TH1 FLISHIRTON ADVANCE MTiUI.ISHID 1881 ' BI MIIKD WEEKLY AT Tilt of fir I. DTD- EMUH TBT, >. UM , T W. II THUMTOW. I prr annual, xi r irtl) in adrmncc Rates : Oua Co', amo, 1 year, f>0 ; halt col., 1 yoar, tft quarter col , ana year, Hi Trenilunt adrerttaemant charged at tba rate Of II cent* par hue for flnl intortiou and 3 cant* Mb tubeequent Inaartion. The elections which were held in the United States last week resulted iu the complete overthrow of the Dem- ocratic prty . Thit it a distinct tri- i;-n )'i for MoKinleyiint and protec- tion. It is also a distinct defeat for t'.io fi-ee trade party in Canada. Toronto appears to hare a regular nest of corruption at its city hall, and an investigation lias been in pro- gress. Aldermen are elected in that city who have no visible means of fcupport aud a little light is now being thrown upon their doings, Boodling and something similar to blackmail appear to be the strong proclivities of some of them. Tlieclitot of the Clarksburg psper don't like our poetry .and he don't like our manner uf asking for what is ow- ing us. What on earth does the fel- liw want? lie is all fired hard to plea*' 1 . Hut after all there is MO use rxcrciiiing ourselves over his vitiated t ut M, fur it really doesn't matter a button to us whether ho likes them or not. Since he coaxed our apprentice a way by offering a few cents higher salary wo have ceased trying to reform him. He is among the unredeemable. M the great Khan of Sling Chin, or billy goat biographer. the pig LOOM is finished at last, but would like to enquire for what pur- pose Mr. Si UK considers himself a splendid building ? Powaibly he is t fawsag* vMtwUwg, on a hash bouse Wfe ow. BMW plan* If so why doesn't the Argts paalisli the plau ? G ive as the plan by all means. What are hit dimensions * How many com- partments are there iu him ? Are there any cliimm ><. and do the flues draw well? Is he built on stone foundation, or oedar posts ? Is he lined with sawdust or plnm pudding f We thought last winter that there was something peculiar about Mr. Sing when he was attacking Mr. Oauiey, the Patron M.P.P., but this proves it. Would the Argua kindly relieve an aniious public by explain- ing Mr. Sing's qualifications as a pig house, or whatever he is, and at the name tune tell in who the plans were drawn by. Fnrrvlllr. A new use has been discovered for the female j*w. Mrs. Walter WeIN man mforniu us that the ladies of the north of Greenland tan skins by masti- cating the flesh surface. It ia sail 1 that ouo jkin a day ia all thry can treat, and the following day they must rest their jaws What a paradise, to be Bint' ! No scandal or gOdRipiug there. Ily the way, this suggestion is too good to be lost here. Tanning Wei should bocuino quite popular \ In u the beauty of the nkins thug pre- pared becomes better known. From <>"> own Correspondent. Mr Richard Walter*, one of the Dur- ham Modelitea, occupied the pulpit of the Metboditt church last Sabbath. Mr. Walter* delivered a wry thoughtful and can-fully prepared diacounte. The 8.O.T. are preparing a program for an open lod^e which ia to be held in a few week*. The Rev. Mr. Hartley preached in the Dundalk Methodist church taut Sunday. Mm. Hiial>aiiil and Mia* EIU Hunhand, of Holland Centre, paid a viait tu frieuda iu thii burg the fort-pan of ttm week. Mix* liuiband ii upending a few daya with Miu Kaio Brainier. HumnexA in our bur^ wait quite liriak during the fore part of thin week, owing to iht- good road* for light loads. Much inconvenience i* being cau*e<! in thin d lit net tiy a iiiiinl>T of well* jjomif dry. Mi>n*r(. Robert McLachlon, John Nichol and Duncan McRuo arrived home luit week after putting in a Hteady iteaaon <>f work in the lower townithipa. DIRII Un Saturday, the 10th int.. .1 iiii.