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Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1894, p. 5

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TH1 7L18H1BTON ADVAMC1 lint-iking- < >li<-.- >t QEO. MITCHELL Aiemtrml bank i UK business trnacU-il Drfl-> Uini"! ami cheeq'.i.-H canned at usual raie Mon.-v always available for levinnU" titislDviw 'iii*tri>ri*e. Office two doori north of K*chard~ w>ll i Co'*. Vicinity Chips. C'hararteriKtlrs <r ih- Pant M.-.-k Cnlied fur the Currnii*. Millinery. Mr*. TrimMe's millinery r>ora fairly sparkk-s with noreltie* for the Xniai in.l.-. Mre new hats in thi* week Mid all t cut away down price* that will lu- iou. Next iln..r to R. TriuibUjs. in'M *n<*'* etwving limit tfUl he ,-><r./"i .i"e f*' r-itf of /'* prr lutf for ,,i.-k irtM. .1 ralttftum. trill I* made on *ir<*el for HH linu or oter. Hour; for sale in cans at this office. Tie f!l Asuiluii [> -ii in Owen SounJ '.i, Tumday next, lltli lucl. Tlia sacra-iient will be sdiummtered in the I'r. >!'> t> ri i "" Salnalh next; >rat.iry sen isM '-.i Friday afternoou. Dr. K.I ii v ho has been located ii.Mii.t. D.k , t..r the [HUH ymr. at i.rwei.t v.xi'iu.: t flie parental h..iue. Firmer* who briu.; in dad poultry t'> the intrkel >!ioiill ivineuihcr Hint i tine if f 10 call IK; iiM|'.-J if the cr. [> >/ the Jurds are n itmpty. One hundred cmd* of dry * d taken *t cub price m exchaiiKe for anything in i hu Furniture line IM J. E. lia*kurv tile . Flethnrtuii. The annual meetm- c.f fc>|.luaia towa- Pairou* will no held at K .cklyn -HI > Ii iiwi. Proton Patron* will h..ld their annual meeting at Hopurill* <MI Tuwday, Dec L8th. Mr .lol.u Kerr, *ho ha* been working i-i the Suill'ury nk-Uel mines all Miiiuwer, returned IIOIUB this Wee4t. Mr. Kerr left handsome specimens of uickul at tin* oltice. If you arr snii'-ua to find the nnwt rv- liahle U.d purilier, read in A>vr* Al- iiiiti,.i n.'iiiaN of those h bavw l*n . ureil of s^ 1 ' trnU diseases as catarrh, rheumatism and scrofula, by the - irsapanlla. Then yovern y out selves .iivordniiily. Rev. Mr Wells preached the funeral -L-rii.on of Ihc late Mr. Boyd Thon,p,..n in Ins pulpit on Sitbbath evening M"in the exceedingly appropriate text : ". \nd thoru is no discharge in th*t sr. " Kc -;es Sth chapter and 8(h verse. A an emeruency roxlicine, Aycr's i'ht-rry Pe.-t.ral take* the 1 -ad of all oth- vr remains*. For the relief ai.-l cure ..f ^-niup, wlnx'pintfc..ugh, s*e throat, nml the dan^vmus pnlmi'imry t""' ! les to which tht; young are so, it is imal- lublc. Winj; prompt !> act, sre to curiv \V havo rvceivi-d a tetter from Mr. Clark, of M^xwvll, denying that he keeps soft dnnkx for a!e nml givnm inir corres (M.iuU-nt'hail (' 1unil>ia lor in.ik n- oUtemetit. (hirc-T. fhoulil IK! c.treful :,iul semi I" only what he know* t-> Ir I'acU. _ ^^ _ _ Mr. W. Kichar :- -n > i'i--i Toronto nn Monday for tho pur|M*e of adding to In* xteii8it<H.-kof ,<.!( Diri-t Ulan '!*. His display ;.P in- . U- ahead of anything weu in Flwh- ,,t nWlore. Mr. R. will uiake a full Hiii.ounceiuent in his ipact <m the front uoxt week Dr. Sinclair, Tormit... the well known and inwt ucc*sfii *iwcialit in the trealnu'iit of all diseases f the lun. heart, kidney*, women's iWa- and v',-o,..ey nrUini* from diM-as, s of tin- heirr trrAted with pfifei'l success. l'i. Sinclair llIU-at Muiishaw's hotel, FU*herton, M ThufWay, Dec. '-7 h int. C.osulta tinn free, M: J .hnston Aikei.x forme- ly of Ait- .,a. but f.-r s.*i years past a rtcident ,.f Spokane. Washington, died n N- - 17 of iiiflininatin. notwitlidaudinx ih -lTors of two doctor* t.- MV him. at the !