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Flesherton Advance, 6 Dec 1894, p. 4

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T H 1 f ITWMTffl AIT t* C I KSTABMKHUD 1881 Ad vance n BI.ISIIKII WEKKI.V AT THf OfTHT.. KVf>- I MUM MTUr.KT, KI.KMIKKTuS, I'M . BV . H. Till K.+TOS. $1 per uniniHi.slrirtly In ndvnnrr Adveitismg Rates: One Column, 1 ywur. 50 ; half col., 1 yew. 9l (jjartor col., one year, *15. Traotlant adrertiwuienl charged an thr rain cf Scuat- IHT linn for fr>.l insertion u.l 3 evutu acli aulnouuent innvrtlon. Toronto the Kood is in deep mourn- ing for lifirself. mill incidentally for lier worldly uiindi-d aldermen, who have been lining their position to ex- tort piivato donation* from ci\y con- tractors. Tltf good people of that city have a dim itK-a that these private donations conic out of their own 1'ockets in a roundabout way, and arc taking the iuatt< r int.. ilieir incmtseri. pns. consideration. Tlnee or four aldermt-u and e*-aldcr?nen have tluu fir bc't-u convicted of sin There id a town not many miles from Flewhi-rtoii \vliei-o nearly every thing appears to be run on political linen. For instance, 'here is a lun- .itivu and a Itefonii doctor, a I'ouscrvative and Ituform bank. do. hotel, do. drti^im, ftc.,etc. The clitircliCH and public school have not yet divided, bin tins will no doubt come in due time \\lnn the wealth of tlie cili/ena will p-rnni. Tlie itiil.ntiliratidii of the town ii n:i- i . n -.sary ; it is tho alisnnlity of Ihu i-it'iation wliieli we wixli n> iliaw at- tciitioii to. The yOMfpMpIt of that i-i\\n will either become extreme par- tnatiH, or what is probably more mi- i imbibe un abliorcucc of politics ct all kinilx. the payment uf 9100 bjr the county, LP- iw iiiaintniiiii ttie child until it IK 10 yuan of a>/t> ; account! fnmi C..|.|> Clark Cu .. $860 ; and (i.N.T. Tele-Midi Cu., ML On AVedneinlay afternoon the ecoiid -i-iinc <>l the xiaaiuii i>|>eiiccl HI '2 uVluck, witli th warden in the chair. \ttii the of the iiHiiu'ea of tlie (ireviom nni-:ni: and the pCHittmlatioii of mmilxT of aocouniH, the revo "f AtteincHla nit reduced it livlaw tu coiitinn Bylaw 510 'if tlie Innrnahip of Art.-iue.sia. t u |i>ntii>ii f wcieruad in ilntt town. li:|>. Tin- Ujl.iw Hit> reml first :ili'l M-n'llil Illnv Tlie council then en lured ujiuii n (!i-> euaiiun of a inoti.'ii by M,-^-i>- Stuart itllli l>.n i* I" ,i|-|.uint H ler to Wltlt ii|>i>ii tli eunnry trr**urr to ascertain the amount of ii|jiry, fo nud cuiniuiii- aion lit! received. The motion WHH <>j>- (H i.-id liy li-ailin'4 mruilivra of tin' cumuli, liilu Hi in i nii|i|H.rtod it fur the purpose uf seen Mii'j tlie infuriuatiuii and ni>t with an ulra Hi ifluctiwn. All uf the mem l>ern ruliigi/ft Ml I'a'krr'it H'lliu. An iiini'Ii llrcnt liy Ht-vve Drown of Durhnin u <{iu'tttiii|f Mr. I'mker to furniiih a stair niunt of tlin feex and coiiiinimioiia ru- .-u.