THI rillllltU 1DMIC1 '.:in k t liii Office <>t QEO. MITCHELL A general binkf of. bumnm transacted Dm. ft- in! <!boq.ies i nhd at unuaJ rw- I --v :\*fcy* *vai).*bif for lfiii> riitv. OCBexi twottoori uuitlt of * Co .. Vicinity Chips. i i-rNiicx of th* Pan* Wek < nM.-.I f*r the Cur ions. tke /'*- l.'n- /w *.// ** yitra, orang-* sud leauiai just in at BtruliOBse's. Dau't f..rf*t to eU mi A. . marriage license. VanDuscn Hew subscribers grl Tlio Advance fur r':i balance til tkia Jir i Any |*r*i-u nt po*sesitiK a oW <U>* i* dcctdly "ft ialie iMliii*. Te aimnal ehees* ure^tim; will lie lidd in the T..WR Hull, Do-. 3, at 1 o'clock. battery. On November 8tb both pnrtiea w*H a Lumber rf wtfcers wr at tlw Kailr- ;uj Howe, Klehrton Station, r'rotu Jin <jri4ict> tha defendant and cuiMiJuiiiant wre intoneated. Without iti.y provocation McDonald tlrnck H.m HH|I. an<l then the fracaa bn.-n. Dunne the ttauc cnoi.uMtor (lu wl.iij tlwre wa< MM d.mlit e.'iisiderabW Hcieace wMali in harat-teii<tic ii the ro|nu arrtia) Hwnnah rttceivd rr*l cracks troai tie- drfend- an* ami his brother Danivl. Th drfund- nut cafUio out of th scrap withiMit any Mi- jury. Sic witnesses were heurd ; aiM McDuiiald vita liiwjd 12 and umiia, $V 50 mail \V.H Wrirlit forlM't. : <i. N. Pattersoa for Pitt ' ' > Ladi, Try it |iir . Jf Richardson'* famous OOc. the l*t valiw in UHJ Over Coats. Over Coata. Another den vary ,rf vrcuaM for aird l'Vi |>l;iord iu stock till! uil l<tie value iu tht>%e Liues. I/ you wi.i.t a c*at cheap a*d Kioxlcail at M. N\ ;ni, Kug-nia. advertise < il boi~* AIM! catlk for *ale iu thia Mrs.-!. T. Wright. f Wi<-h\t. K.,m 1ic ^ui-t of b-r father in-Uw, Mr. Tliorp XVctiht. Mr. Wem. Aimttr-MH,' and )>ride, of J.iictnow, are apendiny a few lay with the funiicr's [.areuts here. J,4i MoD-.iuild hw U ui elected to the t.^.-lnp -i Sycanham t.. 11 the vacaiMy ,M by the death -f Warden Lcu.>u. Tim Otrui Souu.1 Ailvertiner y tlw Iui|i.-riitl Trio, wlucli a t . .ipf ir litre on Ki-i.Uy night, r* drawing .-I'ladi d lioif MJlinery. M>. Tnwble'a millinery ro.m fairly -p.iri.les witli iiuwltwai for the XIIMU More BOW hts in thu week and ail at cut away dwn price* lliai ^11 aH- to|iuh yoy. NVct 4<>or t< R. Triiutlu's I ,.- M .k- of ths Prtr.yterin nd Mcth.i.iut Sal.t.i'l, *.-li.Hj are n.. v; for tire noliday ainiivvr- M rv.ii.ort'. hiUnNnie wutet o>Kr s , \! KictutrJii'ii \ Co'-, uiirfow . t IUIK-II ntu-ution. They are very j.reity hit of art. I ncuiUr tb ii>ncert in the Tnn Hall t. morriiw (Kit-in) eveiiuu, Ui-drr t lie auiiioM of th Worknwn nn-iery - have Uec p>teJ giving full uartic- nlari>. The Band hMnga 18 d tin- Krvioea of the llr.-iu M^t I'.-iKvrt <' iluy t.i givw a caut iu tho Town HU .-H >I.jnday *t. The c..injiaiiy U highly >if and we trut will t witli dvsrvuij IIHVCM. Sve hilU The Thaukaitiviug service iu ftie Pres- byterian cHurch w -lie nf tho lutMt uc- c-fMful evrr held in Kk-lier.-.n. <>>-r ii dollars w.ii- (;ikc:i u(> as :i thukof- k-rin,' Kv. J. L. (JuiiJuer. 1 ioiui%ltr, .lelivrod the That siift. ru-h, t"My liveu. *> much i.hinred m hair, can t* secured by the use of Ayrr Hir Vigor. All I [,-. tlittt nature riM|U,r.i to umko tin- Imir ttr..n,', Waiititiil. and abundant > l by this I'XCfik-Jit pri>aiation. A H S. 1'upil ntnii{ Thv Al> from <reii S^.nivl on M.'i.dny vtJweryw's article on 'Tem-lioix and trusfecs' pleasetl a IIUII.IHT .