<i>enf:ttl. Deceased wax uMiuu-ried. He s a brother t/f Mr. Clauiliu-s Ekins of tins place If you EK-n'l FW1 ^ v ell i-eine-nter Man- i-y's" Celery Nrve Componnd, with IWcf, lw>iand Wine." is a (iuarnnte -1 cure for Dj-pepi. Nvrvoiisnes*. Mental I> r )rcii'n, an4 all wekne*a from a run down and overworked yttru. It haneTerbwtikiowii to fi'. t let a bottl* and b hamlthy nd hap' y. by all drupe 3w It is a urrat mistake no: to nubschbe for y .ur 1 al |m|>r. Koine pc<>(jJe say they caniiii'. iit1.>r<J to apeud a dollar n year in .such a way, but by such economy they ufteu l>e ten times that amount. They muu chancei* by not beiii:* |*wted. How often we hear someone my that he did not hear or know of this or that, v. hen it wait in the local paper and he w..u d have Haved a dollar or two if he had been a suhHcriber. Of course a country weekly seems a small atPt r and l.i |>iiv ile<.ed to y it is ' no u. ..,<(." that there i.s 'iiottiinf in it," etc., but after all any place could not ^utakiii^r vciy well without it. Dr. Campbell, writing to the Ouar- 1'. i.i from Dundalk, says : The IIHH- li i,"- friei d liavu wiped off ih debt of SiOO on tlit-ir |jnipur'y. IiuuieJiately a tf r the Leayue planned A o-mplete ivnewmg of the cfaurch buihliiiK at an ex of 9100, which they lime pid in full. On Thursday Viv. 15. at a literary and musical 'fathering, tlieor<^an- ist of the church, M>ss Emma M<>re, was presented with a beautiful gold watch, a token of i^rntitniie if the c->ii^re<2ation ; and fourteen d. llari was placed at the disposal of the choir, for bi.ok,t.'tc. Mr. Mr A. Aoheson, who is removing from our in list, was presented with a l!i"Jv to reoiind of pleasant a-".ia'>. \\ lien the Mnrkd^le pubiic sch'iol was burnel there wen forty bushe!" of p-ta- toe* stored away in the basement. Tin- is how Ur>. (ileiidinning Ucen tbe trus- tees : " Shades of S|iierr and dominie Siiui|.Hi I 40 bimheln of potatoes stored away in the basement of a t'500 sch--..l hou-so in Markdah*, ami thin in the I'.lth century. What a pen picture Dickens or would have drawn. Whether the were put tlu-rv for a lunch for the teachers or pupils 14- whether it was intended an an object lesson for the latter or to stimulate the study of agriculture in tln.-ir public school, we are not told. F r the credit of c.ur Trustee Ba'd let UH hi'|>e that very few luueinentH in our put- iools aie used for root |H>UMM. It is a ihaiue and ilinfrace. The trustees d*wrvi the roasting ihu r-ibers got." The Imperial Trio. The above i-inj<any of tenipurauce workers irave a successful eiitertainineDt in the Town Hall on Fndsy eveniiu UHI, under the tatipici-s of Hie \ ' >. I. \V. M Kichardsoii. E.*<., introduced the three u'entlciio n in a neat speech fciul 1 id* aiol figures r> gaoling the soci- ety, of which he was a ni"mber iiice iln inception here. In fact he ww thw first Master Woikmeii when il.e loUi;e was started twelve or thirteen years n-p>. lie coiiai.iured it a in irve!lunly cheap insur- auce swcieiy. Tho < nti rtauiiiu i t con- sisted of numerous souga of a iuu:|>erai>.e character by the three gei.tlrnien com- ; tin- IM *. all i'f whuh Ii- Weil rendered *nd [ilv.-ise.l tlu-ir l:vun rs : and a large number of s'vre.-ptii-- n Mews thrown on canvas Lv * lnn li^lu. This series) of views ** p,--h.i- e\cr shown lien 1 - - ice II- ery were paitic-ikiily line .ti.d Ktukin^. Scent-s from Te i N ih s in a llair "'in. and Scene* fr-'in the Life "f Christ, fol- lowed in MVidly colored vie-- weresernnnn - : .-id irnde a -Ifi-p nnpr. s.-:on on thie wli-i saw them. Tl.e elilcrtaincnelil wns of a very lil^ll "idel, and renVctet! much crwli'. upon the vn- society. Becu -Ideal Concert. 