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Flesherton Advance, 15 Nov 1894, p. 3

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SEA MONSTERS IN BATTLE A FIERCE ENCOUNTER BETWEEN SHARKS AND ALLIGATORS! Tfce Blc HMn. Were I hl. to WHk- i-.u.l ihr Sbarkt. hm Thev *azki Tsiess wllk Ike lim..*i Drli-rmlaa flea. " The strangest 1*4 fight I ever law or heard of," uyi an officer at the nary, " was a battle that raged off the Pacific coait of Mexico between iharki and alligators. Our ship wai at anchor becalmed not far from Mn/.amlla, and tome of the officers had gone aihore on ooe of the liule voyages of discovery that teem to ielight a ivy men in foreign lands. We learned from tome of the native* of the fight which was then in progress, and reached the battle fild when the combat was at iti fiercest. "To make clear the natural causes wiiich brought about this Homeric contest, '. will be necessary to describe the country. Be- tween Manzanilla and Coliman. a distance of eighty milee, there n a large lake of brackish waur, the bed of whtcn u several alligators, notwithstanding many .iirhcul- lies, and being tar outnumbered, put up a very good tight. They kept the shark* al Day until linaUy scattered by runousj on- slaught/I. Each fish anil reptile seemed to muteniand clearly the character of hi* an- tagonis', and tna powerful tails were bruught into requisition as often as the immense jaws. While the alligators were more slow to move than the sharks, the latter were obliged 'o turn over on their backs before beiug able to bite with any et!. :. Inn gave the alligators a chamce to gel away and bring their wiry, horny tails into action. A '.hough the hard, bony ar- mor of the alligators prevented them from turning and swishing lher tails around as rapidly as the tish, often they coiid dash forward and snap a shark before the fish could turn on his back to bite or get away. But when one considers that the shark has peed and activity so great <u to allow him to swim and play easily around the fasteet steamers, it will be readily seen that the issue of the hauls was only a question of time. Of course the armor nf the alligator, though impeding his movements, was effi- cacious for a time against the blows and bites of his adversary. But af'er a while the constant sharp snapping of the shark TORE IT AWAY BIT BT BIT. and finally with a furious rush the huge shark would nx IU sharp teeth in a good | grip and cru.u through a vulnerable part , of the alligator a* . _. ...._...,_ . _. if toe ar:n >r wersi an feet above the sea,. Ihis lake is about forty | eggshell. The wonderful strength of the m.i<M long, and was once mo4l impoiunl as , alh?itnr 9 jaw came into play, and time a means of communication between the two places, particularly as ID Mexico formerly the roods were beset by brigands, and land transportation was of the most primitive character. The lake was filled with fresh watr tish and REPTILES Or VI.]. KINDS, TTTF WTT1TS * -LL-L M JjUIX O CANADA. T.iere is good sleighing in Winnipeg N t. Tnomas boasts a population of 10,- 9O. A real estate boom is reported from Ni- agara Fails, Canadian side. The solitary prison at Kingston peuiten- tiay was opened on Friday. Tuberculosis is said to be very prevalent among cattle on Vancouver island. B.C. Archie Campbell, a Cypress River, Man., farmer, was kicked to death by a horae on Wednesday. Ths officers of the Kingston penitentiary have not heard anything about An^rus Mac- donald, wno escaped recently. The Town Council of Niagara Kalis.i >nt_, has decided to spend $2, 200 in adding new departments to the high school there. The Dominion Cotton Company has de- clared a dividend of 6 per cent, lor the past year. Shenitl Ferguson, of Kingston, is 91 years ot age, and says he feels as wsll as he did 20 years age. A movement is on foot at Bran- f rd to get the main line of the Grami Trunk diverted to tha'. city. A Canadian Pacific railway tram ix: Ciuoese female is Clinton street, Buffalo, and six Ch namen were found gambling in iront of skerr wooden idol. President Cleveland is aaid to have chop- ped 'J'J pounds off his weight during his vacation. He felled trees and cut the fire- wood for (he family. Re*. Dr. Farkhurst has beea mads a member of the L'nion League Club in Xew York. Forest fires in West Tennessee hs>e de- stroyed thousands of dollars' wort a of pro- perty. The Natioaal Bank at Oberlm, Ohio, was robbed on Thursday night of $oUU in silver. Michael Dwyer.'