-i, !.. u, I HOII of Mr. John I'.imn-tt. aired I! yn. The bereavt*d fmnily Imve the a.yui|Mtt!iy of the community in the loti of their little hoy. The marcL of Japan into China lian i one of triumph from the begin- ning, tho Mikado's troops seeming to inspire a quaking terror to tin- hearts of the celestial soldier, The latter will not giva tho Japaucao effective balllu and fle from tlicm like arrant cowardx. allowing them to oecnp) eveiy strongliold attacked. This is rather a disgusting exhibit of timidity when one compares the wonderful disptnty between the two power*. China is atmou* that President Clt-vu- Und >!iould be aa arbitrator of tbe qiteitioii, but Japan is evidently of opinion that sh should be her own arbiter ind is alow to accept the lug- grstiuu. A doHpatoli from Washing- tun tiati-H tlial although distruitful ol I lie K'.i'l willl of President Cleveland, the will probably pn-fi-r IIIM iiiediailon to tin- armed intervention of the Euro[ian powers, and unless a HIM |M->tco it declared in the Orient K is ii/li. v,-il iu diplotuntib circles here t .t such armed iuJterventiou M al inoit HUH to oome. County and IMstrlrt. II. m- you N.'i-n the clinjbing monkey ' Grra'eit novelty of the auiMon. Sue M. Richitnlton & Co'* window. Klethertoti and I'riccvillc ludt-eN of the A. O I'. \V. attended a banquet at Markdale 011 Tueidny evening and had a in. MI enjoyable tune. The BlackatonM hunt club returi.od ou Tueaday evening pur Steamer, ('it v uf CnlliiiKWoud. They had ISidayx limiting, and killed ldeer and a black bear. Mr. A. J. Creitfhton waaataiidiUK on a runway linn morning iin, the boar aprmArwl, cmniiii; atraight towarda him. He fired once with it charge of buckihut, killiitK the bear inatantly. Eight deer wore killed during the Hit two day*' hooting. Tin | arty ilir lint . The deer are a tine |ut, ajui average alw.ut 166lb. O. 8. Advwrliaer. A lloiui t*> i1rsni|rn. On>- bittte of Engliah Hpatin l.inunrnt completely itinioved it cuib from my hurae. 1 take pl*Hure in recommending the remedy, an it aota with inyatHrioun promptnee* in the ronnt'al from hornet of hard, aoft or cat- louaed luni|>, hlnod *pavin,iiplint(, curba, weeny, (title* and ipraina. (JCQRUC K'.HII Farmer, Markliaiu, Out Sold by W. E. Richardaun, brugxiat. Poit-oWve Ini|>ector Hupkirk fined one of the buaineea men of Alt wood $111 a few day* ago for encloaiiig monxy and a note in a parcel. The parcel wa* addreaaed tu a Toronto party ai.d waa aunt iu fifth claaa mail unit. -i . Tin. IiMpnotor (jttleud the IMI.-I-! down the rina and ordered thu mail clerk to open it, ami in it wan f itiud a *.") lul) mni a. , contrary tu tho |u,a>;il taw* uf Ca,uda t wliich iorbid* onp|.tiig writniK or iiiLijn-y in a |.ur.-i-l oould liarv Ix-i-u Inn-J 94" f"r til* vffi-uvv. It will *erve Hi nn objm:t li-.iv n to thoae who would wilfully ..r iigiittcajitly rob the I'.--!' III,-.- I>f|iailiiii-nl of iU lovrnuv. Ml Foroat Rep. Mr. W. R. Wallace, a farmer reaiding on ill* ninth line, Euphraaia, waa plough- ing with hia team on Friday laat when he waa kicked in tbe abdomen by one of the h.irae*, resulting ill hit death on Tuoaday morning. The deceaied waa juat in the act of turning at the end of a furrow when he received the kick. The accident oc- curred about 3 o'clock. but it wan 6 o'clock before he wa> discovered in an uncon- aciou* atate. He wa taken to hia home, and Dm. Bnnet and Maclean were luiu- in i. n IH! to hia bedaid*. Afmr a brief con- ulation the phyaiciana pronounced re- covery iiuponible. The decwued lingered until Tueaday morning when he pawed away. Mr. Wallace wan an ex -member of the Monlreal police and haa been in poa- aeaaion of the preaent farm for abui 9 month*. He leavua u wife but no child- ren. Mirror. pjiu.