r II ni IN l.-r : ami it llnit tiny may I this very Xmiis u till thin ln-anilni t.,i iii.ii, i -ii-toin ilin I hoe wiiiit-n thus i..nK .I., ,,ii ii. 1 kntiw t AO |ii ii,. eirU of h.i ,n.l ."V.nviMiK, uliolnul lie.-n i- lil III jest tl itt tlit-i 1 " uoiihl "Le no in-,, this y.-H>,' wl o nit out mined w.iii .1 |, n Ituifo, and triivi-.lin .. iluon.'h sn w .ihn\e their ki.ees tin \ t 1,-t-l ills.' n ei -. .1 tli-u tree mill pioiee.leil I., cut ,1 don n When tiny f.nnl how in:nlt'i| mil- thuir k-ii e Has. iln-v lelniio .1 liolin- for II.. ,- ,,; iieil iiothiirr i, ,iin 'nl net forth a-^aii,. S ,11 un,' t.i t in- ;i hi in no .w ' h y lin-k-'d till uppo..'u'liing il gtit nod n m .-t dl'C'.UI'l'jillU H-lllSlI on t .e put of the tl.'e to " " OR l.iiu-jlity head oiuwl tliuin lo al.tiidini 1 1. .11 tnhk for tlntt ni.'ht, tlt-ti'i mined, lioni-u", |.i ictn n " iu-ui..rr.iw " ami tuckln it at-ain. Sii. h pluck wan, of oounn,, and I hoy did not hare to gu " t,. m..uo* " tu gwt tlu-ir tree. A Boon to llr*<*mrn.-0n b.ttl if Knglish Spiui'i Lliiiinen'|>Vtelv it-iii'. veil u emit from iry Imrm). I take l.Mhin.- i'i n - -iinnieinliii',' the r'-nitily, n> I art> wit'i m\ -ti- lions proniptnrts in th .'inoti-il from horsen of haul, soft or cal- loUHud lump-, liloml |Mtiii,H|ilinli. curb*, sweeny, miles and npniitiM. UEOKIIE KOBB. Farmer. Markham, Out. Hold by W. E. Iticliardaon, DiuR^ial. \\ Inle .lumen Elliott, of VcMirit, HH liindinga load of hay, the binding pole flew against him. throwing him off the load and breaking hi* right leg and ore rib. _ AVER'S SARSAPARILLA S. P. SMITH, of Towaiula, Pa., \vlioso constitution was complrtely broken down, is cured by Ayer'a Sarsaparilhi. lie writes: " For clp;ht yean, I waa, most of the time, a !T''at mfferer (rum countlpa- tlon, k:,!noy trouble, ami ln<li - tlon, no tlir.t my constitution > : to be completely broken down. I was In. Inn (I to try Ayer** Sartapnrilla, and t.M.Ii nearly aeven little!", with auck excellent results tii.:t my t<nanch, ' . and kiilnevs nrn In perfect con- . and. In oil tli'-ir funrtlnns, a* rctrular as clock-work. At the timo I iM-ean taking Ayr*s Sarsaparllla, my wriiht was only 129 pound* ; I now can bra;; of 159 pound.*, and w-ir, never In so :ilth. If you roulil FCC mo bo- fore and after n*in", y..u would want me for a truvcllnc; advert l.wmrnt. I believe tills preparation of Knrsanartlla to be the belt in tho market to-day." Ayer's SarsapariHa Prepared br Dr. J. C. A vr X Co., Lowell, MM*. Cures others, will euro you CAR' I OBTAIN A PATKNTf FV * prompt AMWCT and an b<>n*i opinion, wniu t S I'll* & >.. :i" h. had <MwlT nrtv >ur ri|wn<>nn< In UM itnt bminM*. ConmanioB. tliiiiin.llr nindilHutlal. A llandbin.L ..f In fonnatloa ronrrmiiw I'nlrni. anil linw to oh i mi ilicm n-nt fra*. Almi a nualofw < 1MB leal anil iwieDUSo t>ookt Mat frM. I'aivnti lakea tbmuali Munn ft On. reeXtn nxxnal nutlc* la tin Mr trull fir \rn.-i I. M... ami tbiu are hruucht wlrt ont nut to th* InT.' l w^,-klT. rlivai.t tiful plHttH^ 111 roll hona.ith plana, ^n . , Uii'-t .livl>n> ami iwun- mntraitn. N 4 OOuMW Vui-k. :tl thi' with tur. Thin rMotulh! pP<l > ilhiii* it MI. ha* hr far the "' work In tho iiata enpiM Mtit f rs*. 'iialy. r).JO >.-r. final* ry Dmni" T i^niiji nj IM an. nnil phoK^rnpliii of lii*w ini.l. r, in -!., tUv A'l.ln->a v& I 5ee 01 1 R STOCK OF W M ilillnli.i I'.iteiit. Rl ll<', Mirti^'lil lloili'i s. I'.ienkf.i-il Ci'i-. HIH, I '-.. i , .1 II. I Oat-. 