.he New York hcrseman, u said to have won $40,UOO on Tuesday's election. George W. Boggs, ex-city treasurer of HEALTH. Fever. lost dangerous and Tacuma, Wash., has> been arrested.charged with embezzling $24,386. The New Yore Committee of Seventy Scarlet Ses>rlet fever is a frequently fatal disease, even wnen the at tacs; seems mild. It is extremely treacher- ous. It is apt tsi leave the p*uent affected sometimes for life, by some disorder or weakness of the organs. It is violently C&OUtglOUS. For al! these reasons it is always neceet- arv, when me case is ascertained to be one of scarlet fever, first, to have tne must care- ful treatment by a physician ; secondly, to give close attention by nursing to the condition of the patient ; thirdly, to isolate and quarantine most rigidly ; and fourthly, when recovery has taken place, te cleanse have retulved upon permanent organ, nation : ""* ^isuiifect the room which the sick per- and their ouject will be to assist the city 'son has occupied, and destroy every article officers in securing good government. j wnlch cmal , cj^a^d lnat ^fat glv . It is reported from Washington that j lodgment to germs of the disease. Scarlet fever, or scarlatina, is so commou Attorney. ( ieneral Oiney is tired of official life, and may resign. It is also said that Mr. W.L.Wilson, of tariff bill fame, maybe '* mmJm<lT t"* 1 mo "t mothers have some ' '.aken :nto the Cabinet. Two members of the Cook gang of ban- | fever - experience with it. It is a true eruptive '**& the symptoms and ajain sharks were thrown almost out of the water. ' lhe fight was carried oa upon the sur- face of the wter over an area of a quarter of a mile, in plain view of the people on the ' bank and beach, and from our position we could see many of the movements of the huge animals. Several alligators were thrown up on the beach during the strug- gle, torn and horribly maimed so that they The whole Cameron scholarship in Gaelic in Quden s University, Kingston, Out., has been won by Mr. H. M. McKmnon, Lake Amslie, C. B. There is a rumour current in Quebec that a burglary took place on one of the ocean steamships, ooe ot the staterooms having been forced in. The electric street railroad and the ills on Friday night plundered the town of * I * r| y identical witn those of measles Quebec and Montreal has been again fired , Lenapeb, Indian territory. E. E. Melton. n<i m Ji P 01 - But the eruption has some ac mar Batiscan. fc young man who attempted with his gun P* C U""" wn "-' h enable tne physician -.0 The M. C Cameron scholarship ,n Gael.c ^fig" ""* "ding away, j & ^K^l r^l^T 11 H ", b " Q , Buda in lhe '" There is no medicine which will act .J*U. for a charter for an organ,- ^^ tn . , lh . d ^ ?,' r , *P ^ftT" 111 " efforts must ^e directed to careful American Citizens Party. Tne and the alligators that sunned themselves on its banks often attained a length of from I dled , a very few mloiuei . twenty to thirty test. They were very . inrfaoe ot the ,.., m the immeaiate ! electric hunting system of Vancouver,B.C.. fierce when aroused from their accustomed j vlcmity ., churned 'o foam by the lash, i are said to have been sold to an English ing of the long tails, while here and there , company for $350,001). lethargy, much more voracious than eten the South American specieH, and often seiz- ed and devoured men and large animals. The barrier separating the ocean from the lake is a high sand bank which, though uouuurf more than a mere spr of land, had been, prior to this time, sufficient to confine the waters of the lake. But s heavy wind storm from the northeast blew the water of the lake down to the south and west, and plied a reddish tinge m the water showed where the combat waxed fiercest. No sooner was an alligator killed than the snarks turned upon his carcass, tore it to pieces, and devoured it voraciously. This done, the increasing ebullition in another place indi cated that the war was beginning with renewed vigor to decide this local suprem- acy of the