-l Ritr.. Proprietor and Publisher of the Hamburg, Out., Independent aayii : "I waa auffering frtm Dy*pepai> ind Liv- er trouble, I took a few bottle* u. Sliiluh'a Vitalxnr and it cured me. I can heartily recuinmend it." Millinery. Mr*. Trimbie haa been kept very bu*y thin SIMS.. n cuppling ordera, and U thit week otforiug the nuveltiea of the acaaon very cheap. More new ity'mh hat* and bonnelf , alao aoinelhiiiK very special in ilk and velvet*. Next dmir to R. Trim- ble'a, Keneral merchant. The county tix sale loot Friday in the court houae attracted the uual number of peculator* and other* intereited in *uch propoity aa i* ihua thrown on the nurkct throuitht non |>ayiiic-nt ot tazen. Trt-a*- urer Parker conducted the aale. The l>idding w ipinted, in many cae, tbe oflfer* made beinj for a very unall por- tion of tin- prnpertien named in the liat. Tin r.- waa an abaence of several of fami- liar faced, but ColumliUH Ureen of Toronto and A. Lyun* of Markdnle were there aa inn*! H.H. Miller, Hanover, and John D Morgan, Dundalk (both old Owen Sound boyH); II!. Lucrn*, Markdalv, were there, as waa aliKi "Conunaa*ioiier" Tom Tracy. Amongit the new blood weru Ii. (i. Tucker, A. (}. MacKay, Owen Sound, .i,,,l M. I. Hilt-* <>f \ The adjiiifrned Hale took place on Wedueaday, Htli inat. O. S. Time*. Married. BESBOX PAR3ON8-At th riMl.lrnc* of the In i.ii' i i !< ta. Kl "hfi i..ii. "ii Wvdnmlay, nut nil., l.v H.-v E. tt ltuv>rt. M A.. Mr John J. HI-IIWIII. ol Artemeali, to Ul Kuiina I'm - i. IK. dauitliter ut Mr. Win. Paraooa. KU.ln-r- too. HOW \ un M. r \ Kl . M. M the realdonc* of tii briilo'a |iari-ui. Colllacwuud. aa \V.' liu-i- day. tUl uli.. In U. v Dr. UcKae. Mr Chaa. A. Hnwanl. uf I- I'luliprtun. to Mi'a nnrali MoKar lanr. aaLund dauKhlor ut Mr. MuFar- The Markets. Flour ....... .. Fall Wt.rat Hprinij Wheat Barley (Mu Pea Butter Ei, freah Potatue* bai< Pork Hay per ton Hide* tShevpnkin* (Jeeae Turkey* ChickeiiH per pair Ducks ber pair Wool iorrrnrd Back Week ........ I 8 00 t |360 66 to 5ft to 31 to 27 to 50 to 13 tn 14 to 60 to 600 to 6 00 to 300 to 26 to 6 to ,' to 26 to 40 to 16 to 56 56 31 27 50 14 14 50 500 C 00 300 26 6} 30 60 16 OUR CLUBBING LIST. The Advance will club with the follow- ing |irrii><iicl this year at the figures given below : The Advance and Toronto D*ily News, a daily and a weekly pa- per one year for. . $180 The Advance and weekly Globe.... 1.80 The Advance and weekly Enipire. . 1.00 The Advance and Montreal Star. ... 1.80 The Advanca and Farmer*' Sun . . . 1 35 The Advance and Ladiea' Juuinal... l.?5 BUY YOUR HARN ^ NO\V Good .-to k. Qood Workmanship, Low Prices. Curry Comha, Bruihe*, HarneM Dreiing, Slemh Bella, Gnat and Cowhide Robea, Axle Oreaae, Blanket*, and everything in my line on hand. Leave order* early as we are always rushed in the fall aeaaoii. W. Moore - Harnessmaker FLESH ERTON. Mia* Uraku. uf Beaverton, aaaiated the biide, and Mr. Gibtnn, of CollitiKwood, acted ax u,rooin*inHD, after which all par- took of a very deliciuua aupper. The bride and ttnxnn were the recipenta of oine MTV handinie pr,-rnt A very enjoyable evening wa* apvnt. The young penplu will re*ide in Collingwood, where Mr. Uownid haa a good poaition. ML CAVEAIo.lrfMJt MARKS COPYRIGHTS. CAP I OBTAIN A PATKNTt For prompt anawar and an honaat opinion, write Ii II I' A- !'