1 1, MJ I! ill Win ni. KM. I'eu iMniii , Splir l'i as. Iiiii-k- \meal Klnnr mill KICI . .A.I \ ill senj \\ r :i|. CONSTIPATION " BILIOUSNESS, -^DYSPEPSIA, * SICK HEADACHE. REGULATE THE LIVER ONE PILL AFTER EATINB INSURES GOOD DI6C9TION Repairs, Keiwirs ! M V D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON, HoKs r >H<*;i: AMn.KNKRAI, HLAi-KSMITH, KEEI'S <X MAM) Repairs for Mas&ey Harris, and Noxon, Fleury and Wilkinson Bros Farm Ipmlements. Plows: Fleury and Verity on hand all the timc.aiso all kiiiiimif lepaiiH for tin- sttiiji-. \\'u manufacture \VagJiia, Ilitj/ifi'-". CuttiTS, Slei,'li. etc. Hoi-Hi-siioi-iiio; prompt!) iuieii<]eil to. Special utti-ntmii to tender contracted feut. Lo^iui; and Plow Chains constantly on hand. Pointers **; CUTTERS AND SLEIGHS. 2 ^ I d T\ I I. 1 ' MEN. Aii tl'f siaxmi of now \ u|.|jr..mliin^. w ileMre to .Ir.'i* Jfl JJ in. i ii. M In our Mock iif Colt- m wi icli is now e.iinpku-, having UIR* t.if' I ^| i-ri ir-'in. lumli- up in a vuruty of -tyl'ii n..l finished in th tin. irt and at prieca llit i.eiy ruin IIP! ill. n In -l-inlin we i\r-- prepared In suit you in lighter heavy. j| A 1 vt oik nimli- ni tin- I-HC Hint. rial. Kiuilly give ua a call and oe own judges. B Siring IK hilieving. You mill tin.! it to ji.ur ink-rent tu call <ni \vhitt<Mi 'A* *?jS i '9|5 s 'i NO SUCH THING AS OLD AGE To 1 nose \Yho Use South American Nervine. A Lady of Eighty Years Permanently Curcu by This Wonderful Medicine. TUroe Doctor* Said " Old Age Wn Her Complaint." nnd Gave Her Lp 'llirce Bottle* of Nrrviiu" Cinve Kelief 'Iwclvc Hot tlo Cured Absolutely. MR?. JOnS DINWOODT, Floherton, Cut. I*ak of " An fid are I wan one of old *$re and n i HP. Hinl tiri^lit. and to- elr n* a Lxp- l.iiiil 111511 1." And nl*f*\v)mre this name -i-.rt lk of "An old if. beautiful i:<l free. 1 'l)ic' are conditions that rome to th it an i>r worn >n, though tliitir M>fli< inny liordrr elcwe on to a cn- tur>-. whi'n in th< erjovment of ht.ilth. In f rt it U il.llicult to think of ,.f t:.> nld meT nixl w men on t)it inj.-e of life t -day an -old l'*"H'le. there to lo -iirli u in. niiK.l vi.utliful- their every movemfnt and ct I'm.* Mitnenne tell n> that c<e lik.- th s mint bo the eirpptiou and not the rule witti tlmo who lia.e appnxic rd to i . \ - i .1 the Hutted three nc; r ronia and ten ? N. t "o. it Uu-v h:ire be- cniiii' 1 !in th virtues con- tuinfil m Smith AjiHTH' n Nervine. Be- H in ih< Hkfifii ia tho ]>.rtur of MIM. Juiiii II.H.MII ilv. df Fiexliertmi, Out., u renuli'iit nl thai tnwu f. r forty N i |.-r> n n> thi t n and country * de nroui>a m porhain bottor n tliun tin' lailv, nn'l l.i^hly eMromc.l. 'Ihiei' j \v s her and lot tu had been till the i un piore ago it me co ilJ do lier nor aur M.ido of the kind of stuff civebraulr ton.g at any time ohe did not denpair. r-he was i fluenced to try Nervine, She> t ok three Ionic*, nil thi *a* suflic'ent her tint hr wu* not yet. Fmm tl:co -Inn in , -n i n-lif. She per- evfiert, :ind in all t ok tele bottle* of tlic . id .i-.n.v jih t' e -o^ult thai *h* ) cured of that ><r*ak- ing -up in 1 1. ii M\s!uin thut, thieaunod bur three years in tho Thero i nothitu; fact that Mrv. Dinwoody >:!il to the of nlil e through- out thi< tr.' l;md. that with old age doo< not necessarily come decline, il.'crop ituite nnd disease, \\liv -h uKlvie not live into th eighties and n in-Hot, and toss tie border uf tUe jeiitary? S<.uth Aineruun Nervine, whether th* I *r<uii l>e vvuDfr or old, tu renters, mid when | ro- per mi, ilit . i n th T-tein in u. w|| nblo to w nii*t,i!id d:seufe at i-i^htr k* at thirtr. \\ ith this | ros| ert in viou- wiu would not live to nu old n^e uinl n/iy daughter who the |>leaxaies of In.nHsand world to her. The ciety, and tnke u frt in watching tho marvelous progms t.nd ilr M-N. iimnn c f -i.. i I. viatniDal ly ti.i* event oorapletelr brui>u ii|i tii* nystein of Mr*. Dmwnody. these closing tlity* of n vcndcrful cen- hhe upi d hr nd hud cumr. Shu tury. which maiktt aa not the loan doct red for 01 year with three doctors I wonderful .1 -e M-iim, tho discovery uf an i tnet gaT L*r case op, laying taut it | bouth American '. l-'oi- \Vm. U:.un.

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