sea. Only a few sharks were association is an outgrowth of internal dissension* in ths American Protective Association. In Albany, X. Y.. on Thursday morning. Attorney General Hancock decided that in the matter of selling liquor on a train the law is not violated if tna liquor is sold in must be directed to protection from exposure, keeping all the functions oi the body in good working order, and watcning tui poesiole it up so high as to drive it over the levee or i ,^ IM a i tnougo ^y miul n . T dam. After a short time a crevasse or | K ..,, u torn ). y 8 t he huge jaws of the alliga- One of the alligators thrown oa the still had a piece of sluice was formed, allowing the lake to drain directly intu the ocean. The rush of water from the lake increased, the sluice became broider, and the 300 square miles of lake surface fell four feet. Millions of fish came pouring through the crevasse with the water, and with these, the enormous ' alligators for which the lake had becoaie noted. " The sluice was fifteen feet wide when ' we reached i.. We stood on one of the banks watching the enormous outrush of water and fish. Tne latter had attracted the numerous big sharks oi Mao/auilia Bay, and they bad collected by hundreds to gorge themselves with the dainty morsels supplied in such an unlooked-for manner. The alligators, less intent, perhaps, upon the fish than upon the rush of waters, which was carrying them on, were met by the sharks the moment they came out into deeper water. There ths sharks rushed furiously at the more slothful alligators, and at once THE IIATTLI BS>:AN. The alligators, of coarse, labored under many disadvantages. Although crocodiles are often known to swim out to sea and ad whole weeks in salt water, the alli- is not found in the ocean. Not alone i the alligators handicapped by being out of their element. They were also beset by a shoal of carnivorous bsb of prey, many of them t*ice their size and weight, and endowed wuh activity far greater. Five or six sharks would attack each saurian as he came out, not giving the alligators an opportunity to form themselves into a mass for concentrated attack or defence. 1 he war was waged with the ut- most determination on both si let, and the has disappeared there is a more or leas general pealing olf of the skin. It is when mis process is taking place that of the Perreault brothers, who , . buffet . .. r }]*u^~ a *m^\nw th ne*d of the gatest cuuon ; for have been the terror of the French river purchased m the buffet it may be t*ken district, have been sentenced u, the Cen- any other car most common mswiums tor me spread ot tral prison, and the fourth 10 Kingston ... , r- , the disease. The germs may remain inactive COL. Auiirew Uegratf, one of the best (or Tears, and then communicate infection knonn railroad builders in the United to a who.e neighborhood. The Dominion Government has passed States, is .lead at St. Pa-l, Minn., aged S3 This is the chief reason why all toys that an order- m-Council appointing a Depart- yean-. In his younger days he was inter have been handle,! by a scarlet fever patient, mental Commission to enquire into the ested in and superintended the buiMmg of should be burned, the furniture most question of freight rates on the Canadian what is now the New York Central Rail- patiently cleaned, the w.Us of the room re- road, papered, or carefully rubbed down with The four big packinghouse firms of moist bread.aud all possible means utken to Swi:t, Armour, Morris and Hammond, of disinfect the quarters occupied. Chicago, sought by litigation to secure from Above al,. follow exactly and submissive- railway corporations, among them the '? *" rules laid down by me physician and Grand Trunk, about $.i,OOU.ijOO, alleged lt > e board of health. Pacific tors. One of the alligator* thrown on tne Application will be mads at th. next beach still had a piece of shark's fin ' session of the Ontario Legislature for the clenched in his teeth. incorporation of t h e Toronto, Hamilton, "For half the day e watched the battle * Niagara Falls Eiectric Railway Com ! until atlast the level ot the lake went down. ?