1 their laurels if thin young (gentlemen is let loose no tbe public for another season. The hand discoursed sweet munic at in [ervil, and the liand master deserves praise for hu painstaking tuition which shows itself in the j>...>d progress made under h HI regime. The national anthem hrouglic th entertainment to a close. \Ve believe the baud may be congratulat- ed U|*m a financial Muccesa, sod truat they nwy be so favored when they next eujfatftt a similar galaxy uf talent. Com. The Battle of Qiicenston Heights. i Tbe following verses ware written as a cemposition hy a 13-year old lad in the r form of Ktashertui public school. Tho vcrmw, jjiv^ evidence of considerable talent ID that line, The composition was written in haste and without any idea that it would appear in punt. Tbe Canadians stood on rocky groand. On one side of Niagara's banks. Th-ir canuon roareu with a thundering sonml. And swept tbe American ranks. The Yankees took advantage Of the darkness of tlia uialit, And urosMnsj In several row- boats They gained Lbe Queanston Height. Tbe llrsvu Brock beard ihenriag. Aud. puttnuf spurs to bone, He found ;u-ii retiring. but speedily cliangud their coarse. Tbe soldiers rt ru iui.pir.Ml With tlra courage uf tbeir romuaader And Cue Ujibt of the Yankees on the bill Very soon got up their " dander. 1 * The general tried with all bis might, Push on tbe York Militia, Au t if I'm able to do it right III tescrie* the battla's issue." Our soldiers were nglitmg bravely Anddotiiti la. IT very bass. When a uiunket ball iroiu the Yankees Sent tbe Brock t> bis rest. The soliilern, a. 'JIIHJ for v.-iuivance, yui.-ki. .lvuci-d to attack, Bat drui Uy force of tirnubers Tbe Amuriceue druTe tuem back- Another s*mer*i]. suruamed Snealfe. ArriTed aud touk couituau<l. Hd clun^fl tbu )>in of action. And kevaU aur Canadian lanJ. He raiue oa tbe flauk of the Yankees, Thvn with one creat sbout and rell Our ifinfaanre seeking army I'pon the Anierioans tail. The Indians ijeve a war m hoop, Tb.i Yankees were driven back. While tome, atteuiptinu to av their lives. Jumped into the river, "whack. ' The rest of tbe Yankees surrender.) 1. Ami It r"lnin to l>e t That the Yaakeas could fa b -tter flghtiag If the; ouly had lew to say. A farmer otfen-d hnte steak for sale I on the streets of H. mover the other day. | 4 :it*rrh K.-i:. ,-,i i a n> t* MlllHH" . l)nelnn t pull i! tne uleulb j ._li the blower, supplied with Lottie of I- I'oKii.-r. dif fusen thiH podar oxer the nrf.v:e of the nas^l Painless an I di.-'i*htful to U!<e. it ic.ievcK instantly, a-nl pt'rman- ently curen Cttarrh. HayKever. i'ohls. Meailichf, Throitt, Toi s'litm slid LVafnass. 60 cents. At W. K Richard- | ; inn "f " \ , iimvil wthgnciil'% t'ie Be.ili Ideal Cnce t I' - -uipany in t!-e 'l'..n Hall on M. irlay esniin^ under Hie an-.;iui-^ of the \ sniall but Wllll i> plentiful small !>"> ' li:viied '" l>r (.".ii xi' i - (ici.ini; renuiiks UN cha.r- nian Hh wiaptntU'iit.un uliuh wa.tmain txinetl wnlil the prg-aiii wo-o itsell out. Tho ci'iM|-anv in:'.'!-' n ino.t 111 rrestin<: oxhili:tiiii of llw i.~ '' Tin ir f ret.dcrinj; a nuit*r of old minus sli'-ulJ be patentod, copynghti-d r protected from iiifringt-iMfiit in si-me w:iy i notliii.g like it has he<n heard U-fore in this part of the ci'initiy Their <|viaitette intriv- ducing diick.s miatkinif w wonderfully true to nature and the 1 arnyard. In thw iiumner one --r two of the performer* seemett in their natural e'caient. A *n>g with a number <-f 1->C*I " hit*" by Mr. Van Bradt wa* rspturoua'y received. Mfsat*. CameroQ Mid K\x must look, to The Best Medicine. J. O. 