-" tli<- M<K-I- ilt-s, *i.d they arc- aimioiis!v I<>kmg for the reM f tli article. (.'./uUl not yon IIHV* it ptiblulwd s. The iniiuri.iuHourr.s ><t iln-inu .i'im >>y tlio use Mine >'H 1 !'..,) puriti.-r. x , .iriUa. silo* OIK-ltlHil-vIv t! it iiian cHoctive rviiiinly, it ' M..I in K-i-.l UK- s|c<-i(ic. f..r (he uiot painful mil permstHi't oi" inaladii'v What h;i* cured iilhiTH will !' oure >"ii ..tiitia y i .-IUVH tlm will he f..utid ih.-it ( Mr l-\'l Th ^dellt "f tins Mllac !'' :>" "''' 114'" vr of the AIIHTK-MI ii'in\. whi- dirtl ,y ior:iii.g. >1 1 - Tl. ..... (win was a jolly lrislmi.ui who I : s^en a u<x>d ilt-al of the worlil. H.' IM*iT< '1 w-'Uml in- hnttk- of Hc'tys'uur.- wliu-h rvwlil iu tfc lwi'f "ii* 1'f. tl>1 "til' 1 '' l " Klcdheiti'n ab.)ut t*i4o yi-r-< aao l< en- j..y liui P.-UM..H. nnd :>Uut two yean, HJIIW married a Mi-* E-.nily Mi.rriH..n, whom h leave* behind, a widow. The fuiMrsl took place yesterday to Orange \ :ill<-y I'resbyterimi burml ground. Alex. MeDituald appwwed l*forc le-. 1*1 ic*, I*. M , " Friday afierrxxn. chant xi by Al. Hannah "ith assault and Concert at DucdaJk. The ciMici-rt in Victoria lia HIM-n OB i|je veLing of T Day. by ilie public M.-li<d cluliliv.., was a rh-.rough iicvem. Tli attendance wa iioiwith.itHadiu.' th- lind weather, and the i-T'-grmim wlucli wa of a luuh cbMa, ns well rendered. The children did credit to tli. ir m.sinet^n and them- selves in tlw rendering of their songs. ramtatinns, drills, ana club ^witr^inj. which WAI all up to the mark iu every respect. All | rewnt were highly pleased and exprewvii themselves so. The pro- eeds, which were ab >ut 950, pi to met?t tpewses of tuiprtiveuwnt* iu the A^ LiDaral Offer. The nt*rnritie of the puhliilwrs uf i;..iiii .11. K<mton, Maaa. , bait ntesdily advanced the paper venr l.y year, keeping it always in th front ranks >f the best nerindicals. It till* to djvy an i<rr publioatmn th<> popular deinantl for i prac'ioal family pper, oiw that is c<|vially valued aud enjoyed 1 y old and y.-jii.-. and free fr.-ni all itb)>lt* R. Tl;u bext writers of all Uniis are eii'.'agvd to virile for iu column*. Anioii,' flie fi\ntoui C"iiinbu>ions tor the v.loine for Irt'.lo are two dau^litvrs i Quen Vicloii i ; Mr. (jladstreiu-, flu- eminent iinnjf st.iteHinaii. !* h.v for (lie ihifd linn- writti-n an aitidc i-X^eanly fir The Companion ; Sir g.lwm AriioM, \V. Clark Kuwu-ll, Charles Dickei*. Fmi-k K. Stovkt J. T. Tr..hrid..e. Mar. Twain, Cy \V;iriinii, tin- t'amou* I>K-<'.U<>- Uve Eniiineer, and nn f than a humlrcil oilier wilier* M.'I.I aVe known tKc w..rld ovi-. The Comp.inlo.i AM|vali t<i all, wiiflher in the lit.i.-io in pr ! --. n i! ai'd boaiiK -^ liff, to t!ie >-<!iioii'.r DIM! lalx.i^r in i-v\'iy ilep^riniHiit of work. Itus.nind, ual fditoiiitl* deal frankly, fairly anil concisely willi tl.v ijm-s'i.i:i* ..(' tl.i- I i> Kvtry u'terarc* 1 n av ' will. >m iciT\. 1'ull l'i.. -(>-, iu., ami iien copies in frt'e "ii ..i ;>1 on 1 1. n N u>rril<Ts *ill receive Tin- I'. -in (.nu .11 free t.. ISlfc if they nuWiilie at once, m-miing #1 T"*. tlw >e;ir-s sulmcrip- tioii price. It CIHUIM every we^-k, hnely A Chrysanthemum Wedding- "W,l!awn." the roiifeiKV i Mr. C. \V. rV-ny, Lucksiow, w* ih- ccno of a j..y.. us event on \Veil MI<:I\ i'\eiini^ l*, win -ii Jolin Wi-slcy Aniitioii..'