*">' , the volume ot water coming through the I The Montreal Street Railway Company's ex :essive rates, charged on meat shipments. crevasse decreased, and no more alligators new building collapsed on Friday burying On Thursday a decision was given against j were seen. The foam on the surface of tha several men. Two have been take a out the packers. ocean became less an. I leu. until at last only | dead. Her. Dr. Talmvge has again resigned the the occasional swirl uf a shark's tail showed The Government inspectors of live stock pastorate of the Brooklyn tat>-rn.cle and The Ravages of Consumption. It n stated that out of every six persons who die in Krance one dies of tuberculosis. ery . where some of the alligators still struggled, ', at Montreal estimate that over f5.O;VXX) w ,u becomi a touring evangelist according and probab.v the proportions are not v or where the huge tish were fighting among i has been paid to Canadian farmers the past to reports. Mis business manager says i it \. themselves over the disintegrated carcass** , season for cattle exported to the old coun- -Dr. Valmage believes he is called UK* d ' ff<sr<>Dt h * r - NIJ ^ la ue P"' Finally, nothing disturbed the glassy sur fsce of ths ocean as it rose and fell but the dipplings of some ot the shore birds as they swoop down on the small pieces of flesh floating here and there, wnich had been neglected by the sharks in their hunt for anb dattle with the big ge>me.' Generalized Too Much The French are a witty race, but French servants are reported the stupidest in the world. It is of a person of that race that this story is told Justine was reproved by her mistress for bringing home lobs' ors that were not fresh. "You must positively not get any lob- sters, Justine," said hsr mistress, "unless they are alive." The servant took the injunction deeply into hsr consciousness. A fsw days alter, ward her mistress sent her to get some cheese. "Is this cheese fresh, J nstioe'" asked the mistress. "Oh yss. snadam, "answered the servant, "I took pains to see that it was alive !" try. Mrs. Kutledge, of Fort Willum.who had been married only a few weeks, committed suicide nu Friday al Prrt Arthur by throw- iu^ herself under the Pacific railway train. An <>ri>r-in Council has been passed by the I'onnn on Government allowing the law to take its course in the case of the Sandwich murderer, so that if the courts do not interfere. Joseph Tmskey will be hangrd on the Hth of December for the murder of William Lindsay. >t. James' Presbyterian church, London, Ont., has decided that hereafter, in admin- istering Holy Communion, eacfi communi- cant will have a cup. Tne system has been in vogue m Rochester and other places across the line, but Si. James' is the first church in Canada to adopt it. A deputation representing the Toronto, Hamilton, and Bruce railway waited on Friday upon Mr. Seargeant, general manag gar of the Grauk Trunk railway, in Mon- treal, for the purpose of securing crosain privileges for their road at Camsviile, near la! mage oeueves ne is called upon can in any way be compared with lubercul- to preacn the gospel and not to plan how iisibrrst on a big church debt can be raised "*' 1D lh " DUmb ' and how impatient creditors can be claims: it one adds together the deaths appeased. frum all the epidemic and recognised d.s iilHKKAl. sases such as smallpox, typhoid, scarlet Australia produce,! $3,Oi>0,iHXi more gold fever, measles, diphtheria, cholera, Ac., we than any other country last year. find thai all these maladies united together The Japanese have captured Talien-Wan Jo not destroy half as many people as this a shor: distance north ot Port Arthur. ' one aiseass. Nor does tnat cover the Great distress prevails in the Punjab cw- whole question or fairly express the gravity ing to dullness in the shawl trade. of the mischief. Consumption does not The new Spanish Cabinet is decidedly wy off only ths worn oat and ths sffsts: more protectionist than its predecessor. . ll a not mode of decay by which thnee THF, LATK JOHN WALTER. ' HHK PROPK KTi'K OP Till LONDON TIMM. DEATH OF JOHN WALTER. Tkr < hi. I l*rprl< Tint** !