-(l dining IM'fJ.H, earncil, after the warden had itnii.iinin-d tlmt Mr. I'.nker had re'|iieHU-.l the pinilcje uf ruining I.efure iht in iiiitku a Htuleinvnf. The cuuiiril then adjourned uiilil two o'clock tin* a:i-'iii""ii T nir-. > . . Endorse* Dr Kose. C/aplftin Sweeney, I . S. A., S.m Diex* Cnl , navya "Hhiloh'ii Cati uih Itemed v ! lilt) tirl inediciue 1 Intve vcr lound tllM would do ni any good. ' Price 50 cculn. Ufii-i ID tf llum n.v.r. .-inx Kid uy .u.d UUddi r tlineiim-H ittlievnl m itu . huura by the "Dreitt South American ; Kidney Cure. " Tin* new remedy M a great Mtrpl-iae and delight mi HCcount uf Hi exceeitm^ pruinptueM ill ruliuving pain I'HVMi UI WHO DR KIKE'M ol'IMos I. Dee, :t Tlie, letter uf Dr. \ ti. \l< i 'unmet, df KM limui il, <,>'"'. teotifyinK to lii* i:inii|>lefe and pi i' . iin- lioiii Kii^htH dmeaoe t>v 1). dd'd Kidney I'.ll-. li.ii l.ii-n M-.ul with much ileiei.1 liere, Kii|ipi.riiii!; :t it iloen the County Council. Cciunty Council met in < >wcn Buunil liat wuex. Clerk Rutlicrf,.nl opeiiinl tlm MiHion and citlledi for iniiiiinntioim for w.ndeii. Ueevw I'riiitilr. of Sullivan, waa Uuailllliouilly clnweli. Ill hiit .'penni',' iiililn-m the warden ani 1 . hardly knew hi> to expreM hit ^rHti- tude for tin 1 .'lent honor tint e-mncil Intd done biin. He hul neithd ex|iccti>(l or the punti'io. He t'-lt very in f, but nt a fiMiinT wurdfii had put It, tluwt who Imd Krtwl linn t.. the p- i Mill Imd not done nutole^ve linn. I lit ...mid reiiiniii hm ataunch 'fiiendn ami linn all the iimiiliine.e poKMilile. It wax tlie tii'.i linn- in the lint.iij ((f Ilia ilii|i llial I IK- li'iiiui of (be. witn'eli xlllp llrt'l IK-CO elillf.-ri< H oil lit re|Hi *en i.ilnc, itnd on lielctlf ..f i he l'i\\ntiip hi thnnki-d them. Me regretted deeply the came of the |X>Hilifii li.nn _; tu ! lillud Thu late wnnicli lui I In en a veiy dea Irieiul uf his, itlwnyn ai>y tu nppnmch fo; advicu or fuvor, Mid uf kindly ilm|Mitiiiun 1'helii wan not a member of I lie CIMIHCI who felt I Iin II.HM moru keenly. It IM a n it wuriilliU l (hum |>ri--i-iit (hit within tlie year flic council had heei . ille.l urMin to till two of ila it mi puiiMiit poititioiia tbruii|{h ihu ia\i'i- u death. llti hope.l t i bi> NiiNtniiuid nm -I..I in tin- county's IIIIHIIIUIM hy ih i'.H henly ( |iei'iliu|i. Tlie clerk announced that mnce the laa >ii the old iiie.sieiijiel. Air. Join Mills, had pii*.i< d over i.. tin- nileiit in i j'.riiy. lid ivitd n letter fi'.in Mi- Saddler, H (Imi^hler of Mr. MiIU, nukui that ilm lecond half yuat'ii .iil.n-y bt> pan to her. A iiinnUir of other coliiininncn t.uim Hial iiecuiiiit . W.IKI piiMented aa follow* : St.iieineiit fiuin M afoul i">r |ivin|i"n ahowinu o<nt ol i i <\ MI cl l.ndi(e ILT Uu; Uead rivt-r In I.. sj.|l> : 72; and .i-Uinv' that iW)<, Ilm loiiiity'ii nhniu, hu p.ii'l over , atUemrnt* nf the cininly iruaaurur on imiiyt ni, Htationory. p-d (Ultra ajid iiuclioiiuera' In-rintu HCC..IIII'I ; of agreement betwtfvn the warden 4inl Mr. Ix-ijriiw for the adoption of the ilhild of Ann itu indigeni, MI tb K*"', by hi v -h nu t-cellt letter 'it L)i K. A. HUM', of u .