. u waller, .... II .( Mi>^ I. in I K ll I I'-i-iy. KMJ. Luckn-, ci.- a-i-J.i. U,-v Join, Mill*. Hi^ lird- |...,k,-.l ,li;ir,.ii'; in iv-.iy wli.l.- fa'lle U-i yilin,. ill d oi - .|iiin,. nl br. odi. tbe -/i/l HI il.<- .;>' >n. T:.. ni.inU M^ L.illn IWin M.S--I ot ill.- I i .1 . and Mi* Ad'l Ann^iioii'. I-.I.T of tin- gr'.iHti. 'llwy re 'in linitef. n;> :!k n:l c-mi-'d yell..* vuiilifiiiuiuv Tin- itr .. iu < iiip- [,,,iu"l l.y Mr Will \;,i..l. ..f M.-nk Mr. .T<K- Aiiustioii'f. of T .rout. i. aud Mr. Jack I'.i-riy. <-f Lucknow. 'Hie '/ift> ?re c'tly iinl iminer'nis and included a Steinway pisno, tlie ^ifi of the bride's par The ({uesiM front ot .f town were. Mr and Mr. T Aikfi-hea-l. Mim L-ttK- and .I.H) Arin-tron-;. of Toronto , Mr. and Mrs. J I> Cluk. L.-ndoii ; Mi*a Lou Vnrstroiitf, KU-sherton . MIMS Lnu ^HV a^' 1 . Mr. irui Mrs. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Stocker, Kw T.** ; Mr. W. G Wright. <T,.I, ,S>u.Kl: Mr, awi Mrs. i.'rawf.*d, Mrs. Wilson, l4iiii^u,4i Mr. W*. Treleaven, Lrttowel. Mr nd Mot. Aruastroait left cm tin? tram, Tk-iwmUy, (* an aatm tr%. Mr. MmxiyckufKnl his SWIM ef meettaua ia Torto tin (Sunday with tt> {{roar in Maiai-y M1C Hli JwaX.X'ow. 38. A Hr iwt in ibtt atables of the Central U-i--i this luormiiff about 2 o clock an4 deMroyd the interior uf tlie stables aid burned to iWih e horses, aanmg which wan th ceL'hratwl triK'/er, Dolly C. Mr. Thos Collins, owner of stable and littf-M*, will lose about Jl.jrtO by the tire. Fairly coven-d by inaumnue. A despatch frwai New Lowell, xaya : 8etwjHii 7 siid -K it 'clock Sunday evening tho dwelling house <.t Mr. James Scut', SuiMaidalu towahi{>, was burned. Mr. ad Mrv Scott Itit ike hfiune to Ujtik afier the farm stick in a barn loO yards (row tl*e Jwt- liiitf. Mr. and Mrs. Scott were abseat alxmt 20 uuiMites, w!wu tln-y disciveril ihe dwelling un tire. Mr. SK.-,< r-islit-d into the burning buildug and |>icked up his two children aged 4 ad Ii ye.ti'- AH were ldh' bernrd and both children divO Monday uitirniiii; The tire is supposed tn ha* beun caused by a lamp eapl"dinir i>r bents! upset by the cli.idn-a, as I he lamp was left burn- ing In* aud the children m bed wlivn Mr. and Mrs (Scott left ihv house, and there wait IHI UIM dJse iu the huiwo at (he tin* buc trie two children. .u.irrh Rrlicr4 ! ! to MinilUvs One nuiiit pufl of the brealh through tlie blower, nupplufd with each Imtrle of ULK.I a Ca^prrhal r'<iwlor. dif fuM>s this powiisr uver the surface of the nasal uasHaum. Pamlesn and delightful to uno, it iv.ii-veM instantly, and norinan- cnlly cures Catarrh. H.iy Fever, Cold*. Hi'mi,-h?. S^e Thruat, TonK.Utin aud Deafness. SO cents. At W. E Kichard- A Well Man. NO M ,E KOBVST INDlVIDfAL TO IN THE VILLAOB. Rt. MM M-. Nov. MDr A. G. M r,.riniL-k. h. mylett.-r rf|,eci!iiL' hi* euro iifiin Br^hx dmesse l.y the une of D-nld's K'dii'-y l'i Ii li.ut recently been published, H n. .w attetxiinK his |iienis aud is sp- parenrty .is rohunt a nun as r IM lie f, >und n, in.- >ills^>. Durniy the f'.nr m<.i .rh iliat he w.m .-..nrined to the bouiw sulfor- nu l'i 0,11 l he last stages f Bright'" diM t hr! <loatli wataivi*ral times re|,nrttil. :tnd I,., hopes were enli-rtaintiil f his ntiiuaM recovery. Hia present riiburt appear. ii,< . is t'iere'<>re all the in >re aur{irn>e to res - den's. It m a afe prophecy t!mt eveiy sufferer from kuln^y disease in th. - tun will lo'itctforth try the remedial ijualities of Dodu's Ki ii .