>!,. I. ef Ike l,,uJ. Johr Walter, chief ptoprietor of the London Times, died Friday. Mr. Walter, whose name is useparably associated with Knglnh journalism, was the grandson of John Waller, the founder of the 1 eldest sot. of John Walter the second whom he succeeded in the proprietorship of the paper. Born in London in I $16, nis school days were spent at Eton, from which he enured Kxeter College, Oxford. After graduating with honors, he look his M. A. degree in 1H4.1. In 1H47 he was called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn, and in the same year succeeded to the proprietorship oi the Times. Mr. Walter was several times a member Parliament. Frum 1S47 to 1 So J he re- presented Nottingham. In 1&~>9 he member for Berks. Defeated in lSo.">, he war re-elected in 1868, in 1S74 and 1S.SO. After the dissolution of 1333 he did not offer himself for re-election. In IS4S it was written of him that "his pale, student like counten ance and full, searching eye inspire respect; he has the air of a man who thinks much of himself." The severest crisis through which the Times pissed in lhe late Mr. Walter's proprietorship was the arTair of the Paruell Commission. Deceived by ctitam docu- ments, some of which bore the alleged signature of I'umell and spoke in terms of appioval of the Thaiux Park nnmlers. the Times published a series of articles on I'arnellisin and crime. The letters were proved to be forgeries, and Mr. Darnell brought an action against the Times. The matter was compromised on the Times paying i'5,00 '. It is said the Chilian Government has sold the celebrated cruiser Esmeralda to Japan. The Customs Committee of the French '.'hamber of Deputise has sanctioned the Franco Canadian treaty. The cotton crop of Egypt this year amounts to ."i.VW.ilHI hales, winch is 3 cent, more than in Ivij. During the summers of 1S95 and who have done their work in life sink into the grave. It is a disease which attacks the young at their best. Those who are on the very threshold, just entering a life of usefulness, and who after all the care and labour extend 'd on their rearing and edu- cation are beginning to be self-supporting, < those are its special prey those on whom psr all has been expended, but who have as yet returned nothing to the wealth of the world. Consumption is especially a disease of L'uring me summers oi ityo ana isgtj a *-" Brantford. Though nothing decisive was Danish expedition will thoroughly examine crowded life, and thus becomes the Nemesis arrived at. the deputation feel that the object of their mission will be attained. i.RKAT BRITAIN. The Prince of Wale* was 53 years old on Thursday A street in London has been named after Grimaldi, ths famous clown. Different forsas of violsuce caused fifty- sight deaths in London last week. ths Greenland and Iceland seas. The volcano of Colima, in Mexico, is again | in active eruption, and people in the im mediate vicinity have abandoned their ' homes. A despatch from Zanzibar says the Hovas Prims Minister has replied to the French i ultimatum, saying that the Hovas will yield only to force. National subscriptions nave been opened of civilization. During last year rio."UO acres of bog aad in Russia for a great monument to be erect- marsh land were reclaimed m Ireland! For half a century a liquor store has existed under a Presbyterian 'hurch in Leitt), Scotland. A memorial is to be erected in Stockton, Kngland, to John Walker, who invented the lucifer match in l!tt7. A Welsh collier's wife recently gave birth to four sons. All the children died half an hour after they were born There has not been a fatal case of small- pox in London for two weeks. The death rate from all causes last week was 15.9 per 1.000. On Thursday, the 2!Uh mat,. Prince Adolphus of Teck will be married to Lady Margaret Grosvenor. The Bishop of Chester will officiate. ed to the memory of Czar Alexander HI., "the great peacemaker." A despatch from Paris tells of the death thereof P. G. Ham*>rton. the well-known artist, author and poet. He was born in Lancashire, Kngland, in 1VI4. Students of Bonn have invited their com- rades throughout Germany to join then in giving Priaoe Bismarck a present on his soth birthday, which will be on 1st of April next. M. Deloncle, one of the leaders of the French colonial party, has declared that unlees Kngland evacuates Egypt, French troops will be on the Upper Nile whether bng.and likes it or not. Horsemanship has been practically abandoned