.. who h.t. had DearlTflftr 'aarV ezpertanoa IB the petent baatneaa. Commuiea. tl.mi (trtrtlr mofldantlal. A Maawbeek of la. foraiation eooeaminc 1'alraia and bow to oe. tain tham int tna. Alao a eatalone of neabea> loal and Mlanua* booka aent (rea. ratanu teaan thn, ugh Mann A Oo. Melal notioela tba HrL . that are broncbt wldalr before tha puMiewltA- pat enat to the blTentor. Thla artaDdld paper. . lm*d wMklr. dwantlr lllB*<m*d. aai br in-ulti..n of an* MlwiUft* wort In UM S3 r**r. world. aunpM OOOIM Mnt frw. . r. B.lldlnf MIUon.wronthlr.tUO a TMT. PMt. 'ii ovnu. fertrr nmmbr aonlala* ba- ol pUtM. la aolon, and abxMocrapk* of B* . with piana, *nti>\iat Vnll4*n (o <bow UM The Singliauijitoii Argus says : ' >li. Sing ba< Luuew pig liouaooom- !:< u*l and proves to be a splendid building fur the uiiipowj. ' The Ad- il OfJOJ (ItMfd to U-iUO In Klwahfrinn.ou TnMday. 13th lint . Charlvii Kilumr Uariihuuae. younywit ou ut Mr. and Mr*, win. lUmhuuio, aged S yra., 4 num. and D dara. Kunnial takua plaoa to-day iTuundar) at 9 p. m. Honors lalcrcsted. TRIT PANNOT III T AI.X'RIT THE TUTIMOXV Or TWO Or THMl- 1-HOrBlMioNAl. In r.l I; RUM. MONTKKAU Nor. 12 The leiton of Dr. McCoiDiick of KichuioaU, and of Dr. E. A. ll.'Ni- of P<irtland, racuntl* publiahod over thwir own ignatuiea and lentifyinff to their ooiunluUt cure fr.'in Hriuht'a dneaae and Diabrlea rvHuectoely , liy ihf uae of Dodd'i Kidney Pilla, hi%ve>. I tu the aatiafaction of nirUical men generally, that the pilla do all that ia claimed for them by their manufactur- er*. Both uhysici*na are knuwo aa men well up in t heir profeaaiona, whoae word can b>* alMHilutely relied upon, and who rarely make mi'takea, Tho reault of then* U'tf.-n will be an enorinoua tale of U.,la'a Kidney Pilla in Montrtial. TO KENT. tOL 111 Flxah*rton x Apply K I Sl-lii.l I K FLESHEBTIII STEHU LUIHT. I hant n|tana<1 nu a ouipplvta alaam Iwunlrr Iu Klrilimtiui. anilaw ('!'* ' to take In any quantltt uf la>u>'lr t work at tr*r kiriooa tliao I hava XI aa. (Jao. Mooaur. arc i-ti aii;t>. I alarwhar*. I have put In tha la- eat ami inoNt linpruvt,,! ma^liltiory |Ck that end. ., , ... .... Km, ll> live ma a aall Kutlrv tatUfactlua Hrll-r In Uniir** PUUMlg KU gu.ra,,te0.aud p.lo^lox any and Bladder diutmit-H relieved in an hour* by t bx " Ureat Houth A.mricn Kidney Cure. " Thia new remedy a great lururia* and delight on aooouat ol it< i-i.-timliiiK promptiM** in relieving promji in (he lilatldW, kidners, back and vry part uf tbe. uriuary paM(|rB iu nmle or ftV male. It roller*)* rvtnti<Hi of p*in i*i paing it almuat immndiatwly. If y,-u want quick ivlief and our tin* M *oiw rai.,xl>, K U by W.. I, Uichardav^ Iiosi . Lot Fir Salt. For aaU ohaan an.l nn - tarnx In PUahtr- tOB. hi'l.-M.lhl larK... ...ll'l lirl k .lw.lMii(. With ooil it<in oallaf. aunniar kiirhan and WIHM)- ti.m. alM> K.XI.I frania it*l<la. brtok nrrhar.l li.arl f a'nl^ee contalh* twntarRvintaandtfno'1 ynuuc Ilia Hotxeaml o>b .IMIue. ar will flnl. had nJ *e*r ton t.ol, U. J liravi i a, ria<k<iloa> Attention In time to any irregularity of the Stomach, Uver, or Bowel* may prevent serious ronsctjuencca. Indigestion, costivcness, headache, nau- .sea, bilious. I ness, and ver- tigo iiul.c.itu certain func- tional derango- menta, the boat remedy for which Is Ayer'e Tills. Purely vego- tiblp, sugar-c-.)ated, easy to take and quick to assimilate, this is tho ideal family medicine tho most popular, ate, and