'NV'n.^iv. Contractor and Uitildr, Sulphur Sprinsrs, Texas, peaks of Ayer's Pills: 1 \VT'S Tills ar t!ic bi-.t niruii-ine 1 <.r.-r tried; and, in inj- Jiid-^nwiit. no K tor Kvawral remedy con W IM dovlned. .1 Lave uad them la my fiimily uud MCOUUaeinted them to my friemlri ami finpl.-yo* for n:oro twenty years. To my certain knowl.-l-e, many cases of tho follow inj compluuLi have been &; SHOES, J Rubbers, Overshoes, etc., etc. A LARGE STOCK: SELLING OFF CHEAP. b at hand and we aie right with it and carrying a fine a*<irtment of fine itioida f-.r the Xiuae trade. I.t il N<;EV \VE WISH YOU All to call on us. whether you wnt to buy or Dot, and see for your- i.t of I'I\ N iiUi;\N^. SEWTNC M\'MI\K.s. FUTI UK Fk.V.MKv . I'AltUH:- snd everything eW in the Furniture or I" ndertakmi; lint-s. (Jood . at ri^iit prices are sun- t<. : MANY MAI>I>Y ^RETURNS to the purchaser, ami we are prepared t guarantee satwfactiun i.-vcry time to those who deal with us. r \ N HK Leading Furniture Warerooms ' >n 'lie h.ll >| posite Armstrong 's Jewellery Sinre J. E. BaskervillecSc < >X. We Lead,i OTHERS FOLLOW t that tlif mason for cnttrrsand slei^bs is spproachin. - the au.-iiti. u ol thv rublK ilie f.. t [list we ar nw popiiriUk' a Un.-> ' Licli w* will li.ite for ui['Mon in * hri tune, au-i r- ij, I .- . frfwt both m pn:e. HITIV and quality. Y- u ml di:d it to your mlarem to .leal with we ar*> dfHeruiiipJ t.t d.i ti';-iu--i> \\ wmii.l draw your sttentMU t the fact hat we took tint piise for the brut i-\l::1xt i.f csrriaResj at tbe East <trev Kxhibitiou .'pri)(Bt dosJing 'suur motto. The Umdiog eamafte l!u-.lU<-r. Read this: M.iny wi.o taltt- t'uo FlesLerton \ilxanee ami rend tin.- advertidouieut from D'.iudalk Lave come to the anil r det-i-miiie<l to contiuiic dmn^ so. The 'iiu'wliat ftirtiH-r, but no matter ho\v slmit tin- dist.atic" mav be your d . tMt-r u<e tor woilt ly Ui tiruu v-vi rt'tnnn-ii I It' tliv sbovi- [it- true, wlikt matter i-v. i tlionijli it be c>i-riil miles further, your t. ii::i\ ii-i well h.- :i: niu^ money for tl.< v wtli be doino so by brtn^iug you to CALMOUN'S to Jo yriRr biiytng. The nih ot customers conninu-8 (iaily- If you wish to meet ycui tiit-nd.s you will find them at Cilhoun .-*. The People's Patron Store, DUNDALK. Now is the Time tely and Permanently Cured uso of Ayer's Alls alone: Third i'.u; chills, iinuil> a-:ni , iMlious fever, Rirfe heitalot-he, rlieunuitism. llux, dys- IK-pHia, constipation, and hnnl colds. I know that a tnodt rnte use of Ayer's ntiniiixl for a few days or weeks, latiiro of tlio riMiiluint required. would be found an abs<>liiu- cure for the Cisordcrs I liuvo ntuueU above." "I hava been gelling medicln* foe ei;;ht yours, ami I cnn safely say that Ayer's 1'ills (;ive belter satisfactio* than any other PHI t ever sold." J. J. Perry. Spottsylrania C. H.. Ta. AYER'S PILLS Pnrared y Dr. J. O. Ayw * < X , Lowell. Ma**. Every Dene Effective BOOTS AND SHOES \ND 1 Men'.-* an 1 l y' heavy s-\ and rubbers. (j uls' an. I Mistea' overstockiti);*, men's and wouie-i s ovvrsh^es. All to be sold at lowest rxsv siblu prices. aos. SMITH, Flaehertc.ii Opposite McTaroh' * Guriagc Shop. [JONT DESPAIR ODD'S'- KIDNEY , PILLS WILL CURE YOU W imartnttc DodJ'? Kidne Fills to tore an* case of Br'hfs Piss^r. I'u (<-s, Lumbatp. I IHorsy. Rhcumitism. llesrt Dtwa*e. f*njale Troubles. Impure B\ood-o m.,ncs rttunded. Sold br 11 <i*al r In racaicinc, or b> mail oa receipt ol eric* >ac. per boa. ot SU boaoesa-Je. OR. L. A. SMITH t> CO.. To. onto.

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