-, nli. i HIM cvirnl lit' dialiotuB liy the i' i.f iin -!.- jiilli. Of eoiirne UK further nrrol>r,ti mil of th cuiiitirv (|iiittltif of >((ilil'n Kidni-y I'iUn reiju red uthei I. .in 'he i*tiui(>ny uf Dr. Kow, hut a la iatii|iirli.,n to klluW ulher ,il en are aide l j'lin the Dr. in tMtifjTIBg i> the wi nh of tli pill* trmii |xT>nal rial. in tin- 1. 1. eld. -i, kidnejH, lirtck and part of the uriimry pa<ik){eH in maluur fe- male. It relieve* retention of pain in pa-Hing u almost immediately. If you want I,CIK V relief and int. thnt in ytruJ i-,,,,.,ly. Hold by W. . Hidiardaon, OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Advance will club with the fullinr- inK periodical.-, thin year at the figurra HHCII below : The Advance and Toroiit<i Duly N >. a daily and weekly pa- per one year fur. 91 W The Advance and Weekly (Jlol.e ... I.M) The Advance mid weekly Kinpir<*.. 1.80 The Advance and Montreal Srr.... 1M> The Advance and Fanner>' Sun... I '.'-'> The Advance and IjidhV Jounial... 1 '." The Markets. Cnrrrully Currrclrd Knrh Work Kluiir 9 3 lit t.i t u f,;, Fall Wheat .".."> to ."i.'i S|irni',' \Vheat fiT> t 55 :tl to 31 Nutter Ki:a, freh I'uNltoea IIIKJ I'urk Hay per ton Tnrkeya per tin. k-* her pjnr \V,K,| . . .">." tu .'.."( 1(1 :il to >>\ to 50 to 1:1 t., 14 K. 50 to 4 ;:. t., <; u<) to :; >M. to IV. to 4k to -: K. 40 to 16 tu 14 14 60 .-, (HP I, INI a no _:> I 8 to ) 10 llrarl Ulwrnsr If. h<-. <t In :so f illllli M -l>r. AKIKI'H wr Cunol tLe perfect relief in all C.-IM I li-iirl .11.". nu- or Nyri|lhi-tic Heiirt DiieaMe in 'I ininviies, ainl npeedily etf< cm H cure a pen I, ;< leinedy for I'nlpit.ition, Sliurtin-iw of |tr. .nh, Sii.nilieiiiiK Spells. '.in. in Left Side Kin) nil syniptuim of a ),e. ied Ilitirt. duo d-ise eolivii.ei -i Sold liy W. K. Richard*.:). i:iii-iiiiiiiiini < nrrti inn Dny vniih Aineric.ix Uliciiiiiat'Nin Cure, for ; iiemn, iii-ni nnd N nr.iljin. radically CIIICH 111 1 to .'I (!tiy IIH iietion upon the syhteni m reinnrlialile .did inyNttfiiiU*. It rcinuVcftHl OIK c ilic c:tii*c an<l the di- iiiuiiednitely di*i<ppeiir*. The hrt li*e ijre.iil l)erii'lii 75 centn. Sold \V. E. Idchaidaoii Daniel Kit/. I'nipnet'.r nd Pnlilinher if the 1 1. nulling, I In I , llide|H-ndelll *I\N "1 W;H xitfcrinu fi- m Dy*[>e|Mi irnl Liv- l 1 1 on I le. I took H few IxtttlcH ( Slnluli s Viialz-r mid itcnrel me. I can rcc. iniiieiid it." Unrrle.l. H()\V| I . .|-| I |;v \ttliv n-ii'i-nrimf III* liridr n Intlicr. AH.Mi.-lo on Nov. f* l.\ tlie Ite\ .I..I.M \\rlla. M \ .li.-diB,. l..!,- t,. Mm- , ilnimliter uf Mr .l..liit Spfei>. nil uf tlie Altcllltlia. BUY YOUR HARNESS (lood 5to;k, flood Workmanship, Prices. Curry Comb*, nrunl.ei, II IMI.^K Slcmli I'.elU, licit! KIM! ('owliuiM Hulie", Axle (ireaae, Itl.mkrt!