is Paris. Ths Bois de Boulogne Headed by the Prince of Walee. English * ow ^T 4 * 1 ^^ with V'joi-u. The . m 't^illsltsldltna* wnntsaii rt .1*ri siru .it k* !..._ U sportsmen are raising funds to place R I ">iietsoi the women riders areof the bnght- lal of the late Sir John D. Astley in j *** "^ P""' 8 " kmd - The Czar and Czarina have thanked the Jewish community for their message of the Stablemen's Institute at Newmarket. British taxpayers paid 151,640 last year for the entertainment of royal personages on the Queen's ships and for the conveyance of members of the Royal household by sea. V SITED 3TATU*. Another strike in the coke Pennsylvania is expected. condolence upon the death of the Czar, and for the loyal and patriotic sentiments thereupon expressed by the Jews. Two caravans with gold .md silver have arrived at St. Petersburg fro-n SiK'ria. region of | One came from Tomsk with golii from private washings, and the other with silver The Hex riour mills at Kansas City have been burned. Loss, $163.000. Bishop Matz, of th diocese of Denver, CoL, has tendered his resignation to the Pope. Frank P. Bellew, of New York, the oari caturist, betu-r known as " Chip," is dead of pawumoBia. Michael Kelly, known as the king of base- bell players. ite,l in Boston on Thursday of acute pneumonia The Republicans now claim that they will hav .'.Ml members in the neat House of Kepreeentatives at Waihingtoa. Major-General Oliver 0. Howard on Thursday retired from the Utftied States svKive servics, alter psKtinsJM 4< t > > Jl and gold fro.n the Kronsberg mines. The Chinese seven per cent, loan, a mounting to one million six hundred t lion sand pounds, secured by the revenue of the treaty ports, was subscribed for in London much in excess of the amount^ required. Two thousand natives uf the Mawnoii tribe recently attacked Kilwakiwui.lje F.ast Africa, and were defeated by a force ot German regulars, but later the Mawnoji tribe retnre<l to the attack and captured Kilwakiwudje with much bloodshed. Copenhagen was yesterday declared a free port, an.t the tonnage dnes were ab- olished at an Danish ports. The elaborate programme prepared for the o| pniog of the port was abandoned oa account of the death al the Czar, Blackheads. Blackheads, or comedo, as it is called, is a disorder of the sweat-elands by which they become distended with yellowish or whitish matter. In the centre of the elevations, which are only of pinhead size. Are to be seen the blackish points which give the disease its name. The spols are usually numerous, and make their appearance mostly on ths face and neck. They run a peculiar sluggish course and by their presence the skin acquires a tnick, muddy complexion. Bla.-k heads are almost invariably an in- dication of general debility, as they are a sign of a badly working skin. Their ap- pearance is usually accompanied by mark- ed dyspepsia and constipation. The treatment of blackheads is idsniical with that for toning up the system m gen- srsU. Clean out the bowels, sharpen the appetite, enrich the blood, and tne tend ency to the trouble will be remove,! or lessen,-,!. Saline aperient waters should be drunk freely and every attention paid to the .not. As a local treatment the skin should have frequent appiic&liona o' water as not as can be comfortably borne, together with plenty of castile soap and trictioo. The little black cones may lie easily expelled by n.ean* of a watch key. Stimu.ating 'in;ni*uts and washes should be used, especially those containing sulphur, as this substance is not only a good skin tonic, but is specially useful in the disorder of whic>> we are speaking. A lotion containing equal parts of sul- phur, glycerine, carbonate of potash and alcohol, is a valuable remedy, as it is cicau.Mng and soothing. Sometimes the swollen sweat-gland con- tains a small curled hair, sometimes a parasite known as Dem.nlex folliculor urn. which, however, is harmless and in no way the cause of the disease. Attention must of course be directed to any disease of the stomach or bowels that may exist. Why should we miskoow each other, fight not against the enemy, but against WSBSjsl i us, from mere difference of uniforms* H. W. Beecber.

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