--.- Pdln. ta* TIIOWFH n *l tii rssidem-*, F1fihrto. c Di.n-fctav ir.'rninK st 4 o'clock Boyil U. Tu. nip>ii. iu bin 6tnl> Tsar. " Only the Scars Remain," Says IlEXRT IlfDsox. of the ,Iam<9 Smith M',x,].-u in-ryi .>., rililiiiU'llilli;!. Px, wln> i-t-rti- follows: " Anion^ liia m.iny t<.'.->u:uonl als wliicli I --a reganl I. tain : 1> , r f o r m I n n li-fS, cl.-;:nsiug n li|. .11.'. mo mor.) lh;in my own case. ago, r.t th,' I ! u my ' hicli brol. c o a m r r u n jniu? sores. I :aily phy- . could do mo no good, and it was f.-:ir.-.l -Ii^' th.- bones would be affected. At l.ut, my old Mother Urged We to try Ayer's Sarsnp;willa. I took tlir.-r. bottlcM, the .'. nnd I h.-iv.- ii"t li-.-n troulil.-d .H.II.V. Only the sears remain, and llio memory of th post, to remind uio of the good Ayer's Sarsaparllla has done me. I now weigh two hundred and twi nty ponnds, and nm in the be't of health. I have been on tho roml for the past t'v.-lveyean, hovo noticed Ayer* Sar- sapnnlla advertised in all part* of the I'mted States, and always take plea*- nr In telling what good it did for me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prtparad by Dr. J. C. Ajrr k OB, Low.ll. Mass, CMros other*, will euro you Boots Shoes 1 libbers Ii Have Fall Line if H...m. Shoes, Rubbers. Omisluws, Fslt Boot-. /IK- Ml wear. Call and try *. The Best & Cheapest p*aoe to get shod is at Prompt attention to custom work ind repairing. Ah, There! Cuwe right along np to Biskecville It Cot. Furmtire ed Un- 'Jcrtakiiig Warerooms. But Do Not Forget tliat our display carried uff tLree first prices at the East VMf Exhibtuon. Stay And we will only be too pleased to show yo* tliat ire have tlie bed assorted stock in this section of the coautry. There Is money iu it for tlwwe wbo deal with as as oar prices are the lowest Special bargains in all lines of onr busines. Our motto Small profits, quick returns. J. E. Basket-vide & Co. Mrs. \Vriirlifs ^tor... KK^lu- rtoii. We Lead, O. BLAIR. Read this: Many wlio take the Flcsherton \dxnnce and read tli advertisvmtt from Dimdalk have eonie to the and ar? determined to coniiuiie doing so. The rottd nitty !>, soiuowlmt furtnor, but no ni.i lio>v sliort tin? ili.sUuou may be your day is of no further ns<. for woik by the time you have U'lmiH'd home. If the above be true, wli^t matter even l '"" : - 1 1 miles further , your team i My vtU ke earning mooey for you. uuJ li.ty will bedoiu^ s.) by bringing yon to CAI.HOUN S to do your buying. The rush ot custom, rs c..ntinueu daily- If you wish to meet your tueuds you will find them at C*lbouo's. The People's Patron Store, in XDAI.K Now is the Time -TO IM\ Ynl'K XMYI'KK BOOTS AND SHOES AM) ?iiiih*fs ii I lie lr*lice. Men '* and boys' heavy so\ and rulibrro. (ills' :inJ Misses' u\er*tin,k i ^ men iind wonie'i's ovr*heti. All u. be sold .it lowest ;M,S ililo prices. DESPAIR D0DDS '', KIDNEY PILLS JOS. SMITH, FUsherton. Opposite McTavish's Carhagv Shop. WILL CURE YOU 'Me fii'rtntce TVuW's Kidney P*lls to rate mv case ..f Ki'h: mbsw. Droosv. Rhfniinalism. Heart Piscasc-. f Pn ;*; Tumbles. Impui: Blood or money refunded. Sold by ll Jc^l rs ; n nwdicinc. or In null on t^ : o bcic* ;oc p boa. of SU boao. *a.yx . L. A. SMITH * CO.. To.-onta.