uaeiul aperient in phar- macy. Mrs. M. A. EROCKWU.L. Harris, Trim., says: Uyor't Cathartic FllU cured BM ol akk ktvlaulu- and my hiuband ot neuralgia, We tbluk tbore Is No Better Medicine, add hare Induced many to use It. " Tblrty-flTe yean co thli Sprint, I w tun dowu by hard, work and .1 siicrr wl. LI ol eoldi, which mad* ao loblc that M wa* u effort lor DM t* walk. I roptulted MIA 4octor>, but k*pt ataklng k>wrr MHIII I h.vl elren up alV hop* ol erer behig bettor. HapiM-utuR to be hi a itoff, one day, whcra tncdtclnoi were tpM, the proprietor nulh-ril ny weak ami ak;kly appearance, anil, ndrr lew <iuo<itK>nt a<i to my hvaHh, r*c'<nt- incniM me to \ry Ayer^'a I'll 'A. I hail Itttla I ;llh In tin 11- i't any othrr nxHv-Um. but eonrludmi, at \ff\, tn.|ak MI aJtloa tad try a bo* Bt-rin* \ had) vtr j I Vm all. \ wu Xry much betteis an d twa k\M aured roe. \ un, now |ara. old ; but 1 bcb*v U..-.: V IU U'i no* been, lor. Ayer'a yi:u. 1 ihoukt bT* bac la; aiy graTo long a jiv I buy Voo every year, whlrh makn no boM op tUuj tlaip. and 1 would no DOT* be wttb- v) them thaa without bread." -H. IL lagrabun. Boeklaad, Ma. AVER'S PILLS > .Oil lltl!l).\(l\ & CO. Ii 53,15, Overcoats at $5.50. at (7,00, Men's Fur Coats X12.50, It i* not a necessary consequence that gar- rnentti, in order to be cheap, should be badly cut and ill fitting. \Ve liive coats that arc sur- 1 1 iingly nicely made' and can sell clieiu ut less than custom work costs to make up. Then we have a bet- ter line that can be sold at the ordinary cost of making and trimming aud will give good satis- faction in wear consid- ering cost. In our large range of styles) and prices we can Lardly fail to suit any reasonable want in overcoat!, from email boys' sises to largest men'* sizes. We do not call our $5.50 coats worth f 10, nor our $7 coals worth $15, but claim to give as good value as any clothii.g house iu the cuuntry. Our $12.50 men s Fur Coats we had made specially to oar order, they hare not been beaten iu price by any other linn in town or city and cannot be re- peated when sold out. We hate a very tine range of Men's Fur Coats, all new. Fur Capes and laillis. tstrichii, Opium, DO* Snl. Mi Sikh. IlltlK. The really beautiful designs iu ladies' fur capes for the season have met a hnarty ap- preciation from our lady customers ; our talcs in this department are very encouraging. We have tried to bring new btylisli goods with- in the reach of those whose purchasing means are limited. We do not look for fancy profits, but buying close- ly and eartfiiiiy we aim to make ;a quick turn over at as close a mat- fin as possible. We invite comparison of our stock and prices with any oilier stocks. such tests have been so decidedly in our favor so far that we feel as- sured we can give ex- ceptional tine value to our customers iu this lino. Our stock of Ladies' and Gents' Fur caps n immense. The few we carried over we will suit in-low cost, some at half cost. The new goods are so much cheaper and better value. In cloth mantlet* we have .-.line very cheap goinls. but special value m a Hippie Collar At- truchun and Braid tiun nied Mautle at $1 25. We have very elegant garments trimmed iu real fins. [-jello! Farmers, Everybody. We want you to see our cow chain", iope tit's cross cut saws, axe?, dry and tarred bitildiiiK papers, and get our ju-icM btfuix buying t-lse- where. Selling off Our old block of glassware at cost pi :> to make room fur uw goods. Come alum; and get Ik few bargains. Huupa in wall paper l)V xt week at Richardson & o's II (sir d XKO. re J>t? *^..