*, and everything in my him cuiiHiuntly mi liand. I. ire onlera utrly AH we are altrayg iiinhed in the fall HVHBOH. W. Moore Harnessmaker FLESHERTON. Canifnrtblilwi(lln.i! In Flci<)irtnn. A|>p " |t. J SIM. Notice to Creditors I i t iii.iMT trf .r.i l.tttle, of thn *iUnu , u( M\w, ]!. Ir lUt-t 'uiii-ty ut (.i.-,, llliuk Notin- IH hiTi'hv ^.\-n thnt tlii* nlMivi* HHUK <l JolniM.ui l.ittli- IIHH innila ttn n< ik'niut'iit ! im Of all hlH 1-stnti- ft Ii I i'!l. 'i t ti| t lit- ^fliri Hi I it* || i* tit i.' I. is t i 'hii'i . uinli-r the | H'\ i-H'iirt of chapter i.'l. U - <> . IHH;. MU.I Aiucii'ltn^ n. i . A llltH' tint' "t til*- in'itit-HM .1 ^ni-i nk-ii;nor will In- IH-I i nt inv nitii i in tin- vilU^. <>r h li<-h- it -ti ui tin- 1 oiint \ ii! Urt-v. 'ii liinn.liiv iin- i th av ..r iirrfiiiiM-i. A u . irtin. nt .' o'l-iiM-k III tin- ilft.-l for the ri|.|i H 111 In* tit -I tit- |K . I iii- Kiit I tlit- i/i\ in*: nf JIMM tifiiM witli ii-i. i . IM a t.. til. ill- |M -Hal Of til.' HNI'l6t> t. AD r^ilitorn arc I<M l>\ n>|un t.d to till- tli.-n rlfttlii- \>'< nt> 'i l'\ niTi.lavit M-> iKpilu-il l*v Hai<< art with im on 'i Int. .it- tilt* Ktft'oiul il*-v uf ininmi \ .Alt. IHU.V ftf*..-r wlMvh lat uii-i.ttnne<) ilKt<- I -*illl'l |'l .. ..... I t<> illll ll>l|ti< t)l<> KM 1 1ll' i'- ta f e, hrtvinK- . t. th" i*1atn>H nf whirh I Hhall HH-II IIK\ initirf. MI t 1 will not 1> ru- * pout*! tilt* for HIM a^st-tiM of ttiM HH'.il r or anv PHI i t h. i .if in iinv p-i .1,11 .n pi r UN -. whott* rlaiin > n\ 1 ii,.t ilu-ii Im v . lATl AM A \\ I . A, H VASDl Ht S '. trtli. Asni^no,', Amintn-i-. ' Wr.i J-oilli-L KI0lifi !![ -it'.ll. 101. . !-: II T > > ROLLER MILLS An> now complct and are miming wgulai. TO KKNT. le ilwvlliiiK In Flrrliei H J FLESHERTO* STEM \WM. I tin. n ii tt>ni|'U'l' -' inn laitti' ITI 1 I. -ll.-i loll |ll|. I Hill , ii) iiuni.titv >f Itituntrv wurk lit lnw*>r i-ii^cs flint HI rliai vfft i- 1 s> ttht'it- I )IHV<< put in I he Itt *' iirl tllortt Jin|i| ovt'tl 111. i. 'ill ii- v t tlirtt ll-l Kllnll\ KlVf 1110 H fttll. 1 lit I I f Hftllv'iu-tii. mi i>iictMlow MH- il: Mihi-i- and Lot For Sale, for Christmas! * CO A Lady asked a physician if tight be- ing was injurious to health. He replied : 'Of CORSET is." But she continues t" wear corsets and so do most ladies. and when a good, well-made, durable corset like our "Fam- oas" can Le had for 50 cents, no wonder they all wear cor- sets. We have corsets at ^50. . 300. and 4oc. and we have over a dozen different kind Flesliertou Furniture Warerooms Are offering special indncprrent!! diir- ing this Xuius tune of 1894. We have added lo our already lar^e and van /d stock sotuo attractive lines at equally attractive prices, evpecially for the holiday trade. We have a largo aasorluient of Hand blet^lm BO low in price that tvery bor and girl oiiflit to Im.'e one. Also runnel:) to ht on yotir baby carriage. In onr iiiiisic department we h.tve organs, organ stools and u very nice ln:e of music porilolio!*. For your parent or fneud a nice comfortable rattau lee-J or eagy would be a nice pit i-ent. \Ve have them very low in puce. In fact all furniture at elude cut prices for tlie holiday trade. J.E.HOORE. Dry Goods. Our stock was heavy but as the assortment gets broken we cut prices to clear lines out Some <M the newest things came late and have to be sold. -orn- UNDERTAKING As uflttal. pood work. s nr) d attendance, good lifarac and low prices. Strain & Moore. KIT ~iil cli,'i' an. I <M. cv toriiH hi V'leohnr- ton. S|.l,-i,di.l U. k: . .. M.II. I bit, k (Iwrlllnii. willi ^t....l ^t in,, cvllfti. MI. Inn. er kit. lien (Oil \o....l- hdnsi.. nl-,1 ^.hhl f'ltnie Httble. t.rick lit.,-,1 I' ( 'IM'-CH cull In in* two Ul^c l"l ^ HI. I K.xl you UK (.((|.r<l. |H<IU|I1|{ H>ill(< Itn.l i>ll'tiii)lilllit>4 H(.. . \i:c|.|l..i>llv Wi-ll nillihc,! nii.l <ry (( mtly laid out. Applv to l; i M-IIIII i .,- KI....II. it .M HOUND CAME ASFRAY. ('nil- to Die n n. I. -i- 'tin. i on tli.-mcninxof I'-lh Inkt.. ant) folluwc.i I oic< In.niiil i'iicr CNI. hh vc Bailie l.y |^ pi .ip.-i t v i.nil pn\ 111^ .-Ml." I.MIUI.II. ,.i. N(iv I'.i. 1 BOARS FOR SERVICE. Tin. iii.tN.rKJKlUMl hrt- two widl hr,l Kmr* one .ml (.11 \i.rkl|i ., nhllc l..r T,-. in-. 91 , UK IK eauli at tlin naahrtou,N* m, . it CHOPHFG P. LOUCKS. done pvi-ry nfternoon is usunl. HOAKFORSKKVICK K irt clftHo Itnar. crtMd Imlwo^n YorkKhtre and I'rrkiliiM!. (.>r irvlcuii lot 174. lit \N T. A H It., ArtclliOTla. Until |i.e I . to.ik lirt pilluat t.iiMt v uliu* , Tarfti* 7.'i r^r.t*. M.(l.OKn,|>rupritor. rie>lieriuu,Nor. 'di. HfllFBR STRAYED- (4nvc"l from tliti PI-CMC KH of Mr. J. Adonic Kl(liBi t.ili. nl.uut MIC "IH h.Nt . ere vearl 1 1 x heifer, all IK.I (>. cinii'i! wldtf tip on tall *i< a Inn., while tniiUr Ixlly Infriii>i'nn thank fully ii'iui\ vil b> th owner, K. rim i n. or ' SASH AND DOOR FACTORY On Man St. I'laiiiiiii; nud nu'ri.iii",. 'A in;;, inoiililiii^s, etc. Wm. SLOAN. Mantlos. Assortment ot sizes and styles still good although much reduced, and prices an being reduced t., clear Lhem out this month. Genuine snaps in tliis department may now be had. Furs. We ore headiiuarters for Fur C.ipes in Si al.Oppos.urn, S.iMe and Astrachan ; prices low as the lo\\e-t gooJs guar- antee. IJoots. Our soles in this depart* ment ar^ this fall lar ahead of past seasons. \Ve have re- ceived a large quantity of Hoots, Rubbers and Over- shoes this week to a -sort siz"s sold out. Christmas Fruits and Groc". nes all on haiul now at Richardson & Go's. I lurt l\Viin* HOUSE COLD ? I'v |>i!ttih!( \\'<Btlier Sirica armitnl yuur Mini wuuluwa you can keep u wai m and nave w.xul. TIN WAKE. A uww Htifk of 1UI>(- Puns, 1'nd- 'ini; Mould*, .telly Tn.K.S-.iiii Pip)i and Elbows inn\.-.| Crockery & Glassware. t'riee* for Tea, Dinner and Ueil. riNiin atlH tiro n\vny duwii ('i.nnn^. t 100 piece Dinner Sett at $10, umml j.riee 116 Our 5c. and ?5c. lines ((f Glamwart are splendid valued. Axea, Croia-cut Saws, 81i K h IWU and Skate* at Richardson & Go's

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